xt7sj38kgb80 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sj38kgb80/data/mets.xml Kentucky Federal Writers' Project of the Work Projects Administration for the State of Kentucky 1941 Other contributors: Ray, Bess A., ed. Louisville library collections, biography series ; v.2 453 p. ; 28 cm.  Provenance: Lousiville Free Public Library. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number  F450 .F45x 1941. books  English Louisville, Ky. : Louisville Free Public Library This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Biographical and Critical Materials Pertaining to Kentucky Authors: Prepared from Sources Available in the Louisville Free Public Library, edited under the supervision and direction of Bess A. Ray text Biographical and Critical Materials Pertaining to Kentucky Authors: Prepared from Sources Available in the Louisville Free Public Library, edited under the supervision and direction of Bess A. Ray 1941 1941 2015 true xt7sj38kgb80 section xt7sj38kgb80 ;{ MI5;} ‘i
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`U3 Biography Series, Volume 2 f
_ _ 4
‘ 1
,—"m ., r.“ 5
E~_L;~!lU=JIaY .~rUT:@,rS 5
Prepared from sources evuiluble
in ine Louisville Free Public Library
Suited under the supervision ari dir ciiou of *
I 3
Bess A. Rey, Assistant Project Supervisor _
Qfficiel Projects Nos. G5-l~45—lQO uni 6§5—lL~ r
;~s7s-2, §
_ ., 3
Louisville, L€HEUClQ' g

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S W. L .
{ ;;lSL»OI`y SOl"l3S
i? Yolumc I History of Louisvillo (Extracts) l955
El Institution Szrios
2 Voluxo I Institutions of Louisville (Extracts) 1955
3 Biography Sorics
{ Volumc I Artists of Louisvillo and Kontucky (Extructs) l959
{ Volumo 2 Ioutucky Authors (propzrcd Skotohcs and Extracts) l94O
; Tolumo 5 Eromigont Uomou of Louisvillo ;nT Kentucky
» Lprcporod Skotohvs ··», ani Extracts) ISQO
>l In Proputation
· Volume Q Kentucky Stutosmon (propurad Skctchos aud Extracts)

l gl!
. Q -
r E
` Q
¤ 6 9 O O 0 G 6 0  
C The completion of this volume represents another major step §
1*55 toward the realization of an objective set by the Louisville Free E
Public Library approximately six years ago. Q
At that time, because of the availability of a number of {
U}P.A. research workers,a proqram was undertaken involving the ;
O'? . . “ , . . V . .
1~°5 publication of four separate works to contain reference information j
relating to the life and work of Kentuckians prominent in literature, l °
art and ublic life. The volumes were to be devoted to Kentuckv
a t
Artists nentuc Authors Prominent Women of Kentucky and Kentuckv ’
Wrgq s s J: J g
—’ U Statesmen and Political Leaders. Of the four volumes originally 2
- . · · - ~ 1 ‘
projected three have reached completion and publication, anu the ¥
on H , . 1 . ~ H _ » — :
*) l*—O iourth is new being prepared ior publication. 1
The present work on Kentucky Authors will be found replete i
o ., . . . . . . q 1 V
1JQO with essential information rclatin: to a verv complete list ol toe
to J -
literary personalities of xentuckys lt may be said hentucky's
literary history is represented here as writers of all periods are
. , . ,. , •
included, including contemporary autnorsa {
ts) g
Procedure on the volume was substantially as Iollows: A 5
Library Committee, composed of specially selected members of the y
. s W - nn . r . . H
library Heierence Uepartment stai;, compiles a list oi names con-
sidered by them to be definite subjects for such a fork. This list
iormed a nucleus to which additions were made from time to time,
subject to approval by the Library Committeis lhs. Bess A. Ray, f
` Supervisor oi the W.?.A¤ writers group assigned to this project,
carried on from this point. Under her direction Y}?.A. research
workers and writers consulted library catalogs, indexes, historical ,
and biographical materials, nevsp;per files, etc. to obtain all Q
data available for incorporation into the finished biographies, As {
was the experience with previous vosxnes it its sometimes nscesssry E
to resort to tclephoning, correspondence, and personal interviews §
to secure certain information not available in printed sources. »
Each bio;raehv has been oneended vith u biiliosraehr eontainin: a •
n - J i - J . . i g
list of sources consulted,idditionil re€ere;c»s,q ‘c‘r stations ire; {
critical estimates of the author and a list of th; ;uthor's works. Q
It is fair to say that Irs. Hey': method of aoproeching this {
undertaking and her persistence in digqinj for missint links in é
individual biographies is largely responsible for the vol; els —
scope and comprehensive coverage of Ientucky's literiry personilities. ,
The work includes poets, humorists, novelists, historians, natural- Q
ists,pl;ywri@hts, journalists, theoloiiuix, and mcny otn;r types
¤‘1"*;"s\x r~

v`¤ "‘_  
a ` ."· " \_ .1.., 1-.. `.]..,. U IT?} 1 ,1 ‘, 1. X ' ,2*, \ -x t ` U ., .\ J. { ,,.
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, of tho skctchos as somc of tho authors trootod bcgan thcir lifc and
1 vmrk in otscurc rural communities, oftcn in oxtromc provorty, and
i knvc subscquontly ocbisvoi fame and univorsol rocojnition through
[ their litorory ciforts.
Q Grutcful thanks again arc oiforcd tho E;tionol Yoxth Aimin-
3 lstrntion for makin; possiblo tho actual publication of this work. -
Q Tho coopcrotion of the N.Y.A. in mimcogrophing thc thrco volumes
Q now conplotod has boon an involuoblc contribution to tho realize- ;
‘ . »_ . . . '
i tzon o; th1s project. ,
{ 4
lr 4*
gl ,

` i
many co1n*21~2rs Arr rms}; · r  
end é
nd ;
sh Agar, Herbert Sebastien Fage 1 i
l Allen, James Lene 5 E
‘ Allison, Young Ewing 9 §
* Altsheler, Brent 15 3
Yk• ·<.Altshe1er, Joseph Alexander . 16 3
S Anderson, Barbara Tunnell 20 é
*” .>·Anderson, Margaret Steele 22 *
Andrews, Mary Raymond Shipman · 26 i
Barnett, Evelyn Scott Snead 28 ?»
Becher, Lueien - 50 4
· Beckner, Lhrie Daviess Warren J 55 {
Bodley, Temple — 56 {
Brandeis, Louis De bitz 59 §
Breckinridge, Sophonisba Preston 42 E
Broadus, John Albert 46 i
Brown, John Mason 49
Buchanan, Thompson A · 52 =
Buck, Ch;r1es Neville 55
Buck, Charles William - 58
Burman, Ben Lucien A GO {
Butler, Lorine Leteher 65
Carver, William Owtn 65 5
{-Cawein, lhdison Julius 59 ‘
Cherry, Henry Hardin 75 ]
Clark, Thomas Dionysius 79 Q
Cobb, Elizabeth 81 1
Cobb, Irvin Shrewsbury 84 '
Coleman, John`Winston, Junior - 95 {
Cowles, Eugene 95 5
D‘Arey, Hugh A. 97 .
Dargdn, Olive Tilford 99 i
Davenport, Basil 165 {
Daviess, lhria Thompson lO5 g
Davis, Edith Vezolles lO8 ;
Dorris, Jonathon Truman lll i
Ellis, James Tandy 115 Q
Embry, Jacqueline Ellwnnger (lbs. Raymond Embry) 115 1
%*Ethridge, Willie Snow (Irs. lurk Foster Ethridxc) 117 {
Eudy, lhry Cummings 119 ;
Flexner, Abraham 122 {
Flexner, Anne Crawford 126 E
4‘Flexner, Hortense (hrs. Evncie Rin;) 127 Q
Flexner, Simon 150 ;
Fox, Frances Barton 155 §
A,~Fox, John, Junior l36 {
` Funkhouser, William Delbert 145 :
AJ Furman, Lucy 146 {

I _
Q, .
1 Goodloe, Abbie Cfrter Page 150
1 Gordon, Caroline (Yrs. Allen Tote} 152
1 @rin;tood, Durwerd 154
§· Hell, Eliza Talvero (Yrs. Lu C. Obencheirl 157
1: 5 Yalleck, Eeuben Post ’ 159
¥ Harris, Credo Finch 164
Q ?ovs. Billion ShoTesoeore 766
{ ,eqdy, J.mee Iolrieon 159
Q {elm, Triherine 175
Q lesser, ltheldo Doggett 174
1 jill, Edward Gay 177
1 Lines, 'zlker Downer 179
1 Jillson, Millard Rouse 181
1 Johnston, Annie Fellows 186
{ Telly, Eleanor Ieroein 190
Yinkead, Gloves 195
Kinkead, Ble;nor Talbot 196
I knight, Grant Cochran 198
; Krook, Arthur 205
{ Leech, Cerolyn Apperson 205
Q, Lirzey, Iowin Carlisle 207
i' Liisey, Sarah (Hrs. Frank Wilson Eye) 210
¥ Llovd, John Uri 212
· Looms, George 215
V. Lorimer, George Horace 217
{ ToCre;ry, Yillinm Harold 220
i IoDoneli, Leetitie (Irs. Nelleee lxwin) 222
Y IoE1roy, Eobert LcYutt 225
5 McGill, Anne Blanche 228
1 A o]ee?in, lsebel Ielennnn (irs. Samuel Eu Iolockin) 251 _
27 _ Y&C3U1Gy, Fannie Geldwell 255
i fegrudzr, Mary Lanier 255
{ Ieloney, Ierie Xa?+ing1y 240
1 .aroosson, lsanc Frederick 242
x, Uarkhim, Lucia Clark 245
P Jnrtin, George Xedden 246
{ Yilner. Joon Shepard 249
` Yoormnn, Frank Len&er 252
j Norgwn, Thomas Hunt 254
1 {orion, Duvid 258
1 lullig n, James Hilary 262 ·
{ Iullins, Edgar Young 264
1 ’u1li;s, Isle Kay 269
Q Yusyrove. Charlie Hamilton 271
{ Teunen, Fred Gus 274
{ A—Toe, James Thomas Cotton 275
{— Fool, lois Yuroell 278
I ugilvie, Frances 279
{ -10’Huro, Theodore 281
{ Petter: n, John Lotoher 284
§¤ ·

é _
· {
Page 150 Peek, Elizabeth Sa Page287 E
152 Petrie, Cordia Greer 289 g
154 Pirtle, Alfred 291 2
157 Porter, Laura Spencer 293 S
’ 159 Powell, Eduard Lindsay 295 Q
164 Fowers, Thomas McCreary 298 1
166 Prentice, George Dennison 301 ?
129 Purcell, Martha Grasshamr (Mrs. Clyde Edison) 306 §
173 Pusey, William Allen 308 3
174 Ranck, Edwin Carty 311 1
177 Randolph, Helen Murray 313 {
179 Rascoe, Burton 315 § c
181 Rice, Alice Hogan 317 ‘
186 Rice,‘ Cale Yeung 322 |
190 Hives, Eallie Erminie 526 1
195 Roach, ‘Abby Reguire 328 {
196 Roberts, ‘E1izabcth Madox 352 Q
198 Robertson, Archibald Thomas 335 1
203 Robertson, Ella Breadus 341 `
205 Robertson, Harrison 344 1
207 Rothert, Otto Arthur 348
210 Ruthenburg, Grace Dorcas 352
212 Ryan, Abram Joseph 356 {
215 Sachs, Emanie 359 Q
217 Semple, Ellen Churchill 362 5
220 Simpson, Harriette Louisa 368 *
222 Slaughter, Elvira liller 369 1
225 Stewart, Cora Wilson 372 1
228 Still, James 375 1
231 1.Stuart, Jesse 377 *
233 Tate, °A11en 381
235 Taylor, karion Sayle 384 {
240 Theobald, _Mary Elizabeth 387
242 Thomas, Jean Bell , 389 S
245 Thrnston, Rogers Clark Ballard 391 E
246 Towne, Charles ¤anson 394 §
249 Townsend, John Wilson 397 Q
252 Townsend, William Eenry 400 Q
254 Tschiffely, lnddalena 405 i
258 Varble, Rachel M (lrs Pinckney Varble 111) 409 g
262 · Verhoeff, Mary 411 {
264 Walker, Stuart 413 {
269 `.`· hltz, Elizabeth Cherry 416 Z
271 lhrrcn, Louis Austin 417 Q
274 Thrren, Robert Penn 419 T
275 Wattersen, Henry 422 {
278 Vhlby, Amelia B. 429 E
279 Wells, Linton 430 {
281 Wilson, Ihrgory 433 _
284 Pilsen, Robert Eurns 435 3
Woodson, Anthony E 437 Q

l' "·. E-7
{_ fates , liylc Monroe Page 440
·_ 'fourzg, E·21u1=;2‘b‘5 Hc11d©rs0n 443
g Zugsrdikx, Lcrncv 445
? Cotter, Joscph 80:.21011 44.8 »
  §L;rri*.r;=<;‘c11~;r_, Claybr On TT 451

ng _
b. Sept. 29, 1897 §
D, a
Llgc ii; Herbert Agar, author, economist, journalist and lecturer, was 1
Aé5 born in New Rochelle, New York, the son of JiH1Giraud and Agnes T
” Louise (McDonough) Agar, who came originally from New Orleans and 2
from San Francisco respectively. He attended the Newman School in ¥
New Jersey. Columbia University gave him his Bachelor of Arts de- Q
AAS · gree in 1919; Princeton, his Master of Arts in 1920 and Doctor of §
ig, Philosophy in 1922. He married Adeline Scott at Princeton, New
` Jersey, in 1918 and there were two children, William Scott and Agnes. {
His second marriage was to Eleanor Carroll Chilton, also a writer. {
His residence is 245 St. Matthews Avenue, Louisville. Mr. Agar is a ,
New Deal Democrat. _
In 1917 Mr. Agar interrupted his college work to enlist as a sea- ‘
man in the United States Navy. He had been advanced to chief quarter- §
master when he was discharged the next year to complete his course at E
Columbia. After receiving his doctor's degree at Princeton in 1922, F
he spent the following six years teaching in the Hun Preparatory Q
School, Princeton, New Jersey. Then, in 1928, he abardoned teaching §
entirely and, going to England, concentrated on writing his first I
book. In that year he published Milton and Plato, also Fire, Sleet, {
and Candlelight, the latter, verses1wFitten—in_EEllaboratiEETYEj§T—_ '
Willis Fisher and Eleanor Carroll Chilton. x
While in London Mr. Agar served as editor of the English Review i
and was a constant contributor to English and American publications. 5
Ambassador Robert W. Bingham appointed him Honorary ateache of the {
American Embassy. This situation was very helpful to Mr. Agar in {
forming a background on national and international affairs. It served 1
. also to increase his prestige as a well-informed and authoritative i
writer. i
The Pulitzer prize in the field of American history, awarded E
Mr. Agar in 1934 for his book on our American presidents, called Egg g
Peop1e's Choice, centered attention upon him when he returned to the j
United States. He has since written several important books on politi— {
cal and economic subjects and many articles, besides completing two 5
record-breaking speaking seasons, lecturing in more than soventy—five $
cities to enthusiastic audiences. As associate editor of the Louis- €
ville Courier~Journal since 1936, Mr. Agar has written, three times a §
week, a syndicated column called Time and Tide which has had a wide Q
appeal and influence. His history—5f*the—Dem6cratic party, contracted j
for several years in advance, is scheduled for publication in the fall g
of 1938 under the title, The Pursuit of Happiness. i
Mr. Agar's books have provoked serious discussion and have elicited `
many approving reviews. .

g 2
Q The Louisville Times of November 2, 1955, says: "lks Herbert Agar
{ in his latest book shows himself a true conservative, not of the school
Q of Herbert Hoover but of that of Jefferson and Adamss He might even be
; called reactionary, for he wants to turn back to the early days of the we
Q public when agriculture and small industry prevailed: with Jefferson he _
; believes great cities are 'Pestilential to the morals, the health and Um
3 liberties of man‘¤ But in preference to Jefferson's dream of 'a perfect
A § state in which all men are owners', he leans more to John Adams' *plan tc
A fit the real worldl by which many but not all men might own property and
? government would be balanced between the large and small property owners;
& Discussing Mr. Agar's striking diagnosis of Americals ills in Land
é 2£_the greg, the New York Times, issue of November 5, l935, says: 'fgim
warms the cockles of the heart to find the flaws in the old belief that
I whatever has happened in this country since the Declaration of Independ~
j ence has boon 'progress‘." It quotes lhs Agar as saying; "We must neva
, lose sight of the fact that sound finance--paying your way as you go=¤is
5 the friend of small property." And again; "The American people are sick
1 with a desire to honor their countrya The first man who stops bribing
;· our people with promises of pottage, the first man who dares take a hid
n line with the American public will get a response that surprises hime
. my prayer is that he will not be a fascist, that he will be a man who
gy chooses to revive America."
Q The Boston Transcript‘s review of the same book, November I3, l9E&
3 quotes Herbert Agar's repeated warning about the dangers of the American
g tendency to idealism.based on disregard of facts and says: "hr. Agarls
j personal enthusiasm, his deft and humorous writing, make Land of the
{ Free a very readable book. It touches on many things that make America
J ` a good country and then reminds one that it is not living up to its po~
Q tentialities¤"
Q .
{ Barry Bingham, in the Courier-Journal of November 3, 1955, review-
A· _ ing this book under the heading "The American Dream", tells us; "Herbert
[ Agar is a man who has three burning beliefs about America today; That
* our country has been walking perilously close to the brink of a moral
. and spiritual debacle; that it can still be saved from that fate, and
2 that it is most richly worth savings" He adds; "The whole foundation
T for Land of the Free is laid in the bedrock of practical economics, yet
[ the book is written in hot blood by a man who is a zealous patriot as
{ well as an economists las Agar is a kind of political Savonarola whose
§ faith in the fundamental American principles is a beacon in these darklt
E times»"
{ Herbert Agar is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, and the Century Club f
{ Princeton; the National Arts, New York; the Princeton Club of New York;
{ National Press, Washington, D.C·; and the Pendennis, Louisville.
§_ T

` 3 E V
Works F
` ‘ —_—M— Milton and Plato (1928) Q
0 Herbert Aggx Fire, Sleet, and Candlelight (1928) _
of the school (with Willis Fisher and Eleanor ,
might even be Carroll Chilton)
days of the we The Garment of Praise (1929) Q
h J€ffgrSO¤ hg _ (with Eleanor Carroll Chilton) ;
hgalth and the Bread and Circuses (1930) F
_ Of qa pgrygcg _Eyro and Spottiswoode (1930) 1
Adams. yplan to The People's Choice (Pulitzer Prize) (1933) ,,_ _ j
n property and (EHgliSb edition-—The American Presidents) I
mpgrty O,mG,.S,· Land of the Free (ieee) ;
Who Owns America (Editor) (1936) ¥
S ills in Land ThG Pursuit of Happiness (1958) S
W says: f§;- g
_d belief that Eurcgé __ _ _  
}n of Ind8P€nd_ Who’s who in America (1936-37) §
"Wé must ngvm l Who‘s Who in Kentucky g
_ as YOU gO__iS Bulletin of the Woman's Club of Louisville 5
)€Opl€ are Sick (Feb.-Mar. Vol. l - 1937 No. 5) Q
. . x
_tOpi ;rlb1n€iJ_ Additional References ;
yeiigigghgmolll Kentucky Authors Scrap Book, Louisville Free j
)§ auman who Public Library E
. L.T.  
rember l3’ 193& ********* l
>f the American {
"Mr. Ag&P’S %
;&ndkOf.th;iC& JAMES LANE ALLEN g
»d;&tg gg; POM b. Dec. 2l, 1849 {
d. Feb. 18, l925 . I
19$5» $?vl€wi, James Lane Allen was born on a farm in Fayette County, near {
LS us: j8rb€lL Lexington, Kentucky, the son of Richard and Helen (Foster) Allen E
tOd&y° That and a descendant of Virginia pioneers of English, Scotch and Irish Q
C Of u m¤ra1 blood. When ten years old he attended a neighborhood school, Q
it fat€’ agd later entering the Academy of Transylvania College. After studying ,
LO fouédatlon there for some two years, he enrolled in Kentucky University, now i
?C°n;m;;;’&y€t known as Transylvania College, where he graduated with highest honors. {
5 F S   . » A   · . J
Vogirola whOS€’ Mr Allen never married i
in Phgsc darkly His early life on the farm was pleasant enough, but with the i
coming of the Civil War and its attendant hardships, the Allen family `
_ J came to know the meaning of poverty. In spite of the troublesome war I
CGHFUTY Clucim end reconstruction period which followed, young James Line Allen se- ,
9 O§lN9W YOYKS Cured the foundation of learning upon which to build his higher
SV]. G•

ii 4
5 V » .
E education in college. His mother seemed to possess the facilities
Q of the teacher, for she was able to instill in her children a know-
§_ ledge of nature‘s complexities, which accounts for the many beautiful
1 and subtle passages in Mr. Allen's literary works. Under her guidance
i he became a tireless reader, and together they spent many happy hours
]· rambling through the forest discussing what they had read. Although
QQ there were few children in the neighborhood of the Allen‘s this shy,
Q quiet, reflective lad experienced little difficulty in whiling away
i spare moments. He was never conscious of solitude, always finding
g Ngturgan interesting companion. Strolling along banks of brooks
. f watching the fish swim about in the water was a pastime of which he
5 never tired. The wild life in the woods fascinated the boy, James
Q Lane Allen. The man, James Lane Allen, later wrote of those same
{ woods and wild life he had known in childhood, and they played an
` important part in his novels, often interwoven with beautiful de-
E scriptions of Nature's wonders.
l Immediately after his graduation from Kentucky University, he
Y embarked upon a varied career as schoolmaster and college professor.
A It was not until about 1885 that his first significant works appear-
3 ed in Harper‘s, Atlantic Monthly, Critic and other magazines. His
Q, poem, Midwinter, was among the early contributions. Shortly after-
I vmrd his first attempt at fiction was published in Harper's, the
: title of this story being, Too Much Momentum. Success became apparent
F for the author when Flute a§§iVieId§;—ETeollection of short stories,
yi was published. It was not until Mr. Allen was in his fifties, how-
? ever, that such masterpieces as é Egntucky Cardinal, Aftermath and
y Thi Choir Invisible were offered to the public in book form.
P Some of his works showed a definite interest in science and
E theology, as is evidenced in The Reign of Law, The Mettle of the
E _ Pasture and Summer in Arcady.-—It is Sigsirizanttttat Mr. KIlenTs
{ first book, Flute aid Violin, remains today a model of short story
E _ writing, not only in technical detail, but in human quality and mean-
g ing of its passions and purposes. At the time of its publication,
T there were but two definite standards of the American short story.
I · One of these made possible by the fantastic fancy of Poe, the other by
j Hawthorne's more finished imagination. To both of these measures,
{ Mr. Allen not only contributed grace, symetry and scholarship, but some-
y thing of a greater significance. Behind the craftmanship lay an under-
[ standing of the depths of life. In the guise of fiction he threw out
Q his first outpost of philosophy and reason which germinated and matured
Q 4 in his later and longer novels. This understanding was definitely
g shown in Thi Kentucky Cardinal with its note of nature and sympathetic
§ interpretation of life and its problems.
e .

g y
a know- ;
beautiful ` I
r guidance The Dictionary of American Biography refers to Mr. Allen's ·
ppy hOuyS early life as it influenced his literary works: "As a student in 5
AlthOugh Transylvania College he wore, instead of an overcoat, an old shawl, i
his Shy, and during one winter, at least, he had no hat save a dilapidated {
ng away one made of straw. Throughout these years of distress older people Q
inding around him continually reminded the youth of happier conditions pre- 3
rocks vailing in the South before the war. Like Thomas Nelson Page and
hich he others, he fell heir to the belief in the chivalrous ideals of plan- ;
Jgmgs tation society--an inheritance which in part explains his predilection j
Sqmg later, for aristocratic heroines and gallant lovers, and his high I
Gd gn evaluation of good breeding. His mind played fondly over the ideal- A
1 d€_ ized past of the South." Q
Isaac Marcosson in the Library of Southern Literature, believes {
ty, hg that his early enviroment and heredity were responsible for the new i
OfGSSOr_ elements that were apparent in his fiction: "It was not until the ,
&pp€&r_ first published work of James Lane Allen that dignity and pormaneney I
_ His became part of the literary effort of Kentucky. With these enduring {
&ftGr_ qualities, which at once made for form and character, the rarest in- {
the fluence in all American letters since Hawthorne was born. Not from j
G apparent the crowded city, but from out of the clean, open blue-grass country Q
StOriCS’ came this note of real distinction and beauty, the herald of a high {
S hOw_ and worthy art. It was fitting that chief among the characteristics 2
tg and of this work should be courtesy and culture, because this creator of 5
-— it represented in himself the best tradition of Kentucky civilization. {
His father and his grandfather were men of landed posessions. His {
and heritage therefore, was of the strength of the soil. He grew up amid E
the such scenes of sylvan loveliness that to watch now the vivid l
1EETS panorama of nature in his books is to realize fully the deep im- I
StOry pression they made upon his youthful mind." __ g
3;iO;i“n Again quoting the Dictionary of American Biography: "He had ex- 5
StOry. tended the scope of his reading, especially among French and British j
G Othcr by novelists. He had also become engrossed in scientific study and was E
Surésj ‘ particularly interested in the theories of Darwin and Huxley. Most 2
P but SOmG_ important of all, he had been practicing the art of writing, so that i
’&n und€r_ when presently he ventured to address the editors, he was master of f
ihrcw Out a deft and euphonious style." ' Q
;?iG§;tur€d In The Beckman, Nancy Huston Banks gives credit to his mother‘s §
Oathatic direct influence on his life and literary accomplishments: "The ;
ym* ‘ trend of his mind was markedly literary from the first. In the f
garret where the hickory nuts and walnuts of the children were stored, i
there stood a case of old books. Among these was a Bible bound in
faded morocco and a small Testament, that used to hold the boy by 1 .
sort of horrible fascination. His reading at all times was directed r
by his mother, whose taste was for the best books. He had few of
his own, and generally read what she read, the source of supply é

it v  
g being the circulating library in Lexington. It is gratifying to
Q know that the mother lived to see some of the published work of
at this youngest child--her Benjamin—-for whom she was so ambitious. .
{ With much of her temperament he inherited ambition together with the
S sustained directness of purpose and the tireless energy that reaches
i its aim over all obstacles. .
¥ "He insists that the study of every other art is of value in at-
k taining to a knowledge of the art of fiction. He believes that the
Q novelist can particularly rely upon the analogies existing between
y Q literature and painting, and between literature and music as at times
f his surest guide in composition: painting teaching him, among other
f __things and as nothing else can, the grouping of forms and the use of
[ color in language; music teaching him, among other things and as noth-
i ing else can, the management of major and minor motives and the treat-
Q ment of spiritual discords and harmonies. His own habit in his des-
E cription of a scene or a landscape is first to make a composition of it
l as an inward vivid picture in consciousness and then to write with his
j inward eye fixed solely on this. It is perhaps in this way that his
dramatic scenes and landscapes acquire the qualities for which they
L _ have been invariably praised--harmony and vividness. Though recognition
{ vms tardy, the tributes which his work has called forth have always been
l of the highest character in this country; and this is true also of the
g European world of letters." `
gg A From Kentucky in American Letters, we learn that: "He at once set
i _ out upon his distinguished career and has produced a literature for the
; state. He has created Kentucky and Kentuckians as things apart from
{ the outside world, a minature republic within a greater republic. With
» a light touch he has caught the shimmering atmosphere of his own native
g uplands and the idiosycrasies of their people with which the camera
j _ gives back a material outline."
E _ _ Again_referring to the Dictionary of_American Biography: "With—
g out being narrow or provincial in outlook, Allen was at his best
3 when utilizing the life and scenery of his native state; and more
I ‘ than any other author he made the Blue Grass Region of Kentucky known
V to both his countrymen and Europeans."
r The Library of Southern Literature describes his introduction
{ to the world as a novelist: "The time‘had come, however, when the
l richness of that expression should extend to the form of a novel.
p In l893_appeared his first long story, 'John Gray'. Since it will
§ be necessary to revert to this story again for it participates in
§ the author‘s succeeding work, there will be only a reference to it
Q here. But 'John Gray', although making a transitional stage, is
§ an important link in the consideration of Mr. Allen's art, for the
{ reason that it demonstrated his sustained powers and also showed that
i he meant to keep to his Kentucky setting. It had ample dramatic
Q quality, keen perception of human nature, and vitality of action.

7 é
While apparently he was restricted by the confines of his native Q
g tc state in a lar er way he was not exploiting any particular region. ;
Of His Kentuckians might have been world citizens, so universal were T
i0¤$• ‘ their passions, their emotions, and their experiences, The first *
with the creative period of Lk. Allen's work seems to end with 'John Gray'. Q
F€¤ChCS He had won recognition as a waiter of fiction of high and artistic *
V quality, and he had come to be reckoned with as a novelist whose power §
~ · perhaps had not been wholly tried. But the season for the real flow r- §
¤9 in gt' ing of his art had come. I
hat the ‘
SYWQGH "In 'A Ientucky Cardinal', which first appeared in serial form §
,3t tim€$ in Harper’s Magazine and was later published in book form in 1884, Q
Hg Othgr lh. Allen added a classic to American literature. Ln its idyllic Q
e MSG Of charm, in the exquisite and tender unfolding of its romance, in the {
d QS ¤Oth‘ kindly humor which illundned it and in the v ry music of its style, Y
3h0 tT@¤t' this story set a new mark for our fiction. No lean charming vms §
hi5 dGS‘ its sequel, 'Aftermath'. To know these stories is indeed a literal Q
iti0¤ Of it education. i
e with his 1
bhdt his "If Lk. Allen up to this time had needed anything to complete l
Oh th€Y his reputation, 'The Choir Invisible' supplied the necessary testi- 2
FGG0E¤itiOn mony. It was published in every English speaking country, and thus 1
QIWQYS been its beauty and character went around the world. To those who, while i
lS0 Of thg admiring the charm of its artistry, may have believed that he lacked i
` courage and daring, Mr. Allen gave a new revelation of his resources {
in 'The Reign of Law*, (1900). This epic of the Kettucky hemp E
it 0¤C€ S€t fields was in reality a transcript from the time worn experience of §
ure Y0? th€ all people, for it voiced man's independence of thought, deed and i
art fF0m utterance. {
blic. With l
0W¤ native "To sum up Mr. Allen's works is to say that during the two de- l
G&m€T¤ cades of his literary activity no living American has approached *
_ him in the quality of his output, or been so permanent or important