xt7sj38kh705 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sj38kh705/data/mets.xml North Carolina Historical Records Survey of North Carolina 1940 Prepared by the North Carolina Historical Records Survey, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration; Other contributors include: United States Work Projects Administration Division of Professional and Service Projects, North Carolina Historical Commission; 22 leaves, 28 cm; Typescript (photocopy); Included bibliographical references and index; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:N 81c/ser.9/no.5 books English Raleigh, North Carolina: The North Carolina Historical Records Project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. North Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of the State Archives of North Carolina, Miscellaneous Agencies, Series IX, Number 5 Board of Advisers of the Veterans Loan Fund text Inventory of the State Archives of North Carolina, Miscellaneous Agencies, Series IX, Number 5 Board of Advisers of the Veterans Loan Fund 1940 1940 2015 true xt7sj38kh705 section xt7sj38kh705     `: ` r `
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Ralcigh, North Carolina.
The North Czarolima Historical" Rccords Survcy Project
»   August 19/LO ‘ "

 I l 7 V  .2
  WPA Historical Records Survey Program V
  Sargent B. Child, Rational Director
C Hilton-W, Blanton, Regional Supervisor
i Colbert F. Crutchfield, State Supervisor  
A Division of Professional and Service Projects 4  
Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner  
Blanche LE. Ralston, Chief Regional Supervisor  
May E. Campbell, State Director  
‘`i·   * C  
F. C. Harrington, Comniss ioncr  
Malcolm JV. Mill cr, Regional Director  
C• C. McGinnis, State Administrator  
P §
· Sponsored by the forth Carolina Historical Commission  
}·-L, C; S. 1Ioblc,` Chairman  
C. C, Crittenden, Secretary T§
i 4

 ? O R E U O R D
The Inventory of the Steve Arcsiwes of Forth Caroline is one of a
number oT~YiElioErd§KieE"oF"KlsEorlEHl»@d¥éri5ls*§ré§EF€E`throughout the
United States by workers on the Historical Records Survey of the Work
Projects Administration. Each state department, institution, or other
agency will be represented by s separate section of the inventory; the
section for functionally related agencies will be grouped in series.
The Historical Records Survey Program was undertaken in the winter
of 1955-56 for the purpose of providing useful employment to needy un-
employed historians, lawyers, teachers, and research and clerical workers.
5 In carrying out this objective, ihe project was organized to compile
_ inventories of historical nmierials, particularly the unpublished govern-
’ ment documents and records which are basic in ihe administration of local
; government, and which provide irvsluallo dcbe for sbudcits of political,
l economic, and social history. Ike archival guido herewith prcsexici is
3 intended to meet the requircmcwts of d€y~to~5&y edminfstretion by the
$ officisls of the State, and also the needs of lawyers, business mon and
l other oiiizems who reqrire facts from the pvIlic rcerrds for the proper
conduct of their affairs. The volume is so desigwrd that it can he used
— by the historian in his research in unprinhcd sources in the same viy he
uses the library card cstelo; for printed sources.
z The inventories produced by the Listorlcel Records Survey Program
¤ attempt to do more than merely jive a list of records--they et+cmpt to
g sketch in the historical %sckLround one to cescrihc precisely and in
l detail the organization and functions o? thm syemcios whose records they
5 list. The inventories for the gntirc country will, when completed,
° constitute an encyclopedia of shots and locul Vovnrumcut as well as a
. bibliography of state sri lccsl archives.
é The successful conclusion of the vork of the Kistorical Records
Q Survey Progrsp, even in s singlw ejency, would mo? le possible wiihout {ko
g support of public officials, historical and legal specialists, and nary
‘ § other ;roups in the commurity. Their co—opcrotiom is gratefully
i scknowledscd.
C Q The Survey Program was organized hy Luther I. Yvses .c=· who scrvcd ss
f Director until his appointment as Director of {ho Lcgisletive Reference
é Service of the Library of Congress. Ye was succeeded on {srch l, lOeO,
S by Sargent B. Child, who had served as Field Supervisor since the
l irsvgurstion of the Survey. The Survey Program opcrctcs as s nation-
lg wide scrics of lccllly sponsored projccbs in the Divisior of Profcssionsl
I oid Service Projects, of which Iiss Florence Kerr, Assislani Csmw3s:iou¤r,
‘ is in charge.
l Commissioner

i The Historical Records Survey was created in the winter of 1955-56 as
  a nationewide Works Progress Administration project for the "discovcryg
A preservation und listing of basic materials for research in the history of
Q the United Stubcs."l Under the direction of Dr. Luther H, Ev&ns, the Sur-
  vcy undertook &n extensive program for the inventory of state and local
Y archives, curly Amcrican imprints,_church archivcs, and collections of munu—
j scripts; Pursuant to thc provisions of the Emwrgcncy Relief Act passcd
 } Juno BO, 1959, bbc cxistcmcc of the Survey as a single nubi0n~wid0 projccb
  sponsored by'WPA itself was terminated August 51, 1939; and thc wcrk of thm
*3 Survey·was continued within the individual States by locally spcnsorcd
  }?1`OQ;€O'%JS 0px·O.s Survey Pro-
jt gram which continued under the dir¤cbi0n of Dr, Evans until his resignation
Q mad thc subsequent appointmmnt of Sargent B, Child on March 1, l9%O.
é The North Carolina Prcjcct of the national Historical Records Survey
§ was established February 1, 1956, with Dr, C, C. Crittenden, Sccrutury of
 ¥ the North Carolina Historical Commission, as Director, Until Hovcmbcr
 Y 1956 the Survey opcrakcd as an autonomous unit cf the Fcderal WTi£@rS*
`§ Project directed in North Carolina by Edwin Bjorkman, Dr. Crittcndcn
Y resigned as State Director Juno 30, 1957, and was succeeded by Dun Lacy;
3  who had previously served as Assistant State Dirwctor. Mr. Lacy rcsigncd
Q. April 2, 19éO, to accept thc position of Assistant to the Director of
V Historical Records Survey Pyojccts in Washington, and was succeeded by
i Colbert F, Crutchfield as State Supervisor. The work of the North Carolina
 g unit of tho Historical Records Survey has been continued by the Forth
{ Carolina Historical Records Survey Project established Scptumbcr 1, 1959,
%* and sponsored by the North Carolina Hishoricul Conmission,
E The present inventory of the records of thc Board of Advisors of thc
fl Vctcrans Loan Fund is u section of the Invcntcrw 0f the Statc Archives of
,T North Carolina bcing prcparcd by thc NOY?TTEEEE{iEE  
{ §urv6§rTFEjEE¥. The inv0nb0ry‘wus pr¤pmr0d under tho supnrvision of
 § Mr. Branson Marley, Assistant Project Suporvisor in chmrgc of public
Q. archives. Field work was done by Mr. James W} Parker. The inv0nt0ry·w&s
g read for the sponsor by·Dr. C. C. Crittenden, Secretary of the North Carc-
;§ lima Historical Commission. The Survey is indebted to Col. Grmhmn K. Hobbs,
Q; Commissioner of the Board of Advisers of the Veterans Lean Fund, and
§_ members 0f his staff for their gnncrous 00-cporation in the work.
A .
. 'r
  .¤.p;~s.1 19fiO
é ...*.......~..-,-...m.-..--.,,-,M*.-....w-,,-,m. .... *,__,,,W“,,,.~-,__._,
? 1. Wbrks Progress Administration, Operating Procedure N0, WL2, Rqvisgd
j· July 2, 1957.

if l. Structural Organization and Evolution
  Tho World War lfotorans Loan Act was passod by tho G-cnoral Assombly
  of 1925 to promoto and aid homo ownorship for World War Vctcrans.1 This
{Q act cstablishcd tho World War Totcrans Loom hind, a rcvolving fund fimancod
  by thc salo of Stats bonds, from which loans can bo mado to votorzins for
  thc purposo of building or ropairing homcs, In ovory caso am clcction
  must bo hold to dotcrmino whcthor or not tho bonds arc to bc issucd. For
  thc administration of thc fund tho act providos for a Board of Advisors,
gi to consist of tho Socritary of Statc as ox officio chairmen, thc Troasuror
  as troasuror, tho Comaissicnor cs? Ap;riciz`l%.¤,`r`rf*TEYIE` Attorney Gonoral, and
  tho Commissi onor of Labor and Printing;.2
  The act providcs also an cxccntivc oi’i`ic<-ar, Zmotm as thc Cozmrdssionor
,"·{ of thc Vctcrostis Loan Hind, to adgiinistcr the mud undcr thc Board of
  Advisors. Tho commissioncr is appointcd by thc chairman of tho Board of
wi} Advisors and holds office, at tho will of tho Board, Undcr thc torus of thc
  act tho coxzrmissicncr must bc a compctont porson and must maintain an
kg offico in Raloigh, His salary, fizcod by tho creating act at $$5, BOO o -·
  annually,$ was inoroascd by tho Goncral Assczibly of 1937 to §§é,2CO
Q O.l`LIll.lO.l].}J'•4
  Tho coinmissionor is authorizcd to appoint such assistants as may bc
  ncccssary to administer thc act. Tho appointment of assistants isrsubjoct
  to thc approval of tho Board, which also fixcs thcir compcnsatt?.on.° In
  addition to tho comnissioncr, thoro arc sovcn omxploycos; a scnior account-
*5 ing clcrk who acts as assistant to tho ooicrzaissionor, a principal accounting
  clorlz, a junior accounting clork, 0. ficld roprcsontativc, and throo
 T stcnographors ,
  All czzponsos inourrod in tho solo of bonds must bo paid from tho
  procccds of such salo. All paymonts on loans, wshothor principal or
  intorcst, arc mado to tho Trcasurcr of forth Carolina and arc leapt in
  ssparato funds corrcspondingg with thc bond issuo undcr which thc loan was
  madc.6 Tho costs of admihistcring the act, including salarios andbthcr
  cxpcnscs, arc paid out of tho difforonoc botvrccn thc intcrost roocivcd
  l. Public Lewis of liorth Carolina, 4.   1937, c, 321,
  l’Q°5’f'¤T’i€s;j'”¤Z 'l,` 'i£¤'y"O‘s£“3i~“ 5. Imai.; 1925, C, . —
Q citod as Public Lavrs.   s, {S.
  2• }P}E;·• S·—T7·~—-wm “· }}};¥·» “· l2•
{3 5, Ibid.

  ·· 2 —
¥ (Powers and Dutics) (First ggjyy) P, 6)
§ from.thc loans made and tho imtcrcst on thc bonds which are issued; how-
1% cvcr, when rcccipts aro not sufficient to pay oxponsos they arc paid out
QQ of the principal. Any roocipts above opcrating cxponscs nmst bo paid to
gd tho State Gcnoral Fund,7
iQ In ordor to carry out thc provisions of thc act an election was
,$ authorized in 19258 and hold in 1926 at which tho voters of tho State
F5 authorized tho Board of Advisors to issuo and soll bonds of thc Sbato in
¥Q thc sum of two million dollars. In 1929 tho General Assombly enacted tho
Q3 World War Votcrans Loan Act of 192O which authorized a vote which was hold
Ext in lQ5O and allowod an additional two million dollar bond iosuc ia order
Qtr to continue benefits to the World War Veterans; this act also includcd
it veterans of other American wars since thc Civil War.9
,~ `·;
it 2. Powors and Dutics
. :7`
yi The Board of Advisers of thc World War Veterans Loan Fund is om~
@1 powered to provide funds whenever it may find it nocossary by issuing and
i%X selling bonds of thc State of North Carolina subjcct to approval bv thc
Q` oloctors. It may prescribe the interest roto and timc of paymcnt.1O The
tj Com issionor of thc World War Veterans Loan Fund, as representative of tho
?@? Board of Advisers, is cmpoworcd to appoint competent appraisers to con-
NY Sidcr cach application for a loan; to pass upon tho socurity o?forcd; to
:$* aocopt cortificatcs of title from approved attorncys subjcct to tho approval
it of tho Boardgll to bid and in casc ho is highcst biddcr to tako titlo to
iij property in foreclosure s lcs on World Har Vctorans Loan Fund loonsglz to
FQ sccurc an appraisal by competent persons of all foreclosed proporty and
fl delinquent mortgagos and to convoy thc result of tho appraisal to thc
jé State Auditor;l5 to oxcrciso by and with thc advioo 11d aporoval O1 tho
g, Board of Advisers all property TlghtS of mortgages tmat ray bo necessary
5- to protect tho loam involved; and to refinance dolinqucut looms wdon
YQ advisab1c;l4 and to prescribe rules and rogulations for tho administration
KQ of the Veterans Loan Fund.15
QF Applications for loans are received by the commissioner and chockcd
ii for complotcuoss by his assistxmt. Thoy arc then turned ovcr to thc field ~
if representative for appraisal and at tho mano time sont to Dun and Rrudstrcot
37 for credit chock. Tho results of thc appraisal and crodit chock, along
. ii with tho application, arc thou submittcd to thc Board of Aiviscrs for its
`E, approval. If tho loan is approved, tho applicant must furnish ocrtifioatc
i* of title prcparcd by an attorncy approvcd by tho Lawyors Titlo lnsurcmco
it Corporation, must oxoouto tho dcod of trust proparod in tho office
? 7. Public Laws, 1957, o. @58, s. 11. 12. Ibid., s, 1C.
T ,£·‘ 8. `1‘EL`<1iTi‘§’2°§, G. 155, S. 11. l 15. Egg., S. lilo.
éé 9. .1551., 1929, c, 298, ss. 1O & 15g. 14. Ibid., s. 12d.
E 10. TBTE., 1925, c, 155, ss. 1O & 11. 15. lgid., 1925, c. 155,
,  11.   1o2s>, c. zoo, S. 15. s. 9.

  ii ?
` _i
%€ ` 4 
  ... 5 ...
    dn ) ·1· .1 *·
X; GUOT ¤ (kmrss entry, p. e)
li '
if , . . . .
gi of tne Fund, and must forward wxth the cert1f1cote of tmtle and deed ef
gi trust a fire 1nsurunce policy in such amount as is required wibh the
gf premium paid for three years,
g The deeds, neees, CCTtlf1G&t®S of txtlc, and 1nsurnnce pOllClGS on
f property are filed in the office of the State Treesurer;16 at the suxw time
§ n requisition signed by the chairmen of the Board of Advisers is sent be
_g the State Auditor, who then draws u warrant on the amount of the loin.
fé After a lean has been foreclosed, the Veterans Loan Fund becomes the
ego legal owner of the property which was usod as collateral in mdciug such
Ԥ loan and the rent from such nrepcrty is collected from the tenants bv the
P 1 “ . , .... “
.g Veterans Lean Fund. The eellcctmen Ol rentals ;n some IHSYQHCCS 15 handlcd
g directly by the Board and in others by the real estate agents in various
J ** * f *b Stct
»,., ].)¤lI`L.»S O e.eO o, O.
WJ; `
[@X In the early days of the fund all rents from State owned property
.i,»1v . . . ` N . . .
my were collected bv eyxvate ronbul awenms. Untll 19oS the Realuv Association
J). ., n LJ ·. I
c$  Inc., a state-wxde collection agency with headquarters 1n Durham, handled
}@» all rene collections on State owned property except that in and near Raleigh
{Q which was, and still is, bundled by Adams and Terry, a Raleigh firm.
cw . ,“
Q; Prmer to 195b a tenant on State owned property was allowed c lease
;%Y with the option of applying, within n certain date limit, all moneys paid
W, · V M ~ I · q · w .
gc mn rent me the purchase QT1CG ex the property. Thzs procedure nes new
c§e been discontinued• »
{ 3. Records
Q The records of the Veterans Loan Fund are &1VldCd uetween the cxixces
1? cf the commissioner, the field representative, and the accountant, The
¥* assistant to the coumnssioner has supervision ever the minutes of the
QJ rry Beard, generol correspondence, applications for loans and papers relative
ig ie leans, records relative to the collection and refinancing of delinquent
§% accounts, fire insurance rwcoyds, tux records, ond foreclosure records,
cY? The State owned wyo ertv denartment uniey the field representative has
,*»·_ E P U .., } .. I
E} Supervision of rental ond mnnugement, repairs and improvements, appraisal
if and sales, and of property bought in for the fund in foreclosure sales.
gc Finullv, the coeountinc dcnuytment has supervision ef all financial records
, yelntxve * the ’une
;   \.»O L .L Lg
_§ A reergenizatlon of che 1CCOUHJ1Dg procedures, ;;ter tue appointment
g Of %he present commissioner in 1958, is reflected ID tne rccord enhrlos,
 § Ik may be noted that the present bookkeeping procedure is more censolidobod
5 than its predecessor.
  `_. .-n--._-..-e...,---.H--n-..---- ..-.
 ¥ ,~ . F -. r- rw = N K n pr · -7-
{_ lo. Publlo Laws, 192o, c, *50, s, lcd. Tnc me do Move nc»er boon
{ filed wHih State Treasurer because he has insuff1c;cn€ space;
{, see enbrv 72, p. 18.

¤   .. 4 ..
Y 1
wg; 4, Housing, Care, and Accessibility of Records
wi The records of the Veterans Loan Fund are housed in its offices,
wg rooms 205, 204, 205, 206, and 208 and in a vault of the State Departments
W} Building, Edenton St., Raleigh, N. C. The building, erected in 1885, is
ltg of brick and wood construction and is about 38 percent fireproof. The
;§ offices have wooden floors and wooden window easements. The wnlls are of
iQ plaster on wooden laths and plaster on brick.
QQ ,_d Conditions of storage and facilities for the use of records are good,
;y There is ample space for expansion of record files. The records arc
§ distributed as follows; 19 percent in room 205; 19 percent in room 205;
Ӥ 12 percent in room 206; 40 percent in room 208; and l0 percent in vault,
? iz :]
*1 1}
\ 1  S
, ·li  1 i
T y;
l 25 
3  1* 
**11 .
"  vi
 ig r
ri  i

{U E ·· 5 ··
ih , alph. ..........°............ alphabetical. (ly)
gf arr. ................. . .... arrange, arrangement
  bdls. ........................... bundle (S)
lp c. . .................... . .... chapter (S)
 H chron. .... . ..., . ........... . . chronological (ly)
g §. b. ...... . .................. file box (S)
  l. d. . . . . . . . . ................ file drawer (s)
fg hdw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .... . handwritten
é ibid. . . . . . . . .... . ....¤. . . . . . the smae reference
  n. d. ........................... not Gated
  no., nos ..... . . ..................... number (s)
ip neun .................. , ....... xnuuerioally
  p., pp. .......... . ........... . . . . page (s)
  pr. fm. .................¤....... printed forms
  pr. heads ......................... printed beads
  rm. .......... . ............ . . room
  S (S) .......................... section (s)
  ( -~ . ................ . .......... cu rrcnt
  vol.,   ........ .. ...... . . .......... volume (s)
rr X .... . . . . . ........ . ..... by (in dinensions)
i ;§
TQ Exact titles on volumes or containers are written in all capitals
lg: without brackets.
ge Descriptive titles, written in all capitals and enclosed in brackets,
Q) have been assigned to records having no exact titles on volurms or
lp containers,
lf Explanatory titles, written with initial capitals and enclosed in
,& brackets, have been added to exact titles which are misleading or are not
nt sufficiently descriptive of record content,
?¥ lf units of a record have distinguishing numbers, letters, or other
lt? labeling, such labeling is indicated in brackets following the statement
Y%¥ of quantity in the title line.
ld A title-line cross reference is used in tre entry for a record if a
ld: part of the record is kept for a period of time in the same volume of
ld_ container with another record and consequently appears physically in
`ii another entry. It brings into the title line of the entry for the record
%» any separate parts and shows in what other entries these parts are
ft contained,
(dw A body—of—entry cross reference, appearing in the entry containing
dp the part and relmri g to the entry describing the record, is usyd to
bl complement each title~line cross reference.
l y
it Third paragraph cross referencesare used to indicate relationship
  Yvotsreen records in other entries, or as reference to records of snnlar
SL nature contained in other entries.
Q Dimensions of volumes er record containers are riven in inches,
K -

  \‘:f 4
xr!  ,. 6 ,,
33 (Minutes; Correspondence) (1-4)
EQ} Number of papers contained, as shown in title lines, is approximate
gpl total number covered by the entry.
ntf Unless otherwise indicated the condition of a record is assumed to
gi be good or excellent.
bi n
it Mimdtes
  1. [mamrss], iazv--. 1 wi.
§i Hinutes of monthly meetings of the Board of Advisers, shmxtig date, place
it and time of meetings, approval of applications, reports on and approval of
i budget, auditor*s reports, foreclosures acted upon, sales of property, and
i_ other business transactions. Arr. chron. by date of meeting. Ho index.
in Typed. 400 pp. 12 x 9 x 2. Bra 208.
jj For mmmaary of nnrutes, see entry 2.
§f 2. [SUNEARY OF MINUTES OF BOARD MQETINGS], 1930--. 800 cards
A} in 1 f. d.
ji? Summary of minutes of Board meetings, used by Comuissioner for reference,
wt} showing date, applications taken before the Board, budget report, report
iii of audit, foreclosure and sale of property, and other business transactions.
Ӥi Arr. chron. by date of nesting. No index. Typed. 5 x 7 x 18. Rm, 205.
.%J For minutes, see entry l.
it 3. [BUSINESS NOTEBOOK], 1959--. l vol.
#§A Looso—lcaf notebook kept by the assistant to the Commissioner. Contains
ft, notes on unapprovod applications for loans awaiting appraisal and dis-
`R position by the Board; notes on loans accepted by the Board but incomplete;
hft and notes on completed loans. Fagc is transferred for each loan from ono
it section to another as the loan progresses. Also contains list of lease
FQ options and memoranda of business to be taken.up at next Ecard meeting, 1
ip Arr. in sections by status of loans. No index. Typed. 150 pp. 4 x G x·g.
  sm. zos.
¥§y For work papers, see entry Bl.
tg Correspondence
tgp 4. COUNTY FILE [Correspondence], 1051--. 3,600 papers in 5 f. d.
p? (labeled by·oontained letters of alphabet).
di Correspondence with veterans and firms regarding fire insurance, laws per-
E6 taininé to the Board, appraisal of property, taxes of veterans, informa-
st tion on how to mnke applications for loans, xnd other business transactions,
gf Also contains general correspondence with the Budget Bureau regarding
t salaries of employees. Arr. alph. by name of county in which correspondent
%° located and chron. thereunder. No index. Hdw. and typed. ll x 16 x 27.
 Q am. zoo.
rg ·

   — 7 —
SQ (Applications; Active Loans) (5-10)
lp  _ ‘ 5. TAXES-~CROP ALLOTMEHT-~SOIL SURVEY [Correspondence], 1956--.
wg 5,600 sheets in 1 f. d.
dp Correspondence regarding county taxes and taxes on foreclosed property.
ng Also contains copies of trusteosl reports filed with clerks of superior
[yr court in counties where loens were foreclosed. Arr. alph, by name of
éé county and chron. thereunder. No index. Typed. 11 x 16 x 27. Rm. 205.
gh N 6, MISCELLANLOUS [Correspondence], 1927-58. 5,000 sheets in 1 f. d.
p correspondence, 102/-u8, relative to applications for loans, the issuance
p oi bends, and the budget. Also contains briefs of cases before the courts,
p copies of bills passed by the legislature relative to the Veterans Loan
%° Fund, and personal file or Col, J. H. Manning, former commissioner. Also
] contains [Rental Ledger], 1927-38, entry 42. Arr. in folders by subject.
i No index. Typed. 11 x 16 x 27. Btn 206.
T Applications [
[dl ITNDIUG COURT ACTION], 1927--. l,dlO sheets in 1 f, d.
ip] Applications for loans pending action by the Board, showing description of
[Q; property and financial status of applicant; and applications for loans
%Q pending repairs to buildings, with attached correspondence. Also contains
Fy· ,‘,_ correspondence relative to losns pending court action on foreclosures,
,Q’ 1927--. Arr. alph. by name of applicant. No index. Typed and hdw,
yp’ 12 x 17 x BO. Rm. 205.
‘&, List of applications received, showing application number, nrnm of appli-
adp cant, address, amount applied for, and number and amount of loan if leon
yd, is made. Arr. alph. by county; thereunder nun. by application nnmber. No
Q` index. Typed and hdw. 200 pp. 12 x 10 x 1. Rm. 205.
QQ 9. "WITHDRAWN APPLICATIONS, 1927--. 7,2OO applications in 4 f. d.
lx, Applications for loans that have been withdrawn or rejected, giving a
{ description of the property and amount of loan requested. Arr. alph. by
Ydl surname of applicant. No index. Typed on pr. fm. 12 x 13 x 50. Rm. 205.
d] Active Loans ‘
EV:  *
id  I`' IO, [ACTIVE LOAN FOLDSRS], 1927--. 866 folders in 16 f. d.
jlT (labeled by contained lean nos.},
[dI Active loan folders, containing for each loan a report of appraisal, cer-
Qf~ tificate from register of deeds as proof of war service, application for
Qt] lean including description of property and financial status of owners, and
Q? pertinent correspondence. Arr, chron. by date of completion of loan and
‘1] Humbered in chron, order. Typed and hdw. on pr. fm, 11 x 16 x 27. " ·
;[ Fha. 203,
it For card reference file, see entry ll; for paid up loan folders,
fj sec entry 20,
`Z · · 3
K   —‘-

* eC
  -— 8 —  
.2 E ’
  (Active Loans) (11..lg)
[  1
  11, [CARD REEERIIHCB FIIE ON ACTIVE LOIITS], 1927--. 866 cards in »
 K; 2 fg (Ig ~
ékl Gard reference file to active loans for checking applicants to evoid making
[jr ; more than one loan to same veteran, showing loan number, name of borrower,
  and county. Arr, alph. by none of borrower, No index. Typed. Ll x 16 x l'7.
  Pm, 20b,
yy: For active loan folders, see entry IO.
  PROPERTY OVJITERS], 1927-··-, SSG cards in l T, b,
If] Card reference file used as a guide to active loan nurbors and present
  property owners, showing nano of property ovmor and number of loan, Arr,
~f* alph, by name of owner. No index, Typed and hdw. 5 x 5 x 18. Dm. 208.
  PROPERTY OWIIIIRS], n, d, BCG cards in l f. b. l
[QQ Card reference file used as a guide to active loan numbers and Tonner t
MQ property owners, showing former property owner end number of loan, Arr.
my alph, by name of owner. Typed and kdw. No index, 5 x 5 x 18, Rm, EOS,
Mg UNPAID TAXES], 1927-~, BGG cards in l f, d.
IQ Card directory of active loans for checking paid and unpeid taxes, showing
td name and address, description and location of propertlg county and town-
lyé ship, loan nrmber, amount of loan, date made, date of expiration, and date
[QA taxes paid each year. Arr. alph. by county. No index. Typed on pr, fm,
  6 sc 9 2: I6. Rm. 205,
§Q$ I5, INSURANCE FILE [Card Reference File to Insurance on Active
{Qg I Loans], 1927--, 865 cards in l E. d,
tte Lard record of insurance carried on active loans, showing name and address
wg, of borrower, description and location or property, length of loan and date
[tf mode, loan number, amount of insurance, date due, date paid, and date of
[ff expiration. Arr, chron, by date of expiration. No index, Tgtcd on pr,
[l i: nu. c z;   X ie.   zos.
[QQ 16, [LOANS MADE EY BOLRD], May E5, 1927--, l vol. Last entry
§&* v_ July IO, 1939, · v‘ ·
i%[ Record of all loans made by the Board, showing date, name of borrower,
‘§ c mzxount of loan, and lo:.·.n nvnl»er. Arr. chron. by date of completion and
éfl loan number, No index, Typ ·..; d. 200 pp. I2 I IO I l¤ Rm· 2O5•
$2, 17, [LIST OF LOANS IADE], Moy·25, 1927-~. I vol,
YQL List of all loans mode from beginning of operation of loan fund, used as
si ? l`C?I`Gl`G1lCG, shcmnixg; noxle, date, azvxownt, and I<>L‘.I‘.1I\1ElI?;?1‘. ATT. OI'F.1`O1l• by
tg? dete of loan, No index, Typed. IOO pp, ll x IO x·g. Rm. 2OG.
Ir :
  Roooyd Of all lows On ledger Shoots, obox·.·ing; in collurrns lcon number, date,
CEU amount, name and address of borrower, IOG&ti0H ORG d¤S0TiPti0H of PTOPGTDY,
Ki? and date of foreclosure (if foreclosed), Also contains map of each county,
ni  `V
·,Z ;l
  Ii``  a

&» 1
  · 9 · Q
1} :*
Qé (Paid Up Loans; Dolinqucnt Loans) (19-34)
’d? i
  ShOwj·Yl{S 1OO€“·JGj~O¤ cf fj—?V19~11¤0d Z>1‘0`Q6‘I"¤y, used by field inspector to locate
wé property prior to moking field trips. Arr. olph. by none of county. No
pp index. Typed.cn pr. fm. and mcps. 400 pp. 16 x 17 x 2. Rm. 200. i
mg T: 19. [REFIDANCED ACCOUHTSQ, 1934-52, @,500 papers in 1 f. d. *
MQ Miscelleneous dots on loans rcfirsncod tnrough Home 0wners* Iorm.Corp0ru- I
Jxp tion, including for each account work shoots, list of oll propcrty; ond
yp, complete correspondence. Yo obvious err, No index. Typed. 12 x 17 x 50.
QQY Rn. 205.
1 I .:
1%} Poid Up Loans
IQQ 20, [PAID UP LQAN FOIDERS], 1927--, 7,600 papers in 10 f. b.
iff Folder for ecch paid up lcon including application for locn, correspondence, 5
I&_ sketches of property; location, ond abstract of land. Arr. elph. by nmnc
yp ,-,_ of borrower. No index. Typed and hdw. on pr. fm. 11 x 17 x 20. Vault
{py on 2nd floor. Q
§§i For active loan folders, see entry 10.
.€·, ‘
LQQ Dclinquont Loans [
  I I
tf 21. CORRBSPONDEYCE [Pcrtaining to Delinqucnt], 1959--. 5,600 `
`yi V _ i ·_ {papers in 1 f. d.
{yi COFT©SP0¤d0H0G with BOTFGWOFS rclstivo to delinquent loans and requests
{pt for extension of tnie; filed with loan folder after action has bccn taken.
  Arr. axlph, by name of borrower, No index:. Typed and hdr:. ll 2: 16 X 27.
  _\_;J_, 200.
Fg 22. [DELIEQUENT ACCOUNTS], 1959--. 1 vol.
Nti Record Of cxdct status of all delinquent accounts, showing for ccoh lomi,
` t§~ lccm number, nano and address of borrower, description and location of
{Q Qfcpcrty, amount and date of loan, umount of monthly psmicnts, unpaid
ity b¤l¤¤¤€, tctcl amount paid, and total cmount due. Pp. err. clph. by·nome
tit cf bcrrcwer. No index. Typed ond hdw. 250 pp. 0 x 7 x 1. Rm. 205.
1} , I
Qti 25. {PENDING FOAECLOSUQ S], 195G-», 1 vol.
1§i R¤00Fd cf foreclosures pending notion by borrower Lut not yet considered
wt by the B0&Fd, Showing loun number, county, dstc to bo advertised, and name
nd, cf property, Entries err. chron. by Goto of sale. No index. Typed and
igl hdw. 150 pp. 12 x 10 x 1. Pm. 205.
3-  ·1_
txt _ 24. [IMIILEUT FORECLQSMRBS], lU27-~. 1 vol.
U§l kcccrd of fcrcclosurcs pending oction by Board of by courts, compiled by
up the secretary for the Coymjssioner, and showing location and description
tg Of PT0P®Fty, lcon number, name of borrower, amount ond date of original
f@e lcon, cmcunt and date refinonced, amount of uonthly payments, unpaid
awt b*l@¤¤G, intcrcst due, and tctcl due. Entries urr. clph. by ncnm of
if bOYY0W0F· Nc index. Typed and hdw. on minccyrcphcd fm. 150 pp.
gt? 12 x 10 x 1. Rn. 205.
14  .
?=*  I

 l¤ - T
  ·· 10 —·
kl P
L? (Foreclosed Loans) (35-30)
[ 3
ig? Foreclosed Loans y
tp] 25. [FORECLCSED LOAN roxnsss], 1927--, 575 folders in 25 Q. d. ;
py (labeled by contained letters of alphabet).
?"¥» [= • n . . V
yp File folders on icrcclosed loans, containing for each loan report of ·
gh appraisal; certificate from register of deeds as proof of war service;
yp application for loan, including description of property and financial ‘
Ep status