xt7sf7664p1j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sf7664p1j/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1938-09-jun29-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1938-09-jun29-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1938-09-jun29-ec. 1938 1938-09-jun29-ec. 2011 true xt7sf7664p1j section xt7sf7664p1j 

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Wednesday,
June 29, 1938, called on that date by the Chairman of the-Execu-
tive Committee, 'Richard C. Stoll, for the purpose of acting
on any and all business of the University of Kentucky ready
for consideration of the Board of Trustees or Executive Commit-

     There being no quorum of the Board of Trustees present
on this, the date of called meeting, but' there being a quorum
of the Executive Committee in attendance, the chairman of the
Executive Committee called a meeting of that Committee to meet
at once in President McVey's office at the University Wednesday,
June 29, 1938, at 10:30 a.m.   The members of the Committee
present were Chairman Richard C. Stoll, H. S. Cleveland, R. G.
Gordon and James Park.    Louis Hillenmeyer and J. C. Newcomb,
members of the Board of Trustees, were present, and met with
the Committee.   President Frank L. McVey and D. H. Peak,
Secretary of the Board, were present.

     1. Approval of Minutes,

     The minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee of
April 28, 1938, were approved as published.

     2. Record of Meeting of June 3, 1938, Approved.

     At the time set for the regular meeting of the Board of
Trustees June 3, 1938, neither a quorum of the Board of Trus-
tees nor of the Executive Commfttee was present.  The business
to be transacted was presented to the seven members present,
and action was taken thereon as if in regular meeting.     The
proceedings which were duly recorded and published were re-
ferred to next meeting of the Executive Committee for approval.

     The published action of the members of the Board of Trus-
tees at that meeting, subject to correction of Article 16
thereof, which correction follows as Article 3 of these min-
utes, was, on motion and second, duly carried, approved and
adopted as part of the minutes of this meeting, and the record
is recorded as Appendix A.

     3. Liquor Stores - Resolution Corrected.

     The resolution in Article 16, record of meeting of June 3,
1938, was ordered to be corrected by striking out the words,
"Further consideration being referred to the Executive Commit-
tee", so that the resolution as corrected reads as follows:



     "Whereupon, Mr. Ferguson, seconded by Mr.. Gatton, of-
     fered the following motion" Moved that the Boaird of
     Trustees of the University of Kentucky do not authorize
     opening stores for sale of liquors of any kind within
     200 feet of the University grounds."

     4. Record of Meeting 2f June 17, 1938, Approved.

     At the time set for the regular meeting of the Executive Com-
mittee, June 17, 1938, a quorum was not present.   The business
to be transacted was presented to the two members present, and
action was taken thereon as if in regular meeting.   The proceed-
ings which were duly recorded and published were referred to the
called meeting of the Board of Trustees to be held on this date,
for approval.   The published action of the members of the Execu-
tive Committee at that meeting, subject to the correction of
Article 6 thereof, which correction follows as Article 5 of these
minutes, was on motion and second, duly carried, approved and
adopted as part of the minutes of this meeting, and it is recorded
as Appendix B.

     5. Uncollected Fees - Resolution Corrected.

     The Business Agent stated:

     Resolution in Article 6, proceedings of the meeting of
     June 17, 1938, states that the amount collected on
     charged off fees shall be transferred to the Interest
     and Bond Redemption Fund.   I suggest a change in the
     order so that refunds made in any fiscal year prior
     to the beginning of that fiscal year on fees and stu-
     dent indebtedness may be charged to collection made
     from charged off fees.   It appears that it will be
     necessary that such refunds be made and we may not be
     permitted to pay the refunds from operating funds
     for the current fiscal year.

     The resolution was amended so as to read as follows:

     It was ordered that the amount of uncollected fees for year
     1937-38 be charged off and not carried as an asset 6n
     the books of the University, and that any part thereof
     distributable to the General Fund of the University
     that may hereafter be collected be set aside for pay-
     ment, first, of refunds ordered made on student col-
     lection received prior to current year and for payment
     on P.W.A. Construction indebtedness.

6. Requisition Committee Report.

     The Requisition Committee filed written report of its action
each week from June 8, 1938, to June 15, 1938.    The report showed
orders made by the Business Office on the authority of the Requi-
sition Cor.mmittee in the manner prescribed by the Board of Trustees


and State laws, running from No. 8386 to No. 8568.    The report
was examined and on motion and second, the orders named therein
were ratified and approved and payments on said orders were au-
thorized and approved.

     7. Allotments for First Quarter, 1938-39.

     The Business Agent reported receipt from the State Depart-
ment of Finance, Budget Division, of advice of allotment of appro-
priations for the University of Kentucky.    The Business Office
had made the usual request for allotments on blanks furnished
for that purpose.   The allotments made vary somewhat from the
requests submitted.   Condensed statement follows:

                    ADVICE OF ALLOTMENTS

                        1938 - 1939

Name of Appropriation


Amount Alloted for
First Quarter Ending
September 30

College General
Building Repairs
Summer Session
Special Agriculture
Experiment Station
Public Service
Nursery Inspection
Quicksand Substation
Princeton Substation
Agricultural Extension
Library Eqgipment
Scientific Laboratory
Engineering Equipment
Horticultural Promotion


    10L000 '00



     8. Investments   Peabody Fund.

     There was further discussion of investment of Peabody Fund;
reference is made to Article 5, proceedings of the meeting of
June 17, 1938.   It was suggested that the First National Bank
and Tru~t Company be asked to act as agent for the University in
making investment of the Peabody Fund or other funds in real
estate loans.   Each proposed loan is to be presented to the Board
of Trustees or Executive Committee by application accompanied by
proper appraisal of the property and abstract of title. If ac-
cepted by the University, the said Trust Company is to be paid
five per cent of the income as collected by the Trust Company for
the University,



     9, Insurance, Men's Dormitories - Claim Allowed.

     Reference is made to Article 8, proceedings, June 17, 1938,

     Mr. Cleveland reported that he had consulted a member of
the staff in the Division of insurance regarding the claim and
was Informed that the amount claimed, to-wit 8224.02, is correct,
it appearing that the policies were written without the co-insur-
ance clause.   The Business Agent stated that the policies had
been sent to the Agency for cancellation and that no co-insurance
clause had ever been presented to him for signature.

     On motion and second, it was ordered that the Coleman In-
surance Agency be paid the sum of 8224.02 according to bill sub-
mitted, and that the bill be reported by the Business Agent to
the Division of Accounts and Control, according to the usual pro-

    10. Organizations Fund - Interest Deposits.

    The Business Agent stated that the bank balance on IMay 31,
1938, in the Organizations Fund was $19471.34, and that the bal-
ance at all times will probably not be less than that amount. He
suggested that the Secretary of the fund be permitted to carry
such part of the bank balance as will not interfere with re-
quired disbursements, in savings accounts in banks and savings
and loan associations, not in excess of $5,000 in any institution.
In this way, it is contemplated that several hundred dollars may
be earned, which may in part absorb the expense of carrying the

     On motion and second it was ordered that the secretary of the
Organizations Fund, on approval of the President and Business
Agent, may place at interest deposit in banks and savings and loan
associations, not exceeding $,E000 in any institution, such amount
of the bank balance of the Organizations Fund as in their Judg-
ment will not interfere with required disbursements.

    11. Commons Equipment - Disposal.

    President McVey presented report of Committee on disposal of
equipment of the recently closed University Commons.    On motion
of Mr. Park, duly seconded and carried, the report was received,
and approved, and condensed statement was ordered recorded in
the minutes.   This statement, prepared by the Committee, James
Shropshire and Coleman Smith, is copied as follows:



        E.H. Heilbron Company            $210.07
        Larry's Lunch                      44.22
        Mrs. Harry B. Tilton                3.30
        Dick Webb                           1.16
        Lexington Y. W. C. A,             126.64
        Kappa Kappa Gamma                   5.70
        College Catering Company          842.23
        Miscellaneous Sales                12.82
        Y. M1.C.A.                         39.27    .1,286.1

        Buildings and Grounds Department 4654.30
        Union Building                    195.05
        Kernel                             55.00
        Maxwell Place                     174.58
        Home Economics Department          27.05
        Patterson Hall                   1,580.00
        Men's Dormitory                     8.00    8,082,13

   EQUIPIVENT TO BE SOLD (VALUED)                   7,849.38


     12. Lease of University Commons Approved.

     The President presented the lease between the University of
Kentucky and the College Catering Company, for the conduct of a
cafeteria in the Student Union Building.   The lease was examined
and approved and its execution for the Board of Trustees by the
Chairman of the Executive Committee, Richard C. Stoll, wac rati-
fied and approved.   The lease was ordered recorded in the i.ain-

          Whereas the University of Kentucky, hereinafter
     called the Owner, has caused to be built upon its campus
     at Lexington, Kentucky, a Student Union Building, and
     has caused to be constructed, within the aforesaid
     building, space and rooms for the operation of kitchens,
     cafeterias, dining rooms and like needful facilities
     for the preparation of foods and for rendering a cater-
     ing and dining service therein to the students, to the
     faculty, and to the guests of the University, and

          Whereas the COLLEGE CATERING COMPANY, hereinafter
     called the Lessee, is in the business of operating res-
     taurants, dining rooms, cafeterias, and other catering
     services, and is provided with ample capital and ex-
     perience to properly equip and to properly operate the
     aforesaid space and facilities within said Student Union
     Building, -

          1. Therefore be it known and agreed that the Owner
     herewith rents and leases to the Lessee, upon terms and
     conditions hereafter stated, the space and rooms within



the aforesaid Student Union Building and as shown on the
official plans of said building, as follows:

    Rooms No. 2 (Soda-Grill), No. 8 (Cafeteria Dining Room),
No. 12 (General Kitchen), No. 10 (Salad Preparation), No. 11
(Dish Washing), No. 14 (Preparation and Refrigerator Raorom),
No. 22 (Preparation and Refrigerator Room), No. 15 (Store R.nom),
No. 16 (Garbage Storage), Nos. 18, 19, 20 and 21 (Employees
Locker Rooms), Nos. 9 and 23 (Private Dining Rooms), No. 7
(Closet), No. 202 (Serving Room for Ballroom) No. 13 (Ele-
vator), No. 115 (Office), and No. 25 (JataitorS.

     2. The period of this lease shall be for ten years, be-
ginning March 1, 1938, but can or may be cancelled at the op-
tion of either the Owner or the Lessee by the serving of the
other party hereto with a ninety-day notice in writing of
such intention to cancel; and within the aforesaid ninety-
day period, the liquidation of all matters pertaining to this
lease shall be effected and executed in accord with the pro-
visions prescribed herein and pertaining thereto.

     3. The Lessee shall pay to the Owner a rental for the
premises heretofore described on or before the 15th day of each
month a sum of money equal to five per centum (5q) of the
gross receipts derived by the Lessee from any and all business
done by the Lessee, during the preceding month, under the
scope of this lease and within the aforostated building or
upon the campus and property of the Owner as provided in
Section 14 hereof.

     4. The Lessee shall keep full and accurate accounts of all
business done within the scope of this lense and these ac-
counts shall be open to the inspection and audit of the Owner
at any t ime.

     S, The Lessee shall provide adequate janitor service
for the rooms and space included within this lease.

     6. The Lessee agrees to occupy, equip, and use the afore-
stcated space and rooms, to render a catering service of {-ood
quality, quantity, and standard to the students, faculty,
and guests of the Owner, and this quality, quantity, and
standard of service to be rendered thus, including the unit
prices to be charged therefor to the students, faculty, ond
guests of the Owner, shall be subject to the general in-
spection and approval of the Owner.

     7. The Lessee agroes to purchase and Install the neces-
sary kitchen, dining room, Cafeteria, and soda-grill equipment
and furnishings of high standard and quality, in order to
properly render the pforesaid services.

     8. The aforesaid equipment shall be distributed approx-
imately as follows:



     (a) The kitchen and preparation equipment shall be
provided sufficiently to prepare foods to service eighteen
hundred (1800) persons during any one meal period of one
and one-half hours in length.
     (b) The cafeteria shall be equipped and furnished to
serve six hundred         (600) persons during any one ne~l

     (c) T1-e dining rooms No. 9 and 23 shall be equipped to
serve one hundred and sixty (160) persons during any one real

     (d) Serving room No. 202 shall be equipped and furnishings
provided to serve seven hundred (700) persons in the ballroom
during any one meal period, without the necessity of drawing
upon the other equipment and furnishings within the building.

     (e) The Lessee agrees to equip and furnish the soda-grill
in a complete and pleasing manner and to maintain adequate
service thereon.   The Owner may require the soda-grill to be
closed at any hour after 10:00 p.m.

     9. The Lessee agrees to consult and to abide by the wishes
of the Owner in all matters pertaining to the purchase of the
aforesaid equipment and furnishings in their relation to
quantity, quality, design and price; and shall furnish the
Owner with true copies of all vouchers, prices, etc., per-
taining to such purchases.   When all these purchases of
equipment and furnishings have been made and installed in
their respective plane and service, the total cost thereof
shall be agreed upon between the Owner and Lessee and the
sum, thus found, shall be entered upon the books as the
Capital Account.   Likewise the cost of any subsequent pur-
chases of equipment and replacements of furniture shall be
added to the aforesaid Capital Account.

    10. The aforesaid Capital Account shall be depreciated
at the rate of one-tenth for each year of the operation under
this lease and if this lease should be cancelled by either
party, as heretofore provided, then the Owner shall and can
purchase all the aforesaid equipment and furnishings by the
payment to the Lessee of a sum equal to the aforesaid CaDital
Account, less the then accrued depreciation.

    11. After the equipment and furnishings have been purchased
and installed, and the Capital Account has been ascertained
and agreed as aforestated, then all other purchases of ma-
terials, supplies, replacements of dishes and small ware, and
repairs shall be charged to a Maintenance Account, which ac-
couft shall be carried and distributed within the general
operating costs Of the Lessee, and all materials, supplies,
and replacements involved therein shall become the property of
the Owner without further charge at the termination of this



     12. The Owner agrees to furnish for the use of the
Lessee free of further charge during the life of this lease,
the following utilities, -- steam for heating the space
and rooms included within this lease, steam for cooking
and other kitchen uses, electric lighting and electric
power for operating dishwashing machines, elevator, pri-
mary refrigeratior to service the four built-in refrigera-
tors and other motorized equipment, gas for cooking, water
for all necessary services connected with these operations,
and shall operate the ventilating fans as shown or designated
upon the official plans of the aforesaid building.    The Own-
er shall keep the equipment, piping and conduits provided
for these utilities in good renair.

     13. The serving of any meal, dinner, supper-dance, or
banquet within the ballroom shall be at the option of the Own-

     14. It is understood that the Owner intends to continue
to operate the dining room in Boyd Hall and the cafeteria
within the College of Education.    If and when the Lessee
performs any other catering or other kusiness upon the property
of the Owner, other than within the Student Union Building,
then the gross income from such services shall be included and
reported as a part of the gross income upon which the afore-
stated rent of 5% is calculated and ascertained; but no cater-
ing or other business shall be done outside of the Student
Union Building unless the consent of the Owner be first ob-
tained in writing.

    15. No drinks, beverages, or foods containing alcohol
in any part or form shall be brought or sold upom or within
the property of the Owner.

    16. The Lessee may sell newspapers, candies, soft drinks,
post cards, tobacco, cigars and cigarettes within the prem-
ises of this lease, but the Owner shall have the right to
determine at its option what magazines and like reading mat-
ter shall not be sold,

    17, No gambling devices of any kind or nature shall be
plaaed or operated within the premises of this lease.    This
clause does not apply to vending machines wherein all elements
of chance are omitted.

    18. The Lessee shall offer and afford all possible em-
ployment within the premises of this lease to needy students
of the University and shall pay the standard wage for such
employment after consultation withandproval of the Owner,
and such student employment shall be listed and reported at
proper intervals to the Dean of Men and to the Dean of Women.
But the Lessee shall have the absolute right to discharge
from employment any such student at any time.

     19. All other employees of the Lessee shall be examined
and employed under the regulations of the Department of Health.



          20. The Lessee shall afford opportunity to the students
      of the Department of Home Economics, College of Agriculture,
      to observe and to study at convenient Intervals the methods
      and practice of food preparation and food service, especially
      those parts pertaining to operation, superintendence, account-
      ing, purchasing and profit.

          21. The Lessee agrees herein to carry all forms of insur-
      ance required by sound business practice and by the laws of
      the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

          22. Promptly after the execution of this contract the
      Lessee shall begin the installation of equipment and shall dil-
      igently take all necessary steps to begin complete services
      hereunder so that it shall be ready and able to furnish said
      services not later than the first day of June, 1938.

          23. This lease shall not be transferable, except at the
      option and with the written approval of the Owner.

                               COLLEGE CATERING COMPANY

                    (Signed)  By  Ben Koppel, President

                              UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY
                    (Signed)  By Richard C. Stoll, Chairman
                               Executive Committee of the
                               Board of Trustees
                               University of Kentucky


(Sign- J. 0. Wolken

           13. Sound Films - Proposed Purchase Deferred.

           President McVey presented a request of the Department of
      University Extension for the purchase of sound films for the
      purpose of rental to schools and groups in the furtherance
      of the work of the Department, stating that it is contemplated
      that collection on rentals will eventually pay the cost of
      the films.   The President explained the proposed use of the
      films and the value to extension service,

            The members of the Executive Committee showed sympathetic
      attitude, and it was agreed that the President might make
      purchases if the finances could be worked out.



    14. Lease of Home Management House.

    Recommendation by Dean Cooper:

                                   June 23, 1938

    President Frank L. McVey
    University of Kentucky

    Dear President Mcvey:

               I wish to recommend that the lease on the
    property at 162 Bonnie Brae Court be renewed for a
    year, beginning August 1, 1938, at which time the
    present lease expires, the rental to be the same as
    now naid, namely, 865 a month.   This property is
    used by the department of home economics as a home
    managermnent house.

                             (Signed) Thomas Cooper
                                       Dean and Director

     The renewal of the lease as proposed in recommendation of
Dean Cooper was aporoved and ordered to be made.

     15. Patterson Hall Lease - Correction.

     Reference is made to record of .meeting of June 17, 1938, for
statement of rental of building for use as additional dormitory
for Patterson Hall girls.   On account of the necessity of con-
structing an additional room to the building, the increase -f
the monthly rental to S105.O0 was approved.

     16. Lien's Residence Halls - Refinancing Mortgage.

     The President called attention to the pending proposal to
refinance the loan on Men's residence halls, Kinkead end Breck-
inridge.   He offered the proposal made by Mr. RogercSpringate
and that suggested by Dean Graham, in connection with the appli-
cation to P. W. A. for grant.

     It was stated that such refinancing will have to be made
under statutes governing the present lease by Security Trust Com-
pany, and that a new lease for 20 years may be made at rate of
interest to be agreed on, and on terms and conditions on which
existing lease is made.   President McVey was directed to miake
further investigation and to take such steps as he deems advisnThle,
and In view of the necessity of prompt action If arrangemierW to
refinance are made, that the Chairman of the Executive Comi.4f ttce
is authorized and empowered to execute the lease.



     17. Grant of General Education Board.

     The President presented a communication from the General Ed-
ucation Board based on the grant accepted at the meeting of June
17, 1938. He was directed to acknowledge the communication,
The communication received is recorded in part as follows:

     My dear President McVey:

          I have the honor to inform you that at a meeting
     of the Executive Committee of the General Education
     Board held June 10, 1938, the sum of 840,000, or as
     much thereof as may be necessary, was appropriated to
     the University of Kentucky toward development during
     the two-year period beginning about July 1, 1938,
     of teaching and research in agricultural economics and
     rural sociology.   The appropriation will be available
     approximately as follows:

          Toward support 1938-39        $14,000
                         1939-40         16,000

          For.-books, documents and
          other source materials        10,000

     18. Animal Pathology Building - Additions.

     President McVey presented letter of Dean Graham in regard
to financing proposed addition to the Animal Pathology Building,
Experiment Station.   It was ordered that Dean Graham and Dean
Cooper prepare a resolution carrying out the suggestions made in
the letter. On consultation of the Secretary with Dean Graham
and Dean Cooper, it was stated by them that they were not yet
ready to prepare the resolution suggested, and asked that consid-
eration of the project be continued,

     19. P. W. A. Grant Proposed.

     President McVey stated that it seems probable that another
P. W. A. building grant may be obtained on application.    Such a
grant may Include funds for construction of a girls' hall, comple-
tion of the Science Building, and other needed construction. On
motion and second the following resolution was adooted:



         Harold L. Ickes, Administrator


    A resolution authorizing the University of Ken-
    tucky to file an application to the United States
    of America through the Federal Emergency Admin-
    istration of Public Works for a grant to aid in
    financing the construction of University buildings
    and designating Dean James H. Graham to furnish
    such information as the Government may request.

Be it resolved by the Executive Committee of the Board of

     Section 1. That James H. Graham be and he is au-
thorized to execute and file an application on behalf
of the University of Kentucky to the United States of
America for a grant to aid in financing the construction
of certain buildings for the University of Kentucky.

     Furnished by applicant         $302, 500.00
     Grant requested                 247,500.00

                      Total         $550,000.00

     Section 2.  That James H. Graham is hereby author-
ized and directed to furnish such information as the
United States of America through the Federal Emergency
Administration of Public Works may reasonably request
in connection with the application and that his action
of filing said application dated June 17, 1938, is here-
by authorized and approved.

              CERTIFICATE . OF CLERK

     T, D. H. Peak, the duly elected, qualified and act-
ing Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees do hereby certify that I have compared the at-
tached copy of a resolution entitled

     "A resolution authorizing the University of
     Kentucky to file an application to the United
     States of America through the Federal Emergency
     Administration of Public Works for a grant to
     aid in financing the construction of University
     buildings and designating Dean Jaimes H. Graham
     to furnish such information as the Government
     may request."

with the original of such resolution which was regularly
adopted at a fleeting of the Executive Committee of' the



    Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, duly
    held on the 29th day of June, 1938.

    Dated this 30th day of June, 1938.

                           (Signed)      D. H. Peak
                                     D. H. Peak, Secretary
                                     Executive Committee of the
                                     Board of Trustees.
                                     University of Kentucky.

     20. P. W. A. - Construction.

     a. The Business Agent stated that in order to have sufficient
funds in the Interest and Bond Redemption Fund to make payment
due July 1, 1938, the sum of 88699.92 must be transferred to that
fund.   Thereupon, on motion and second, it was ordered that there
be transferred from fees collected, including old fees, the sum
of $3665.02, and from Campus Book Store collection (carried as
surplus) the sum of 85034.90.   It was further ordered that pay-
ment of bond, $15,000.00, and coupons, 89285.00, due on the bonds
be made through the First National Bank and Trust Company to the
Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company of New Jersey (holder of
the bonds).

     b. The Business Agent presented the following summ ry of
amounts chargeable to fees during the year 1937-38 under the reso-
lution passed at the meeting of December 7, 1935:

                       TRANSFERABLE F EES

     I have computed as accurately as possible the amount of
fees transferable to the Interest and Bond Redemption Fund under
resolution passed at the meeting of the Board of Trustees of De-
cember 7, 1935.

     Full-Time Students

       Engineering     - 758 @ :6.00                 84,548.00
       Law             - 225 @ 2.50                     562.50
       Other Students  -6676 @  2.00                 13,352.00

     Part-Time Students

       Engineering (estimate)  300                      300.00
       Law         (estimate)     8                       8.00

     Summer School Students  1st   2nd
       Law                   54  4   46 = 100 @ $1.50   150.00
       Other Students      1785  +1096 - B81 @  1.50 2,881.00
June 29, 1938                  (Signed)  D. H. Peak
                                          Business Agent



     c. The chairman then read sections from resolutions passed
at the meeting of December 7, 1935, relative to setting aside
funds to an account termed University of Kentucky Building Revenue
Fund, and the transfer from that account to the "University of
Kentucky Building Revenue Bond and Interest Redemption Fund."
It was ordered that the provisions of the resolutions be carried

     21. Appointments and Other Staff Changes.

     President McVey presented staff appointments and other
changes requested by deans and heads of departm.ents, and, on his
recommendation, by motion and second, the following were approved
and record ordered made in the minutes:


     Iva Lelia Provosts and John W. Brueck, instructors in Medical
Technology in the Department of Bacteriolory. They are now con-
nected with the Good Samaritan Hospital and they are to serve the
Department of Bacteriology without compensation.

     Victor W. Pfeiffer, instructor in the Department of lMtth-
ematics, effective September 1, 1938, salary 81cOO.00 a year,
10 months' basis.  He comes from the University of Texas.

     Clay Lancaster, Student Agsistant, Department of Art, ef-
fective September 1, 1938, salary $400.00, ten months' basis,

     Mary Gunn Webb, Office Assistant, Department of Art, effec-
tive September 1, 1938, salary 8400.00, ten riionthsl basis.

     Dorothy Ann Calhoun, Department of Art, Library Assiotant,
effective September 1, 1938, salary ''200.00, ten months' basis.

     John Hunsacker, Department of Art,Library Assistant, effec-
tive September 1, 1938, salary 320c.00, ten months' basis.

     Alexander Capurso, Assistant to Director nf Carnegie Com-
munity Music Study and adviser to thie Head of the Department of
Misic, appointment effective July 1, 1938, for