xt7sf7667263 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sf7667263/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1999 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, February 1999 Vol.70 No.2 text The Kentucky Press, February 1999 Vol.70 No.2 1999 1999 2019 true xt7sf7667263 section xt7sf7667263 I IK) LEX 405 I
\JGTON KY 40505 ‘ ' . I i " ‘-
‘ I Volume 70, Number 2 - February, 1999 I I es S _
I By LISA CARNAHAN David Greer, publisher of The I : I; 35?} “a: if; ' ,_ , :
3 KPA News Bureau Kentucky Standard, Bardstown. New _ “fog: 23$ , * ' T '
Tom Caudill took over as presi- board members include: District 3- I .7 U i?» E:JTTV "
dent 0f the Kentucky Press Ed Riney, Owensboro Messenger- I ' ' I: 4"“! ' . 3." ‘ I
Association/Kentucky Press Service Inquirer; District 12 - Stephen ' I. _, 3 _ = ‘ ."'€h;-‘TI?*,AIII‘§‘3§§‘ \ ,. I »
during the annual Changing of the B ‘ ' ~ .. "-v 5&6”qu " ’ fl
1 . . owling, Jackson Times, State-At- - I Q I I: at :6: . I
Guard Luncheon held during th_1S Large - Kristi Blackford-Bowden, " * g‘ ' §
3 _ year 5. Winter convention in Kentucky Enquirer; Bennie Ivory, ”2;“ .t* j
LOUIS‘Vllle: . . . Courier-Journal; and Taylor Hayes - :I: i; . é
(£31511:a§SIStanthanliiglfilg edl' Kentucky New Era, Hopkinsville. A _ i H .. . ' I
tor 0 t e exmgton era ' eader, complete listing of KPA/KPS direc- " ‘ }? ‘ ' . I
assumed the res1denc ' from Gu - - - - . ”I“ ' ‘ ‘i
.p 3 y tors and diViSion chairs IS on page 2. ,_ . 1 ‘ . I
- Hatfield, publisher and owner of the C . . , I
. . . . . .jaudill pledged to work With . . g
Citizen V01ce & Times, IrVine, and i ‘ - " ~ ,
. . newspapers across the state. I , . .
the Clay City Times. “ . j _
, , . . I am honored to follow in the foot- - .
Other officers for 1999 include. te f 3 Pre t' (th fi tKPA 3 _,
President Elect - Teresa Revlett, pub- S ps5) t f8 n ace 1:698” . d , . ._
lisher of the McLean County News; Cresil'TID “PET :91“? hm f ), sai 3 A . .
, Vice President - Marty Backus, pub- 3" 1d ' 1 e to ea,’ mm yo?’ Tom Caudill, right, assistant managing editor of the Lexington Herald- ,
lisher of the Appalachian N ews- you“ eaS""aS we move mt" newsPd' Leader, takes the gavel from 1998 president, Guy Hatfield, owner and : _
_, ‘ Express in Pikeville; and Treasurer - See PRESIDENT, page 7 publisher of the Citizen Voice 8. Times, Irvine, and the Clay City Times.
New logo unveiled Winter Convention gets good rev1ews
The Kentucky Press The 1999 Winter Convention topics and some of the leading
’ Association unveiled its new logo I provided those attending with authorities in the country in their
during the 1999 Winter probably the best program put fields. Two in—depth workshops on
' ‘, . Convention. KENTUCKY PRESS ASSI-I‘IATIUN together in recent years — and Thursday, on Internet advertising
The logo, designed by former b . 1 Louisville cooperated with warmer and Photoshop, drew large audi- ,
, O b M n -I . mem ers to submit a new ogo for h Th B h ‘ 3 . 1' q d f
wens oro esse .ger nquirer . t an average temperatures. ose ences. 0t sesSions a. te our
3 I staff member Enid Roach shows the. press assocatmn. In all, 12 two combined made for good hours and the instructors staved
. . . ’ des1gns were submitted and voted . . . . Q '
an outline of the state in the back- n b the KPA/KPS Bo rd of attendance and excellent rev1ews late answering questions.
ground with KPA in large letters, (1)). i, a from KPA members. Friday's agenda provided ses-
. partially reversed. irec ors. The program provided those sions on management techniques.
. KPA invited newspaper staff See LOGO, page 4 attending with a wide range of See CONVENTION, page 7
. . . . ,2 a.“ 5;,V»,&§.:.:r- :- .-. We: y; «NIKKI
I, “ I"?'(.;:I.‘;'; >.¢*,3»_:.;3:"“’,,{3"3: ‘_V~"W‘}"€:yr‘$"a
. - . 3 Kansas I 1688 Offers d1 gltal arChIVIHg Of paper S ~M§W $1.; '
. By LISA CARNAHAN Director Dav1d Furnas. broadsheet scanner and saves the R35“, i 55"" ~ _,...x mfifigii :
5 News Bureau Furnas said that group includes scanned image on a CD. either Mac \ufisiwsflein.
eginmng t _IS. year, . 9 a out . W99 y newspapers 01“ 15 or PC whatever the client prefers. ”mag “W?“ “M .-‘
. w. . . Kansas. Press AssoCiation is prov1d- daily papers. In addition. to several “This really opens up a whole .x::§’$::N;:;~:f: 3.:
' mg digital archivmg for any inter- from Kansas, the serVice is also . Q . _ . “é“sufiéiu.;meg§3§gs;§s ‘f ‘
. d Th f b t b . r . d d t . . . b new marketing strategy for the Iggééfiéagfegafigg
. este newspapers us ar, a ou eing proVi e 0 papers in a out . . “ Q _ Q . , .. .. _ ‘ ‘ . .- efifggg- ass I:
, ’ 80 papers have Signed up for the four other states. pap< r. 581d P urnas. W'th th'“ “I “W“W’swtmg I:
- ‘ service, according to Executive Kansas Press purchased a See ARCHIVING. page 4 Wwfifig’eflt she‘s???“ if? '
3. .«Krfiewti If
' INSIDE "mgfismjii ‘5‘"
' 3 ‘\ OKentucky People, Places ODesign principles 'Convention highlights OAwards honor three ”3%: 2. 3
'. . in the news... pg. 2 never change pg. 3 captured in photos... pg. 6 for service... pg. 12 ff; “m3? - -:
' ‘ i I. ,
‘ .. ' v ‘~ ,"un'vn~‘:‘*' uv- -'~""‘ [WW ~’ ‘ d ‘ I: . I " ' ' 'va --""-\-¢---.-nu~. «N's» tn .1 a,. wk Haas-1:...“ --"",--\_"u'ru:o‘ Vss‘r- .fl.|h-0'>o'-l'.\...- u. - - ‘ -- - - ~.
. , I. . . , . > ‘J ~, I 1 . ‘ . .I . , ”'3. ,‘l I...' C. .« .3
‘,.,.' ‘, ‘ ‘   u, - ~ , . 4 0. ‘ ~.;~‘\_. -. ‘,»_1 .1
. ' ‘ ..\ ‘ 3 . " . I I. _ n I I n‘ " ' , , . | I . ' w: .> v 3 H I , ‘ ~ ,
' \ I , ‘ I ' "I r V \ ’ , . I ’, ‘l ’,:.V ‘ I ".7" If, TIT“ "'3 ' I,; all: a K: r .~ I; - .. I: L A ~
I I ' . I . ‘._ I .’ I I ' r If . h I . é . s I lit". . n” 2.5,“, II.) ‘ T. .. I I

 , , II.
/ t l.
Page 2 - The Kentucky Press. February. 1999 :-
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- ~ ' < ~ . ‘ - h\' th | nunnhs-r mt )t‘ > )lt‘ llt‘ know :11 Y‘t'Vt'Hlll,‘ as .1 result nt lllt' Wt"  ‘ l
‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ "wnhant‘wl lllt' rw mtatmn wt thls that art-n t llt‘lll” llllt‘tl‘ sanl t'UHlln‘,‘ tn tht- ()ldham lura, was
I)- l 'tt“‘6' "ttl l b ’
utm H r ‘l H ‘l M an ‘l ll lh-\\’>l);1llvl‘lnl'tllvgntnl." natln); llt' l’nhllsht-r Mikv Antlvrs “Rathvr St‘t'l‘t‘till‘fi' at ('lnrt- and Duncan l
”“‘;llml)” l t l l t' ““5- ” "an.“ \;.](-<1nan In all than puttingr all tlns mnnm un nur Rt‘altwrs 1n l1a(}ran;{v. a tamlly l
‘ ‘ x r ‘ .‘ . . . . \‘
1’ 1351” ‘l l ‘ ”l“; “‘1‘“ ‘m ”l rvSpt‘t'tS llt‘5 llnnv>L trustwnrthy hnttmn hntu l thought must nt 1t humnvm‘ l'
ldnt‘ nrt, M H H 1‘ tII.1>~1t1<-( antl wry harnppnrtvrs wwn- sLn-t-csstnl m ”M, S‘ _ . .. .
. I I I , t . _ -. H [I , . Rngvr , nvll. lnnnm asshtant
(lunnu thv “(‘(‘h and h.“ than .1 ltntt'lpl‘lM‘ (lrmatz-tl >1l ‘ NH) to w -l ,. l ., . ., l""" . ,. . ‘ y I _
- t ((tmn )\ a ”1.11le1 n ._._._ \UU >~, .1 t )r "f th' l\* t ‘k , 1. .l
ww an \‘nntl u me thv  . l‘ht- tw> ('(lllt'AIIlHn tnumlatu>n>. h.H MW“ 1111an Dirt-("tor ut'
“1”"”WW1"l"‘»1"ll“T—'"-‘““‘l “l’ 1" ll"r‘l”‘ ( "um,“ I l‘4‘l”"‘”“’” \Vllit‘ll are managwl hy vulnntt-vrs. (‘ummltnic'tttom l'nr Illt‘
15 an Suntlav l‘tllllltlltlltln and Ilh‘ lthzalu'thtmx'n prm‘nlt- "r‘mh tnr whnnls w 1h“. ‘ . ’ I
‘ _ . t r“ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' - DUTH‘IHH‘HI nl lnsumnw ”1‘ unnx'
”H Ft‘Clpt‘ tnr sucvvs> “as pt'r- lulut‘atlun l‘nnntlatmn n ‘W l t V . a m nnvnt 'HHl )‘n' f. r . l‘ . .. ‘ ‘ '
'l . y _ \f . ..} . Tl I l . . . 1. l‘» l“ ‘ (l l ‘ l‘- _’ Jlll Mulklll whn \Hll ('nntlnm- as
wna mntatt. A- urnh r ”H L tann. n (HILtIlHn> w n man pm» 1”“.th prnwrams thm' uthvrwmt- l ‘.- , . _ .
‘ _ . . , . , , , - h « pu )ln mlnrmatmn Hllltt‘l,
I‘l\'nn ~and hh Ilnl) wa> xnatlv vane-r <1hlt- h} thv \Hndlall amt-Mum: muld nut «llhnl ‘ . _ V
’ ‘ Snvll \Vnrkwl for 14 Iwuars 1n
nt-wsrnnms l‘nr tllt‘ Akrnn l’n-amn
e entuc y fess Garrett niln’ICd l‘AE .lnnrnal‘ (‘nlumhus l)l\'})£il('ll and
. . tnr (lannt-tt papm‘s 1n ()hm,
) 'x - ‘ 7 r .' _' fl _ ‘V‘ , \ a~ _ l\ ‘ 1 ' ‘ ' . ,
IThI: lximmtIlrxl l:tx;.l~:\;wft;.:_4 1 Nb Pl truilé \1 I r I dl l\/Iddl.\0n\ lllC Missnurl and l\<|ntnck_\‘. ”t‘ was
llfi CL man-at \ LIV H‘ CH UC '\ “A“ 10”“ )l‘JVH tlllL‘ 105 {T 'Illt’TI‘IW‘K‘ ‘ , _ ' .l ' . , . , A H ‘ ' ‘
~\>Nx‘1atmn Kcntuclwl’rms \Tuu', lnc ’l‘m ("‘rrl'll hW" llH'n “”“H'd lulu 'm (hll l .1”! dlm‘bt d (llhull .01 l
l’vnndlmlm‘lasxpnstagvtspaldatliranlant, lhstnttH managing Mlltnr at Illt‘ hl“ “”‘IW' 1” ”in" ll‘ll’ltlllS 1“
l\\ 4mm Snbxinptmnpnuclsimpurt'tm' Stuartfinnpmn, Mmhfimwlh. Klwmngvr. Mlssnurl antl ()hm llt- wnn mnn'
LmtInchIrIx-ndItIlIxtItgt-maddIn-xxtn lhv \umrmqltumq‘, jxgwwlaurm] A “an“. (,1 want” (hunt); than a (luznn rt-glnnal and nIatmnIal
'n \ rxx a in urn 'r an‘, t , .4 . . . .l . x _ , ,
l?rL1v1l\:’ft Kiihlmll [lagpjxwlk - (“er must rma-ntly was ”M”. a\\ar(l.~ (lunng ht» (axut.prnnar1l\
“ “ ' ' ' ‘ w ‘- l)1~tr1(tl'~-A Hhtur at tht- I’rxnu-tnn lntl, 1)”th fur ll\\’(‘SIl;I£Hl\'t' rvpm’tlng. Ilv was
) \‘(lt’Al t.\"\' V t l t\.. " , ,. , .
MINIMUM [)Irwmn Inn H a. Iduwl m H ( larmn‘ l’rwmusly hv “I”. manag— a _.tatt [1H mhu “1th lllt Bt amn
Kt‘l‘tl‘.l(l\'{ Pry» :\\\U(ldtlttl1 l)1~tr1ctl§[3 lng Hlltnr at lhrx Bunnwllt‘ ’Ilmllrlllll kalwn lll‘I l’lllll‘Ir ““1 1‘
. ' ) l , . ).', ' i . .
V, , . , v_ , . , a ,, n lI/.('I Hm 1n t 11‘ (-ar \ 1990.
l" "d 4“ lulm Nt‘lsmt/l)att\'tllt‘Advm‘dtuMessenger fildllfldfll ‘lnd‘ :\(\\l)lll;jl1 Rl {11911 I A l ' l ,' l ‘ ll , V tl . X ,_ . _, \
rm ‘_' . 1n “arrlt'k ( nuntIx', lntl. “”0“, am 1nalvs n-prt-svntatnw at the ()ldham “‘llt‘” ”1 Ill" MMl'M’l” Ill“
l)l>ll’1(l: \QJHN l’tlltnrldl l’l‘dflnll Er” lll I‘ll(;rllll§j(‘ 5.11“,“ 199‘) \N'Zlfi' xh'fifit‘llfll‘r
led l)1llxn;:h.nnDatuunSpnnpl‘rugn'xx \lark Nt‘lerk, lxt-ntnt'k‘» l‘mt “.(.(.nt]I\- prmnntt'tl 1‘, ”(h-(trtismg Bl‘lh Hmtth 11" lh“ ”“W-‘lml’l'rfi
managt-r Shv rvplat'vs lnngtnnv arl See PEOPLE, page 11
lhstm‘t? ( trt’nlatmn l)l‘.l,\lUl|
Fd Rlnk’y, ()‘A'Qnfibnrtl \1u\~('11gcr lllklulrt‘l' [LIKU l',ldrld)_:(‘,lt‘.\\{l”llll{‘ ll'lll‘llt‘ll m
[hstnct-lr lt‘llrlldll\lll l-tlnfiatn-n
Charlwl’nrhhann, Franklln Favnntc luaknn llntt Aliwrs ‘ a S
\Nmtt-rn l\vntntl\\'l nun-hm
l)a\'1d(.rm-r, Tho.-KcntnclxyStandard, (""“'r“l("l”""l‘ 'Ilm (:urtis l‘lll/alH-th ll. a<‘tut‘>’ .lnlln \Vaynw
Bardatown Inn l lt‘lm lhll'l'l arul lknn ( .rH-x‘u I aml “WWW, (‘ SH,”
{,H.\,1W,,5‘. \hnhl .lnn ( um» a nutml phutnura ll l t l l tl
. . 1' {LIEU ll‘t t‘t lUlll H'
”mm” . pln-r alul tnr'lnwr l't'le‘lt‘t’ lur thw I' III ’ l' l' I l
Dormh» Abornatlux)Idham l_ra . , ntw [>11 \ ml \4 nt m \\ an:
, l\«*nt‘lvl'. lrem/\x‘tulatwn l.t'.\;lll;'lHll llc-raltl l,o- ulrr aml v . ’
h = l’ t _ \Nlnuna \Ithrl Ml l’rnlt'wwnal
Ihgfrnf-I \‘lll‘l‘ l- » lt'xx ‘01.; I‘ ‘lJll [|l'\\\ l‘(lll’)l‘ “Hal l,l]r,[l,;r"I”)l‘(.l' t,”- 1)} . I
‘ tum-fl. w _ ..‘ .y- -‘ - ‘ .1 ll :‘rul l\
KvllvvWarnnkt.allatlntmum \cwx ”ll” ll ""' l l" m“ ll""l " lll"\\'~Hll'l!'lt\I1n rlnwl ul l'.lll('t'l' l,’ l)
’ ‘ llnnnn-llwwnl (ux‘frwlh-t‘ ,. - I' ( lll'll\ \\J\ ‘1 HH'tHlH'I‘ v-l llll‘
I . lit-t _,; at hh hwnn Ill \t‘l\.ll.lt‘\ .
l’lfill’lL’fH—V (villrldllath \tlm‘fllnllll',lllh‘tlllr 1h“ ..‘ I”) lll‘ll1‘\‘l"ll.ll llll'llt‘f'l‘tllllll'l‘\ “l
Km my” mum mum ‘xt'\\’w(l‘_lllt)\ll& l""‘ “”""l"”‘ \‘"“"ll”‘“ ‘ “1"” "‘l (, . g .. . _ ‘ Ann-Ht a .: lwr‘tnwr llll-Illln'l' .nnl
R-lnl [;.. v-l‘ x1 .1...“ .. 1 t ’Hl!\ [)lmtnytayllh amp .uml .
" “" ll‘hll ' “'I‘lwn “"‘r‘lll‘l‘ll lll lll‘ll'l’ ll“'ll“‘ lll’l llll’lt‘ll‘- {llt"|1lt‘lll Ml l\t'lll|l|l\\
l)l\lrlkll‘l’ll ‘vln‘ttu'nt‘a‘l \‘lnuz-‘vr‘xtzxw \wz-xtm’ "'l \l ”MI l l l I.“ llf")14‘\‘|b'[) ,l l’ll'll’l"! ”flu-rt
\1arl‘.ll.tt’i7rlfli:~ri Know \xlist" il’\‘llt':.i is rt {1.7 vi. \iriy‘J on. 5. iv':- with: is". ~itn‘
[1:i\‘.' hot iii i'i‘tE'i lit-R‘Js‘l‘nt iii“ hi'_\.oiii' re :d in» 'l'io ;. lat-”vb P.” r ,- 2;. _,. s jairt W9. : .» _-.v V
, l 'l‘hiv essence of good dammit) is .lll gh xii false ‘iiil it‘i‘Ji'zjil‘lifl' «i ilii trot. \zillE‘!‘ Ti)..- i?.- am.” 2. 1,, M. _, ”vi (.4! .I “.2
l ipi‘iiit'ii‘l"> taniiiio: That as it \.:-o "x int chi». éiist: it! .~: 51;}, a.“ ..j~ .‘i‘,,H_;‘ iw 22A,...) ,
”your il=’:~i;Ui is il!\i‘lf‘;lllil‘«§. if it is i-riiicg ~i~i.»; _., i ._ j, . g ..
pied it it 15cm- tat-l: to thi basics it iniist «Wt-i; 2 l‘it‘llijf .s «crisis ft «is to e m. it; sign ”A N I l H in“ ”t i H" I. ' i 1‘
Ioall; succeed Bot ll fmu reset? lllt‘ principles l \i .irs. Ilii lit «paint ‘i’"'~t:"1 iii.i::ira iris fl“ i ”if: ”If“. ,
l" \i'ors‘c it you do not know their. li‘u ii mi. he. ii "point ct eiitrx .} iii no! lil't‘( i-llt' “"1" ’1'“ I. [3”"'"'3"""') ‘5 "‘H ”diff." ""’ "Tl
following are some .iesign principles that that it. too, can he m‘J‘I'tiiittt‘ it your lit «tsp» ' “if/”f“ ’i "M” (”H ”“1 “M" “if” ’1'“ "(i
I consider critical pi-i pagi has like  and .i down points oi ”MN/xi ('v'Wn‘II/W'ig.‘ l/l Howl Ho’f. S (‘ l" .u 1W1 l
l. \Ve design for readers We do not design entry rseach a siren song to ‘Hllt‘ reader , rrow’i lore or V)? ’2';’7-'t.‘?;"_.’. rm: r*i’,‘.'-‘~.‘f‘_'7 ‘:'“»’:‘.f ‘
to fulfill our creativi- urges though that may then something has gone wrong 'l‘heies Zoo 4' moo" irmri.'i.v';i‘1r!.iii/"ii/reii.// m5 V ‘
' WKPA t h ld
NNA to convene March 17-20 in D C 0 0 ‘
O O ‘
C O '
. . .. ______“_______ sprin0 meetinO \
gszigile: ShthttIdf'T‘giNes Leader "NNA members need to make their voices heard by policy makers C b
. I urge you to mark your calem in \Vashington." The West Kentucky Press I ,
l dars for the National Newspaper 7 Association has scheduled its
', Association's 1999 Government (thip Hutchcs‘on spring convention for March 12 '
:1 Affairs Conference. . i at Kentucky Dani Village in i ;
g The 38th annual event will be DUDI'Sher Of the Princeton T'mes Leader (hibertsvilli- at the Ramada lnn.
‘, held March 17—20 in Washington, The program includes a ses-
D~C- 311d Will be ii highlight ff" -————-—————— sion on special sections/editions
community newspaper publishers ticipants will be armed with ties offered at discount rates With Tom ('llnton. eXecutive edi-
and editors. _ ‘ plenty of talking points at a including tours ofthe Washington tor “fill“ Madisoiiville MWSPHL’PT
, Theheadquarters for the ('AC Thursday morning briefing ses- l’ost. Mount Vernon, Old Town and Jason YOU“?! ”f ”W l'41(ll1('3h
has excellent meeting ““1.“th I‘he (ongressionai Luncheon l\:ational‘ Symphony at‘ the ‘1 I IWNIEI fission “.1, Mutt tvot-
and a great location. close to the on Thursday draws many of the Kennedy ( enter, a play at Ford s (1‘ to rtlai ers iipl surxevs. so“ }to /
US. Capitol and other major legislators. Vl/e urge all attendees Theater. a l‘rederickburg adven- (Pi) Ill.” ‘UM". t'H‘m. “if 1 HP
sights. ‘ tnjln-Vlit‘ their elected officials to ture‘and a l)(. metro tour . )adumh Suns Karl {larrisoir and l
I urge as many ”1- you as pos— this informal lunch . . hound exciting and intorvina- [YF- Ann Landini 0‘ ilurrav Nat“
sible to attend. “.3 a chance to Other highlights include an tive’ The cost is $4.25 tor lNNA l‘INVWSIWS(l‘mmilllsm and Mil-‘3‘
see and hear in person many of opening reception at the Postal members and $550 for non~niem- ( omrnumcations Department
the newsmakers in Congress Museum, a session With Senate bers. Make Your reservations l‘Qll“\_V1n§I_Yhf’ Si‘SSH’n-“~ the
whom you see and read about m and House majority and ininoritv today (‘ontact Susan Nicolais‘ at organization “fl” hfild lth‘ “111111111
the national media. leaders proViding their perspec- 800-829—4NNA for registration bUSH‘H‘SS "1““th-
NNA members need to make tives on the leading issues on the information. Brochures have been SteVe Austin, publisher ofthe
their voices heard by policy mak- (‘ongressional agenda (this will mailed to all NNA members Henderson Gleaner. is the
ers in Washington. To that and a be particularly interesting after 1'” also give you information keynotelunch-eonspeaker.
special (iffurt is being made to the impeachment trial), a session on the annual convention to be chlb‘trutltm 18 $20 per perv
arrange for attendees to meet on getting more political advertis- held in mid-September This year son and includes a buffet lunch.
with their elected officials. ing, Y2K challenges. a panel dis- it will be in Boston For more information call
The NNA staff will be pleased cussion by former White House If you have any questions John T. Wright, WKPA pres‘ident .~
to arrange appointments for you press aides and the White llouse about the National Newspaper at (502) 5273162, or Dr. Bob
with these individuals. This is a press briefing and reception. Association. please call me at McGaughey, executive director,
wonderful opportunity and par There also are optional activi» 50243652141 at (5023 762—6874.
i, a
i . i ’ ‘ _

 *- t
/’ . l
t |.
Page 4 - .he Kentucky Press. February. 1999 t
F. ' 0 ' ° k u S ‘5
lnCllnD th€ fight online pCOpl€~ HO easy tas y t
9 C l
. , , dents attend school patttime, they need the money a St t6 S AP i
Interactlve ‘ ' g; part-time or full-time Web development job would a
' pav And because many are non-traditional and/or t
a ~ . a . . . l
Instder a older students, their reliability may be higher than
- l i with other students. I lew S a 61‘s l
in Find or create mentors, too. If workforce diversitv i.
By Peter M. Zollman . . . - .
in one of your goals, heres an opportunity to meet two , .
' » . . , ,, Community Newspaper
needs at once, Ask inner~citv churcn pastors and youth . ~ ,
‘ ‘.. ' . , ‘ Holdings Inc, (CNHI) recently
, . . program workers if they know kids who are computer r . l‘
One ot the many challenges publishers face in , . . ‘ , , ‘ _ purchased 4.) newspapers from L
. . . . ‘ . geniuses iThev will.) Supply churches or youth centers _ , ,,
building profitable interactive services is finding the ~ . . , . .. Hollinger International (whose '.
. ht l t t Y W l t , with computers and help them budd an after~school )a )( ”rm tht U 5‘ formerly o Mr L"
‘7 )CrSUn Ur )(‘fl ) f‘ it run l our t' ”Ill!“ t’.‘ ' - ~ x ‘ C ’ 1.. . v ‘ - t
n" i l l . computer project. and then snatch the best kids to i i . * l ,
or better still. your \\eb manager - needs special . , ~ , _ ated under the name of American
h . l k ll ~ l l ‘ l l X \\.ii‘l\’ for. you .I t-rhaps someone on your staff could Publi hin Y (, (\l’(‘i including
u s ait 1 ' s.t. - H s . ; - urwa‘e' , ' ~ - _ s t o.. 1 . :
E“ “1:1 ‘ 1 l Him m m i l n m i l \ help teach a course for a couple of hours a weel-.. on (y r ‘1 inhKenti ky "
,. ., . . S,"(§i ic '.
)cyontia H!) y U _ , , , , c. or time. Illial mentor a few of the students. That I , . .
Where can ya; fillii those livcwplr‘ for; t‘. .w . tli ’ .t t , _ The kentuckv papers includ-
, _ , . , , wouri be a real commitment r—~W11.i 1 real pavbacki . ~, ) .
you pay them v-ncugh I . ke'; tie in who :in in is. ed the Richmono liegister, the
l ET}; :ln .‘2 ink“ Paying for skills (‘orbin "l‘iinesA'l‘ril‘rtine. the
' , .\s it: t>l ; u: is.» :-~ .I: WW: 5. .Is 1-». .t. :.. 7? ')1.' new '5 and the staff \‘.e need. how can we llarlan llaily linturrrist. the
canard ,‘.f;_-:- s ': . ', .: , 1’ i . , :1. J.‘ t ' t: 1‘ ' tak s try if. ,.3, tlieinii Especially liltiii‘j.’ l Mitltlleshoro llaily New s and the
i I? xraes .1!“ 1..., ~: . .' :m . .- ' _".? 7 :~: tr tl‘: ii: tine an rage reporter. are-'3 l ilazard ll: raid
i i: s a 1.13: in: _' .r: ,- t 3 . ’ 'li- ' ~~_..;-. " 'i i Thu hurt-has» a i- 1 —- Frit‘ ‘Y‘:~
,' :r‘g-g “4‘ 3.1;“ n .1 1;; ;.:, g. - in ~ is a ii'ittl Vina-lit lint uit‘l E in 14 states bar ;.-r':::‘ :t'ii'~.'. ii»
g iii, i. h i pay what the market demands 3 addition to ixeii‘. 3": l;_‘-.. in
l Hiring ll"~“"‘r")1d’ lint: s iwf 3‘ s.: «attract-was saiai'ie: are a good iiiei‘ : Alabama ()klahoina :iiri 'iV-rqa.
E "i“ t'n " h‘ ‘ i f" 7* “' 5’ 3" " l l " 7‘ l’ni‘. t; ii.t\' to remember why these people working i
i i. n.- \ “Ni ii \ m L" will i 1' i" H" it" r r \wi; in tht first oiact They‘re not i't‘lJUI‘I(‘l‘>. the} l
‘ t” "ll: 1 ”‘3 “il’llk'f " ' ‘ M‘ ”“lti ""‘l‘ 3“" ‘\ haze difterent skills lt-iane lit-porter knows HTML
l iiimi “ lii':""”“"l‘1 ”Hi.“ [“3 “"1 Y‘W‘li‘ ”KW» M" is \Nllllllfil and able to design Web pages. and has ..
V‘ll‘l‘lil‘l "-’““~‘l'\-”ll 1‘ “H H \‘«1Y"‘ii’1 “‘4" .\.tan,.  i'i't'o't' at l"'\'»"w"l’ '1“! than 1 NH. he \ lH'HW' um over a reporters salary Reporter and Webmaster :
at the managt me at thin I an. heck he s in Her at pay grades don't have to be comparable; the skill—sets Continued from page 1 i
lost about everything computer related than l am areiit. arethey" “y , 1 l }
. _ .. ‘ ( (H ;
\\h_\ ’ l’n-cause tor hin; cemputer ese is a hate.» laii~ It you find home~grown talent at your high ( n in 'H ”“3“, ‘r t; ”l
. > , 2 ~ ~ ~ SSt‘ x‘szmtrzt."
guage hr the. it s an acquired oft barely acquireu schools or community colleges; pay them for their mo it will)?“ I!“ “Hm ”TIES:
. - - . ’ i 1 A r ~ w ,
skill He understands these things. l wrestle with computer skills instead of trying to pay them like a ”3m ( rm,“ t?” “MM 6““. T
them He builds Web sites for a tiny but growing reporter. manage their workloads appropriately so h"“”“‘“ I ”“t‘” “‘“l '
clientele ot‘small businesses for which he gets paid I they‘re able to keep reasonable hours; give them the Thompson, ‘ .
couldnt do that it l tried llappily. l have other required software and computer tools. to do the job, W" hadnt had 1‘” ””1““
‘ - , . . . ' ) ‘ . , . ,.. .,. . .
skills and invest heavily in training s— because otheryvise kl A 10L") m M ‘f Ml .V( d” and
flli\lirll~'l“~ you cant hire llivyearrolds lint you their skills will be outdated as soon as they walk in thought 11 “'35 tlmf‘ W“ d“TWP ’
\ll'!illfl .gt ”spit-r Ylit- lllllillf'tfll’vli of th.‘ 11! \ion‘wltl lllt‘ (itmi‘ —— you'll lltlYt' 11 good shot tit keeping them ()np- Th" lflSt 10g” kP‘A lllifl “'35 {l
_ _ for a few years Then. when six-figure San Francism small circle With the 811110 ”Hid“
50h0015~ churches. tht‘ inner ("lty or Microsoft salaries win out. you'll know you did and 1'1 (llllll‘ Sf‘VtTiil organizations
‘.,. .. ,.7.,,\.i.g . ‘ -, .- r ., -
'l hmb “"1“: ”I" lit l1 “ l1 "'l W“ “l your best for the longest possible time inyolved \Htli hl’A had asked for
i)‘ l“ “ im» "“ [‘1‘ “‘i’ " “M "1 ' "" M“ “ii- I And if you re smart. by then a few of those bril- our logo and basically all we had i
\ ‘1 l *“' ’il‘s n ‘ It " t' ' . ' . . ‘ ,, . ' . ‘ . v .
”11“" ”vi “Ml sm‘l ’ “i '“l b ~rkin, lei” 11”“ tiant loyear-olds you spotted a few years agowill be used in recent years was the l
L“? ”V”! Th1“? "‘1 “"i‘ ””11"" 1"" “ ”l ”"1“ ll“'”‘ l1 or 1-1. and you ll be keeping an eye on them to words. “Kentucky Press
“"11““ ””"l‘immlW1117'Y‘1‘lill" I‘d“! W'W‘V 'wllii‘iliymil‘k f‘oryouin‘iust a few moreyears. .>\ssot_-i;ition“
“lb" ll“ ~‘l‘l’i““l‘ “‘4‘" l“ ~‘1 ‘MH‘ lli-‘l‘ “’i‘ ““"3 3‘“: I": f. r .1] Zohmon /):o//H1(1I1(“!10/(will. VII/7" 783+ “All the logo ideas were excel-
‘w .e hi rs an: seheo. , :iiiisv-l rrs who “it”, t«st .ii.i __‘,"s/I .' founding [wort/mt off-lt/ioneet/ [rife/Hence lent and it was a difficult choice
{iri’fiilwi ‘i'ill‘i'filpl iii/”W“ "" A”: 3"“ ‘ 1* ‘ .llwrm (iron/i. L I. ('. o consul/(Hggroup thorn/7371* Some used horses as the main
tint tiieiit work t -r\ w; , a 'iI/‘shu/Is oral strobe/t lift/titling sessions to fie/[I idea, others used the state out-
( omniunity wilegev- ire .ti“ 2 g ,. d tah 1.1 M- do; tom/norms- a‘eie/op profitable Infel‘ucfll'e ser- line."
swiirt'e Man} c'eiiiiiiiiiiity coliegi s will heli, '. Hewitli '. t ,\ I]. is the [em/ out/tor of the Edivl’ Research Kl’A is m the [”1“wa (if “)1“,
l ' l ‘ ‘ "' ‘ "i“ “' “""“' ”i" Am r“ , .’ , . , . . .
traiiiaic 'Y pi . .ai Liii it _ 1 ha» a i, .‘an ant It ,ror' , llltl/llt to. JIM/1o, ant/1s (If/l/Iluftt/ tut/1 righting the logo to restrict ”Ac UM.
- ' it c' i- . t . e .,' -3,” Mt '/‘,t',-\ i, - -\\' ‘1 it ' - . . .
dimand f r kilart a li, paiti ulii. in ii iii 1' / . t {NW A .i to ioh , (onulJunfs to toonly authoriZed situations.
field as computers liots oi toniinuiiit‘. 1. file's» stii .\wu spope/‘s
. 0 v - . . V
A h Nvine newspapers have requested the their entire ad schedule for the month on a ( l)
rC 1V1“ 9 arr hixes be kept in monthly, quarterly or seini~ and interest has been high.
_ annua groupings. ansas rt ss is accommot at- hansas lress also still opeiatts a clipping
Continued from page 1 mg those requests and can label the disk accord- service and some testing has been done for clip-
vice. they‘ll be able to offer a complete lirf'lth‘ of mg to the client's specifications - including any ping clients who electronically, cannot only see
their paper — a year's worth. for example e, at a artwork. masthead. flag or message requested. their ad or article but just where that informa—
very reasonable cost on one (‘1) " l’urnas said for smaller newspapers, it's less tion was placed on the page.
Furnas said the cost is about lbc a page plus expensiye to save the images digitally than to “This has been a test program for us, and
a $50 handling fee For a fl\'l' day daily newspa- liaye the originals bound “And digital images we're pleased with it, at this point," said Furnas.
per averaging 12 pages a day. the cost is estimat don't get brittle and turn yellow And as technolo- “If things pro