xt7sf766539c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sf766539c/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1948-03-12  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 12, 1948 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 12, 1948 1948 1948-03-12 2013 true xt7sf766539c section xt7sf766539c dc5i uupy MVdiiaoie

The Kentucky Kernel

Finals Monday
Next Kernel
March 26

And Colder;
High Of 28






Crockett, Morrissey
Nominated For SGA
Presidential Position

Faculty Refuses
To Recognize
Democrat Club


Petition To Make
Group Official
Rejected Monday


Plans for a Young Democrat
Club on the campus were killed by
the faculty Monday afternoon.
Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, acting
president of the University, said
the club's petition for recognition
wr rejected by faculty vote after
lengthy discussion of the question.
Rejection of the club's petition
denies it recognition and official
standing on the campus.
Constitution of the proposed club
had been approved at a meeting of
the Student Government Assembly
last week.
The club has been operating unofficially on the campus for some
Dr. Chamberlain said the resolution as approved by the faculty
vote stated that the faculty does
not wish to recognize a political
rlub on the campus. He added that
the University tn no way wants to
interfere with any student's
tical beliefs.

Partly Cloudy


SGA Banquet

To Honor Two
Two outstanding Student GovernAssemblymen will receive
wards, to be presented by Dr. Leo
Chamberlain, acting University president, at an SGA banquet in the
Phoenix Hotel Thoroughbred Room
at 6 pan. tonight.
Nominees for the honor include
George Goodykoontx, Jerry East-haMary Keith Dosker, Claude
B pro wis, Jameson Jones, Betty Ree
Rhoads, William Russell, and Harry
The dinner, at which SGA President Claude Sprowls will preside,
will be paid for with SGA funds.
Betty Ree Rhoads is chairman of
the banquet committee, and Andrew
Clark is in charge of arrangements.
Helen Deiss has arranged the entertainment, which will be a skit.


McVey's Guest Book

In Library Archives

Select Jones

Veterans Notice


Get Play Arqa
The children of Coopers town will
be assured of a safe place to play
this spring with the opening of a
playground in the center of the
Coopers town area. Activities will be
supervised by University students
majoring in physical education and
class room credit will be given.
A recreation committee headed by

William Young, Coopers town mayor
and Prank R. Dornheim, editor of
the "Cooperstowner," is contacting
government and business organizations in Lexington for aid in planning and financing the project. It

estimated that 100 children are
old enough to take advantage of
the playground facilities.
An effort is being made to locate
a surplus government building to
house a nursery and recreation halL
The project is being planned with
the advice and assistance of Miss
Mary Mumford. child-car- e
and development expert at the University
Home Economics Department.

FTA Receives Gift
From Dr. Sorenson
The campus chapter of Future
Teachers of America has received
as a gift from Dr. Herbert Sorenson, professor of educational psychology, all royalties accruing on
the use of his books at the University for the current school year, it
has been announced by Dean William S. Taylor of the College of
Dr. Sorenson has published two
major texts which are now in use
here. They are, "Psychology in
cation- - and "Statistics for Students
0f Psychology and Education." .
chapter wm ,ppoint a com- miUee
determine how the cift
funds may be used most widely in
the aid of future teachers. Appre
ciation was expressed to Dr. Sorenson by the chapter at a meeting
Monday night.

The Library now has the guest
o f President Emeritus and
Mrs. Prank L. McVey, dating from
January 9. 1925. to July 2. 1940. This
log OI guests is noi on aispiay
as yet. but may be seen in tne
archives department on the top
Boor of the library building.
The book is a monument to the
hospitality of the McVeys. Nearly
all notes of remembrance written
in its margins contain some allusion to the good food, the gracious SuKy To Sponsor
hospitality, or the homelike atmosphere shown the guests during the Send-O- f
years the McVeys spent at Maxwell Place.
A pep rally will be held at Union
Persons from all over the world Station at 4:20 Tuesday to send the
have left their names and addresses basketball team off to the NCAA
behind them in this book to mark a tournament, according to Billy Mac
small measure of the influence of Rhoads, SuKy president.
this beloved president and his graMembers of the Kentucky SEC
cious wife.
championship team will be introEdu-boo-

f For


Service Projects
Open Next Summer
The American Friends Service
Committee will sponsor more than 60
aummer service projects for college
students this summer. Clarence E.
Pickett, executive secretary of the
committee, announced.
They range in type from rebuilding
communities in
Europe to studying cooperatives in
St. Paul. Minn- - and in area from
every section of the United States
to Mexico, Europe and Nova Scotia.
Details about each project, including the cost of maintenance,
dates and locations, can be obtained
from the Office of the College Pro-traAmerican
Friends Service
Committee. 20 South 12th Street.

22 Cwens Spend Day

At Eastern College
Twenty-tw- o
members of the University chapter o f Cwens. sophomore women's honorary, spent yes- -,
terday in Richmond, where a new
chapter was installed at Eastern
State College.

Dorothy Evans, extension
chairman, was in charge of sorority
Instruction, after which a banquet
was held for both visiting and
prospective chapters. Mrs. Sarah B.
Holmes. University Dean of Women,
pave the main address.
Fifty-thre- e
girls were initiated into the sorority after the banquet.

The team will meet Columbia
University in the opening round of
uie tournament on rnursaay, in
New York' Madison Square Garden.

Iowans Visit Campus
A group of approximately 70 junior members of the Iowa Farm
Bureau now touring the southeastern states, visited the campus
In addition to visiting the campus
the group visited Calumet Farm and
an auction at a loose leaf tobacco
warehouse in Lexington.

Musicale Postponed
The scheduled appearance of
Aimo Kiviniemi, tenor on the music
faculty has been cancelled due to
the illness of Mr. Kiviniemi, Alexander Capurso, head of the Music

Department, announced Thursday.
It is planned to present the con
cert at a later date.














Policy Statement
For Elections


Johnny Crockett has been nominated by the Constitutionalist
Party for Student Government As- sociation president, to be chosen in
the April 1 election.
Constitutionalist vice presidential
nominee is Jameson Jones. Other
nominees are: Arts and Sciences
lower class. Marshall McCann. Allen
Terhune, Prank Maturo, and Ann
Macklin; upper class. Rusty Rus-


Bar Exam Bill
Passes House

To Be Moved

Dr. Clark Paddles
His Own Kayak

newly-construct- ed

Rural Leadership
Institute To Meet
On Campus April

Dr. Webb To Deliver
Anthropology Lecture

6-- 8.

Final Examinations
Continue Three Days

2M?.T?E2 waS






Interviews Given
At Job Conference

Course In Dairying
Approved By Faculty

Zimmerman Paints
BS Building Mural



UK Alumni Banquet
To Honor Wildcats


Vandenbosch Returns
From Northwestern

Former Student Here
For Duty With ROTC

Exhibits To Remain

Calendar Of Events

To Be Made Today


WSSF Drive Clears $2300,
Tri Delts Donations Lead





Twelve I'niversity
students who have b;n accepted for admittance into medical school are
shown above. The schools they will enter are also
Front row, left to right. Gene Conway, University of Cincinnati; Gerald B. Reams, Northwestern University; George Estill, Georgetown University;
Mary Frances Futrell, Duke University; and Wendell Kinirsolvrr, University of Michigan. Bar' row, left
sell, Harold
to right, Oscar C. Beasley, Vanderbilt University; Ranald Mac Donald III, St. Louis University; Wendell
Klein and Roberta Anderson;
Toundstone, Northwestern University; Kenneth A. Gaines, University of Cincinnati; R. D. Floyd, Yale UniJack Sorrelle.
versity; and Ray Pryor, Duke University. Not present when the picture was taken were Hubbard W. Smith,
Commerce: upper class, Fred NichNorthwestern University, and Gene Quails, Vanderbilt University.
Photo B Mack Hughet ols;
John Owens;
woman-at-larg- e,
Betsy Billiter.
upper class. Jack
Bell; lower class. Charles McMeekin;
representative-at-larg- e.
Bob Wharton.
Dick Crafton and
Dr. Thomas D. Clark, head of
Katharine Greenwood.
the History Department, has
Graduate School: Jim Jordan and
A bill to eliminate the bar examClassrooms and offices of the De- Virgil Christian.
bought a kayak with which he
inations for graduates of Kentucky
partment of Political Science will be
plans to paddle down the Kenmoved from the Administration
law schools has passed the lower
tucky River to Frankfort in
Building to the
house of the General Assembly this
building in front of the library, deDr. Clark, who will be accomweek and is now pending action
partment officials announced Thursson,
panied by his
from the Senate.
is the author of the book "The
6-- 8
A. E. Evans of the UniDean
Kentucky," in the "Rivers of
The move is expected to be comversity College of Law had no comAmerica" series.
pleted during the vacation between
"The Christian Community in
ment on the measure.
Action" will be the theme of the
The bill, introduced into the Geneleventh annual Rural Leadership
eral Assembly several weeks ago by
Institute, to be held at the UniRep. Earl Ashcraft, Irvine, would
versity April
The College of
eliminate the necessity for bar exAgriculture and Home Economics
aminations for a graduate of any
and the Kentucky Rural Church
law school in Kentucky. There was
Fellowship are cooperating in ara question if such a measure passed
ranging the program for the instithe legislature, if such a statute
would be respected by the court,
Attending will be ministers, civic
since it would interfere with the
By Fred Sievers
leaders, laymen, rural women, rural
court's prerogatives.
teachers, and members of faculties
Dr. William S. Webb, named as
There was also a question whether
of state colleges and seminaries.
men admitted without bar examin- Distinguished Professor by the facSpeakers will include Mrs. James
ations in Kentucky could be ad- ulty of the Arts and Sciences ColD. Wyker. president of the Ohio
lege last fall, has chosen anthromitted in other states on motion.
Council of Christian Women; Dr.
pology as his topic for
Final examinations for the Winter
The grievance of the law students Distinguished Professor's the annual
address to quarter will begin Monday and con- Elliott L. Fisher, superintendent of
papers are not graded be given
is that the
the department of town and country
in Memorial Hall in April. tinue through Wednesday.
promptly after the examinations are
church, Methodist Church of New
In collaboration with Dr. W. O.
taken. Also it was decided to hold DunlrUmira j4nam rf Ym Hro A l to t A Registration for the Spring quar- York, Dr. O. F. Hall, Transylvania
ter will start at 8 a.m., Monday,
only one examination, in September.
Wohh March 22, with those students whose College; James W. Armstrong, director of community organization.
u an
last names begin with the letters Committee for Kentucky; and Glyn
W-will continue through Morris, principal of
dealing11 CET aT
the Evarts
t both a June and September ex- - throJ, v and archaeology. Over Tuesday afternoon.
Veterans will pick up their elihal? o t t h e s e articlesdescribe gibility
cards at Memorial Hall one
surveys made in hour before they are due to register.
also Kentucky,
informed that they cannot be memNew Theory
bers of the bar until admitted by
Writing in the American Anthro- 742
court, the arrangement would
Leo Zimmerman,
Louisville art
be more satisfactory to most of the pology magazine in 1922, Prof. Webb,
now head of the Departments of
major, is painting a mural in the
Anthropology, advanced
Physics and
third floor alcove of the Biological
inSeven hundred and forty-tw- o
Sciences Building, formerly the pre-mthe theory that Kentucky Indians
possibly came into contact with the terviews were given by 24 companies
lounge. The scene, depicting
white man years before the first and organizations represented at work in science, covers one wall of
the fourth annual Job Conference, the alcove.
pioneer trekked across the
advisTwo bear's teeth, bearing incised Mrs. Dorothy Evans, faculty
Zimmerman, who graduates this
or announced this week.
Faculty approval was given Mon- Maltese crosses, were among arti327 month, is studying under Mr. Clifincluded
These interviews
day for the proposed travel course facts uncovered by Prof. Webb from students, she explained. There were ford Amyx. assistant professor of
in dairying, according to Prof. L. J. an Indian site, known locally as 259 men and 68 women who applied art. He is president of the University Art Club.
Horlachcr, assistant dean of the Fox Field, in Mason County. Prof. for jobs.
College of Agriculture and Home Webb stated that it was feasible
A complete report on the number
copied the cross
course, that the Indian
Economics. The three-hoof students who actually were
from an early Spanish explorer.
Ag. 27 or 127, will probably be ofgiven jobs is not available, Mrs.
Possible Spanish Origin
Sumfered between the Spring and
The crosses are practically iden- Evans conference was sponsored by
mer terms. All students in agriculThe
ture are eligible to take the course. tical in symmetry with those worn Omicron Delta Kappa, junior and
.The Alumni Association will be
on Spanish armor, the article said.
men's honorary and leader- host at a banquet April 10 in honor
The Maltese cross, as far as is senior society,
and Mortar Board, of the basketball team, it was anknown, was never used by the In- ship
Mary nounced by Miss
dians as a native symbol on gorgets senior Dosker andhonorary. Anggelis ecutive secretary ofHelen King, ex- John
the association.
and charm pieces.
Selection of the date of the annual
of he event.
The Ohio River, near which the were
banquet honoring Wildcat baske-tee- rs
Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, head of Indian site is situated, could have
was made by the alumni assoa means for communithe Department of Political Science, served as
ciation executive committee at the
will return to the campus next quar- cating with the Spanish explorers
regular monthly dinner meeting
ter, following a leave of absence of in the early sixteenth century, such
Monday night.
as Cortcz, or De Soto, the article
two quarters.
Discussion of plans for alumni
Capt. Donald R. Rose, Lexington, reunions
Dr. Vandenbosch has been teachof various classes during
At the request of Prof. Webb, Infantry reserve officer, will report
ing at Northwestern University durthe June commencement week was
quarters. grants totaling $344,000 were made to the Military Science department postponed until the next meeting
ing the Fall and Winter
available by the federal government on Monday for three months active of
the committee on April 12.
in recent years for field work, in duty with the Reserve Officers
archaeology. The Museum here has Training Corps, it was announced
received materials derived from ex- by Col. G. T. MacKenzie, military
Department of Art announces cavations made under these grants. commandant.
Worked With TV
that the exhibit of facsimile color Prof. Webb has worked A senior sity, former student at the Univeras
Capt. Rose received his rereproductions of modern masters
Social calendar for the Spring
conserve commission in the U.S. Army
will remain in the gallery of the archaeologist and archaeology
Valley Au- through the ROTC in 1943 and later quarter will be made by members
department during March. The sultant to the Tennessee
of the University Social Committee
show includes 43 works, all owned thority in projects of conservation. was an Infantry unitt commander in the offices of the Dean of Women
Area. Follow- at 3 o'clock this afternoon.
by the department or by Mr. E. W. He also served with the Office of in the Asiatic-PacifScientific Research and Developing the war, he returned to the
Rannells, department head.
Dean Sarah B. Holmes said the
ment in compiling a roster of sciThe art gallery. Biological Sci entific and specialized personnel University to finish his academic group, composed of faculty and
training and was graduated with an students, would plan next quarter's
ences Building, Room 217, is open
was used
World War II.
daily from 8 to 5 and on Tuesday which is a memberin of Phi Beta Kap- A. B. degree last June.
schedule and work out a policy of
priorities for social activities.
and Thursday evenings.
pa, Sigma Pi Sigma, Sigma Xi,
Omicron Delta Kappa. Pi Mu Epsi-loand Kappa Delta Pi.
Prof. Webb was a major in the
Full-Tim- e
field artillery in World War I.
received by Dean
Word has been
A. E. Evans of the College of Law
that the Nathan-Burke- n
Essay contest for law students will
women's residence halls and
Student veterans will not receive
again be open to the University law
ilton House was second. Breckin- an increase in subsistence allowschool.
fol- e
ridge Hall led the men's halls
stuAt the request of his parents,
The contest is sponsored by the ances unless they are
money contributed by students for American
lawed by Bradley Hall.
Society of Composers, dents. Veterans Administration offiLeaders were presented plaques flowers at the funeral of former Authors, and Publishers. According cials were quoted as saying in press
and Frances White received the student James H. Free, will be to a letter to Dean Evans from dispatches from Washington
and Em- placed in a fund for worthy students. Deems Taylor, of ASCAP, the scope week.
award for the
VA officials here said they had
Free, a freshman in the College of of competition, and conditions of
manuel Singer for the Zeta Beta
Arts and Sciences, died Feb. 24 of selection of the winning paper are not received official notice of the
Half the money contributed will pneumonia.
decided by the dean of each law ruling.
be sent to the Delhi, India, Refuge
Press dispatches said the recently
Dr. B. H. Wall, head resident of school entered in competition.
- the men's residence halls, said Mr.
center which is supported as a speDean Evans has written ASCAP voted Congressional pay hike would
cial project by the University. The and Mrs. Henry J. Free returned for a prospectus and rules of eli- apply to only full-tistudents.
students, dispatches said,
remainder of the funds will go to the money sent for floral contribu gibility and a bibliography of sug
en- - were those taking
hours class-wotions and asked the money be put gested reading for the students
the World Student Relief
quarters in Geneva, Switzerland, into a fund for worthy students, tering. A prize will be given to the
in class, 25 hours by the clock
Harold Friedly, chairman of the The money will be put into the college which in turn will award per week, or are those taking
12 semester hours as some schools
drive, said.
Student Loan Fund, Dr. Wall said. it to the winning student.

More than
has been
by students and faculty to
the World Student Service Fund
Prof. John Kuiper, treasurer of the
anUniversity WSSF committee,
The drive ended Wednesday afternoon when Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, acting president of the University, commended those who
worked in the drive.
led the sorority
group in the per capita giving with
The University Health Service $4.82. Chi Omega was second with
will remain open during the vaca- $3.07. Zeta Beta Tau led the fra
tion period between quarters, it ternities with $2.29 and Alpha Sigas announced this week.
ma Phi with $1.50 was second.
Boyd Hall was first among the

Health Service Open


veterans are reminded
that they must go to Memorial
Hall and pick up their eligibility
cards one hour before their
scheduled registration time for
the Spring quarter.


Money Is Returned
By Free's Parents

ASCAP To Sponsor
Law Essay Contest

Election Scheduled
April 1, Attempts
To Cut Social Lines
James Morrissey has been nomiParty's
nated as the
candidate for president of the Student Government Association, subject to the action of student voters
in the April 1 elections.
The party was formed to prevent
candidates from being chosen on
social lines the Constitutionalists on
one side representing the Greek,
and the Independents on the other
representing the

The Kernel wants to be fair
in all campus matters. For this
reason, the following policy has
been adopted in connection with
the SGA elections scheduled for
April 1.
All statements of platforms,
charges, counter charges, letters
to the editor and the like, must
be submitted to the Kernel before 12 o'clock Wednesday. Mar.
. 24. This will prevent any candidate or party from making last
minute charges which opposing candidates will not have an
opportunity to answer through
the Kernel.

Home Ec Club
To Be Hosl
For Workshop
The University Home Economics
Club will be host to a four-staProvince Workshop, to be held on
the campus April 2 and 3. The province meeting is an annual affair
for college groups of the American
Home Economics Association.
According to Ann Varney. student
publicity chairman for the workshop, the meeting is held to further
of home economics
among college groups. Two delegates from each of about 25 colleges in Kentucky. Indiana. West
Virginia, and Ohio will attend.
Special entertainment arranged
by the club, includes tours of the
Bluegrass and Berea. a luncheon
each day, and a banquet on Friday



sorority group.

Other Candidate
Other candidates nominated by
the party which formulated its
this - week include William
Young of the Commerce College lor
vice president.
Candidates for the Assembly from
the College of Arts and Sciences are
Jimmy Cordas. Vernon Binsjhuni
and William Perkins, lower cia.ss- men; Tom Perkins. Dave Parry and
Franz Ran. upperclasmen: Vinnni
Juett, upperclasswoman; and Evelya

Caudel, women's representative-alarge.
Other candidates Include: Coiltue
;Of Commerce
Thomas Pat'erson.
upperclassman; Robert Harlaie. and
Christine Cook, representatives-at-larg- e.
College of Agriculture and
Home Economics Joe Rank and
Patricia Lawson. College of Engineering
Clifford Surface, uppern;
classman; James Pride, lowerc
Eugene Williams, man at
large. Graduate School Beth Cadlass-ma-

dy and James Graham.

Official Name
The gTOup at a Monday
officially selected



Party" as the organization's
official name and elected Eucene
Amburgey. an engineering graduate
student, president. Other officers in- -;
elude Charles Browning, engineer- big junior, vice chairman. Jtui.
Welch, graduate student, secretary.
and Woodford England. A sopno- -'
more, treasurer.
Amburgey said the new party re- places the Independent Party as a
political organization and "was es- taDiisnea to provide capaoie. aggressive student government, and to
break the social ties which heretofore have been the basis of election

Kentucky colleges to be represented are Asbury, Bare a. Eastern,
Georgetown, Morehead. Murray, and
Miss Carolyn Wingo, Murray State
Teachers College, is province leader.
Miss Elizabeth Helton is advisor to
the University club, which has a
membership of about 50.
Student committee chairmen are
President Nora Lee Johnson, registration; Amy Dean and Betty Trip-let- t,
hostesses; Jean Amis, luncheons;
Eloise Ewbank,
Eloise Ridley, tours; Hazel Jo Smith,
tickets; Ann Varvey, publicity.

Zeta Beta Tau Wins
First Annual ASP
Bridge Tournament
Zeta Beta Tau fraternity won the
first annual Greek Letter Bridge
tournament sponsored by Alpha
Sigma Phi fraternity, defeating
Delta Zeta. the sorority titilist. in
the championship match Tuesday


The Zeta Beta team, composed of
Malcolm Herman and Sandy Friedman, earlier in the evening had won
the fraternity crown by defeating
the Kappa Sigs. Delta Zeta became
the sorority champions, by virtue of
defeating Alpha Xi Delta. The DZ
team was composed of Joyce Steele
and Nancy Fayne.
Immediately after the ZBT victory
President Jack Carpenter and Dish
Doan presented trophies to the win-


to SGA."

The party's platform included a
provision calling for ousting from
SGA any Assemblymen who fail to
attend meetings regularly, and replacing them by the person receiving the next highest .number of
votes in the election.
N Secret Votes
Other parts of the platform included no secret voting by the Assembly, with a roll call and publication of voting records on major
issues; and the investigation of campus problems which include "cafe- terias, bookstore, proposed student
bank, athletic ticket distribution
social programs, and additional facilities for students who study on
the campus."

Journalist Makes
Classes Pay Cash
Anne Orr Taylor is making her
pay cash while'
cla.-se- s

she learns.
A member of Dr. William M'Xire's
feature writing- - class, she was required to write feature articles, one
of which sold for one of the highest prices ever paid a journalism
ner and runner-ustudent for one article.
Miss Taylor realized ide vs for interesting stories are often ci;;se at
hand. While working as assistant
budget manager at her father's ser-- I
vice station, she noticed courte y
sales. There was her
Enrollment In the College of Pharincreased
macy at Louisville has reached a to- idea, and the February issue of a
tal of 210 students for the second national magazine featured her
semester. Miss Maple Moores, as- story with a cover page picture and
several pages of stories and pit ti ires
sistant registrar, has announced.
The enrollment is four less than inside.
the capacity enrollment recorded
for the first term of the Pharmacy
school. The present semeste
scheduled to end June 11. and graduating seniors will participate in the
University commencement exercises
Theta Sigma Phi, national jourhere on June 4.
nalism honorary, held a formal initiation ceremony Mar. 4. at the
home of Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, chapter sponsor.
Those initiated were Lois Ann
Flege, Rubye Earle Graham. JaniR
Jameson, and Barbara Sue Warren.
The organization will sponsor a
figure it. Twelve semester hours benefit bridge party Mar. 29, at the
would be the equivalent of 18 quar- Castlewood Ballroom.
ter hours.
Congress approved the increases
to begin with April but checks
showing the increase will not be
received until the end of the month.
The increase ups subsistence for
single men $10 to $75; $15 for marBook orders will not be issued
ried men to $105; and a veteran
to veterans who refuse to return
with more than one dependent will
receive $120.
oj no
books. R. W. Henderson, of the
VA officials here again urged marVeteran's Personnel OSce. said
ried veterans wishing to claim chilyesterday. This ruling will go
dren as dependents to submit copies
into effect at the beginning of
of birth certificates immediately to
the VA office on the second floor the Spring quarter.
of the Administration Building.

Registrar Announces

Pharmacy Enrollment


Journalism Honorary
Initiates Four Girls

Get Vet Subsistence Increase







Vets' Book Ruling
Into Effect

� Fajre Two




The Kentucky Kernel



Hgned mrttclet and colamne r to be
eongldrrrd tie opinion of the writer!
themselvee, and do not necetsarttf reflect
the opinion of The Fernet.

Haskfll Short
Ray Fi iion
IIkifn Dnss

Tom Diski.m
Ri.srv Ri ssiii
(iIokcf Bakkik
Dick Sioim

Copy Desk
Nancy C.askin, Joan Cook
Spoils RcjHiiters

Stam.fy . Sciiiii, CImarifs Wiiai.fy,
Simpson F. I.awson, Mary I'omm
Armstrong, Haii. R. Brckksiiirk,
Carti r, C.iiari rs ClIAI'MAN,
Maitrfin D uns, Charms R.
Frank Dorniifim, Frfiiia Fair,
I.ois Ann Flfcf.. Mary Powii.l GFir.m,
Helen Henry, Ianfy Iamfson, Hfnry
Malonfy, Virc.isia Mtnshai.l, I.ii.- lian Ann Pariil'F, Bi ri. Phillips, Frfo
Sievfrs, Don aid B. Towi.m. Montf.
R. Tussfy, F. Ford Wai i.fr, Mary V.
Wiid. Ann Yaii.hn,
hnnf. Vancf,
Si f Warrfn. Mary IIiifn Dmfy,
Simpson F. I.awson, Gil Mark


F.u-i- a

Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Association
Lexington Board of Commerce
Kentucky Press Association
National Editorial Association


National Advertising Service, Inc.
CtlUu PmUiJun kiprnntativ
Chkaco - Boiroa - La Aaau.u - l.a F.Aaciaca



One Quarter

11.50 One Tear


as well abandon its old name
and caU i0jelf lne -- Better Govern-it- s
m?nt Party or methinB sinlilar'
Idealistic party names are a dime
a dozen.
I believe that individual qualities
of RttA pnnrlirLitPS K h o 11 d be
Ktiisserl and rot nartv affiliations.
Let'S all be frank with ourselves
best man reeard- ?es
f the "ticket he runs on

Some Cram, Some Cheat




Is the stepchild of a veteran
entitled to the same benefits as the
veteran's own child?
A. Yes. if the stepchild is or was a
member of the veteran's household




ft nvr b..






to ihe root of ihe trouble.
Now, however, I have changed my
students can shun the ways of the proBut if
It seems to me that the name
fessed cheats, they've established themselves as a group apart, with All Campus Party is a misnomer. It
paris definitely not an
a moral courage equal to mental energy, and will have justified ty. All of the candidates
for the party's slate in the forththeir place of responsibility as college students.





Taxicabs! Phone 8200

And speaking of the chemistry de
partment, they and the bacteriolo- gists decided' to save the govern- ment some money, by fighting it out
on the basketball court, instead of
chemical warfare vs. bacteriological
warfare. The loss of lives was ex- -


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the honest and wearies the ciation candidates.








Jed Decker is




terested m S.G.A. and have followed
its work closely this year as one of
secretarial employees, by atten- dance at some of its meetings and
by assistance to different ones of its
committees. I shall be a sophomore
in the Spring quarter and I am majoring in political science.
hope that more
It is my
hat lime IS e again. COVTine the CamnilS like a WCt students willearliestan active inlres
bringing blues to ilie partv lxm and longkiried sophis- - in tne election this spring by-a- f
quainting themselves with all issues
.' '
ticaics and
smirks c.n ihe l.js of rhi Beta Kappa key- - involved and the qualifications of
eacn candidate. Although the num- Iwiilers.
ber of students voting in the last
Some will raiionahe villi tliouglits of he rani flunk me or election was the highest on record,
"exams don't reallv count much toward a quarter grade." And u still represented only a small per
cent of the entire student body!
omen win atiempi 10 ciiown meir sorrows in one 01 me
If elected. I will represent my col
lege to the best of my ability.
The sensible few w