xt7sf7665f89 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sf7665f89/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1958 journals ky_farm_home_science_v1_8_num_3_4_4_fall_1958 English Lexington, KY : Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Kentucky farm and home science. Special progress report. v.4 n.4 fall 1958. text Kentucky farm and home science. Special progress report. v.4 n.4 fall 1958. 1958 1958 2014 true xt7sf7665f89 section xt7sf7665f89 A wx
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X  I   AND     °`“ I
. — V so -
\`ol. 4, No. 4 .......................... Fall 1958 V,
A report of progress publislietl quarterly by the Kentucky Agricultural wt
Experiment Station, University of Kentucky, Lexington _  
Kl·iN'l`U(Ll{Y .~\CRlQlJI;'l`lY|s.\lr lCXl’i‘ZlUNlKNT Mgiterial appearing in this publication may be ‘
5i¤\UO\ re >roduecd without further mrinission, urovided _
_ I I I ‘
Fiumx j. \VEl.CII .......................,...................l..., Director that {uu ;lCkm,“·1€dgmcm is made Og [hc Som-(C Vc I
\\'|l.l,l.·\\l A. Si·:.\y ..,..l.........,.....,............ Acting Director and that no Change in headings OI. [ext is made il - Ai
Il. li. I’n1<:i·; ......,......................... Administrative Assistant without np Howl bv [hc author `* ‘°
\V. P. Gaiunous ....t........................... Associate Director I ’ ` \
]. Arrays Sxrrrn ................,.............., Agricultural Editor Address correspondence about articles in this pub» *"
Kentucky Farm and Home Science lication to either the authors or the Department ot V I
__ , __ V . Public Information and Educational Aids, lixpcri· '
josurn (.. l)uscAs ..................................,............. Editor S { . P .1]. I U ._ . I fl, k r .
<>iussi·;_|o»»ss¤»s .....................,.............. Assistant Editor {mm "‘“°“ ’“"'"5· “"°”"l ° ‘°““‘c lr L°* q ,_
Itomcirr C. l\rlAY ............,.......,...... . ............ Photographer mgmm I
I .
In T Ius Issue   r
rllllli S'l`A'I`I()N`S Emcx SUA1.1; FARM ér? ·
By Frank B. Borries, ]r. I°(IgC 3 .
rllllli lil·ZI.A'l`l\`l·l Posrriox or l lil·]Sl·Z;\ll(Zll l)l\()_|l·1(I'l`S liEl’()l('1`l·Zl) V3 
By Frank B. Borries. ]r. Page 12
Oar  .
lv _
T `1
{I he Lover M 
  ` . \ V
_ Fertilizing and seeding et ui nnent followed closely behind W.
. . l l .
the crawler tractors on the steep slopes ot the ;\grienltnral _
Experiment Stations Eden Shale Farm. located near (.)wen— U
A _ ton. _\ lot oi work has been done on the tarin during the Av
Q; ``’’ N last three years. the highlights ol: which are reported in this WM
_ ` ss} issue ot Kentucky Farm and llome Science by Frank B. ll
- _ llorries. _|r. The photographer was llobert (I. Xlay. “`°
i - v

How farmers 111 a 33-county area can make better use
** . . . . . . .
of th€11‘ Jeeuhar tv e SOI] l)€l1l0’ revealed 111 l'€lllll1ll&ll`Y
a D ·
é— o
results of 3 years research at
V ri t3tl0l1 S €I1 3 6 £l1’IIl
  The S ° ’ Ed Sh l F
JI} -
. BYFRANKB-1$0RRiE5,J1<· Geolo ·',·B ` ‘* ‘ *`- * ‘ U" '*‘ ·‘ l" ' 1 )€1`C€llt
-g SIIICG the K<:‘l1tt1Cl · · · )`·1O ‘ . 1* ‘ l   2./ "t. l(3 tv )C TIS
in Results ot three years intensive land-clearing, ulllylutd Y/I t ° *1] ( NTS ‘ lu] I 1- It t ‘
· · · · - · · ‘1 l (Y l ) ‘ .` l C()ll Clli ‘ l( ‘ll tl l( €1' ’lll " SOI S 1"1 lllll
rk l’(?1`t1llZlllg, S€€(l1llg, kllltl ]_)l&1l`ltlllg 2l.1'C l)€COllllllg kl.]_)pHl'— *1 IG IX tas t I (U A fl >   t  
~ l' ) ' ·‘ ’€ l S ) '() )·‘ ' St()l"l ’(‘ O (’l`0llll( \‘V‘l C1'. l€1't‘
e11t. Cattle and sheep now graze where brusl1 grew t at Nu at   IU ‘&f T I I _ ‘ tl El
' · · · ‘ `*‘ SC\'*"l ll l)ll 'lC".` () S Cl 'lllt lll lC (Gl}
Ollly kl SllOl't tllll€ 21gO, illltl €X]_)€1'1Ill€I1t2ll plots ot   I (ft     L {CS   U ( _ t _ 1   ,
`l ` JC T. lt‘ ‘l'll lll \V·‘l1 C()lllltV IS V )lC‘l. )
·, crops and trees are scattered l1ere and there. 1 5 ‘ ll ( · -1 ‘ (
- . t IC ·1re·1.
Purpose of tl1e farm, established at the request ‘ ‘ _
l of {lu-lncrs in tht. 33_COuuty urca in \VhiCh the Eden Se‘\’€1‘Ltl ot tllt‘ 5tzl.tl()llS I(lC1)itl'tlllC‘lltS llllV(‘ l)t‘t‘ll
)_‘ Shale type of Soi] Predol-njuat€SI is to find SO1“€ Of C()ll(lllCtlllg pl'()]€CtS Ht tllt‘ lilflll £1llll()St SlllCt’ lt \VtlS
the answers to tl1e difficult problems attendant to Put mm "l’°"`*ltlOl‘· Tllell ‘(l°`*l lm lwcll nl “"“`k ml
’° farming on this type of soil. It was purchased 1nai11ly Slwclflc Edcll Slmls l“"’lll°"“$~ uml HWY h¤v<‘ m‘l‘
i by local citizens, with tl1e aid of donors in other parts <>r¤ortion of the Eden Shale Farm between the trees and the farm buildinjs was established
ts _ l I _ .
_ shows the rolling nature ol most ol tl1e la11d. The pasture o11 recently cleared land.
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 °  '    fl.   ‘ · (Lett). This portion of a newly ac- yg
I   ,  =» I   quired addition to the Eden Shale
  git I/I.III J ¤`I}'I  Farm is typical of the appearance x·
;r'j;»_t,;  *   of the fann as a whole three vears _
  I».-p,?>··     .I. . . ' .
;j~.~~.. I     ..·I1` _. a 0. Much of ll consisted of a rank r‘·
Z., .I, II {1 ·II:.I I   I ,.I_ II I I
~ ·r·.=•'/I  _·   I~ -1 . rowth ol scrub timber and brush.
T ../KW. .. ' I ·· V , ,
A  I,   _ . I I One ol the better stands ot timber,
  " { · ` [ _ ,  r   ¢ however, has been preserved for II.
·— ·='.»   . , , ,   . 5, * . -  `A “`t·> i . .. .. .. "
  ’ _AI,· .1r .  V   ,   -     ,_ ·   II_   icstatch.
QW" ‘ hi: · ..} ‘ Z ·( i '    M   H"   ~‘Z’ J   i -   ji:   . s
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 %       *5 *  + »  .;i§$·»?*"      .1Y-     V.   at  it   ,55   xl}-ii
  II  _‘7i**%;;‘  ( If  ;‘;€'I`  _'“ .t       .,.I   "     IA`}   _   {
 5***   ~5"" 1, ‘r1¥’€2€¥·"·*»-.‘»’t'¢   V  i ’43f°A  ·‘·—   ' .,   e=‘ "°ii~ € ¢¥ 7* ¤;=‘€»‘>? ‘ < ` »i" 5*  n b  
II _ I _ _ _ (Above). \`Vhen the Eden Shale Farm was established many ` A
tlll)lC (.ZllltLl1`(‘, llltfy Lll`C Cll€(}l(lllg tor tlli l)€bt VJ.I`1(.tl€b of [hc existing buildings rcscnlblcd this ba1,“I It Stands I  I. II
()l' Slltll) l)(‘tlllS, l[Ofl]2lt()(‘S, S\V€€t COPD, V1llC CTOPS, k\ll(l on lgmql included in a newly acqui}-cd Unch
P()itlt()(‘S. FCI`tlllly ]I)1'OgI't1l]]S for tl”l€S€ CYOPS HTC l)Clllg -9
studied, and the use of plastic greenhouses and plastic C _ I
_ _ . |hC1nh0 i
mulches will be tried and demonstrated as means of   I I
helping to increase the income of Eden Hills farmers.   I 5,—· , .4
.‘\ll'(‘;t(l\' it llzlS l)t‘Cll l:O\lll(l tlltlt t()lll1llI()€S, S\V(!€t   A `  I_
corn, and snap beans respond favorably on the Eden -.       A
. . . »   .-»·. .. .-1-2-2
Shale soil. There are some indications that the flatter, .v  ,{.,,._ 3 _, ;‘-:-;-:-;-;-:· ‘-‘¤· °··   ·· me ~ A
. · · ~ — .- " ·. /T$·. '·Z·Z·[·'· ·Z·[·[ `· Z·i·Z·]·Z·Z·Z    `  \J\¤YS" ··\
t(‘l'I'LlCC lztlltl IS ll()t ClllIll'Cly S21tlSl2lCtOl'y lOl` POTEITOCS  _  °• <¤9&*f¤n»_'éw€N ·f·§·f; ]··]IfI§I[I]j'  ,_ *€“"° -
because of the heavv nature of the soil and some iii;.  ` i`iZ;ZEZ;Z;Z;§;,1 "· `; _-  ‘ t T
· O Law'? ·
. r · .:.:.I  I _.   IIu){¤[>qrt_-  ¤§   I ,
lltllel'. 218 \’(‘l, \llll{llO\VII l'2lCtOI‘S. · R   I j.I.:._ V_T.j.I.;.·   ·.·.j.j.I.;.  ’*~·° ILIMIIIG
. . •` i i·i·i·i·i‘i· `jizi; `;i"_`({•y _  _s_ °.
Strawberry Vurteties Tested  -‘ ·Z·Z— ;  ·-;-;-;-;-,  F`°'“"`°‘°“'° F"
, A A . . Geer " `.'  `   " 
(·reenhouse research has been limited to variety f 1;.  I
testing; so lar. the Valiant tomato variety seems to $4,
be the best. Use ol plastic greenhouses has proved r¤¤¤~ 5*  · IL   °
eeononneal and l)l'()l|l2ll)ll‘ when properly managed.  ;;;;Ii_I_  l-°¤'“9'°" * ¤··r¤¤ `
lilakemore. Tennessee lieautv, and Pocahontas ~¤~>¤ Z·Z;?;Z·` · _ ·
$tl';l\\’l)l‘l`l'}' \'i\l`l(‘tlt‘S tll‘U llellljl`, tCSlC(l l0l` ll(l2lpl2ll)lllt}'; `·Z·Z·i·Z T  WOUL T .
so lar, Pocahontas has yielded best. though all varie-   I 5, *1
I _ I·:.I I. ` I I 4 ’ LLL `
ties yielded more than 500 crates to the acre. No  <¤~  [fm 3
M 'Mn , ` I
results have been tabulated yet on black and red _ °°"“'"°t...(.,... ·.·a>.;O» J,__m,_ _ "
ras Jberrv \"ll'l(‘ll(‘S being tested; nor are there results _ _ ,_
{ I I' ( l I_ li tl I I It I I I The Eden Shale Farm (indicated bv the star) is located *
ml ·*l’l’* 1)*0**** mn 0 lf ‘m(‘uf dm (“‘U tllx in Owen county, 4 miles east ol Owenton. The shaded RI
trees are being ehecl
The loresters have centered most oi their work on fir. This species trial is to be continued for 8 years;
(lhristmas tree production. This is the third year at the end of the eighth year the first plot planted *"` 
—l l{l·ZX'l`l’(ZK\` lixiixr asn lloxnc S(TII·ZNCl·Z—lT.·\l.l. 1958 `

 will he harvested and the plot replanted, thus con- before giving enthusiastic approval, wants to see what i
 N} tinuing the cycle. For some time, Christmas tree results will come from the Eden Shale plantings.
pI‘O(lllCtlOI1 l1HS l)GGll pI‘OlUOfG(l by Hlally IUGISOIIS 215 All lmp0I'fzU1lZ f;1CtO1` lll CllI'iStl1lRS UGG pl`O(lllCtlOl1
'*" a good thing for Kentucky; the forestry section, is how one controls brush and weeds. especially in
      sg. _ ..-·.   . . ., , .
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(.-\l)0\’C) 1N C€(l (Z()llll`0l lll (.l1l`lSlll\QIS tree   :;,'§·" II. 3 hi. ·-~,,;IIL~ I ' ·’*—&i¤·‘~&”;.~;_,.    4 I '_`¢· gi _· ·.: aj-L`   ’—·¥!§;;..;__.;,;._ M.4
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plantations is one ol the problems being tegég, /’.‘*'~¢m.,,·.°§;;;   · ‘j§€,}¤.  __I42$_p, II". _' ,.._» .,I  
. .   Z ;     .-   .;_ro'ect is a check on an eight- of carcass cualitv. A heef-hull verformance test is _
. n . ;`*
QlCl'(‘ 1l'1\Ct of (‘Still)llSll(‘(l lllNl)fc‘l`. ll(‘C()I`(lS 2\l'(‘ l)(‘lll(’ l1lS() )l2lllll€(l. Ft’(‘(llll‘Y \VOl`l{ to (JllCCl( 11110 of "Lllll. '
h r• cv
l((‘)t ()ll tl\(‘ illlllllkll gl`()\Vtll. 2Ul(l 1llC Sl()\V(‘l`-'1'()\Vlll<’_ l’(‘C(llllU` €fl'lCl(’IlC\’, LIll(l CHYCQISS (ll21llt\' ()ll St(‘(‘l`S *.··
t r» rv 4 .
less vigorous, less-valuahle species will he eliminated. developed from the hasic herd will he started next "·
  l()lIQ-l`1\llj.[(‘ l)l'()}.[l'2lIll l)l‘lll}§ C()llSl(l(‘l'(‘(l   (NIC C()Il- }’(‘tll`. V
cerning the management of native cedar and locust All heef females have heen hred artificially to T11
stands. Zato Heir 181, a fine llereford hull of which the _
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