xt7sf766797j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sf766797j/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1970-12-14  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 14, 1970 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 14, 1970 1970 1970-12-14 2020 true xt7sf766797j section xt7sf766797j Minutes of the University Senate, November 23, 1970

them a channel so they E§n_participate. This is already happening
in the Army and in the Navy and people thought it would never happen.
It is happening in colleges and universities and this is now saying
that students have a right to have a participation in some of the
academic affairs of a university. So, Mr. Chairman, I turn it back
to you and the members of our committee are open, I think, to discuss

As background for the discussion Dr. Plucknett reminded the Senate of

the statement in the new Governing Regulations which states ". . . Rules
of procedure in educational units of the University shall provide for
participation of students in the development of educational policies."

Dr. Weaver reminded the Senators of one other pertinent rule in the
Governing Regulations, that which states exactly what faculty the colleges
and departments shall consist of; and that any action taken by the Senate
would have to be a recommendation to the colleges and departments.


Out of the discussion which followed sets of opinions which emerged were
that the proposal is modest and flexible, and that it states what the
students want, of which the faculty is already aware, hence the Senate
should not be afraid to accept it; and that it would not accomplish what
the students want to accomplish.

Motion was made and approved at 5:00 p.m. to adjourn.

Kathryne W. Shelburne
Recording Secretary


The University Senate met in regular session at 3:00 p.m., Monday, December
14, 1970, in Room 139 of the Chemistry—Physics Building. Chairman Plucknett
presided. Members absent: James R. Barclay*, Charles E. Barnhart, Robert A.
Beargie*, Harmon C. Bickley*, Norman H. Binger*, Harold R. Binkley*, Harry M.

Bohannan, Betty Jean Brannan*, Bob Brecht, Gordon Brocklehurst*, Marion A.
Carnes*, Clyde R. Carpenter*, David B. Clark*, Maurice A. Clay*, Alfred L.

Crabb, Jr., Glenwood L. Creech, Marcia A. Dake, Doane Fischer, Eugene B. Gallagher*,

Charles P. Graves, Jack B. Hall, Joseph Hamburg, Dorothy Hollingsworth, Charles
F. Haywood*, Robert D. Jacobs, Mary Frances James*, Raymon D. Johnson*, William

S. Jordan, Jr.*, Fred E. Justus, Jr.*, Irving F. Kanner, Donald E. Knapp*,
James A. Knoblett*, Harold R. Laswell*, Sara H. Leech, Richard S. Levine*


L. Madden*, William L. Matthews, Jr., Leslie L. Martin*, William G. Moodya,


Theodore H. Mueller*, Paul Oberst*, Harold F. Parks*, Curtis Phipps*, Leonard A.

Ravitz*, Lloyd F. Redick*, Donald S. Shannon*, Robert Straus*, John P. Strickland,

Thomas B. Stroup, Willis A. Sutton, Jr.*, M. Stanley Wall, Daniel L. Weiss*,
Raymond P. White? Cornelia B. Wilbur*, Miroslava B. Winer*, A. Wayne Wonderley*.

The Chairman reported that since the Rules 9f_the University Senate do not
provide for students to attend Senate meetings without the express permission of
the Senate, the decision was made by the Senate Council to move the meeting to



7"Absence explained

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Minutes of the University Senate, December 14, 1970

this room and to provide for closed circuit TV to be beamed to Rooms 153, ‘
155, and 320 in this building after handbills were distributed and an 1
editorial appeared in last Thursday's Kernel urging students to plan to QFQK
attend this meeting. He then asked if there was any comment or objection. t

Mr. Steve Bright, President of Student Government, and a student Senator, F
was recognized and made the following remarks followed by a motion:

Mr. Chairman, it is apparent to me that there are a large ‘

number of empty seats in the room. It is distressing to me that p

with the many barriers between students and faculty members now, we

have to erect any more of them by having this meeting in this 5

atmosphere of sterility which exists here today, especially when

apparent awkwardness seems to be so much a part of the average class

room experience. I am convinced that students can be here at this 1

meeting without intimidating the people here. I would hardly think

that our faculty would be unable to overcome the looks of disappoint—

ment and disdain from the students or occasional applause from the

students. Last spring we had a meeting at which there were large .f5

numbers of students at a time at which our campus was at a height I

of hostility and divisiveness, in which tension was at a peak, and ;

yet we were able to have a student meeting with no danger to the

lives of members of the Senate. It seems to me that it is important

here that we try to eliminate the barriers between the students
: and faculty rather than to fortify them. We have relegated the
‘ 5 students today to a role of watching this, rather than participating,
which I think is ironical when the issue before the Senate is partici— l
pation. Closed circuit television obviously costs something. I
would point out that the University seems to be in dire financial
straits at this time. I am also convinced that it is impossible to V
.‘ televise the Senate meetings when there are 200 people here and only
3% . two cameras. At a major league baseball game there are 18 people .
and four cameras and this is also a small screen production as I \
understand it——not like the basketball games. I would point out {
numerically we could have seated more people in Memorial Hall had I
the meeting been held there than we can seat in all the classrooms «A
that are being used here, including this one and the three in which I
the televised production is being shown.


Mr. Chairman, I therefore move that we allow students to attend
this meeting until all the chairs which are now empty have been filled.

This motion was seconded. i

Dr. Plucknett pointed to the erroneous statement made by Mr. Bright,
namely, that the students could observe but not participate. He reported
that the Sergeant—at—Arms had been instructed to bring the name of any
student watching in any of the other rooms who wished to speak to the
Chairman and he would present the request to the Senate for action. ‘

The Senate then defeated the motion on the floor by a hand count of 58 to 57.

Mr. Bright made the following remarks: W

Mr. Chairman, it seems to me that what has just taken place shows
what I think is the obvious difficulty in this kind of meeting. Different
students are interested in what different Senators, depending on their


Minutes of the University Senate, December 14, 1970

a departments, or majors, or interests, are doing in response to the issues
1 which are before the Senate today. It is impossible for them to tell

19‘ how the Senate is voting; therefore, it seems to me that any future votes
3. which are not unanimous will have to be a call of the roll of the Senators
1 so that we will be able to tell what Senators are voting for an issue and
F which ones are voting against it.

Dr. Plucknett answered Mr. Bright that that would be an issue for the
1 Senate to decide if it comes to that.

Professor Robert Sedler of the College of Law presented a motion that
5 all students who had requested to be permitted to enter the meeting for
the purpose of addressing the Senate be admitted with the privilege to
. Speak. The Senate approved this motion. The list of some 14 names was
1 then given to the Sergeant—at—Arms who was instructed to let these students

enter the meeting.


? The minutes of the University Senate meetings of November 16 and
“3‘ November 23, 1970 were approved as circulated.

E On behalf of the College of Agriculture Dr. Wesley P. Garrigus,
Chairman of the Department of Animal Sciences, presented the following
resolution on the death of Mr. William Lester Brown, Assistant Extension
r Professor of Animal Sciences, with the recommendation that the resolution
be spread upon the minutes of this meeting and that copies be sent to
Mrs. Brown and to Mr. Brown's parents. The Senate stood for a moment of
silence in acceptance of the resolution and in respect to Mr. Brown.




Williavaester Brown

Born December 23, 1943
Died November 25, 1970

William Lester Brown was born in McKenzie, Alabama on December
23, 1943. He attended Vanderbilt University for one year in 1961-
EVK 62 and completed his B.S. degree with honors at Auburn University in
1*: 1965. While an undergraduate at Auburn, Dr. Brown was active in the
I Block and Bridle Club, serving as Vice President during his senior
[ year. He was a member of the 1965 Livestock Judging Team. He b
g .
1 A



was an active member of the American Society of Animal Science and ,
also a member of Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta, Phi Kappa Phi and fit

1 Sigma Xi. 73 1=

‘ Continuing at Auburn he was awarded the M.S. degree in *1 fl
1968. His research at Auburn was on ”The Relationship of Blood :1 5
Glutathione and Hemoglobin Levels to Preweaning Performance of 3:

~ Young Beef Animals". For his presentation of a paper based on

i this study he was awarded first place in the awards section of the A i1

( annual meeting of the Southern Section of the American Society of i

1 Animal Science in 1969. He earned his Ph.D. degree with a major

in animal breeding at the University of Tennessee in 1969.



71* Dr. Brown married Elaine Raulston of Knoxville, Tennessee on
March 15, 1969. A daughter, Erica, was born on April 23, 1970.

He was appointed Assistant Extension Professor of Animal Sciences

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Minutes of the University Senate, December 14, 1970

E H ‘ at the University of Kentucky on November 15, 1969. His Extension

‘9 responsibilities were for beef testing, evaluation and selective breed— A
ing. He supervised the Kentucky Beef Herd Performance Testing and EVN
Beef Bull Performance Testing programs. In the year that Dr. Brown I
had worked in these programs, he had won the friendship and respect [
of both his fellow workers and beef cattlemen throughout the South—
east. To quote one of his peers at the time he was being considered l
for employment he had, ”a perfect personality, combining in an exactly
optimum manner, aggressiveness, confidence, modesty and humility.”
These words describe Dr. Brown very well.

While carrying out his University assignments, Dr. Brown was
involved in an automobile accident near Madisonville, Kentucky on
the morning of November 24 and passed away at 3:00 a.m. on November
25 in the University of Kentucky Hospital. Dr. Brown is survived by
his wife, Elaine, his daughter, Erica, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Brown of McKenzie, Alabama.

The Animal Sciences Department and the University of Kentucky «R‘
have lost a faculty member of the highest intelligence, capability,
character and performance.

I move that a copy of this resolution be spread on the minutes E
g of this Senate and that copies be forwarded to Mrs. Brown as well as
_ z to Dr. Brown's parents.


The Chairman reminded the Senators of the End—of—Semester Social to be
held from 5:30 to 9:00 p.m. Monday, evening, December 21st, at the Alumni
house. .

‘ On behalf of the Senate Council, Dr. Stephen Diachun, its Secretary,
‘4 ’1 presented the following motion:

Mr. Chairman, the Senate Council has instructed me to make the
following motion, and I so move. I move to substitute for the
report of the University Senate Advisory Committee on Student ‘?\
Affairs, which was circulated under date of November 3, 1970, a it
revised report prepared by the Senate Council bearing the date of Decem— i
ber ll, l970, and made available today as a handout with the
recommendation that it be approved and forwarded to the President for
submission to the Board of Trustees for appropriate changes in the
Governing Regulations, and with the further recommendation that the
provisions of the report be implemented as soon as pOSSible.

1‘ ‘ The revised report, as handed out, reads as follows:

1. Because students have a vital concern in academic programs,
each College of the University offering a baccalaureate degree shall

have an Undergraduate Student Advisory Council, each College having 9‘
a graduate program shall have a Graduate Student Advisory Council and M.
each College offering the professional degree shall have a Professional Wp

Student Advisory Council. Each such Council shall serve in an ad— 5
visory role to the Dean of the College on academic matters.


Minutes of the University Senate, December 14, 1970

2. Each Council shall designate one of its members to attend the ,5
general faculty meetings of its College with the right to vote in these ’d
GWN meetings. (Each College faculty may permit additional SAC members
3 to attend its general faculty meetings with voting privileges.)

[ 3. Each College faculty shall determine its own method of
| establishing its Student Advisory Council(s); however, the following
guidelines shall be observed:

I A. Nomination and selection of members to serve on the
SAC shall be done through a democratic process by which
students choose their representatives.

‘ B. Council members shall be selected during March to
’ serve the following year. (Students selected during the

1970—71 school year would serve through April, 1972.)

C. Each graduate or professional SAC shall be composed

@z. of from three (3) to seven (7) members and each under—
.( graduate SAC shall consist of from five (5) to nine (9)

4. When the framework and selection procedures are developed
for any College SAC, the details regarding its organization and
function shall be reported by the Dean of the College to the Vice
President for the Medical Center or the Academic Vice President,
as appropriate, with a copy to the University Senate Council.



5. It is recommended that Departments within the various
Colleges consider establishing similar Student Advisory Councils.

I Following discussion and a point by point explanation of the revised

‘ report by Dr. Vernon Musselman, a member of the Senate Council, Dr.

R Thomas Olshewsky recommended that the Senate substitute the Committee ‘
5 report dated November 3, 1970, of which the second page constitutes the i
'f\ substantive parts and the third page constitutes an interpretation and

"4‘ recommendation, for the Council report on the floor.



Following further discussion the Senate disapproved the substitute motion
‘ by Dr. Olshewsky by a hand count of 67 to 65.

: Dr. Stanford Smith moved to amend the document dated December ll, if b
’ 1970 and handed out in this meeting, to insert at the end of the sixth '
the words ”and faculty”, and to modify subparagraph

add to the end of the first sentence the words "unless
approved by the Senate Council." The Senate approved

line of paragraph 1

B of paragraph 3 to
i alternate dates are

this amendment.

Following further discussion on the original motion, as amended, Mr.
John Nelson, student Senator, made a motion to table the motion, which

was seconded and approved by the Senate.


Dr. Frank Buck then made a motion to place the original proposal of the
committee on the floor for the Senate's consideration. Dr. Hans Conrad

moved to table this motion also.



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Minutes of the University Senate, December 14, 1970


By a hand count of 76 to 59 the Senate voted to table the motion to consider \
the original proposal of the committee.

Dr. Michael Adelstein raised a point of order concerning the agenda. w.
Following an explanation of the order of agenda by the Chairman Dr.
Adelstein moved to change the order of business so that the next matter
to be considered would be the report of the Tripartite Committee.

The Senate approved this motion.

Dr. Diachun than made the following motion:

Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the Senate Council I move that the
Report of the Senate ad hgg_Tripartite Committee to Investigate the
Role of Students, Faculty and Administrators in the University
Senate, circulated under date of November 5, 1970, be rejected.

Mr. Bright presented a substitute motion that the Senate place the

original Report of the Tripartite Committee on the Senate floor for

consideration. By a hand count of 66 to 62 the Senate approved the fly!
motion to substitute the original report rather than the motion to

reject the report as presented by Dr. Diachun.

Following extensive discuSSion in which a number of Senators gave their 1
reasons for support of the committee proposal, motion was made to amend
the committee report to make student members non—voting members.

By the required two—thirds majority the Senate approved a recommendation
to halt debate on the amendment.


Mr. Bright then called for a roll call vote on this amendment.
fl. ‘ At this point motion was made by a Senator to adjourn.
Mr. Nelson called for a roll call vote on the motion to adjourn. The

Senators rejected the motion to adjourn by a roll call vote of 133 to .
30. The roll call vote follows: 6?‘

Staley F. Adams Y Charles Auvenshine :

Michael Adelstein N Albert S. Bacdayan &
; Melvin Albaum N Lyle N. Back Y ‘

M.T.H. Aleem N Robert A. Baker ;

Clifford Amyx Y James R. Barclay

Richard L. Anderson Y Henry H. Bauer N ;

Daniel S. Arnold N Robert A. Beargie

Charles L. Atcher Y Wendell E. Berry N


Ronald Atwood
Robert Aug

Harmon C. Bickley
Robert Biggerstaff





...— ‘\

Harold R. Binkley
Wesley J. Birge
Richard C. Birkebak
O. E. Bissmeyer, Jr.
Thomas 0. Blues
Gifford Blyton
Frederick Bollum
Garnett L. Bradford
Russell H. Brannon
Bob Brecht

Steve Bright

Gordon Brocklehurst
Thomas D. Brower
Mary R. Brown
Herbert Bruce
Michael Bruer

C. Frank Buck
Collins W. Burnett
Lowell P. Bush
Marion A. Carnes
Clyde R. Carpenter
Ralph S. Carpenter
W. Merle Carter
Robert E. Cazden
Richard A. Chapman
David B. Clark
Maurice A. Clay
Glenn B. Collins
Jose M. Concon

Carl B. Cone
William B. Cotter
Raymond H. Cox
Alfred L. Crabb, Jr.

Eugene C. Crawford, Jr.

Clifford J. Cremers
James E. Criswell
M. Ward Crowe
Jesse DeBoer
Loretta Denman
Stephen Diachun
Ronald C. Dillehay
Distler, Raymond J.
R. Lewis Donohew
Richard M. Doughty
John P. Drysdale
Ray H. Dutt
William D. Ehmann
Roger Eichhorn
Doane Fischer

W. Garrett Flickinger
Paul G. Forand
Joseph R. Fordham
Donald Frazier
JoeSph B. Fugate
Eugene B. Gallagher
Art Gallaher, Jr.

Minutes of the University Senate, December 14, I970







Jess L. Gardner
Wesley P. Garrigus
Hans Gesund

James L. Gibson
Harry C. Gilbert
James W. Gladden
Ward 0. Griffen
Joseph J. Gruber
Kenneth J. Guido, Jr.
John V. Haley
Holman Hamilton
Ellwood M. Hammaker
Richard Hanan

Mary W. Hargreaves
Rebekah Harleston
Denny 0. Harris
Maurice A. Hatch
Robert D. Haun
Virgil W. Hays
James W. Herron
Jean M. Hayter
A.J. Hiatt

Dorothy Hollingsworth
Howell Hopson

John Howieson

John W. Hutchinson
Mary N. Ireland
Kate T. Irvine
Robert D. Jacobs
Mary Frances James
Joseph R. Jones
Fred E. Justus, Jr.
Irving F. Kanner
L. Clark Keating
William F. Kenkel
Don Kirkendall
Robert W. Kiser
Aimo J. Kiviniemi
Donald E. Knapp
James A. Knoblett
James F. Lafferty
Roger O. Lambson
Walter G. Langlois
Harold R. Laswell

Robert Lauderdale, Jr.

Sara H. Leech
Donald C. Leigh
Thomas J. Leonard
Charles T. Lesshafft
Richard S. Levine
Albert S. Levy
Arthur Lieber
John H. Lienhard
Rey M. Longyear
Richard Lowitt
Mark M. Luckens





















Donald L. Madden
John L. Madden

Paul Mandelstam
Maurice K. Marshall
Leslie L. Martin
Gene L. Mason
William C. McCrary
Ernest P. McCutcheon
Marcus McEllistrem
L. Randolph McGee
William R. Merritt
George E. Mitchell
William G. Moody
Theodore H. Mueller
Thomas P. Mullaney
Vernon A. Musselman
John Nelson

Louis A. Norton
Paul Oberst

James R. Ogletree
Thomas M. Olshewsky
Leonard V. Packett
Blaine F. Parker
Harold F. Parks
Bobby C. Pass
Albert W. Patrick
J. W. Patterson
Robert W. Penman
Curtis Phipps
William K. Plucknett
Leonard A. Ravitz
John A. Rea

Lloyd F. Redick
Daniel R. Reedy
John T. Reeves
Herbert G. Reid
Donald A. Ringe
Rona Roberts

John W. Roddick
Alex Romanowitz
Gerald I. Roth
Sheldon Rovin
Robert W. Rudd
Betty R. Rudnick
John S. Scarborough

Bright withdrew his call for a roll call vote on the amendment on the



The Senate


Nelson called for a roll call vote on the original motion to adopt the

Minutes of the University Senate, December 14, 1970



