xt7sf7665351 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sf7665351/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1938-04-08  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April  8, 1938 text The Kentucky Kernel, April  8, 1938 1938 1938-04-08 2013 true xt7sf7665351 section xt7sf7665351 -

The ECentucky Kernel





Our Neighbors
At least The Kernel is being read.
In the Morehead "Trail Blazer." Sea-Goin- g
mTtion is made of this column's
first spprarance and our uneasiness
concerning public approval of the
ciiTerent head schedule. A confidential 'aside"' informs us that it's
nothing to brag about, which we
Anyway. It's a
s'.uihtiy suspected.
dcpartur; from the bold face Gothic
ail caps formerly used. Here's an"aside" Check on
of Kernel" and the
names of the former and present
Blues Enter Richmond Meet
On Th- - Other Hand
As Favorites To Win
Mrs. Helen Zagat. New York,
decorator and lecturer, who
iprkt at the recent women's convocation said that this was the most
college paper FINALS ARE SLATED
prolrsrcnal-Jocl;in- g
ihe had seen in all her travels. Her
observation was from the layman's
standpoint. But the above was the

In Eastern State's Tank Tomorrow;


District Contest
Winners To Appear
In 15th Annual


Athletic Degrees?
A supcestion has been made that
the pper run an editorial advocating the granting of bachelor decrees to football players and those
participating in other sports. By
this means, certain subjects
now would be eliminated.
The editorial board hasn't had time
to really check u on the plan, but
a few questions are apparent at
once. Do enough athletes Intend
entering the coaching filed to justify such a plan? Isn't the physical education department working
toward that now? Would the pro-pedegree fulfill present requirements for a high school coaching
Lest We Forget
A lone light used to burn
Memorial hall. It was placed there,
as was the building itself, to honor
Kentucky's war dead. Came hard
times and the lieht was put out for
lick of funds. Allenby Winer writes
a note suggesting that it be reinstalled. Says he: "Just as a sort of
reminder of what has gone before."

The most successful s?ason in its
brief history will be Climaxed by
the Wildcats' much publicized "dryland" swimming team when its state
water crown Is at stake Saturday
afternoon and night at the Eastern
Teachers Collog; pool. Richmond.
Sponsored by the KIAC the swimming spectacle was first offered in
1936, the title going to the "Cats
although they were not members of
Last year Kenthe conference.
tucky successfully defended their
diadem by edging out Eastern by
two points. Due to the ease in which
they have defeated two of the entering schools, the 'Cats are heavy
favorites to repeat their defense.
Although invitations wers issued
to all KIAC colleges. Berea. Eastern and possibly Morehead and the
University of Louisville, other than
the University, appeared to be th;
only teams that will face the barrier.
Preliminary heats will be run Sat-




"The YWCA election yesterday
served as a fair example of how
campus voting may be kept immune
from the germs cf factionalism and
favoritism. It was indeed a relief
to note the conspicuous absence of
Camhand bills and
pus politics can. must and will be
i id of those handicaps which have
anchored it in the muck of failure.
"The Student Union constitution Is
i.n honest stroke in the right direction; M s carry it through." Again
from Mr. Winer

afternoon starting at
o'clock, with the finals slated for











To take care of the
creasing enrollment in
of Agricutlure. courses
fered this summer in



the College




Undergraduates who wish to
shorten the time required for grad
uation will find the course offer-


ings in agricultural
agronomy and animal industry es
pecially suited to their needs.
Elementary and advanced agrij
cultural entomology, advanced
crops, market classes and breeds of
livestock, genetics, sheep production, and horse production will be
offered daily during the first term.
while animal nutrition, pork production will be offered daily during
the second term.
Graduate students will be interested in the unit two and one half
weeks courses taught both terms.
These courses include dairy cattle
and management, special
problems in agricultural engineergardening,
ing, landscape
problems, rural life, agricultural
prices, and current problems in
agricultural economics, all taught
the first term. Unit courses taught
the second term are advanced livestock judging and dairy bacteriology
The home management
located at 162 Bonnie Brae, will be
operated both terms. Courses in
foods, elementary
nutrition, housing, clothing and textiles, advanced
costume design, interior decoration,
and dietetics complete the offering
for the first term.
Of special interest to" advanced
students in home economics, education, and commerce, will be the
course in consumer problems offered
the second term. The purpose of
this course is to acquaint students
Courses in a new phase of voca-- ; with problems of efficient buying.
tional education, "Distributive Oc- It includes the relation of produccupations Education" will be offered tion to family and Individual conthis summer for the first time at sumption, the consumer and stanthe University Summer Session, ac- dards, marketing policies and syscording to an announcement from tems, and cooperatives.
the office of Dr. Jesse E. Adams, di-- I
rector of the session.
The courses are new phases of
vocational training under which
training may be given to those engaged in any occupation dealing
Dean Alvin Evans Is Speaker
with the distribution of merchanAt Dinner Session
dise, including retail selling and
store management.
Of Bar Group
Studies will be under the direction of W. Maurice Baker, assistant
Faculty members of the College of
supervisor and teacher trainer of Law and senior class representaoccupations
for the tives Wednesday night attended the
state of Kentucky. This depart- annual dinner meeting of the Kenment, recently organized in the Col- tucky law school alumni and State
lege of Education, is the only one Bar associations in Louisville.
of its kind in the state.
The program included addresses
The purpose of the program of- by Dean Alvin E. Evans. Law school,
fered this summer is to train teachand Mayor E. Reed Wilson. Lexers in instructing high school pupils ington. Dean Evans and Prof. Roy
in the various phases of commerce Moreland.
Frank Murray, and
including wholesaling, retailing and Frank H. Randall also attended the
Prerequisites are that State Bar session Thursday.
the student have a Junior standing Evans will report Friday pn tne
college and some business experi- committee of resolutions, of which
he is chairman.
In connection with this new field
joint discussion on various
of training. Mr. Baker has set up a problems, including law entrance replacement service with a view to quirements was also held Thursday
placing in teaching positions in by faculty members from the Kenstate high schools any students who tucky and University of Louisville
complete their training this sum- law schools.

Summer Session
To Offer Vocational
Education Course


Faculty, Students
Attend Legal Meet

Spring basketball drills ended last
Friday afternoon in the Alumni
gym following a fast practice scrimmage. The drills were intended to
bring out reserves from the fresh- man squad w ho would be able to
fill the shoes of "Smokpv" .tnp Ha- gan and J. Rice Walker, last season's captain, who will be lost to
the squad through graduation.
Spring practice sessions began immediately after the close of the
regular season Tom weeks ayo.


Participants in these contests will
and teams who won
first honors in the district contests

Recounting the history of the
Passion play. Dr.
Herbert Yeuell. Louisville, gave an
illustrated lecture on the noted
drama as the first in a series of
services sponsored by the
YMCA and YWCA yesterday after-tioon in Memorial hall.
The play originated, according to
Dr. Yeuell, in Bavaria, Germany,
as an expression of gratitude for
the cessation of a Black Death
scourge. The performance has continued since 1634. with the exception of a short time when the
France-Prussi- an
War interfered.
"More than 700 characters participate in the annual presentation,
which includes an orchestra of 50
members and a chorus of 46. It is
estimated that more than 300.000
people witness the production each
season," Dr. Yeuell stated.
Consisting of 18 acts and a number of tableaux, the play lasts for
eight hours, with a short intermission at noon. It concerns the events
of Christ's last days on earth.
The chief characters are the
Christus. the Twelve Disciples. Mary
the mother of Jesus, Mary Magda-- 1
lene. and Martha No wigs or facial
make-u- p
is permitted, although the
actors wear bibical costumes.
The second discussion in the
services will be conducted by
Miss Aleen Anderson, director of
young peoples' work at the Max
well Street Presbyterian church at
4 p. m. today in Memorial hall. Her
subject will be "In Quest of Life."
Dr. John Church, evangelist of
Salem, N. C, will speak at the
third meeting on Monday, and Dr.
Jesse Bader of the Federal Club of
Churches, will conclude the services
with the subject "The Power of an
Endless Life" on Tuesday.
Pre-Eas- ter

Practically All Departments
In Ag College Will Offer
Work During Two
Summer Terms


Love Protection





take part in the 15th annual tourn"Modern Flower Decorations" will
ament of the Kentucky High School be discussed by Mrs. Constance Spry,
Forensic League on the campus be- noted English specialist in floral
ginning today and lasting through decoration, as a feature of the anMonday. April 11. The program is nual Garden Day program, at 2 p.
n. Saturday. April 9. in Memorial
under the general direction of the hall.
The all day meeting is under the
Trophies will be awarded to win- auspices of the University's botanic
ners selected from competition in garden committee and the Lexingoratorical declamation, ton Garden Club.
humorous reading, poetry reading,
Mrs. Spry, who has been responextemporaneous speaking, and spesible for all the flower decorations
cial junior and senior high school t Fort Belvedere for the Duke of

Lecturer Illustrates History
Of Performance In First


Time Sheets
For NYA Due
By April 9
NYA Time sheets must be
in the offices of the Dean of
Men and the Dean of Women
by noon Saturday. April 9, so
that they may be placed in
the mails Monday. Dean T. T.
Jones said yesterday.












pre-Eas- ter

held two weeks ago at Murray. Henderson, Hopkinsville, Shepherdsville.
Bowling Green, Louisville. Carroll-ton- ,
Pleasureville. Lebanon, Somerset, Ludlow. Lexington. Midway.
Richmond. Pineville. Maysville. Hazard. Ashland, and Paintsville.
The program will open at 2 p. m
this afternoon with a preliminary
series of debates by the competing
high school groups. Judges at this
session will be the coaches of the
teams participating.
Following a reception given by the
Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. for the
visitors at Patt hall, the speakers
their coaches, and chaperones will
be guests of one of the local theaters
for a picture show.
One of the features of the four-daprogram will be a debate between the Columbia Junior College
and Paducah Junior College to be
held Saturday at 10:30 a. m.
Saturday evening the Annua)
High School Speakers Dinner in
the Commons is scheduled. Music
will be furnished by the University
radio staff orchestra under Elmer
G. Sulzer's direction, the women's
glee club under the direction of
Mildred s. Lewis, and the men's
glee club directed by Harlowe F.
Dean. Jr. Awards will be presented
to the winners of the individual
(Continued on Page Six)



Windsor, when he was Prince of
Wales and King Edward VIII. is
internationally famous for her flow-s- r


She was summoned to Cande to
'ake charge of all decorations for
the Duke's wedding, and for the
'ast three years has supervised
flower decorations for the Duke and
Dutchess of Kent.
She has also had charge of the
for many important
London weddings during the last
few years, including the Dutchesses
of Gloucester. Norfolk, Boxburgh.
and the wedding of Lord Derby's

Mrs. Spry has her own school of
floristry and also lectures at Swan-le- y
Horticultural College.
Members of the Lexington Garden Club will act as hostesses at
the opening of the program at 11
a. m. Saturday in the botanic gar-

125 guesU
dens. Approximately
will be served at a buffet luncheon
in the recreation room of Patterson
hall at 1 p. m.
President and Mrs. Frank L.
will entertain at Maxwell Place
after the lecture with a tea in honor
of Mrs. Spry.
Those on the Garden Day committee are Prof. N. R. Elliot, chairman. Mrs. Frank L. McVey. Miss
Mary L. Didlake. Dr. W. D. Valleau.
Mrs. M. J. Crutcher. Mrs. Spencer
Brooker. Mrs. Edward Clark. Mrs.
J. F. Van Deren, Mrs. Sterling Coke,
and Mrs. Joseph Wanless.
The public is cordially invited to
attend Mrs. Spry's lecture.

Annual Celebration,
Slated May 6,
Are Complete

Tentative plans for the annual
May Dav celebration to be held
Friday. May 6. were announced
yesterday by the SuKy circle, spon
sor of the affair.
Main features of the program will
Include the regular float competitions and the pledging of SuKy
members at the May Day dance to
be held Friday night in the Alumni gymnasium.
The crowning of
the May queen will be a part of
the afternoon ceremonies.
An effort will be made this year
to have a greater number of floats
"Soiree Dramatique". a program
consisting of two French plays will and a more elaborate and larger
be presented by
the University parade. Allto camous floats in the
are urged
Cercle Franca is and the Lexington competition.
Alliance Francaise at 8 o'clock MonCommittee
are as folday evening, April 11 in the Uni- lows: program,members Lou McFar-land- ,
versity High school auditorium.
chairman. Jane Potter, HerThe scene of the first play. L'Ang! man Dotson and Curtis Baumgard-ner- ;
lais Tel Qu on Parle" ( English as
coronation ceremonies. Martha
It is Spoken) by Tristan Bernard, Hawkins, chairman, and Evelyn
is laid in a hotel in Paris, where Ewan; floats,
James Salter, chair.lulien Cicandel has eloped with man. Elliot Beard, Betty Elliot, and
Betty Hogson. The angry English Jimmy
father pursues the couple, but meets Tabeling, chairman. John Clinken-bearwith linguistic difficulties that are
and Don Buchanan, and
enly complicated by an interpreter publicity. Granville
Coblin and
who speaks only one language. The Alice Wood Bailey.
cast Is as follows: Eugene, l'inter-pretDr. Hobart Ryland; Julien, a
young Frenchman, Eugene Thompson: Hogson, father of Betty, Dr. C.
C. Ross; Inspecteur de Police. William Bogaert; Garcon de l'Hotel de
Colonge, Robert Stone; Betty Hogson, a young English girl. Virginia
Smith; and Cassiere de l'Hotel de clude an Month plans that will disanti-wa- r
strike, panel
Cologne. Marie Antoinette de
cussion, a special program, and a
library exhibit
formulated at
The scene cf the second play. "La a meeting of wereUnited Student
Surprise d' Isidore" by Francisco peace
Thursday afterJavier Yanes takes place in the noon incommittee
the Woman's building.
study of Doctor Picard. a nerve
The anti-wa- r
strike, an annual
whose former college affair, will be held on April 27. A
triend. Isidore pays him a surprise speaker for the event has not yet
visit and is mistaken by the mem- been selected.
bers of the doctor's household for
On April 24 the group will sponsor
a patient with an unsound mind. a program under the leadership of
The cast consists of Dr. Adolph the Rev. Olaf Anderson, Lebanon.
Picaid. Carol Robie; Isidore. Tom
A panel discussion on "Collective
Vaughn; Suzanne, the doctor's wife. Security or Neutrality"
is also
Margaret Johnson; Madame Duval, planned.
Four students and two
Suzanne's mother, Elizabeth Wig
faculty members, yet to be chosen,
ainton; and Jeanne, the maid. Jane will take part in the discussion.
During the latter part of the
No admission will be charged and Month an anti-wa- r
poster exhibit
the public is invited.
will be shown in the Library. Students desiring to enter peace posters
KADKR TAKES MOItEIIEAU JOB in the exhibit are asked to turn
them in to Harriet Hendershot,
Clifford Rader. Richmond, gradu- chairman of the peace committee,
ate assistant in the political science before April 20.
department, has accepted a position
The United Student peace comas an instructor in political science mittee is composed of representaand history at Morehead State tives from the Y. M C. A.. Y. W. C.
Teachers College. He assumed his A., the American Student Union,
duties at Morehead Monday, April and the International Relations
1 H wa gmiotutced yesterday

Two French Plays
To Be Presented

At University High

Election of officers of Chi chapter of Theta Sigma Phi. national
honorary journalism fraternity for
women, was held Tuesday, April 5.
In the Woman's building.
The following officers were elect:
Leslie Lee
ed for the year
Jones, president for the second year;
Ruth Jean Lewis,
Mary Walker Christian, secretary:
Reiser, treasurer; and
Martha Moore, matrix editor; Miss
Juliet Galloway, society editor of
the Lexington Herald, was chosen
alumni advisor.
Plans were made for a picnic supper on Tuesday afternoon, April 26,
at which time Miss Marjorie Hoag-lanpublicity director for the College of Agriculture, will be the guest
A delegate to attend the national
Theta Sigma Phi convention to be
held August 16 to 20 in Los Angeles.
Cal.. will be elected at the next


'Stage Door" Cast
Includes 21 Women
'Little Theatre'
riayers Have Roles In
Current Production

Manv Veteran


Peace Month Plans
Are Formulated By
Student Committee







Twenty one women will be included in the cast of 32 that will
present the Edna Ferber-OeorgS.
Kaufman success. "Stage Door." at
the Guignol theatre during the week
of April 25.
The cast that will present the
play Is composed of veteran Guignol actors, including Barbara Smith.
Louise Nisbet. J. B. Faulconer. and
C. R. Llsanby.
Barbara Smith, who will play the
part of Jean Maitland. appeared in
"A Murder Has Been Arranged."
"Under the Gas Lights," and "The
Distafl Side." She is an alumna
of the University and is a member
of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority.
A freshman and a member of the
Delta Delta Delta sorority. Louise
Nisbet has played in several laboratory plays and in "The Tempest."
She is cast as Kay Hamilton in
"Stagx Door."
J. B. Faulconer. who will portray
Dr. Randall, is a seasoned Guignol
artist having played in "Refund."
"The Spider." and "Idiot's Delight."
He is a member of the Delta Tau
Delta fraternity.
Portraying the role of Billy, the
photographer, will be C. R. Lisanby
who has appeared In "The Tempest," "The Spider." and "Idiot's Delight."
The play will be directed by Frank
Fowler, assisted by Jane Crump and
Ruth Lewis, advanced dramatic


Johnston Polled 203 Votes To
130 For Rival; Koppius
Polls 93 to 70

Ruth Johnston. Kappa Delta. Lexington, was elected president of the
Association of Women Students,
and Mary Elizabeth Koppius. Chi
Omega, Lexington, was chosen as
president of the Y. W, C. A. in a
by the two organizations
Other officers in the A. W. 3. are:
LesMary Ann Stilz.
lie Lee Jones, secretary; Susan Clay
treasurer; and Mary Lou McFarland. town representative.
In the Y. W. C. A. balloting, other
new officers include: Sue D. Sparks,
Frances Young, secretary; and Virginia Pettus, treasurer.
A total of 363 women students
cast their votes in the A. W. S. election, while 165 members of the Y W.
C. A. voted. The elections were conducted by officials of the two organizations in the Administration
building, the Commons, and Boyd
Ruth Johnston, who is past treasurer of A. W. S.. a member of Phi
Beta, and member of the senior
cabinet of the Y. W. C. A., received
209 votes to the 159 of Runelle
Horse Cace. Independent.
Mary Ann
Stilz. Lexington, a member of Alpha Gamma Delta, won over Hattie
Richie. Covington. Zeta Tau Alpha,
by 187 to 166. For the office of secretary. Leslie Lee Jones. Louisville.
Independent, received 257 votes to
the 96 cast for Anne Jane McChes-ney- .
Lexington. Independent.
In the competition of treasurer of
A. W. S.. Susan Clay. Mt. Sterling.
Kappa Kappa Gamma, won over
Eudora Vance, Owensboro. Delta
Delta Delta, by 182 to 169.
Mary Lou McFarland. Lexington.
Kappa Delta, received 233 votes to
the 176 for Susan Jackson. Lexington. Chi Omega.
In the race for Y. W. C. A. offi
cers. Mary Elizabeth Koppius won
over Mary Jane Roby. Lexington.
count of 93 to
Independent, on
70. Miss Koppius is publicity chairman for the Y. W. C. A. and town
representative for A W. S.
Sue D. Sparks.
Lexington. Alpha XI Delta, received
89 votes to 73 cast for Grace Silverman, Brooklyn. N. Y.. Independent.
Frances Young. Frankfort. Kappa
Delta, defeated Betty Elliot. Lexington. Delta Delta Delta, by 109
to 54. in the race for secretary.
Virginia Pettus. Stanford. Kappa
Delta, received 113 votes to the 51
cast for Edith Mae Giltner.
W. Va., in balloting for





Lee Jones
Elected President
Of Theta Sigma Phi
Tentative Arraneements For

AWS Picks Stilz, Jones, Clay,
And McFarland; YWCA
Chooses Sparks, Young
And Pettus


be individuals










Elect Johnston Head
Of AWS; Koppius President
Of YWCA In Joint Voting

Program Features Reception. WILL HEAR SPRY
Banquet. Theatre Party,
And Trophy Awards
University Botanic Garden
Committee And Lexington
Twenty-twhigh school debating
Garden Club Sponsor
teams and many individual debatLecture
ers from all parts of the state will

Applications for membership
in ODK must be turned in to
the Kernel business office before Tuesday. April 12. it was
announced by James S. Shropshire, secretary of the organization.
A certificate of 1.5 standing
frorr. the dean's office and a
list of all extra curricular activities must be included on
the blanks. Application blanks
can be obtained from the
Kernel business office.


More About Noises
Another of life's trials is this bus
ines-- s
of radiator noises: "Having
jii't sat throuch one hour's torture
...wilh th steam radiator clunk-ir.knocking, and banging like a
livrting machine. I am ready to de
nounce the central heating plant as
an Inquisitional device for the demoralisation of students. Wherever
cno goes one must endure the aud
iloiy assaults of these fiendish in
vnt ions If somebody doesn't fix the
I'm going to trot a couple
up hy the r"Ots." D. I. V. The
hosting nli:it is comparatively new
as yet. Give thrm time to make
minor adjustments of defects
after a short trial before
you c:;ert your Samsonian tactics.

Scrambled Notes
Five pages of advertising
road the constitution
for the
.S:udent Union building carefully
probably come up for discus-.-io- n
. .will
many tunes next semester...
lnck on tiio
soo what
think... that
name. George Lamason. at top of
porters on mast head means something., good Kernel reporters work
hard. .besides that, there is On
The Lam. .Ra votings gives you
to think about .. .WHio's
Who-e- y
combines the efforts of sev-ii"Miocprrs". and now to press
1" o'clock.


Only five men will be allowed In the finals of each event.
In their starts against intrastate competition, the Blues drownand washed
ed Eastern by 47-Kentucky-shoul0.
over Berea by
sweep the dashes, the
backstroke and breast stroke
the only vulnerable spots being in
the fancy diving and distance swim.
Morehead. with its doubtful participant, Morris, and Eastern's Dick-mawith Curtis and Sharp?, will
battle it out for proffered pcints.
free style will feaThe
ture Kentucky's Eddie David and
Begley of Berea. In the mejt with
David was
Berea last week-en- d.
second to the Mountaineer one man
team who established a new pool
record in the event when he was
clocked in 2:52.7. Davids best effort during the regular season has
been 2:55.
Scott and Hillenmey?r
care for the backstroke. Soott.
backwhose trip in the
stroke lowered the accepted state
time to 1:59.9. should have little
troubl? unless the University of
Louisville sends their entry who is
reputed to have covered the distance in 1 :55. Hinkebein is easily
the class of the breaststrok?rs and
medl-- y
the undefeated
relay team should breeze.
Members of the t?am who will
compete are Ramsey. Triplett.
Scott. Hinkebein. Roberts.
Reid. David. Oettinger.
Morat. Sharpe, Curtis, and Spears.
Manager Felix Murray and Frank
"Skipper" Mann, trainer, will accompany the team.


14-II Be Quirk
"One of the horses had contracted
that drea.se knonn.as rabies and
was literally biting itself to death.
Ihe ooor drvil was tearing great
hunks i raw flesh out of its chest
and lops Because the Ixad had to
lo cut off and sent to the "lab" for
Io'iiib. the cop had to shoot the
mature lit the side. The poor thing
tck a long time to die and screamed like a human for several minutes When our time comes. I hope
it s fast and clean." And so do we!


p. m.

The Independent's Voice
"What about the independents in
survey conductthis Cfcmpus-mided by the constitutional committee
in rrsrard tc the centralized orchestra borking plans?" asks W. M.
"Wei they allowed to express their
opinions?'' We kind of expected
this. Every major organization, composed cf independents and otherwise, was contacted. In addition, at
ast three front page stories and an
editorial were tun in the Kernel,
asking that students voce their
opinions regarding the plan

If Voa're Squeamish
E. Kim. whoever that is. writes
this graphic word picture: "If we
live to I jo a hundred and one, we
,'!:nll never forget the sign we saw
oi'l at the Fair Grounds track the
other day. Being of a very curious
nature, we followed several police
curs and a S. P. C. A. truck out to
r.ne of the barns where they keep
rr.ee .horses. Five minutes later we
wished we hadn't.




ODK Applications
Are Due Before

Five Swimmers To Re Allowed
In Iast Contest
Of Each Event


Hyde Park. London, protects its
romancers. A "peeping torn", arrested after spying on two couples who
wore rmuracine. was fined $10 for
"wilfully interfering with the comfort and convenience of persons
UMng Hyde Park." Heed ye, scandal

Captain-Coac- h


8, 1938


Swim Teams Gather For State Meet





Wildcats Will Defend Halo








Seven State Schools To Have
Representatives At
Country Life
Representatives from seven KenBerea.
tucky colleges, including
Western. Transylvania. Kentucky.
Asbury. Union, and Morehead. are
scheduled1 to convene at the State
country life conference of young
people at 9:45 a. m. Saturday.
April 9. in the livestock pavilion.
Divided into a morning and afternoon session, the program will
open officially at 10 a. m.. following
registration, with Prof. L. J.
assistant dean of the College
of Agriculture, presiding. Thomas
P. Cooper, dean of the agriculture
school, will give an address on "The
Young People of Kentucky Working
for Better Country Living."
At 10:45 a. m.. Dr. H. B. Price,
head of the department of markets and rural finance, is scheduled
to speak on rural cooperatives in
Kentucky, their possibilities and
limitations. He will be followed at
10:40 by Miss Laura Deephouse.
assistant professor in home economics, who will speak on consumer
cooperatives in rural communities.
National and state aspects are to
be discussed at 11 a. m. by Dr. E. L
Kirkpatrick. chairman of the youth
advisory board. American Country
Life association, and Merton Oyler.
assistant in rural life studies. Kentucky agricultural experiment station.
Frank H. Smith, extension and
teaching specialist In rural recreation. Berea college, will lead group
games for young people at 11:30 a.
m. Lunch is to be served in the
University Commons at 12:30 a. m.
Howard F. Sharpe, president of the
youth section, will deliver greetings.
The afternoon session is scheduled
for 1:30 p. m. in the Agriculture
building where three college students, representing Western Kentucky State Teachers' college. Transylvania college, and Union college,
will speak on various phases of
rural community life.
The conference will close at 3 p
m. with a tea. given by Phi Upsilon
Omicron. honorary home economics
Hor-lache- r.




A. W. S. officers and members of
the A. W. S. council, composed of a
representative from each sorority
and three from each dormitory, will
be installed after Easter vacation
Y. W. C. A. officers will be inducted

in May.

All Kernel stiff members ar
requested to meet at 3 Pl m. today in MrVey halt
A breakfast meeting of the Ca'h
olic club will be held at 10:30 a. m.
Sunday. April 10. in the Lafayette
hotel. Dr. W. D. Funkhouser will
be the speaker.

Anyone interested

in serving


manager of the swimming team for

next year please apply to Felix
Murray. Lloyd Ramsey, or Sherman
Hinkebein immediately.
The Dutch Lunch Club will meet
Friday. April 8. at the Maxwell
street Presbyterian church. Elec
lion of officers for the coming year
will be held.
All members are
urged to be present.
The World Fellowship group will
meet at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon
in the Woman's building
The Senior Cabinet of the Y W
at 4 o'clock Monday
afternoon at the Woman's building
C. A. will meet

Speaking before the annual Father and Son banquet of the Future
Farmers' club at Stanford, Thursday night. April 7. Prof. L. J.
assistant dean of the College of Agriculture, pointed out
ways in which the College of Agriculture develops qualities of leadership in students.
Carl Camenisch and David Pettus. seniors in the College of Agriculture, also spoke at the banquet
which was in charge of University
agriculture alumni.
Other speakers were George Let-toStanford. "79. and E. W. Wal-oC;'!mersvj!!. '34
Hor-lache- r.

There will be an
ness meeting of the
ary Society at noon
9. in the University

important busi
Patterson Liter-

Saturday. April

The White Mathematics club will
meet at 4 o'clock on Monday April
11. in Room 105. McVey hail
H. H. Downing will speak on InAll student.
determinate Equations.
interested are invited to attend.
All members of the Chandler


Senator Club are requested to meet
at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening in
Rows 1!!. M"Vev hail.

� Page Two

few changes and corrections after the building
in oxiaiion but how much lienor it would
U- - to caich the eirors at an eaily stage.
Starling in this issue. I he constitution will be
piinted in sections until the complete document
has lxcn published. Read it carefully and make
oiii i ommeiits now, not later.





Kntereo1 at the Piw( Office at I,exlncrton, Kentnokv,
maner under the Act of March 3,





frees Aoclfitl.,n




The Constitution
Of The Ky. Student Union


!off The lad was so grateful that don't letter men eat Wheafies since
the loving sound of "Daddy" fol jit's the food for athletes . . why
lowed Virgil on his homeward way doesn't the army change the color
O. happy young man!
of it.s uniforms
why don't lads
and lassies give their biickbones a
Kapna Dot Babbit, not satisfied resl nd try &tandini up straiijht
why don t we wear bathin, ttuiU
with being a prexy herself.
dates only with the same animal t0hh0' da"cesh"" P"n
a swimmmg pool
species. Lamb,! Chi Oeorge Mar- whv
Kins keep quiet
is the fourth m a series of fra- want to