xt7sf7667060 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sf7667060/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1911-01-26 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 19, January 26, 1911 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 19, January 26, 1911 1911 1911-01-26 2015 true xt7sf7667060 section xt7sf7667060  
 ;,_..,.._._.,___ ____,___,____. ____ _,_,__,_, , ,__,_  
‘l` H E I D E A  
- N
I "i Vol. III LEXINGTON, KY., jANUARY 26, 1911 No. 20  
_         rison missed 1, Maiden 2, missed 8, ferson, of Transylvania Vniversity,
-——- -——— awarded 1. ilton of State University, Prof. Jet`-
_ GAME RATHER ONE-SIDED. KENTUCKY DEFEATED BY HER Referee-Cruise Y. M C. A. Prof. Jamison, of State University.
' —— OLD mvA|_S_ Umpire--Guyn, High School. They complimented the speakers
Wilson Stars For Profa. Timers-—Mi\es, Snyder. highly on their splcntlut delivery.
——- Scorer- Becker. The gold medal is known as the
On the 18th of this month the fag- Tramywama Tum a S°"p"I'°' _ _______,_•,,____.._ Crum Medal in honor of Mr. Crum
g ulty five tried to play a game of bag- j ;;· · _ who left an endowment fund of ($50•_»)
ket ball with the Varsity, and they The above head-line indicates the c0Nc·P’   five hundred dollars of which the in-
nearly succeeded. The Profs. had not feeling with which many State sup- GLEE AND MANpg|_|N c|_U35 1Q terest on this sum purchases the
practiced very much together and porters left the Armory on last Fri- GN; SECOND cgNcER1· |N medal every year. The medal is a
I hence their lack of team work. Prof. day night. It all happened so quickly vERgA||_LEs_ beautiful design and is inlaid with a
Wilson gave an excellent exhibition that it was hard to realize that our ___ small diamond making it an attractive
_ of guarding in the first half and when fellows had been beaten. At the end GO Under the Auspiccs of y_ M_ g_ A_ piece of workmanship.
  he was injured the team work of the of the rirst half State was in the Last December the Glee and Alamo. ._.....,,,.,t.
  instructors fell down considerably. lead and they appeared to be homing ml Club Opened their Season in vm-. sw5E·r|_ANp·s HEALTH
Downing was the main factor for the their own games and after giving 41 successful BAD; MAY gun- Jgg
Profs, that is in the scoring. He made In the second half State still main- Ccncem they were asked to play ag ,.6-
al lthe points for the faculty, which tained the lead until about the last mm engagement Some time in Jan- "”"“'
consisted of one point due to a foul few minutes of play, when in the um,y_ F0,-mer gmc and wha, coach May
by the Varsity. twinkling of an eye, Transylvania The y_ M_ C_ A_ has und€rtak€.,, to Leave the Wisconsin crew
The Varsity played a rather smooth forged ahead and nosed us out of a manage the affair and its Success is
game. The first and second team, victory bythe score of 23 to 18. ,,6 _ The concert wm be ism _ _ T" ’
playing the mt and second hams, T.-mytvam had much better mm ?§S[§,8dAud,,0,,um of ,,,6 Y_ M_   A_ Hb MM Sm? COACHIML
developed some good team work and work than our men and they were on the evenmg of January 2; The -———--
the guarding had also improved COB- better on goal throwing. Kentucky members of the clubs wm leave OD Physician Wants Him to Take Vaca-
Sid°mb]Y· The mw] S°°r° was 50 t° Seemed to lack m mum w°rk as they the six o’clock car for Versailles and tion From AU Work-
1 and thi! faculty iii D¤`0\1d D0S¤€88i0I1 followed the ball too much and did not ii is important that an be there as
of the one point. do enough guarding. It is very dis- the next Cm, wm not mach Versailles A d__ { I f. “ d_ wi V
Line-up. couraging to a coach to lose the first in time fm, the concert {Wa C ‘_ ‘°'“ - *1 ‘?"“· _S·· *9*
Varsity pmf8_ two games, but let us show our ap- ;F:‘¤`¢li> ;`0l1;{&¤11`e<1 the information that
Mm, Farmer ...... . Sm-, Gilbert ¤¤—¤—¤a¤¤¤ or his   by ¤¤¤¤¤g out PATTERSON LITERARY Swan.     1 ?`T°"?*‘?‘“‘ “"‘T "*“ """
Left F0I·wm·d_ to see the games. If there is any 51319 lill\9·lSl1) ot kentucky amt la;-
Strueing, Hart ...... . .... ...Ke11y 0H€* in $@001 who think they can N. W. Utley. Jr., Winner. QI _b€gun_ ms duugsflé coéch Qt T8
Right Fm·wm·d_ play basket ball at all, why come out. ___ ¥‘0“it1g Qléu at the trnwersnty ot \\1s-
Beatty, Harrison .... . ...., Downing You may not make the (Gam this Wai`, The annual declamatory contest of "°“°_'“• ‘S *11 and M11 not bé 81*19 to
Cgntgtg but you will be better DI‘€D81‘€d HGH the Patterson Literary Society was wrttluue {S coach of the Badgers-
Carnpbell, Iuelton I-...Wi1S0n’ Sphar year.   in the State lvniversity chapel (»O§(`h bY1'€€tl8.Ild   1)€'t)`1 " `(1(%l'Qd
Left Guard. For Transylvania, Fl‘8¤CiS Played Friday evening, January 20, 1911, ar-tl PY hts Physicians Y0 EWG up all coavh-
Gaiser, Preston   ...... Schnaitter the best game by fm`- M¤id€¤ wd Mr. N. W. Utley, Jr., the winner of the mg my at least fi $98**011-
Right Guard. Foster showed up WGH. contest was awarded the "Gold TP9 despatch trvm W1S€`0¤Si¤ WHS
Barnett——Referee. For Kentucky, Harrison did V€¥`Y 1\Iedal." He is a Junior in the Col- as t0u0“`S?
—-——---•·•-»——··-—- good work especially ill goal lhI‘0WiIlg- lege of L3,w_ and his Subject was; MTXDISON. \V1S., Jan. 1T,—Th9 ['ni-
Miss Addie Dean was tha guest of Hart was a. little off ill throwing "'l‘he New South." He showed train- VGVSUY of “'iS€0¤Si11 l‘1'€\\' has re-
Miss   DG Jarnett in Paris from fouls,   can bg ygmgdi3d_   ing and his gestures and positions on Ceived “'0rd   E.   S“'€*Ptl8,]ld’ the
Friday tc l“0YldU·Y· •*_]8_kg" played 3 very hard gamé 8.Hd (hg Stagg wgrg pgpfgcp being an at- ‘Qwly'a·pDOint€‘d CVGW £O8.C1l, \\'O\1Id
"‘*‘°'°'°""" guarded well. tractive declaimer and mastering his um be able to ?"“'“ai“ "€""* this Sm;
Miss Hubye Fleming spent the Unewp. Subject admirably. SOIL
weekend at Patterson Han with Kentucky 'I`fal1S>'lV8¤i¤ The contestants were G. L`. Routt, Hm PhYS“"a“S l‘a"" f‘“`bidd€“ him
Mises Bess Hayden and M¤¤‘i¤¤ Jvhu- Hm ______   ____   ___M,,,d€,, N_ “-_ lytlcy, W_ PG,.k,,,.,_ am-, C I, to do any t·oat·mhg this season, and it
sou' Right Forward. Wilson. Their subjects were well se- l”`°babl$; will be s°‘“'$‘ time b°‘f°*`° Di;
There was a young lady from Siam, Marx ......... . ·.·-- ·-~G- 'l`i¤Sl¢‘Y lected and presented wi·n t·o:·.sider- "*°"*°" l‘·m"" S€’*`“""S a Substitute *0
Said unto hm. [Oven ··y0ung Hmm, Left Forward. able skill. They showe.1 nnnvh ml- mk? his pl‘“"’·’L"Xi“g“)“ Herald-
lf you kiss me, of course Harrison ...... . ..... . ..... Francis ent and hard training and abme ull, it -————••-•-l-—
You wm have to use gm·c6_ Center. is a credit to have such talented s• ¤· AU- PROV'DED·
But God knows you are stronger than Gaiser, Preston ...... . .. .. .Foster dents of the State University to come ···i
l&m_·· mgm Guard. before the pl1b11C and uisplny their Mrs. X tuwuy from 1¤<>¤w>—J¤h¤¤.
, Campbell .....   ...... H. 'Finsley ability in the at-t or txemanmng. did you leave out anything for the
Why is a fat woman crossing the Left Guard. 'I‘he contest was presiue·rl over by WV b€f0¥`*‘ we Started?
street on a rainy day in front of a Goals-—Marx, 2; Harrison, 3; Camp- E. F. Worthington, px·esit1’¤= college soooss from all ooo. tho sous- MILLINERY. .‘ t .
COI; S_ Lime am] Colfax Sts "(lov. Manship appeared at the Audito- try in Om. reading mom here at wss  
  rium before an audience of nine thou- lsyss but mms Of them srs bsttsr FOR ‘ 
EVERYTHING FQR TIE Sa;]dHp°°;)l3‘i His “2;t°h“Xs°;Fnt€°rl·g than the Idea for real college news.  
KODAK! S9 le u ence W} ‘ W°u ln addition to this, we cannot read '· 
D I _ d P _ t_ happen here at Lexington if we could the mss sud not catch ssms of its   and    
wc °pmg an rm mg' get an audience of even one thousand smh . ~ _ ‘l-*
_ usiasm for the advancement of Full I- Y D- 1  
Lexington Photo Supply co. $19 lim *0_¤·%_s€<=t¤f?thT¤jsD€¤;$i State University. it makes oss feel *“’° * °W °“ isp ay [  
Over Kirby’s Ten Cent Store lmes Says On' u Gr ans 1p’ that he would like to belong to such ·c
the famous artist of the South enter- . E Y { F
_ ’ a student body. Then, too, 1t always      
Him? (me Of the lslrgest audiences creates a desire in a fellow to put •  .»
Amgggj iii.  ° i ° _S°”°“· ‘“°V “g *° *°“”;_ °" forth his best efforts in whatever col- Main Street East. I
_ _ convulsing with laughter at will. legs hs may bs Though a student  
ick CRPJAM PARLOR Thus dozens of this same character at wsslsyss 1 swatch for ths mss ___;_....___________ Q Ti 
, •.
AND LUNCH STAND :*8* be s°“°;°"·l M’· ;“°“s;"" b‘”;“§“ with almost as tnnon interest ss 1 do   s·
South Lime and \\`inslow soon. ““‘““ °“"S "°“°’ °g° " ““ “ for on- own ooooo. and rejoice in no ··—········—····*'? » l
_ I Spoken °f as mrhe soul of humor who victories of your football team and  
n krwfvsithe Sathgag thatkais to ivilry your other athletic victories almost ’ _ i 
J- v- FITZGERALD Sim 9 D t 6 S a owy Jung QB 0 u` as much as if l were one of you. ' ·
man nature; he knows the hiding As a leopard cannot change his Y
PLUMBING places of the hearty laugh, and he . [ f
, spots neither can a true Kentuckian . ~
Steam 8.Ild Water Heatmg will take you through the scented shssss his loss for ms dsss Old Sssts _ l '
269 W· Sh°l't · · L°Xi¤gt0¤ KY- lanes of other times that lead back therefore I am with you in spirit if Our Semi-Annual Cut  
  :0 ?l:avg“siD¥S’ From the Big House not in acts, for a better, greater, and Pl'lC€ S8I€ is HOW going A 
o e a n. · »
more progressive Kentucky through • · · i ,
KINKEAD COAL COMPANY _..._...,.........— State University. Thanking you for on In Furnlshlng Goods 1  
OTFICE and YARD- ENCOURAGEMENT FROM ABROAD the pleasure which you have afforded and Hats, i ?
N0_ 157 N_ Broadway. ' me through the Idea and wishing you i i
nA1LnoAh vanp-c. s, rroignt ps. Wesleyzsn Univ:-gsity, J lr 1911 '“° bm °f ““°;’:s;l;l*;‘€ f‘““‘"°· I am GR ADDYQ BRADLEY ¢ * 
pot, S. Broadway and Christy Sts. Mldd "mw“· °““·· an "· · Z · V 
Editor st, [dsa, Ksstssky Stats Uss Tl-IOS. A. WOOD. 140 W6815 Miam St.
" versity, Lexington, Ky.: ‘-"‘_ "' "'_"—""‘j"‘;""“"“'  'V
. ¤;.- .   A ·, Dear Editor:—-Being a Kentuckian lt is needless to say that the Idea {
FIII6 clfldlbi s I . t di th s . , f I f s i d JUST RECEIVED! A
W natura y am interes e n e ear, is gra e u or .1e encourag ng wor s
’ old State and everything that tends from one who understands, and who, . - ·
a shipment ot
119 South U s St to advance her. Now , one of the although in another State with other
L _ t pp r ‘ most important factors interested in interests to engage his attention, still WHITMAN’S
umg on' ' ` ` ` Kentucky her advancement today, I consider to has the welfare of his native State ·· _ . _
s____________ _ lhe Best Chocolates and
•-'*"** be State University. It is there that; at heart. We can not better comment C f _
J M   h leaders are being and will be train- upon this article, than by quoting on ectmnb Mud°‘
° ’ g ed to lead Kentucky to the forefront from the address of (lol. llenry Wat-
in all advancements of civilization. terson, delivered in Louisville, Ky.,     CO_
B t. Already her colleges of agriculture during llon1e—Uoming Week, 1906: Pharmacists
Pu   and mining are winning a reputation "Uuce a Keutuckian, always a Ken- N W C M , _
for themselves beyond the boundrles tuckian. From the cradle to the ‘ ' og sham iild Lung
306 HOITICK Indie Buildimt. of the State, while her academic de- grave, the arms of the mother-land, 0 P (m8—1"3‘ I

 · l
T I1 E I IJ lj A
`1 ——-—---.....~...—-.........--.- stretched forth in. mother-love·—the
_ A Penny Saved bosom of the mother-land, immortal
as the ages, yet mortal in maternal
l A Is a Penny Mad; affections, warmed by the rich, red
blood of Virginia the voice of the A
r W, (ml mw you many P,,,,,l,_, motlterland, reaching the farthest
l t lwumn ou corners of the earth in tones of heav- .. g_
l‘ i. } g j (lily music, summon the errant to the     _ _
` .   P   roof-tree‘s shade and bid the wanderer y   The World’s Standard. Tone
. O
. l E Z¢7°7Z€ Drug homt. What wanderer yet was ever {  J clear, mellow and very pow-
i   , I lothe to come? Whether upon the   • erful. Absolutely perfect in
. C0. j` heights of fortune and fame, or down   . _ o   scale. Finest workmanship.
l   amid the shadows of the valley of I       Prices from $15 upward. lm
ll-· sm;} af death and despair, the true Kentuck- ` {   ·5`7` S¢¤d f0!'1u\18t!'8t¢d CMB- {bja
_.·· ,9 ,· •
ll. . ian, seeing the shining eyes and hear- l     log to the makers.    
,       ing the mother call, sends back the 1 __   |"¤r••lebvi;l1l;¤;l;;:;r¤¤•1cdcnlenl  
Y l ns verin refrain: ’·     “ l/
SOA PS E ` ,g y .  lf LYON & HEALY l »
Where er I roam, whatever realm I 1   ll. ll. __ l » ··ll
‘ —" / (95) Q     / W]
l. PERFUMES SEQ,       ,   , ` /   l
·     My heart, untraveled, fondly turns to       · /   ~   ~  
. ‘,· o n   _ _ \···‘:?'¤·i°’_·.· `,..•—•_,_____£:_;._:,: ( ‘· ‘i
AT tosr """’· / _ '      gz  ll r
  *""*" \ _   ` Mfftjgyygf; ” 2 *4 j
·l THE TAU BETA Pl DANCE. ‘ ‘·     - =·—- r· · ·
  The Fest Hot Chaco/ate zn —···
’ th Cit The Kentucky Alpha chapter of the
lla e y honorary engineering fraternity, Tau MAKERS OF LYON AND HEALY PIANO
ll? _____ Beta Pi, will give its annual dance ln
g I the gymnasium, Friday evening, Feb-
r·‘’- Z • ruary thc third. The dance is given POPULAR STUDENT LEAVE;  
        0, in honor of the Junior engineers who __  
  l o o have been elected to represent their POLK THRELKELD WITHDRAWS
rl 1Ph0ne1.>4 Your }\'ear¢·,v1'Drug swim class in the fraternity. These men W t 1 t _ I tt
Q   will be announced and pledged at the FROM THE UNH/ERS|TY‘ an S icuii D; ur; Smcg you Q.
i   termination of the grand march, which —-— l Omg- O OBS you
3 ‘. tl · y . v · · . . ‘
ll P E E R I E S S lslto Je led. by lr Benltolhns, the Wm Dcvctc Tlmc to Farming. l  
  president of the thapter, and Miss -·-
I} lhssie Hayden. ····‘ · CALL AT
li L A U N D   Y A “‘"""" ¤ee1¤f·‘i~el¤·r exim i““°“g Polk 'l`llrell·~l =lh—·. I _ _
at i nrc tase _ exft neon tue optt eil Y lolll WEST MAIN ST. hw Phono wooo
PRINTING sENloR-l=Acnl_·l-Y FASKE1- BALL ll»1‘eii—el*l <‘<>liieS ireili \\e1yei‘l>’. L.._..... ..4..---
l GAME. Kentucky, and is a member of the Phi
l . M   G & C llelta Theta fraternity and the Mystic  
I l C     0° _ U _ V Thirteen. For the past two years he
l ‘“°°°"°°"‘“"" lllillltllludiifillllHi,i—`lll,`l.l;n`;[11ilu?Q`? H".? me i*‘e>’*‘<>¤1»¤ii QVER ,5 YEAR,.
ll _ 7 _ of ‘ "‘ ° ‘ I _ ‘“ ‘ 'm°"· team. and when it came to line plung- EXPERIENCE
7 I\°· 102 nest Mem Street Inu ile rlleeil tl mium OI blusket bell ing, he was the most ferocious "wild
`or llc c iampionsiip of Ile school. . ·· , . . .· ,
i l' i»e><1¤g1<>¤· Ky' '|`hc contest·ints will be tl — Seniirs (at ml [iu wami Lam bmlui he
‘ 1 “ ‘ “ was Captain of the track team and has
.   mill l"i1<‘11l¤>’· lt is 21 well kiieirii inet l·..l,.all»liil· wml ills   lll lilo l`;llf
l l 1 tl::1t the faculty can easily handle the llllll,_ llasl yeal. ho, llllllpll gllalll Oll
_ ’· Leonar Ote V*‘*`*l‘>` mid ll*" S‘““l""S l‘“"° “°"""` the basket ball 16*3111 and a had ankle T°‘g°:,:!l::K°
ll B b   lkililtql delteat. \\ithobut a doubt this has llolll llllll l,lll of l,l.fll.lll.o, lllls 1 sonmcwrs &c·
1 > s···z   >~ ·   . ,,,, _ 4 a l
  3.1‘ Cf op §~ l >< toll l.lclttgt.l tsl, Illobt evil stlllllll. lllSI‘l5‘}“l‘3llE-‘Zl'2l..lll‘§.Fl"$l$ll.?.'.'."ll§§°§Jl.i.’l‘lI2ll"l'i5
l o l o mg and ll1le1—&·1l11i¢. é1i1111€‘ ot 1l1€ >'<‘f11‘- His loss will be keenly felt in col- ;I|iY[$;l;:?:é[;;{?(Ili1kt;t5léi§irl;'?f(i;Kh`8%cd0R·(;l|Ill?::‘l$g`£`£
. The only hrst class shop in Lexington tome out, all ye students, and watch logo llllll llllllelll. l.ll.l.ll,S and ll is ¤1‘{llu1;§?i olllm; txglla;llo;l?ll=:rl:aC%¤1:$L?l.'•
Yale Pompadonra specialty. your dear profs. get theirs. Read the lllllll l.l.gl.l,l llllll we Seo. llllll go ·l-lll, •wviull10¢ice. wlthouccbarsa. lutlie `
, B_ FO'[`$QH_ Proprietor ltttc-up and see if you 1*2111 llolil >’U111'· "ldea" joins with the Studellt l1or:1lt5‘ and nlumnae 0 · They Seem to take their gage, [_
  . ··i·_ $SS\l(‘\€’ _
“*‘“,.""2ii Wi. ‘l‘§a$”"il2'J‘h‘i2"1"’0“b‘§`§£é`€. T2?gh-2‘¥i§£S.?311.~.i?.T"¤.»..·. of 1{,mm.~1.,~. ”Ihey do 11 by degrees. _  
gsrmxllfiglctiiéyi-ii»`it gives items of interest concering other universmes and __C0]umb|a Jestmg .
colleges in the l'nite—d States and Canada. h _____•++_____ U }·
  NEVER AGAIN, IS NOW Going 0,, ~
Entm»p(] ag Lexington Post Omceus SQCOHJ CIIISS Thai] l'l'\3.U€¥`. _____
, , Once on a time I sought to woo At %
WILL H. TO\\l\SEND, P·dit0!`·I11-(~hi€Y· Asqiqtlmt Editor A girl who wom a number two;   .
R “'· T‘NS[’m ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`‘ "°‘§Z,§§Z§ZZZZZZZZZZ"ffZjfZ..'.`."ZZZZIII. Aliiimc mimi Hm- father wom a number ten-
F· L· MARX ’'''''''`` ` ''``` Assistant Athletic Edlotr .
E. L. BEGKER ........ . ..................... . ......,. I never Called On hm, again N
  C. EBBERT, Business Manager .
F. L. MARX, Asst. Business Manager. J. B. bAI\D¤Rb, Asst. Adw. Mgr. E
THEO, SLADE, Advertising Manager. W. A. LURITX. Asst. Sub. Mgr.   0
· ·v · ‘ ‘ KOHN Asst. Sub. Mgr. ll r P C , -
\t. L. DO\\h1I\G, Subscrnptiou Mgr. E. J. , 0 S _  
  ]n;·;1rp(1rn,L•*0;1 thé m;I1;]S Oi Y}1€1¤' uate the co11testa11ts. Hut after al], tjt]C(] fg sgml FRE E of tuition, ‘ 1
ut en s 1e 11111101* ance 0 t ’a ' . . 1 · . .. . , __ . . . . ·.
bmmlheq of athletics and i;`€;€;0?; athlctus octum a plate ot IlllIlOI` miitpimilatioti, ]ztbOl‘£lt0I‘Yfi¤t1 0th‘     .
` . . . "“i’°"‘*“""’ '“ °°U°¤€- “‘hiI<‘ Some er fees one or more appomtees. i  
th· t‘ll]lUl`(ll s1de ot their activities. Othel. Sludem activities, dramamn lit- Y\_€’qmr ex cnges moderate  
Few students do not apply themselves Mar`, nmsiwl an] __ _. I . .   LL   Y, ` p `. ` t. ` 5 * fl
to study of the regular work, but how I " _ ( °]‘”uOI“a* "“’ m` I·or full 111for111:1t1o11 regz1rd1n}z C . 1;
O `( ' · ° X . , V ·· 7 ~ v ·.
man} bl'8ll(‘]l out into the fields of wJmm€nU` appolntmm Courwh Of html}, cost 1 9
letters. arf, music, and oratory? How 1**** ¥"€3i€S¥ 11990 of the college of htlflrtl. et.0.,`:1ppIyvto `   for the (henuine f
many are sincerely interested in any 5 udent today is I`O!` }0|`t€<·1‘ aims and 'rAT\I}"S     [IIT?  
.,,— .h.... 1.,,. .1,. ...1.., .,1 ,....1, 1.....1.   ..mm110.1S. 81.1.     tc M'"i°.§§;YO€1e"$&t· —'_1"_"i' 1 ? 
letitual lfiillllllg? some extent the result of l131‘1‘0\\' and 4 A I ’ V i       i Q
I. 7 ‘ f · · ° · ‘ ‘ » , 1  
V   lSS&t‘U`21.· ` · ‘
_ _ . 1 ,· -. ., - ,. N· l B k ·
[HITS be made, where will tl1e cause dun 0m.°m to bg MNH mmf hbmty lf You \\"lllt C c§Jgd“er yhglgi $0lgYa&ON N
» · L
be found to lie? lsit that the Al]l(3l’l· O1 S°"w°U°" and a g"°m“` SCOPE Of 0 '
van youth of today are naturally lazy kiluiiiiblfé Sil1u¤¤· mt-11911 to all mm is t1eS1g11et1 to <·ul- _  
try no doubt are surrounded with an . -   8 R C
t1vate and broaden Blld rehne. As · ·
aIIu0SI)h(ll·e as artistir as “·i]l be I I · d     0.        
found 8.ll)'\\'h(·’l‘(?, but is this true of ]0m" ab bmh [Hm"’b me (oubldut   I*I‘€nCh Drip COHGG, OYSQGPS lilly
tl1e ave1·ag1· AIl}¢*l‘i(‘&Il college, where Suitable OUIY Y0" the f°“'· just so long Style ut ii m0m€nt,S notice- The
the great inases of the youth receive 1··ill our standard fail to be what it only f1I'Sf.-Class Lunch Col1I1t8l‘ 111
Ill8il' higher training'? lt is not the Should Um- Country is gym- calling UU only Tlmt Kind She S0l;t·h_ Glad of the city- Open
*, . . . V . » ·' · (     .
{I" b€[;€l[:m9b IT theme in (§alt“t];2 for 11obler and better men. Let 1t be ay 8 "
ut w1t 1 1088 1a mos a ec 1
public at large 11.., 11.11..11.).1 or me cmneges to me W. S. BRADLEY
` . ,0m ` 'V l'
ls there really something funda- that call.     (1 QP Mill and BOI! 3
l 1

 TI! E II) l·,` A O
I )) (
...~ I  
§ · I •  
_ I with the in li. {Hunts
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THE PASSING OF THE BUGLE. And honor's scrall records their name
-—- \\`l1irh dint oblivion ne'er can claim I
'l`he soundini: buiile now has blown talnily sleep • ·
I Its last familiar peals; Kt-utucky's brave
I :I;I tp' I No more shall warn The lazy drone
I I': ‘ To ll8Sl€ll to his meals- l`pon it lonely mountain side  
-’ 'I   (tit is a grave I
• l fc`? lts clarion voice shall i1¤*I'*lFl*llllV‘> L"-; \\'il(?l'§‘ sleep bentath the shadows’
I =l Disturb the peaceful Sl€t·<·<‘t‘S Su·'>¥`<‘ glide ·
Or cause a troubled smh. Ami Willows. Wave I Q
        l{eutuclJ· ver cease
In Neat Dreggy Blacks, I HI" l>d>~—-ul: }<’2U'S with rutliless li·_i·ti Kt_ml_l_k\,.s bl.u\,\_ BASE BALL GOODS,
I — t iv one across the strand by II_ _ _ I _ II -_,.I . I ll 3.11
' -,-1.,,,, I " "l¤‘ eu the tliiiiss we site in tears A ( ` itmnit-tas t»t-w··- FLAGS'
  l’r we lamps to light lit`e's darkness. I ` ` e\\· II Q II
  500 Fine Silk rOur-i¤-nam1s I __ I PILLOW OOVLRS»
I · 11* thou content thv work is done I
I OW L ‘ 4
I _ R€gular§0§.Qual;ty°