xt7sbc3sz32j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sbc3sz32j/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1962-09-21  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, September 21, 1962 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, September 21, 1962 1962 1962-09-21 2020 true xt7sbc3sz32j section xt7sbc3sz32j    












The Uni_versit

Fr idar, QeotC1ie

this .vas a oalle‘

3 1% “cul.t3r met in seecial sessiofi in the ;11pno1 Theatre

21 1203 at 4:00 113 President Dicheu oresLned Since

dmeeting no roll was taken.

The m:1nutes o1 tiie special meeting of June 7, 1962, which had been
“‘“cuxaiised, were approve w1t1 0&1 being read.

The President expressed appreciation to the Faculty for th: thoughtfulness
3 various cale and notes he ‘ received. He stated t111at 11115 regirnat on
33 n a very di_1: ficult decision to reach and that his nrimwrt conc31:n was

in being assured tlm t the University of Kentucky would continue to move

forward on a cun:1 basis. he President inc1oa ed that at the September lath
L89 ting of th 3 Bear C1 of Tr11stees a Inotion was unanimously adopted to include
lemmilty r”3313.10111311, (H1 ir: therinom11kv0‘011 of a,1iew gnwesichc1it :for ‘m1c LLlIV'T““1ty.

The Board authorized the University Faculty Council to determine t'1'1pr0”em

\J u 3&111



to be iellowed in nominating four faculty members to the Faculty—Bo:m

Committee. He then state: d that this meeting1las the result of the action
taken by the Board of Trustees on nuesial and that he understood that the
Faculty Council had moved ahead with its deliberations. He called on Dr.
Weaver, Chairman of the University Faculty Council, to Mage the recommendations
which the University Faculty was to considC r
which it might WJsh to take.


for adoption, or other action

Dr. Weaver presented for the Faculty Council the procedu1e to be followed
in nominating four faculty members to the Faculty—Board Committee and requested
its approval. Each member of the Faculty had been handed a complete list of
assistant professors and above of the University at the time he entered the


l. Nominations shall be made

University Faculty.

iro;1those eliqible to Gluo*‘


2. The University Faculty shall serve as the nominating body

Le electorate shall be the group eligible to vote for menbers of
the University Faculty.

4. The University Faculty shall prece ed immediately to nominate eight
(8) candidates:

a. Each member, being presented with a list of those
eligible for election, shall vote for four (4).

b. The Election Committee shall count the vot>s immediately
and place the name s of the sixteen (16) individuals
receiving the hig: est number of votes (plus any ties for
the 16th position) on the board in alphabetical order

c. Each member shall now vote for eight (8) candidates from the
names on the board.

d. The eight (8 ) candidates re oeivinr; the highest number of votes
(plus ties for the 6th position) shall be considered nominated.

b. The Election Committee shall be instructed to conduct a mail vote

on the nominees. The deadline for receipt of ballots shall be
Friday,September 28, 4:00 P. M.



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6. The four (“-) noanees rec e~vwnc the hipghest nu {or of votes
shall be 1ecommended to the Governor Ior appointment to the
Faculty~3card Committee.

A"ter some discussion and a dc} tea rmination that a quorum was presen nt the

p mlre as presented was approved by the Faculty. An addressed ealed
containing two smaller envelopes was handed to each member of the
. ty present by a representative of the Faculty Cle ction 500mmittee.
One if the smaller envelopes contained four cards which the members were

“ ~ted to use in voting for four (4) members on the first ballot.

During the counting of the first ballot by the Elections Committee the
Chairman of the Faculty Council stated that one of the things which the
Council felt it would as well to do, and Mh ch it was ascod by the Governor
to do, was to prepare a press rel ease in the name of the Faculty. This

stateL :Lent was TIMl ased on the afternoon folLoWLig the meeting of the Board
out no flp”"paier carried the statement whic 1 was released. He stated that


ourLer ~Journal, a smaller part by the Lea.der, and an
to read the release

a part was us:d 0y the

even sn aller cart by the Kernel, and that he would liliG
which was given out in the name of the Faculty.


The University Faculty Council, speaking for the fac lty of the

University, wishes to ‘xpres s its appreciation for the administration

of President Frank Dickey. The continued increase in quality and

prestige of the University reflects his aole and untLLLnn services.

It has oeen a pleasure to work Wibh him and it is with 1I~lbt that we

learn that he is leaving. me wish him success in his new position.
Fr0“L the time of the selection of Frank L. McVey as President in

lUlW, j01 Lnt Faculty—Board of Trustees Committees have played a prominent

part in the selection 01' the Presidents. The faculty is happy to have

the opportunity to cooperate a5 ain with the Board of Trustees in searching

° trator in whom the students, faculty, administration

Lor another able adminis
and Board of Trustees of the University, and the pe 3ople of the Commonwealth

of Kentucky, may have confidence.

The University must have a President who can lead the Universit] in
a harmonious and well— balanc ed development of all fields of scholarship
and service to the people of the stat:. He must be deeply attached
to the principles of freedom of inquiry and freedom of the mind. As the
President of a scholarly :Lns titution, he should himself he a scholar
and should be a forceful advoca ate of scholally endeavor. with the in~
creasinv importance of graduate worlc, he siLould oe a man who has had
broad training in the basic fields and has engaged in teaching and pros

ductive research in his own field.

Only with a background of this sort can he have a full understanding
of the goals of a complex educational institution and provide the
imaginative leadership that a university such as the University of
Kentucky must have during the years ahead.

The Faculty unanimously approved a motion to ma he the press release a part
of these minutes.


The results of ‘he first ball_ot, which were written on

by William Ecton, Chairman of the ILlections Committee, were as































CARD, Dana DIAGHUN, Stephen
CARTRR, w, Merl 'ARRIGUS, w. P.
GARLSON, Loren HAYI qms A. W.

CLARK, Thomas D. OBERST, Paul


CONL‘, Carl RAAv WES, J. A.

The Faculty was then instructed to use the
one oard to vote
was made to adjounland the

This suggestion was approved.

ballots be

Meeting was adjourned at 5:05

3911 CU LTY ,

for eight (8) candidates from the above group.

MPmMu ER Bl,

CJJJPI”“L, T)ougfliis

TRAIJS, Eiober*t
HALL, A. Ata41'3r)i1e vme
J'JARD, William 3. )fgr 16th
WEAVER, Ralph EL )place

smaller envelope eontaining

as the Faculty