xt7sj38kfb2z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sj38kfb2z/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1940-07-23  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 23, 1940 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 23, 1940 1940 1940-07-23 2013 true xt7sj38kfb2z section xt7sj38kfb2z The Kentucky Kernel

100 Pet Student
Owned & Operated






Patricia Hamilton

has come.
Another registration
Session students
More Summer
thronged .Alumni gym yesterday
puzzled over the intricacies of filling
in cards and making out schedules.
Some of these were returning students after several years; some were
enrolling again after completing the
first semester; others were entertaining the University for the first
Number one officially in this semester's enrollment is Mary Frances
Powers, arts and sciences junior from
Last semester's earliest bird was a
man, Edgar Sergent Midway, but
this time his official number had
dropped to four.

Coffer Miller
To Present Comedy

At First Assembly
Panama. R.P.

extra-curricul- ar















Curate So.








This $80,000 check, drawn on the Panama branch of a New York bank, was reg
laboratory building
ceived by the engineering college to pay for a new
and equipment. Dean James H. Graham, left, and Prof. A. J. Meyer, professor of aeronautical and mechanical engineering are seen inspecting the check. (See story at bottom of page 1)

of the
The first convocation
second semester of the Summer Session will be presented at 9:50 Friday morning in Memorial hall.
Featured on the assembly program will be a traveling troupe,
the Coffer Miller players. Under
the direction of Jess Coffer and
Martha Miller they will present
what is billed as a "costumed com
edy" in three acts, titled "So To
Bed "
All Summer Session classes will be
dismissed at 9:50 so that students
may attend the Memorial hall pro
Fridays convocation will be the
first of two to be presented dur
ing the second semester.


Party Planned For Students
For Thursday
In Union
Students enrolled in the second semester of the Summer Session will
be guests of honor at a reception
which the faculty and staff of the
University will give at 8 o'clock
Thursday night in the Union building.
Receiving the guests will be Presi
dent and Mrs. Thomas Poe Cooper
and Dr. and Mrs. Jesse E. Adams.
Refreshments will be served on
the mezzanine and music will be
furnished throughout the evening.
AH members of the faculty and
staff and their wives or husbands
are invited to assist at the party.
it was stated by Dean Sarah Holmes,
chairman of the Summer Session so
cial committee.
Mrs. William Ward, Mrs. Francis
Callaway, Mrs. Morris Scherago, and
Miss Marguerite McLaughlin have
been invited to alternate at the
punch bowl.
Students invited to assist include
Mary Margaret Sullivan, Lauristine
Sych, Athlene Evans, Lucille Case,
Lucille Barnes, Billie Raymond, Mar
tha CammacM Louise Bailey, Viola
May, Beryl Kinney, Connie Rich'
mond, Virginia Staker, Ellen Byrd
Wells, Marcia Wood, Elsie Newman,
Charlotte Thomas and Emily Scher
Arrangements for the party are
under the direction of Dean Holmes
and the members of the social com
mittee which is composed of Dr.
Jesse E. Adams, Miss Margaret War
ren, Miss Rebecca Van Meter, Prof.
R. D. Mclntyre, Miss Jeanette Scud
der, Dr. Morris Scherago, Dr. Mar
garet Ratliff, Dr. Amos Eblen, Dr.
O. T. Koppius, Thomas Hankins, Dr.
Alexander Capurso and Dean L. J




Herbert Agar, editor of the Cour
and nationally known author and lecturer, will speak on
America's Place In the Present
World Conflict" in an address to be
given at 8:l
ociock weanesaay
night in Memorial hall.
Mr. Agar is being brought to the
UK campus by the University and
Lexington chapters of the National
Committee to Defend America by
Aiding the Allies. According to Mil- burn Keith, chairman of the campus
group, the address will be broad
cast for 45 minutes over radio sta
tions WHAS at Louisville, ana
WLAP. Lexington. The meeting will
be open to the public it was an
The address will be the second
given by the speaker on the University campus in recent months. He
previously spoke before a statewide
Farm Folk convention held at UK
last April
Mr. Agar is known for his vigor
in advocating drastically increased
aid on the part of the United States
toward Great Britain and her remaining allies. In early June he join
ed with a score of prominent edu
cators and writers in a petition to
the President asking that this country go even so far as to declare immediate war upon Germany.
According to Chairman Keith of
the sponsoring committee, Mr. Agar
is expected to answer, either directly or indirectly, a speech given on
the campus last Friday night by the
isolationist historian. Dr. Harry Elmer Barnes.
Prior to the address, the speaker
will be guest of honor at a dinner
to be held at 6 o'clock in the Stu
dent Union building. Committee
members announced that anyone desiring to attend is asked to make
today or tomorrow
with Mrs. Sarah M. Holmes, dean
of women.

clock Saturday night in the
building. Admission will be
25 cents per person.


'Aida' Featured
At Show Tonight
First in a series of free motion
pictures shows will be presented at
7:30 o'clock tonight at the Union
building, Dean Sarah Holmes, chairman of the social activities committee, announced yesterday.
The program, to be presented
under the direction of Thomas Han-kin- s,
instructor in industrial education will last approximately one
Featured on tonight's program
will be six "shorts," the highlight
of which will be a presentation of
"Aida." Also include are a Major
Bowes comedy, a cartoon comedy
and a travel short.
Other motion pictures will be
presented each Tuesday night dur
ing the second semester.

Potter Elected
Potter, professor of physical education and head of the deM. E.

partment, has been elected perma
nent executive secretary-treasurof the southern district of the American Association for health, physical
education, and recreation. The po
Lord Halifax, British foreign sec
sition has just been created and Pro' retary, answered Adolf Hitler's peace
fessor Potter is the first person to offer today with a declaration that
be elected to this office.
Great Britain will "not stop fight
ing until freedom for ourselves and
others is secure."
CINCINNATI, Ohio, July 22
"We realize the struggle may cost
Wendell L. Willkie, Republican nonv us everything," the foreign secre
inee for president, is a heavy favor tary said in a world broadcast, "but
ite of the University of Cincinnati just because the things we are de
students, according to results of
fending are worth any sacrifice,
campus straw vote announced today. is a noble privilege to be the defend
er of things so precious."

Britain Will Not
Stop War' Halifax


Site Of Aero Building Shifted;
Construction Starts This Week
Judge Richard C. Stoll, chair-- p
man of the executive committee of
the University of Kentucky board
of trustees, announced yesterday
that the site of a new $80,000
laboratory had
been changed from a point near the
trailing school on South Upper
street to a site on Rose street opairplan-


posite Washington avenue.
The change apparently was made
because of a request by Dr. William S. Taylor, dean of the College
of Education, that the new building not be located near the training
school. In a letter to the executive
committee of the board. Dean Taylor stated that the training-schogrounds were none too large at
present and that he feared there
might be noise from the laboratory.
Tlit ::e"' Jte t; ajjpruslia&ie!:;

Every County
Is Represented
At Summer Session

one hundred feet south of the University's property line at the head
of Washington avenue and between
feet east of
fifty and seventy-fiv- e
Rose street. Roughly, it will be on
a diagonal line between the men's
residence halls and the building
the livestock - judging
The laboratory will be the gift
of the Viking Foundation, which is
Swedheaded by Axel Wenner-Greish millionaire armaments industrialist. As trustee for the project.
Col. James H. Graham, dean of the
engineering college, last week received a check for $80,000, which
was deposited in a local bank.
Work will be started this week
by the Struck Construction Com-paef Louies!.




Ratto, humorist and

Every county in Kentucky
had one or more students attending the first term of the
1940 Summer Session.
While for the past several
years, every county has been
represented in the course of
the U. K. school year, this
marks the first time that a
unanimous representation has
been in attendance during a
single semester.
Besides the Kentucky representation, there were students
thirty-seve- n
other states, Canada, Canal
Zone, Egypt, and Puerto Rico.
The total full semester enrollment was 2.119, while including last half short courses the

Figure Tops First Day
Of Second Semester
Last Summer By 161

These applications should be
of the Ad
made in Room
ministration Building.
Leo M. Chamberlain

Production Work
To Be Stressed


personator, will present the pro
gram at 11:05 ociock, Tuesday
morning, August 6.
Three convocations were held
during the first semester.
series opened with a talk by Presi
dent Emeritus Frank L. Mcvey on
'Light in a Blackout World." The
New English Players presented a
drama for the second program, and

Reception Set

Dance Billed
For Saturday
First dance of the second
To Meet
mester of the Summer Session
will be held from 9 to 12
Wednesday Night
room of the Union


Next we talked to Zelpha Rice
and her room-matMelvina Dicker-soBoth are seniors in the College
of Education. Miss Rice, whose home
is in Harlan, teaches the third grade
in the city schools there in the winter. This is the third year each of
them has come to summer school
and both were enrolled last semes
Miss Dickerson's home is in Vance- burg. We distracted her from her
schedule making-ou- t
long enough to
learn that she enjoys dancing, both
social and folk. She plans to find re
creation this semester in folk danc
ing. Miss Rice likes to spend her
leisure reading and going to the
With these two was Mabel Punv
pelly, Augusta, who is working to
ward a master's degree in education.
me last time sne was enrolled in
the Summer Session was in 1938 and
she is glad to be returning this sum- -'
mer. Her schedule includes visual
teaching and administration of the
elementary school.
Eating supper together last night
were Pedro Urbiztondo and Francisco Jose Marchan, both of Porto
Rico. Both were in the Summer Session last semester and have enrolled
again for the second term. Mr. Mar.
chan was a student at the Univer
sity last winter while Mr. Urbiztondo studied at Kansas State col
Mr. Urbiztondo is a
dent and has not yet decided between the Universities of Louisville
and Tennessee for his medical train
ing. Mr. Marchan came to the Uni
versity for his master's work in chemistry upon the advice of a friend
who had studied here. Both enjoy
dancing the chemist prefers the
Saturday night affairs while the doctor-to-be
likes the social dancing
Two other friends to whom we
talked were A. T. Gullette, Columbia, and DeVerne Dalluge, Owaneco,
I1L Mr. Gullette is a coach at Lindsay-Wilson
junior college. His major is in education with a minor in
physical ed. He enjoyed the recreational courses last semester and will
enroll in several of them this term.
He expects to receive his master's
degree in August
Mr. Dalluge is working toward a
master's degree in education admin
istration. In the winter he teaches
'Cc::'i::ued vi:


Thursday, J!y 25. is tfee last
day an which Seniors and
Graduate SUdente expecting
to receive decrees in Aafast
may make application
such derreea. No stadent will
be considered for gradaatloa
who has not fUed an applica


From Cincinnati came Betty Jane
Sellers to take a course in the problems of office management. She is
a senior in the College of Commerce
having transferred here in February,
1940, from the University of Cincin
nati. This is her first Summer Session and she is anticipating with delight the social activities that are
calendar as
on the
well as' her class work.
Clyde- Long, Newby, came to the
University for the first time at the
beginning of the first semester this
summer. He is enthusiastic about the
Summer Session both academic and
social. Social dancing gets his vote
lor a number one spot of the extracurricular activities. In those classes
he says he has met at least 200 people. "Distances across the campus
are pretty far for walking these hot
days," he said and started off for
a distant building.
Before he left, however, we learned that he is a graduate of Eastern
State Teachers College and teaches
at Kingston high school, one of the
new consolidated schools between
Richmond and Berea. He is working
for a master's degree in history.


Students To File
For Degrees
On Thursday


We talked to Allen Edward
Crowe from Clintonsville. He is
a junior
the Collepe of
Arts and Sciences with a major
in medical technology. This semester
when he isn't studying heredity and
histology, he will be working in the
library or in the bacteriology lab.
He likes to come to summer school.
He likes the way the courses are
planned and having fewer subjects
he can devote more time to each.
working toward her A. B. degree in
education. She is enrolling for the
first time this year but has attended
three Summer Sessions in other
years. In the winter she teaches elementary grades at Saginaw, Mich.
Studying keeps her pretty busy and
she is as yet undecided as to how
she will spend her leisure hours.



23, 1940

nrollment Hits 945

Here and There

Out Every Tuesday

Shakespearean impersonations by

Dr. Bob Jones concluded the series.

Armstrong To Aid
Training Conference
In Michigan
Watson Armstrong, instructor in
agricultural education, left Sunday
for Pine Lake, Michigan, where
he will serve as a. staff member
to be held
there beginning Monday under
auspices of the Michigan Voca
tional Agricultural Teachers' Asso
ciation and the Michigan Associa
tion of Future Farmers of America.
Active in Kentucky F. F. A. ac
tivities, Mr. Armstrong is an expert
in parliamentary procedure as applied to rural meetings. At Pine
Lake he will give instruction in this
phase of leadership work, and will
assist irr organizing in Michigan a
system of contests similar to the pub
lic speaking events that have been
a part of the Kentucky future
Farmer program for several years.


Phi Delta Kappa
Meets Wednesday
Phi Delta Kappa, honorary edu
cation fraternity, will hold its first
meeting of the second semester at
12:30 o'clock Wednesday in the foot'
ball room of the Union building.
Dr. J. D. Williams, director of the
University school will be principal
speaker at the luncheon meeting. All
Summer Session students who are
members of Phi Delta Kappa are
invited to attend.

An institute in radio dramatic production will be held at the University radio studios July 23 through
July 27, and will be conducted by
the recreation department of the
Works Progress Administration of
Kentucky, in cooperation with the
University studios. Planned primarily
for 10 or 12 WPA recreation leaders
from various parts of Kentucky, the
courses will also be open without
charge to selected individuals who
may apply for admission. All students will be required to register
and to be present for all sessions.
The purpose of the institute will
be to train recreation leaders in
the fundamentals of producing and
directing radio plays. Leaders taking
the course must have elemental
training in drama leadership. At the
conclusion of the institute, the WPA
leaders taking the course will be expected to organize radio drama clubs
in their own towns and to direct
these clubs in regularly scheduled
broadcasts over local stations.
The workshop method of training
will be used during the institute with
as many of the enrolled students
taking part as possible. Discussion
will be encouraged and leaders will
be expected to make suggestions as
to production methods. Students will
be adjudged by their general acting
ability, by their aptitude, attitude,
and by their ability to grasp pro
duction details.
The institute will be under the di
rection of Ben Russak, playwright
and director, and at present a mem
ber of the state WPA staff in
the recreation department, in charge
of drama and choral music. Russak
was a former director of the play
writing division of the Federal
Theatre project, and is the author of
three produced
Russak has also written script for
the "Voices of Yesterday" and other
commercial programs. He also wrote
the original motion picture story
"Calling America."
full-leng- th

Plans For Session
Cover Short Classes,


Coaching School

Recreation Courses
Are Listed
For Second Term
Social dancing, a class that proved
popular last semester, will headline
the list of recreational activities
courses to be offered the second
semester of the Summer Session.
Classes for those who wish to
learn how to dance will be held
from 4 to 5 ociock each Tuesday
and Thursday afternoon in the Women's gym under the direction of
Marjorie HalL
For those who know the rudiments of dancing but wish more
nractice. classes will be held at 7
o'clock on Monday. Wednesday and
Friday nights in the y Women's gym
The first dance session will be he'd
Friday night.
These two courses, as are all other
recreational courses, are open to all
students of the Summer Session.
Other courses to be offered are:
Archery. 4 o'clock, Tuesday and
Thursday, Women's gym; BadminTuesday and Thurston,
day, Gym annex; golf. (men). 3
Monday and Wednesday. Gym anMonday
nex; golf (women).
and Wednesday, Gym annex; Rec
reational games, 4. Gym annex
Tennis (men).
Wednesday and Friday. Gym an
nex; tennis (women). 3:30-4:Monday Wednesday and Friday.
Gym annex; tap dancing, (men),
Monday and Wednesday.
Women's gym; tap dancing, (wo
Tuesday and Thursday.
Women's gym; Modern dance. 3--4
Monday. Wednesday and Friday,
Women's gym; volley ball (men),
12-- 1,
daily. Alumni gym; Activity
course for Physical Education ma
daily. Alumni gym; bowl
ing, 8. Thursday. Congress Bowling
Alleys, and Swimming, 1. Fridays,
Castlewood pool.












3-- 5.

Tickets Available
At Music Office
Tickets for

tie production


"Carmen." to be presented Thursday night. Aug. 1 at the trotting
track, may be procured at Dr.
Alexander Capurso's office in the
Art Center, he announced yesterday. Because of the opera, the first
Little symphony concert wiil be
night, instead of Thursday as orginally

Enters War, It Will Be A Victory
For Totalitarianism, Barnes Asserts
U. S.

"If we go into the European war,"
Dr Harry Elmer Barnes, New York
historian, told an audience of 500 in
Memorial hall on Friday night, "it
will mean that Hitler has conquered
the United States without firing a

Such an entry. Dr. Barnes explained, would "inevitably result in the
triumph of totalitarianism, and the
end of civil liberties in this country."
Dr. Barnes, who has been delivering a series of lectures on current
history in this section of the country during the past several weeks,
was brought to the University for
the address by a group of his former students and others at the University who share his point of view.
The speaker, who identified him
self with the "continentalism"
famed Historian Charles A. Beard,
reiterated to the audience of summer students and townspeople his
opinion that the war abroad is "a
bogus war, and the U. S. has less
grounds for intervention now than in
1914-1when the Allies were actually fighting for democracy."
Speaking with the stacatto and rapidity of a Thompson gun. Doctor
Barnes assailed such journalists as
Dorothy Thompson, Walter
and Herbert Agar, and such
publications as the Nation and the
New Republic, for "reversing their
former stands on the issue of war or
peace" and becoming instead "hysterical and omniscient"
Doctor Barnes asserted that the
lessons learned by this country in
the iint World War shottM "be more



than sufficient to show us the folly Roosevelt for his foreign policy, asof entering the second." He outlined serting there "would have been no
these "lessons" as:
war if the President had not butted
"(1) When the hysteria was clear- in from October, 1937, on up until
ed away, we found we had had as last fall" He added that the attigood legal reasons for fighting England as Germany.
"(2) We prolonged the war two
years unnecessarily, causing over
the total deaths and two-thi-rds
of the destruction to property.
"(3) We brought on a peace with
victory when a peace without victory was highly probable and would
have been the best thing for Europe.
"(4) We vindicated the Versailles
Treaty in its treatment of the German Republic, brought on Hitler,
eventually destroyed the Republic,
and brought on finally World War IL
"(5) The war cost us $50,000,000.-00- 0
in national wealth.
(6) We lost the New Freedom of
Wilson, and brought on the 'normal
cy' of the Twenties and the 'Ohio
"(7) We eventually were led to
the Crash of October, 1929."
In listing additional reasons this
nation should stay out of the war.
Doctor Barnes asserted. "England
and France were not so concerned
with saving the world for democracy in the 1930's, and it is not likely they are so concerned even now."
He expressed the ppinion that during this period the Entente powers
had been building up Hitler eventually to "take on and destroy Soviet
Russia, "which they really feared."
Ooctc-2ar::ei attacked President



tudes of Ambassadors Bullitt and
Kennedy had been "unneutral" in
the extreme.
Expressing the opinion it is the
duty of this country to build arms
for defense and to extend its own
democratic principles even further
in the meantime, he outlined the fol
lowing armament program and foreign policy for the U. S. during the
next several years:
"(1) To plan only upon defending
the United States, Canada, and the
Panama Canal Zone. To attempt to
defend the entire hemisphere would
display our Army and Navy to the
point of destruction.
"(2) To build coast defenses, pursuit planes and fighters, and tanks
and a small but thoroughly mechanized army.
"(3) Forget Latin America, since it
is not interested in us and lost faith
in us when we permitted the Spanish Republic to be destroyed.
(4) Admit that it is too late now
to save the democratic nations in
Europe and recognize the blunt fact
that a new world has come about
Admit that we have got to live in
that new world and try to get along
with the totalitariana,"
"If we really want to stamp out
Fascism," Doctor Barnes said in conclusion, "we should have done it in
1935, when it was still possible. It's





Despite a scorching temperature that at its height reach
ed 95.2 degrees. 945 students
passed through the matriculation line Monday and enrolled
in the second semester of the
University's 1940 Summer
This figure is a gain of 161
over the number of students
who enrolled on the first day
of registration for last summer's second semester when
students signed for
Exact figures were not available
late yesterday as to just how many
of the 945 are enrolled for the entire semester and how many will
only be here for th eshort courses
which will be completed August 7.
Dr. Jesse E. Adams, director of the
Summer Session, in speaking of the
first day's enrollment, said that he
expected the second semester's total to reach 1.300 when late enrollments, students coming for the annual coaching school have been
The second series of short courses,
will run from "August
coaching school will open August 12
and continue through August 17. The
last date on which a student may
enroll for a full semester's credit
is Thursday. July 25.
feaSome of the
tures for this semester include a convocation program by the Coffer-Millplayers on July 26. and a convocation on August 1 when John B.
Ratto. humorist and impersonator,
will give a program.
Each Thursday evening the University little symphony orchestra,
directed by Alexander Capuruso. will
present a concert in the amphitheatre of Memorial halL A recreational
program under the supervision of
the students without charge, will include courses in archery, badminton, golf, recreational games, social
dancing, tennis, tap dancing, modern
dance, volley bayy. and bowling.

extra-curricul- ar

Former New Dealers
Offer Willkie Support
July 22 An offer of support by two
former New Deal office-holdprompted Wendell L. Willkie. Republican presidential nominee, to suggest
today a movement to organize
"Democrats and Independents
like belief."
Lewis Douglas, budget director in
the early days of the Roosevelt administration, and John W. Hanes.
former assistant to the secretary of
the treasury, offered to work for
Willkie's election.
who recently
pledged their support to Willkie
include Irvin S. Cobb, the author.
Fance McCormick, former Denu-cratnational chairman: Stephen
Chadwick. former national commander of the American Legion, and
William H. (Alfalfa Bill) Murray,
former governor of Oklahoma.
In a telegram to the Republican
nomniee. the two said they would
seek "to enlist in your behalf the
support of Democrats who believe
with you that loyalty to country
takes precedence over loyalty to

Ambassador Bullitt
Reports To F.D.R.
HYDE PARK. N. Y. July 22
William C. Bullitt,
who is giving President Roosevelt
a report on what has happened to
France, asserted Uxlay that the
relationship of the American government to the new Petain government was "exactly the same"
as to the former French regime.
He said no question of American recognition of the government established by Marshall Henri
Petain had arisen because "we never
had broken off relations."
The diplomat, a guest at the
President's home here, returne!
from Europe Saturday and begnn
his report to the chief executive
in Washington Sunday night.
"There's an awful lot to talk
about," he sold reporters.
juat began to scratch the surface

� tcoi uupy


Page Two

now and then


teem to be overcome with a desire novel, "Show Me
to put temptation before book lover? McMeekin.

Tuesrfav, July 23, 1940

Horsemen Make Pilgrimages To Castleton,
Famed Over A Century As Breeding I arm

New, Inexpensive Editions
Offer Varied Books To All




A Land," by Clark

lady is Mrs.
in the form of new and less expensive
editions of old favorites and best At woe d R. Martin. Louisville, the
author of "Emmy Lou" and many
Brousing around the other day we other children's stories. It was Mrs.
picked out six diversified volumes. Martin who told publishers that her
They are: "Rebecca" by Daphne du two friends had been talking about
Maurier (Garden City Publishing a historical novel but couldn't get
Co. , " Nine Plays" by Eugene O'Neil down to writing it. The publishers
Garden City Publishing Co.), "The insisted that Mrs. Martin "keep after'
by Paul D. the two friends until they could be
Hugon (Grosset and Dunlap), "Great induced to w rite the book.
of the English Language" comI art ics for Clark McMeekin
piled by Wallace Alvin Briggs and
Mrs Martin. Mrs. Clark, and Mrs.
William Rose Benet (Tudor PublishMcMeekin were guests of President
Furni-tuie- "
ing Co.).
and Mrs. McVcy at Maxwell Place
by Herbert Cescinsky and yesterdny (February 26). Mrs.
George Leland Hunter (Garden City
entertained at luncheon honorCo.) and "Show me a ing three writers and Mrs. L. M.
Land" by Clark McMeekin (D.
gave a tea at the Phoenix hotel
Co. ).
yesterday afternoon (February 26)
The swift prose of "Rebecca" by introducing the three.
the author of "Jamaica Inn", the
prob"Asked what
01 iginal plot and powerfully
drawn lem in writing "Show Me A Land."
characters make this one of the
both women said. "Civi1. War!"
books of recent years.
When asked how the book was
Completely dominating the book is written. Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Mc'lie personality of the fascinating
Meekin replied that the book was
eight months d ad when the fully outlined before actual writing
f tory opens. Her effect on the young began. Then each took certain chapand frightened wife of her wHower ters, wrote them, and turned them
is terrifying.
Laid at Manderley. over to the other for criticism and
lameus Cornwall estate of the de rewriting."
by Patricia Hamilton
Winter family, the story is one that,
to 'quote John Clair Minot of the
Boston Herald, "should keep many a
reader awake all night. It is well
worth the loss of sleep."
O'Neill Choses Plays
Eugene O'Neill himself selected the To The Editor:
piays to be included in "Nine Plays'. It was with great interest that I read
They provide a representative cross Mr. Hanna 's letter. I wasn't sure, at
section of his work during a decade. first whether he had his tongue in
O'Neill is acclaimed as the outstand- his cheek or was sincere. I now being contemporary
American dra- lieve, for the purpose of this letter,
matist due as much, perhaps, to his that he was sincere, and respect his
versatility as to his integrity,
desiie for the ideal of peace at all
and orginality.
coitfi evtn to .sacrificing
Chosen for this volume are: The honor and security (for he made no
Emperor Jones. The Hairy Ape. All equivocjtior ) nor having an opinion
God's Chillun Got Wings. Desire as to Euiope's latest Armageddon, or
Under the Elms. Marco Millions. The the forces at play it represents.
Great God Brown, Lazarus Laughed.
For "two thousand years" men have
Strange Interlude and Mourning Be- fought for and to preserve those
comes Electra. Joseph Wood Krutch. things dear to them, vainly, endlessly.
diamatic critic of The Nation, has I ee no change in temperaments cs
written a masterful introduction for yet. Tney must fight agsin. or like
the book.
and Rheu Butler,
Hugon 's 'The Modern
"i rankly. 1 don't give a damn." I
(formerly published, under the admit the fility of war, yet cannot
title, "Morrow's "Word Finder) is a avoid its existence as a means oi
guide to modern usage, spelling,
establishing, paradoxically, a peace
grammar, somew hat along the lines we hope for
word origins, and authorships, all in in the end.
one alphabetical order. Its form is
Whe:i "Christian Ideals" lail to
simple and comprehensive.
A few apply to this ex'reme, we cannot sit
extracts for illustration: to keep by and look tolerantly on. I hate,
(past tense kept) Latin custos. a even fear war, but defence is more
keeper: hense a custodian, custody. than standing on my door step and
To hold, retain, hold back. A gate, beating off a world of organised
large doorway or passageway; a por- chaos. I don't say England is fight-o- n
tal (poetic): porte cochere. hanging
our account, but the outcome is
toof over driveway. Do not confuse our.
a person walking, his apwith gait of
Thofe who have not limited them-sel- v
pearance as he walks.
to "newspapers, seeing news-reel- s,
Poetry Anthology
and listening to the radio" see
This edition of great poetry in the the impending pressure of a totaliEnglish language is one of the best tarian economy on our system, apwe have ever seen. Handsome to peasements, ana qualifications of the
look at with its red synthetic leather Monroe Doctrine, the eventual totali-tar:?- n
binding lettered in gold, it covers
capitulation of Liberty. Those
poetry from Chaucer to Paul Engle people knew that Big Business fears
The introduction is in poetry (from war and its effects on them: it knows
Mathew Arnold I; the prologue somes the effects from the last war.
fiom Coventry Patmore. Mathew Those people know the National
Arnold. Sir Phillip Sidney. William Manufacturers and The United States
Watson, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Chamber of Commerce have sto