xt7sf766534f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sf766534f/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1933-09-22  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, September 22, 1933 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 22, 1933 1933 1933-09-22 2013 true xt7sf766534f section xt7sf766534f L




Best Copy Available


Students Plan
CARS TO OPEN ON To Strengthen
Radio Station


Application for Permit To
B Made in Office of
Dean of Men




Faculty To Register Monday
and Tuesday; Students
Wednesday. Thursday
Registration of all cars must be
made, starting next Monday, In order to eliminate as much of the
campus traffic conjestion as possl
ble, according to an announcement
from the Dean of Men s orace.
The following regulations will be
placed In the student post office
boxes as well as delivered to the
members of the faculty.
1. All faculty cars will be register
ed In the Dean of Men's office Monday. September 25 and Tuesday,
September 26. All student cars will
be registered In the Dean of Men's
office Wednesday, September 27 and
Thursday 28. A registration fee of
25 cents for all cars will be charged for each semester.
2. Eeach Individual will be assigned a registration number, and a
certain area In which to park his
or her car. Each area will have
a certain number of parking spaces
and only that number of cars will
be assigned to that area.
3. When a student's car leaves its
area. It will leave the campus or
return to its original place. The
faculty will use guest space when
on business.
4. Sufficient guest space will be
provided In each area.
5. The authority will be vested in
the Dean of Men's office with the
committee acting as an advisory
6. There will be a sufficient number of traffic police to complete the
7. Each car will have an identification tac on it.
8. Students: (1) Violators guilty
of the first offense will be warned.
(2) Violators of the second offense
will be fined $1.00.
9. Faculty: (1) Violators guilty
of the first offense will be warned.
2) Violators of the second offense
will be reported to the Board of


WGKKG. Amateur Short
Wave Unit, Federally

Operators of short wave station
WBKKG, located In the Alpha Sig
ma Phi house at J14 Transylvania
park, plan to Increase the power of
their station before using their set
for reception this fall. It will be
remembered that this station was
one of the few that was able to
keep an all night communication
with the stricken earthquake area
in California last March.
The station Is operated by H. C.
Hall and Ira W. Lyle, both of whom
hold amateur licenses of the first
class, by authority of the federal
radio commission. This station is
one of the few in the United States
that holds official broadcasting and
relay station commissions.
Work Is being done at present
upon a Ti loot tower, wnen mis
is finished the power of the station
will be raised from Its present power of 100 watts to 1,000 watts. This
is the limit power for amateur stations. The set is crystal controlled
and works on the federally authorized frequencies of 3,600 and 7,020
The station has received commu
nications from all parts of the
United States, most of the Canadian provinces, and from European
One message was sent
to Shanghai by the Oriental traffic
route and an answer was received
within 36 hours from the time of
The station is a member of the
American Radio Relay league and
receives messages nightly that the
league sends to its members.

Sites Excavated
In All But Ten
Of Ky's Counties
Total of 1255 Archaelogical
Finds Have Been Made
By Scientists


Archaeological and anthropologi
cal sites have been located In all
but ten of the 120 counties of KenEach student and faculty mem- tucky, it has Just been announced
an identification by Professors Webb and Funkhous- ber will receive
card giving proof of their registra- er of the University, who have spent
tion upon the University campus the last 20 years In excavation of
and designating the area in which this character.
they may park their cars.
Of a total of 1.255 sites located in
The car Identification will be a the state, 667 represent earth
small sticker In the customary blue mounds, 21 shell mounds, 39 earth
and white, with the words formed works and fortifications, 162 camp
as follows:
and village sites, 170 cemeteries, 108
rock shelters, 57 inhabited caves,
University of Kentucky
and 33 such things as springs, licks,
workshops, quarry sites, caches,
According to Mr. Croft there
and fish traps.
spaces In 10 or 11
are 408 parking
The investigations of early men
areas. The number of cars
among the faculty is about 164, in Kentucky have been carried on
while that of the students may be through the University by Profesfigured at approximately 200. The sors Webb and Funkhouser vigorously during the past five years. In
warning has been issued to the stuco1930 the
dents and faculty not to attempt operated Smithsonian Institute
in the work.
to register until the days desigCounties in Kentucky in which no
sites have been located as yet are
Elliott, Rowan, Jackson, Floyd, Bullitt, Morgan, Martin, Oldham,
Bracken, and Campbell.


WSM Will Honor
U.K. In Broadcast

Anyone wishing to tryout for
manager of the Freshman football
team report to Lloyd Featherston
between 2:30 and 3 p. m. today at
the equipment room in the Alumni
Two freshman mangymnasium.
agers will receive numerals.

Station WSM, radiophone
will devote
Nashville, Tennessee,
half an hour Friday night to bring
to the air a program dedicated to
University of Kentucky. The broad
cast, which is scheduled to begin
at 8:30 p. m. Lexington time, probably will be broadcast by WHAS
in Louisville.
Portions of three former
football games
and sketches dealing
with the founding of the University
will be given. A dramatization of
a University listening center in action will be presented.
This program is one In a series
of such reviews originating at station WSM for the purpose of better acquainting the radio audience
of this country with leading colleges and universities.


Dr. H. H. Downing, coach of the
varsity and freshman tennis teams,
requests that all men who are eligible for either of the two teams
and have had tennis experience report to him Immediately.
The time has been extended for
the making of entries in Intramural sports. All entries must be in
the Intramural office in tne Men's
gymnasium by Saturday at noon.
Scabbard and Blade will hold a
meeting Monday at 7:30 p. ni. in
Captain Clyde Grady's office in the
Armory. It la Important that all
members be present.
Applications for positions on the
staff of the 1934 Kentuckian must
be presented to George Vogel in the
Kentuckian office, or be left at the
post office, before noon Saturday,
September 23. Members of the staff
will be announced In The Kernel,

Literary Society
Will Reorganize
of the Patterson Literary society will be held
p. m. Monday, September 25,
at 7:30
in room 211 McVey hall. Junior
and senior men students will be
eligible for membership in the club
which will be devoted to speaking,
debating, and discussion, and which
will give University credit in English, according to an announcement
made Thursday by Prof. L. L.
Dantzler, of the English depart-

Those girls who are expecting
bids from sororlltes are asked to ment.
Meetings of the organization Will
report at 3:45 Sunday afternoon at
be held once a week and members
Memorial Hall.
of the group will be eligible to com(Signed) SARAH O. BLANDINQ
pete for awards provided for in the
Dean of Women
All members of the news staff of will of James Kennedy Patterson,
The Kernel will please assemble at former president of the University,
3 p. m., Monday, September 25, In under whose
administration the
the Kernel News room, McVey hall. original Literary club bearing his
name was organized about 40 years
News Editor
Professor Dantzler is enthusiastic
about the project and la expecting
Cwens, sophomore women's
a large number at the first meeting.
on Page Six)

Will Consider


Status Before Applying
For $2,000,000

Nantes of Six Candidates Are
Announced For Next



the right to reject any and

Pres. Prank L. McVey was authorized by the board of trustees to In
vestlgate the legal angles of the
case and report to the executive
committee of the board. Announcement has already been made by
R. V. L. Wright, federal engineer,
that he was ready to receive any
application from the University for
loan at any time the trustee
saw fit to make it.
Other business considered by, the
trustees at Tuesday's meetlna in
cluded the approval of a number of
appointments, acceptance of several
resignations, and the announcement
by President McVey that the Patterson memorial, located In the rear
of the Administration building and
in iront of the old library, will be
completed in October. August Luke- man or New York, is the sculptor.
Bernard Lemann. graduate of
Tulane University in the c1ps of
1916, was appointed instructor in
the Art department to fill the va
cancy caused by the grsmt of a
year's leave of absence to Miss Jean
Lowry. Mr. Lemann received degrees from Columbia and Harvard
universities, and in addition to his
studies in American universities.
has spent two summers at the Sor- bonne in Paris, and worked in a
New York architect's, office.
Lowry plans to study for a doctor
of philosophy degree at Columbia
during the current school year.
inner appointments Include the
following: Paul Whitaker, instructor in German: Elon Tucker, James
(Continued on Page Six)

Stoll Field



Upperclassmen and Freshman
Girls Invited To Take
Part in Games
Under W.A.A.
An invitation for freshmen girls
and upperclassmen to participate
in sports sponsored by the Women's
was issued
Thursday by Clara Margaret Fort,
at this time she announced that
instruction in tennis will be given
each afternoon of next week from
4 until 5 in the Women's gymnasium.
All girls of the University
eligible for membership in W. A. A.
and any girl may participate in the
sports. For the first few periods,
instruction will be given in order
that girls may learn the games
which will be rflayed.
Although the first meeting of the
council has not been held and the
program for the entire year has not
been worked out, it is expected that
the sports which will be included
will be volley ball, basket ball, baseball, archery, hockey, tennis, tumbling, hiking, and dancing.
The first meeting of the W. A. A.
council will be held at 7:30 p. m.
Tuesday, September 26, at Miss
Rebecca AveriU's apartment, No. 12,
Officers of the
Dunn Apartments.

With Police

Authority Will Watch


University guards will be sworn
In as special policemen and. together with the representatives of the
Plnkerton Detective agency, will
the challenge of the new
barbed wire fence on Stoll field tomorrow when the Kentucky Wildcats engage the Maryville High
landers on Stoll field at 7:30 p. m.
The granting of p pedal police
power to the University guards during the game came as a special concession from city manager Paul
Morton. Plans to hire representatives of the detective agency were
completed only Thursday, but represent a step similar to that which
has been taken by many of the
large unjversities throughout the
nation, according to a statement
from Prof. S. A. "Daddy" Boles.
University authorities have Issued
a warning to all would-b- e

crashers that there are
barb-wientanglements in
all the shrubbery on the east, south,
and north fences. These strands
have been arranged in addition to
the plainly visible strands of barbre


ed wire which have been raed over
the top of the steel fence.
Representatives of the agency will
come from Cincinnati for this game
and have been engaged likewise for
the next game. List year more
than 1,500 persons broke through
the fence at one of the games.
Formerly, the University fencemen
had no authority to check unruly
conduct among those who desired
to force their way into the games.
Another innovation which will be
noticed at the game Saturday will
be the newly erected band platform
for the University band. The "best
band in Dixie" will be seated on an
especially erected section Just west
of the south section of the stadium
and will face the west end of the
field. This arrangement will be tried out at the first game and If it
proves satisfactory will be employed
throughout the entire season.






tional Needs."


AteU Smith
trip to Lexington, with tours to
points of interest around Lexington
and Frankfort.
This is a new feature of the con-


The contest Is orjn to all white
high school pupils under twenty-on- e
years of age who are regularly
Kentucky high school,
enrolled ln
either public or private. Winners
will be chosen ln the individual
schools, then ln each of the eleven
districts, and finally ln the state
contest to be held ln Lexington
January 18, 1931 Winners ln the
district contests will be given a free

tests which have been sponsored by
the Department of University Exhigh
tension among Kentucky
schools. It carries with it a higher
award and takes place at a diiier-etime than the annual contests
which are held hi the spring and
feature various types from debating
to general scholarship.
Discussion is a form of speaking
which at tenuis to prepare boys and
girls to speak before clubs and in
public, and attempts to be a sort
of elevated conversation,
from the traditional oratory in that
it is less formal and is devoted to
more practical subjects. The subject which will be used was chosen
as a plan for bringing more effectively before the people the educational problems of the state.
The Uiuversity congratulates the
Department of Extension upon this
worthy project, which Is but another feature of the persevering
and intelligently directed effort to
of the
aid in the development
youth of Kentucky.



Co-O- p






Is Continued
On UK Campus

for the various social organisations
Practice Will Be Held
on the University campus, the
Tonight for Benefit of
Circle Must Report To
buying council will
New Men
begin its second scholastic year of
Sell at Game
service supplying a large group of
Suky will sponsor It's initial pep organizations from an enlarged
With almost three weeks of inmeeting or the year Friday at 8 stock of goods housed nl the Ser- tensive practice
behind them, Coach
p. tn. In the Alumni gymnasium, it vice building, located on Limestone
was decided at the first business street across from the Admlnlstra- - Harry Oamage's husky Wildcat are
j being tapered off for their opening
session of tne circle, held Tuesday, won Duiiding.
September 19.
un wilti the Maryville Highlanders,
Membership in the
Jack Faunce was appointed to buying company now includes 25 , The game will be called at 8 o. m.
make arrangements for securing the social organizations, the University
tomorrow on Stoll field.
gymnasium, and Bill Conley was commons, the Training school cafe
Coach Gamage nd his assistants
selected to have charge of the teria, and Patterson hall. The two
candy sales during the first se- new social organizations which were seemed well pleased with the show- mester.
added at the beginning of this year lP thelr charges made Wednesday
The 1932-3- 3
cheer leaders were are Kappa Karpa Gamma sorority ln tnelr nnal scrimmage of the
also asked to retain their former and Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity.
Klnst the freshmen. The
positions during the year. All stuThe plan of
buying Cats were kePl on tn defensive
dents of the University and other was worked out last fall and was throughout the entire session and
Wildcat fans are .urged to be pres- put into effect the latter part of tney showed much Improvement ln
ent at this pep meeting preceedlng September, beginning on a small their tackling.
the Kentucky - Maryville football scale with only about six or seven j Although Bert Johnson, the
game on Stoll field Saturday night.
r Ashland backfleld ace.- - was able
organizations. Corporation
Members of Suky are now ready papers were drawn ur and the l a"vf on, lacKle 'or several
to receive bids from students for
Rains, the Varsity as a
organizations purchased
maae a mucn more impres- the privilege of operating the check stock in order to provide funds
room at all the dances to be held whereby the scheme might be fl- - "ve 8wu, against tne yearlings
Wednesday, then in their first en- In the gymnasium this year. This nanced.
privilege will be granted to the perfew davs
Surplus funds from last year were
untJT w.'th tnem
son submitting the best bid, who utilized to effect the purchasing of J"e ?Iockln? and tackling of the
will share a certain per cent of the a stock of supplies before the ad- - ,",f"
improved greatly wun- check room funds with Suky. Bids vance of prices this summer. The in the last few days of practice,
may be submitted ') Frank Adams average trade which was handled but there is still room for considerbefore September 26.
by the organization each month last able Improvement in this departThe Suky meeting was presided year amounted to $2,000, while the ment.
over by Frank Adams, president. total reached more than $17,000 for
Due to the stress that has been
placed on fundamentals and condiOther officers are: Alice Long,
the year.
Betty Boyd, secretary,
At present the office force which tioning by Coach Gamage this sea
son the Wildcats have been exand Bill Conley, acting treasurer tn
(Continued on Page Six)
ceedingly fortunate so far this seathe absence of Armer Mahan. The
son in avoiding the injury Jinx that
next Suky meeting will be held September 26 in the Alumni gymhas trailed them for the past few
With the exception- - of
Prichard who has never completely
recovered from a back Injury that
he received last season, the team
is in excellent condition.
Olah, who at the beginning of the
. season was shifted
from tackle to
T ftC ft ICaClllUJ 1TnJn Ikn' thff nivnt" nsielfinn ho. uut IJIIiprUVtfQj
1. I1UV1
1U !.. !..,..
Itl as rapidly
as was expected and he
Auspices of "Y" For
Philharmonic Organiza t i o n,
has been definitely shifted back to
Student Benefit
Under Professor Lam pert,
the tackle position where his great
size and strength should be ht
Has Abundance of
Birch, reputed to be one of the greater use to the team.
Good Material
three best magicians living,- -' wrh and Fish, two promising .Xtarnaby
appear on
night of October 7 are being
TO OPEN VESPER SERIES in Memorial the for a benefit per- position. given a trial at the pivot
Due to the abundance of
formance under the auspices of backfleld material, Doty Jackson is
The University Philharmonic or the Y. M. C. A.
'Continued on Page Six)
chestra, under the direction of Prof.
The magician comes highly rec- C. A. Lampert, opened rehearsals ommended.
Opening his southern
for the 1933-3- 4
season Tuesday tour at the Peabody teachers colnight. According to Professor Lam. lege of Nashville, Tennessee, Janrrrt, the talent at the first rehear uary 4, 1933, and closing ln Iowa
sal was abundant, and the most in May, Birch has visited leading
successful season for quite some cities of fifteen states. Appearing
time was predicted.
"Of course, with Birch and his company,
the orchestra is in need of smooth- Miss Mable Sperry who is a
Student Publications Group
ness and blending, but there is a
Will Appoint
of. note.
surprising amount of musical timBirch is classed with Thurston
ber present, which points toward a and Blackstone in reforming specgreat year," declared the music de- tacular and seemingly impossible
partment head.
feats. He considers his
An organization meeting of the
Not less than 50 pieces will com- "silk mirage" stunt his masterBoard of Student Publications was
prise the symphony, and all sec- piece. All proceeds from this proheld Tuesday afternoon in room 54
tions including the wood winds and ject will be used for refurnishing
brass are well balanced. These fac- and repairing the Y. M. C. A. rooms of McVey hall for the purpose of
considering Routine matters, and
tors promise a successful season in the armory.
for discussing applications for the
and a high class musical organizaMembers of the Y.M.C.A. cabinet position
of business manager of the
are in charge of the affair and
Music lovers of the state and ad- - since the object is primarily for 1934 Kentuckian. The appointment
Joining states will find this the only the benefit of the students, Mr. of the business manager will not be
made until after another meeting
symphony group near here which is Peak urges the attendance of every
of the board.
active the major fs rt of the year. one.
This year will mark the inaugura
All concerts given last year were i
tion of a new plan whereby the
met with a huge success and time
bus'ness manager of the yearbook is
after time, the majority of its auappointed by the board, upon the
diences consisted
recommendation of the editor. Forpatrons.
merly, the business manager was
Not only does the symphony play
sonatas, concertos, and symphonies, To Make Initial Appearance elected by the Junior class at the
same time that the editor of the
but each program given last year
Under the Direction of
yearbook was chosen.
was particularly noted for Its exMembers of the board are Prof.
John Lewis, Jr.
cellent arrangement which included
Enoch Grehan, head of the Journmany of the
selecMaking its first appearance Sat
alism department; D. H. Peak, busi
tions liked by the general public.
at the
President McVey has written urday nightdirection Maryville Lewis. ness agent of the University; James
of John
under the
business manager of
numerous letters of praise and grathe University band, although
titude to Professor Lampert for the Jr., members will be without uni- student publications; the president
W. S. G. A., Hazel Nollau. and
cooperation and excellent work the
fact that the
orchestra has done from time to forms because of the the orgainza-tio- n the president of the Student counfreshmen members of
cil, who has not yet been elected.
This year, as was the case last theirs,have not had to the to football
will prove
year, the opening concert will be
held at the Uiuversity in Memorial spectators that the University band
hall. This concert will officially will again be "The Best Band in
begin the Sunday Vesrfr series of Dixie.'
Margaret Walker, band sponsor.
concerts by famous artists which
will appear with the band.
will continue throughout the winLieutenant Criswell is drill mas
In a letter received recently by
ter months.
President McVey, it was learned
All of the concerts for the season ter of the band, but no formations
will be executed at the first game, that the R. O. T. C.
have not been booked as yet, but
unit had again
many are sure to be presented here, as there has not been sufficient time been awarded the gold star in
to perfect the drills to be used this recognition of its outstanding record
with numerous ones being given in year.
This will mark the first ap for the year 1932-3Louisville, and adjoining cities. Last
The letter is
season concerts were given ln Lou pearance of the entire band since as follows:
hist semester.
Mv Dear Doctor McVey:
isville and several smaller KentucAll of the University songs will
ky towns where enthusiasm
The report of the recent Corps
be played, one of which appears in Area Inspection of
the Reserve Ofpart of this paper.
ficers' Training Corps unit at the
Assisting Professor Lampert ln another
University of Kentucky has been
organization and direction is AlexMEETS brought to my attention.
in mus
ander Capurso,
In only one subject do I find the
ical circles in Lexington.
Plans tor the program of
rating below that of Excellent"
Lampert has given several concerts
student organization tor and that was a "Satisfactory" rathimself, and vesper series fans are
ing ln Military History and Policy.
causing him to be in constant de the promotion of study of interThe general rating of the unit Is
mand as violinist on the concert national relations, will be formulated at the first meetiug of the Exec "Excellent."
This is a splendid
utive committee at 4 p. m., today in showing and I wish to extend to you
room 54 of McVey hall.
and to those conected with the Milisponsors various tary department my congratulanotice
programs and usually a general tions.
convocation program relating to
Yours very sincerely.
The Kernel will be placed
foreign atlairs, during the scholas
in your Poet office boxes every
year and chooses a theme to
U.S. Army, Com
Tuesday and Friday mornings.
which the programs are all related
The rating of "Excellent" ln 30
If you have not been assignLast year programs and talks cen- out of the 31 courses taught shows
ed a box, go to the stamp
tered on Prance.
a marked improvement over the 20
window ln the Post office ln
for ratings of "Excellent" received last
The officers of
the basement of McVey hall
the coming year are George Vogel, year out of the same number of
and ask for your box. Every
chairman; Elizabeth Whitley,
courses. These ratings were given
student Is supposed to get a
Louise Ewing, secretary; to the unit by Lieut. -- Col. John E.
Kernel through this medium.
Gordon Burns, chairman of the Mort. at the annual inspection last
and Arthur Muth
form-memb- er




Noted Magician


To Appear Here
During October



xylo-phon- ist



GuignoFs Opener
Is Distinguished
By Broadway Run

Rachel Crothers' "When Ladies
Meet", which will open at the
Guignol theater on October 16, will
One of
bear marked distinction.
its many features is that it comes
directly from a long and successful
Broadway run.
Director Fowlet has not decided
definitely on the cast for the season's opener, but talk goes that old
patrons will be pleasantly surprised
by many of their favorites of Guignol productions of the past. To the
new patrons of the Guignol such
a statement can only mean one of
the best productions of the year for
the Little Theater.
The cast is comparatively small
in number seven in all. It is a
three-aplay with the first scene
being the balcony of an apartment
on West 10th street in New York.
organization are Clara Margaret Rachel Crothers is said to have inFort, president: Sarah Purnell, stituted delightful humor in "When
Mary Lou Hume, Ladies Meet," and has at the same
time seen to it that there is enough
secretray, and Helen Jones,
(Continued on Page Six)

When a new scholarship
brought into being, it is news, and
most of us prick our ears in attention whether we have or have not
any hopes toward obtaining said
It is with interest,
then, that we hear the recent announcement of Louis Clifton, assistant director of the department
that a
of University Extenesion,
new scholarship has Just been offered to students ln Kentucky high
schools. This award Is sponsored
by the Kentucky Education Association and the Department of University Extension, and will consist
of $4O0 to be used ln any college or
university, to be given to the winner of a discussion contest upon


Tryouts for Membership In




Final Scrimmage Against
Meeting Will Be Conducted
Inter Fraternity Buying
By Cheer Leaders and
Kittens Wednesday Is
Council Will Serve on
U. K. Band
U. K. Campus
TO CHEER WILDCATS Having completed successfully its
first year

all bids, according: to the vote
of the members.

Special Guards


rlltti Ml'

Applications for manage-agemeof the check room
during dances which will be
held at the gymnasium this
winter must be turned in to
any member of Suky circle
before 5 p. m Tueaday, September 26. Applicants must
state in the bids what per
cent of the amount taken In
at each dance will be given
to the circle. Suky reserves

Action on the application to the
federal emergency public works administration division for a loan of
12.000.000 for buildings was deferred
Tuesday at a meeting of the University board of trustees, pending
study of the legal status of the



22. 1933










Signed:-"- '




Band Will Play
For First Game

semi-classic- al

University Unit
R.O.T.C. Receives
Military Award






� Best
On! On! U. oP K.

King Emmanuel III, Joffre, Foch,
Clemenceau, the Tiger of France;
Petaln, Halg, Kitchener. Balfour.

Pantheon of the
World War Seen

At World's Fair

Friday, September 22,



iage Two

Tardleu, Pershing and many others.
It la notable that In the American
segment of the mammoth canvas,
there are five figures who have ocdore
the residential


I'm on a Budget






Few attractions at A Ontury of
Progress In Chicago are of as much
Interest to the advanced student as
the Pantheon de la Ouorre. the
famous world war panorama, which
was brought from Paris by American patrons of art for exhibit at
the International exposition. The
a;ceal of this gigantic canvas to
college men and women was noted
In the survey of attendance at the
Pantheon building made by World's
Fair officials.
The panorama IS the work of 128
noted French artists, who tolled In
their Paris studio, often under shell
fire, from the opening of hostilities
In 1914 to, the signing of the Armistice in 1918, to complete the masartists
The supervising
were Pierre
Auguste-FrancoGorguet, both of
year ago. All
whom passed away a
of the artists were members of the
Beaux Arts and were selected
of their adeptness in various
fields of art landscaping, portraiture, et.
The Panthoon is 402 feet long
and 50 feet high. It depicts the
battlefields of France and Belgium
figures. In the
with 6,000 life-siforeground, of heroes, statesmen
naand leaders of the twenty-fou- r
tions who fought on the side of the
easallies. All of these figures are
ily identifiable.
Shown among the leading parsonages who constitute the living
symbols of the four-yeare President Wilson of the United
States, King George and the Prince
of Wales of England. King Albert
and Cardinal Mercler of Belgium,

Roosevelt, William Howard Taft. Wood row Wilson, Herbert
Hoover, and Franklin D. Roosevelt.
The latter was assistant secretary
of the navy under President Wilson
during the world war. and Herbert
Hoover was in charge of Belgium
relief and acted as food adminis
trator during that period.
The specially built box In which
th? painting was brought to Amerencased,
ica, with the picture
tons. The canvas
weighed 121
contains 20.100 square feet of painted surface and has been pronounced one of the finest compositions
ever made. It is heralded
"teaching the value of peace while
describing the costs of war."



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cat star


Nicholasville First

rhtfor the fghf



Purples Will Meet



vndWhlt and

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and Mfhat line


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nt fo ffidf 41 Varsitu

for tj

and we'll


the leadership of coach
Kemper, the University
Able p&ss 'n run till fbe baffle is
W and c1lbrin home ihe tfcfoHigh school football team is preparing for a hard season.
Coach Kemper has hopes of developing his new men. and expects
to have a fairly good aggregation
by the time they play their first
game which Is with Nicholasville
on September 29. No other games
p.' m.
The Kentucky trol at the Experiment station, is
have been scheduled, as yet. Howatmmmmttmtttttmttmtmtttttmttt
one of the pioneer chemists of the
ever, several tilts are to be arrangBushwac