xt7sj38kft61 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sj38kft61/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1939 journals 1_07 English Lexington, Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Kentucky fruit notes v.1 n.07. text Kentucky fruit notes v.1 n.07. 1939 1939 2014 true xt7sj38kft61 section xt7sj38kft61 tm
2   ’ ·
*1 I \'ol. I Mfarcli, 19351 N11 7
‘II ·   1
my 3
I W. I). Aruistroiig, I‘I()l`1I(5lIIU1l`lSI, Editor  
IS FRUIT OUTLOOK FOR 1939 CUIIIIIIUII storage stocks are small, 1 5
111* . . . . . , . , - _ 1 -
`H Fruits in Genera, axslll Ixrxle laigtly iuoxed into (3011 ,
. . . .` I I . ,
Ill UI)()]ll(‘SlI(‘ l)l't)(IlIt'lI()II ol all I I_ I __ _ ,
,.1_ui,S is uxp(_,_,,_(, ,0 ,,\.(,1,uw_ I 1lpp c tT(‘t"11Il1I11(lS contilnue to ,
he higher for the next 5 years (1939-- ‘|" m"`·_ I is l‘?“t““"t“‘l I lfltr lll  
111t 423) than tl1e aiverage for the 193-I ~ I IL {)l“”°1ll’ ‘c$ me CO1lt1llu(A§’ t__*€` ¤
iis IIS l)(‘l'llIIl. I11di1·atio11s point to sig- ""m"'1 (4 1»<·¤1·1¤1; ifllple trees “{ll   ;
IM, ,,,,,,_.,,,,,\. ,.,,.,,0,. §up,,],,,§ ,,1· he ahout 1-I.t)Ut),tI()U in 19-10, Ellltl 111 ;
* . ‘ cs · ‘ ‘· - ' . . _ A
N g,.:,,,,,,·,.,,,,’ (,,.Z,,,gcS7 ,,,,,%,.,,,,1, 194-1 rIl)flIIl t1t1.()ll(),()t)() trees. Low   e
1111 and lemons. Moderate llIt‘l't’ilSt‘S HPPIQ 1**2**0* 111 1`€€_9111 }'€31`S» , f
_\, um, in l,,.OS,,,.,Ct yo,. ,,0,,,.% ,,,.,,,.,,,,S_ gliovuglit, Iieezes and wind damage  
hy ,,,,,,,,S, ,.,,,,,.,.,,,S ,,,,,1 ,,,.,,,,,1S_ ,1,,,,,],. l¤l\C 1IIt‘IC2ISC(l iemloxals. Home ;
my ,,,.,),,,,,,,,0], fm. ,,,,, ]t);;I]___1,3 ,,0,.,0,1 orcliards have contribiited heavily  
U,. ,,.,,1 ,,,.,,1,,,1,],- s],,,,,· ,, $1,,,,],, ,1,,_ to the decline 1p tree numbers 111   5
.· he vast I11 tie future remov-
,,.1 1l111e. I I _ · _ _ 1 _ ,
In 1.,,,,, l)1·iL·(»S(luring-1h(1nextfQ\\' als will he lieavier 111 marginal { ,
C ,, years will lie tlepeiulent largely 01‘Cl1211‘llS. xOl'Cl1\\'C$I production  
,,,- upon the changes i11 supplies and 11115 1111*5011 1110 11€i1k;_ 111 UNB C€1111`€1l 1 Q
,,,',, t*t1llSllIII<‘I` llIt'Ullll‘b l.l`0lIl year to *1111@§ P1`0d11€T1011 1S €§1D00f€d to I  
,, rear. \\`ith itu II`O\'t‘lI1(‘l1l. i11 COI}- 1`<‘111f1111 8lJ011t U18 $81116; 111 ll1€ East I Q
pl . _ I _
,,,,1 SlllIlt’l' lvuyiug power, gross sales of the U`€11(l 13 (l0\\'l1\\'€11`d. I -
all lIl‘lIllS can he expected to ill- Indications are that apple pro-  
(‘l`t‘ilSL‘. This dues IIOI, 11102111 that duction for the LIIIIIQGLI States as a I `
gi-oweis of all truits 02111 expect whole will be downward, with the    
Illtl prices to lIl('I`€‘2ISC 1‘€g2l1‘tlIOSS of ]>1‘0— amiual p1·()(l11etiOu by 19-15 Of I-  
aw ` (lllt‘II0ll. I11 fact, with the burtlen- ]40,()t)0,tlOt) bushels as eohipai-ed —  
111·· smite supply of citrus fruit that 19 with tl1e present average annuztl  
111 111 prospect for the next few years, production of 150,000,000 ltushels.  
lltltt orange and g1·apet`rui·t. growers may ,,,,,,,0 ,,,.0d,,Ct,O,, ,,, the L1,,,,€d  
1f' °XI’*i'*'l1l11`1"*`*l0*“011I111“0lO“`· States in 1939 is expected t0 be Qi
""" large · tl1a tl1e 1933 e ·o 1. I-fl
lIIt‘ Apples ` I H ` I I 111
1 e 1
tl··1 The 15138 apple crop of 130.328,- _ Peaches  
11·l~ 1)(1() 1,,,,],,% is ,,,,,,-9 ,1,,,,, ,,,,O,,|,,,·,] I)llI`Illg the last. four years there  
··11e s11111lle1· than the 1937 apple crop 1111* l1§‘€*11 11 *l1€11Ql1 111<`1`<’?1$€’ 111 P1‘11€l1  
111*1 <»t’ r2ll‘t)lllltl 211,t)t)t),()t)t1 t111Sh,;]s_ Dlilllllllgi. This is especially true  
Storage holdings as of Novemlwer 111 1l1<‘_1111l101`I§11t PCMI1 l11`0d11€1}1g  
as I for 1938 are gjym, as 297(5()()_@9(1 states III the bouth. Tl1e large 111-  
lll- liusltels. This compares with 31.- (‘1`<‘?1§° 111 Imlllmlgs Colltmued 111 fi-fl
in —Ill0.(ll)O liushels for November 1, llhlh  
ttl- N37. Ill 1937 large quantities of As a result. of the sharp increase  
-al ilpples were held i11 eoiunion stor- i11 each 1la11ti11<*si11tl1ei111)orta11t  
. . . . P 1 . ¤ . 1 · 
les \ ages ot various kinds. Tl11s year peaeh growing 1'(’gIOllS,`Ill€ average  
 i t

 Y an1111al peach production i11 tl1e STRAWBERRY CROWN .
R; }JnitediSt·atei1is expected tlii be RORER DURING FEBRUARY _ H,]
- arger t uriner ie 11ex o yea1·s ian i
i _ the averagebof 51,000,000 b11sl1els AND MARCH  
of the last 5—year period. Burden- By \V. NV. Magill Si
_ _ some supplies may be expected in _ ii i __ _ . of
1 5 or 10 years if plantings continue _ \Y.Cii1i‘1{; tflliul and tliilblgsiiéq K,
» at the present rate. Even with the (omu (lm l C ‘l )_° U t S mw cu} is
present number of beariiig trees, crown borer during the past few mi
` supplies may be so large in seasons }'¢‘¤1`S, but I Hgllili i\l>D01ll to ihc Ov
_ i I when gyowiug Conditions gpg favgp- [ill'lllC1‘ ]>l'Utlllt'lllg Sll'il\\'i)C1`l'10S, viii
 · able as to result in unsatisfactory especially in S0\li.il\\'l‘SlCl‘1l Keir  
f prices. lucky, to do some tliinlcing and im
During the last few years peach planning during tl1e next. few 0,,
growers have found a 1·eady market weeks, Hy ifpril ls! if will bc loo wl
* 0 f<>mjt11e}r {Full at 5ilti$f¤€t01`Y_l1i`iU@S· lalo fo control l/rc <·rou·11 liorcr in tw
— ·\VItl1 increase in eonsu111er lllCOl1l€ the 1939 pg(,,,[,·,iU_ yvhvy Thi, ru
· PHCBS durmg the next mw y€{}1`S· adult insect is now hibernating i11 0V
` even with the increased sllppl1€S, Sti.,i“,bCi.i.y iiclds iirouml the berry a
· Peaches Should Cmmmle to make plants. By the last of February fl1·
R R favorable returns to the grower, this adult will iii, feeding Ou the wi
Qxwpt whe? _ g1`Ol‘ nig Coiufimoils leaves of the plant. About the mid- 00
i . are flbove ?“f’la3€im du PML I P10' dle of March the female adults will lm
. 1_ ducing isections. 1`hen marketing be depositing eggs (Cuph imc dc. no
. R difficulties may be expected. positiiig from 25 io 120 Cggsy St,
_‘ei ’ 1 Strawbenies After the eggs have been deposited fhl
l The picking aciiiiiiie Of Straw in the tender crown growth it is 811
  ggg·i<~>S 19,j»9W¤1b?¤}»¤iit{9j,»- iIIStli"¥.§`liTS1§§g°$ §iL`LZi°§i§L`§.i`Ei,i ii}
,   It . aglesgt E lmiggeét Smce %‘)“‘)· tl1e plant that they cannot be Y0
A Q ls pebcent 3 me the acwzlgc washed ot’f by holdin·1· the plants all
    §;;;;iSt§Sdi;gic;?3§‘ f Agieage mi under a stream of watgr. What can
;* · _ _ . B. or 1 Srsgiiotu the average grower do to control Ri
. i i eaily states which include X irgnna, Hm 1,0,.0,. » Simply din, Your Dpmii yi.
E 1     aggjigcgggceage IS m A1l"m` during February, pull off all dead (`1
is   ` I _ ` ‘ R _ _ leaves and old runners, place the ——
   . f the Yield P8? MTB U1 1939 1S newly dug plants in a pond or in Bla
. i i (Equal W tht? lO‘}'€31‘ &V€I`ilS€, the a t11b of water, take a pitchfork a11d kn
1 § g ' Pmductlou for 1939 “'0U1d be 21b011l3 dip the plants up Zllld down in the pr
‘ · ’ · 300 000 000 t Tl ` ·
.2 i I > > qua? S- US would be water to thoroly wash away the dirt as
  i 9   cent l3.I‘g€I‘ than the 1938 and trash-—thcn take the pi2llllS 011f fl?
1 si   P10 lgmoni Pmductloll m_ tht? and "heel in" on clean soil at least Y0
i _ E i S€°?d inrg %I`0uP of SWWGS 15 €X· 200iyards from an old berry field t`r·
ii =,. T i ii   300 0 6 6i`g€1' than thi? 66,- until ready to plant in the field th
ipe   I; di  ‘
( ii _ strawberry crop will be marketed lowed tlns Srocedure, tell me they hl
j   under somewhat more favorable de- can wash and heel in over 2,000 pl
i; , mand conditions, Prices to grow- plants in a day. 'l‘l1us, the crlra co
_ ii " cfs 111 the second early states in labor involved will cost you less
‘ {   1038 were higher than average and than $3.00 pe1· acre of new berries hi;
V   l _ higher than in 1937." planted. yq

 l' IIou· can you und out when the trol the Strawberry Crown Borer
Y Q adult female borer will begin laying on his farm and thus help us reduce
. eggs in if/3D? Dr. P. (). Ritehcr, this annual crown borer loss, of _
0 Entomologist of the Experiment ove1· $25,000.00, to a minimum.
Station who made a special study ___ Z
_d of the crown horer i11 \Vestern Q
  Kentucky during 1037 and 1038, THE ANNUAL MEETING .
  is still on. the job to determine Tlic 83i-d Annual Convention of , .
ll€‘*"‘”*ll`." time li"? }'0ll· He 0% the Kentucky State Ilorticultnral ,
tw over 1000 adult horers in special S()(3i(5ty_ the College ()l.A$I1'l(!UllllI`O ¢
isv cages ill l>Ol`l'y fields (lf \V0$l0l`l1 Of {lic; University Of Kcl1’Ll1Cl{}' Z
ll` Kentucky and through the cooper- (.O0pm.miHg_ was Mm Ht L,,xim_,yOue ;
ld fllltlll of \V· D- Al`l“*ll`O“¥¥» l*m`ll‘ Kentuckv. rin connection with the  
HV (’Illlll1`lSl {lt I)1'lll('(?l.OIl Sllllsitliltlll, blupn] (nid II()]]](} \\lQQk p],‘Og1'iil]1 of
00 who sends the adult horers to him HH, [fuk-C].Sjt\, Of Kcmuckv . .
  ees     <‘<.· k- b<‘¤l¤¤l·@¤ Fel)- In are ofthe “-arnmre ses- ‘
lll‘ mm`}, 1*   R‘lt°'hm` °x""""°“ thc sions were very well attended. Fruit t .
lll °v"{"°S el the f°l“"l° l"""`l`“ “"‘l"" and herrv growers from 30 counties { 0
I.}- a high power nncroseope and can were pwiscut and took part in the  
1.}- then determine when the egg laying mccmmx Bosidcs thcsu many  
he will start. A slnpmept of crown Othm, (iolmtios were rcpresénted by  
id- l‘°"""* "“ F"lY""‘“`Y le “"‘“ ‘fX*"“‘ their county agents; so the informa-   -
'lll mod by D1" l*¤t<·l·e‘ and I)m(‘hfallY tion passed ont will be widespread j
le- “° ‘l"""l°l“"""t ".""" the """t?’ over nre state. Those present re- 2 ·
sl- Stage was thm °V"l°m‘ We tell ceived a great. deal of benefit from   Z
éll tl"’“ "‘“l"“`* *" *'°“." """‘"*' "¥"’"t nie rerv? nrspnatlenal program   ;
is and yonrilocal agrienltiure teacher and {min the plhlm, mpg diS_ y g
ive and furnish a news article to your Ousgiom that 81,0 Q pm., of ever,.  
in local lml)°I`—m`gl"g You te (ll? horticultural meeting. i i ;
be Your lllimts et fm"`- if You lmvc Hol Mr. hvllllillll Fegenbush of   ;
me ?lll`0?ll1·¤¢¤l¤¤·=}l 1111-1·S_ llllls 1111111-111e 111111-11 l-Zlllgil 111 }j‘_jj
j Society member and those fruit tnnelef nnn1n,n1n,n_ 11,1,1 11s 11,,. elw
i ml ll€l`l`Y gl`OlllF`l`s lll llle Slllle llllll would likclv iiicreasc rapidly in the A Me]
  - are interested 111 these annual re- fntnre ` E Ll ‘
  , ports and the llorticiiltural Society Pmfeeenl, Teeke nee etnien inn, §  
j ___, should send in tl1e1r inenibershlp Brown Ret wee t1n,n,“.(n.et (Heenee ~  
j, fee te llle S€°l`°l*ll`Y`rl`l`€`llslll`°l`· i11 peaches a11d that it l1ad been nn,
_ kept under control fairly well in n- 1
Trends m APPR and Peach 1938 bv nitinerous spray and dust em
_· , ` Growing anlicatioiis to fruit on the trees. ,(
vn One ef the fentnred ent_ef_State aiitle snltnr was also applied to thc `llll
_ 1 e speakers On tlle program was PI.0_ fruit   it went illl‘0llgIll tl1e le>1·11_sl11-~
py i {essen. A_ II. Teske ef the Vingnnn or dctnzzer to protect the l1‘\lll lll I
Y; e1·_e_ €· Extension Service. He stated that ll`llllSll· Fllllllllclls lllllllllli S°lll`_lll` fllltl
  3 in line with other Seetiens Vneinin troubleexritli Browii Riot- are llSl`ll! en
1 eA·_1 :1 1 had been nnnnine, eenen1el.nb1e an additional spray ot lnne sultnr Mn,
  e   nereene te peaenee Of this nenenne or ivetltable snlfur in tl1e late p1nl·: inn
eV__   the Elbeyta eeeennte fen. 70%, stage gust betore the blossoms open Ot. I
  Hene 10%, Georgie Bene 10%; with good results-, Many gl`t>\\`•‘l'~ me
  1   and the benenee is Cnrnnnn Hney,7 arc. malcing their own wettal·l·· no
I      Golden Jubileee and a few Others- Suliurs tOl' svplilylllg, \\·ll{ull Cll21l>l]¤‘> mw
1.;*1   This snows, as de neeent nlennnge them to saxe eonsideia vlc on t ic me
  in other Seenene that whne there spray bill. Most gl`O\\'(‘l'S llSt‘ both em
    is a Widespread Search for earlier ll lllllllell ‘ll“l Slllllllll`l` “°""l` "l"’l‘ Sill]
?   3 and better varieties the ;_y1-otveps as te ll€l1> k<‘<*D the $91} co1‘crcl (..H.(iS riupp iw looks {,,1. |,(.tt(.l- growers are getting big dividends t
es. Umm, tiulws in 5 (,1. 6 yl.m.S_ torlthe time they speird lip spacing  
l¤’ . ant in giving `l|‘ll' iets spee1a t
li" Strawberry Highlights attention. The Blakemore variety   ?
lslll DL (L M_ ])m..l.U“._ b(,l.1.y (axpwt beeause ot   habit lotinakliiig too   '
Hu and the leader ot berry work in the lllilli llllllltl ll ‘llIlt` EM ell?} wml; t  
· .t.· l¤·*·‘·l **=l*·‘* "·‘¤*·l" i**·‘i* lt ef   ZI11t`ttZIT1'tZ’t?t.t‘ZfE`,tt`tt,.1L"lL tt'.'$‘“£$?$€ l  
nk t‘11ltlll`*`- YM`? ll ““l'Y “"llllll`_(`ll°llS_ll`A UO j·m·{],(.l- (.ypi·egqetl. the opinion   i
ten lllmlmlvll lwllml uml llmiusslnu that in order toliret best results l it
.-is °l ‘ll‘.` """""" l’l"""` "ll `lY""'l”`"”l' wait the l’l·tl·e1norevarietv siéeiti   li
i.1.· ”l"""ll‘” ‘l“ l"`ll""`l l" l“"‘l"“ll·`° an-C ieta titib t·ti-mit-1tit`1tl For  
iles HU Smlllll limi Us il gl-llwml Ulm; those s(t·1i·tiiie·l1ieivlilaiitiiigsoftliis  
HW most growers were paying too little __   `_‘l 1 ’__ ‘{ ll_‘ t_   _ N   i  
attention to mulelnng and were ldlwll l.l° ll*‘ 0 ll `m ` U FQ mlb l<·-Q
(lll] getting smaller vields and too manv lu") *'l`*'lll‘ mls Strongly urged ‘i;·l?
  sandyiand dirty berries as a. result. U lt “'il$ lllio Slillctl llllll lll? fllil-lllil  
UN (nhl that ].Ol.m.(]< Simw mjury in vaiiety gave less iesponse to paint-  
`I  _ strawberry plants ean be expected *'ll·l€lll§ lll·lll llltlgl ·lll} el l°l  
T (I \\'llt‘l1 t<‘lIl]n*1‘att1res go dow;] to log \ill`lt‘t}. _i_,  
`;lll]l_;_ to le in November or below 103 ` ln diseussing the formation ot  
IM] in lleeeniher. l`he plants eau- stand trnit buds Dr-. Darrow stressed the  
more severe weather without 1n_n1ry nnportanee ot getting an early set  
Mw as the winter advanees and they ot runner plants so they would be  
ini". _ ltt*t‘11me]t1t»1‘e ll{ll'tlt_‘]l(`*(l_ I[g stated (le\'t*l0]\Qtl (`*llOllL['ll‘ to tt>l'lll llt‘il\'_\  
wml \\°~‘<l1e1‘ ileports showed that during erotvns and lots ot trnit lnnls ¤ltll‘—  
'IIM the last ntl years. temperatures  ing hepteinlnir and (le·toliei‘. lhe  
vm}. l·t’X·lllQ`lttll had gone below `l:?~ use ot terttlizer as a side tllvsslltg  
IUIL tllltlllg Oll(‘-lllll`tl ot the years in in late l\ngnst· and $t‘Dll‘lllll\‘l` 2l>  
X"\`<‘llll¤<‘l‘ and had gone to IO? or an aid to truit bud tl(‘\`Ol0lllll€lll  
lnllow over half of the years iii was oi1t•oti]'a;jt‘tl, A \\'ill‘lllll§I \\`2l>  
llt‘*’l‘\¤1ll<‘l'. and that while western also issued against. the spring use  
n-re l{lllllllt‘l{}' is a bit warmer, the ot` nitrogen t`ertilization on the  
inia reeords show that we ean expeet hearing tield. This. he said. was a  
1 `
r. `f‘*·

 . li
t Y  
5 I proven bad practice and was to be period ol` stormy weather after the   mat
;w0i(l€(l_ foliage has been suhgcctedh to bl`llls- r bm-5
‘ Dr. Darrow stated he looked lor ing and shock by ill{Ill·\\’1ll(lS, had r mic
i much improvement of varieties lll or trceznig injury. Nitrate appli. I pm
I the next few years both by the cations to help 1‘CS[OI'C.illt‘ lost l the
I _ U. S. D. A. and by some of the lfoliage have been practiced and ~ cm]
T experiment stations, and suggested were suggested. A great nerd lor mul
l that some of the better new \'2l1`1C- more information about tlus ( xscase I j_
ties be tried out as they become and for satisfactory control was I
available, He suggested further strongly brought out. _ Im]
that a variety should be studied MI; \V_ (]_ Johnstone of the r =¤11=
’  - and fruited 001lS1d€1‘¥\bl}' b<‘f01‘€ experiment station, and former onli
’ ~ large acreagcs in a Section HTG county agent at Paducah. gave a tun
. lanted to it. ve1 fine discussion of "A Soil oro
 l p . . - Buviiding Program for Strawber- CI y
Dlscussmn of Mouse Imury ries" This paper is published in t.
. _PIOI_- G· C- O(I*II*III* of III0 U· S· th1s issue and is called to your at _l .
BIOI°fi`I°*lI SIII"'(`}` ?*I“` II "I`I`Y 00III' tcntion as of great interest to straw- `III
· · prehensive discussion of mouse in- berry mcrr “°I
Jury to fruit trees,. Moving pie- At the Spray Session Dr_ yy D Mw
· tures were shown ot the (:ill:f€1‘€I1b Vaueau and Dr_ p_ O_ Ritchm. con
z IYP0S 0I IIII00 II,‘*Il 00IIS0 IlIJIII`Y I0 stressed disease and insect control WHS
» trees. The two injurious kinds, the and the importance of u thorough was
_ Y Pme mouse, and the Meadow mouse. Spraying job to Combat the rmmm, the
= are larger and darker than our OHS pests ber
rv ` ' · ~ "` I . . . _
  _ Ordmar} house m°u“°‘ TII0 I me Other interesting and instructive TIM
— III0?0 “`0I(I;SrI‘I III"“0I*f‘}I“I0I`.III0 talks were also given aaa will l».~ frm
. Sur 000 an 0 000 IIIOSI 0 II0 mlm} published in the proceedings of the Um
A I from the surface of the soil down mmgmion mu]
A LE · .   l · ‘ ,  
, i 0I0IIg III? I00I‘ 000 I? I.‘0_0“0 $r['{‘I Let as all get tagetlier now and Ml
  f i iglggzvt ;0§r€0t€;$ligE·I,IIlI ‘u {JC work for a successful year in Ken- Ill
E .S€.1S. .0 0 S I ‘ I0 tuckv horticulture. I`€I*
i i feeder and his injury is done at or ‘ anti
ii ‘ slightly above the soil surface. ——————~· -\
‘:& Mr. cl k ·l’ ‘· · l · le
f 0=i— l gi—Owa·Sii>$§`ai$€c ~iY·{LZliiiai 'iiiia- A S0II· BUILDING I’II0GRI`·I“ “°"
  g from around the tree trunk for 3 FOR STRAWBERRIES I “
it  or 4 feet Hlld to examine around \Vm. C. Johnstone iw,
— _;. the trees for mouse runways and 1 I. . U .11 .11. ms.
55 ‘ ,, » . . _* _ · _* (y· · _ .
or 1 5 injury. He pointed out that readv rl H (]Q00IITIII¤l‘I 00} U? T me HI? hm
  mixed bait can be obtained again ’jO‘IlI}l UI }0_i‘R`,I°I_a1_°;   B I"?] __` wr,
  this year by contacting the Bio- ;l£0;\(lII tmp ?t_“ IT rn PII] Ur pla
·_   logical Survey, Experiment Sta- lh"; Emi-; (HL   fI}·"(_ Kid I I aa]
  eaaa, Latayeae, laeliaaa. ·‘ l‘0I·y0I0“ 0‘II0“· ‘ "" T
gr gg; _ _ _ an opportunity to study these re- I0I_
j *i·   BacI°I`IIIm Prem m 1938 <[llll'(‘ll`lCIll'S over a period ot' several “`0-
    ·Mr. Frank Street ot Henderson years in west Kentucky, where nl xd
T   dlscussed the serious outbreak of cooperation with the Berry Asso- III
.   Bacternnn Pruni in Kentueky eiation, the newspapers and local ‘lII`
  peach orchards during 1938, It business men, a 200—erate-per—acre lII`I
* -‘ · was pomted out that tlns in`ur strawberr club was or anizcd. SIII
I ¥ ll · · ·1n
_ gr ·- genera y shows up worse during Any farmer who obtained an {1VOl`· ‘ ‘
:· a real Wet summer or following a age yield of over 200 crates auto- ‘i“’

ii _ . . · 1
the   inatically hecamo eligible to mem- Plant Foods
· l · ` . . • ,
ns- ;_ bar-slnp and was awarded a Cer- Any soil building program tor
Mil   giiicatc of llonor as well as cash strawberries must be a long time
.’l*· i prizes if he happened to be among program; there is no short cut to i
(M L thc highest producers, because sev- liwlilllti il _iQ1‘i1lG S01l li'0H1 it peer j
llhl l eral prizes were otl`ered for the (mc- 1`(§I`l1hlY w'mQtl’€l_)‘{u&’l'tm 1
tor · hiwhcr vivlds bags, Ixo amount ot tcrtilizer can 3
Me ‘ " ° ` ` . be bon ht to make 1 loor soil good. y
was Tlm l"m‘l"°'l Ymtcé et _Slmlv` ln facg it is well klmlwn that large t V
l’*“`I`*“s PGY ucw IS u lug}! ylfild {U applications of commercial fer- Q
the   an ill`\‘il \\'l1<‘1`<¥ UW il·V€i`*lS€ Ylclfl is tilizer are more ctlectivc in fertile .
-· onlv about 50 crates. It is tour ai . . ( .,,1,% do not ·
mi . si s tnan on plot » . ,
· times the \’l¤*l“"lll 0ulY it *}*01* ment of along program is the use , f
th,. tune, or that the lillltl lliltl lJ€€lt Of lime and phosphate The appli-  
maintained in an excellent state ot eatien of lime fm. the direet benefit {
and te·tilit>‘ <>~‘~·¤‘ ¤¤ l<>¤s1>¤¤‘i<>d of ems- of strawberries is aaumtai, but the gg 4
(en- lll Ul_h*‘I` ‘}`*“`*l*r ll‘°l`€ WHS if d1}`?Ct use of lime so that legumes will g A
1‘9ltm**“*l*ll_’ l‘<*Y"`*’°¤ lllgll l€I`lllll}' grow more luxuriously is a basic   °;
¤¤¤dl¤sl1>‘1¢ll}` be  gQa_§
Y ·. and even for large vields of lneh little or no necessity for the ap-  
it O! . ¤ ~ ¤ . . . . . at
mm quality pastnrage, plieation ot either potash or nitro-  
_ jre.;

  0. Tl\.\‘...,.‘ ,l. .,.     ,.,,.1
I ,en. nu ls .1 siiious 4 aiigei, sinh.1s¢o111,so)l1<.1ns, .nnl e1·1·y areas is pro. 2
i » amounts of lime and pliosphate nioting the loss of soil and l'e1·lili1y ·
  ` being used a.sl1o1·tage of potash will at zi fur greater rate than we :n···
§ be encountered unless more atten- building them. ..
· tion is given to the production and Sl.1‘il\\'l)0l'I'l0S, properly lmndletl.
e eare of farm 1I1H11\l1'€. are not a depleting erop. They are
I wish to make it clear again that well adapted to eontonr enltivaiion
~  . ` I am 1101 1`€C0l11111€11Llil1g the use of and wlwn planted on the contour ml
I J lime for the direct benefit of ber- perniit wi·_v little erosion; then- il"
g ries, nor do I want to reeonnneml roots are active tlwouglnout 1h·· iz"
_ l ‘ the application of 11l2l11lll`C just winter and, l,ll()1'0iUl‘l‘, perinit little t"
g _ previous to the setting of lmerries. or no leaehing of plant food; earl;. P0
i   Bly idea of a good long time farm inulehing also prevents erosion and l“*
ii soilp1·og1‘a1nis something like this: adds to the fertility of the soil; Sl)
it lst. the application of lime and and the m;u·ketal>le purl of ile- L`
· phosphate; 2nd, the seeding of a berry crop renioves il 1·elzntiv¤·ly th
e ~ good grass and legiune 111ixtu1·e; small amount of plant food t`1·on, tu
.; Q 3rd, the use of land for hay and the soil, So if the berries are prop gr
  pasture for severail years with erly hanllled, there is 110 1't‘2lS·~l _
j   Y proper eare being given to the why they should 1101 lit in well wie 111
    I making and saving of the I11&llllll'l! ;i good soil hnililing p1·o;;1·znn. 0**
  ’ ill€1‘€’l'1‘0Il1; ith, the use of this high SPRA ETIN N?
  class sod land for the proiluetion 1,l_ _ _ __ I _· Y   _ . _ _ all
 . . ._ ans (nl ning, pu und lin ..
  ot a clean eultnated crop such as _ __ _ _) _\_- __ 10 thm www _1__ H L te
—   tobacco or toniutoes. previous to §1)1,‘·l>(,M1C1u   7,.   It th
¥~·§§ whieh cmp there should be il Yin`- ilmili , vTl]lill,i41i\hi. éimli I:. l i N
  ther application of nnnnn·e and dppih `m(· phii Uh “`Hi.li`° lh Ei
  l   phosphorus; 5th, after the reinoval rwiclvii uiimwsrThlmlliilm iii limi,
Wi $ of such (;1'O   1110 immediate seedine umm`} Hgmi tl iw lh`} iilowmhm Ul
  . . I _ ¤ apple seal) and emllnig moth oi;
  O? il wlmcr Coll"` CYOP? mlb SCL apples and plnin e1n·eulio and
  §;3YgSt]§Hl;_€1`l`}L “l")l§_f;l the lwllgglié ()1·iental 1`ruit moth on peael1··~
    b(_" 01% f€Ft'ilC‘1](;1,g:l;1 (liligll Hlllf   and apples w1ll he stinlnul p;n·tn·ni Oi-
  _ A   H T_ A   b ” Al‘n?l‘i lztrly close, with other niseeis ann W]
   ‘ mmusa Cu ll *1 ml md} O *ml“" ll eolleeted at liexing I,
  mg PI`0L’I`?U¤_f0i` $t_Yi“}'l)€l`i'lC$i UKOYG ton, Louisville, Ilemlerson, ])l'lll<‘~’-  
  31:6 t\VO b3,S1C ]_)l.`1H(Tlp].€S \Vl11Cl1 I [OH, and :P;]_ducah_ _ _ ' E\·Cl·}·
  wish to SIEYQSS fm`tll01`¥ fll`$t» tl'?} {I1'O`\\'01' Should rush now to 1ini~l _
  use of a large proportion of the his dorinant spray. Do not let Ot
  ei-op aereage for clean filled crops spring ea1·eh von. tl;
  This publication is a part ol' the swviees ;nitlnn·izeil luv the pl
  l   - Melton-Cleveland Bill, passed by the l$lflS Kentucky (i(‘llCl'2ll Asseinlily y
Qj  in special session, which authorized and app1·op1·iatc·d rt Speei:¤l  cc
._   I I·Iortieultu1·al Fund to be adiniiiistered by the Kentneky Ag1·ieultu1·ul   0(
jy; e_»» | g [_ Eiiperiment Station of the University ol? Kentneky, This act appro-i m
4· 5 ; priates funds for ll01"[lClllt\l1‘Hl serviees to the fruit and berrv Q‘l`O\\`l‘l`?*i cl
  ‘ " L of the state. ` U B
,,.i   ·