xt7sj38kf53s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sj38kf53s/data/mets.xml United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs. University of Kentucky. Kentucky Historical Records Survey 1941 September 1941 books FW 4.14:K 419/no.3 Kentucky Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Archives--Kentucky--Anderson County--Catalogs Anderson County (Ky.)--Archival resources Anderson County (Ky.)--History Inventory of the county archives of Kentucky. No. 3. Anderson County (Lawrenceburg) text Inventory of the county archives of Kentucky. No. 3. Anderson County (Lawrenceburg) 1941 1941 September 1941 2012 true xt7sj38kf53s section xt7sj38kf53s     wwar»rm|mJi@ i@I@+@www     R    
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The Historical Records Survey
Sargent B. Child, Director
Ralph D. Brown, State Supervisor
Clifford R. Rader, Project Technician
Research and Records Programs
Harvey E. Becknell, Director
A Milton`W..Blanton, Regional Supervisor
‘ ` . Donald P; Brown, State Supervisor_.
Division of Com nnity Service Programs
Florence Kerr, Assistant Com issioner
Blanche M. Ralston, Chief Regional Supervisor
E. Fullerton, State Director
. Howard O. Hunter, Commissioner of Work Projects
Roy Schroeder, Regional Director
George H. Goodman, State Administrator

 . "To bring together the records of the pest
end to house them in buildings where they will
be preserved for the use of men living in the
future, e nation must believe in three things.
It must believe in the pest. It must believe
in the future. It must, above ell, believe in
the cepacity of its people so to leern from the
pest that they cen gein in judgment for the
creetion of the future."
Franklin Delano Roosevelt

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The Inventory of the County Archives of Kentucky is one of a number of ,
bibliographies of historical materials prepEred_throughout the United States
e · by workers on the Historical Records Survey Program of the Work Projects
_ Administration. The publication herewith presented, an inventory of the
archives of.Anderson County, is number 5 of the Kentucky series.
The Historical Records Survey Program was undertaken in the winter of
1935-56 for the purpose of providing useful employment to needy unemployed g
historians, lawyers, teachers, and research and clerical workers. In
carrying out this objective, the project was organized to compile invento-
ries of historical materials, particularly the unpublished documents and
records which are basic in the administration of local government, and which
provide invaluable data for students of political, economic, and social his- Q
tory. The archival guide herewith presented is intended to meet the require-
ments of day-to-dey administration by the officials of the county, and also
the needs of langvrs, businessmen, and other citizens who require facts I
from the public lFooTdS for the proper conduct of their affairs. The volume ;
is so designed that it can be used by the historian in his research in un-
printed sources in the same way Le uses the library card catalog for printed
The inventories produced by the Historical Records Survey Program
attempt to do more than give merely a list of records - they attempt further
to sketch in the historical background of the county or other unit of gov-
ernment, and to describe precisely and in detail the organization and func-
h tions of the government agencies whose records they list. The county, town,
° and other local inventories for the entire county will, when completed, con-
stitute an encyclopedia of local government as well as a bibliography of
local archives.
The successful conclusion of the work of the Historical Records Survey
` Program, even in a single county, would not be possible without the support
of public officials, historical and legal specialists, and many other groups
in the community. Their cooperation is gratefully acknowledged.
The Survey Program was organized by Luther H. Evans, who served as
Director until his appointment as Director of the Legislative Reference Ser-
vice of the Library of Congress. He was succeeded on lhrch l, lQdO, by
Sargent B. Child, who had served in the capacity cf Field Supervisor since
the inauguration of the Survey. The Survey Program operates as a Nation-
wide series of locally sponsored projects in the Division of Community Son-
vice Programs, of which Mrs. Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner, is in
Howard O. Hunter
Commissioner of`Works Projects

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The Historical Records Survey was begun in January 1956, under the
national direetorship of Dr; Luther H. Evans, as a part of the Federal
Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration. On March 1, 1940,
Mr. Sargent B. Child succeeded Dr. Evans as National Director. Dr. T. D. b
Clark was appointed supervisor of the Kentucky project, under the adminis-
`_ trative direction of Dr. U. R. Bell, State Director of the Federal Writers' `
Project. .In July 1956 Dr. Clark was succeeded by 0. B. Wilder, and in _
_ December 1956, Walter M. Hoefelman was made State Director. Mr. Hoefclman Q
A directed the project until July 5;, 1959, when he was succeeded by Earl D. i
Hale, who from.August 1, 1959, until January 26, 1940, was in charge of
V the project. On the latter date, Mr. Hale was succeeded by Clifford R.
] Rader, under whose technical supervision the work has been continued. On
` March 51, 1941, the survey was placed under the general administrative {
._ supervision of Ralph D. Brown.
In December 1956, the National Survey was separated from the Federal · 1
3 Writers' Project, and became an independent unit of Federal Project Number {
1. As of September 1, 1959, the Historical Records Survey was changed Q
V from one Nation-wide WPA-sponsored Federal Project, to a series of State- A
wide projects sponsored by legally constituted public agencies. At present, ~
J. the Kentucky Historical Records Survey Project, sponsored by the University
of Kentucky, is under the administrative control of the Division of Comr
` munity Service Programs of the Work Projects Administration.
The Anderson County Inventory is divided into two parts. Part A deals.
.: with the general information on the history and government of the county,
` housing and care of the records, and abbreviations and explanatory notes.
Part B is devoted to the inventory proper.
In Part B of the inventory the agencies are arranged according to
" governmental functions: i.e., administration; registration of property
F titles; administration of justice; law enforcement; finance; elections;
education; health; and miscellaneous. The structural organization of the
agency, the functions, and the records requirements are discussed in a
section preceding the inventory of the records of each agency. Records are
classified, in general, according to the agencies which make them, unless
`. other disposition ef the records is directed by law. Under agencies, records
’ have been classified, as far as possible, according to the subjects with
which they deal.
Records aro'described in formal entries giving information concerning
the title, dates, quantity, labeling, contents, arrangement, indexing,
' nature of recording, also size of volumes cr containers, and location.
_ The original survey of Anderson County was begun in April 1959 by
Mrs. Virginia McCoy, under the supervision of IT. John C. Simmons, Assistant
` Project Technician. In January 1940, Hrs. Irene S. Lodridge was assigned ;
to the project and assisted Mrs. McCoy in completing the field work in the y
county. In lhrch 1940 the original listing was rccheckcd under the direc-
tion cf Hr. Simmons, assisted by Messrs. Joseph Curganus and Joseph T. Murray,
editors in the State office. Nr. Harry P. Hoskins, editor, did the research

 .. Vi ..
. work involved in compiling data for the historical sketch, and Mr. Carroll R.
Callis contributed to the legal research for the essays, under the super—
vision of Mrs. Elizabeth Johnston, Assistant Project Technician. Tessrs.
Gurganus and Nurray edited the entries under the supervision of Hr. Simmons, 1.
who arranged the entries in final form.
Messrs. Frank A. Kenney, Robert P. McAdams, George W. Buck, Arthur C.
Best, Richard D. Spriggs, and Benjamin H. Mcferran, under the supervision
of Mrs. Johnston, were responsible for the essays and the final editorial V
work necessary for the publication of this inventory.
The Kentucky Historical Records Survey wishes to express its deep A
appreciation to Mabel S. Brodie, of the editorial staff in tho Survev’s
Washington office, for her careful editorial analysis._
. ” . -o V 2,
This volume could not have been written without the cooperation and
interest of the cfficials,of Anderson County; especially do we appreciate
the assistance given our workers by the Circuit Court Clerk, Miss Lulie
Walker; the County Court Clerk, William Routt; and County Attorney, William
E. Dowling.
Forthcoming volumes of the Inventory of the County Archives of Kentucky
will be issued in mimrcgraphed cess rcr’Tre?_dis{ribution to government
offices, libraries, and historical societies in kentucky, as Well as to se-
lcctod libraries and depositories in ottrr sta ws. For a list of publiGa~
tions of the Historical Records Survoy in Kent cfy, see p. 578. Requests
for information concerning karticular voluwcs should be addressed to the
State Supervisor, SSO South Fifth Street, Louisville, Kentucky
, ` ./7 .~ 5.
I'}/" ,   .
_________ . l L', ’f} _____' fi  
` · . fford R. Rader _ 4
. Proicct Technician
. _ Kentucky Historical Records Survey_?rcjoct
~ c . i
lio11i.st¤il.l<·, ll@ZlbllCliY ‘ I " ·
September SO, l9Ql ‘ ‘ ·

- vii - ·
all R.
V" A. Anderson County and Its Records System Page
s. ·
*O¤S» l. Historical Sketch .... . . . . . ......... . . . . . . l
Creation. Boundary changes. Topography. First l
settlers. Stations. First county court and officers. $
C· Establishment of the county seat. Public buildings:
OH Court houses; jails. Transportation: Trails and •
al roads; ferries. Religious development. Educational
development. Politics. Economic development:
Agriculture; animal husbandry; mineral resources;
A industry. Population. Towns. {
Anderson County, Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X
so 2. Governmental Organization and Records System ...... . .... l9 r
d Legal status of the county. Structural development
TG of the county. General administration. Administra-
tion of land title law. Administration of justice:
lidm Civil jurisdiction; criminal jurisdiction; chancery;
probate; juvenile; jury system. Administration of
law: Preservation of peace; inquests; indictments;
EBEEX apprehension of criminals; custody of prisoners;
prosecutions; execution of sentence. Financial ad-
Se~ ministration; Taxation; fees; bonds; fines and for~
ca~ feitures; county budget commission. Administration
.ts_ of elections; Early election procedure; elections
.e under the present constitution. Educational admin-
istration; General development; financial adminis~
tration. Public health. Public welfare. Public
i works: Roads and bridges; public buildings; reclama-
tion. Records system: Maintenance of record; titles;
record content; control of records; appropriation
» for supplies; preservation of records; destruction
of old records.
Chart of County Government . ................. 18
Z. Housing, Care, and Accessibility of the Records . . . . . . . . . 93
4. Abbreviations, Symbols, and Explanatory Notes ...... Q . . . 98
éct B. County Cffices and Their Records
T. Fiscal Court ............. . ......... . . . lOl
Froceedinps. Finance; Administration; revenue; ` "
T A taxation; expenditures; settlements of county
officials accounts; insurance. Welfare. Public {
A works: Conveyances; orders; surveys; bids and i
contracts; miscellaneous. Officials of county: Q
Commissions; appointments; surety bonds. Mis~ T
l cellaneous.

·· viii ••
Table of Contents Page
II. County Court Clerk . .......... . .... . . . . . 124 T&bI9·
C Instruments of conveyance: Land titles; leases and
° agreements; personal property. Encumbrances: Real XIII-
estate liens; chattel liens. Vital statistics:
Marriage records; births and deaths. Revenue: Taxa—
tion; licenses; registration. Finance. iMiscellaneous. XIV-
III. Circuit Court . . . . . .................. 147
Com onwealth’s Attorney ............. . 156 XV-
Circuit Court Clerk. . ............ . . . 161
Master Commissioner. . . ......... . .... 166
Civil actions at law: Case papers; surety bonds; mis~ XVI-
cellaneous papers; dockets; minutes; orders; judgrents;
executions. Criminal actions: Case papers; surety
. bonds; miscellaneous papers; dockets; orders; judgments;
and executions. Chancery actions: Case papers; surety
bonds; docket; master commissioners' records; land XVII-
sales. Lunacy and guardianship. Business administra-
tion: Financial records; witness records; surety bonds. XVIII=
IV. County Court .. .... ‘ .... . . ............. 187
Minutes and proceedings. Probate of wills. Guar~
dianship. Trusteeship. Committceship and lunacy.
Civil actions at law: Case papers; dockets. Juve- XIX
nile actions. Surety bonds. Petitions.
V. Quarterly Court .... . ................ . 217
Civil actions at law; Case papers; surety bonds; XX
dockets and orders; judgments and executions.
Criminal actions: Case papers; surety bonds; orders
and`judgments. Business administration.
VI. County Attorney .......... . .... . ...... ERI _
VII. Justices' Courts . . . . . . . .... . ..... . . . . . 229
Judgments and executions. XXIII
viii. sherirr ........¤.,...¤........... 22:57 XXIV
Taxation: Assessments; elections; land sales; dog
licenses. Business administration: Account books;
strayed animals; executions; bonds and claims. __
° IX. Constables ......... . ............... 250
X. Jailer ...... . . . . ........ . ........ 255
XI. Coroner ....... . . . . .............. . 259
XII. Tax Commissioner_. . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . 264

 Page “ ix ’
124 Table of Contents Page
XIII. Board of Tax Supervisors . ....... . ......... 275
Records. p
XIV. County Budget Commission . . . ............... 279
Budget summary.
155 XV. Treasurer ......... . . ............ . . 282
l6l receipts and disbursements. Reports.
XVI. County Board of Election Commissioners . ...... . . . . 287
Petitions. Registrations. Affidavits. Tabulation of l
votes. Certitieations. Election officers. Campaign
expenses and claims.
XVII. County Board of Registration and Purgation . ...... . . 296 ‘
XVIII. County Board of Education . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . BOO
Business administration: Instruments of conveyances;
financial records; purchases; miscellaneous. Gen-
lgy eral administration: Applications and contracts;
certificates and qualifications; miscellaneous.
XIX. County School Superintendent .............. . . 515
Census records. Enrollment. Attendance. Grades.
Health records. Miscellaneous.
217 _
XX. County Health Unit . . . . . .... . ........... 527
Vital statistics. Clinic records. Immunizations.
Sanitation records. Miscellaneous.
XXI. County Livestock Inspector . . ............. . . 534
22Q _
XXII. County Surveyor . . . . . . . . ........... . . . 356
229 _
XXIII. County Road Engineer . . . . .... . ........... 540
257 XXIV. County Agricultural Agent . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . 544
Contracts. Conservation records. Reports. Mise
XXV. Home Demonstration Agent . . . .............. . 351
250 _ _
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
255 _ l
Chronological Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556 p
259 General Index ...... . ............... . 559
paé Publications ...... . ......... . ...... . 376

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 ‘ \
, , (First entry, p. 110)
Q ’ ° l Creation A V C
Q Anderson, the eighty-second county established—in Kentucky, was cre-
i ated by an act of the legislature approved January 16, 1827. (1) A sup- (
{ plementary act, approved January 18, 1827, provided that the act of cre-
5 ation should become effective January 20, 1827. (2) Formed from parts of
E Franklin, Mercer, and Washington Counties, the boundaries ef Anderson were `
E described as "Beginning at the mouth of Little Benson creek on Kentucky
§ river in Franklin county;‘thenee with the meanders of said creek, to . `
A Brock's spring, near the Harrodsburg road;’thence on a straight line to ‘
E Caleb Tinsleyfs leaving him in Franklin county; thence by a line due
Q west to the line of Shelby; thence along the same line to the mouth of
g Crooked creek on Salt river; thence along the dividing line of Washing- ·
{ ton and Nelson to the mouth or Beaver creek, on Chaplin's fork on Salt _
{ river; thence up said creek to where the road from Springfield to Frank~ l
Z fort crosses the_samc; thence with a line east so as to`1oave Vinc;rt Mor-
Q .gan in Washington county, to the dividing line between Washington and Mer-
Q cer; thence with the Vhshington and Mercer line to a point from which a
i line due east, will include the house of James Downey; thence a straight
i line`to include the house of Thomas naraisty on the Harrodsburg road;
i thence a straight line to the Kentucky, at the rerry of Costello Dawson,.
J Sr.; thence down the river to the beginning.“ (5) _
? AH The county was named in honor of Richard Clough·Anderson, Jr., a
5 person of_mere‘than local historical significance. His father, Richard
{ Clough Anderson, Sr., was an important figure in pioneer Kentucky·where
Q he conducted the Statels first lnlitary Land Office at the "Falls of the
? Ohio."` Before her marriage, his mother was Elizabeth Clark, a sister of _
Q George Rogers Clark. After graduating from the Law Department of William
@ and nary College, Williamsburg, Virginia, he practiced for a time in Louis-
Y ville. Later he was elected to the Kentucky Legislature, served one term
, as Speaker of the House, was elected to Congress, and finally was appointed
p by President Monroe as the first Minister to the newly-created Republic of
Q Celu bia._ He died in 1826 on his second mission to that country. The
{ following year the Kentucky Legislature honored him by giving this county .
I his name. (4) * = i ‘ I
l l. Qglg gg_;gg GENERAL Ass€meLv gg Egg CoMmoNw¤ALTH gg Kentucky, 1826-27, P. 44,‘
i .   LQQB; P• 55•
>, j 4, MAJOR Lawns W. mcxaa AND Mas. LYDIA K. BoNe,`g HISTORY gg Anbcnsom CeuNTY,>l7BO—_
3; 1936, P. 105; LOUISVILLE Trmss, Jews i, 192l. . W.; ~. ;, __ _

 . __ - 2 _
Historical Sketch c (First entry, p. 110) H
Boundary Changes
e Several changes of the original boundaries have been made. The first 4 2
concerned the Andersen—Franklin County line, which was altered by an act ml
approved February 14, 1846. This act read as follows: "That the county m
line between Anderson and Franklin Counties be so changed as to commence t
at the mouth of Boon's Branch, in Little Benson, on the Anderson and Frank- H
lin line; and from thence a southwesterly course to Hogshead’s old house;
thence down Parker’s Spring Branch to Little Benson, so as to include the
dwelling house lately owned and occupied by Fielding L. Conner, but new Q
owned by James D. Parker, in the county of Anderson, and leaving the Pres- I
byterian meeting-house in Franklin." (5) g
y Eight years later this line was again changed. nn act approved Jan- E
" uary 28, 1854, stated that "the line between Franklin and Anderson Counties C
( be so changed as to include the house in which R. C. McKee new resides
within the county of nnderson." (6)
In 1878, an act, approved February 25, altered the Anderson—Mercer E
boundary, by pravidingthat “the line between the counties of Anderson and B
Mercer be changed as follows: Beginning at the corner of Anderson and Wash- C
ington Counties, in the Mercer county line, near the residence of Jas. P. A
Sharp, and near Cheese Lick creek; thence southwardly with the line between t
the counties of Mercer and Washington to Cheese Lick creek; thence up said t
creek te the mouth of a small stream flowing into said creek on the south-
east side, opposite J. C. Griffey's barn; thence up said small stream to
a line between the lands of R. L. Rice and T. W. Cox, deceased, now belong-
ing to W. P. Cox; thence with the line of said let eastwardly to a corner
at the turn of a lane in a line between the lands of W. P. Cox and Mary
Morris; thence a straight line to the Anderson county line, at the residence a
of J. T. Cunningham, so as to include him in Andersen County. And so much 1
of the territory as is taken from the county of Nercer lying between the F
proposed line and the original boundary, by the foregoing boundary line f
shall be a part of the county of Anderson." (7) U
After 6 years this boundary was again changed “se as to include the t
lands of Steven Arnold and Andrew J. Bickers in the county of nnderson." i
This act was approved May 12, 1884. (8)
The most recent changes in the boundaries of this county were made i
by an act approved April 15, 1890, which provided that "the boundary line t
between Washington and Anderson Counties be changed as follows: Beginning W
at the corner of Nelson and Anderson Counties in the`Washington county line, C
. -- . 1 - B
5. CEB, t54;.—~7·1>, IO, H.
6.   •e5a—a4·, I, :». _
7.   |877-78, P. 245.
2 e, ACTS, ISCB-E4, I, :*4. £

2 ,
. ·· 3 ··
p° 110) Historical Sketch (First entry, p. llO) I
Dt as now established; thence a southeestern direction to the center of Beaver
" ~ creek, where the turnpike crosses same; thence with the turnpike as it
meanders to the center of Sulphur creek; thence up Sulphur creek as it
meanders to a point directly north of the junction of the turnpike=leading
k to Dugansville and Duncansvillc, in Mercer County, near the residence of
? _ Henry Graham.
O "That the boundary line between the counties of Anderson and Eercer,
across that portion of Washington County hereby detached shall be as fol-
S- lows: Beginning st the point in Sulphur creek north from the junction of
the turnpikcs loading to Dugansville and Duncansville as aforesaid; thence
up the center of Sulphur creek es it mounders to Cheese Lick; thence up
T Cheese Lick to the Anderson county line at or near the corner of Lercer
lgs County, as new established. I
"That the portion of washington County as hereby detached, by chang-
ing the line between said counties as aforesaid, that is, beginning at
d the corner of Nelson und Anderson Counties; thence to the pike crossing
’ Beaver creek; thence with the pike to Sulphur creek; thence up Sulphur
rsh- creek to Cheese Lick creek; thence up Cheese Lick creek to the iercer and
° Anderson line, shall hereafter constitute a part of nndcrson County, and
-9On the remainder of the detached portion of nashington County shall consti-
lid tuto a part of l:rcer." (Q)
I h
  ` Ton o graphy
y Anderson County, located in the central portion of the Sta;c, les an
Lcncc area of approximately BOO square miles or lzS,64O acres, and is conposcd
tch largely of rolling and hilly country, It is bounded on the north by
3 Franklin and Bhelby Counties; on the esst by the Kentucky River and hood-
ford County; on the south by jercor and Mdshington; and on the west by
Nelson and Spencer. The surfuce of the county vuries fron zxtrnnely rough
near the Kentucky River to rollin; in the remaining sections. The eleva-
5 tion averages fron 480 to OOO feet nbove sz; level. Some QE percent of
its aren is in farm land. (l0)
The Kentucky River Lorne the county's cistern boundary. Into it,
in an easterly direction, flow scvcrul spnll creeks. The greetnr Dart of
10 the county, however, is drained by Salt River and creeks tributary to it,
IE which flow in u westerly direction., The more important of those creeks dre
Linca Crooked, Denver, Prncheon, and Sulphur. (ll)
' ”'''''' ' Several springs are also worthy of note. On; of the larger of these,
Boiling String, although it contuins uulphuric iropertics, has bien used
9. ggjg, 18CO—¢Q, 1], 508. C V .
10. Eornme F. Ssnrrcn, come., kawvocmv.g£lpE£& Rasconcrs, INDUSTPl&b STAr1sT1cs,
IgppsTn1AL Qlgéglgix sy Ccourxss, iurtswxw 34, 1sso;o sv THE iusaAu or Aesncutrunc,
ll. lgig.

` Historical Sketch (First entry, p. llulr
1 in the manufacture of whiskey. Brock Spring is also the source of water -
supply for a distillery. Buffalo Spring, in former years, was patronized
for its_medicinal properties, while_that at Eagle Kill has been, and is ti
today, used largely to assist in manufacturing enterprises. (l2) dc
First Settlers cc
lnasmueh gs nnderson County ues not created until about three decades sc
after Kentucky had evolved from a pioneer State, its early history is, at· gi
least in part, the same as that of the counties from which it was formed. oi
Perhaps of the white men who came to this region, Christopher Gist, a sur~ in
1* vcyor, and his party were the first, Representing the Ohio Company which ix
‘ had been organized in the Colony of Virginia in l748,`he made a journey ‘ lx
of exploration into the country west of the nlleghenies. ln order to 4 tc
colonize this territory the Colony of Virginia had granted to the Ohio ` tj
Company a tract of 200,000 acres, on condition that the company locate C
one hundred families thereon. upon fulfillment of this condition, the
company would be granted an additional 300,000 acres. (l5) Cc
l I . PI
To aid in this colonizing project, the Ohio Company made available lc
to prospective settlers large quantities of merchandise and supplies in- er
ported from Fnglani, and stored them in a warehouseYestablishediacross the di
river from Cnmb;rl;ud, Maryland. Roads were also constructed to connect sq
the settlements east of the Alleghenios with the mountain trails. Chris- oi
tepher Gist, with a company of mon, traveled over those roads and trails. Cc
His particular task was to observe the topography of the region; the oi
trails and passws; the types of soil and products; rivsrs and their tribu- cz
taries with reg rd to size and depth, and the falls belonging to then; C tf
the names of th, Indian tribes, their number, and their trade requirements. li
Ie was instructrd to select and measure the largest and:iost fertile tract '
of level land ind mark it in such a way as would .·~ make the tract easy to re~
discover. In order to find good land he was authorised to proceed as far A1
as the Mississippi River. ln l750, with his party, dist crossed the 0hio P}
River at the place which is new Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Coming down on Jr
the north side of the Ohio River he recrossed into Eentucky at the mouth {
of Lichin; River in November of that sane year. (ld) His path led through
the region thit nor comprises Crecnup, nxson, Harrison, Scott, Bourbon,
and Franklin Counties to Lee and Lctcher. hftvr reaching the Salt Lick
below Frankfort, ho pushed on inte Bullitt County. Returning cast, it is
evident that hiv party crossed the area which is the site of anderson
County, today, although no permanent record was left. (l5) 9
....i,.   ...... ,-.,.-, .... . .l..   ..ii .-..-..-,..--.i-,,-.n....r ._...   .... .“-.....--.. .... .- h·
:2. Morse Amo Zone, oi. pil., vp. 7%, 7*. -.
13. _1gLQ., ws. 7, c. It
1 14. M12L1Aw Dnitaw Tow, Qiiipropsaa Elslis ;[u{ppg;s, ws. 33, 34; J. Srooesso Joawsrow,
V1u5T E»¤;o¤mT1cus or Mcuruexv, Pc. 106, 107. ,_ _ _ I
p 15,. :‘c¤rt limi ?omo,—Ei§.~§lEi,·Tn;T—7, O. I _ ` ` I

V · 5 ··
Historical Skotch (First cntry, p. llC)
Bccauso of thc noarnoss of Andcrson County to Kcntucky's carlicst sta-
tions, of which Harrodsburg was among thc most important, thcrc sccms littlc
doubt that hunting and cxploring trips wcrc made into it.
0f grcatcr historical significance was thc station cstablishcd by a
company lcd by Captain John Arnold at thc mouth of Littlc Benson Crock on
thc Kentucky Rivor in 1780. This scams to havc boon among Kcntucky's first
5 sovon such scttlcmcnts. Captain hrnold's band oroctcd cabins in this rc~
r gion, and formcd a vigilanco committcc for thc wildcrncss cxtcnding south
of thc Ohio Kivcr and wost of thc Kentucky. Frcqucntly thcy lcarnod of
1~ ingcnding Indian attacks and appriscd thc scttlcrs in timo to sock safety
L in thc station. In addition to scrving as an outpost to givo warning of 1
· Indian attacks, it also scams to havc bccn thc first cffort of whitc mon
to cstablish homss in this arca, for cabins wcrc soon built noar thc sta-
tion. (is)
Nithin thc arca at proscnt included in thc county, a Dutchman, Jacob
Coffman or Kaufman - historians diffcr as to spelling of his namc — was