xt7sj38khd0x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sj38khd0x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-11-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 10, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 10, 1987 1987 1987-11-10 2020 true xt7sj38khd0x section xt7sj38khd0x  





Runner looking toward national
competition.SEE PAGE 3.





Singer highlights Artist Series.






Today: Clearing and cool
Tomorrow: Sunny and cool



)Iol. XCI. No. 62

ntucky Kernel

thverelty of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky


an wants theater back

Staff Writer

More than a month after the Ken-
tucky Theatre closed due to fire
damage, management and fans of
the theater are having to play the
waiting game until the Kentucky re-

One fan of the Kentucky, Wade
Crabb. decided he didn't want to
wait any longer.

Wade formed the “Friends of the
Kentucky.“ an organization bemoan-
ing the lack of quality movies in
Lexington since the Kentucky
Theatre closed.

Crabb has gotten together a peti-
tion which he says will be a “chance
for patrons to express their pleasure
of the Kentucky and encourage the
restoration of the Kentucky as soon
as possible.“

The petition. which is being
mailed to the main office of the Ken-
tucky Theatre in Louisville, states
that "we the undersigned patrons of
the Kentucky Theatre wish to ex-
press to the owners of the Kentucky

Theatre our appreciation for the out-
standing program of films which has
been offered here in Lexington.

“Your excellent management has
helped make this historic landmark
into one of our most cherished local
institutions. We are distressed by
the recent fire and damage to the
Kentucky building. It is our hope
that you will be able to quickly re-
store the theater and open again to
the public as soon as possible.“

Crabb became concerned with the
process of restoring the Kentucky
when he noticed there wasn't as
much activity going on at the the-
ater initially after the fire.

Most of the damage done to the
Kentucky was caused by smoke and
water. A thick layer of soot remains
on the floors throughout the Ken-
tucky, and the amount of work that
will have to be done to get the the-
ater back in shape is obvious.

Fred Mills. manager of the Ken-
tucky Theatre. said that besides the
carpet having to be replaced and the
floors having to be cleaned. all the
walls will have to be washed, sealed
and repainted.

All the machines in the concession
area will have to be taken apart and
cleaned and the seats in the audito-
rium will have to be re-upholstered
or replaced as Mills said he isn’t
sure that they can be cleaned.

The screen in the main theater,
Lexington’s largest, was destroyed
by the fire and will have to be re-
placed along with the screen in Mov-
ies On Main, the adjoining theater.

Complete reconstruction will have
to be done to the men's restroom
and the offices which were com-
pletely destroyed by fire. Mills said.

Petitions are being circulated at
businesses around Lexington includ-
ing Cut Corner Records. Every-
body‘s Natural Food & Deli. Sqecial
Media. Bear's Wax Record Ex-
change. Joe Bologna‘s on W. Max-
well, Kinko‘s Copies, Stuffem‘s Inc.
and Lynaugh‘s Pub.

“We need to let the management
know that we support them.“ said
Crabb. who moved into the down—
town Lexington area to be within
walking distance of the Kentucky.

Crabb has also gone door-to-door
with petitions, receiving a lot of sup-


Stormy weather

A cold and rainy day brought out the umbrellas high reached into the 50s. Tomorrow's high will

JARS ”DORE/Kernel Contributor

Most of the damage done

port irom the community.

Mills says it's just going to be a
"time-consuming process" to get all
the restoration to the Kentucky com-
pleted, and they are just waiting on
the insurance company to settle the

"I know tthe public‘s) feeling and

what the theater means to them. It
makes me feel good. They don't re-
alize how much something means to
them until they lose it Mills said.

“The waiting is the hard part. and

Tuesday. November 10, 1987

MARK ZEROF Kp'nel Start

to the Kentucky Theatre was mostly smoke-and-water damage.

we've really messed up lots oi peo-
ple‘s social lite." .\lills said

Mills said that he was asked to go
to see a movie with some lriends but

“I'll wait lor the Kentucky to re-
open." he said

Peace Corps taking applications

Staff Writer

The Peace (‘orps is now taking a;-
plications for “(loing Global." a pro
gram giving undergraduates the op
portunii) to experience a culture
other than their own

The Peace (forps is oii'cring an ex»
cellent chance ioi- undergraduate
students to work in a third world
country for one semester

This is a good time to decide it
this is the type oi environment the}
«students: want to work in. said
Frank llutchiiis oi International Ale

Peace Corps is providing jobs in
countries such as Togo. Nepal. Swa
ziland. li'iji and many more.

llutchins said that l'K will pi‘oi ltit'
between $600 to $2000 dollars to

cover flights and some country c\
penses depending on what coiiiitt‘}
you are sent to.

The Peace t‘orps has changed
quite a bit. It has new programs and
is taking more people than it titli lit
the past. said llutciiins

“Dedication is what
said llutchins

we want.“

"Nominations arc made on certain
criteria." said llutcliins The “hole
application is examined. Language
skills. interest in the third world, a
good grade point average and volun
tccr experience is some oi what is
looked tor

Two students w ill be selected iroiii
(”K and sent to Washington 111‘.

where a linal selection \\lii tic made
ii‘om all universities [Hir'lt‘ipilitllfl ‘.\
L’l'ttltp oi Llit students will remove the
iirst internships

Students who participate in Peace
t‘oi'ps gain t'xpt'l'lt‘ltt't' lli _lt)ii.\ that
deal with computers. rcscarcli oi so
cial and economic conditions. teat-h
ing and general il'illlllllil oi Peace
i‘orps int-mixers tion. 1hr host coun

Jobs last limit to to it \\t‘t‘i\> and
\til‘Vit'tittit‘otttili‘} torconntri

Students get the (llilltll‘lllllli) to
look at their owri coiirztrjt as com
pared to a third world t'olttttl‘} and
in the process iorin iii-w perspoc
ti\cs. said llutchins

.-\n\‘ iiiideicraduatc
tilt‘hilll) an application at room _’to
or 3H ot Hindi} Hall \H applica
tionsai'cdui-t-i \o\ it.

>illtlt'lti t.”

Unlikely source helps station

By .l.\\'lfi REEH‘II:
Stall Writer

Electric Factory (‘onccrts donated
$1.300 worth oi wood platiorms to
Radio Free Lexington that were
originally constructed for the Pink
Floyd concert in Lexington‘s Rupp
Arena Sunday night. said RFL pro—
gram director Mark Beaty

"The lumber was a generous
goodwill donation on the part of
EF('. it shows tconcct‘li promoters
can promote more than concerts.
They also care about people and
support upcoming music.” said
Kakie l'rch. secretary treasurer of

Phil Sid. part-owner and promoter
representative oi EFF. actually
gave the wood constructed as plat-
forms to RFL. ['rch said.

At the concert. EFt‘ was placing
platiorms for sound and light equip-
ment in the lower-arena seating
area. However. the angle was incor-
rect. so they couldn‘t use the cus-
tomcut platforms. said David
Reuss. production manager at the


The El-‘(' are concert promoters
from Philadelphia who promote am
rock n‘ roll music. lteuss said. '

Urch. who was working at the con»
cert. approached Payne and told
him about the current struggles ol

She then asked him tor the plate
forms because rir‘t‘ was not going to
use them. l’rch said

The brand new wood oi high qual
it} will proiidi- material for most oi
the air and production studio cab

inets and counters tor equipment
like turntables and inning boards.

"The type of wood was six shccts
oi three quarter inch pliwood and a
number oi his and th's. totaling
titioi eachf ’icaty said

"The wood will help a lot ‘in-
didiit have the cost oi the construc
tion of the cabinets ill the budget be
cause wc didn't hau- 'hc tttiiltt‘} "
l i‘t'h said

Iii-‘1. will cngrgnc a brass plaque
on the cabinets which \\lii read "the
wood oi these cabinets and counters
are former sound equipment oi Pink
Floyd that was gcncrousl} donated
by EFt'.’ l i'ch said

NFL will also acknowledge on the
air the l‘IFt' donation oi .‘i..-)UH worth
oi wood. Heat} said

yesterday atternooon on UK's campus as the be in the mid-405.




Toyota plans plant expansion

Scott County plant. but the company
has no immediate plans to expand
further in Kentucky or elsewhere in
the United States, Toyota Chairman
Eiji Toyoda said during a news con-
ference in New York.

“The current scope of the Ken-
tucky expansion is all that we have

Wall Street jittery as dollar plunges

Beginning its fourth week of busi-
ness since the sat-point plunge of
Oct. 19. Wall Street continued to be

NEW YORK — A jittery stock dogged by anxiety about the bat-
market tumbled again yesterday as tered dollar and Washington's slug-
the dollar extended its dizzying slide gish progress in trimming the huge

Toyoda also said the company was
not considering exporting cars from
the lfnited States although plans de-
pend on the direction of the yen.

“We are in very difficult straits"
as a result of the strong yen. Toyoda
said, "This has placed us in a very
awkward position."


And it had a new worry: the po- Associated Press

tential reappearance of compute-
rized program trading. which had
been banned after the October stock
market crash. For the first time
since then. the New York Stock Ex-


Associated Press
GEORGETOWN -» Toyota Motor

Corp. will expand its Camry plant
under construction in Scott County
by adding a $300 million facility to
make engines. axles and steering

on world currency markets.

federal budget deficit.

Owens speaking tonight

Staff reports

Robert Owen, the Pentagon offi-
cial whose testimony to the Congres-
sional Irancontra select committee
was featured on national television
this summer, will speak at 3 tonight
in the Student Center Ballroom.

Owen. who was an aide to Lt. Col.
Oliver North. was a key figure in the
lrancontra affair.

Owen. a self-described “foot sol-

dier." served as the middleman for
North‘s covert contra operatiom.
During his testimony. Owen said
that CIA and Pentagon officials
helped him in March ins to fund
weapons for the cmtras and make
covert air drops in Nicargaua.

Owen‘s speech is sponsored by the
Student Activities Board; tickets are
general public.

change relaxed all restrictions on
program trading. which has been
blamed for wild swings in stock
prices and may have played an im-
portant role in the collapse.

The re-emergence of program tra-
ding. a controversial technique in-
volving instantaneom buying and
selling of stocks and stock-index fu-
tures. made traders even more anx-
ious and kept many investors on the

“it‘s still nervous, it‘s still tense.
it's still uncertain.“ said Monte Gor-
don. vice president and director of
research for Dreyfus Corp. “it's a

See DOLLAR. Page 5

components, company and govern- oa‘d
S I .

Registration tomorrow

ment officials said yesterday.

Kaneyoshi Kusunoki. president of
Toyota Motor Manufacturing.
U.S.A.. Inc, said the company de-
cided not to locate the new facility
elsewhere to keep down costs.

“We considered such options
(other sites) from the beginning,“
he said through an interpreter.
"However. considering the capacity
we have at the present moment we
decided toput it here."

The strengthening of the Japanese
yen was a large factor in Toyota's
decision to expand the scope of the

n the table at the moment." he

Sec TOYOT \. Page 5


Staff reports

Advanced registration for the
1988 Spring Semester begins to
marrow and lasts until next
Wednesday,Nov. 18.

Students should check with
their academic dean‘s office to


find out the name of their adviser
and for instructions for special
departmental advising.

Students who do advance regis-
ter can pick up their schedules in
the Student Center Ballroom on
Monday. Dec. 7, or on Nesday.
Dec. 3.




 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday. November to 1007


Singer brings new vocal style
to UK Center’s Artist Series

By .lttlil “INTAKE“
Staff Writer

Yet another soldout performance
will take place tonight as Dutch so
prano Elly Ameling presents the
third concert of the University Artist
Series at the Singletary Center for
the Arts.

Anieling is renowned for her
inspired interpretation of art songs.
She has been before the public for
two decades and is credited with
breaking down many barriers that
separate pop and art vocalists.

Ameling‘s 198887 schedule includ-
ed an extended recital tour of Italy
plus recitals in New York, Boston,
London and Toronto ()ne of the

art of lieder singing. This refers to
hundreds of thousands of lied songs
by Schumann and Schubert.

The prize is awarded to the out-
standing lieder singer at the Inter-
national Vocal Competition of s‘Her-
togenbosch in the Netherlands.

The performance at the Singletary
Center for the Arts tonight will in-
clude pieces by Robert Schumann
and Franz Schubert.

Phyllis Jenesse. a UK professor of
voice. said the show “should be
spectacular." She added that Amel-
ing is “unique of the singers we
have had by that all of the others
have made their following by sing-
ing opera. whereas Ameling has
made her following by singing art. I
have been hearing her now for twen»




UElty Ameling wiI be in con-
cert tonight in the Concert Halt
of the Singletary Center for
the Arts. The concert begins
Those interested in attending
but have not purchased tick-
ets should call the ticket office
at 257-4929 in the event that
tickets are returned.



of eight songs depicting a woman‘s
life from meeting the man. falling in

Erik Reece
Arts Editor

Singer gets
’ kick in crotch

SAN RAFAEL. Calif. — A rock 'n’
roll band leader who claims he was
beaten so severely he is unable to
father children has filed a $10 mil-
lion lawsuit against drummer Wil—
liam Kreutzmann of the Grateful

Matthew Kelly, founder of the
band Kingfish. contends in a civil
damages case that Kreutzmann
kicked him in the groin so severely
that his sperm count decreased to
the point where he is infertile.

The jury trial began last week in
Marin County Superior Court before
Judge Gary W. Thomas.

Kelly. who is joined in the suit by
his former wife. Jeanne Kelly. origi-
nally filed his claim in 1985. after
Kreutzmann agreed to play with the
Kingfish band that winter to help
draw audiences to its tour.

Kelly claims Kreutzmann at-

tacked him in a dispute over money
afta a rock show in Denver.

highlights of the tour include her
finite imsiii‘é 322“?” "“33; p3,. o, H... mm which J..- it’é‘fiid‘é‘éatfifiififi'i‘fié‘taif’dd‘w' EL" “ENG
courage and perpetuate the great “Frauenliebe and Leben" - a cycle this.“saidJenesse.
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biennialrecitalatCarnegie Hall. [5 years. and she is one of my favor. love, finding that her love is re- .;
been established by Ameling to en- nesse says will be interesting is “It takes a real artist to perform
A ,
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’87-’88 Phone
is here

It's time for
Yearbook Portraits

Who: All Seniors
jWhen: Through Nov. 13
9-12 and 1-5
Where: Room 307 Old Student Center

off-campus 8: grad
students — come by
120 Student Center
8 a.m.—4:30 p.m.

Sittings are free

Call 257-4005 for more info


 Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday, November 10 1997 — 3



All-American Ede
running like a Cat

Staff Writer

The English beat of runner Rich-
ard Ede is catching on at UK. Espe-
cially with Cross-Country coach Don

Ede has finally taken center stage
this year and the tune just gets

The junior All-American from
Barnet, England has had a stran-
glehold on the Southeastern Confer-
ence since his arrival at UK in 1985.
And he shows no signs of loosening
his grip.

Weber thinks Ede has emerged as
one of the most prolific runners in
SEC — ever.

“He's obviously one of the most
dominant runners in the history of
the SEC,” Weber said. “I can‘t
imagine him not being the most
dominant ever. "

Ede‘s era of dominance includes a
1986 SEC crosscountry
championship and a SEC 5.000-
ineter championship in track last
spring. in 1985 he was runner-up in
the SEC cross-country meet.

For his efforts last year. Ede was
named AllAmerican. But that
doesn‘t mean he‘s slowed down this

On Oct. 26. Ede won his second
consecutive SEC title at the confer-
ence meet in Nashville. Tenn.

For the second consectutive year
Ede captured the men's crown with
atimeof 24:17.

“l'm happy about it.” Ede said.
“It was just a fact of knowing I
could do it

Ede doesn't like to boast but he
admits he knew he could win. That's
just a confidence a runner needs.

“I didn‘t feel as good as I thought
I should have." Ede said. ”l just
needed to motivate myself. "

Weber already expects Ede to
bring home his third title next year.
Nobody has won three consecutive
SEC crowns since the 1930s.

“And I'll guarentee you the com-
petition is a lot tougher now,“
Weber said.

438 S. Ashland Ave.







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10 am. to 1 am.
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- 1987 SEC cross country cham-

0 1987 SEC indoor 5.000-meter

0 1987 Mason Dixon Games
3 .OOO~meter champion.

0 1986 cross country All-Ameri-

0 1986 SEC cross country cham«

0 1985 SEC cross country runner-




That pressure doesn‘t seem to
bother Ede. He is too concerned
with team goals to let his success go
to his head.

“Right now we are in the frame of T“. i .1 -.
mind of getting back and beating the ‘ “ ~

teams that beat us in the confer-
ence." Ede said.

“i try not to worry about the indi-
vidual pressure.“

But as Ede's beat rolls on he'll be
competing to qualify in the NCAA
nationals. That‘s something he has
been looking forward to all season.

“I think he‘ll qualify." Weber
said. "And he‘ll be near the top.”

Earlier this season. the nationals
seemed a long way off. Ede was sut.
fering from a severe sore throat that
caused him to drop out of one race
and miss another.

But the sickness may have been a
blessing in disguise. Missing the
races motivated Ede. And his show.
ing at Nashville leaves little doubt
that he is back in full gear.

“i feel strong now," Ede said.
“Actually getting sick may have
done me good. Watching everyone
else racing makes you want to race

to 11:30 am.


- Scrip- & Chef Salad

Todd Jones
Sports Editor

Jim White
Assistant Sports Editor

New clubs on the block
as NFL seasons rolls on

Associated Press

Some of the NFL‘s emerging
teams are starting to emerge.

Try Philadelphia. San Diego. Min—
nesota and New (irleans. all of
whom showed real potential ~ as
oppOsed to the replacement-hall po
tential of teams like Houston and
Tampa Bay. \\lilt'll haven't quite
emerged yet

The Eagles" 3127 victory over
Washington Sunday avenged their
only "real" loss of the season. They
are 4-1 with their regulars. as op-
posed to 0-3 with strike irregulars.
and Buddy Ryan‘s bravado seems a
little more real these days.

"I think we beat the best team in

A the National Football League and

that shows we can play with the big

) boys.” Ryan said after Randall (‘un-


UK junior Richard Ede returned from an early season illness to
capture his second consective SEC cross country title

It certainly made Ede hungry.
He's come back to lead the men‘s
team in every race he has finished
this year.

In leading the men's team at UK.
Ede has not found that much of a
difference in the competition in
linited States.

He says the major adjustment was
becoming accustomed to a different
style of living.

‘You don‘t know what your com-
ing into when you step off the
plane." Ede said.

However. he does know that the
nationals are coming up soon. That‘s
something the All-American is a bit
more accustomed to. Weber thinks

“Right now he is at his peak phys-
ically and mentally,“ Weber said.

That could be bad news for the
other runners at the Nationals who
line up next to Richard Ede.


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ninghain. who has it touchdown
passes in five games. made like
John Elway. with three touchdown
passes and seven carries toi 8o
yards. including a 4Sryard sci‘aintilt-
that set up his lii'st 'l‘lipass

"i think they‘re contenders."
Washington Coach Joe Gibbs said of
the Eagles.

The Vikings“ regulars matched the
Eagles. moving to 4-1, 4-1 overall, by
heating the Los Angeles Raiders 31-
20. It was the fifth loss in a row for
Los Angeles. its longest losing
streak in 23 years.

The Chargers, 7-1. also are 4-1
with regulars. They rallied from a
ill-o halftime deficit and beat India»
napolis 1643. And New Orleans
made itself a legitimate wildcard
contender. improving to 3-3 by rout-
ing the Rains 3H4 as Los Angeles
lost for the seventh time in eight
starts. the first time it has been 1-7
since ltlt'wl

The strangest situation was in the
AFC East. where four teams were
tied at 4—4 and the New York Jets
were 3-4 going into Monday night's
game against Seattle.

There was a three-way lie at 3-3
atop the AFC Central among Pitts
burgh. Cleveland and Houston tilt
non-strike form. Cleveland should he
favored. but the ()ilers played tough
Sunday. losing 1720 to the San Fran
cisco 49ers at Candlestick Park


will be given to UK students, faculty and their spouses at the Student
Health Service Medical Plaza Building across Rose Street from Univer-
sity Hospital.

Parking: Medical Plaza Structure
Thursday, Nov. 12th & Friday, Nov. 13th
8:00 am. to 4:00 pm.

Charge: Students and Spouses $5.00
Faculty, Staff & Spouses $5.00


Annual influenza vaccination is not routinely recommended for healthy adults.
However, annual vaccination is strongly recommended for individuals with dia-
betes, those with chronic heart, lung, kidney and other debilitating disorders. Old—
er persons, especially those over 65 years and persons providing essential com-
munity services, are also advised to consider annual vaccinations.

Influenza vaccinations will not be given at the Health Service for pregnant women
or for anyone who is allergic to eggs.

Courier of

Lt. Col. OliVer North

for the




Tickets: $5 general public
$3 students with valid ID

Tickets may be purchased at: the
Student Center Ticket office or by calling 257- 1378

' Sponsored bythe Student Activities Board --
t mammary Affairs Comttee






4 -— Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday,Novembor10 1087

Rain dampens fires; man dies

Associated Press

Rain fell on Kentucky‘s drought-
striclren timberland yesterday. dous-
ing forest fires that had rolled
across more than 130,000 acres and
caused nearly $10 million in damage
during the past 10 days.

Gov. Martha Layne Collins lifted
an emergency order that barred
travel into 12 million acres of forest
land. clearing the way for a resump
tion of the fall hunting season sched-
ule. Most of the 350 National Guard
troops called out to combat the fires
also were sent home.

However. the rain came too late to
stop a fire on a mountain in eastern
Pike County that led to a second
death associated with the forest
fi res this year.

Oscar W. Varney, 75. of Goody.
suffered an apparent heart attack
and died as he battled the flames
with family members and neighbors
on a slope behind his home.

Varney rolled part way down the
mountain after he was stricken and
later was pronounced dead on arri~
val at Appalachian Regional Hospi-
tal in South Williamson. authorities

"We‘re sort of winding things
down.“ said 'l‘ownley Bergmann.

special projects chief for the state
Division of Forestry. “The rain has

really helped. "
James Howard. .i forecaster with
the National Weather Service in

Jackson. said all but the southern
and eastern sections of the state had
received about one-half inch of rain
by mid»afternimn. but less than a
quarter inch Iiad fallen in most of
the remaining areas.

The precipitation would continue
into Tuesday and rainfall totals
would be less than one inch. Howard
said. The rain also cleaned thick
smoke and ashes from the air. a
condition that limited visibility to
less than a mile in portions of east-
ern Kentucky over the weekend.

“Even though our visibility is poor
here right now it isn't because of
smoke.” Howard said. “The rain
has basically cleansed the air of
smoke and dust part icles. ”

Until the rain began yesterday.
the Jackson area was behind in pro
cipitation for the year by 8.33 inch»
es. Howard said. It was the first
substantial rain since Oct. 20. when
the Jackson weather station record-
ed .20 inch of precipitation.

Charlie Craii. a US. Forest Serv-
ice spokesman. said federal forest
firefighters were not satisfied with


“We’re sort ofwinding
things down. The rain
has really helped."

Townley Bergmann,
Division of Forestry


relatively light rainfall across south-
eastern portions of the state. He said
more than 1.000 people remained on
fire lines in the Redbird Ranger Dis-
trict in southeast Kentucky and no
immediate reduction in the force
was planned.

“I'd say we'll have to get a lot
more rain before we're out of the
woods on this thing," Craii said.

Stumps and roots would continue
to smolder in spite of the rain and
even if the rainfall was adequate,
mop-up operations would continue
for weeks, Crail said.

A meteorologist at the Redbird
unit reported less than .25 inch of
rain had fallen there by early eve-
ning and that another dry weather
system was on its way from Canada.
similar to one that led to the latest
round of fires. Crail said.

”So we might be right back up in
the fire business by this weekend."
he said.

Bergmann also said downed
leaves and other vegetation could
dry out to the point it could burn
within three days and Kentucky

Former Ky.

Associated Press

DANVILLE ~— Enos Swain. editor
and general manager of The Advo-
cate-Messenger and The Kentucky
Advoeate for more than 30 years,
has died at the age of 78.

He died Sunday at the Albert B.
Chandler Medical Center in Lexing-
ton after suffering a heart attack.

Swain worked at the the paper
from 1944 to 1978. when he retired
and was named editor emeritus.

His influence extended beyond
Danville through his participation in
in Republican politics. the restora-
tion of Shakertown at Pleasant Hill.
the Kentucky Press Association and
the Kentucky Historical Society.

Swain was president of the Ken—
tucky Press Association in 1953. In
1981. he was one of the first 17 peo-
ple inducted into the Kentucky Jour-


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could face another serious threat of
forest fires within a week if there is

Until Collins lifted restrictions on
forest lands Monday, anyone other
than owners. tenants and people en-
gaged in public business could have
been fined $500 for venturing into
the forest.

“Rains throughout Kentucky in
the last 24 hours have relieved the
immediate danger of fires in the for-
est areas." Collins said in a pre-
pared statement from her office.
“Residents still need to be advised
that after the rain, conditions could
develop for the possibility of more

The governor’s action did not af-
fect another restriction that limits
outdoor burning to the hours of 4:30
pm. to midnight.

According to Department of Fish
and Wildlife Resources officials, the
action meant deer hunting season
could proceed. Bow hunting is now
legal and the gun season was sched-
uled to open Saturday.

During the 10-day fire period.
Bergmann said two deaths were
blamed on the fires. flames from the
forest ignited blazes at 10 houses.
two mobile homes and eight barns.

In addition to Varney’s death,
Basil Vaughn. 48, the chief of the
Cross Roads Volunteer Fire Depart-
ment. died Sunday after suffering an
apparent heart attack as he and
other firefighters fought flames in
Laurel County.

editor dies

nalism Hall of Fame at the Univer-
sity of Kentucky.

Donald B. Towles, director of pub-
lic affairs for The CouriersJournal in
Louisville. said Swain actively sup-
ported the passing of laws on open
records and open meetings.

He also was the state publicity
chairman in Republican campaigns
of 1956 and 1960.

A 1931 graduate of Centre College.
Swain was alumni secretary and di-
rector 01' public relations at the
school before joining the Advocate.
He was a trustee emeritus of Centre
and in 1978 received the college's
alumni recognition award.

Survivors include his wife. Virgin-
ia Waddle Swain; two sons. a daugh—
ter. a brother, two sisters and four

The funeral will be 2 pm. tomor-
row at The Presbyterian Church in


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The Kentucky Kernel is publishe

man St. Shepherdsville. KY 40165.

40506-0042. Phone: (606) 257-287


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year and weekly during the summer session.

Third-class postage paid at Lexington. KY 40511. Mailed subscrip-
tion rates are $1 5 per semester and $30 per year.

The Kernel is printed at Standard Publishing and Printing. 534 Buck-

Correspondence should be addressed to the Kentucky Kernel,
Room 026 Journalism Building. University of Kentucky. Lexington, KY