xt7sbc3sz21d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sbc3sz21d/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1987-05 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, May 1987, volume 10 number 4 text Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, May 1987, volume 10 number 4 1987 1987-05 2020 true xt7sbc3sz21d section xt7sbc3sz21d  




May 1987



No. 4


Noted Author Gloria Goldreich
To Speak at Forum Series

Gloria Goldreich, prize-winning author
of Jewish interest novels, is the featured
speaker for the final program of the
1986—87 CKJF Forum Series on Sunday, June
7 at 8:00 p.m. in the auditorium of Temple
Adath Israel.

This presentation is the second annual
Forum program endowed by the Rosenberg
family in memory of Elizabeth Rosenberg.
It is free and open to the public.

”An Author’s Insight into Her writing”
is the topic for her lecture.

Goldreich’s novels include Leah‘s
Journey, Leah’s Children (a sequel), Egg;
Days, This Promised Land, and This Burning
Harvest, a projected trilogy following the
lives of an Israeli family from
ore-Independence to the present. In 1979,
Leah’s Journey won the National Jewish
Book Award, and in 1981, Goldreich was
presented with the Federated Arts and
Letters Award.

Commentary, Midstream, Ladies Home
Journal, ms, and Hadassah, a diverse
selection of nationally distributed
magazines, have published Goldreich’s
essays and short stories. She has two
novels out for young adults, Season of
Discovery and ngi, and has ventured into
non—fiction with What Can She Be, a book
on women and careers.

A graduate of Brandeis, Goldreich first
came to national prominence as winner of
Seventeen magazine's short story contest.


Following her undergraduate studies, she
served as assistant to the director of
Jewish education of national Hadassah
until leaving for Israel to pursue a
degree in Jewish history. She now resides
in New York.

West of Eden, Gloria Goldreich’s newest
novel will be available for purchase, and
the author will be pleased to autograph
copies of her books.

Forum Chair Susan Cantor and her
committee arranged for Gloria Goldreich’s
appearance on the Series through the
Lecture Bureau of the Jewish Welfare





The three graphs on the following pages
show "Where Your Money Goes”. Figures
represent collections and subsequent
expenditures during 1986.

The first graph, 1986 CAMPAIGN COLLEC—
TIDNS, shows the designated areas into
which collections fall. Campaign expenses
come from each area of campaign. A little
more than one percent of all campaign
collections went back into the process of
raising money.

The 1987 campaign is being conducted
under the expert leadership of Simone

Salomon. She took over this position when
Gail Cohen was elected president. Men’s
Campaign is led by Bob Baumann; Women’s

Campaign by Nancy Hoffman, Ellie Goldman
and Cheri Rose; Super Sunday, for the
second year, by Vinnie Dubilier and Joe
Rosenberg; Israel Bonds Campaign by
Charles Stern; and the Project Renewal
Campaign by Judy Baumann.

Under the chairmanship of Simone
Salomon, the 1988 CKJF-UJA Campaign will
start planning soon for the fall events.
Simone headed the 1986 Women’s Division
Campaign, is the second vice president of
the Federation, and coordinates activities
for the CKJF leadership development
program, Interact III.

In addition to involvement in CKJF
activities, Simone is very active in
Dhavay Zion Sisterhood.


Simone Salomon


Heading the 1988 effort for the Men’s
Campaign is David Rose. A lifelong
resident of Lexington, Rose is past
treasurer and president of B’nai B’rith, a
former member of the CKJF board, and was
active on the Temple Adath Israel building
fund committee.

David is married to 1988
Division c0‘chair Cheri Rose.

when asked about his thoughts on
Campaign ’88 David said, ”I don’t think of
campaign as charity as much as responsi-
bility. We’re not just raising money,
we’re being responsible for ourselves, our
children and Jews the world over.”



David Rose

Set to lead the women’s Campaign to
another record setting year is Ellie
Goldman. Ellie is presently co-chair of
the 1987 Women’s Campaign, at-large member
of the CKJF Executive Committee, former
Project Renewal chair, and Hadassah repre-
sentative to the CKJF Board of Directors.


Ellie Goldman






0.5% Operation Moses










TOTAL: $27h,223



(After Campaign Expenses)


Encumbered (1987)—*“ ”'-
C 't A t' 't' ,/"v\ Other
ommunl y c IVI ies //\., Charities
Social Services’/ 7.5%
Community Reiations
Executive \§K
Committee \aL United
18% Jewish

TOTAL: $203,363


continued ...............




The second graph, 1986 DISBURSEMENTS OF

Campaign Expenses), shows how funds
collected in the 1986 General Campaign,

minus campaign expenses, were allocated.
As always, 70 percent of collected
funds go directly to United Jewish Appeal
(UJA). (Their disbursement of these funds
is explained in Graph #3.)
The remaining 30 percent is retained by
the Federation for the following programs.

The Executive Committee expends a large
amount of these funds because in its
charge is the actual administration of the
Federation, including maintaining the CKJF

office and paying the salaries of the
administrator and office manager. In
addition, this committee oversees the
Board of Directors, leadership training
and workshops, the CKJF newsletter, and
the annual ”Shalom Lexington“ welcome to

newcomers. They also lead the effort to
work with other local Jewish
organizations’ leadership in a cooperative

The members of the 1987 CKJF Executive
Committee are Gail Cohen, president; Bob
Baumann, first vice president; Simone
Salomon, second vice president; Cheri
Rose, secretary; Janice Brock, treasurer;
Ellie Goldman and Joe Rosenberg, at-large
members; and Gloria Katz, ex—officio past

The 1986 Community Relations Committee;
under the leadership of Marilyn Moosnick
and Charlotte Baer, provided a number of
outstanding educational programs to the
Jewish and general community. Activities
included a Media Forum and Panel Discus—
sion and a presentation by U.S. State
Department Press Office Arthur Berger.

This year, CKJF’s CRC was honored as a
recipient of a grant from the Kentucky
Humanities Council to research and develop
an exhibit about Kentucky’s local and
ethnic history, "The Jewish Experience in

In continuing projects, this committee
provides support in the area of Soviet
Jewry, sponsors a school liaison program,
and coordinates an annual Yom Hashoa



Subcommittees deal with Jewish communi-
ties in distress and legislative issues of
concern to the American Jewish community.

Dr. Philip Berger assumed the role of
CRC chair for 1987, following Marilyn
Moosnick’s term. His able co—chair is
Charlotte Baer.

Dr. Berger has served on the board and
as president of Dhavay Zion Synagogue. A


professor in the department of Public
Administration and Management, Phil is a
CKJF board member and solicitor for the
annual CKJF—UJA campaign.
Philip Berger
The Social Services Committee, chaired

by Evelyn Geller, administers an emergency
loan fund and the Shari Eldot Catastrophic
Illness Fund. Through the CKJF adminis~
trator, it provides support and referral
services to new Americans and individuals
seeking this service.

This committee

has administered over
$8000 in camp scholarships for 1987. Last
fall Social Services launched a new
program, the annual Sue Friedman Memorial

Jewish Family Life Education program, with
an outstanding two-day lecture and
shop with Dr. Sol Gordon.











The Community Activities Committee, led
by Dr. Nat Sandler in 1986 and again in
1987, is responsible for the Forum Cultur—

al and Entertainment Series. The Forum
held two outstanding programs in 1986 and
one more scheduled for next month. The

Forum Committee is chaired by Susan

This committee also coordinates Camp
Shalom, the three-week Jewish summer day
camp under the chairmanship of Joyce
Mischner, three or four pre-school holiday
parties, and the annual celebration of
Israel Independence Day.

In 1987 the CKJF Budget and Allocations
Committee, co—chaired by Charles Stern and
Ron Fleischman, recommended, and the board
approved, allocations of $18,198.50 to
”Other Charities“. These grants are
determined in 1987, but the allocations
were made from 1986 collections.

A complete list the CKJF’s 1987 Alloca—
tions to Other Charities can be found on
page 7.



The third graph, UJA’s DISBURSEMENT OF
CKJF’s ALLOCATION, shows how the money we
send to UJA is disbursed. Again, 81
percent of UJA’s collections are channeled
through the United Israel Appeal to the
Jewish Agency for Israel.

The Jewish Agency is an international
non—governmental organization that links
world Jewry and the people of Israel to
meet challenges in areas such as Immigra-
tion and Absorption, Ethiopian Jewry
Resettlement, Immigrant Housing, Rural
Settlements and Youth Aliyah. The 1986—87
budget of the Jewish Agency is $381

The remainder of UJA’s overseas trans—
mittals go to the American Jewish Joint
Distribution Committee, an organization
that has, for more than 70 years, met
rescue, welfare and rehabilitation needs
of Jews in Israel, Eastern Europe, Western
Europe, Moslem countries and Latin Ameri—

A certain amount of funds remain in the
U.S. to support similar programs of the
New York Association for New Americans.




New York

Assn. for

New Americans


















' E nses
Other Charities-————____£AEEE:_E§TE8'9n xpe )



2.6% Community Activities
2.8% Social Services
1.5% Community Relations







Estimated Total: $173,300

In the final graph, 1987 PROJECTED

BUDGET, we attempt to show, as in Graph increased giv1ng on each 1nd1v1dual 5
II, the 1987 CKJF Budget based on project— part, CKJF ”111 be able to forward more

money to both UJA and ”Other Charities”
and increase programming in the local

ed campaign collections. Our estimation
of 1987 collections is conservative.
As always, 70 percent of collected


monies (after campaign expenses) will be As you can see, the money YOU contrib—

sent in allocation to UJA. ute to the CKJF—UJA Campaign goes on to
The Executive Committee budget remains grow and touch many lives...because we are

stable as almost all of this committee’s One People "1th One DEStlnY' '

expenses cannot be adjusted down, i.e., A detailed CKJF budget is available to

insurance, rent, salaries, federation the membership by calling 352'7922-

dues, taxes. This also explains why this _

committee comes the closest to actually on pages 8 and 9 we llet those 990919

spending what is budgeted. who have pledged thus far to the 1987
The amount allocated to "Other Chari- Campaign and have consented to having

ties" is a guaranteed minimum and will their names published by gift category.

most likely increase when based on actual 1? 5 not too late to add VOUC name to the

giving and careful expenditure of budgeted 115t' Contact the CKJF Offlce or one Of

funds. the campaign chairpeople.



333 Waller Avenue, Suite 5, Lexington, KY 40504 (606) 253-7622

Gail R. Cohen, President Elissa Golin, Editor
Linda Ravvin, H.L.S., Administrator Beth Altenkirch, ch. Mgr.

Member of the Council of Jewish Federations









CKJ F Announces
Allocations to
"Other Charities"

According to the constitution of CKJF,
seventy percent of all general campaign
funds received, minus campaign expenses,
must be forwarded to the United Jewish
Appeal for allocation. Monies received
which have been designated for a specific
purpose, such as Project Renewal, are sent
directly to the UJA and are not included
in the general campaign total.

A portion of the remaining funds are
used for operating expenses which include
the many activities coordinated by CKJF
committees such as Camp Shalom, Forum,
Interact, Shalom Lexington, the annual Yom
Ha’Atzmaut celebration, etc.

Finally, from even prior to CKJF’s
existence, come the allocations to "Other
Charities". These allocations represent
our community’s participation in the
welfare of the local community as well as
the American and world Jewish communities.

Several years ago, in an attempt to
clearly define the areas of our
responsibility and concern, the Budget and
Allocations Committee divided all requests
into five broad categories: Preservation
of Jewish and Judaic Learning, Welfare,
Medical, Social Action, and Jewish and
Israeli Youth.

This year’s Budget and Allocation
Committee, co-chaired by Charles Stern and
Ron Fleischman, examined the multitude of
requests and with some adjustments made by
the CKJF board, arrived at the list
presented here. As always, the decisions
were made after intense discussion by the
committee and board. Serving with Stern
and Fleischman were Martin Barr, Harold
Baker, Gail Cohen, Evelyn Geller, Ellie
Goldman, Erle Levy, Tomas Milch and David

A total of $18,198.50 was allocated to
other charities from CKJF, based on monies
collected in 1986.


Preservation of Jewish & Judaic Learning

American Jewish Archives ....... $225.00
Coalition for Alternatives in

Jewish Education .............. 100.00
Hebrew Union College ............ 250.00
Jewish Education Service of

North America ................. 150.00
Jewish Theological Seminary ..... 250.00
Joint Cultural Appeal ......... .. 250.00

Lexington Public Library ........ 250.00
National Jewish Center for

Learning & Leadership ......... 100.00
Simon Niesenthal Center for

Holocaust Studies ...... . ...... 300.00
Yeshiva University .............. 250.00

Social welfare

American ORT Federation ....... .. 500.00
Association of Jewish Family

and Childrens Agencies ........ 300.00
CKJF Catastrophic Social

Needs Fund ..... . ............. 4000.00
Community Kitchen, Lexington .... 300.00
God’s Pantry, Lexington ......... 250.00
Jewish Braille Institute .. ...... 100.00
Jewish Welfare Board ....... ..... 350.00
Transient Relief ................ 750.00

Social Action

American Jewish Committee ....... 400.00

American Jewish Congress ........ 400.00
Anti-Defamation League of

B’nai B’rith .... ........ ..... 3000.00
Books for Soviet Jews ............ 75.00
FCI ............................ 100.00
National Conference of

Christians and Jews ........... 400.00
National Conference on Soviet

Jewry ................ . ........ 350.00
Hospice of the Bluegrass ........ 200.00
Hospital Hospitality House ...... 200.00
National Tay Sachs &

Allied Diseases ............... 100.00
Ronald McDonald House,

Lexington ..................... 400.00

Jewish & Israeli Youth

Anytown, USA .................... 100.00
Camp Young Judaea .............. 1899.25
Goldman Union Camp Institute ... 1899.25



"One People, One Destiny“
1987 CKJF—UJA Campaign

Following is a list of contributors to the 1987 CKJF—UJA Campaign
who have agreed to have their gift published by gift category.


$5,500 and above
Susan Caller

$4,000 - $5,499
Penny Miller
Phyllis Scher

$8,250 ~ $3,999
Evelyn Hymson

$1,500 - $8,849

$1,000 — $1.499
Evelyn Geller
Ellie Goldman
Sara Ann Levy

Marilyn Moosnick

Harriett Rose

Ricki Rosenberg

Simone Salomon

$500 — $999
Janice Brock
Gail Cohen
Harriet Cooper

Vinnie Dubilier
Karen Edelstein

Chris Eidelson
Edith Frankel
Alberta Gerson

Susan Goldstein

Nancy Hoffman
Judith Levine
Judy Miller
Linda Ravvin
Cheri Rose
Judith Saxe
Nancy Scher

$300 - $499
Judith Baumann

Adalin Moskowitz

Hanna Smith

$150 — $299

Charlotte Baer
Barbara Barr
Jo Belin
Jeanie Bertino
Elizabeth Broudy
Aida Fine

Jane Hart
Laurie Lichaa
Jo Mink

Dora Pollack
Carole Wilson

$50 - $149

Hilda Abraham
Sylvia Boggs

Amy Kogut- and David Brandon
Diana Clewett
Faith Miller Cole
Rose Darmstadter
Michele & Richard Freed
Donna Gershman
Elissa Golin

Paula Harrison
Suzie Johnson

Anne Joseph

Mindy Kovinow
Helen Levy
Elizabeth Marek
Lynn Cooper Myers
Ruth Dsser

Michele Peck

Dee Peretz

Pauline Rayevsky
Selma Rosenberg
Pauline Ruttenberg
Eileen Scherl
Sharyn Sharer
Janet Tamaren
Judith worell
Georgia Zuckerman

Ne salute all the contributors to this year’s campaign.

$1 - $49

Adele Aberson
Carolyn & Cyrus Bayer
Sheila & Michael Biel
Marcia Blacker

Sharon Breault

Carol Busch

Susan Cantor

Sara Goldman Chadwick
Kathleen Nhalen & Fred Cohen
Debbie Joffe Davidson
Andrea Doren

Ellen Dubilier

Yudis Exler

Mary Fleming & Mark Simon
Vivian Frank

Fay Friedman

Irmgard Gesund

Candy and Leon Gould
Sylvia Green

Flora Guter

Dawn Haber

Teri Harper

Nancy Kaufman

Felice Kaufmann
Annette Milch

Alison Murray

Anne O’Brien

Leonore Pappas

Amanda Robison
Lillian Rosenberg
Arlene Rosenthal
Joyce Shadetay

Frieda & Ben Shraberg
Jacalyn Sosin

Leanne Stomski
Florence Travis
Bonnie Walker
Madelyn weinberg
Rosalind Heisenberg
Rose Rita Nurmser
Miriam Zuckerman




$25,000 and above
Steven Caller

$12,000 - $24,999
$8,000 - $11,999

$6,000 - $7,999
Arthur Salomon

$4,000 — $5,999
Michael Ades

$2,800 _ $3,999
Leon Cooper
Stephen Edelstein
Halley Faust
Marvin Frank
Alvin Goldman
Steven Goldstein
Erle Levy
Allan Slovin

$2,000 - $2,799
Robert Baumann
Louis Dubilier
Leon Ravvin

$1,200 — $1,999
Robert Belin
Bruce Broudy
Irwin Cohen
Stewart Eidelson
Phil Hoffman
Avram Levine
Tomas Milch
Stanley Saxe

$700_- $1,199
Louis Ades
Michael Baer
Leonard Lerner
David Paritz
Hyman Shraberg
Joseph Nile
Myron Zuckerman

$350 — $699

Henry Darmstadter
Ted Friedman
Sheldon Hymson
James Levenson
William Levy
Albert Lichaa
David Miller

H.D. Uriel Smith

$100 - $345


Hillard Aberson
Leon Amster
Martin Barr
Philip Berger
Alan & Irene Bloomfield
Austin Cantor
David Fine
Arthur Frank
Lawrence Goodman
Oscar Haber

John Harrison
Max Kovinow
David Liebschutz
Stuart Lowenthal
Elliott Marcus
Emanuel Mason

David Dsser
Allen Paritz
Igor Rayevsky
Corwin Robison
John Rosenberg
Richard Sadove
Jeffrey Schloss
Joel Sokoloff
David wachtel
Ed Hides

— $99

Ben Baer

Matthew Barrett
Martin & Rolene Berk
Abe Cohen

Robert Deckelbaum
Stuart & Terri Dinney
Leonard Dintenfass
David Doctrow

Eugene Doren

Gerald Dubilier
Sidney Edelstein

Dan Frank

Dan Fulks

Myer Godhelff

Doug Goldman

Jake Green

Lloyd & Jane Hughes
Gil Johnson

Paul Kaufman

Marc Kovinow

David Levy

Simon Levy

William & Ranelle Mackey
Morris & Sophie Moser
Tom Myers

Joel Roitman

Alan Rubin

Dale & Elaine Schermer
Jack Sharer

Dan Sosin

Charles Spiegel

Louis Strauss

J.H. Nurmser




«ZHammu mzo



The Case for Meaningful
Giving in the 1987 Campaign

Editor’s Note: The following is reprinted
from the Jewish Di est, the Federation
newsletter of Greater New Bedford, Massa—

How do we recognize the turning points
in a nation’s life? In 1967, it was clear
that more than borders had changed when
Israel’s soldiers touched the western
wall. But some turning points are not so
obvious. They occur gradually, behind the

Twenty years the

after Six-Day War,

Israel is at another turning point: this
time the major issue is economic develop-

Small and relatively poor in physical

Israel is rich in human poten—
in cities and

tial. 0n rural settlements,

development towns -- in the Negev and in
the Galilee -— Israel is struggling to
expand its technological capacity. New
industries are in their infancy. New
economic ventures and modes of
organization are taking shape.

The nation’s economic survival depends
on this process —— and progress will
depend on the development of a
well-trained and highly-skilled work
force. But can a 39-year old nation, with

a population gathered from the four
corners of the earth, achieve this goal?
For the moment, there are problems.
Israel’s defense bill is 25 percent of the
total national budget -— a staggering 22
percent of the GNP. Taxes on personal
income can reach as high as 65 percent
without deductions. And, as a result of
the brave -- and largely successful ~-
austerity program that has reduced annual
inflation from 495 percent to single
digits, Israel’s agricultural economy is
in crisis and unemployment is climbing.
More than 100 moshavim are in serious
trouble, and there are 105,000 people out
of work compared with 85,000 a year ago.
Cuts in social services, education and
health care -- and a resulting decline in
the standard of living -_ threaten gains
that have been made in closing the social
and cultural gaps between Israel’s "haves"

and "have-hots".
The children of Ethiopian aliyah, of
Project Renewal neighborhoods, of Youth

Aliyah villages and of faltering rural

settlements wonder what their options are
going to be in Israel’s high—tech future.
And we all wonder what will happen to
plans for economic development in the
event of another sudden wave of immigra—

Our Campaign will make the critical
difference —- because the programs we
support prepare people to participate

productively in Israeli society.

If we choose progress, then Israel will
not have to choose between educating
underprivileged children and ensuring a
secure defense.

If we choose the future, then Israel
will not have to decide between retraining
the unemployed and continuing to control

A turning point in history is not easy
to recognize -- until it has passed. In a
few years, when we look back on transfor—
mations now occuring in Israel, we will
hold ourselves accountable and ask these
questions: Did we help ease the economic
burden when help was needed? Did we
encourage optimism and growth while plans
were being made? Did we give enough —- at

the turning point?




CKJF Community Relations
Committee Sets Direction

Mr. Irwin Schulman, Senior Community
Consultant for the National Jewish Commu—
nity Relations Advisory Council (NJCRAC),
was the guest of the CKJF Community
Relations Committee at a dinner meeting
held on May 10. In addition to committe
members present, Rabbi Adland and Rabbi
and Hanna Smith participated in the

The purpose of to


the meeting was
explore ideas for local CRC programs
to discuss ways to better organize
activities of the CKJF CRC.

“Although this brief summary cannot
capture the richness of the interchange or

the enthusiasm of the participants, it’s
all the editor would allow,” said CRC
Chairman Dr. Philip Berger.

continued .................... on page 16

 Parents and Campers

Get in Gear
for Summer ’87

On Sunday, June 7 at 10:30 a.m.,
parents and campers will gather to meet
Camp Shalom Director Mark Scarr and his
counselors and to learn more about the
fun-filled, action-packed camp session
that lies ahead. Parents will also have
opportunity to arrange for carpools, and
parent volunteers will be sought for field
trip chauffeurs.

The orientation takes place at the camp
site on the corner of Athens-Boonesboro
and Walnut Hill/Chilesburg (take Richmond
Road past Jacobsen Park and turn left on
Walnut-Hill/Chilesburg). Temple Adath
Israel is the alternative in case of rain.

Camp Shalom, which runs from June 8 to
June 86, will continue to take applica-
tions until full. Applications and
brochures are available through the CKJF

Mark has rounded up an enthusiastic
group of counselors for the 1987 camp
session. They include Elise Mandel, Kelly
Jo Waterbury-Eichhorn, Pam Doctrow,
Rebecca Mersack, Josh Cantor, Naomi
Clewett and Laurie Clewett.

Parents and campers are urged to attend
orientation together and meet these young
adults who will be the driving force
behind Camp Shalom’s Summer ’87 experi-

Camp Alumni Alert!

Whether last year was your first camp
experience or twenty years ago was your
last, you and your family are invited to
the twenty year Camp Shalom reunion on
Wednesday, June 17 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
at the camp site. Everyone is asked to
bring their own picnic style dinner.
Dinner is at 5:00 and a program, featuring
the talent of the event committee, is at
7:00 p.m. Come out and reminisce at this
informal affair'



Volunteering For Israel

Editor’s Note: This article is reprinted
from the Near East Re ort, April 13, 1987.

Like most good ideas, it was simple.
And its success has been invaluable.

In the fall of 1988, with many Israeli
reservists still on active duty as part of
the war in Lebanon, crops on some northern
kibbutzim and moshavim went unharvested.
Gen. Aharon Davidi, who had been commander
of Israel’s special forces in the 1967
Six—Day War, discussed with a few friends
the idea of recruiting short-term
volunteers to help. Soon 650 Americans
were working in the fields and even
assisting with guard duty.

After that initial success, Davidi
suggested to the army that using
volunteers from overseas to supplement
Israel Defense Forces (IDF) civilian
reservists be made a permanent program.
Since then 10,000 people, including 4,500
Americans, have worked on military bases
across the country through Volunteers for

During the day volunteers load fuel
drums, clean and lubricate armored
vehicles, paint naval vessels, package
spare parts, work in kitchens or do any of
the other chores necessary for military
preparedness. Their uniforms identify
them as civilian volunteers. Unlike some
of the program’s first participants, they
do not handle weapons or pull guard duty.

At night volunteers study Hebrew, hear
lectures from a teacher or professor on
reserve duty, or leave their bases for a
trip to town —— when one is nearby.
Weekends include both shabbat and a second
day off for organized tours throughout the

A fringe benefit, according to staffer
Clark Evenchik, is that participants’
round—trip tickets are subsidized and are
good for six months. So after completing
their stints at an IDF base, volunteers
still have more than five months which
they can spend in an academic program, on
a kibbutz or in other ways.

The program recruits people from 18 to
OS years of age. In addition to college

students -— who can earn credit for a
four—week stint -- and senior citizens,
continued .................... on page 18



Volunteers, continued

volunteers have included professors,
retired U.S. diplomats, antique dealers --
”you name it and we’ve had it,” Evenchik

Interest in Volunteers for Israel has
surged, drawing participants not only from
the U.S. but also Canada, Mexico, Costa
Rica, Argentina, South Africa, England and
France. Previously run by volunteers, the

program itself now has two full-time
staffers, with more planned.
For more information, contact

Volunteers for Israel, 40 worth St., Suite
710, New York, NY 10013.


Lexingtonien Attains Presidency
of Central States Region
of Hadassah

Judy Saxe recently became the third
member of the Lexington chapter of
Hadassah to ascend to the position of
President, Central States Region.
Hadassah, the world’s largest Zionist
organization, has over 385,000 members in
the U.S. and only 36 regions. The Central
States Region encompasses Kentucky, Ohio,
and a portion of Nest Virginia, 17 local
chapters in all.

Saxe has a long history of involvement
with local and regional Hadassah and has
shown commitment to a variety of other
Jewish organizations as well. Her
Hadassah activities have run the gamut,
from fundraising to educational program—
ming, and from 1972 to 1974 she served as
chapter president. Leadership in the
local chapter led to involvement in the
regional apparatus, where she has chaired
various committees. A highlight of her
regional work is her involvement in youth
programs such as Young Judaea.

During her three year term as regional
president, she will have a position on the
national Hadassah board and will act as a
conduit of information and policy between
national, regional and local bodies.
Although her main responsibilities are
leading a regional board and running a
regional conference, she will have oppor-
tunity to travel to and speak with indi-
vidual chapters.

CKJF President Gail Cohen (regional
Hadassah president, 1981-84) remarked
recently, "This is an honor not only for
Judy but for the local chapter and for the



entire Jewish community of Lexington.
That three, out of seven, regional
presidents over the past twenty years have
come from Lexington (Marilyn Moosnick
served from 1969 to 1978), is indicative
of an unusually strong percentage here of
Jews active in Jewish causes. Considering
that the region encompasses cities with
much larger and longer established Jewish
communities, Lexington Jews have shown
that it is not just numbers that count but
the meaningful work of individual Jews and
of local organizations."


Hadassah’s 75th Anniversary
Celebrated in israel

Judy Saxe, of Lexington, a third
generation Life Member of Hadassah,
recently joined 2,000 other Hadassah
members and their husbands in a joyous
parade through the streets of Jerusalem on
Purim, the Jewish carnival festival.

In Israel for Hadassah’s
three~quarters—of—a—century milestone, the
Lexington contingent included Saxe, Bail
and Ernie Cohen, and Marilyn Moosnick.
The members of Hadassah showed
Jerusalemites a new aspect of the famous
women’s organization —- their capacity to
have fun. Many of them wore fancy dress
and wigs.

Judy Saxe, pictured above, dressed as
the Mad Hatter. The Hadassah parade was
led by Mayor Teddy Kolleck and Hadassah
National President Ruth Popkin, riding in
a lavishly decorated horse and carriage.

The people of Jerusalem, lining the
pavements, responded to the parade by
shouting, ”Hadassah, we love you!"

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