xt7sf766748c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sf766748c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-09-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 28, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 28, 1979 1979 1979-09-28 2020 true xt7sf766748c section xt7sf766748c KENTUCKY ”per/rs..."
35/2 I
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Vol. LXXII. No. 3| . University of Kentucky
l-‘rlday. September 28. I979 an Independent student newspaper Lexlngton. “mud"
—_ E .
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._ _ 1.; Future of UK College of Communications _
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- V \ k . .~. s *- By KATY BANAHAN interest," Drennon said. “if there are tions is more behavioral science development of a depanment of
_ .~ " ‘ ' 2,; . .t . Reporter this many students with this interest. oriented andiournalismis more along telecomunications The nlne faculty
“ a a s“: .1 \ . “‘ - " go; there is no reason not to create a new the lines of professional training.“ posts which Drennon and his staff had
‘9 w s , The future of UK's College of department.” However. he added. “these two aren't to fill over the summer were intended
m “53 ‘ ~' 5‘ Communications, in doubt since May, Prior to Rush‘s resignation, there mutually exclusive. they‘re just to improve UK‘stelecommunication's
. .. f W, .. N _ 1‘ ‘ we will be decided within the next few was reportedly tension among the different approaches. lf there is an program
, t a ’_ "‘ " 4 months according to Herbert members of the college‘s administra~ automatic conflict here. I don‘t see it.“ Drennon stressed that, contrary to
' » .. -" ‘ ( Drennon. acting dean of the college. tors and faculty. Sources who asked As forthe future of the college itself, the speculations of some. plans for a ~
, ‘ ‘ UK President Dr. Otis Singletary not to be identified said that Drennon said that whatever department for telecommunications
‘-- (fiat g .. : appointed a committee Sept. 2i. differences had arisen between the Singletary‘s decision may be. it willbe have not been dropped.
' to ‘x . Q . chaired by Dr. Joseph Jones. college's departments of journalism made with concern for the individual “Additional (telecommunications)
;\ i a K department of Spanish and Italian and human communications. programs currently in the COHCBC- equipment had been acquired year by
‘ ’j_ . = . s ._ languages. to evaluate the College of . Should Singletary decide to disband year.“ said Drennon. "and the number
., § “ I . Communications. . the college as it now existS, it would be of students with an interest in this area
. “\g \ '- ‘ ._ J ‘d h . rt . h th ‘ because the programs would best be is substantial and growing. We will
‘ .. z’ ‘ t. e “is f .r .. . g ones 58' . e ‘5 unce ‘1": w en . e ’ served in another college. such as the definitely try to meet that interest."
- , . .:. . . . a committee Will first meet. Imsending a . . . . .
s. -: . . at “.5. as t - rd. out notices to da (W dnesda )to find I . . §§ ._ College of Arts & Sciences. Drennon Since telecommunications 18 not _a
i , / - . , » , ‘ or” ‘_ .2" .r y e y ~ ~-- i: _» said. department at this time the faculty is
- .--- 3‘ "’ > - . a twhen the other members can meet " ’ ‘ a -* . . . '
sgy- .~ . so s s of £3» a... - Ol.’ . . . .- He said heexpcctsthedeCiSion from scattered throughout the College of
_ --_>_ , (a _‘ _ i a .. i. ' With (Dr. LeWIs) Cochran (UK Vice k g . S' l b D b C . . . .
l. __ _ .. .. "is: W (x :: . f d mic affairs) an d Dr 5 . . ing ctary . y ecem er. ommunlcations. a Situation
W“ W3" ““ ” greSIdent 0;? e bl 'h . ' has... 4“" Speculation about the college‘s Drennon terms “ineffiCient. illogical
f A“ ngswfia- M “mile:gtm 1:351:33: 05:31:25 5 a: $1. future has caused concern among and confusing.“ ‘
H r " ‘ “Megsaasm ‘ :0 le are ofgf-cam us .. he said __ communications students. What Nine one-year or part~time faculty
-- f « .sWN My ‘_ p DP R R Ph ' h ' d ‘ w i would be the status of students positions had to be filled. “Our major
N. ' p 3.. at? . ' lifts r. amona us ‘ w o .5ch6 as am currently enrolled in one of the College need over the summer was to secure
Si ’ we“ ‘ - .4271“ Communications dean since the ' ' of Communications‘ two div'sions _, teachin ersonnel to meet the needs
-~ \ . ' - college‘s creation in I976 reSigned last » - I g p. .. .
s... . “ semester and has resumed teaching in .. hu m “.1 co m m u n heat 10 "S a "d Of our curriculu m. Drennon said. To
By CHESTER Sl'BLETT/Kernel Staff the college as a full-time professor. ‘3 ~ '-~ Journalism ' Show the college be accompmh thlj‘ Dram" turned to '
. . . . , reorganized or disbanded? what he called outstanding resources
h I ff! Drennon assumed the responSiblllties HERBERT DRENNON “I think it's important to reassure in the community who were more than
S on Stu of the dean 5 office July I' Speculation surfaced at that time people" Drennon said. “that underthe glad to fill in and help."
The Harlem Globetrotters attract acrowd no matter where they go, and In a May I? interview with the that the college would undergo rules of the University. any student is Local broadcasters and advertising
\ Hallie Bryant. a member of the famous basketball team. was no Lexington Leader. Rush said she reorganization. or possibly be entitled to get their degree under the agents are among those who are now
exception. One of his smaller fans clasps a basketball tightly at the resigned because she was “fed up with disbanded. rules which were in effect when they filling the part-time positions. Barry
Lexington Mall. where Bryant gave an exhibition last night. trying to put together a viable college Drennon said he feels the two can entered. Peal and Mike Berry. two people who
of communications.“ function together. “My own “Should one of the units (human have filledln, work for local television
. . The overallenrollmentinthecollege impression would be that it isn‘t communications orjournalism) return news stations. -
Dept. Of Ed ucatlon bl” approved is 809 students.up30perccntthisyear. impossible to arrive at some to the College of Arts & Sciences, While Drennon said he wouldn‘t
This is the largest percentage increase reasonable compromise situation.“ he nobody currently enrolled would be want to speculate on exactly what
By BETTY ANNE WILLIAMS division in the Department of Health. of any college at UK. said. “In my relatively brief tenure SUDJCCI to change.“ Drennon added. Singletary‘s deClSlori on‘the fate ofthe
Assocmcd Prmwmfl Education and Welfare will be the The increase in the number of here. I‘ve seen no differences between “Of course. they certainly could College ofCommunicationswlll be. he
hean ofthe new agency. but programs students declaring a major in the two departments which are changc(tothe new college) lfthey felt outline four ba5lc alternatives from
WASHINGTON — The House from the departments of Agriculture, telecommunications is even more insurmountable.“ they would benefit.“ ‘ which Singletary may choose:. . .
gave approval yesterday to a bill Justice, Housing and Urban dramatic — up 40 percent from last ‘Drcnnon said he feels that the‘ Among‘the changes being planned 7" The COIlege ofCommunlcations
creating a new Department of Development, Labor and other year. friction between the two departments for the College of Communications would continue 'Wllh the twu
Education and sent the measure to agencies will be added. “It’s foolish to ignore that kind of arose because “human communica- before Rush reSigned was the Continued on page 10 .
President Carter. The new department will have a .
The House voted 215-201 to create budget exceeding $l4 billion and will
the l3th Cabinet agency. During his have about [8,000 employees. UK d .
r‘ 1976 campaign. Carter had promised The debate over the Education epanments may get new programs
to place the government‘s education Department pitted the two largest . .
programs within a single new agency. teacher organizations against one
The Senate passed the measure another. The National Education
Monday. Association. the largest teacher By BOB COCHRANE director of the council. faculty-student contact." he said. Even the basic division of life from ,
The measure will reduce the size of organization. actively supported the Staff Writer “This is a big step.“ said Dr. Robert Dr. Michael Gardone. a CHE staff death has become blurred. “It‘s not a
the Department of Health. Education idea. But the rival American Murphy. director of UK‘s graduate member. mentioned the bleak job matter of philosophy supplanting _
and Welfare and will rename the Federation of Teachers led the Three UK departments are one step program in Communications. “The prospects for holders of new Ph.D.s in religion. but of a complimentary ;
’ agency the Department of Health and opposition. closer to offering new doctoral Ph.D. has been a long time coming.“ purely academic fields. such as response with religion.“ _
Human Resources. After the House vote. Carter called programs foIIOWing Tuesday‘s , , philosophy. He said the UK proposal Dr. Lewis Cochran. UK vice :
Asthe House vote was announceda it “a significant milestone in my effort unanimous vote by the Academic The program wk" stress teaching also called for preparation of degree president for academic affairs. saidthe ' ‘ '
cheer went up outside the chamber to make the federal government more Affairs CommitteeofthestateCouncil and research, he Sa‘d' ““1." a “‘3.” to holders who could find jobs in growth of doctoral programs enhances ,
where private supporters of the efficient.“ He said the new department on Higher Education. placing graduates m media posrtions business. government. and medicine in undergraduate programs accordingly 4 .
proposal. many of them teachers, had would give the American people “a The recommendation sends the as well as academics. Three-fourths 0f addition to traditional academic by attracting potential candidates. . '
i been waiting. much clearer picture of what the decision to the full council which those students who have completed channels. Cochran also expressed awareness of _. .
The new department is the second federal government is doing in meets Oct. l7 to consider Ph.D. M'A‘ degrees at UK m, the past have Philosophy Chairman Ronald the tight job market in the academic - '
created during Carter‘s term. The education and who is in charge of programs at UK in communications. gone on [.0 professmnal , careers. Bruzinasaidtheprogram willbecross- marketplace. é "
Energy Department was established in those activities.“ computer science. and philosophy. If Murphy said. The remaining one- disciplinary in order to meet the “We inform every prospective
I977. Caner planned to have breakfast passed.the Ph.D. programs willbethe fourth have 3°“ ""0 doctoral philosophical dilemmas that have student of the job market." he said. .‘
Underthe legislation. morethan I50 today with the NEA board of first approved in Kentucky since a programs. arisen in areas traditional morality “We will attempt to tailor our
federal programs will betransferred to directors. The board is expected to moratorium went into effect in I972. “We won‘t be a large program. does not reach. such as high- programs so that the new degree _- . »
the new agency. The education endorse Carter‘s re-election, according to Harry Snyder, executive which will enable us to have better technology medicine. holder is not limited to one market." i ' '
odafx—E——— . -
. measure enacted. that no pay raise voted by the current Congress could go into AN AMERICAN TOUR BY THE MOSCOW STATE 4‘
State Carter acted only one day after the House reversed an effect until Jan. I. l98l v after all House members and one- SYMPHONY was cancelled yesterday with no reason being 3
A SPECIA L COM MISSION VOTED T0 earlier rejection and approved the legislation. third of the Senate have been through the 1980 elections. given said Goskontsert. the Soviet concert-schedulingagency. “
, RECOMMEND to the I980 General Assembly that prisoners The treaties turn most of the Panama Canal Zone over to After passage of the amendment. the Senate took up other Western diplomats linkedthe cancellation to recent defections j
i serve at least 20 percent of their sentence before they can be Panama on Monday-Other canal property is turned over in prowsions of an emergency appropriations bill which by five prominent Soviet performers. ‘ I,
. paroled. stages. concluding With the canal itself at the end of the containsthe volatile issue ofwhether , ratherthan when The diplomats said the Sowets were not convmced .
The Special Commission on Sentencing and the Release of century. . ' . . . . Congress should raise its own pay. sufficient security would be'prowded for the orchestra during :
Criminal Offenders also voted in favor of judges handing Caner 5'8““! If“? implementing. bl" "1 PllVfltc and the tour. but would not say if security meantprotection forthe .
down sentences instead of juries. “"‘°““°°d ‘h‘ §°°m°n m" "‘ " Wm“ “WM“ “5““ NURSES' cxas BLOCKED THE oalvawxv of the ”Member orchestra to be assurances musrrlans would not _
- The recommendations will be in the commission‘s final through the whim House press office. , . dilapidated and bankrupt Sarah Allen Nursing Home be granted asylum should they 5“" ‘0 defect. ,'
‘ report which is scheduled to be approved at an Oct. 24 The leglsm'on sets uan.S.-controlled commissionto run yesterday as a lawyer for I43 elderly. mostly bedridden '
. ' meeting. the canal from Monday until Panama gets " Dec. 3" [999' patients promised. “We‘re not going to let them take the weather
, The recommendation on minimum sentence would allow people 3W3!"
‘ . the state Parole Board to set even tougher minimums of up to "“3 HOUSE FINALLY APPROVED A I," 'UDGET Pennsylvania Welfare Department OffiCil‘lS‘ alleging C3" is . .
' 30 percent and would requirethat all inmates serve at least five Yesterdays bl" a“mm"y “0‘ '“ “n“ ‘0 "50'“ dlmlmces substandard. announced plans Wednesday to transfer the PERIODS 0F 3".” ”mush ”my.“ Rm" m." be "my
' months in prison before being considered for parole. with the Senate over defense spending before the start of the residents to a state-operated facility l20 miles away. at times. Low'tonight tn the low 605~ Elsi) ‘0‘“! lfl "“3 upper "
. new fiscal year next week. That is when the protesting employees. who have worked 60s. Rain ending tomorrow With a high in the mid 70s.
». A SPECIAL GRAND wav yesterday began Iookinginto By " ”2‘20." "‘"E'm "‘° "W“ ”“4“ ' ‘5‘“ ””1“” WW" Pry since Aus- l7- set “P the blockade. . , . '
_ -, a corporation which reportedly shared commissions from budget. ODIYSIlBhll)’ Ieanerthanthespending packagethatthe Gov. Dick Thornburgh said yesterday he had canceled the o“ ‘4 ' . " e ’ .,
state insurance contracts. lawmakers rejected '3“ week. Republicans unanimously plans for movingthe patients out ofthe Philadelphiaareaand " -
. ' The corporation. Seton Investments Inc.. was headed by opposed the Md”! measure. . . . that he h°P°d they 90““ be relocated in local facilities. " .
former state Cabinet Secretary James E. Gray. according to The Senate version 0! the budget “"5 for ”463 “I'm“ In '
Fred Bradley. is Frankfort attorney who incorporated the spending'and dim" from the House ”“5“" by calling for world '
company. sharply higlhe‘ri outlaysdfor defer‘i‘se antll‘cutsHin socral pJograms. . . ..
. 3, w . - - ouse ea ers sat yester ay tat ouse an enate L
‘ muggkfisietglt‘s‘flfg fiogléhiifengfflryhti itfidefig negotiators will not meet to reconcile their deep-seated POPE“ JOHN PAUL " said yesterday “permanent and , ' .3;
corporation m September [975 and transferred it shortly differences until afteraweek-long House recess that startsthis effective PC“? WI” bea theme 'Of his “WOW"! '“Sfl‘U-S- ’ f
3' afterward, weekend. tour. Hulso issu‘ed guideline:i aérlfid at solvmg a boundary ,‘ , 1 _ "a“ as
s . . . . . dispute tween rgentina an ie. - i. " .» so '
* v. in3::Ldoxe'flfigfi:ftfiltfégflrgfi'ldba“:jlmi‘zffiu THE sauna: xrraovco Wiritour DISSENT . The 39-year-old pope. who leaves tomorrow on his third . . r fitfiafi .
; . ; n to Gray. whom he said had been the corporation president. yesterday an amendment that could prohibit any payraise for international voyage in the first year of his pontificate. has if“ . eggs _
’ . members of Congress from going into effect until a new characterized thelrish leg of his trip asa“pilgrtmage of peace “ fiesta fié‘i’ifi *
. ' 1,, . Congress is elected. and reconciliation.” . ‘4 m gas. ‘ .
' e nat'on Passage of the amendment offered by Sen. Richard Stone. He was referring to the fighting in Northern Ireland. where . "an? .35" 4 . 2 a t .- fihfigas ‘
., 7 D-Fla.. tossed another factor into thecomplicated bargaining the Irish Republican Army has been waging l0 years of fl .- "‘ ' . ’ f -
. . . j I I PRESIDENT C ARTER SIGNED INTO LA“l procedure between House and Senate negotiators who will bloody guerrilla war to end British rule and unitethe province s» g “a?" .‘ t‘ . .
-. _ 3 LEGISLATION to implement the Panama Canal treaties decide the composition of the final bill. with the Irish Republic. The pope will visit the Republic. but .. “if 5
‘ fl ._ . it, yesterday. ending a year-long administration effort to get the If accepted by both chambers. it apparently would mean not northern Ireland. s
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 I- ' ‘T {V T 7" 7" 'vir 7w T‘“"‘ '77 V—'—v WWW
‘ KENTUCKY Debate Men-Isl ‘ is, Food! Steve Mum Mm Green rm Chrl cm Landon
Editor in Chief Campus Editor Tore-I Young Pull MIMI Emermmmem Edi/or Dim-tor of Photographv
Astm‘lale Edna! Richard McDonald
6 l C In W“ LIII Don-lard ' (‘lndy McGee John (‘lIy David Maynard
\ Managing Editor Editorial Editor Kirby Stephens Spur/J Edllor Photo Manager
(opt It'dtlurx
0 0 l a, ' t Brian Richard
edltorla s comm” 5 Assistant! Spam Ellllur P
——————————.——————________.___ l
’ - I h Id b . t f “*WNN‘MlmHN LU/Al {7 Irl mi v '—
- Pope svrsrts ou e impe us or peace, . w .;
I I II I I fI h I Q ‘ ml 1
, V3) '. .
~ not grounds for religious, po Ittca tg ting § . ;
- ~ -535 ' £31,277, (”a “l ..
pope John Paul 1] wtu make what the Vatican has gang war than anything else. The two fronts seem to .17... ‘ ’ig-j; j. ‘ ll ' P‘ ’
called a “whirlwind tour" of six cities when he visits be only devising new ways of planting explosives on P ‘ :3 . ‘ ‘ O \ 1L1 -
the United States next week. following a brief the other side. 0 g f I .' r‘ rim, .:;.
' stopover in Ireland this weekend. Pope John Paul II has already proven to be 7.- ‘g‘l 7% P
- Irish authorities have announced they will be charismatic. Perhaps he can go beyond that and . ' - . o P Pf «.
providing the pope with the strongest security (however idealistic this may seem) mend at least some mac A I E. ' J P...
available. in an attempt to ward off any danger of anti- of the bitterness the opposing sides have held for each 2_ 4 .- ' P7,, “P' 5
Catholic terrorists. And that is sad. other for so long. 513 I; r’; M}. 3
A man whose office was designed to promote peace, On a somewhat lighter note, the pope plans to visit Sivk ‘. : é. ‘ 5”th .‘_ P
patience and love for fellow man will be getting such Boston Monday, and while security will betight, more if? \\ fit t'PP'i. . 'P t
tight protection that even the president will have to noteworthy here is a battle of a different kind. In '5 / . )3 / \l l -
carry a special identification card to get near him. several of the cities inthe pontiff‘s American stopover, . \ P, P ,Z-_;g§’;‘ -.‘ t ‘I §
The Associated Press said “an elite anti-terrorist arguments have arisen over whether a local holiday 000 /_ . l C“ l 1.: E: in i . '1 “KP
unit carrying submachine guns“ will escort the pope should be declared. " _ ' l ' I ‘ {Wilt ; It'll 3hr ~
throughout the lTlSh tour. and they Will bC backed by Proponents of the day off say this is 8 oncc-in-a- g “—- , l illiP ”nil 4‘ ‘4 , .€._l .I'liul‘l .
l2.000 (.VCS- 11000) ”OOPS and policemen. lifetime event; no pope has visited the United States _ \ ".,..,'; “ QM F a r— ‘95?”1PJW\\ .i
The massive security plan. which will cost $3.2 since Paul back in the late l960s. Those against it "I . 'l l ._. ‘P‘ , " W" '
million, was launched amid fears that Protestant claim it is forcing one’s beliefs on another. Hogwash. P7 J _ . ”U? \ l I, {fly '5
terrorists from Northern Ireland will try to attack the The clashes in the United States may not be quite so R . Vt; o , . «\ fl ‘
pontiff to avenge the August assassination of Earl extreme as those in Ireland, but it is discouraging ) ' y ‘" ,. ,1 W - a 2, . r .' .-
Mountbatten. a cousin of Britain‘s Queen Elizabeth nonetheless. It is difficult to understand the raging :\ , . \ ' , ' . . ‘ E
II. by IRA guerrillas. controversy surrounding the tour of a man who ” *‘( __ Ti
Bloodshed in the name of God is nothing new; the represents unity and understanding. Though the pope | i
Crusades of the Middle Ages attest to that. But the is the leader of Catholics, heshould stand as an aid to a f i l
violence in Northern Ireland seems to be more of a dissolving hatred among all people. v //. P' ,_ . . \ I i
P" P l , m 71 ‘2 ’P; K}; :v\ j
- ’ I , t : i -
Why aren’t they teaching speed NF“ '- l W ‘l
, I ‘ ‘ ‘. , 1'“. l/ l - is. ‘~ JQW‘N
. .' " llxr' 3‘» L». we.
"‘ .a’r ' - ti‘xt" N49 of?»
I. -M l
I I." K s ./ "-‘-‘ .. X o D .
reading at U K other colleges? it s .. e ‘3’” j l
I I i . f“ V : a?) 7-). “RA fl KI , VP\ . _
. ‘ T " 'e 3" T". . ”I l'\ T . .‘ . V‘ ‘
By RALPH JOHNSON habits ingrained in the first threeyears me. What brought that on wasa book ; P f . _. . (11% 3 e a [m \4 . '1. m ’P j J £ ‘ j) l
of grammar school. I just finished reading, “The Day the '77?” 1. "‘- ‘ P , P '. If rev/(.3; \(‘J ' I r l .
Every year about this time Evelyn Evelyn Wood has no great secret or Bubble Burst." It was a detailed 6, z i Pr; '_ at ; S “1’2! ' \[ “MES - are?“ ‘ W , l
Wood plasters the campus with ads system that can‘t be employed or account of the before, the during and WM: . . o . ._ —\\ . or /._ r’i/ ‘ ‘ ‘l' P/’_ _P y P. PR5; l P3
propostng to teach L'K students how improved by any universtty. the after of the stock market crash of \ ' ‘P ' " ugly / ~ [333$ if 2/‘ \\.-~_ , l , ‘
to read three to ten times faster. Last . I929. FCW 0!th geniuses escaped With . ‘ .. ,P k 'V ‘ ji.’ " ff,» /\ "V ' ‘ 1
week the Kernel ranadoubletruck ad, Same goes for foreign langua "l“Ch oftheirfortunestntact.0ne who ““4 \ A 2,, i ’ \ j \‘5’ M- :1
one of the most lavish diSplay ads in and the Berlitz system. Universitgiés; ‘M was 505”“ P. Kenmdyr husmnd \ - \l fie-:52, . . rat’s ‘ [IV/'3 ; - 7 l
memory in which Evelyn Wood offers employa doddering, plodding method of R0“ and father or Joe, Jr., John, " “Tiara“ / i5“ ‘_ 1' .‘ , .J W I ‘ .
a series of “free“lectures designed, the of teaching a foreign language. More Robert and Edward. 109°de by .. "‘7‘?“ .. ’ i . ‘ \\‘ , .l h’.’ P ’1‘
ad says. to she“ you how to; “—-—_- not getting-tn. In summation, none of 25“”... » -. V”) .l , j P: P;
. - - them reall knew how the market " . r ..,..~ . V ' ’ .gi
Raise your grade average Without pOSIt’ve . worked. Ptire luck saved their skins. . P. ”f » h/ l /., "i , i
long hours over texts. negaflva Pt? ., l . ’/i P .‘P 't
iiiillliii’ifgiri'i'l’éi‘i 3:33:33- “— nm a Jot-mun r. - professor or 4“ it... __ . ,._ - ' * NV/C . l l g
in as little as l Jthe time. 8 time is spent with the culture and ”0‘0!"th 't the University. His W q k?) “-1.,“ " A“: .' X >55 ‘5 I I A
~ . histo of the count or countries column ofthoughts Indremlnlscences , \\ \\ it ~ " _ . L , A g $9" I
Have more free time to enjoy ry Pry . bo UK llf lll . ms. » ;._, 8.131.... 4 2.x . ~~) / i . -
yourself. where the language is spoken than is ' “t e W WP“? every . wars '1» ( ,_ . _ P ‘P
Read 3 to IO times faster, with Spent teaching the language. Fm'y' M222 ”.2 ~""'“*“—~“——““——““ 7;
better concentration. First things first. First teach the .
. understanding and recall. student t0 speak the language. Then , r
Evelyn Wood‘s new RDZ reading teach the culture. . res on ones .
system makes it all possible. the ad . . :
wem on to say. Speaking bof foreigndlzngaué; . .P . - .
» ,_ . ' , , requirements rings to min t e T t b t t A pl ht .
...“22massassinate: 39m .. .. «mm 9X3“ pays ll U e 0 an merican _ aYWTIQ
possible. "”9". m. an age or instant By DANIEL BLAKE SMITH town where “A Texas Trilogy is set." Living Graduate" (both selected as one suspects account for the popular 'i ‘-
My point. however, is this: If the gratification and parental During his early West Texas days, Best Plays of the l976-77 season in success of his work and the numerous r {
Evelyn Wood system is valid — and penntssiveness,the 305 program “5' On September l9 the American Jones worked for a while with the New York) gently remind us of the regional theatre productions of the . .
certainly her promises of and 's‘ embraced by certain students. theatre lost one of its most delightful, highway department. The road crew powerful dreams and illusions which trilogy. “I just write stories.” he V». ;
accomplishment make it all sound all Of whom are trying to "9m compassionate voices. Preston Jones. he worked with often gathered at sustain people amid change and the commented recently. “There are no i
worthwhile then why isn‘t this and something T usually a foreign the 43-year-old author of the widely truckstops and “Dixie Dinettes“ cruel realities of growing old. “The hidden meanings, no cleverly it"
every other university in the nation language. . acclaimed, prize-winning “A Texas where Jones encountered the kind of Last Meeting" concerns the futile and disguised speculation. no messagesl'm a.
teaching speed reading? What most students fa”, t° Trilogy,” died in a Dallas hospital ,people he would later write about. In often hilarious efforts of a broken- dying to get across.“ All of which I ‘
As youngsters starting out in school understandaboutacollegedegreetstts aftera bout witha bleeding ulcer. fact, “Lu Ann Hampton Laverty down Ku Klux Klan-like lodge to disappointed the New York theatre i
we are all taught to read phonetically. Significance. The degreestgnals to the In his relatively short career as a “M initiate its first new member in years. critics who were less than happy with 3 i
For a disastrous while some years world that your hm“ has been playwright, which began in I974. Meeting in an upstairs room in an old “A Texas Trilogy” when it opened in ; '
back. there was an attempt to teach exposed '0 and has successfully coped Jones completed the three plays that - - Bradleyville hotel. the group‘s repertory at the BroadhurstTheaterin . ;
reading by word recognition. Had it “("h. 9 broad cross section of comprise the trilogy (“The last Opinion elaborate ceremonies are constantly September I976, after an extremely . i
worked it probably would have dismpltnes. The mind has been Meeting of the Knights of the White interrupted by the senile ravings and successful run at the Kennedy Center P
produced a notion of speed readers, exercised. EvenPas muscles ofthebody Magnolia," “Lu Ann Hampton WWI memories of Colonel Kincaid. in Washington, D. C. Walter Kerrand '
none of whom could spell. thrive on excretse. 5° does the mind. Laverty 0berlander,”and “The Oldest “— The organization, like most of the Clive Barnes of the New York Times . l
prhoneticscodeswork‘atfirst— ABGSdegreesuggeststotheworld Living Graduate"), and more Oberlander“ (the first play Jones folks in Bradleyville, is doomed. found the plays flat and devoid of t
then some attempt must be made soon that there goesaperson Itkelytoshirk. recently. “A Place on the Magdalena completed inthetrilogy).astory about passed over by time but living off ideological substance. The plays P"
thereafterto speed up reading. you just . Hit!" (a play commissioned for the the life of a Bradleyville woman whose presumed past glories. Ironically. it is closed on Broadway after just three ‘,
can‘t wait until the college years to l have no idea of how the stock Kennedy Center's Bicentennial life had passed her by. was first the hotel‘s black porter.Ramsey-Eyes, weeks. The New York experience was ‘
undo mumbling. fumbling reading market works. If you know, don‘t tell Theatre) and his last work, “Santa Fe conceived in those early years with the who in the end closes up the place for a chastening one for Jones who 3
Sunshine." Jones wrote not only highway crews. Jones became the last time, chuckling to himself learned a lot about critics, agents, and '
. I about, but primarily for his native fascinated by the waitresses he saw in about the silliness of men trying to producers. “But,“ he added with '
Letters pallcy Texas; consequently, all of his plays all the lonely watering holes along the cling to some shred of illusion that characteristic humor, “we didn‘t ‘.
premiered at the Dallas Theatre road, the “Dixie Dinettes." and tried they are indeed special. exactly close overnight, you know.
Center, where Jones had worked asan to imagine how they got where they Personal memories are pitted Hell, we were the longest running '
letters. opinions and commentaries must be typed and triple- actor and director since the early were, what their seemingly simple lives against the economic expediencies of Texas trilogy in history."
spaced. and must include the writer's signature, address and .19603. Over: span of five years Jones were all about. the present in Jones‘ most effective There is. of course. “substance" to
phone number. L'K students should include their year and major burst on the Americanthcatrical scene The play follows Lu Ann through play. “The Oldest Living Graduate.” Jones' plays, for all his work revolves
and University employees should list their position and as an unusually promising playwright three stages of her life. beginning in The chief character is the same around the effect of time on people
department. whose keen ear for the speech and I953 as a sweet. empty—headed Colonel Kincaid, a cantankerous 70- and places. During his stay in New ’.
The Kernel may condense or reject contributions, and frequent inner feelings of his Texas characters cheerleader of l7 who loves cars. year~old WWI veteran whose son York, Jones made the same
writers may be limited, Editors reserve the right toeditforcorrect led many critics to proclaim him as picnics and drive-in movies. In the Floyd is plotting to sell the Colonel‘s observation in his inimitable way. “I x‘
spelling. grammar and clarity, and may delete libelous “the next Tennessee Williams” and following scene. some ten years later. land in a get-rich-quick real estate think I'mastory-tellerplaywright. But '
statements. gained 1 wide popular fOIIOWinl. Lu Ann is working to support her scheme. To placate theCoIoneI, Floyd whatever the story is, for me it would
. Contributions should be delivered to Room lid Journalh, “Pit“ hid reception ofthetrilogy by daughter in a Bradleyville beauty arranges for the Mirabeau B. Lamar always involve “time" because time is .
L'niversity of Kentucky. Lexhtgton, Ky. 405“. some 0‘ the New York critics in l976. salon. The play closes in the mid-[9705 Military Academy to honor its oldest not the sun going up and down every
For legal reasons. contributors must present a UK ID before 30“” quite openly drew from his after Lu Ann has buried her second living graduate - his father — at a day. It is not a clock. It is not a
the F'emel will be able to accept the material. ““4008 experiences in the Southwest husband and is working for the local ceremony and celebration tobeheld in calendar. Time is an eroding. infinite ’
’ , Letters: h— New Mexico and Texas — for the Howdy Wagon and taking care of her Bradleyville. The Colonel will have mystery. Time is, in fact. a son of a 1
. Should be 30 “n s . amorous and memorable characters paralytic mother whom she refuses to nothing to do with such a thing. He bitch.”
should comm pazicgrhlfiistfi‘:gxzslglvfirgg‘lxz who inhbit his plays. Born in I936 in put into a “home." Jones sensitively tells the commandant to get out of his Although time clearly cheated r‘
the UK community. Albuquerque and a graduate of the mixes humor and compassion to house. The Colonel wants to keep the Preston Jones out of afull life,wentay ;
UMM‘Y 0‘ New Mexico, he moved reveal how the passage of time and the land too because it reminds him of In consider ourselves lu