xt7sf7667288 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sf7667288/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2001 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, February 2001 Vol.72 No.2 text The Kentucky Press, February 2001 Vol.72 No.2 2001 2001 2019 true xt7sf7667288 section xt7sf7667288 P § (UK) LEX 405
LEXINGTON KY 40506-0039
h ‘ [\cIILuc‘Ky
Volume 72, Number 2 - February 2001 I I ‘ :S S
KPA Member Services Director ..
Another winter convention is behind us, but the . 5:1
memories are still fresh in our mind: Marty Backus ' w
100k, more began his reign as KPA president; Teresa Revlett :1
passed the gavel over to Backus and became a past- . j
‘ ' president; Mary Schurz was honored with the Lewis g:
1n 0' I I Iatlon E. Owens Award; Tom Caudill was awarded KPA’s ‘
Most Valuable Member Award — all this among some ‘ , ,J
, . , of the most intensive training for newspaper employ-
. Its got a new 100k and Its eas- ees that KPA has ever offered.
ler to use. The KPA web51te, B . ' . , . e
ackus, publlsher of the Appalachian News- , *,
www.kypress.com, has been , - . . - ' ”5'“
Express in P1kev1lle, said he was honored to be at . «a
revamped and updated by New KPA’s helm .
g/Iedia Administrator Dav1d “It's a great honor to have the privilege of being
pencer. , . the first president of the Kentucky Press Association , e... \
. _ Spencer. redesxgned the S’te to in the beginning of a new century, the 21st century," ’ r
make it easxer to nav1gate. He also said Backus. e...‘
' incorporated additional information He noted the fast-paced changes in the newspa-
tO make the $th more useful to per industry of recent years and said he wants KPA
member papers and t0 the general to be ready to deal with those changes. ,9
PUth 3‘39ng informatlon about “KPA started 132 years ago last week and I doubt a ‘ 2‘
Kentucky’s newspapers. in any time in our history have we have seen so many '

The DEW Slte allows users to changes coming at us so fast," he said. as: all g: ,-..
nawgate usmg the menu bars to g0 Backus said KPA is there to help every newspa—
straight to a newspaper’s profile. It per in Kentucky, and he wants to see the organization ’ .
also allows users to have direct do that. But in order to offer help, KPA needs infor- ‘ , "x , «‘5’
access to a newspaper’s website. mation from its member newspapers. \ e i ,9:

All the information in the 2001 KPA sent out surveys asking newspapers what ' ”A
KPA Yearbook and Directory has are the biggest issues they currently face. Only 20 ' {*9
been added to the website. The site percent have been returned. k
also has a redesigned look for arti- Backus encouraged members to take the time to ‘
cles from The Kentucky Press. respond to the survey. "‘

“KyPress Online” includes key sto- “You're protecting yourself,” he said. . l' h f h A | ch'

ries from the most recent issue as Backus paid tribute to former KPA president Guy TOP' lillarty Backusi p”? Is er 0 .t e ppa a Ian
. . . News Express In Pikewlle, was Inducted as KPA

we" as an amhwe OfPaSt amdes' Hatfield’ owner and pUthher Of- Hatfigld President for 2001 Above' Past President Teresa

“The redeSign makes it a 10'; aliens”??? 1510’Wh3wasgt the conV-elgtloln (liesmte Revlett publisher-of the. McLean County News

' - t e act e a recen un er one uin u e ass . ’
easy to nav1gate through the web y g q p yp gives Lexington Herald-Leader assistant managing

See WEBSITE page 16 See BACKUS, page 16 editor Tom Caudill, his past president’s clock.
Pett entertalns conventlon crowd Hurst to chair ....
By JACINTA FELDMAN - 9 .; .. . .,, .
KPANews Bureau KPA S NBW :3- . },_ _ 1' ’ .

Holding a large black marker, . . . . [5,, _. ,' . , . .. . _‘ , .
Lexington Herald-Leader editorial .. Medla DIVISlon {55:7, . ;- , . _
cartoonist Joel Pett transformed a . _ gig, _ .i: . 7. ‘3 .' --
quick sketch of former governor ‘ 1 Tim Hurst PUbIIShel‘ 0f the ,1; - " " if‘iii’fi =
Wallace Wilkinson into a weasel. 6“ Benton Tribune-Courier, has been -. . .

Kind of. named chairman of the KPA New ;; 7 f1“, .

“Not only does that not look Media Division. fag :; '
like Wilkinson, it does not look like Hurst, a state at-large member f; : , ~ .'

a weasel and somehow that doesn’t Of the KPA Board in 2000. becomes ’ ”til-'1‘ "'“" ’ ~‘ '

matter,” Pett said. the fourth chairman of the division - ' V. '- V’ 4
Pett, who won the 2000 Joel Pett drew sketches of past i that was founded m May. , _ , . j .. .
See PETT, page 16 presidents and local leaders. I See HURST. page 15 L- ”4;” ___h___,___;; __

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, February 2001 ‘
K t k 1 . th
PeaCC prOmOth t0 GM ing and acted briefly as general man- states, including his native Ohio. Commentary page on A-4. It. encour-
. . . ager under the previous publisher. “My wife and I are very excited ages readers to participate in the
at Corbln TlmeS_Tnbune Peace will oversee the day-to-day about moving to Paintsville and open forum format by submitting let-
! E f th b . business of the Times-Tribune, meeting the people here,” he said. “It ters to the editor, guest commen-
r ourlyearli‘s as Te .busme'ss including working with each of the is truly a privilege to be the publisher taries and rebuttals to published
gaghgeEr‘Efi t 13 imes- r1 "(:18 an departments and the employees of such a fine newspaper as the columnists.
or m’ b ,‘er eace was nam t e throughout the building. Herald as it enters its second centu- The changes also include the
newtslpaper 5 general manager last ry.” . addition of a new syndicated colum—
mon - - ‘ nist, Jim Davidson and movin
“I think it’s a big responsibility," Foutz named publisher 3 h f, h B_ - g
_ _ G] ports to t e ont of t e section.
Peace said. “Because I conSIder the - - eaner names new M - E - . B h
' . at Pa1ntsv111€ H€rald anaglng ditor Mason ran am
people and this paper as my family, .1 adVCITlSln derCtor will continue coverage of local sport-
deCIded to take on that respons1bili- Fred Foutz was named publisner ‘ g ing events.
6”” of The Paintsville Herald. He Ron Obermeier is the new adver-

Peace is a 1985 Cumberland replaces Scott Perry, who resigned tising director of The Gleaner in , '
College graduate with a degree in Jan. 8. Henderson, Publisher Steve Austin Messenger reporter WlnS
business and accounting. 'She joined Foutz, 54, brings more than 23 announced. . ' Farm Bureau award
the Times-Tribune staff in 1997 as years of newspaper experience to the Obermeier, 40, Will manage The ' .
business manager after opening a fit- paper. Gleaner’s entire advertising operation, MadlSOthle Messenger reporter
ness gym and running it for four Most recently, he was the circula- including the ad production/design Garth Ghmhhh was selected as the
years. During her time at the news- tion director at News-Press, a news- department. 2000 “felpleht of Kentucky Farm
paper, she has also served as circula- paper in Fort Myers, Fla. Before that, Obermeier is a graduate of Ball Burgau s communications award for
tion manager, worked with advertis- he worked at newspapers in several State University with a degree in a writer.

_ graphic design. He is also a veteran The award has been presented ,
_......._.._..' I Ih K t k P _._._______ advertising sales manager. annually Since 1960 to a print Jour-
6 6n uc y res S Before coming to Henderson he nalist whose work generates a better
The Kentucky Press (ISSN«OOZB—0324)ispub— District 13 was the retail ad sales manager for 13”le migrStangng (if agilcmtmg‘
lished monthly by the Kentucky Press Glenn Gray, Manchester Enterprise the Evansville Courier & Press. He na we 0 . 31‘ mg. on an a
Association/Kentucky Press Service, inc. worked at the newspaper in various graduate 0f Ear hhgton ngh SChOOla
Periodical-class postage is paid at Frankfort, District 14 capacities since 1985 Gamblin has been at the Messenger
KY. 40601. Subscription price is $8 per year. David Thomberry, Commonwealth-Journal ' for 20 years.
Postmaster: Send change of address to The N d d. Contest judges said they were
Kentucky Press, 101 Consumer Lane, District 15-A wman nam 1 r . . .
saunas, n. on, (502) 223.8321. om wne Anderson New. C e e ‘0 gsapnfigfglgeggg‘ffzigdaglggnggg
Officers and Directors District 15—13 Of KentuCky Standard news. . .
Kentucky Press Asmciation John Nelson, Danville Advocate-Messenger Melissa Newman has been Gamblln received a plaque and
P 'd St t tta named editor of The Kentucky $300 during a ceremony at Farm
rest 8!" 3 ea ’39 Standard in Bardstown Newman is Bureau’s 81st annual convention at
Marty Backus, Appalachian NewsExpness haron Tuminski, Winchester Sun graduate of Union College With a the Galt House East Hotel
President Elect Keith Ponder, Glasgow Daily Times major in business administration and .

Dave Eldridge, 193%,me Journal a minor is journalism. She was the Wlnchester Sun donates
_ Mike Scogin, Georgetown New-“Graphic general manager of The Herald in , .
PBStP'eSIdem Ada, Ohio. Before that, she was the t0 Operatlon Happiness

Teresa Revlett, McLean County News Jack McNeely, Morehead News maria 'n dit f th B b '11 -
gig e or 0 e ar Gum e The Winchester Sun donated
Vice Pmidmit ASSOCiateS DiViSifm Mountain Advocate. $1,005 and 845 cans of food to the
DaVid Greer. The Kentucky Standard. Armando ArraSha' , Winchester-Clark County Association
Bardstown Kentucky Department Of Education Greenup County paper of Churches for its Operation
T Advertisin Division . Happiness, a program that creates
figuHYE—Fumu’ Winchester Sun Elaine Morggan, Owensboro launches erCSlgn Christmas baskets for local families.
Messenger Inquirer “Across Greenup Count)” is the The donation was a portion of the of
Districtl . . . . . new theme that spearheads the proceeds from a yearly subscription
. . N Bdto alDi _ , . , . .
Alice WIMWaY W891” &Tlmes Chstodref‘Lexin‘gtiihriierald—Leader January reader-friendly rede51gn of Igromotion by tie Sun S Circulation
The Greenup County News-Times. epartment. T e canned food was
DistridZ Circulation Division The newspa er has added a See PEOPLE a e 14
led Dillingham Dawson Springs Progress Kriss Johnson, Lexington Herald-Leader —————p.__—_—_£_
District 3 New Media Division Deaths
Ed Riney, Owensboro Messenger Inquirer Tim Hurst, Benton Tribune-Courier
. ‘ . . M
District 4 Ioumalism Education ,
Charlie Portmann, Franklin Favorite Buck Ryan, University of Kentucky Harry Splllman BOISBI‘ BOISEI‘ Whrk?d as .8 QGWSPEPCI‘ copy
. boy in Cincmnati, first on the old
Dismay, General Counsels Harry Spillman 3015”). a Commercial Tribune and then on
David Greer, The Kentucky Standard, Jon Fleischaker and Kim Greene reporter and editor at The Courier- the Enquirer.
Bardstown Dinsmore&Shohl Journal for more than 40 years 30159,. joined The Courier-
who shared in a 1967 P It ' ' i '
Districté Kentucky Press Association Prize won by the newspapng 121:; gournal m 19?] 1nthech1ngton
Dorothy Abemathy,Oldham Era Kentucky Press Service Staff died [H w 9'93 l ’ ureau after studying Journalism
David T. Thompson, Executive Director ' e a‘ ' . at the therSlty 0f Kentucky and
Dismd7 Bonnie Howard, Controller B015”, a hath/9 0f Campbell working on the student newspaper.
Kelley Wamick,Galialin County News Lisa Camahan, Member Services Director County, also was a Marine COY‘PS He later covered Indiana news and
Larry Brooks, Advertising Director veteran Of World War II who flew the Louisville police beat before
District 8—9 Reba Lewis, Research/MarkefingCoordinator 32 missions in the South Pacific as movin '
, g to Paducah in 1933 to open
Ken Metz, Bath County News-Outlook IfiSmtesmanJNANAccmmtExecutive a photographer, gunner and com- a bureau for the newspaper there.
Iacmta Feldman, News Bureau Director bat correspondent H . d . . l .
District 10-11 DavidSpemer,NewMediaAdministratm Bolser died De 12 t M e retire in 1969, Witi only his
JerryPenningtm,Ashland Daily Independent Sue Cammack, Administrative Assistant M . l . C'. a. assac wartime serv1ce and a term as
Buffy Sams, Bookkeeping Assistant emoria HOSPltal m MetFOPOhSa night, City editor in Louisville inter-
District 12 . Rachel McCarty, Advertising Assistant Ill. . rupting his time in the Western
Stephen Bowlinglacksrm Times Holly Stigers,Tearsheet Coordinator When he was still a teenager, See DEATHS, page 15

 The Kentucky Press, February 2001 - Page 3
Board Gleam“ You can feel good about journalism again ’
underway to flll number one concern. Kentucky was one of only a few
. . On the 5 w" ' states without a scholastic press association. We had ,
o o one up until the early 1980s that was based at the '
DIStrlCt 5 Seat ASSOCIthon , University of Kentucky, but it died for lack of funding.
. , . . ”out . . David asked our board if we might try an unusual
Newspapers In KPA s District " approach, have the high school press association oper- -
5 are m the process 0f electing a Lisa C h , ated by KPA and based out of our central office in 2’
new member ”.0 the Board ef KPA "Bye“ S . a $1" to Eta ” ' Frankfort. It would be the only such operation of its
Directors, following DaVid Greers KHSJA Ad i . tr torfc r 5“ . kind in the nation. (Since that time several other
election as Vlce preSident 0f m as a “ states have beefed up the connection to their scholastic
KPA/KPS . If you’ve suffered from a case of burn out lately, I associations and some are considering KPA’S
Greer, publisher 0f the invite you to become invigorated about journalism approach.)
Kentucky Standard .lh Bardstown, again —— a chance to rekindle that flame that caused Our board loved the idea and wholeheartedly SUP‘
has served as meal“ 5 represen- you to pursue this thing we call newspapers in the first ported it in our initial fundraising drive to laUDCh the
tative as an elected Board member place. organization. The rest is history. We formed KHSJA
but gives “P that seat In becoming It won’t cost you anything either, nothing like the with the 1997-1998 school year and that first conven-
Vice president: . , pricey motivational workshops we all get flooded with tion in Lexington drew 720 people. It was the biggest
Nominations to flu Greer 5 mail about. group the Radisson has ever had crowded into its ball—
unexpired “3."? were .due All it will take is a visit to the Galt House East on room. The attendance overwhelmed everyone, hUt it
February 1‘ IndiViduals nominat- March 21 and 22. That’s when hundreds of high school was exciting.
ed w’h then be V9“? Oh by the journalists will descend upon the hotel eager to learn Then the hard part really started. We’ve had to
members In that. dIStnet' The cur- what Kentucky’s newspaper professionals (that’s you) find convention space that’s big enough and affordable,
rent term ends in January 3002- have to Offer them. which is why we’ve been in Louisville the past two
There Wlll be a new election held On that Wednesday, there’s something for the kids years and will return there in March. And talk about
, for a full three-year term on the that we call “Pizza with the Pros." It’s a free pizza pressure— ifwe don’t have at least 700 every year, its
Board. party where we bring in professionaljournalists (that’s a huge disappointment. ”YOU think it’s hard planning
» you again) to informally share with the students about a meeting for your Staff or for members 0t your news-
———————_ their careers. The students ask questions and just paper group, try looking at a high SChOOl calendar. It’s
spend some time talking with these pros who relate to impossible. There is NO good time for a statewide
NAA releases them how they got where they are and what kinds of meeting. SO, we JUSt drop back and punt and hope for
things the students should be thinking about if they the best.
want to pursue ajournalism career. Where do you come in? How can you get involved
new teChnOIOgy After that (and most people think I’ve lost my in KHSJA and get excited about newspapers again?
mind when I tell them this part), we have a dance. Yes For one, we’ve invited every newspaper in the state to
' ° M a dance, complete with a DJ. playing the latest music, sponsor their local SChOOlS in KHSJA and many 0f you
recmltlng 0 lights and neon glow-in-the-dark necklaces_ It was 3 accepted that Offer. It’s not SO mUCh that the $50 is tOO
blast last year and the kids were really well behaved. costly for the SChOOlS, it’s lUSt a headache for them to
The Newspaper Association of The nationally-aclaimed study that showed kids who go through central office bookkeeping red tape (only t0
America has released a new took journalism classes in high school did better in have the” request sometimes misplaced). PlUS, lt’S a
brochure entitled “Producing whatever field they chose, could add another credit: great gesture OfSOOdWIll on your part.
Newspapers,” designed to aid they act better, too. We’ve received rave reviews from That’s not the only way to help your local Pm’
newspaper publishers in recruiting our hotel managements about how our KHSJA kids grams. Sponsor them in the contest {something we
technical talent. have conducted themselves in comparison to other implemented laSt year that’s tripled In Slzcl 0" pay
The four—color, six-panel high school groups. their convention'registration and let a staffer come
brochure lays out types ofjobs, These students haven’t been tainted yet on all the WIth them to LOUlSVllle- . _
educational requirements and negative aspects of a newspaper career — even though If you thlnk presentation .Of the KPA awards 15
career progression information they’re growing up in a far more cynical age than we fun, you should watch these high schoolers. We mod-
about a variety of technical posi- did and despite the fact public perception of the media eled the contest much hke KPA 53 several categnnesi
tions in the newspaper industry. It is at an all-time low. Of course, not all of the 700-plus lntthdual awards that aretallied toward (Jeneral
outlines entry-level, career-track students who come to the convention are aspiring Excellence and plaques JUSt hke ours. When the name
and senior-level jobs in newspaper newspaper or broadcast journalists, but enough are to of those students or school is_called, it's like they ve
operations and technology and make you look at your chosen profession in a way you won the Pulitzer, complete WIth cheering, whooping
offers advice, from seasoned pro- may have forgotten _ with encouragement. and hollering. You can t help but belexctited.
fessionals in the business. KHSJA was formed by KPA four years ago, the Another way to get anOlVed IS to adopt a local
“Producing Newspapers” will brainchild of David Thompson, KPA’s executive direc- school’Sjournalism program and let a staff member act
be distributed to NAA members tor. He had attended several meetings of high school as a mentor to the students and a professmnal gu1de to
directly and will be available at journalism teachers, university representatives and the teacher. Most of these teachers have nojournalism
upcoming NAA conferences. The other media organizations in which, without exception, experience and WOUld welcome any help offered. or»
brochure will also be sent to col- the lack of a statewide organization for high school YOU could donate computer equipment when you
leges and technical schools. joumalists and their teachers was always listed as the See JOURNALISM, page 13
if M ' l
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 ' Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, February 2001
O O ’ O
Eugene Carnall. bathed 1n pnnter s 1nk for 50 years
Editor ,, /2'
Eugene Carnall needed a good, steady job. m5
On Jan. 1, 1951. the us. Army veerotn tare
. Democrat. ' 5” Mejia
: On Jan. 1, 2001. he didn’t work at the " Wage
- News-Democrat to Lender But he was hack on . - r the”
the job J an. 2. A half century later, newspaper - a? . ig e
harder the day before to make certain the news e? ' ' h i E ., gusset? .

Carnall is accustomed to hard work. He’s " '- _, g H ' ygrkffiifqlfixfgg
ever since his first day on the job. a . tr: e fitters

At point in the history of Al Smith ~" .e e a...

' Communications he was in charge of a massive . i j W..th

He retired after Smith and Virginia Page _ tn ..§§g,%%§?*«‘e - . .
sold the nevseersee - ' ' ”W it .
one day 8 W991i While filling out his I‘Gtil‘ement t ' at £13”? taxi}: .* - 4 V ' .-
papers. Then it was two days a week. Later he “W “5'3“": , 32;: .4, 1 ‘
was working so much that someone in corpo- t -. :r, . ~
rate human relations told him he should go on Eugene Carnall is presented a plaque by News-Democrat 8: Leader Publisher Randy Fuqua in
fu]]_time status. He did. He still is. recognition of his fifty years of dedicated service to the newspapers and citizens of Logan

The newspaper’s being part of a multi-state county. (Photo submitted by the News-Democrat & Leader)
corporation has amounted to almost as much of ly was conservative in business but strictly County, Cave City, Greenville, Fort Campbell
a change as has the printing of newspapers. Democratic in politics. Lots of ballots were and several from Bowling Green.

When he began his newspaper career, the needed in the political hotbed of Logan County. When the number of papers was multiplied
News-Democrat was owned by one family, Mrs. After Carnall became the “floor man,” set- by the number of pages in each, the pages
Byrne Evans, her son, Byrne Allen, and her ting up the ads and overseeing the composition printed on the Russellville press often
daughters, Dorothy Ann and Bede. Now it’s of the inside pages of the News-Democrat. approached 10 million per week.

part of Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc., In 1968, some former N-D staffers, includ- The first employee Carnall hired was
which owns more newspapers than any other ing chief writer A] Smith, business woman James Hightower, who also worked at
company. There have been five other corporate Tookey Kemp and hard-working Virginia Page, Emerson. Hightower is still part of the press-
owners in between. left to start their own newspaper. room crew after 30 years.

Back in the middle of the century, Mrs. “Al asked me to come with them, but I felt Carnall saw a young teen looking in the
Evans’ son-in-law Dan Knotts _ who was that I needed to stay with Mrs. Evans as long pressroom window and asked him if he was
advertising manager _ had become Carnall’s as she ran the News-Democrat,” Carnall interested in a job. Steve Justice was indeed
friend as they joined other veterans of World remembers. interested, and still is on the job about 25 years
War 11 at the American Legion gathering place, Charlie Snyder, from whom the company later. He succeeded Carnall as pressman or
which was then on Main Street, upstairs near had acquired the Adairville Enterprise, took foreman when Eugene “retired.”
the newspaper office, over supervision of the composition and make— Among the other youngsters he worked in

Carnall had spent 30 months in the sevice up of the paper. those early days were James Hadden, Kerry
- eight of them in combat __ after graduating Soon, Mrs. Evans sold the News—Democrat Goodwin, (Smith’s stepson) Carter Hancock,
from Lewisburg High School in 1943, to Smith’s group, and Carnall joined that staff. and his own son, Murray Carnall.

After returning home he had been farming The newspaper was being printed in He also hired four women to work as insert-
with his father, Melvin H. Carnall, but was on Franklin through the offset style, which ers in the pressroom. One of them, sister-in-law
the verge of getting married to Ruth “Cricket” involves the use of photographic images. Inez Bell, is in her 21st year on the job afer hav-
Bagby and knew the farm couldn’t support Eugene knew something about the process ing retired from Emerson Electric after 30
more than one family. from a smaller machine the N-D had been years of service there. Others were Barbara

“I needed a steady job. I wasn’t particularly using for job printing. Wilkins, Lorene Rigsby and Wanda Ballard.
interested in newspapering, but I knew that Smith told him to learn all he could, Over the years many other employees —
whatever job I took, I would give it all I had,” because he would soon be running a press in both teens and adults — learned hard work,
he said. He always has. Russellville. In 1973, a large offset press was neatness and efficiency by being trained by

The job was available because Bill Province installed in the converted hardware store Eugene Carnall.
had resigned to go to the Korean Conflict. building on the Public Square which is still the Since giving up supervision of the press-

Because he was a veteran, the military home of the newspaper, and Carnall was in room a little over a decade ago, Carnall’s role
paid his salary starting out, since this was a charge of printing. has been to determine how many pages a news-
form of vocational education. “Al turned me loose to run the press and to paper edition will have based on the advertising

Eugene did whatever the Evans family get us customers to use it,” he remembers. Not volume and then decide on which page the ads
asked him to try. He worked primarily in the only would he talk with potential customers, will go and where they will be placed.
pressroom, which was still using the old letter but Carnall also figured out how much to He always tries to give advertisers every
press style of printing. But he also sold ads, charge them. advantage possible, realizing how important
wrote sports and outdoors columns occasional- Publishers liked the price and the quality they are for a newspaper to exist.
ly, operated the mailing machine, and learned of the work. Carnall has been doing more work in the
to “mark up” advertisements as to how they By the late 705, Carnall’s crew was print- pressroom lately, trying to give Justice much-
would look in the newspaper. ing 18 big papers, including the two in needed time offoccasionally.

The business was almost as involved in job Russellville and company-owned newspapers How long will he continue to work? “As
printing as newspapering. When the newspa- in Cadiz, Morgantown, Leitchfield and long as I’m performing useful functions and my
per had been “put to bed,” Eugene helped John Brentwood, Tenn. health continues to be good, I’ll be here doing
Roberts print everything from brochures to tax Carnall was also printing publications in my job,” the 75-year-old ball of fire says.
notices to handbills to ballots. The Evans fami- Murray, Madisonville, Clarksville, Ohio

 The Kentucky Press, December 2000 - Page 5 .
Technology Today {=13

F) ,s'%
O 0
Network] 11g M ac S Wlth F11e shanng prevents s1mp1e ,
PCS just became easier task of renarmng hard dnve ,
“as. Dr. Tech .- ' Hotline Numbers ‘
By Kevin may}, fimlgfig'mh Hatllne ' g ___. 1~800~484~1181 code:7076
~ r ; —. .. ;
, 3 Parts-Plus .
hours trying to think of something The KPA Trade-Show IS now 7
interesting to write about. Not this ‘ history. I enjoyed meeting and 859-624-3767
month. I moved into a new office talking with several of you while
recently and one of the first chal- «we there. Congratulations the winner .. . _ g '
lenges I was faced with was getting . - of the iMac drawing Brett Hurst e mail. ”mewl'm -
the new Macs in my office to behave DAV E with the Kentucky Department of
nicely with the PCs everyone else is .- .- Education in Frankfort. FAX: 359‘624‘9893
using. To make matters even more fivmwwd' A recent question may sound . . 't . Th . -
difficult, most of the computers on .___. like a simple matter to some, but it 3&1:inng trial 2:; eipirirffesrit):
our network are located in a differ— % ._ . "gr may be one you need to know in the tion I have tried it You will not
ent city. ‘7 1 future. I want to change the name ' . ' ' . '
I thought this would be rela- DAVE, by Thursby 30ftware of the hard drive on my Macintosh gait tiferirailt itthiosn :31}; vilfiflgfi
tively simple. Our server, based at SYStGMS, allows Macs to inter- but when I click on it nothing can th is pwho t t p "m t d
the other location, runs an NT net- face With PC "BIWOI’kS- be changed. t 0‘ 9 mm“ 'lohexperi etn at;
work. It seemed to me that it AppleTalk network. It’s the perfect Usually this is caused by File ryt 18w“, 1ngs.M e gr§s§npptg$ -
should be pretty simple to get an solution for me. In addition DAVE Sharing. While your hard drive is EC t no 1: asf .ahc d ft u 11:
NT network engineer in here to get also allows sharing of Postscript being shared, the name cannot be de a is tmh adlmIISJSeB sodwalre.b
our Macs to work with the rest of printers across the network. changed. If you need to change it . oes notblan Eh th an fimay e
the network. Not so simple, I was Thursby also has a program you must go to the Apple Menu, Incoinlpa 1 e WI (1%hetrs: “rib
told. Several things about our net- called MacSOHO which is similar Control Panels, File Sharing and Cl _ asggpens 1(1)] OS 0p 1:; e
work, coupled with the usual “we to DAVE, but meant for the small turn file sharing off. You will want assrtc 't fl") etw1 , ’20 pro 6;“;
don’t work on Mac networks” atti- office/home office environment. It to check with other users on the fax-C85 1Ww1 'Iflob prin t9: *
tude, finally convinced me I was on allows for the sharing of text and network before you do this. d‘rm 9;;- 1: W11 he? usmg 1 50m:—
my own. In the past I have faced graphic files quickly and efficiently After sharing is turned off, then ay W. fill pp 9. S lplsl 139W (Ismail -
similar problems getting PCs torun between PCs and Macs. With the you can change the name of the 9” W” ‘t pre-insta e an W en
on Mac networks. MacLan, by MacSOHO setup assistant, configu- hard drive. Then you will need to software companies have updated.
Miramar Systems, provided just ration is easy. There are no IP num- go back and turn file sharing on. Untll then, JUSt enjoy OS 8 and OS
the solution I needed to get bers to deal with, only a computer Now, it will be necessary to tellall 9~ _
Windows-based systems to work on and workgroup name. A single user other users who may be accessmg PIf y 0131 age loadglhg SOfZWEH'e StUCh
an AppleTalk network. version of DAVE retails for $149. A your shared files, so they Will know as age a 9" 01: _ OtPS 0P on 0 a
Two weeks before the move I five_user version is available for what hard drive name to look for. Mac Wlth OS 9, 1t 15 W159 t0_CthOS€ ’
received some software from $599. MacSOHO retails for $99 For They W111 also need to update the customiinstall and prevent 1t rom
Thursby Software Systems called more information see the Thursby names of alias or Apple Menu installing Adobe TYPE Manager.
DAVE. DAVE is advertised as the - items that were used to access your The reason 18 that OS 9 requ1res
_ Software Systems websrte at _ ,
first cross—platform solution that www.thursby.com. shared files. ATM vers10n 4.5.2. If earlier ver-
uses TCP/IP protocol (instead of , b You may have heard that Apple sions are installed the computer
AppleTalk) to allow Macs to run on Putting my money w ere will introduce a new operating sys- may not start up or may give trou-
Windows networks. I decided to _ my mouth ls , tem sometime this year. It will be ble. The update is available on the
ive DAVE a chance. I ran the , F rlends and colleagues hke to called OS X. Operating System Ten Adobecom website if you need it.
g tall t' fisw d k (I give me a hard time because most
s alonso arean wasas e .. - .. ., . .. . - . . .
ancouple of questions concerning the of g"; 1:01;:“3 I refvietw are far- k ° f f
'3...“ gyvg smegma; .1; :r5..;..;r:::.:.:.::a..: LOO 111g or an .
a essansunemaso e .r , ,
server. I was pretty proud of myself thing Whirl; dinft