xt7sf7667758 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sf7667758/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2003-01-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 29, 2003 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 29, 2003 2003 2003-01-29 2020 true xt7sf7667758 section xt7sf7667758 Cool Cats announcer heats up the ice 1



' z they; #399:


Budget cuts will mean
staff freezes, tuition hike

Feeling the crunch: Possible 9 percent cut in funds
from state governmenthas UK scaling back expenses

By Sara Cunningham


Faced with a possible
$28 million cut in state fund—
ing, UK administrators froze
hiring. restricted travel and
overtime and ,. among oth-
er ways to reduce costs
encouraged employees to
turn down the heat in their

With cuts as serious as
these. administrators said
they will increase tuition
and may restrict enrollment.

President Lee Todd.

among other college presi-
dents. will present a sce-
nario today to state legisla-
tors. detailing what UK will
have to do to account for the
funding decreases. State bud-
get estimates Show a $384
million shortfall for the fis-
cal year 2004. The Kentucky
Constitution requires the
General Assembly to pro-
duce a balanced budget.
State legislators are asking
universities to cinch their
purse strings in hopes of
sparing primary and sec
ondary education from se~

vere cuts.

UK receives $310 million
in state funds.

Provost Mike Nietzel
said the budget reduction
strategies came. in part.
from a list of suggestions
sent out in December by Gov.
Paul Patton's office. Univer»
sities were asked to consider
ways to reduce their budgets
by 5.4 percent. which would
mean about a $16 million de-
crease for UK. Nietzel said.

In the last two weeks.
the state asked universities
to find ways to compensate
for a 9 percent decrease in
state allocations. a decrease
of $28 million. Nietzel said.

Though the extent and
effects of the cuts on UK

aren‘t known. Nietzel said
leaving faculty and staff po-
sitions vacant is the only
way to find the funds.

“To get a handle on this
amount of money we have to
freeze these positions." Niet‘
zel said. “It's the only way to
get to the amount of money
on the cost reduction side."

More than 100 faculty
positions. in addition to staff
positions. will be left vacant.
providing an estimated $12
million to $13 million.

Though UK is still ad-
mitting students and has no
immediate plans to curb en-
rollment. having less faculty
will mean fewer classes

See CUTS on 3




Working it out

mo more | mm smr

UK Medical Center employee Sergei Skarlatov and undeclared sophomore Amanda Hendren work out in the Absolute Abs class at
the Johnson Center on Tuesday. The class is one of lo offered by the center this semester.



Sweating safety:
reducing exercise risks

It’s critical.
. Having
trained on
the proper
way to
respond in
the event
of an


- Rob Haysiett,
fitness director of
the Johnson Center

No pain, no gain? UK gyms' fitness tests,
emergency plans help reduce risk of death, injuries

B_y Jonathan Lipscomb


More than half of fit-
ness clubs nationwide do not
have emergency response
plans and one-third fail to
screen clients for cardiovas-
cular disease. according to a
medical journal.

However. all of UK's fa-
cilities. including the new
Bernard M. Johnson Student
Recreation Center. have
these precautions in place.
although many gym patrons
aren't aware of them.

According to a recent re-
port in Chest. a medical jour-
nal. 55 percent of fitness fa~
cilities surveyed don't have
response plans and 28 per-
cent don't test patrons for
cardiovascular disease.

Both the American
Heart Association and the
American College of Sports
Medicine recommend emer-
gency polices in conjunction
with cardiovascular screen«

ing. The recommendations
are aimed at fitness facilities
and all persons planning to
enroll or participate in activ-
ities at health and
fitness clubs.

Suggestions included
written emergency policies
that are practiced regularly
and a well-structured cardio-
vascular screening process.

Because of the lack of
exercise and the prevalence
of heart disease among
Americans. the group of
physicians and medical pro-
fessionals that wrote these
recommendations empha-
sized that “the training and
preparedness of an astute
professional staff who can
readily handle emergencies
is paramount."

Rob Hayslett. fitness di-
rector at the Johnson Center.

“It's critical." Hayslett
said. “If something were to
happen. having everyone
trained on the proper way to

respond in the event of an
emergency is important."

The Johnson Center has
75 student employees. 10
graduate assistants and nine
full-time employees. All have
basic first-aid training and
CPR certification.

Since it opened. the
Johnson Center has been av-
eraging close to 2.000 visitors
a day

“We probably offer more
cardiovascular exercise
equipment than most places
in the country." said
Hayslett. “And with so many
people coming in using the
cardio-equipment. there is
already a need to order

Although a health
screen is not mandatory to
exercise at the Johnson Cen~
ter. it is available. along with
a MicroFit Assessment. The
assessments focus on muscu—
lar strength. flexibility: en-
durance. body composition.
cardiovascular fitness and
blood pressure

"Through the assess

See HEALTH on 3



A look at that most
intoncatinq 0i birthdays

, ernel.om

SG president indicted
on felony charges
involving voter cards

Charged: Tim Robinson could face jail time, fines
and problems with the state bar exam if convicted

BY Paul Leiohflv


Student Government President T 1111 Robinson was indicted
in Fayette C iicuit C ouit yesteiday b\ a grand iun on charges
resulting from an election fr 111d investig: ition

Fayette C ommonwealth s Attorney Joe Bouvier said the
specific charge against Robinson was "willful failure to return

completed voter registration cards."

a felony in Kentucky Bou-

vier said that if convicted. Robinson could face one to five
years in pi ison oi a fine of an unspecified amount

The grand iuiy began I onsideimg the case after investiga-
tors found 749 mm registration cards from tall 2001 in a file

cabinet in the SG offic e.

Robinson did not return repeated phone calls last night.
“[Aln indictment is only a charge and a defendant is inno

cent until proven guilty."

Bouvier said.

Bouvier said individuals have offered information about

the investigation.

“I urge anyone else who has information
about the voter registration cards to call.‘

‘ he said.

One SG senator called the incident “a sad day for 8G."
"It's disgusting and degrading to our organization. said
SG at large Senator David Hutchinson “I hope he gets prose-

cuted to the fullest degree

The investigation began shortly after the election last No
vember. when Lexington attorney Gatewood Galbraith filed a
complaint through the Fayette County Clerk concerning a vot-
er registration drive led by SC in fall 2001.

Galbraith said he filed the complaint after hearing from


See INDICT on 3

Bush addresses Iraq, economy
in State of the Union speech


President George W. Bush spoke to Congress and country during his
midterm State of the Union address.

To the country: President promises more evidence
of wrongdoings in Iraq, but fails to sway critics


dent Bush worked to tighten
his case against the man he
called “the dictator of Iraq"
in his State of the Union ad-
dress. hoping to dispel grow"
ing war skepticism among
Americans and allies.

Bush cataloged LIS. esti-
mates of Saddam Hussein's
inventory of lethal weapons.
accused him of actively un-
dermining the work of UN.
inspectors and insisted that
ties exist between the Iraqi
leader and ()sama bin Inden‘s
al-Qaida terror network.

Bush also offered to pro»
\‘ltlt‘ new evidence of Sad-
dam‘s treachery to the l'nited
Nations next Week. "We will
consult. but let there be no
misunderstanding If Saddam
Hussein does not fully dis~
arm. for the safety of our peo-
ple. and for the peace of the
world. we will lead a coalition
to disarm him." he asserted

The president's presenta
tion failed to sway admmis
tration critics who say he has
yet to make a strong case for
war at this time. particularly
in the absence of l'..\' sup-

"President Bush failed to
demonstrate that there is an
immediate threat from Iraq to
us or our allies." said Rep.
Charles Range]. D-N.Y. Senate
Minority Leader Tom
Daschle. D—S.D.. cited a
“widening credibility gap“ be
tween the president and the.
American public.

A year after Bush linked
Iraq. Iran and North Korea in
an “axis of evil." the presi-
dent offered an addendum to
that phrase: “Different
threats require different
strategies." His remarks ap—
peared to be an answer to crit-
ics who complain that he is
pursuing a military course on
Iraq but a diplomatic one
with North Korea.

It was all part of a
swirling. difficult mix of in-
tei national and domestic
problems that confronted
Bush for his annual bench-
mark speech.

"The war goes on. and
we are winning." Bush said.
“We have the terrorists on the
run. and we are keeping them
on the run."

The State of the Union
speech came as polls showed

See ADDRESS on 3


 leltmlcsoxirilliiullliv 29, 2003 I KENTUCKY KEftifEL


The Low-down

War on terror strains budget

WASHINGTON The cost of lighting
the war against terrorism has left the Penta-
gon at least $15 billion short, and the budget
gap must be filled soon or troop training will
have to be scaled back. the Pentagon's bud-
get chief said Tuesday. Dov Zakheim. the
Pentagon comptroller. said the military is
also ringing up unbudgeted charges as it
sends tens of thousands of troops and tons
of equipment to the Persian (‘iull~ region in
preparation for a possible war in Iraq. He
would not say how much the troop buildup
is costing. The budget problem could grow
dramatically if President Bush should de-
cide to attack Iraq and Congress does not
cover the extra costs. Zakheini said.

FBI defends counting of mosques

defended its national tally of Muslim
mosques as only one part of a much broader
effort to apply scarce anti-terrorism re-
sources and identify vulnerable sites. Critics
called it a form of ethnic and religious pro-
filing. The number of mosques was one of
dozens of pieces of information FBI Direc-
tor Robert Mueller directed the 56 FBI field
offices to find. The survey is intended to es-
tablish a better picture of the demographics
and possible terrorism targets in each re-
gion. FBI officials said. That information. in
turn, would be used to establish where to di-
rect counterterrorism resources and set
goals for each of the offices as part of a larg-
er overhaul of the FBI. FBI field offices were
also asked in the same directive to list other
vulnerable areas in their regions. such as
dams, bridges and nuclear plants. officials
said. They said the intent was not to single
out mosques and Muslims for investigations
or surveillance.

Elections raise fears in Palestine

RAMALLAH. West Bank -~ Palestinians
said they feared a worsening of the Mideast
crisis after Ariel Sharon's hardline Likud
party easily won Israel‘s elections Tuesday.
with hawkish parties scoring a clear majori-
ty. Palestinian Cabinet Minister Saeb Erekat
believed the situation there would only get
worse. “You have Sharon in a new govern—
ment. a war against Iraq imminent. the dis-
appearance of the peace process. all these
factors." Erekat told The Associated Press.
Sharon says he wants to form a national uni-
ty government. but the opposition Labor
Party — which was trounced after cam.
paigning on a promise to resume negotia-

director Chris
Nolan has made a
deal to revive the
"Batman fran-
chise. It was
unclear whether
he would write
the script for the
Warner Bros. pro-
ject. "All I can
say is that I grew
up with Batman,
I've been fasci-
nated by him and
I'm excited to
contribute to the
lore surrounding
the character,"
said Nolan, who
last directed the
"Insomnia." "He
is the most credi-
ble and realistic
of the super-
heroes, and has
the most complex
human psycholo-
gy. His superhero
qualities come
from within. He's
not a magical
character. I had a
fantastic experi-
ence with the
studio on
'lnsomnia,‘ and
I'm keen to
repeat that expe-
rience." Nolan's
emergence is an
unexpected plot
twist for the
Caped Crusader,
since it appeared
that the super-
hero had flagged
after four movies
that grossed
more than $1 bil-
lion. Warner Bros.
has been trying
to exploit the
franchise through
reinventions and
spinoffs. They
include “Batmul
Vs. Superman."
"Batman: Year
One" and

tions and Withdraw troops from Palestinian
areas has so far refused to join a Sharon-

led government. Without Labor. Sharon may . U N l V E R S l T Y O F K E N T U C K Y

be forced to seek support of right-wing and 1
religious parties that would seek an even ‘

tougher line with the Palestinians.

More alums seek career counseling .
NEW BRITAIN. Conn. College seniors 59'9““

reports from the UK police

are finding some unexpected company this from Jan. 13' 2002 to Jan. 19’ 2003

semester as they visit their schools' career
services offices from alumni who also
want help landing a job in a slow economy.
Rutgers. the State University of New Jersey:

Jan. 20: Theft reported from Starbucks and the Commons

responded to the influx of alumni by estab- ‘ Market at 2335 pm. chalk board stolen.
lishing an online career netwrirking pro» " Jan. 21: Druq/mariiuana use reported from 121 Keeneland
gram especially for the school's graduates. . Drive at 1232 am, smell of marijuana.
At the University ot Pennsylvania. alumni Jan. 21: Criminal mischief reported from 410 Rose Lane at

account for 15 percent of the clients seeking
career counseling. up from the 10 percent
who used the service when the economy was

strong. ‘ Ave. at 5:05 pm.

4:54 pm, vandalism to a blue Ford Escape.
Jan. 21: Drug/marijuana use reported from 754 Woodland

possmle marijuana use on 2nd floor.

Jan. 21: Criminal mischief reported from K Lot at 5:23 pm.

Cable company rejects anti-war ads

cable television company rejected ads that
an anti-war group wanted to air during Pres

Jan. 21: Theft reported from 750 Rose St. at 11:14 pm,
coat and cell phone stolen.

Jan. 22: Trespassmq reported from 300 Alumni Drive at
4:06 am, subject beating on door.

ident Bush's State of the Union speech. say Jan. 22: Theft reported from Kirwan Tower at 3:22 pm,

ing they included unsubstantiated claims. cell phone stolen.

P9309 ACllOIl Education Fund had 5PM“ ‘ Jan. 22: Ticket scalpiriq reported from 430 W. Vine St. at

$5000 to have six 30-second ads aired on ‘ 5.23 pm.
CNN by Philadelphia-based Comcast begin
ning Tuesday night. During his speech.

Bush was expected to reiterate his case for 63” pm.

Jan. 22: Ticket scalpinq reported from 430 W. Vine St. at

war. The ads were to be broadcast in the ; Jan. 231 Criminal mischief reported from l0l AVE. Of
Washington. DC. area. But Comcast‘s legal ‘ Champions at 12:53 pm, profanity spray-painted on vehicle.

department notified the group. Tuesday . Jan. 23: Theft reported from 343 Martin Luther King Blvd.
morning that the ads would not an: The ads . at 5.59 pm. credit card stolen.

show citizens expressing opposition to war
with Iraq and were to run twice on Tuesday.
Wednesday and Thursday nights. “This is an

Jan. 24: Disorder reported from 800 Rose St. at 12:12
pm, disorder between three to four males.

outrageous infringetnent on our First 3 Jan. 241 Criminal rTllSCl'llel reported from Kirwan Tower at
Amendment rights. in the center of our ? 11:55 pm, wire entangled inside Elevator n1.
democracy. 531d the R0“ RObel‘t MOON E‘X' ‘ Jan. 25: Domestic Violence reported from Shawneetown

ecutive director of the 2.000-member peace

Apartments at 1:39 am.
Jan. 26: Disorder reported from Audobon at 2:17 am, dis-
order includinq about 20 people.

Family services SEEKS answers 1 Jan. 26: Trespassinq reported from 312 Linden Walk at
CHICAGO —— Officials of Illinois‘ family- 3:34 am, male on porch attempting to kick in door.

services department were scrambling Tues~ Jan. 26: Motor vehicle complaint reported from Science
day to figure out where n5 much-praised Drive at 4:06 pm, semitruck blocking traffic.

child-welfare system broke down in the case
of a 3-year—old boy found chained by the neck
to a bedpost. Critics said the scandal indicates
the Department of Children and Family Ser-

vices needs to reduce its reliance on private Source: UK Police Loq at WWW.ukv.edII/Police and police

agencies to watch over children in foster care.


One critic said it may be time to split the de- Compiled by assistant news editor Emily Hagedorn

partment into two agencies. A drug raid Sat-
urday on a South Side Chicago home led to
the discovery of a foster child chained to a
bed. The chain was wrapped around his neck
and held in place with a padlock. The boy
wore a soiled diaper wrapped in a plastic bag.





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Doctor defends branding
UK onto woman's uterus

Marking: Doctor says brand helps him orient organ
during surgery; state medical board will review case


geon being sued for brand-
ing a patient's uterus with
the initials of his alma
mater -— the University of
Kentucky 4* defended his
actions Tuesday as a rou-
tine part of a hysterectomy

Dr. Michael Guiler said
in a statement that marking
the uterus gives doctors a
point of reference before it
is removed.

Guiler. who used a cau-
terizing instrument to
brand “UK" on Stephanie
Means' uterus. said the let-
ters marked the organ‘s
midline and distinguished
its left and right side.

“Not only am I always
able to remain oriented for
the patient's safety. I felt this

was honorable since it made
reference to the college of
medicine where I received
my medical degree." he said
in the statement. which he
read to reporters.

Guiler emphasized that
the markings “were not in-
tended to demean the pa-
tient in any way and were
done only with the patient's
safety in mind."

Means filed suit last
week. claiming she suffered
emotional distress after
viewing a videotape of last
year‘s operation. She and
her husband are seeking un-
specified damages.

Earlier. in interviews on
ABC's “Good Morning
America“ and NBC's “To-
day,“ Guiler said that before
surgery. patients are in
formed about the procedure.

how it is performed and
about the need to mark the
uterus. But he said the type
of marking was not previ-
ously discussed.

Kim Alumbaugh. chair-
woman of the Kentucky
chapter of the American
College of Obstetricians
and Gynecologists. said
some surgeons rely on
stitches. burn marks or oth-
er identifiers before remov-
ing an organ.

Alumbaugh declined to
comment on the specifics of
the lawsuit but said the
state medical licensing
board will probably review
the case.

"A situation like this.
where there is some contro-
versy. will be reviewed. and
rightly so to evaluate it for
appropriate medical proce-
dure." she said. “In any sur-
gical procedure. the dignity
of the patient must be re-

[They] were
not intended to
demean the
patient in any
way and were
done only with
the patient’s
safety in

- Dr. Michael Guiler,
on marking “UK" on a woman's

uterus during a hysterectomy,
for which he is being sued.


FBI witness charged with lying in court

Indictment: Scientist said she lied in a pre-trial hearing
for the man convicted of killing a UK football player


An FBI scientist who ad—
mitted lying in the case of a
man who was convicted in
the death of a University of
Kentucky football player has
been indicted on a misde-
meanor charge.

Kathleen Lundy was
charged with false swearing.
which carries a penalty of
up to 90 days in jail. The
charge requires that prose-
cutors prove that Lundy
knowingly lied. that she did
so during an official pro-
ceeding and that the lie was
material, meaning the truth
likely would have resulted
in a different outcome.

Ten days ago. Fayette
County Circuit Judge
Thomas Clark issued an
opinion saying that the
truth would not have
changed his mind or altered
the course of the case
against Shane Ragland. who
was convicted in March of
the 1994 sniper slaying of
UK football player Trent

The lie centered on the

manufacturing process of
bullet maker Winchester.

During a hearing to deter-
mine whether the compari-
son of lead from bullets
found at Ragland's home to
lead from DiGiuro‘s head

was science or quackery.
Lundy said Winchester
melted its own bullet lead
until 1996. In fact. Winches-
ter had stopped melting its
own bullet lead in 1986.

Lundy corrected her tes-
timony during the trial.
then returned to Washing-
ton. DC. and told her su-
pervisors that she had lied
at the earlier hearing. She
was suspended from her
normal duties.

J. Guthrie True. one of
Ragland‘s defense attor-
neys. was surprised by the
indictment but was disap-
pointed that Lundy was not
charged with felonious per-
jury. “I guess they only par-
tially whitewashed it." he

True said Lundy‘s lie

made a large difference:
Pre-1986 lead batches
weighed 2.000 pounds.
whereas the lead that was
shipped later came in
200.000-pound lots. By fudg—
ing the date by a decade.
True said. Lundy made it
appear the Ragland bullets
came from a batch of lead
that would make 120.000 bul-
lets rather than 12 million.

A special prosecutor.
Tom Smith. is heading up
the prosecution of Lundy.
She has no court appear-
ances scheduled.

A spokesman at FBI
headquarters had no infor-
mation Monday about the
number of bureau employ-
ees criminally charged with
perjury but said it was an
extremely rare event.





Continued from page 1

available. This may mean
tightening admissions in the
future. Nietzel said.

This year, UK had its
largest freshman class ever.

“It’s going to be difficult
to take in a freshmen class
as large as last year’s and
this year’s" with fewer facul-
ty, Nietzel said. “We need to
really consider if we can
provide the education stu-
dents want and need."

Some legislators have
suggested cutting funding
from colleges because they
have income that public sec-
ondary and elementary
Schools do not have: tuition.

The Board of Trustees
approved a 5.5 percent tu-
ition increase for 2004 more
that a year ago. but that will
not be enough to help with
the shortfall. Nietzel said.

“We know we will have
to raise [tuition] even more
than we planned. we just
don't know how much more
yet.“ Nietzel said. “There is
no doubt tuition will in-
Crease more unless a mira-
cle happens."

Another tuition hike
will be postponed until ad-
ministrators know more
about the state budget cuts.
which may be as late as




Continued from page I

ment. we get a grasp on
where they are physically."
Hayslett said. The assess-
ment. which costs $5. in-
cludes a questionnaire and
interview session used to
look for high risk factors and
cardiovascular disease.

At other campus gyms.
including those at Kirwan 11

March or April. Nietzel

Nietzel presented the
budget reduction strategies
yesterday to UK college
deans to help clarify the
new restrictions and limits.

School of Education
Dean James Cibulka said
higher education funding
cuts will hurt more than
just the universities.

“It is our responsibility
and charge to produce good
teachers. administrators
and conduct research in the
field of education.“ Cibulka
said. “These cuts would
harm elementary. middle
and secondary schools."

School of Pharmacy
Dean Kenneth Roberts said
the budget cuts would put
services provided by the
university at great risk.

“A 9 percent cut is a
deep cut and it will create
pain in many ways in re-
gards to services." Roberts
said. “We have a high. top
quality pharmacy program
.. and we are disappointed
we're vulnerable to the ero-
sion of our high standing.
The budget cuts create that

UK may lose any chance
of fulfilling its goal of be-
coming a Top 20 institution
because of these cuts.

“A 9 percent cut may do
irreparable harm to the ed-
ucation school." Cibulka
said. “But it also may do ir-
reparable harm to UK's am-
bitions to be a Top 20 insti-

and the Underground Fitness
Center. emergency plans and
health screens are similar.
Questionnaires are used.
equipment is checked on a
regular basis and free physi-
cal assessments are available
for anyone

Residence Life Wellness
Graduate Assistant Anne
Oglesbee monitors the work-
out facility in Kii11an [l and
says equipment is thecked
weekly and an assessment is
available on request. The
screening checks blood pres-
sure. height and weight.

Scott Baker. manager at
the Underground. says that





Continued from page I

Bush‘s approval ratings slip-
ping into the 503. down from
about 90 percent right after
the Sept. 11 attacks.
This point in a president‘s
first term is usually a time to
consolidate gains and frame
reelection issues. Bush clear-
ly was doing that. devoting
the first half of his State of
the Union to domestic sub-
jects. But the possibility of
war with Iraq still dominated
attention ~— and Bush re-
served for Saddam his most

intense. emotional words.

“The dictator of Iraq is
not disarming. To the con-
trary. he is deceiving." Bush
said. “The gravest danger
facing America and the
world is outlaw regimes
that seek and possess nu-
clear. chemical and biologi-
cal weapons. America and
the world will not be black-
mailed." he said.

“Iraq has become the for-
eignpolicy equivalent of the
Bush tax cut.“ said Ivo
Daalder. a national security
aide in the Clinton White
House who is now with the
Brookings Institution. He sug-
gested Bush was pushing it as
a cure-all for all the nation's
foreign policy challenges. just
as he was suggesting his tax
cut proposals would cure the
economy‘s ills.





Continued from page I

a student who had attempt-
ed to register through SG.
but was later told she could-
n't vote because she wasn't

An indictment could af-
fect Robinson in another legal
sense. as he is a law student
and set to graduate this year.

the assessment is important
for students to take.

“A screening or assess—
ment is especially important
for inexperienced people be-
cause they could put them-
selves at greater risk of a car-
diovascular event." Baker

Many students. howev-
er. admitted health assess-
ments are seldom consid-
ered. Good equipment.
price. atmosphere. hours
and cleanliness topped most
of their lists.

“I never really thought
about it." said (‘olby Goss. a
political scienoe senior.

Officials with the Ken-
tucky Bar Association said
an indictment might affect a
law students chances of be-
ing allowed to practice law.
When students apply to take
the bar exam. the KBA Fit-
ness and Character Commit-
tee conducts a background
investigation. said Grant
Helman. Chairman of the

During the investigation.
an indictment would be “a
factor that's weighed in
whether or not they're al
lowed to sit for the bar exam."
Helman said.

Other students. such as
Jonathan Lee. a political sci
ence junior. “really didn't
know that such things

“I guess they should ad-
vertise that a bit better." Lee

Although at times over-
looked. this commitment is
appreciated by students such
as Heidi Metzer. a manage
ment senior.

“I'm glad to see that I'K
takes this seriously." she said
“Heart disease runs in my
family and I like to know that
if something happens I will
be taken care of." r



Graduate School Dissertations




Dissertation lift!

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Setter-n: and M lat-pint»-
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Dissertation Title

Moron Wang

Hurniaceuucd $000028

Brain Dehery at Moecobc lad
by the “nutrition oi It: [star
Prodnig m the Nasal Route

Mayor Professor Dr Peter Wedlund
Date iebmary I3. 2003
Im: l0'00 am
Place 542 COP




Granite! Mb letting
Dorm lid testing 3
Mil“ Iodel al Rapport
I“ when lo:
M [when and Physical
Patient Cum-cation

' Dr. lacy Emit Harrington

‘ Inn 11. 2003

: 1:00 pin.

: Room 163 '4 l. bug library








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