xt7sj38kdv0j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sj38kdv0j/data/mets.xml Drake, James Vaulx. 1867.  books b92-158-29919067 English Marshall & Bruce, : Nashville : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Hatton, Robert, 1827-1862. Tennessee Politics and government. Confederate States of America. Army. Tennessee Infantry Regiment, 13th. United States. Congress (36th : 1859-1861) United States Politics and government To 1865. Life of General Robert Hatton  : including his most important public speeches / together, with much of his Washington & army correspondence, by James Vaulx Drake. text Life of General Robert Hatton  : including his most important public speeches / together, with much of his Washington & army correspondence, by James Vaulx Drake. 1867 1867. 2019 true xt7sj38kdv0j section xt7sj38kdv0j 


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       Eintered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1867, by
                           J. V. DRAKE,
[ the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Middle
                        District of Tennessee.


               DE DI CAT ION.

  The Friends who stood by him in prosperity, and forsook
                 him not in adversity;

T'he People of Tennessee, generally, and the Youth especially;

                       Also, to
           His only, and dearly beloved son,
              JREILLY tATTON;

          And to my dearly beloved, little son,

                     The Life of

      Genercal 1Zobert Hatton,

            Is Respectfully and Affectionately

                    DEDICATED, BY

                THE AUTHOR.

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  IN attempting to write an outline of the life and character
of the subject of this memoir, we feel encouraged at the
thought, that however much we may fail, on our part, to do
adequate justice to his memory, still the subject himself has
such a hold on the public heart, as to ensure a lively interest
in behalf of our effort, as well as a generous allowance for its
many blemishes and imperfections.
  To one altogether unacquainted with General Hatton, a
history of his life and character may not, at first glance, excite
more than ordinary interest or casual notice; but to those
who knew him personally, who knew him well and favorably,
from early boyhood to the sudden close of his short but valu-
able life; and especially, to those who had but heard of his
name and rising fame, a brief, but authentic biography will,
it is thought, not only be admissible, but acceptable, without
distinction of parties.
  In writing and compiling the work, we have necessarily
been hurried; and, except the first chapter, have not re-written
any of the matter embraced in these pages.
  We have included a number of his most important public
speeches, made both in the General Assembly of Tennessee
and the Congress of the United States, believing they will be,


not only interesting in themselves, to many, but will illustrate
more clearly, his manner and style of oratory.
  His Washington and Army Correspondence, embracing the
most interesting portion of the work, will narrate, in detail,
his career while in Congress and in the field. His Diary, kept
while in Washington, giving an epitome of his acts, thoughts,
observations and current events, is added also.
  For his early history, we are indebted to a number of his
personal friends, among them, Dr. W. G. Miller, to all of whom
we hereby tender our acknowledgments.
  In appropriating any matter from papers, manuscripts, etc.,
we have, in nearly every instance, given proper credit. If we
have failed to do so, it was because we did not know the source,
or knowing, unintentionally omitted to give it.
  With these remarks, we commit our little work to the friends
of him of whom we write, asking all who may be disposed to
find fault or criticise, to write a bookl Humanum est errare.

                                          J. V. DRAKE.
  NEAR LEBANON, TENN., .May 31, 1867.




PREFACE ..........    ................................. ...  v-vi
Biography-Introduction ................................................   ix-xi

                       CHAPTER L
The Hatton Family-Birth of Robert Hatton-His early life,
   up to the time he enters College  .     .....................  1-16

                       CHAPTER II.
Course at College-Graduates in the Literary and Law
   Schools-A successful Lawyer  .    .    ................... 17-36

                       CHAPTER III.
A member of the Tennessee Legislature-Efforts in behalf
   of Education and Internal Improvements....................... 37-66

                      CHAPTER IV.
Advocates the Normal School Bill-Presidential Elector ....  67-99

                       CHAPTER V.
Nominee of the American Party, for Governor of Tennessee
   -His Letters and Speech   .      ... 100-147

                      CHAPTER VL
Elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of L 0. 0. F.-
   Elected to the United States Congress  . ... 148-171

                      CHAPTER VIL
Thirty-sixth Congres-His Diary-Letters-Speech on the
   Organization of the House .       ... 172-229



                      CHAPTER VIII.
Diary and Letters, continued-Chairman of the House Com-
   mittee on Naval Expenditures-His Speech ..................... 230-295

                       CHAPTER IX.
Second Session of the Thirty-sixth Congress-Diary and Let-
   ters-Speech on the "State of the Union"-Efforts to
   preserve the Union......................................................296-348

                        CHAPTER X.
War between the North and the South-He falls, battling
   for the Confederate States.............................................349-427

                   AP PEND IX.

  I.-My Impressions of the late General Hatton, by N.
          Lawrence Lindsley, L. L. D ................................. 431-433

 II.-Impressions of the late General Robert Hatton, by -
         General Alex. P. Stewart .................................... 434-435

 III.-General Hatton's efforts to preserve the health of his
         men, by Dr. J. L. Fite ........................................ 435-439

 IV.-Sketch of his Life and Character, by Rolfe S. Saunders,..439-446

 V.-Funeral Ceremonies, by Odd Fellows and Citizens,.........446-452

 VI.-Extract of Oration, by Adjutant G. A. Howard ............. 452-458



                B IO G RAP HY.


  SiouxAPny is personal history. It is that species of history which
describes the life and character of a particular person or individual
It usually begins with the birth, sometimes with the progenitors, of
the individual forming the subject of the biography, and continues
through the whole course of his or her life-narrating the important
achievements, actions, services, virtues, etc., as well as the private
and domestic relations of the person so described. It is an impor-
tant branch of history; and, where proper selections are made, with
reference both to the character of the subjects, and their biogra-
phers, becomes, not only interesting and pleasing, but instructive and
improving-especially, to the young.
  The life and character of a truly great and good man, is a treasure
to any people. Its perusal may prove to be pleasing and instructive
to all ages; but it will more especially benefit the young They will
observe with interest, the many excellent qualities and traits of char-
acter, which ennoble and adorn human nature, and which were ex-
emplified in the life and actions of such a man. It however, he have
his foibles and imperfections, as all have, more or less, and his biog-
,mapher do his duty in pointing them out, and in warning his readers,
particularly the young, against them, still, they will readily learn to
approve the good, and condemn the bad-to avoid his errors, and
emulate his virtues. But, if he be grossly immoral, and outrageously



wicked-full of lusts and evil deeds-puffed up with an inordinate
ambition-not having the fear of God before his eyes-his biography
may I.NTEREST the reader, but will not improve-at least the young.
For, as little as we may, at first suspect it, we never DO, or THINK, evil,
until we have LEAiNED of it. Hence, in selecting from this branch of
history, especially for the young, great care should be exercised in
the choice of works; for many of them consist of little more than a
detailed account of tyranny and oppression, vice and immorality, am-
bition and bloodshed. Few-very few-of the long catalogue of he-
roes and statesmen, or other men of renown, either of ancient or
modern times, are worthy models, in some of the essential qualities
of truly great and good men, for the youth of our age and country.
True, imperfection is a property common to all men. But some men
have it to a much less degree than others. Some men approach as
nearly to our standard, as imperfect human nature is capable. These
are the men who should claim our approbation and attention-who
should receive our admiration, and form our models.

  Such a character, and such a model, to an eminent degree, is pre-
sented in the life of General Robert Hatton. We may truthfully
say, he was born great. By parental precept and example, he early
imbibed those moral and Christian truths, which dignify and adorn
human nature, and which were so well exemplified, through the whole
course of his life. By education and experience, he became learned
and wise, for one of his years. By his just conception of the great
fundamental principles of truth and equity, he perceived the right,
and "dared the right pursue." By his own invincible will, he laid
hold of the means within his reach; and, with little apparent effort,
and with becoming modesty, raised himself from obscurity to a proud
position before the public. By his great popularity and irresistable
influence with the people, he won laurels denied his seniors; and,




with conscious worth and a masterly hand, carved out for himself an
honorable niche in the temple of famel
  Unlike many others, his life is no checkered mosaic of good and
evil-of lofty professions and groveling vices-of brilliant achieve-
ments and immoral acts-of fair promises and black deeds; but, on
the other hand, it is one continued and steady advancement in the
scale of moral and intellectual improvement-a happy combination of
the great and good qualities of both head and heart, which consti-
tute, humanly speaking, the perfect man. In all the relations of
life-whether we view him as an obedient son or an affectionate
brother, a loving husband or a doting father, an industrious plow-
boy or a diligent student, a faithful teacher or a suecessful lawyer, a
kind neighbor or an exemplary christian, an able and conservative
representative in the National Congress, or a dashing leader on the
field of battle-he stands forth a representative character-a worthy
exemplar for the youth of his country.


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                        CHAPTER I.
1826. Birth and parentage of Robert Hatton-Of English Origin-Not of Puritan
descent-The Hatton Family first settle in Virginia-Early History not weU
known-Long Lineage and an Illustrious Ancestry not always a Passport to Po-
sition-Reuben Hatton-Serves in the War of the Revolution-Goes to South Caro-
lina after the War-His Marriage-Locates in Charleston-Birth of his son, Robert
Clopton Hatton. father to the subject of this Memoir-Removes to Kentucky-En-
gages in Agricultural Pursuits-H s Large Family-All go to Missouri except Rob-
ert Clopton and one brother-Robert Clopton Hatton begins to Preach in his seven-
teenth year-A Missionary to Pennsylvania in his twenty-first year-Organizes the
First Methodist Episcopal Church in Meadville-Marries Miss Campbell-Her
Father-Sojourn in Pennsylvania-Removes to the Western Reserve, Ohio-Birth
of Robert Hopkins Hatton, subject of this Memoir-Is stationed at Alleghaney
City, Pa., where Robert first goes to School-Is averse to going to a Woman-Plays
Truant-Goes to a Militia Muster at Braddock's Field-His father compels him-
His sudden reconcilation and rapid advancement-Mr. Hatton removes to Nash-
ville, Tenn.-Robert is started to School again-Has a difficulty with his Teacher-
Quits the School-His Sports-The Bottle of Ether-Is an Advocate of Temper-
ance-Mr. Hatton removes to Sumner County-Robert is employed on a Farm-
Goes to School-His Sports-Is fond of Fox Hunting-Has a severe attack of
Fever-The Bottle of Ether saves his life-Is Salivated-His face somewhat dis-
figured-His father is stationed at Gallatin-Robert goes to School-His First
Effort at Debating-His First Public Speech-He quits School-Clerks in a Store-
Prepares for College-1845.

  ROBERT HATTON, the subject of this memoir, and of whom
we propose writing a brief but authentic biography, was des-
cended from a large and respectable family of English origin.
Of the particulars concerning the early history of his progeni-
tors, in both Europe and America, we know but little. Nor,
indeed, is it necessary to be known, for, in this Republican
country, where the road to an honorable fame is open to all,
where every one is the architect of his own fortune, and where
it is not indispensibly necessary to trace a long line of illustrious
ancestry to some noble lord or dashing knight, in order to pre-




ferment; but, on the contrary, where all stand upon the broad
basis of constitutional equality, where all are "heirs apparent
to the throne," and where even a poor mechanic may, by assid-
uous application, untiring energy, and indomitable perseverance,
overcome poverty, the want of an early education, and their
attendant circumstances, and rise from a tailor's bench to the
first office within the gift of the people, it signifies but little to
be able to establish an illustrious lineage, so that a man be a
man "for all that,"-so that he be "worthy, well qualified, and
of good report."
  Of one thing, however, we are well assured, that the ances-
tors of Mr. Hatton are not mentioned among the records of the
Mayflower expedition, for he came not of Puritan stock, but
from an English family, which settled in Virginia at an early
period of her colonial history. His grandfather, Reuben Hat-
ton, a Virginian by birth, is the first of the name of whom we
have any account. He served in the Revolutionary Army,
holding some subordinate office. but what, we are not informed.
He was in the division of the army commanded by Gen. Greene,
and followed that chieftain in his Southern campaign, in 1781,
through all his varying fortunes of that eventful year, partici-
pating, as is supposed, in the battles of the Cowpens, Guilford
Court-house, Camden, Eutaw Springs, etc. It was, doubtless,
while with the army in South Carolina, that Reuben Hatton
became favorably impressed of the advantageous situation of
that State, of her salubrious climate, the richness, variety and
abundance of her products, and that he determined to cast his
lot ultimately with her people. If these were not the circum-
stances influencing his future course, we have but one conjecture
as to what was the cause of his immigration South, and that is,
that the winning smiles, and perhaps promises too, of some
South Carolina beauty, so wrought upon him, as to induce him
to abandon his native Virginia, to forsake father and mother,
kindred and friends, and seek a home and fortune in the Pal-
metto State. At any rate, we find him soon after the close of
the war, returning to South Carolina, where he was married to
a Miss Joanna Balleau, a native of that State, and a descendant
of a French-Huguenot family. As to the precise time and



place, when and where they were married, we are not advised;
all that we know is, that it was soon after the acknowledgement
of the Independence of the United States by Great Britain, and
somewhere in the interior of South Carolina, and that they sub-
sequently removed to the city of Charleston, where they were
blessed with a numerous offspring, among which, was Robert
Clopton Hatton, father to the subject of this memoir. What
the calling or avocation of Reuben Hatton was, while he lived
in South Carolina, we are not prepared to say. How long he
resided there, we do not exactly know; but think he must have
sojourned there some ten or twelve years after his marriage,
for be had six children in family at the time of his departure.
  About the year 1795, he removed to the State of Kentucky,
settled near Lexington, and engaged in Agricultural pursuits.
This State was then in its infancy, being only about three years
old, having been admitted into the Union in 1792. It had not
been permanently settled by the whites more than twenty
years, having previous to the year 1775, served as a hunting
ground for the people of Virginia and North Carolina, as well
as the French, who were settled along the great lakes and the
upper Mississippi. How it became famous as a hunting ground,
is accounted for in this way. Sometime anterior to its settle-
ment by Daniel Boone and others, the Shawnee Indians, who
settled on the Ohio, claimed the lands on the Cumberland also.
The Cherokees asserted their right to the same lands. " For
many years they waged a bloody contest," says Mr. Haywood,
in his history of Tennessee, "till at length both nations, fearing
the consequence of meeting each other, abstained from going
upon it. This became known to the French and English hunt-
ers; and as the game, being not killed by either tribe, had, from
this circumstance, become plenteous on the abandoned tract,
these hunters came hither as early as the years 1765 and 1769;
and, returning home, reported to the frontier settlements the
great fertility and natural advantages of the country." Hence
its settlement by the whites. Here, in what is now called the
blue-grass region, amid one of the most delightful rural districts
to be found in any country, Reuben Hatton devoted his time
and energies to the peaceful pursuits of a Kentucky farmer,



performing all the duties of good citizenship, as well as enjoy-
ing the wild scenes and exciting episodes peculiar to border life,
until his family bad now increased to fifteen souls. Although a
goodly number, and, as a consequence, the expense proportion-
ately great, Mr. Hatton did not neglect the education of his
children. He gave them the advantage of such educational fa-
cilities as the country could then afford. Nor was he remiss in
their moral training. They grew up dutiful, and honoring to
their parents, and respected by all who knew them. One, at
least, as we shall hereafter see, became not only an honor to his
family, but a blessing to his race.
  About the year 1815, just after the close of the second war
with Great Britain, Reuben Hatton again removed further
West, and settled in the then Territory of Missouri, all of his
large family going with him, except two sons. Of these, one
remained in Kentucky, and the other, Robert Clopton Hatton,
was at that time a Missionary to Pennsylvania, and who will
now claim our special attention, he being, as stated before,
father to the subject of this biography. Excepting this son, we
now take leave of Reuben Hatton and family, who, with their
many descendants, now constitute "part and parcel" of the
mighty West."
  Robert Clopton Hatton, as before stated, was born in the city
of Charleston, South Carolina, about the year 1793, being about
two years old at the time of his father's removal to Kentucky,
in 1795. He was, for the most part, raised upon a farm, and
was early instructed in the usual routine of duties peculiar to a
farmer's life, at that time, in that State. His education was also
as good as that of most of the young men of his age, in that
new and undeveloped country.. His moral and religious train-
ing was doubtless well cared for, and commanded the special
prayers and intercessions of parental affection in his behalf.
At the age of sixteen, having previously made a profession of
religion, he joined the Methodist Episcopal Church, and began
preaching in his seventeenth year. Some four years after,
when he was in the twenty-first year of his age, he was sent as
a Missionary to Western Pennsylvania, and organized the first
Methodist Episcopal Church ever established in Meadville. His




field of labor extended through Western Pennsylvania, West-
ern New York, and along the shore of Lake Erie; and many
of the churches organized by him at that early day, have lived
and prospered amid the vicissitudes of the times, and are now
in a flourishing condition. The following extract from a letter,
received just before his death, speaks in relation to the field of
his early labors, and of the love and high esteem in which he
is held unto this day:

                                   aMEADVILE, PA., Jan. 16, 1866.
     Dear Bro.:-Allow me to introduce myself to you as Rev. W. F. Day,
of the Erie Conference of the M. E. Church. I have been for the last three
years, stationed here. From my boyhood 1 have been familiar with your
name, but since coming to this station, I have found it a household word.
Yesterday, a sermon was preached here by Rev. S. Gregg, on the history
Methodism within the bounds of this Conference, in which he made frequent
reference to yourself; and in the Love-feast which followed, the old members
of the Church dwelt upon your name with the tenderest affection. No Meth-
odist preacher who has ever been in this region, has left behind him kinder
recollections than yourself.
  Thinking you may take an interest in hearing from this old battle field of
yours, I send you the following items: You will, of course, remember that
you organized the first Methodist Society in Meadville. A few of those first
members yet remain.                                  .     
We still oncupy the brick church put up soon after you left the Circuit.
We are, however, building a splendid church on the Diamond, the cost of
which will not. be less than 70,000. The Society has increased to a mem-
bership of nearly 600, being the largest Society in the M. E. Chnrch, West
of Philadelphia.                                        
With kindest wishes, I am, most truly,
                                             Your well-wisher,
     (Signed)                                       W. F. DAY.

  This letter is lengthy, giving in detail the wonderful develop-
ments of that section of the State, since the discovery of oil or
petroleum, in the rapid growth of cities, railroads, churches,
etc. Mr. Hatton, although quite young, was an able, forcible,
and popular minister of the Gospel, and frequently preached to
the American troops on the north-western frontier, in the war
of 1812-15. Wherever he went, he made many warm and fast
personal friends, and was successful in organizing and planting




many churches which have, so far, withstood the changes of
time, and which hold him in grateful remembrance to the pres-
ent day.
  At the age of twenty-three, Rev. Robert C. Hatton was mar-
ried to Miss Margaret Campbell, daughter of Thomas Camp-
bell, Esq., of Meadville, Pa. Mr. Campbell was a prominent
and honored citizen, and held the office of Justice of the Peace
for Crawford county, of that State, more than thirty years.
Then the office of Justice of the Peace was much more profit-
able, and held in much higher repute, than at the present day.
Margaret was the second of nine children, five boys and four
girls, all of whom grew up to maturity, married, and, except
her, settled in Pennsylvania. Her father had come to that
State in an early day, located large bodies of land, and, in the
course of time, became wealthy.
  Mr. Hatton and his wife, Margaret, had born unto them, six
children, three boys and three girls, namely: Asbury, Jane
Joanna, William, Mary Elizabeth, Robert Hopkins, and Mar-
garetta. Asbury and Jane Joanna, died in infancy. William,
who never married, died in Lebanon, Tenn., in 1866. Mary
Elizabeth, was married, in 1841-2, to Dr. Joseph H. Peyton, of
Sumner county, Tenn., brother of Col. Bailie Peyton, well and
favorably known to the people of this State. Dr. Peyton died
in the Fall of 1845, being a member of Congress, elect, at the
time of his death. His widow and two sons, John Campbell
and Joseph Bailie Peyton, still survive him. Robert Hopkins,
the subject of this memoir, will be noticed in the proper place.
Margaretta was married to William D. Riddle, of Pittsburg,
Pa., in the Fall of 1855. Mr. R. died in 1863, his widow and
four children-Mary Peyton, Margaret Hatton, Elizabeth, and
William Hatton-still surviving him.
  After a sojourn of some ten years in Pennsylvania, Mr. Hat-
ton removed to what was then called Western Reserve, Ohio, to
a place known as Youngstown,  where Robert Hopkins Hat-

It may not be improper here to state, that in a number of biographical sketches
published by the press of Tennessee, while Gen. Hatton was a nominee for Governor.
in 1857, he was represented as an orphan, as having by his own unaided exertions, ac-
quired the means to pay his way at school; and as having been born in Sumner county.
Tenn.; all of which representations are untrue. As above stated, he was born in




ton, the subject of this memoir, was born, Nov. 2, A. D., 1826,
being the third son, and fifth child of his parents. Robert, (for
we shall hereafter omit the middle name, Hopkins, as he did
himself after his majority, preferring but one given name,) was
a healthy, stout boy from infancy, up to the age of fourteen,
when he had a severe attack of billions fever, from which it was
scarcely possible for him to recover, and to which we shall
again refer hereafter. When a smart boy of from two to four
years of age, he would, when at church with his mother, some-
times give her the slip, go into the pulpit and altar, while his
father was preaching to the audience, take his walking cane,
and, as is a custom with children, make a horse of it, and ride
about on it, to the no small annoyance of the preacher. When
his father would become warm and earnest in his address, or
when he would pray aloud for some special blessing, young
Hatton would ejaculate, Amen I Amen ! ! setting the whole con-
gregation in a titter of laughter, to the great chagrin of his
  For several years in succession, Mr. Hatton removed, each
year, to a new station or circuit. From Youngstown, he re-
moved successively to Boardman, Ohio; Wheeling,Va.; Steuben-
ville, Ohio; Pittsburg, and Alleghany City, Pa., devoting him-
self wholly to the duties of his holy calling, preaching the Gos-
pel, organizing and building up churches, in that then new and
comparatively undeveloped country. It was at the last named
place, Alleghany City, that Robert Hatton was, for the first
time, sent to school. He was then in the sixth year of his age.
His teacher was a Miss McCord, a lady well qualified to teach
" the young idea how to shoot." But young Hatton was averse
to going to school to a woman ! Here, for the first time, and
last time, too, he played truant; for instead of going promptly
to school, as commanded by his father, he went to a Militia
muster, near town, at Braddock's field, memorable on account

Ohio, though he never was proud, we are informed, to own it. His father paid his
way at school, until he was large enough and sufficiently qualified to teach school.
As to his being an orphan, that was evidently untrue. His venerable mother still
lives; (1867); and his father was living at the time of his (Gen. Hatton's) death, full
of years and good works, though he has since gone to his reward, and, we doubt not,
is numbered among the redeemed in heaven. He died at Lebanon, Tenn., in 1866.



of the defeat and death of Gen. Braddock, the commander of
the English and Colonial forces, against the French and Indians,
and the wonderful preservation of Washington, in 1755. Thus
early, and upon historic ground, he took his first lesson in mili-
tary affairs. The next day, his father, having, in the mean-
time, been informed of the conduct of the little truant, took him
by the hand and started to the school room; but Robert was
still opposed .to going; he did not want to go to school to a
woman. His father sharply told him he must go, either to
school or to jail. "I'll go to jail," said he, promptly. His
father, wishing to out-herod Herod, turned immediately and led
him to the jail door, thinking thus to awe him, and, as it were,
scare him to school; but young Hatton was inexorable; he
stoutly proclaimed his willingness to go to prison, rather than
submit to the rule of a female teacher. His father, thus foiled
and vexed, no longer used gentle means, but adopted the more
potent and speedy policy of coercion. He took the little rebel
to the school house by force, and pushed him along before him
up the stairway to the door, in a determined, if not abrupt
manner. Mr. Hatton was justly provoked at the obstinacy of
his son; but when the door opened, he was agreeably surprised
to see his hitherto perverse boy, suddenly change his air and
tone, assume a complacent look, and with the ease and dignity
of a Chesterfield, make a graceful bow to the School Mistress,
who had by this time, reached the door, as if nothing at all had
occurred, or gone wrong with him. He went to school here
but a few months, but advanced well for one of his age, while
he did go.
  Soon after this, he was transferred to a school at Nashville,
Tenn., whither his father and family arrived in 1835, and re-
mained there that and the succeeding year. Mr. Hatton, here, as
elsewhere, devoted his whole time and energies to the work of
the ministry, and many are the witnesses now living, who can
testify of his faithful and successful stewardship, in and about
Nashville. Here Robert attended a private school under, the
charge of a Prof. Mulkey, who was endeavoring to introduce a
new method of teaching the elements of the English language,
and who required all his students to purchase of him books



adapted to the new mode. Young Hatton made known his
teacher's wishes, in regard to the books, to his father, who did
not see proper to comply with the request. When he returned
to school without the books, or rather without the money to
purchase them, his teacher was displeased; he became angry,
and although a minister of the Gospel, spoke abruptly to young
Hatton, so much so, that the ire of the young student was
aroused, and in the moment of passion, he threw his book in
the face of the Professor, and immediately left the school for
home. The Professor was, of course, greatly incensed at the
audacity of the young belligerent. He followed him immedi-
ately to his father's house, and demanded his instant and uncon-
ditional surrender, saying, " he has the devil in him, and I in-
tend to whip it out of him." But his demand was not complied
with, and young Hatton attended Prof. Mulkey's school no
more. This was the last and only difficulty he ever had in
  While residing in Nashville, Robert was associated with a
number of boys, who, besides the sports usually indulged in by
all boys, were in the habit of inhaling ether, in order to get
under its influence, so that each one might thus exhibit or man-
ifest his peculiar temperament or natural bent of mind. What
young Hatton's was, we never learned. His father, accidently
discovering this not very laudable sport of the boys, soon put a
stop to it, so far as his son was concerned. He even found a bottle
of ether in the possession of Robert, took it from him and pre-
served it. This very bottle of ether, as