xt7sf7667126 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sf7667126/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2001-04 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, April 2001 text GLSO News, April 2001 2001 2001-04 2019 true xt7sf7667126 section xt7sf7667126 1 : # wi .. l . is». s . it it
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Pride Center Get: Connected Court Falsie Awards AIDS Walk For Life
...and more
The Pride Center of the Bluegrass The 9th Annual AIDS Walk for
"0‘" “as a web Site and a phone The Imperial Court of Kentucky Life is scheduled for April 22nd,
"”mbe“ Chec" ”5 0‘" at WWW-b'ue' has planned a number of fun events 2001. This year's Walk will be held
grassprldeorg or Just type in "blue' for April. On Wednesday, April 11. downtown at Triangle Park (intersec-
grass pride" at Yahoo! The site is a they will host the “Queens of tion of Main and Broadway). Please
work in progress but already Hazzerd - A Trashy Review”. The join usl Get a group of friends,
includes a calendar 0‘ events, links festivities start at 8:30, admission is coworkers or classmates together
to other GLBT Sites! and can be $5. "We wantall of youens to git yer and walk as ateam. ldentifyateam
used ‘0 schedule meeting space at finest bib overhauls, yer shortest captain, selectateam name, and ask
the Pride Center. Its already getting Daisy Dukes or Sunde Best on and for donations. Let us know who your
well over 100 ViSitS a week. Thanks get down to Club 141 for some good team captain iS SO that we can pro-
to Jerry, our webmaster for his ol'fun." vide additional information.
vision and many hours of work. On April 15, they will be holding As 2001 begins, it is distressing
Check us out today, tellafriend, and court at Mia‘s with the Easter that some of the problems from the
keep coming back, we'll be chang- Bonnet Parade. Contests will be twentieth century have followed us
ing all the time to better serve your held for the prettiest an creative lntoanew millennium, A|Ds is one
information needs bonnets During the course of the ot them. At AIDS Volunteers, lnc.
If YOU want t0 contact the Pride evening, we will have a raffle for a (AVOL) we are committed to provid-
Center by phone 03” 859'253'3233 giant Easter Basket filled with great ing prevention and support services
and leave a voice mall message. gifts. Raffle tickets will be $1 each to the eastern haitor Kentucky on a
You will have an answer within one or 10 for $5, There is no admission slim budget. Through your inyciye-
business day. When the Pride price for this event. ment, you will become our partner is
Center is staffed there Wi” be a real To round out the month, our insuring that these crucial services
live person there to answer your Fifth Annual Falsie Awards (formerly continue. WALK..continue d page 2
questions and prowde information. the Faux O***"’S) Will be held on Twwwwmfiw 7 E
Renovation of the Pride Center Tuesday, April 24_ This award show jg: ; .. erg; t. . l
continues. All the painting has been is presented by the Academy of Arts '7 . : éé‘tttiit'llslitmfiriffiftttraill‘ll‘mtl-‘vii; ‘
completed and plans for furnishing and Science of Drag and WE” take . . ”2.1.: ‘ . l
are in full gear. Watch for details of place at the Kentucky Theater. f -_ _ l
our Grand Opening celebration in Admission is $10 with doors opening PW“
early June. Our thanks to Jerry, at 7 pm and the presentations get- 1 __ . ”Jll ,
Jordan, Rose, Scott, Jerry, Yvonne, ting under way at 3 pm. . ‘ if? 5t. r ’ / .i
Jeanette, Chris, RUSSGIL Ginger, Nominations will be announced on . "ljltl if; 3
Pride Center ...continued on page2 April 11- This is a 909mm event) 50 ' 7 H 4 I ' .t
claim a seat early. as ,, A“ ____k__‘w_l

 ‘ Pride Center continued and Ann. Walk For Life..continued from pg 1
m We are Currently seeking estimates You do not have to be part of a
GAY aid for making the restrooms handi- team to walk, come out and join us
g, LLbblAN capped accessrble. lfyou know a on the 22nd [f you can't walk,
:1 SERVICE. 9000 plumber please 9W9 US atcall pledge support to someone else
19*" ORGANIZATION at 253‘3233- who is walking or send a contribu-
‘ - I! ElTlJlilij' tion to AVOL directly. If you have
Lem“ Pride Came" Wis“ L55“ any questions, please contact
. ~ Computer w/Soflware $100000 Cathy at AVOLCathy@aol.com or
”(71.50 NEWS 25" Television $250.00 by phone at (859) 225-3000. 0n
Vol. 16 N0. 4 VCR $9000 the .web at AlDSVolunteersorg for
Stereo $20000 additional information.
Published Monthly by: Chairs (16) $25.00 each
Office Desk Chair 5100,00 Pride Center logo Challenge
The Lexrng‘lzan gay Vllall ClCoZfilselsi‘lglJSOgo each The new Pride Center of the
Lesbian bethce Cordless Telephone $30.00 Bluegrass needs a logo. Are you an
- - - ~ - artist or someone with a great idea?
Organzaban Firsnifégnggf3/338éw We need a simple easy to recognize
52l Second bl: design that symbolizes our pride in
Last month donations of $350 the community we serve. We want
Editor-5. bought conference tables, chairs, a logo that reflects the, welcoming,
—-—' and file cabinets. Many thanks to energetic, and responswe place we
Mary Cr one those who gave. Also donated were want the PM? Center to be.
two upholstered chairs for the foyer elabclrheiedersrlgrdzmaGregg? (ill
MM 32380101113230; 5:23;; 0 36%;; black and white or color. The logo
Ten-y Milne. President Center are tax deductible. Make chosen will be used in signs, sta-
ngcmne, Vice Presiderrl: checks payable to GLSO and be tionary, and promotional materials.
CW“ M00" beam sure to note which item you would If you WOUld like to Smeit a
' Kelly UFerrelJ. like the money to go towards. Send design, please send three copies to,
, Jordan banners donations to GLSO, PO. Box 11471 Pride Center of the Bluegrass, P.O.
Jan/Licks Lexington KY 40575. H you have’ Box 11471, Lexington KY 40575, or
Jol'n lZidrier lightly used items you would like to email lexingtonglso@yahoo.com by
LaTon'a Jones donate call 2533233 April 15th. The design chosen will
be presented at the grand opening
GLSO Annual dues Buddhist Teacher of. the new Pride Center during
andl‘lewsletter: $15.00 at UU Church Pr'de Mont”
Duesand Newsletter On Sunday, April 1, 10:45, TO RESERVE SPACE
for couples: $20.00 Caitriona Reed will be leading the IN THE
“Mmsmmwinm GLSO "m Sunday Worship Service at the
m mm “mam“mmn Unitarian Universalist Church, 3564 PRIDE CENTER
necessarily representthose ottheGLso Clays Mill Rd. Catriona was a stu- FOR MEETINGS ETC,
mflm‘?$ $019333: 3;: dent of Thich Nhat Hanh's for four- C ALL
Magm‘wflmmdflmfim teen years. She will be speaking GINGER 589'7698
aldadm‘tisementsaswellasflierightto on The Eros of Everyday Life:
’ "film’mm‘immmmwmm- Dharma as the Supreme Intimacy OR -253’3253
ELSO Page 2

 ; ' "ng; retiree; 349;; 51¢" Will be'st'i‘h'dé‘y‘,‘”'Ju‘ne”10', ”The Pride“ “ For Mere l'h’iSFrfiEtiehg'Ce'fiteEi‘3“”
' Miss Lexington Supreme Picnic the next Sunday, June 17th. Larry Collins or Charlie Mullins,
; Pageant will be held Wednesday, There will also bea Pride Reading, AIDS Volunteers 222-1918 or 20,
i April 4, at Club 141 located at 141 movies at the Pride Center, and a Steve Medley, Fayette City Health
_ Vine Street Lexington, Ky, Sundae play at the central Library. If your Dept. 288-2456,or Mark Johnson,
DeLaRouge the reining MS organization is planning an event, Volunteers of America 254-3469.
? Lexington Supreme will be stepping YOU need t0 contact Terry Mullins.
down and giving up her crown to In addition to planning Pride Cid“; in “e “(c
another talented entertainer. events, members of this group will Join Sistahs in the Life for a
interest is gathering as several be voting for The Rainbow provocative discussion about expe-
giris are expected to run. The cate- Community Award for a local group riences related to the lives of
gories include presentation in white, and the Volunteer of the Year Award Lesbians and Bi-sexual women of
evening wear, sportswear, on stage for an Individual. A nominating form African Descent. We chat at 7pm
question and talent. The pageant will be included in the newsletter every 4th Wednesday at the Pride
will start at 9pm. and entertainers next month. Center.
include Leigh Angelique, Sundae
DeLaRouge,Latoya Bacall the rein- Working Class Kitchen ”We.
ing MS National at Large, Lauren Pride Reading . On April 1’ theUnltarlan Church
Wells the reining MS Bar Complex There will be an opportunity for W'" WelcomePa'lr'm? Reed to .the
and Cammie Deitrich, MS Supreme all interested writers to read their pulpit. She W'" be sharing her beliefs
Emeritus. work at this year’s Working Class as part of the Buddhist tradltlon..(see
Applications are available from Kitchen Pride Reading. It is sched- page 2) '"te'weeve: the Fese'gey'
Sundae at 859-312-8113 and from uled for Sunday June 3 Call Kelly trans and friends sCCIal action group
Larry Stanley at Club 141. The (233-9538) to reserveaplace in the at the Chureh' w'” 9° em ‘9 "me“
pageant has always been very com- program or for more information. after church on Sunday, April 8th] If
petitive and is expected to be this you WOUId “ke mo: lrgorreratlorlil
year also. So everyone come out PAINBOW VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE! about Interweave or e C urc ’03
and support you favorite entertain- Come join US f0r some free, Davrna at 271-6174
ers and ive Sundae a BIG ood- fun, friendly competition! . . .
bye neg g heireshments, supplies, emits trig'r'fleAtZ‘Zl'Jé?REETZW
and trophies provided. Sponsored . .
Pride Month by AIDS Volunteers, Volunteers of shelves. The Pride Center IS now
. . - - accepting donations of new and
The next Pride Month meeting America of Lexmgton and the , _
. . used books, Videos, magazmes and
IS Tuesday, April 3 at 7 pm at the Lexrngton-Fayette County Health other materials for the planned
Pride Center, 389 Waller Ave. This Bepartment HIV/AIDS Prevention library. We are accepting titles with
IS a fun way-to become '"_"°"’ed In rograms. . LGBT content. Plans are to have a
the commun'ty' The °pemn9 event Lecet'en' YMCA North' 381 W‘ full Iendin library in place by early
for the month will be the Grand Loudon Ave., Lexington (Beside the June 9
Opening of the Pride Center on the Fayette County Health Department) Your donations are tax
first weekend in June Two or more practices each month _ , _ _
. . deductible and recelpts wrll prowd-
A number of events are already SUlldaYSi from 3 t0 5- Rengtlathll ed for all items To arrange drop off
on the central calendar. The Tenth and fllSt practice on April ist. See . '
at the Pride Center call 253-3233.
Annual Volunteer Awards Banquet ad page for other dates _ ,
Community News continued page 4 &7

 _, . Rehearsals are held Sun from 5:30 welcoming gay, straight, bisexual
CommunitttNemri'Conwimd to 7:45 at St. Michael's Episcopal and transgendered men and
Book ”504590" Group Church at If you have questions women. For complete information
Anyone interested in discussing call Joey at 254-6850. see the "Anything for Love" web
the literature of lesbian and bisexual site at www.anythingforlove.org/.
authors ls invrted to lom a new group GLSO YOUTH ADVOCACY For information in this area email
forming this spring. Meetings Wi" most On Wednesday, April 2 at 7 pm sasha7@mindspring.com. Please
likely be held at the Pride Center and we will be meeting at the Pride note that the convention and the
Will be open to all. For more informa- Center to further plan a Gay web site are intended for persons
tion, please e-mail Lori at Straight Alliance for youth in age 21 and older.
loco@iglou.com. Lexington. We would particularly
. . like to encourage young people to Come Together Kentucky
ThefiigugsDesncg’s‘ieeteSupport attend. . . The Come Together Kentucky
We Will clarify our goals and 2001 conference, organized by UK
Group meets every Wednesday discuss policies and procedures. In Lambda, will be held April 6, 7th,
night at 7.00 at the Pride Center, addition to having an alliance that and 8th The cost of registration is
iefejozvellefleAe/Sggteonfcege £26”; welcomes students from all high 10 bucks which includes a T-Shirt
, _ schools, this group will support stu- and the dinner. This event is target-
:%;:::3@(3;9ht:: geenm 17823305; dents who want to start groups ed toward the gay and lesbian stu-
, , ‘ ' within their schools. If you are dents of Ky Universities, however
prowdes a friendly and safe place interested in being on the Advisory everyone is welcome.
where youhcan mesh-other GhLBT Board give Marya call (266-5904). This year we are having a
rheeisroefpeerlieetcae: 30:22 joen :Sere dance party/rave at an all-ages club
. LEATHEP FUN lN kENTUCkY! and a fab downtown mediterranean
LMC REHEARSALS "Anything for Love 2001," the buffet plus live band! You must reg-
The Lexington Men's Chorus is seventh Annual Convention of lster soon! For constant updates
in rehearsal for their upcoming ErotIClsm, Will be held Florence, the web address IS ctk2001.maln-
Pride concerts in June. LMC is Kenttucky O'rii April|2(§)-22. Tkhehcon- pagenet
. . . . . . ven lon WI incu e wor s ops,
fieztelgkielrclfzsndwStiZterQiflicsl f3: seminars, demonstrations, and GLSO BOARD €L€CC1ODS
concerts in Lexington and Lo uivill e vendors. Some of the classes We need fresh minds and bod-
entitled ., No Turning Back." include Sexual Massage, Self ies for the GLSO Board. Elections
As always, LMC is looking for Bondage, Erotic Writing and will be in June; come to meeting
new singers. No audition neces- Photography, and Sex and the Law. now to see if you might be interest-
sary, just a I ove of singing. The convention is pansexual, ed. Call Terry 255-5469.
. I
. , , , iRambow Watchers
‘ HumMrng 3'“! Insrqhts Member of Pet Sitters International
: Balancing New Age & Traditional Services i - Pet Sitting/Exercisinsfl'nnsportation
‘ . i, - House/Faun Watching - Errand Running
1:9: Tina Gale, MA Guidance & Counseling ' I (859) 273-7202
. . . . Robyn Stockweu
iggl’llane: 859-913-3620 e-mall: Hummrn96ml@Ptei-"¢t " rainbowwatchersehotmailsom
i.’ .. - ~ ~ ~ »- http:/Mww.petsit.comlmombonlrainbowwatchers _
GLSO Page 4

 It. 05 fi‘?
.. ' ‘ 1,9 “m
i I, ' » l
'- 0 0
@6@ i , s
. I “0&0.“
$5 «figi‘am (“Wag
o T V4” 0
o A o
. 9:6 - 93%
‘ O O
, . I 0 olb AC: 0
4r: , “
93 0 'ENI‘UCEL’V 03g
1 eel '9
All events in Lexington N 61.
April ll: The Queens of benefi fiegds f
HoZZord, $5 Club 141 OVe Or 0”
9:pm 141 WVine sr Obie FeCIJS'I'
ta£$§wih%%% ;
April 15: Easter The TWW " gig
Bonnet Contest, $4??? ' 'v ' , it?
3 free at Mia‘s 8:pm 9&- 13¢,“ " a g
120 3 Upper St . a“, w
. .xfi r ‘v ac._ we»: a " EWQ
859-455-9903 .W
April 24: The Folsies, ? . 7. -
$10 Kentucky Theatre .
Doors 7:pm Show 8:pm
214 E. Main St
GLSO Page 5

Rainbow Volleyball League
. Reistration and 1st Practice
Sunday, April 1, 2001 .,
_ . 4"
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM / “ "
YMCA North
381 w. Loudon Ave.
Beside the Fayette Co. Health Dept I
See other dates below . “ '
Join us at any time ’
Come join us for some free, fun, friendly competition!
Refreshments, supplies,t-shirts and trophies provided
Sponsored by AIDS Volunteers, Volunteers of Amercan and the Lexington-Fayette County
Health Department HIV/AIDS Prevention Programs
Practice and Game Dates: Sundays, 3 pm to 5 pm
AP'" M May 20th
April 8“ June 3rd
April 29“ June 10th
May (”A June 17th
TOURNAMENT Saturday, June 24, 9 AM to 5 PM
For more Information: Larry Collings, AIDS Volunteers 222-1918
Charlie Mullins, Aids Volumteers 2224920
Steve Medley, Fayette City Health Dept. 288-2456
Mark Johnson, Volunteers of America 254-3469
GLSO Page 6 ~

 ,. Cemfiuhit-‘(ng Cont An Easter Prayer: “God of and Cn-Stage Question. An enthu-
‘ . , ‘ ' “ - ' ~ ~ ' community, who calls us to be in Siastic crowd of 180 people
Faith MCC Looks to Easter relationship with one another and cheered on the competition as the
in the month of April, Faith who has promised to dwell wherev- Large and in Charge Josephine ‘
Metropolitan Community Church er. two or three are gathered, hear Edwards of Nashville, TN captured
turns its attention to Easter and a this prayer. By your Spirit, You the crown to become the new Miss
promise kept by the Creator. l n the havetgraced each of us with differ- KY Continental Plus. 1st Runner-up
Christian faith, one basks in the ing_ gifts. For these and all gifts by was Margo Davis of the cast of La
magic of Christmas but without which You bless our community, we Boy La Femme at the Connection.
Easter, Christmas would only be give thanks. And for any way. in The reigning Miss Continental
glitter and lights. So, Easter which we have shared in deepening Plus, Tumara Muhorning, provided
Sunday is a very special day of the wounds of the body of Christ, entertainment for the evening from
worship for all. It actually begins on we seek your love filled forgive- St. Lows, MO With the following
Palm Sunday, the week before, as nessh Open our eyes, 0 God, to speCIal guests: last years Miss Big
FMCC explores “The Gift of Go d” to perceive the gifts You have placed and Beautiful, Chelsea Pearl, the
ALL God’s people, eternally and Within each of us. .May we honor reigning Miss Cosmopolitan
without condition. The church the differing gifts which our brothers Continental Plus, Raquel Scott,
plans an outing to see the Legends and Sisters offer. Bless our hands, Empress XV of KY, Natalie Gaye,
play on Sun day, April 29' our hearts, our VISIon to work and Empress XIX, Tracy Taylor.
Things are hopping at MCC together for the bringing of your The stunning Mahogany was the

these days. A new web site has Dominion, that in our differences, hostess and emcee. On behalf of
been created at hometown.aol.com we may find grace; in.our laboring, EV Enterprises, thanks to all who
/Imccrevmel/myhomepage/busi- we may find Justice; in our suffer- attended, the entertainers, and the
ness.html" After recently moving a ing, hope; in. our embracmg, love; contestants for making our first
wall, preparations are under way to and in our risking, transformation. year a resounding success. Also a
give the walls a splash of paint and By these acts may we bring about big thanks to Robbi Lynn and the
create a small chapel look in its healing to the tender, wounded, staff at the Connection. Mark those
storefront site. A recent gift of a and strong body of Christ, rismg in calendars now for Miss KY
boat to sale has created a sense of our midst. .Amen. . . Continental, which Will be held on
excitement in the air as the renova- Worship serVice continues at Sunday, July 15 'at the Connection
tion project is under way. Looking 145 Burt Road, SUIte 7. Burt Road Complek in Lomswlle. For more
ahead, the church has already is in Zandalehoff Nicholasvnle Rd, information call (859) 321-2053.
begun support activities for the across from OCharleys Restaurant. GLSEN

Great Lakes District Conference to Turn at the Taco Bell. See you at The Kentucky Chapter of the
be held in May. Held annually, the 10:30 am. NEW PHONE: (850) Gay Lesbian Straight Educators
conference comes this year to the LEX-FMCC or 539-3622. E-mail- Network (GLSEN). is meeting in
“Heart of the Bluegrass” and will LMCCREVMCC@AOL.com. Lexmgton periodically. Contact
draw hundreds of MCC'ers to _ , G"? Cooper at glsen_ky@hot-
Lexington for the three day confer- fiziigoaggegylclofilgzntel mail.com.
ence which includes a variety of It'll“. "ISL
workshops, worship services, and Plus was held on Sunday, February

much more. For the gay and les- 25, 2001 at the ' Connection _ Movable Feast needs help for
bian community in Lexington, it Complex in LOUISVIlle, .KY. delivering meals. It is easy; you
means hundreds of people will be Sponsored by EV Prod/Enterprises, come in at 5 pm and are throughiby
checking out our southern hospital- in its inaugural year the contest had 7pm (often earlier). if you can drive
ity in local restaurants bars and 7 wonderful contestants. The con- acar you can change a life. Please
businesses ’ ' testants competed in InterVIew, give us a call at 252—2867.
' Swim Wear, Talent, Evening Gown,

GLSO Page 7

 April 2001 Use Directory on last page to confirm events. ‘
Moveable Feast needs volunteers everyday, call 252—2867.
("WWW _, W ___ ., , W W i. . W _._ V W ,W—W . _ a “W t. .. ”f """“‘”“‘*““ “""“""”” GLSQ News 200i Sponsors ‘
l W
i 1 2 3 4 6 7 E J. Mark Chambers, CPAIIIOIIICIIIOCOII266-I8877
10:30 AM Faith MCC 8:00 PM AA Step Study 7:00 PM Math- W 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian AA i _ .
! Worship 7:00 PM Gay-Straight— ngmittee-éliside Winn. ‘ For all your Fmancxal Needs
10:45 AM UU Church WWPIHe- Centaur-a qup-(Pride-eenter)
6:00 Sistersound Reh. fluted—- 9:00 PM Rainbow 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbain AA ‘ Bluegrass F airness..........................296—78l2
3-5 Volleyball Prac. Bowling (Southland 9PM Miss Lex. Supreme E
Lanes) Pagent Keeping our eyes on the Ky. Legislature
Richardson Vision Center ..............278-4201
8 9 10 11 13 14 . 4
10:30 AM Faith MCC 8:00 PM AA Step Study 900 PM Rainbow 7Wisetrssiom 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian AA , 1757 Alexandna Dr, Gardens1de
10:45 AM UU Church Wilda Bowling (Southland GWfideIeentenfi 3 ' .
g 12:15 Interweave (UU) Ce -. Lanes) 8:00 PM Gay/LesbainAA Scott Ackerman...........(v01ce mail) 294-2055
I 6:00 Sistersound Reh. .tII" see -zie- ;'~ 0 9 PM Queens of Hazzard
6:0 0 PM DlGNlTY ."iieudsrrriir-Jrfiranraé (Club 141) l . . _ , . t
I 530 LMC Rehersal (mobile phone)....338 8483 Paul Semonm Real ors
1 3.00 PM VOHeyba" Prec. Sistersound O'CICOICO0......-IIIOI...IIIIIIICCOI0243-0243
i -W 4W ,, t W
l 15 16 17 18 {La ~W~ we“ W. i 20 21 . Diverse music for all women
I 10:30 AM Faith MCC 8:00 PM AA Step 9:00 PM Rainbow II 'n Diem l GLSO News 1 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian AA _ . _ ‘ 44 , .
l i Worship Study Bowling (Southland . a. .» 'aideseentelx 1 f Deadline , Imperial Court of Kentucky...........252-30 I 4
‘ 10:45 AM UU Church 3C 3 «fl Lanes) :00 PM Gay/Lesbain AA ‘ 5 Submit Additions , L
1 6:00 Sistersound Reh. 7 ( 00‘ ‘ ‘ and/0r Corrections ‘ A charity organization
i 5:30 LMC Rehersal / ‘ , For all dar , i
- l N C 4 .
E 3325M court comm l 38:;698“ i i ' The Bar Complex............................,255-1551
J W____,_____.._,._ “M 2 224 E. Main
22 23 24 25 27 28 1 _
10:30 AM Faith MCC 8:00 PM AA Step 9:00 PM Rainbow W 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian AA f Turner Counseling ..........................269—6497
Worship Study Bowling (Southland W j
10:45 AM UU Church WSW Lanes) : PM Gay/Lesbain AA ‘ 2215 Young Drive, Lexington
12N Walk for Life (Tri.Pk) i " ”‘3‘ "’Ei) 7PM Falsies ( KYTheat.) 7:II ' H 4, “(RW
6:00 Sistersound Reh. 6:" hit, ?lt :5 :21: «aims? . . ' : ' -
6:00 PM DlGNlTY .‘égjjm .. ' i Windy Knoll Farm..........................299 7410
5:30 LMC Reh l ' " ‘ . . . .
area 3 Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
29 30 Lexington Men’s Chorus................231-0090
10:30 AM Faith MCC 8:00 PM AA Step Study ’ i
10:45 AM UU Church G .I.E I [\l , Rehearsals start again in March
6:00 Sistersound Reh. et For FU n ‘
5:30 LMC Rehersal 1 53-1644
3 PM Volleyball Prac. Re a dv “If" J“ H F HE i) Pegasus Travel 2
Donating 1% of your ticket cost to GLSO

 n was rmc manner. Maybe a girl's night out on her fan, she obviously needed help
By Heinette ,:_ Jones the town would be just what the beyond my student financial aid
doctor ordered, so off I went to get counseling expertise. So, I sug-
Saw aneold ex-neighbor the ready. gested that she call the police from
other day, She smiled and spoke My apartment was still hot, but my apartment.
and her girlfriend had nothing to I managed to do a quick shower, "Hello? Is this 911? Who is
say_ That smile worked loose a two fresh braids, and a pressed this? Give me the police! Yes, this
tucked memory_ Fifteen years ago outfit without dehydrating myself. A is an emergency. The problem...
we both lived in one of those high quick check in the mirror and that's well, there is a man a hollering in
rent/lousy maintenance apartments when it hit me, I had been asked my fan. is he caught in the blades?
on Alexandria Dr. near the out on a date. Not knowing what No, he is hollering inside my apart-
Versailles Road intersection. We that meant exactly, i had a brain ment. No, he is not in my apart-
lived on opposite ends of the same belch that flooded my nervous sys- ment, he is hollering inside my
building Money was tight for both tem with panic and euphoria all at apartment inside the fan." .
our households and it wasn't eco- the same time. I started sweating "Reinette, she said that l
nomically wise to leave the air con- all over my cute outfit. should call the police. Honey, is it
ditioning unit running all day in Someone knocked on the door ok if i make another phone call?"
order to maintain a constant 30- and when I opened it, there stood "Hello? is this the Lexington
degree temperature inside the my date and the neighbor from Fayette County Urban Municipal
apartment, According to the apart- downstairs. By a stroke of luck, or Police Department? Well good,
ment owners, 80 degrees was a lot misfortune, they both had started because there is a man a hollering
cooler than 98 degrees and the air up the back stairs at the same time, in my fan. You heard me, i said
conditioning units were working just but for different reasons. The there is a man a hollering in my fan.
fine. neighbor from downstairs was older Don't you ask me what am I talking
Maybe that was so, but those and in more of a hurry, so she about; i am speaking English. A
bricks felt just as hot as the ones I SPOKE first. man, m-a-n, in my fan, f-a-n, down-
remembered from the days of living "Reinette, i need your help, stairs and I am not spelling that V
in the housing projects_ And since there's a man a hollering in my one! Why is he downstairs?
my daughter was spending the fan." Because I live downstairs. Yes, i
weekend with family and the per- it was a bit late in the evening will give you my address and
son I was living with had forgotten for riddles, so my date and i asked please hurry up because that man's
to come home, it seemed like a the older woman to repeat herself. breath does not smell very nice and
good night to sit on the back step Maybe the heat had gotten to her. I want him out of my fan. "
and wait for the temperature to go "I said, there is a man a holler- With that all taken care of, my
down. My neighbor must have had ing in my fan. I need you to come date informed me that she would
the same idea, because she came back downstairs with me." wait with us for the police, but we
out to her back step also. Going downstairs didn't seem should cancel the rest of the night.
We were having a right cordial like the right thing to do if my neigh- We were both relieved. The neigh-
conversation about nothing in par- bor had a man inside her fan. My bar from downstairs asked if she
ticular - the heat, low pay, crappy downstairs neighbor was a good- was interrupting something and
air conditioning units, and the like. hearted woman who kept an eye what was I doing home by myself
Somewhere in the brume of the out for my daughter and me; I and did we both know that my -
conversation, she asked me if i couldn't just send her away, so i date's roommate was sitting in her
would like to go out. Women go out invited both the neighbor and my car in the parking lot with a pair of
together ail the time, right? of date inside the hot apartment. My binoculars and searching the front
course they do and she had pre- date was giving me the wristwatch of the building.
sented the Idea in such a gracious signal. The older woman was cry- Oh, what a night.
ing and going on about the man in ...continued on page II
GLSO Page 10 I

 ...continued from page 10 The police finally arrived On February 14, the Court hosted Miss Gay Valentine,
and we all went down to verify the man in the fan. Sure always a perennial favorite. Contestants Sasha
enough, there was an inebriated man outside the Lemore, Clarissa Cumberland, and Jenna Jive pulled
apartment building shouting into the window fan. The out all the stops and gave the crowd a very enjoyable ‘
police lead the man away. My neighbor suggested that contest. Former Miss Gay Valentine, Janelle Claiborne,
my date and I go to our separate homes and get out of Crown Princess Jordan Taylor, Princess Royale Rayna
those wet clothes before our live-in companions Starr, Sunday De LaFtouge, and the reigning Miss Gay
showed up and wondered what we had been up to. Valentine, Tuesday De LaRouge, provided entertain-

She spoke the truth; we would never be able to ment. Empress Tracy Taylor rounded out the all-star
explain to anyone but ourselves why we got dressed up cast of entertainers that kept the crowd going with the
for a date with the man in the fan on a too hot summer occasional witticism from MC's Emperor EV and
night. Chelsea Pearl. Congratulations to our new Miss Gay

There weren't anymore late night meetings on the Valentine Jenna Jive and first runner-up Clarissa.
back steps, no more invitations to go out, nothing more The Imperial Court of KY has other events coming
than a cordial hello. Thinking back to that night, going up so check out the article on the front page and watch
out wasn't a good idea. I think fate had a hand in the for Emperors Tough Drag Night, and the Crown Prince
way things turned out. But Kat tells me that i am in and Princess Ball in future months.
denial; it wasn't the hand of fate, it was the downstairs
neighbor. ' y , x GLSO DUNE . . ' '

Imperial Court of KY News :, M%?Wm§gggn@eg§‘olcgomm ., ,' .1

The Imperial Court of KY hosted Bluegrass f. _ Gmgef 9940504@h0tmallc°m , '
Celebrity Squares on January 30 at the State Theatre, . ' GLSQ. lexmgtonglso©yahoocom - ‘ .
and it was a fabulous, exciting evening. Featuring the f ,j ,. l. .y f '
reigning Miss KY, Whitney Boyles as the center square
and a rotating cast of local and court celebrities. A
celebrity silent auction was held with the entire evening
proceeds raised for the court's main charity this year, UK Family center
Moveable Feast.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Imperial A place where Judividuals, Couples and
Court of KY and Emperor "EV"and Empress Tracy we Families find +ke support they need.
would like to thank everyone who came and partrcrpat-
ed in this event. Thanks to the generous community
support, the auction and door raised over $2600 for IndiVidllal COuPle & Fanflb’ Therapy
Moveable Feast. In addition, Mike Jarrell and Mitch at an affordable sliding scale fee
from First Nations Realty donated $5000 to Moveable
Feast at the event.

Special thanks to Miss KY Whitney Boyles, UK Family Center
Chelsea Pearl, Eden Towers, Cammie Dietrich, and
Empress Tracy for providing entertainment between 257—7755

. the shows. We would also like to thank all the busi-
nesses and individuals who donated their time and or 316 Funkhouset Building
prizes for this event. Finally, an enormous thanks to
Harold Hamilton aka Cheyenne who designed and built Appointments Monday - Friday
the set and all of our court members who participated 9 am to 8 pm
as the squares.
The Court has been busy with other happenings. ll.
GLSO Page 11

 GLSO Deadlines you. Gotta Have Art
_ Yvonne Hackworth is offering watercolor painting class-
Please e mail any newséetter articles or es for GLBT beginner and intermediate artists. (And you
announcements to Mary rone by pril ‘9‘ too can be an artist!) She is charging $100 for four mon-
Call her by that time to reserve space for day evening sessions, from 6 pm to 9 pm, April 9
advertisments, If you’re late, don’t despair, through April 30. Location 502 W. Short St. Materials
there may be room! marycrone@aol.eom will be furnished for the first class only. You can reach
Yvonne at 381-1933.
31‘ is not-too early to make plans for pride Month, Take [note of these clays.
Weekend of acme 18 Grand Opening of the pride Center .
' 3mm 10 10th Annual Volunteer AWQrds'Banquet
., g 7 ‘ 324mg 17th pride Family picnic Windy Knoll Farm
' _ and A may, Films, pride Services, prid