xt7sf766729v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sf766729v/data/mets.xml South Dakota Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Service Division National Archives (U.S.) 1942 153p.; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.8/no.40 books English Bismark, ND: Historical Records Survey Projects This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. South Dakota Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Department of the Interior. Archives -- Catalogs Archives -- South Dakota -- Catalogs South Dakota -- History -- Sources -- Bibliography Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series VIII. Department of the Interior: No. 40, South Dakota text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series VIII. Department of the Interior: No. 40, South Dakota 1942 1942 2019 true xt7sf766729v section xt7sf766729v . _. ’ /, ' - "r1”; -“ v?
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‘: ‘ Series VIII. Department of the Interior
' s1
' i No. 40. South Dakota '
I] - I .

 V," . ~. , V , _ 1 r W

Prepared by ,1 4 \ I ‘_

,cy-J; _7 ,

The Survey of Federal Archives _ L '
Service Division -. ' - -
I. Work Projects Administration j ' ‘*

The National Archives . ‘

. Cooperating Sponsor 1 ' ' ' V 7,
_ mo. 40. SOUTH DAKOTA '
r, . \I . V l '. /'.
7 Bismarck, North Dakota ' V
‘i The Historical Records Survey Projects

 . 1
The Historical Records Survey Projects t

Philip M. Hamer, Assistant Director "

'1 . Betty Hall, State Supervisor '1

, Blair A. Flegal, State Supervisor, Public Records Project t

j ‘ ’-

~ “J . ~ ° 1
* ', ‘ Service Division ‘ .- , 1 ' . f
, I I Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner '
j 7 ' Helen T. Bundy, Chief Regional Supervisor t
‘ Ethel M. Dowdoll, State Director [.
5 ‘ 5 ' ’ ,1‘
H ‘ Howard 0. Hunter, Commissioner ,
Linus C. Glotzba'ch, Regional Director '
M. A. Kennedy, State Administrator {_I,
. ,1 A ' 1»,
“;,41. . ' ” t:
' " t
‘1:» ' ‘ 1

 . 3: , PREFACE ‘
3 The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the products
i of the work"Br”th6“s5?s%5??flfifi£fifi€fi‘KEbEEVbs, which operated as a nation- .
é wide project of the Works Progress Administration from January 1, 1956, w
i to June 30, 1937, and has been continued since that date as a unit of the
f Historical Records Survey, also operating as a nation~wido project of the v
i Works Progress Administration, and a group of state or local projects of ,
i that Administration and of the Work Projects Administration. _
i The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series ‘
' I consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowledgn '1
; ments, and general discussions of the location, condition, and content 9
t of Federal archives in the States. Succeeding series contain the detail~ f
f ed information secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory forms, a ,L
' separate series number being assigned to each of the executive dopart~
‘ 1} ments (except the Department of State) and other major units of the
, Federal Government. Within each series No. l is a general introduction . ' '
3 to the field organization and records of the governmental agency concern~ ' wg
1 ed; the succeeding numbers contain the inventory proper, separate numberS' ‘~ '
i being assigned to each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series,‘ ~ T
X g the inventory of Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona No. 5, that for
f ‘ Arkansas Ho. 4, etc.
' f For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of ,l
; related records, is presented in the following order: Title, inclusive '
; date ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the information was . ‘ 5
, secured), general description of informational content, description of~ .f rfi
fi- the system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and ‘7
’i purpose or use, form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in ‘ 's
/ folders, etc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical 'Lr
ii'k condition of the identifying information, and finally, the number of thO' '3
‘ 1 . Form 588A on which this information was originally recorded by a Survey §yj
‘ worker and from.whieh it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form 3‘,,
f is on file in the National Archives. When it contains substantial 3 }” ,
’ information on addenda sheets which has not been included in the mimoo- sfl
\ j graphed abstract, indication of this is given by use of the reference "E
; "See Addenda." . , c
J ' In North Dakota the work of the Survey was under the direction of ' Y
3 Professor.Philip J. Green, with Miss Alice L. Boyd as assistant, from ’ 1' ;,f.
a, p \ its inception until June 1957. Since that time, for editorial and ' _ ,3}
f V publication purposes, it has been a part of the Historical Records ‘ g&
Y ' Survey which is under the supervision of Betty Hall, and is a part of the ” jg
fl} Public Records Project, of which Blair A. Flegal is supervisor. This . } i;
'j” ‘ InVontory of the records of the Department of Interior in South Dakota 7 ’ ff
j ‘ ‘ was prepared in the Bismarck office of the Survey and was edited before . ’ 3%
' §'-‘ final typing in the office of the Director of Research and Fublications ‘ -véf
I ' in The National Archives. ' - ‘ifi
' {' Blair A. Flogal, State Supervisor - §fif
I ' Bismarck, North Dakota Survey of Federal Archives ' [fig
f‘ ~1, March 25, 1942 in North and South Dakota : .99:

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Z 01932.13.
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5 Huron, District Land Office . . . . . . 9 . . . . . . 5 T
E Pierre, Land Office 0 I a c o o o o o t o a o a c u o 5 -
f THE OFFICE or 1mm: AFFAIRS: ‘ - .
f "‘ ‘:
{ Bullhead, Standing Rock Indian Agency . . . . . . . . 7 :5
j Cheyenne River, Cheyenne River Indian Agency . . . . 11 ,”*
é Flandreau, Flandreau Indian Vocational High School . 16 -
‘ Fort Thompson, Crow Creek Indian Agency . . . . . . . 23 n_f
g Greenwood, Yankton Indian Agency . . . . . . . . . . 34 .,*
. { Little Eagle, Standing Rock Indian Agency . . . . . . 49 , 93
y Lower Brule, Crow Creek Indian Agency . . . . . . . . 52 n 7
fl Pierre, Examiner of Inheritance and Indian Service
g at Large | u c c o c Q o a o o o o a c n I o o u o 53 _ I ,
3 Pierre, Indian Field Extension Service . . . . . . o 53 ‘ ’6
g Pierre, Pierre Indian School . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 _ f fin
f Pine Ridge, Pine Ridge Indian Agency . . . . . . . . 54 ’ {g
; Rosebud, Rosebud Indian Agency . . . . . . . . . . . 91 kl]
} Sioux Falls, Canton Asylum for Insane Indians . . . . 125
‘ S Sisseton, Sisseton Indian Agency . . . . . . . . . . 135 ‘jlf
g Hot Springs, Wind Cave National Park . . . . . . . . 1&3 ‘ ,5f; -
a I
g Fruitdale, Belle Fourche Irrigation Project ‘. . . . 149 ‘V 'fsfi
i , Newell ’ Belle Fourche Project Q 1 3 . g Q g g . | p g 14:9 , ”A .
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E I» ._ TLE GENERALIAND OPEICE . .. _, _ . _'
1 _ , , _ _ HURON .
, (:_"",_‘;‘. :4M,.II-,.., I, ""’,"‘ . “r , ,
p' .1. -. j_~ -., e=DlSTRlCTLAND OFFICE ‘ ‘ .-
f : ~i 'Post Office; Fourth and Dakota Aves. - . . _ j =.
E ' “E 3 The_DistrictVLand'Office at"Hurenlwas opened on October 9, 1882.
E 'The records listed'beIOW-were OVerlcoked When the HuronIOffice,was trans- *,f
. } ' ferred to and consolidated with the'offiCe atzPierre." ' 7 C '. .--
F 1. OLD LAND CONTRACTS;”C.“187?18”1884.'~Fbrm514#174=and_4e6655¢con~ .
: tracts of surveyors working under the Surveyor General’s office at Yankton f
4” and Huron designatingathe amount 05.noneyrto be spent on each-surVeyor's
" territory. *Ghronolegically filed. ~(Never.) 41x 10 bundles, 2 ftS; on enu
E 5 closed Woodentshelf} “Storage R. 21(28).4 :9: a? tw- 3;...i 12 2? Hi .;.
E 2. REGISTEREDmRECElPTSbE IvilNil‘JQCiAIMS; C'. ,semi-1894:...3-5neai'sserea 7
j ' receipts of mining claims taken through the United States land office at _‘-,
, :Deadwood and filed with-thislagency.f QuadrupliCatescopiesflwere made, one , ’
y "70 "Which was Sent to”fiashingt0n5‘and.enb of Which;Was filed in the local cg
, ,goffice. ~Chronologically¥filEd.*‘(Never;) .QKXEIO peekets, 6 innwion en— ,,,f
, closed wooden shelf. Storage R. i’(27)fifi r~ ~‘1.U cg~g'fl .Kfigtimu= ‘ g,
E _- '_ 15".”- UNIT’ED STATES DEPUTYMI-NINGSURVEYOR'SCBONDS, siC. .l.87.72.'-'i- 188:4.
? Applications“for appointments as Surveyors; giving‘references;uamount of p L
' bond furnished, netice cf appointment accepted; signatures of bendsmon .,g
3 and witnesses attached. The suretios have attached a property statement, ,f'
E “ showing they are worth the amount sot ferth in the tend. “Contract and ,9
E "5 bondvform'd-GGGfcontaimsgthc agreement and bend. aAgrctmcnts designate. .31;
E ‘the cchnditur 35th h canlbe?made*by‘thctUnited'Statos:dcputyISurveyor , ’,j
, , for such help as chainmen, axemengvflagbearETs,2and moundmenai (Never.) (3"
, 4 x 10 envelopes, 9 in., on enclosed wooden shelf. Northeast basement, 7}
I , opféce.§toragaxp;. .(2pyuxugpvp,flp ,gigi M . , gi"‘ ,va. '3, if
:I '2 4 ‘ in i‘ia‘u. - .1 whit-51“,],fofg‘” I '- I r7?» 1 L If???
,; {I : ,2- v:_ : ;I: ' LAND OFFICE I 19‘ ‘ ".- 1" . V M
E f"tf,t" fr‘flVI fJPbfit'Offi e afid'cdurt'flbuse' 7‘ ”T “3f'a”: 2' til”; ,25:
_ (J . , The land office at Pierref‘epene'd May-112, 318'90,~:.~i's a consolidation of
(, district land offices that were once located at several points in South ‘FWQ
g I 'Dakota. ’AS'the-lastpsurviving‘land office in the¥Stato, there have been' ”fig
, E , , .ftransferred to Pierre‘the'buSiness and records ofVall other land offices. .§fi
E . 4. INDEX CARDS,=’ as: far? back as‘th’ei claims ironed-made,“tol"'datev.«Shows
, names; addresses, and claim numbers of fil1.PRrSPPS who made claims. ,jfi
,' Alphabetically filed.“'“(F‘r‘equ‘entnl'yg 'offi'dialdf -'«4- x154" cardsgdzle 2% ft., , ,
. ‘ . ' " in’woédenTbfibinets vR45209;*;“(559 unifitj“ .QJQL r 3155 a1Va"-3”V W . (”lag
,4 . . ' (2:: 1'. ,, r: ‘1. 7, ». '1 «5‘: if: ‘-E -. :3-1': .13 {r‘f ‘gf .5 ' ’ -1
' 5‘." 'P-EATS AND EIE‘IDNOTES, “from 1856": originalrplats and-field notes It,
( of approved surveys of South Dakota. (Occasionally, reference.) Variously” . Egg
E' sized vols. and loose~leaf books, 108 linear feet, on shelves. Basement.,, hug?
, (60) . - I

 gfffifii‘Adi__:“::fi_h- ‘~1.::vlwt'7'Ii:ff:::::l’j::;:,iy 5.1:;W’jlffi'ff’uzg;1:213:23": 11.‘.f'f::3:1_,i‘:;‘5“£25?:f‘3¥:=— '3fih¢‘?‘&f,vyn~ui.¥y . will“. -W"J-
, figgfuzt:j. ‘ ' - ~ - ‘“'Z
iffflfltg . 4 General Land Office, Pierre 1
3 's . u f
Ifigfi ,1“ 6. APPLICATIONS FOR MINING PATENTS, 1877~5L1908.W.Copies.~ Indexed. §
'v53jf“ (Rarely, official.) 11 x 16 vols., 1 ft., in wooden cabinet. R. 207 ‘
(42) ., (
‘g;,‘fl1 7. MINING PLAT BOOKS, 1887 - 1908. Maps showing location, section, }
. li’iy~§ and range of mining districts. Numerically filed. (Occasionally, Offic— ,
(' 'f; ial.) 15%-x 19 vols., dfi'ft., in‘woodon cabinet. IR. 2094 ’(35) ‘ f
;f;1jg§‘ 8. PATENTS OF LAND GRANTS NOT DELIVERED, 1890 - 1955. Temporary_filcs 1
if§;}g,5 containing the patents for which the owners have not called. .Formerly .{
{l.'fl-t kept in district land officess' Numerically, except that those fer Belle
ifj ‘}: Fourche are filed alphabetically. (Occasionally, official.) .14 x 10
1, {Ti . vols., 28%‘ft., in enclosed cabinet. R.‘209 '(43)‘ ' ‘ " ‘ f'
1 ugflfi, . » ‘ - " ‘ ” ' f‘ vj J;
§*figfjip* ‘ 9. GENERAL FILES, 1908 — 1920. Plat, tract, and correspondence rc— _é
lfyé“fili cords, of which some were sent from district offices, including plats of g
‘f*ffifi' - the first homesteads in the country. (Seldom, official.) 8 x‘12, 10 x 3
Fligyfg, 12, & 12 x 14 vols., envelopes, & letter files, 121 ft., on shelves & i
J;nyxii.v in enclosed Wooden cabinets.' Papers dirty.‘ Basement. (52)” j
i" ‘ . . . ' L
1 ‘ J’
F: th * 10. IAND PLAT BOOKS, 1908 to date. Plat bodks in the form of maps, )
v gflffl';I , vsent in frOm the district land offices to the United States Land Office. .
- fifiljyf“' Numerically filedé’ (Daily, official.) 18 x 20 vols., 45 ft., in woOden ‘
they 3 -, cabinets.' Papers torn. R. 205-207. (59) ' ' ‘
Ej§f§qu' 11. SERIAL BOOKS,"1908 to date. Transferred from district land Offices.
figgjgfi. , Numerically filed by~districts. (Daily, official.) 9 x 14 loose—leaf a
i; $§O§S.. books, isfi-ft., in open wooden cabinet. R. 205 (57) - ;;
{lgficfjt 12,- TRACT BOOKS, 1908 to date. Received from district land offices. , gflC
gpgggjij1* Numerically filed by districts. (Daily, official and unofficial.) 11 x ‘_c
1%:lfgfxv” 18 & 9 X ldé'vols.,& loose~1oaf books, 56 l/b ft., in closed and Open .
{ggfitg3;f‘ wooden cabinets. 'R. ZO7~209. (58) f
ififilkii ‘ 1' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ '1 ' fl
E§%}§Eg»” 15.' GENERAL FILE, 1909 — 1920. Correspondence, reports, old account '
Eétiifil'f books, and tract and plat books. (Rarely, official and unofficial.) ,g,
{figlgfijp“ ' 8 x 10, 18 x 20, & 9 x 14 vols., envelopes, loose—leaf books, & bundles, Q
fifiififlgix* 50 ft., in cabinet. R. 209 (54) -;
1 .
{a 321.5,.» - , - ‘ E;
ifififiefiac.» , 14. ABSTRACTS OF ACCOUNTS, 1912 to date. Stating amount, date, and -
lg$§§k§ii names of persons who have paid part or the full amount for their land. 1
Eififi§§§:~, Numerically filed by districts.~ (Frequently, official.) 9 x lié‘loose— , ' ;
eflfififigfif leaf books, 2%‘ft., on Shelves. R. 207~209 (56) ' - ' 1
:fiifiifigtl 15. FIELD REPORTS ON SURVEYS, 1916. Surveyors”field reports made' ,1 g
EgggfigfiiV‘ ‘When there~were district Offices, later sent to the U. S. Land Office . -fi
§§§E§§§%Ly at Pierre. .Numerically filed. (Rarely, official.) 8 x 10 bundles, 1 5/4 i
lgkgfifeéf~ ft., in filing'case. Papers~dirty. R. 215 -(40) ‘ j” ' ' ’;
g§§§1§35 1 'WASHINGTON, 1920 - 1956. Reports, correspondence, and circulars. Chrono- “

. YfigfififitfiQr~ logically filed. (Frequently, official.) 8 xle, 4 x 6, &_Z x 7 vols. i
Efifigfiifj, & loose—leaf books, on open‘stecl shelves. “Rs; 205, 207, 209, 213. (41) ' l
'593E357'Wi. ‘ '. . . i 9 ..§ . '. :a- , .' ‘ H‘ i . - - .‘
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é’ " ' ‘ BULLEAD SUB-AGENCY - _t
% 3 ' 1 Farm Agent's Residence . _ g,
2 The Standing Rock Indian Reservation, with headquarters at Fort Yates,l ' x
j North Dakota, comprises at present the territory known as Sioux County _ "f
} in.North DahOta and Carson County in South Dakota“ It is situated west .
i of the MiSsouri River, with the Cannon Ball and Cedar Rivers as the-north- “
i ern boundarya The Grand River runs through the center of the southern : '
é portionn"lncluding the substation at Fort Yates, the reservation is divid— \
? ed into seven distriCUs as follows: agency substations at Cannon Boll,_
, Nortthakotag Shields, Uorth Dakota; Bullhead, South Dakota; Little Eagle, 7
’ South Dakota; thpala, South-Dakota; and Kenal, South Dakota. Substations ' 7
i are so located that they conform to the natural groupings of the Indiansl
é hofies and farms. :‘ 'uj' 'I-' ' :VS
6 , . .. . , v ,,,” 1 .
it The official in charge of the Bullhead subwagency is known asra farm:; =
g agents, His office is_located in his own homen Most records are sent to .
,the Office at Fort"Yate's, I’i'or'th Dakotas ' . ' '
~, 17f. REGISZ‘ER "OFBIRTHS 2m DEATHS, Nova 1896 to Mar. 15, .1957. « Birth
_5 records shew date, name Of child, sex, father’s name,.mother!3'name,_resi- '
; dence,‘district, date oerogistry, tribe, degree of Indian blood,;if,legi~
; timste, death records show date, name of-dccoused, cause of dcath:if,known, ;
1f residence, district, date of registry, tribe, degree of Indian blood, 3
' maiden name if married woman; 7Filed alphabetically, (Frequently, offic' _f
' ialg) 9 X'12 voles, é‘ine, On shelf. En sideo (15), ' ‘ . ' " gg‘ ,: ‘
, ‘ 18. DATA-Lasers, New 1908' to 1912‘. ->Contains., records of.money, de-‘ec; :-
~ posited by school board, amount, what paid out for, price, total,lnamesh" "f
J of Indian bands, its number, names of different families, personal, name gfl
} ' and'age'of'each-marriage, births, and deaths.. Filcd'alphabeticallyy‘v 'aé -
(Rare-1y,“ officialt) 7 x;8%vol~s:., 7 inuzon top of cabinet. E. room,
I! lSt £109.33; ' (24:) 'L’ I” '- ‘ I~ ' '. . ' ‘ .' ,i' .1“ .' , iii
3 Jan. 1908 ~ Jan. 1937, Contains reports of.stray animals, sickness, memr '3}
i bers’ names, allotment number, date, number, kind, brand, cattle bought, , {E
I ) amountfpaid,'date,*kind,wnumber»Ofvgrazing Contracts, etc; Filed thono- Q?
: lOgicallyfi T(Seld0m, official.) 8% x‘lSiavols., 1 ft), on toP of wooden . 4E
; cabineto“”Eu room; 1(22)*”' ‘" ,-;, V t, .', . .H t; ., j 2,}; =i£
1 H. . . ,_. ., _ . . - ; I ,1 ,.g, g -. z _, ' . ,y
j ‘ 20m":MISCEIlANEOUS‘F113,?Jan, 1918 to date.‘ Contains-appraisals, lease vif
‘f copies, Weekly reports of farm agent, township plats,-thumb prints, trust ‘qg
{ fund applications, receipts, reimbursable decounts,_rationbrcports,~regui- Efit
. i sitions,_lond leases, property lists, patentuin-fee applications, stock .6f:
é sale permits,_irregular’labbr list, liquor'cases, Fourth owauly Committee 7;;
: record,'homesteads, horse deals, fire claims, school enrollment list, . ifi
.} ( dance committee record, probate decisions, Indian court decisions,-canceled '3§§5
g ‘ leases, land cards, school census, car reports, death certificates, . ‘ ’gfi
’ *-¢-gcy%g§§fl1g'

 .wsese~»+mwwsi,alhnnmenEWWTMW,.;whmwmm__ . ,
,. WISE“: €11 “ ~_,_ hw‘ww’ ' """"‘" ‘f-‘-‘”-’Z " —, , " '1‘?""rt-"~“mw-ww» ~>~~>L I» ~- at:-v.1,:;::;;:;::::::;ain .<~;;_;r—;;:g~;;;s:;i.w~ swim,” indium. ,--,_. _ , .
I p *5}: , .
i‘x‘irrrgi 8 ~ Office of Indian Affairs, Bullhead
’.i; j? ’1 government casket record, birth certificates and doctor certificates.
uf f5 La - These files are generally called the ”working file" as it is referred
c j .e.: n to almost daily in the routine of office for reference and verification
if. iti? , of past transactionsg Filed subjectively. (Daily, reference.) 9 x 12 ~
‘v*:,;fii'v-* ‘ folders, 1 ft., 6 in., in 1 drawer of steel filing case. Es side. (10) g
i; 'lj';u ‘* 1928.. Showing details of court trials, e, go: why person was arrested, f
1 5pjiwil" V trial proceedings, and sentence given if guilty; appraisal records show fl
['"fifl§35fi“a number of acres, name and date and value of land; records of accounts 5
l V‘${\» show account cf payments made to Indian by agency, name of Indians date, %
E ”_Hfl;flygr check number, aneunt,_name, amnunt from agency, name of Indian, date, g
E ,,%flx¥% - check number,_amount, name, from what source Indian received money paid j
lg j”93‘”‘ to agency: 'e. gs, sale of stock or crops, from wages earned by Indian. E
gjgp §717fl,‘ Filed alphabeticallyc (Never.) 8%'X 14 vols., 8 in., under desks E. 9
! . side. (4-) is:
{,X'fj'l: 2;, :3
”Vilffihdi j‘ 22. ISSUE BOOK, July 1921 — Mars 19570 Showing name of Indian re— 2
:?51§fiflfif- ceiving goods, kind: amount, and date received. Contains a record of j
lifljflluggj‘ all commodities of all descriptions issued to Indians in this district. 9
_ Fbif fffifif (Frequently, officials) 15 x 20 voles, 4 in., on shelf under desk. E. ' 4
. & ilttlfi‘fi sideo (14) i
5:? iii , $31
tégfitfiljfi}; 23. PASS BOOK, Aug. 1925 to Dec. 1955. Form 5u925. pass issued to ;
fifififl Lift V the Indian to leave the station on vacation. ShOWs number, name of school a
lfliiiW'jffg_ or agency, date, name of Indian and reservation absent from, period, to ?
tTitifidfing. where, object of visit; report on arrival, date reported, and signature -
lifif;”W5§‘/V of superintendent. Filed, chronologicallya (Rarely, official.) 6fi-x 3 ;
:7ffipfiffif" vols., 2 in., in desk drawers E. room, lets floor. (25) g
:aessrvl . i
gigtijgggg , 24. 1927 CENSUS OF SIOUX INDIANS or STANDING ROCK AGENCY, June so, ;
fféttddlsij' 1927. Shows index of districts, giving former and present population, ?
iiffitfifijfir y Indian’s name and number, English name, relationship5 and date of birth. ' fl
tfi¥1153§§l' Indexed. E0;casionally, reference.) 8 x 11 loose sheets, 1 in., on desk.
sfiktmfigjéj E. side. 5
En23Tfihhx. '
umq , 59 .‘;,',>:‘:._ -
EEEL1EESE?‘ _ 25. CORRESPONDENCE FIIE, Nov. 1927 to date. To_and from merchants u
Wfilfiffld§72‘ and dealers of surrounding towns, main office at Fort Yates, N. Dak. and
E§Efififig§j€ - other sub-stations in regard to payments of land leases, purchase of com— ‘
1d%¥¥?§%141 modities, including automobile supplies by this station. Filed alphabet-
iddiitefidifl V :zziiyéi1§00ca:10nally, ofEICialég 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in 1 drawer of
tequgggay§ ing c ses. «. 81 e. .
lfyfiyfifégizi» 26. INDIVIDUAL FOLDERS, May 1928 - June 1934. Contain application
ifdééiddt: ,to lease ShOWing lease number, allotment number, address, description of
tgflfiJfifigfij' land leased, name of lessee, for grazing or farming, term of lease,
Edfihfitn§?§‘ [amount of payment for lease, where lessee now resides, signature of ap-
$§flfiifi§g§gwi plicant, correspondence from applicant regarding lease, and official
igdifiiddétl receipt for payment of commodities. (Occasionally, official) 9 x 12
fi§fi§“$%%§f.' folders, 1 ft. 6 in., in drawer of steel filing case. B. side. (11)

' ggggjgfiggyg». 27. RECORDS OF RATIONS ISSUED, Jan. 1928 - Dec. 1950. Showing name
ddiilflditiv of Indian, date, kind of commodity issued and amount received. (Never.) . ‘
I§E§§fi£¥§ifb _ 6 x 15 vols., 2 in., under desk. E. side. (5)

* {sis - . -
p iggg’fC;iL;fl1iA;nnl______________~h_____ff::::__‘_\_4_pfir p 7__H' V V_gms§

 E- HOfflice oi‘hlndian Affairs, Bullhead \ 9 ,
‘ 1’ , .. ..: . 7. . . , A - . V . ‘
ates. )_ . . ‘28. REPORT OF FUNDS TAKEN, IETEREST ACCOUNT, Apr. 1929 to date.
erred 1; ' " Form'5-567D,‘showing decount number, name, date, amount, lease number, *
ication E 'E f division'of estate; land Sale number,'trust fund, amOunt, agency, and ~
9 x 12 Q “ ’P} O. superintendent.' Filed alphabetically. (Dailyf official.) 3 x 8 ~
8, (lo) ,q packages, 2 in., in wooden drawer. -E. -room.> (19) - = ,, , w
w I
n, 1919 _ g , ‘ ‘ 29;”AGPEENENT OF APPLICJJIT; Apr. 1929 to date. Form to be used in
rested f? ‘ V ”iconneCtion with loans to Indians, showing‘date and signature of.borrower, f
ds Shag Q E E .5 'agreement or superintendent of reServation,»and.signatupe of superintend- "
cunts d -”" ’ent. 'Filed alphabetically. (Daily, officialg) 8 x 103 bundles, l in., If?
my date 3 on tOp‘of Wooden'desk} E. room, 1st floor. -(21) - . ‘. ' J
d't ’ E ’ I
a e. 12" ~ , 1 . , . . V - ‘ :
ey paid E _"f' ‘ p‘50;' MAP OF TRACT,'Apr.'1929 to datez-‘Form‘Bhl78, showing-location of v‘Q
Indian. fi;' ” " 'treesg'pOOls,'buildings, pastures, fences, fields, etc. ~(Seldom, offic~ ij“
0 E. j; ial.) 9 x 12 folders, 1 ft}, in wire'basket on desk.n-E. room; '(31) f
' 81'.ClLl'El-ETS'f'TF_OIIDER~S, Aprgllsze to date. Contain form 5-335, appli- ‘ ;
an re— :5 "f:”'cation for_reimbursable aid, showing farm inventory, Credit statement '1
rd of E ’ ‘ ' and program of work, name, address, date, and reservation; Also sections 5
strict. {F ”I ,E., on'family,'propertyg improvements, houSehold goodsgffarm equipment, live- ‘,f
k, E. ' d " ;' Estock, inoome of family; liabilities, area'of home farm, reimbursable aid, ' I.
E " ‘repayments, hoWEto be made,'agriculturadvprogram,lamount‘requested, sig- r,
5 nature of applicant, report of farm agent, date and signatureg'and approv- _ Ifflg
ued to 1‘ ._ 91.9f superintendent. Eilcd alphabetically,'”(Daily,_official.) 9 x 12 _Q
of school ‘E V "' TféldérS’lfiiéé'?‘EQEE1rE‘bEERGE on Wooden dgski ’Ez‘rooms”i(50)i , -,,;}
iod to j“ I” A.“ 2 ,2 “ ’. t 'I ,1 V. I. I . _. I ,1: ‘. . , ,; . ;. . _,-’»,
gallium ;; _ _EEj—g ,_'FARNER*SMREQUEST EOE CJ‘ISH-VIPAYE‘JENT,’ Apr.=19_29=to—ddte.' ‘F’Q'i‘m 5-3673 2;:
GE'x 3 g ,V;; ' shading acCOunt number, age, name, marital-status, balances-amount re- ’VHE
“ E ' “ , ‘commended,'conditi0n of health,-for what purpose; if a miner What‘school '§%
E ' he attends, date of-last check; ambunt, date or request, approved by, .,,:§
1e 50 j authority, and signature of farmer. xFilcd-alphabetically.W-(Daily, offic— 2.?5
ltion, i lial.) 5 x 8 bundles, 5 ins, in Wooden drawer. E. room. (20) '4?
n . ' .. I. , h ' " _. -‘.‘--Uv_ -u..-“."1_,‘__‘ ELY,"
£0213”; - » x - 55; . EECEIET FOR GATT-LE RECEI’V-‘ED',~-1Aprv.~11929-“to dates-Form 89850, re- .
I es . ,E.I'Geipt signed by indian~for cattle'receiVed,‘sh0wing name of reservation .'_§
d " j and date, grade er cattle registered, cow ;:heifers, heifer Gaines, and HQE
ahants 3 bull calves; 'Filed-alphabetically.~ (Daily, official.) 3 x-10% bundles, if?
)ak. and E k 1 in., on top of wooden desk. B. room. (29),' -"' '~ ' I I '*‘ 3%‘1
llpll’laggil— 'J _ 8d; ram/LINE ‘AND GRAZING“ LEASE, 'Apr.~'=_'~19'29 ‘to  - ', _-“ ,, . '. ‘. «ff-“3
"'1 2 . . a ,- V E h ’1 2
3:: g 35. GENERAL FILE, ADMNISTRATIVE, 19-51 to date; " Contains 'cOpies of
(I1) f ,rediaf records, applications for_noneresident school children, copies of ,fgfi
I ’_ 'letters regarding'resettlement cases,fe$tension work program,5report, - :EEE
lg name it.. _ I: lease permits, copies of various administrative letters toland from this ,jjk
Never ) " fi'eemy‘and other. agencies”; ”and‘dd‘ples‘ or conservation ‘work report‘s. Filed . fi
* ' . 1 subjectively. '(Daily,‘official;) 9"x 12'folders, } ft;-8*in;33in’draWer ,ng
‘f'. of steel filing case. B. side. (9) ‘ "§%
’ x +

 1 1*. ‘ 10 Office of Indian Affairs, Bullhead 1

v j ‘ T51 ,I II 36. INDIAN CENSUS. ROLL, Apr. .1, 11934. :,ShoIvs_ name, sex, marital status, 11 . -_ . z
H 13,-1.2 relationship to! head offamily, legal residence, allotment, annuity, and 11 . I
1:1,; ggf' identification. numbers. ..'(Occasionally, reference.) 87%- x 16 loose sheets, '1 ,_
‘1 2 in., on shelf under'desk.. E. side. I_(Iz).,¢ . II I.; ,
f~- 11 57. AGREEMENTTO REIMBURSE, Aug.11935‘ to date. . Form 5—259, showing 1;. .
;, 1 1 . purchase authority numbers, year, subject matter of agreement, item, amount, '4. :j y
1 111:4" ' brand and description of stock, total, datedue, signature, of parties con— --:1 1. ~ »_ _
"1‘ cernediwitnesses, and dates. Filed. alphabetically. (Daily, official.) t1
1". 8' x 10-9" bundles, 2 in., ontopnofi'woedenI desan E'. room. .( 18) . ,1;

1 r 3 ‘- is};
111 38». RECEIPT,-.Ju1y 19:54.,erep. 1937. For feed orders received from ._ _ ,
1;. [.1 Resettlement Administration by' Indians. (Rarely, reference.) 8 x 10: loose 41
1'1 sheets, 3 in., inletter file. B. side. (2) I"? I " I . ' i
11H 59. _ FAMILY INDUSTRIAL CARD, I.Jul.y 1935 to date.-~ Norm. 5~368, showing 5;“. 1 .
1' year, district, name, of husband, wifeand children, account niamber: age, 3: .,
lid-1'1. degree, status, date-of birth and record, loCationoIfI' farm buildingsand I? .-
11,‘ _ improvements. machinery, crops planted, and harvested, livestock owned, . .' ._ .
1 . purchased, totaiaid» received, total income, and remarks. Filedialpha'bet- .- ,

.. 1 icaIly- (Daily, official.) 8; x 10% folders, 6 -in.. on wooden desk; E .
11111” 40. PERMITS _TO, SELL LIVESTOCK,Oct. lesau Jan,’ 1935. IIForm I5-I93Io, 3:1 g .
11‘ showing number of permit, name of school and date, Indian's name, name of 51 ..
111111 J ' reservation, number and kind of animals, brands and marl-sings, to collect E g
11‘,‘ the proceeds, signature, of superintendent andfarmer, verification of; I 133': I,.;.
11”“ purchaser, number of. head, amount paid, aInd.IsignatureI-of purchaser. Filed
111J chronologically. (Seldom, official.) 5%- 951.11% permit book, 1 "in.," on 5 . ‘31
1111,1 steel cabinet, E. room. (27) .. I. 1 . . , . I, I . ;
11111" , 41. GRAZING CONTRACT, Apr. 1955 to date. Drawn up between an Indian ; . ~ .
1:41:31; and the. Bullhead Livestock Association for grazing land. Shows. date, name . 1 .
1111:1123 , of Indian, period of pasturing, branded» or earmarked .1 .number yearling
14:31‘ 11:3,“ , heifers, dry cow‘s, cows, cows; with calves, and steers. Filed alphabet-. (
”WWW- ...ically. (Daily, official.) ‘8 x 14:. bundles, 3 in.,.. _in wooden cabinet , e
$1115.11 42., MISCELLANEOUS FILE, June .1995 meet. 1936. Contains letters re— 1 ‘
1pfl1;1ilf1fi€:IK€' ‘ 99177951 by the :farm' agent from Iother’yagent s and headquarters at Fort Yates, 1
e19e1flé‘1fi, .. N'. Dak. “Also receipts. (Rarely, official.) 11 I; 12 letter file, 3 in., 1
Nglfgqus ontqp or steel filing cabinet. E‘...r.oom. , (28) ‘ ,* ‘~ . ‘ ’- , I;
1$121q§1§i 45. INDIVIDUAL INDIAN MONEY ACCOUNTS, Apr. 1936 ,to'date. . contains . 1
IN;.1.1§§§; former. ledger sheets,’_form 5—36'ZCIIgIshoI'qing account number , name and age 1;. .,
115131531113 of Indian, received payment, balance, date, check, purchase order, and 1 -'
gflsflfigfifig . remarks. Filed numerically. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 3 in., 1
lfihFfig’éE in desk drawers... E. room. (25) - - . . ' ’11 .
1919111 ‘ .44- .C_LQTHIN.G.ISSU.ES. To. INDIMIS.-ch.o 1936 to date. Showing name, , '11»... .
1311,17“: I 1 date ,. number of, articles, .Ikind, unit value ,-.total value, signature of. . ‘1’!" .- . . if 1'

' @1191 n' " Indian a