xt7sf766727p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sf766727p/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2003 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, September 2003 Vol.74 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, September 2003 Vol.74 No.9 2003 2003 2019 true xt7sf766727p section xt7sf766727p . " I " UNIVERSITY 9F KENTUCKY LIBRARIES '
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' " J l “k "x n . | V a. ’1 SENTRAL SERIALS RECORDS ’
“ . j " ., . ‘ J LEXINGTON KY RAR'ES .
Volume 7 4: Number 9 - September 2003 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service 1
W e ve come a ong way 1n years Septr .
Thanks for your that time. You that kind of organization, while get- NeWSTN '
role in the past 20 On Second / can’t point to any ting even better. .3 , _ - ‘“/
ears. Monda , ” one part of this The executive committees and the Tia '
geptember 26, 1983;, Thought 4 organization as the boards over those years have been Egfiengewic I,
reall seems like ;; /gr%%“éé ke to makin it reat. I’ve heard the horror stories ’ "i: ty 1: ,
yesterday 1n some _ ’5%%’% what 1t 15 today. from other assoc1at10ns, 1nclud1ng 2 EV ch theLe gg. w
respects. That was [IgADEWd 177101112150" 4. ’4 An association other press associations, about con- ' ajfi Yea" xmgten '
. mm mm... w . , ~ , - HeraldeeadervMmamwsearxm
the first day I can only be as a fllcts. That s not the way 1t s been 1n , ”.1. »;._.v3,,1.,.;iz.
walked into 332 good as the sum of Kentucky. All of those serving the gerpersonmranewsyayexgtaff; _
Capitol Avenue as executive director its members. I've told past 20 Szpremfimgémmm
of the Kentucky Press Association. you many times I’ll In celebration 0f 20 years as years have mcedtwfiaxafdwrfi’s’ j
Come that day later this month, I put Kentucky newspa- Executive Director of Kentucky Press had one 28W¥eummflrr
can say I’ve enjoyed a job for 20 years. pers up against any Association, the staff at KPA and KPS goalc1 in .- Iggmumtysewww m: . 2;};
Frankl , I can’t imagine anyone enjoy~ state press associa- will host a come and 0 rece tion “ min : to , , "
ing a jgb as much as I have this one. If tion’s members, any on Sept. 26 from 10 mgr“. , 4 gm Stop strengthen {Presentedammlybyfl‘e ' ,.
you’re reading this, you’ve played a day, any time, any by theKPS’ad'staff building, , , KPA. To LexmgtonHerald-Leaderrtfle :
role in that — as a newspaper mem- where. You are that “f _ ? cg . z. / j / If , make it an awydrecomswltfggx
.b- .4 . ecafediwodoorsdownfromthe . W » W . m.
er, as a staff member, as an assoc1ate good. And because of KPABKfidingatifliCo erLane organiza- “.93th I.
member, as a colleague at another that, you’ve made FrankfortCakeand unchwfllbte tion that flfispa?“ £93333»: i
state press association, or just as a KPA/KPS good. ; [cl/5E“ , , , 15‘.” b :, serves its mgéwwg WW1)“ "
friend. (I can’t say I’ve enjoyed every What am I proud- serve Very?” 15 as e ‘- ,0, nnga ‘ member, hshedmmemeqfnféEdWardsE/I
minute of the past 20 years because est of? There’s a lot, fawn“ DaVId Thompson Story or provides TemPhnrpl‘mfién‘alfeCfOFOEW ’
part of this job involves lobbying the but one I wanted took Share a Photo from years past. the ser- I LemngflHeralé-Leaderand ‘.
legislature. Take that part away and 10 years to get and vices need- presadent—eleetoftheKenmtky
every minute has been fun.) that’s to be able to say ”every newspa- ed to help newspapers, without a bias PIESSASSQClatIOBWhflt/hgfijédam ‘
KPA and KPS have come a long per in the state is a member of the toward large dailies or small weeklies. ”67:.”
way the last 20 years, from one that as Kentucky Press Association.” The For the most part, we just call you all It waslaterrenamedtehénor .
Don Towles would tell you, didn’t challenge the first 10 years was to ”newspapers.” andmemonahzeLeWisOwensfor ‘
have two nickels to rub together, to make KPA an organization worthy of And just think of what those hismanyyearsofservice togomv 3.11
one that’s respected and admired. belonging to. The challenge from here munityandsetviceorgamzahéns ‘
I've only been riding shotgun in on out is to make sure KPA remains See YEARS on Page 8 mdtoKenmcky’s/newspapax<
0 0 0 0 9514? Theawfldwmbéwmh ”
KPA seeks Vlce preSIdent nomlnatlons WWW... We... .
Nominations and letters of applica— have been elected to serve on the Following the interview process, the gfivtwflm‘tWfii .:
' tions are being accepted until Friday, board, provided they have previously Nominating Committee will recom- };WW*%§;I‘«§‘%M
Sept. 26 for the office of vice president served as either an elected or appoint- mend a candidate for vice president to 7:”ng J
of the Kentucky Press Association for ed director or those persons who have the Kentucky Press Association and fa“
2004_ served three consecutive years as an Kentucky Press Service Board of aagfigg/awg :
Any KPA member may nominate appointed director." Directors. aggggg,yfiwifé%fi
any individual who meets the criteria Nominations must be sent to; David Following action by the board the :‘Wfigm/fiwjhgy‘i ,
set forth in the KPA bylaws for that T. Thompson, Kentucky Press individual will be recommended for fitfigfifihvfigfi .
position. Additionally, individuals _ Association, 101 Consumer Lane, approval the the full membership of éfikgfifiafifiriflfaibfifég
interested in holding office in the .:,.Frankfort, KYiégQ601. ' . ' . {KPA‘d‘I’iriI-igzthe business session of the tégffi’t’gfgmjfiééw .
Kentucky Press Association may sub— ' ' 7 All nominees, consenting 'to the 2004 Winter convention inLexington. «ggfififfifimgfififfixfiggfi:
mit a letter of application. . “ ‘ 3 nomination agdkagreeifigfiolserve if The person elected vice president f%§%%f€4ffltgffifix%‘§2‘§3
KPA bylaws state: ”The only person elected will'beiii‘nte'rviewed by the during the January business meeting @éwflfyfififlefi‘wfiw‘gV’W?“afi‘ifgfié ;
eligible for eleclion to the office of vice Nominating Committee once it has will become President-Elect of W%t?§”t%§fl§%% .
president are those who are currently been determined that the nominee KPA/ KPS in 2005 and serve as ”@éfggzfifiaggiégygéfigfifigté
serving as elected directors; those who meets bylaw requirements. . President of the organization in 2 006. '- Waffiffitmmfétgjfi:$x _'

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, September 2003
K t k l . th S
Herald-News welcomes year to play professional soccer with Sarasota, Fla. office. He was promoted Abernathy will be in charge of the
t ff 1) the New England Tea Men and the to a management position, regularly day-to-day news operation.
new .5 a mem er Warner Communications Chiefs in earning a management award. A native of Slaughters, Turley
0318 Duncan lomed The . Massachusetts. He returned to college Duncan left Met Life after 15 years received his journalism degree from
Edmonton Herald-News staff 1n]u1y and earned degrees in the social and to start his own insurance agency Murray State University.
after career in insurance and advertis- political sciences. After graduation he which he later sold.
mg. He Wlll serve as advertising direc- went to work for Met Life Insurance in The Duncans moved to the Glasgow Daily Times
tor and W111 assume a leadership role Maryland as a salesman and qualified Nashville area in 1998. Duncan was . d f . .
at the Herald for their Leaders Conferences and hired by the Tennessean newspaper in WlnS awar 01‘ 13151113
Duncan attended TOWSOh Million Dollar Round Table every the advertising department. He was money for Relay For Llfe
UruverSity 1h Baltimore, but left for a year. He later transferred to Met’s declared Sales Person of the Year his In 2001, the Glasgow Daily Times
hrSt two years there and was promot- in Glasgow, won the American Cancer
2 , ’ ' ed to Major Accounts. Manager and Society Relay For Life Best
The lg entUCk Pres S ‘ transferred to an affiliate paper, the Fundraising Team for Barren County’s
' , , ' 2 ' i/I/Iontgomery geivegisefir in k b Relay event. And this year they've
' , , 2 ; '. , - ontgomery, a. e t en too a l0 done it a ain b raisin $6,390. The
The Kentucky Press (ISSN—0023-0324)is District .11]; Glenn Gray, Manchester at Cave Country Newspapers where communigty together regised a record
published monthly by the Kentucky Press Enterprise ' , he worked for a year primarily with breakin $170 792 78
Assodafion/Kenmdq Press Service: Inc . , , 2 2 , ' ‘ the Metcalfe County Light and Th "gB t If T‘. " t ' 1 d d
Periodicals Class postageis paid at District 12-}eff Neal, Somerset ' - - . Ci es 0 imes ea In inc u e
FrankfortKY 40601’Subso’iption price is Commonwealth IOumal ’ ' Monroe County Citizen. L153 SlmPSOh Strange, Alice Piper,
$8 per'year. Postmaster: Send change of 2 , 2 ’ 2 2 ’ V - 2 _ Duncan is now living in Edmonton Teresa Nunn, Stacy Neitzel, Layne
address toTh‘e Kentucky Press, 101 2 _ .p; District 134Tom Caudill, Leldngton I ' , working With a group 0f papers WhiCh Bruce, Debbie Roberts, Sharon
Consumer Lane, Frankfort, KY. 40601, (502), , Herald-leader” _ _, p _ , L " 2 j], , includes the Edmonton Herald—News, Ponder, Patty Robinson, Connie
‘223‘8821- , ’ V, , ' 2' V V . ;; , 2 ’ , “ , ~ ‘ ’ ,, the Cumberland County News, the Thomas and Katie Strange. Alice Piper
’ I, , 2 ‘_ 2, _ 2’ [31$me 14 f2TereSa Scenters, BereaCltlzen Celina Citizen-Statesman (Tenn), the won Best Fundraising Individual for
Officers ' ’ ‘- ‘ , 2 'i ' i. l ' ” ' , r' g ' 2, 2: 4 1 ’ ” ’ ,' If Tompkinsville News and the Russell collecting over $2 000
Kentucky Press Association , _- ;, ' i ‘ {State At-Large ;2- I, ,2 , , ;x __; Springs Times Journal. '1" , cl ' ' b h tin
, , , _ , 2, 2’ , ._ , . pcltris’PoprgtKenmdeemel, $312,“,__,\,7; 3,5,, ney raise .money y 03 g a
President-Sharon ruminsld. , >522? ” 21TonyMaddonMadlsonv1lleMessenger:ff’fl‘, . Yard sale Wakmgeaster Bunny PIC—
‘winchestersstir 22 g L: M2, 2 1:42; Systematic OwentonNewsI-Ierald Turley retires after 30 tures,cook1ng a meal for the Times
TaylorHayes,KenmckyNeWEra ears at the Ma field staff and various other projects. 2 .
/ DanvllIeAdVOcateMessenger’ mmthG‘allh 1m, If Messenger at the Relay For Life Kick-off event mfg!‘
, , ' 2 2 ‘ - f 2’ 2 g, 2,:NeWsEditonalDlvislon-Iohn t}, L 2:, Mike Turley, who has served as the with the American Cancer Society ‘
Vice Ragga—Davidmom 2 ' f 2 Shmdlebower,SpencerMagnet2 2 2’2 ' editor of the Ma field Messen er for Mid—South Division Beacon of Ho e
, Y g P
Somerset Commonwealthlourn /’ ' - a j '2 l ' _ U ” I ' l 2 ’1”: ' 21 ears and worked at the news a er Award 2001-2002 This award went to
, ’ ' ’ "2 ~ 2 Advertising Divisions, Cheryl Magers, ’, f” y . P p . '
Treasurer _ Charlie Portmann, 22 , 2 Central Kentucky News Journal‘ 2 , ' _, for over 30 years, has retired. the media outlet that best promoted p
_ Franklin Favorite , , , ,y ' hns 2' , , 197"lggurley joiner:1 the psper in lingust tlclie Retliay For Life through donated
’5 2 ' ’ Circulation Division-Kriss Io on, ’ as sports e itor a ter wor mg as a ver Sing.
Past President ~Dave Eldridge, 2_ ' , Lexington Herald-Leader , 22 , news editor of the Weakley County The Relay For Life event in Barren
Iessamine Journal , . 5 , , ‘ 2 2 , , ” 2 Press in Martin, Tenn. He held the County continues to grow and has
, , _ Ass’ociates Dwell)“ ~CliffFeItham, I , 32 position of sports editor until he was won the Mid—South Division Relay For
, £35113?th ' M , Le d V‘ , ' d Kentucky Uhhhgs , i 2 ’ ’ - promoted to editor in 1982. ‘
Times , - ce ouse, may get an General Counseis-Ion Fleischaker, Kim Until a new editor is appointed, Jim See PEOPLE on Page 12
’ I " Greene, Dinsmore 8: Sholfl, Louisville ' ,
District 2 ‘led Dillingham, Dawson Springs 0 ' 2 L ’ their coverage area
Pro ass , ' ’2 2
, 81’ , Kentucky Press Association Staff D e ath S In April 2002 with special recogni—
District 3 - Donn Wimmer, Hancock David T. Thompson, Executive Director . tion given to Perry, the newspaper
Clarion - Bonnie Howard, Controller ' . . was awarded the East Kentucky
TeresaRevlett,DirectorofSales Big Sandy News editor, Leadershi Foundation, 8 Outstandin
District4 - Charlie Portmann, Franklin David Greer, Member Services Director ' Scott Perl-y, dles at 49 M d‘ X d f d‘ g
Favorite DanaEhlschide,News BureauDirector Allan Scott Perry editor and pub- e. la war or outstan lng
David Spencer, New MediaDirector l'she of The B' S ’ d N d'ed achievement in the field of news pub-
DistrictS-Ron dems Kentucky Standard Buffy Sams, Bookkeeping Assistant Thurrsda A111: gnai’ Stewlf/i 1,5 lication.
RebaLewis,Researcl'l/Markefing_ y’ ' ‘ ary The honor was one of countless
District 6? ArthurB. Post, Louisville Coordinator ' Hospital in Huntington, W.Va. after . . _
Courier-Joumal Sue CanmathAdHllI’ “SiltI'Vafive'ASSiStanty suffering a cerebral hemorrhage Aug. :WardshPflrry won TgogéTUt-hls 1115
Rachel McCarty, Advertising Assistant ' ’ 4 at his Paintsville residence. He was mguis e . career (:11 - 15.1mm ve-
District7 - Kelley Warnick, Gallatin County 2 Holly Willard, INAN Business Clerk , 49 ment 1n c1v1c affairs, which included
News ‘ , MarkSheridan, INAN Account Executive ' . serving on numerous local and
, Tami Hensley, Tearsheet Clerk 2 , Perry, th,’ was also a former Eidl' regional boards and commissions.
DistrictS-Ken Metz, Bath County News ‘- 2 ' 2 tor and publisher of The PaintSVllle Perry began his career at the age of
Outlook / , l—Ieralccli zed Eherloid €311ng "Sims; 11, selling The Paintsville Herald on
, , - n .
Disuict9-MarkMaynard,AshlandDaily Staffmembers, Officers andDirectorsmay firne . :8 01118.81 alsee slga er iii street corners f01‘ 1’115 father, Allan
Ind ndent. be reachedb e—mail us' the individual's ews m 0 a regiona n W p p Scott ”Bud” Perr II, ublisher and
epe fir t' 'tial {3111 t 231(2),}, May 2001 after he purchased the for- d f h y p
5, 1m , as nam ress.com. _ e itor o t e e .
District lO—Edmund Shelby, Beattyville There is no space or punctuafioninthee- mer Martin County Sun in Inez, pap r
Enterprise , 5 J , _, , , 2 mail address. 1 , -* ~ -- ~ - 2» 2 merged the two papers and expanded See DEATHS on Page 7

The Kentucky Press, September 2003 - Page 3 '
Grab your 2004 calendar and mark down these dates 1;. *,
Having just flipped , .. ; I n t e r n e t Sponsored by the January 2004 begins, the new name. '3 3
my Star Trek calendar Oh, By The _ I 3 again at a Kentucky High School state’s General Assembly In recent years, the if
page over to September, ' 1" I KPA conven— Journalism Association, session will be gaveled KHSJA convention has "
my sense is that the rest Way : m tion, respon- which is administered to order. Already, a grown by leaps and 3},
of 2003 will now zoom _____.____ y" b dents were by KPA, the workshop number of bills have bounds. Registration for
by at warp 8. So it’s a By David Greer 1.. “3 evenly split will be presented at the been prefiled for the the 2003 convention was 3

. good thing that we’re KPAMember Service‘ between rev- Embassy Suites by noted 2004 session and the about 900 and with ,1 ~
working well in advance Direct" M 1‘ enue vs. con- software trainer Russell KPA staff has been busi- about 950 at the awards ’3
on upcoming projects. . . tent issues. Viers. Traditionally, 1y reading them for any luncheon. Frankly, we ,1'

We have several governors traditlonally Some mentioned want- KHSJA has or anized a news a er r First have out rown all but a 9"
addressed the KPA con— . g p p .0 g .1
speakers booked for the vention We want the mg to hear about suc- summer workshop for Amendment issues that few hotel and conven-
KPA convention on Jan. tradition'to continue cessful business models high school teachers but ought to be red flagged tion facilities in the state.
22 and 23 at the Embassy S eakin of ' the and how to curb adver— it’s gotten more difficult for further attention. That, along with compet- ’
Suites in Lexington. And 13 g . . , tiser churn. Others to get teachers to attend Looking even further itive room rates from the ,3
we’re in the discussion January convent ion, 1t 3 would like to hear more because of personal and ahead, the 2004 KHSJA Clarion, kept us there ,
. , been awhile smce we . . . . . ,
stage w1th others. By had an Internet session about free vs. pald or professmnal obhgations, conventlon has been another year. ; ,
convention time, the So recentl I e-mailed subscriber-only access to in addition to the ever- scheduled for April 21 at Somewhere about the ,1
new governor will have bl'sher yeditors and their sites. If you have shrinking summer break the Clarion Hotel 8: midpoint of the General
been in office several p: 1 S’ d k d suggestions, e-mail me as more school districts Conference Center in Assembly, it will be time 2
weeks. Invitations have for 13121113831: Idn asos:i- at dgreer@kypress.com. convert to alternate cal- Louisville. That’s the to again begin organiz-
already been mailed to ble Internetpsessionls) Not This year’s KPA con- endars. So, it was decid- same location as the 2003 ing and promoting the
the camps of the two sur risin 1 no clear vention will ”unofficial- ed we would try a KPA and KHSJA con- 2004 KPA Journalism 4"
major party candidates P g y’ . ly” kick off the day January workshop ventions except then the Boot Camp tentatively ”
. . consensus emerged in . . . . A
asking the Winner of the res onses received before on Jan. 21 With a instead and use Russell fac1l1ty was known as scheduled for July 12-30, a
November’s election to Althoup h all who newspaper software Viers since he would be the Hurstbourne Hotel 8: 2004. I'
set aside time to speak at 1. dg reed it was training session for here anyway for the Conference Center. It’s We will keep you ,3 .
our convention on Jan. rep 1e ag k1 h Kentucky high school KPA convention. the same facility but posted as each of these ~
we 23. For years, Kentucky time to tac e t e journalism teachers. About a week after with new owners and a events draws nearer. I3
sta str1v1ng to reac m1 ion mar
, Q u a r t e r l y ' , 33;“ get to shave/ wit- Worthy Cause Sponsor - $300 which includes recog—
updates for the Advertislng “59% ness the shaving of On November 8, the United States nition on table and listing in program; 3'
final quarter of 2003 Plus , g our Executive Marine Corps Birthday Ball will be Gold Sponsor — $200 which includes 3
are being prepared —— .1 ' Director’s head. held for Military Police Company gold listing in program; Silver 3;:
and should be at i g That’s not much Alpha in Lexington. An associate of Sponsor - $100 which includes silver ‘3
_ your newspaper by By Teresa Revlett incentive you mine, Brigid Shea, is a Key Volunteer listing in program; Bronze Sponsor -

1 the second Week in KPS Director ofSales 6» ' - say...well yes it is! for the program and is raising funds $50 and bronze listing in program. 3'

‘ September. I hope ‘ ’g We are excited to help offset the cost of individual If you cannot donate cash, they are Z, .
that everyone will '- ,. 3' about hitting the Marines and their families to be able also accepting donations for door ,3
take the time to fill $6 million mark to attend the event. prizes. Any item would be appreciat- 3
out the sheet and either fax the form and look forward to David Thompson Any money donated is fully tax ed. To donate an item, call me and I 3’
back to us or drop it in the mail. sporting a Kojak look for a little deductible. Brigid is working through will arrange to pick it up or you can ”I .

If you know that an increase in while. the Key Wives in support of the mail it to me at 101 Consumer Lane,

. rates will not take place for the final And speaking of David Thompson, Marine Corps Ball for this Command. Frankfort, KY 40601 and I will deliver , "
quarter of this year and you don’t make plans now to attend his 20th Even though this is an official USMC the items to Brigid.
have time to drop the information in anniversary celebration Sept. 26 from event all expenses must be paid by For verification of the validity of
the mail just drop me an email at 10 a.m. - 4 pm. at the KPS ad staff the unit or through outside sources. this event contact Major Tony 3:. ,

5 trevlett@kypress.com and tell me that building located just two doors down In January of this year these Weckerling or lst Sergeant Woodard 9

4 you are not planning an increase. This from central office headquarters at Marines were activated to serve at the Marine Corps Reserve Center at 3 '

v3 will help Rachel, Holly and me sched- 101 Consumer Lane, Frankfort. We under Operation Enduring Freedom. 859-254-8704, If you have any ques- {

‘ ule your ads correctly and get you the will have an informal, come and go, They are currently serving in Iraq but tions about the ball or the fund—raising f;

? money that you eXpect. cake and punch reception for David plan to return to the United States efforts, call Cindy Ladner at 270-234-

3 The ad staff will be looking under to celebrate the past 20 years. It soon. Brigid’s team goal is to raise 8899 or Brigid Shea at 502-458-5496. 1:
every bush to get all the advertising would be great if you could come and enough money to have each Marine’s Send all monetary donations to: .1
we can by the end of the year. What’s share a special David T. story or ticket paid for so they Will not incur Marine Corps Ball ‘_
in store for us, you ask? Not a cruise, photo from years past. We will look any personal expense to attend the c/o Brigid Shea .-
not a hefty bonus, not a new vehi- forward to celebrating with all of our ball. 3643 Johnston Way
Cle...1'10 it’s much better than that! WE newspapers. Sponsorship options are; Platinum Louisville, KY 40220 3


 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, September 2003
Ann a1 NIE l'teracy pro ' ect begins in October
The third annual ”Rockin’ Readin’ books to use to collect each chapter as . g ' ff ransrngigtgrssifsmtf’iiifi -‘ ' E9;
Revolution" 2003 begins once again in it nine- A fun way to collect : . »- eases :
across the state as part of KPA’s have registered to run the series: fie?a§%;§%e§3‘:ga%agééirf%éw%gw
Kentucky Network for Newspapers in Sentinel- Echo , y wik‘igégfieé é‘égfgég 1%???”
Education literacy project. Cadiz Record " " CW Effie “legging? m§%,
its see so all men member nee-w sneibyvnie Sentinel News . .. as it s it
papers —-so don’t be shut out. This Messenger-Inquirer 1‘ 2&2"; is?" g” g l fags, 1%" t” " a, ,
‘ year’s story is for middle and high Lebanon Enterprise * any! ' a» ; ’ if? /’ 1%}; g ’
school students and your subscribers The Daily News , swag; ’ ' inf . S‘E’sflfl ”it: $65?!
; should love 1t too. The Times Leader ,. 5/, $3} 5:; 4%? g‘ . f5” gs! '
Synopsis: What is Ben’s placeinthe LaRue County Herald News xiii? g” fi§1 4 a 2% '
find out in Jennifer Armstrong’s excit— The News-Enterprise , . its: 5" g“ M F’ gains 5, " f? .37, ‘
ing Breakfast Serials story, "The Hancock Clarion . e sex a
longer alive, and his father in prison The Gleaner : ,Qfigrfiéfigfig ls§§§iflillzfiz§§§§r,xe;1
been taken on at Wind Rider Farms in Central Kentucky News Journal - ngg’fiefimmga;wsggyn§:m
Lexington where other kinds of win- The Commonwealth—Journal a: : fiiasemggsi
ners and losers—thoroughbred race- Berea Citizen V mm‘fifgsz f
p horses—~are bred and trained. But the Ashland Independent f" w e! ”‘1: l ‘ t: I, 4” __ _ ' i
’ stakes are high for both Ben and the Hickman Courier ,~ :: I {at l j
racehorses. Leitchfield Record , . . , " ; g“ f t f l g . i
The story, running 18 chapters, is Lexington Herald Leader 2 ”i :3 ~ _ , “t? ' {in : s“ ; He
rich in moral dilemmas and chapter- The Ledger Independent ' " ' ' ‘ ”a“: . - i ' ’ " ”
by-chapter high adventure, full of the The Jessamine Journal _ g “fag.“ p I.
sights, sounds, and smells of horse Georgetown News-Graphic * , i ,.' _ "WW ’ ,. _‘ H
e country. It’s a winner. Find out more The Messenger . ,. V WXWMQM, V ~
in this Kentucky based 18-week chap- The Winchester Sun . :5 2 £1 .352? .gyzili‘izv'i; ”sin” I
L ter story beginning in 37 Kentucky Tompkinsville News , " , i; ~
newspapers the week of Oct. 20. Henry County Local ‘ , , V .
. Newspapers can also turn their Gallatin County News ' ., " ' v
‘ teachers on to online learning activities The Courier-Journal already signed up should have For basic information or to chat
_ for each chapter at www.kypress.com. The Advocate-Messenger received their CD with the story. with other newspapers that have par—
» These activities are being written by Dawson Springs Progress Want to join the fun and encour- ticipated in the past contact the
former NIE Manager Reta Broadway Meade County Messenger age reading in your community? Kentucky Network for Newspaper in
and Will be available online the middle Shepherdsville Pioneer News Contact Jill Scott at Breakfast Serials Education chairperson, Kriss Johnson,
Of October. . Casey CO News for a contract at jill.scott@breakfastseri- kjohnson@kypress.com.
LG&E Energy Foundation will once Appalachian News-Express als.com. Last year over 50 newspapers par-
again provrde all Kentucky newspa— Trimble Banner She’ll fax it to you, and you read it ticipated publishing ”Noodles Makes a
pers that join the project 1,000 scrap- Those newspapers that have and sign it and fax it back. Boo Boo for seven weeks.”
The FCC announced Aug. 21 that it mandated the national Do-Not-Call tomer that clearly states the customer under the new rule. The FCC has also
has stayed enactment of its new rules Registry, it also changed several of its is willing to accept advertisements stated that it will consider petitions
concerning unsolicited faxes. other telemarketing restrictions, and lists the fax number(s) to which for reconsideration of the rules before
Newspapers are not required to including restrictions on unsolicited any fax advertising the ”commercial they are implemented, leading NNA -
obtain signed, written consents before faxes. In 1992, the FCC established availability or quality of any property, to conclude that further change in the
sending faxes to entities with which rules under the Telephone Consumer goods, or services” may be sent. rules may occur before 2005. This stay
they have an established business Protection Act, which prohibited com- In response to several petitions, only affects the enforcement date of
relationship. Although the require— panies from faxing unsolicited adver- including one by NNA and the requirement to obtain written per-
ment is set to go into'effect on Jan. 1, tisements unless there was an estab- Newspaper Association of America, mission to send faxes. Faxes to entities
2005 (instead of August 25, 2003 as lished business relationship. This rela- the FCC reinstated the established with which there is no established
required before the announcement), tionship was defined as any voluntary business relationship exemption and business relationship still require
NNA recommends that newspapers two-way communication between the has delayed the enactment of the written consent. Also, changes in the
hold on collecting consent forms until company and customer. The July 2003 signed consent requirement until definition of established business rela-
further guidance is issued. rules, set to go into effect August 25, January 1, 2005. The stay will allow tionshipare in the offing.
Background: In its July 3, 2003 2003, required newspapers to obtain a companies more time to collect the The stay does not affect the Do Not
Report and Order, in which the FCC signed consent form from any cus- needed documentation required Call rules.


The Kentucky Press, September 2003 - Page 5 {
KPA fall ad seminar NEW 5 ~ ' ~ '
y , ,, , -, : ‘ _ Please indicate on a cover memo ' .

Continued from page 1 , that the photo is being sent for con~ .1

’ j _ ’ . sideration for the front cover of the ,

S et f0 1' e t 1 8 _ 1 9 W111 dISPIaY Photos fmm Kentucky > KPA Yearbook and Directory, and ,,
O _ newspaper photographers that were" include the newspaper and the pho- '

takenin 2003. These are on display tographer’s name. ,

The Kentucky Press Association’s present her current version of the during 9m/Tfade Show and the 1 Please mail your2004 Yearbook , I_
2003 fall advertising seminar will be ATHENA Awards during lunch, 6x111?“ isavailable for local use, at ’ and Directory frontcover pho- , 'l. ‘
held Sept. 18-19 at the Marriott East through her ”Creative Concepts in 13‘1th librariesfor instance, after , tographs (photo deadlineis ; 3
Hotel in Louisville. Newspaper Advertising,” entertaining the‘COQVBntIOn_end5.*0n Ian. 23- , . November 15) to: , 'f

Those wishing to attend the two- you with more than 100 award-win- , KentuCkyis knoWn for having David T. Thompson , -- ".
day event still have time to register ning ads. some of the best newspaper photog- Kentucky Press Association :5
before the Sept. 11 deadline, although On Friday, Robert Wilson, ad sales raphersin the Country and this is 101 Consumer Lane 3 , 1,
the deadline to reserve a room at the trainer and humorist, returns to your way of displaying the work of , Frankfort KY. 40601 ‘_ ’ l, j
seminar rate was Sept. 1. Kentucky. His morning session hits those photOgraphers. : f , , _g ’33,- - : , ,,

If you are looking to spice up your home with ”Boosting Ad Sales in This/35h“ acontes't and most all . ’ V " ’: ‘ ' ..’ * .,
advertising layout and design, or Good Times and Bad.” Wilson is a full- [phags‘éfe usedvin the. exhibit y ' 3 Silag‘ea?eggt0§fgxnaisthip - f
thinking about how to boost ad sales time professional speaker and market- d , din ' ’ : fl bl I , ' : f ' P , ' ‘ ' I
in ” ood times and bad ” ou need to in consultant He served as senior ' €139?! ’ g on space ava a e. ' ' ' Just areminder that Statement Of

g . ’ y g . ' -« Photos may be in color or black and Ownershi s are due to be com let- .
get your staff registered. copywriter for Target market Team ’white' should be no la: er than 11 X p P

There are four different registration one of the nation’s top direct response 14. Id h 1d b , , g d f ed and returned to the 1305" office on ':
options. It is $90 to register for lunch advertising agencies, and his ad copy _ bl an 1510:; 911“]?th [fife er" or before Cd. 1.
and the session for both days. You can has earned eight SouthStar awards a y onbac P051131: oard. e The information provided on PS}
also register for just the session and from the American Marketing associa- photo 5119919 be affixgd t9 the , form 3526 will allothhe USPS to j,
lunch for $50 each day if you are just tion. Wilson is also a humorist. He has poster board 919113 with the/named determine whetherthe publication 2
interested in attending one day’s ses- won 10 humorous speaking contests the{DEWSP?P¢£.and:t.11€Rhotographs- , meets :the'standards for Periodicals : .. J
sions. To register for the sessions only and was proclaimed the second funni- 81"? nameandga cutlmeéj if aRPiQPII'; , mailing privileges. Tharefore, all i i
it is $75. est person in the Georgia by ateeflfhesedo NOT havetobearhot « s“items:miistbeecompleted'induding. .2

Many of you have heard of the Toastmasters International. tographsthatwerepubhshedmthemagenotapphcablé tb your publica- ‘ :
ATHENA Awards. Lynne Meena, for- At lunch on Friday you get an newspaper; “f: ,j, 54:5 2,..tiOn.t':'ff ' f; - - ‘ . . « , . ., .- j.

- . Mmmer swig~alse¢z WIT?“
and the Newspaper Advertising dOne and he’ll do an ”Ad Clinic,” “Mfgéxfwéfigfiéfigfifiéyfidflégg“J“Wfialgjgsedkgn:anlswfiégthgpgyhgghm< " '
' ' ' «yrrrtygt0~Whléhthesmfmffilate§$hé“%“ ’f
Bureau, co-created the ATHENA espeCially for them With instant feed- interestedindisplayingttnsexhibttddimffih‘hmmig. . ,1 ,-
Awards while with NAB, and directed back on ideas that would have made fiferfi1econvehnom1eytt’:eaeoxpusg 3:: g ,
- - : Fasec‘ma“ it;,,"/~/i?If¢yqnt/frequencyrfallsbetween, : 3 :
them until 1992 before forming her the ad better and more attractive to the "Site’Carftma‘ckfiatIBOO)’26435721” . , , _ » , . « .

. own agency. For the past two decades, client. PIsemdicateonacover memo daily but morethan weekly " pube . .
she’s been the newspaper industry’s Wilson’s afternoon session is titled th 3:111: 115 i b ,, bgfi :hshnolater than Oct. 10- _ , :
top spokesperson on creativity. ”Sell More Ads...With Spec Ads That at epoograp _: f