xt7sbc3sz08d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sbc3sz08d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-09-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 20, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 20, 2001 2001 2001-09-20 2020 true xt7sbc3sz08d section xt7sbc3sz08d 1". t i
dig“ {nit ft

We are so

The following is a list of
tag lines that I've
been thinking about
adding the to end of
each rail. That's a
lame idea for a rail,
you say? Well, l‘d like
to see you come up
with something
better. Yeah. and do
it under the influence
too. Not such an easy
job anymore is it7
Well. it's still pretty
easy, but the dental
and health plan will
have you running to
your mommy in
tears, that's for sure.
i think that's ample
introduction though.
Enjoy the humor and
e-mail me with any
lines that strike you
as being funny.

Jonathan "I can't
believe its not liver"

Jonathan “Are you going
to eat that" Ray

Jonathan “There's no
way that was a dude"

Jonathan "I should have
taken the blue pill"

Jonathan "Take this job
and shove it right
back to me cause I'm
poor and unable to
fend for myself” Ray

Jonathan ”No, l don't
have a drinking
problem. Now,
where‘s the rubbing
alcohol?" Ray

Jonathan “I can fit my
fist in my mouth
ack" Ray

Jonathan "Don't worry.
it's not contagious"

Jonathan "Yes Jennifer
Aniston, you should
leave Brad for me"

Jonathan "I can't
believe you ate the
whole thing. Fatty!"

Jonathan "There once
was a man from
Nantucket, or was it
Boston? I don't
remember" Ray

Jonathan ”More fun than
a barrel of monkeys,
and without the
spread of diseases"

Jonathan ”Because l got
high" Ray

Jonathan "Three guys
walk into a bar. |
wish the first two
would have warned
me about it" Ray

Jonathan "Yeah, I'm OK.
My head broke my
fall" Ray

Jonathan "She looked 18
to me" Ray

Jonathan "No officer, i
can't explain the
blood on my shirt"

Jonathan "Yeah right,
the world doesn't
revolve around me.
That's a good one"

Jonathan “Don't just
look a gift horse in
the mouth; you have
to check its hoofs
and mane too" Ray

Jonathan “International
Man of Pancakes
ilMOP)" Ray

Rail Editor




Who really cares if
it's partly sunny or part-
ly cloudy, it's the week-



VOL. 8108 lSSUE i318



News tips?

Call: 257-l9l5 or write:
'kemeloiikyedu '









Friday's Gator Roast

to revive school spirit

Closing the streets: At least 5,000
students expected to join festivities

By Andrea Uhde

l’séisnvfit’ys' iDITOR

This weekend. UK spirit will return to the cam
pus community after more than a decade of silence.

in celebration of the liK-Florida football game. a
pep rally will be held Saturday from 8 pm. to mid
night on Euclid Avenue. the first
huge community event of its kind
since Otis Singletary was [TK's presi

The rally. hosted by Student

Government and the Student Activi
ties Board. will incorporate live mil
sic and free food with a blitz of blue
and white decorations. At 9 pm. a
spirit rally will be held with Presi-
dent Lee Todd and his wife. Patsy.
The Wildcat mascot. the spirited
blue man and possibly the UK
marching band will also make ap»

Euclid will be blocked off from Martin Luther
King Boulevard to South Limestone Street and at
least 5.000 students are expected at the event. said SG
President Tim Robinson.


The event. organized by President Todd to join
the campus community. is open to all students.

The Schuers. a local pop rock band. will set tip on
stage on the corner of Euclid and Martin Luther King
Boulevard. The band will play from 8 pm. to mid
night. stopping only for the spirit rally.

A thinking booth will be on site. where many stu
dent organization leaders. including S(i ViceiPresi
dent (‘aroline llarralson. will be target practice to stu
dents. Proceeds from the booth w1ll go to the Wildcat
Relief Fund. a fund formed by SC. to aid victims of the
terrorist attacks last week.

Free Pepsi products. hot dogs. sausage. bratwurst
and possibly roasted gator tail will be provided by
(‘ampus (‘uisine Popcorn. snow cones and cotton
candy will also be available.

Security will be comprised of St) to 70 students
provided by SC. Robinson said he spoke With campus
police to arrange that police will be required only if
problems occur.

“As long as students aren't getting out of hand
then our folks aren‘t going to bother them." Robinson
said. “My advice is for students to be responsible.”

Because the event is on a city street. Robinson
said students should obey city ordinances. “Have a
good time. but be responsible." Robinson said

Robinson and SAB President (‘hris Rogers said if
the event goes well. others will beheld in the future.”l
have complete faith in the UK students." she said. "i
think lili"\ ‘i e Lzoing to make this a great event."

Cyclists suggest changes
for better riding conditions

Melane. an
senior, rides
her bike near
the Kimon-
Blandlng Com-
plex. Some bik-
ers would like
more bike ions
through main

utusu swam l

By Becky Noisel

On any given day. students
and faculty bike all over campus.
They make it from class to class
in record time. all without break-
ing a sweat. Yet they face many
problems with their transporta-
tion choice.

The biggest problem seems
to be a lack of bike lanes to and
on campus.

“There needs to be more bike
lanes through main campus."
said Chris Jetty. an economics se-
nior and biker. “Either I have to
go all the way around and ride on
Limestone with no sidewalks. or
ride all the way down to Euclid."

Andreas Lehner. a research
scientist in the department of vet-
erinary science, agreed with
Jetty, saying that bike lanes are

“There are too few bona tide
bike lanes in this town,“ he said.
“And on ones that exist. I‘m
amused by signs stating ‘bike
lane ends.‘ Are those for the cy-
clists or the drivers?"

UK limited the bicycle lanes
through campus about six years
ago. said Sgt. Joe Monroe. of the
UK police.

“A lot of people were getting
hit by (bikers) going too fast on
main campus." he said. “So we
had bikes banned due to a high
accident rate with pedestrians
Since then. our bike/ pedestrian
crashes have dropped."

Many ways to correct the
problem were suggested. ranging
from adding lanes across campus
to limiting pedestrian sidewalks.

“It would be a great idea to
put a main bike lane all around
main campus." said Monroe. “We
could always use more bike-dedi-
cated lanes on campus."

Bike lanes also need to be
added to roads coming into cam-
pus. said faculty members.

“We obviously need bike
lanes on access streets where fea—
sible —— for example. University
Drive. Virginia Avenue. Red
Mile Road and Martin Luther
King.“ said Bill Fortune. 3 law

“Possibly striping Euclid and
Aylesford to lead bikers around
the Euclid/Rose intersection
would help."

Lehner agreed.

“The trafllc around Alumni
is very intense. as it is other
places during rush hour. and I've

resorted to looking for larger
breaks between cars to cross.
rather than absolutely safe condi‘

Monroe said that cars misus-
ing bike lanes is a problem also.

“A lot of people use (bike
lanes) as turning lanes. so they
might need to be marked better."
he said.

Jetty said pedestrians pre-
sent the main problem on cam-
pus. "People don‘t ever look for
bikes. As far as attention goes on
Rose Street. there is none."

Registering your one

Registering bikes is not mandatory
but advised by the UK police.
interested cyclists should go to the

UK Police Department, located at
the corner of Euclid Avenue and
Rose Street. where an officer
records the bicycle's serial number.
model number. brand name and the
owner's information. The informa-
tion helps recover bicycles if they
are stolen. For more information
call the UK Police Department at
257-l6l6 and ask for bike registra-



Campus forum
seeks answers

at 'g
K. 1.4.":





A forum Wednesday allowed UK and Lexington com-
munities to hear and express opinions on last week‘s ter-
rorist attacks. .

Panelists agreed that a possible preventative measure
against future attacks is education. Stuart Kaufman, an as-
sociate professor of political science. said Americans need
to become more knowledgeable about various Asian and
world cultures, religions and politics. Kaufman also said
that absent from the panel was a “Middle Eastern expert."
because there simply aren't enough at UK.

Michael Desch, associate director of UK‘s Patterson
School of Diplomacy and International Commerce. agreed
with Kaufman. “Our knowledge about the rest of the world
is embarrassingly thin.” Desch said. “We've got to learn
more about the worl

Russell Graves. a professor in UK’s College of Archi-

. tecture andretired US. Army general. said thoughts of do

mestic security against attacks had been in the. abstract
until last Tuesday. Graves said the United States “will not
acquiesce to those fears" the perpetrators hoped to impart.

Members of the panel also addressed the American

“Financial. insurance and equities markets are very
capable of looking after themselves," said David Wildasin.
a professor in UK’s Martin School of Public Policy and Ad-
ministration. Wildasin also told students to “be involved in
the collective decision making process" America will face
in its efl‘orts to eradicate terrorism.

Wildasin said the US. government may have to use
some money earmarked for other causes in its war on ter-
rorism. “There are complicated. trade-offs about the use of
limited resources. but we can afl‘ord some increases in de-
fense spending."

The panel also addressed the emotions caused by last
Tuesday's events.

Sarah Goodrum. of UK’s Department of Behavioral
Sciences. told the audience the American public needs to
aid in the healing process for victims.

“Victims may have difficulty finding social support be-
cause support may be needed for an extended period of
time and they may wear out their support circles."
Goodrum said.

Attack investigation progressing


Recent developments related to last week‘s terrorist at»

- Three men in Detroit are charged with fraud and mis-
use of visas. passports and other immigration documents.
At least four other people are under arrest as material wit-
nesses. and the FBI has detained at least 73 people for ques-

- Wall Street posts more sharp losses amid a cascade of
job cuts and the prospect of weaker earnings.

- Attomey General John Ashcroft says: terrorists like-
ly received support from foreign governments.

- Authorities say a federal yand jury in New York has
opened investigation.

. Hundreds of Islamic clerics meet in Kabul.
Afghanistan, to discuss conditions for extraditing suspect
ed terrorist Osama bin Laden to country other than the
United States.

- Ashcroft says new rules will allow suspected illegal
immigrants to be detained for 48 hours. instead of 24 hours.

- Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld says administra-
tion preparing sustained offensive against terrorists and
countries that support them.

. Bush administration preparing relief package for nae
tion‘s hard-hit airline industry.

- Boeing (‘o. announces plans to lay off as many as
.iiiooo commercial airplane workers by tile l‘llll of next
year because of expected slowlow n

- Bush signs into law a $10 billion package to rebuild
and a congressional resolution aiitboi‘ixing him to use mil
itary force against those responsible for the terrorism

' For first time in its 56~year history. l'nited Nations
postpones General Assembly‘s annual gathering of uorld
leaders. scheduled to begin next wmk,

. A memorial expected to draw millions to New York's
t‘entral Park to.honor those who who died \\ .is canceled


The Student Newspar at the University of Kentucky, Lexington



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The Low-down

I want to
stay as
close to the
edge as I
going over.
Out on the
edge you
see all
kinds of
things you
can't see
from the

- Kurt

Terrorism readiness groups prepare
FRANKFURT Prosecutors and law en-
forcement agencies at all levels in Kentucky are
plotting their own strategy to ferret out and pros-
ecute any terrorism activity. Attorney General
John Ashcroft ordered [7S attorneys in every
part of the country to create such groups. Assis-
tant US. Attorney Mark Miller. a veteran prose
cutor. has already held the first meeting of the
task force for the Western District of Kentucky. It
included representatives from the FBI. immigra-
tion service. drug enforcement agencies. Ken;
lucky State police. local police and other federal
agencies. "Like the nation. our law enforcement
community in this district is unified in its re—
solve to eflectively address this threat to our pub»
lic safety." said Monica Wheatley. acting US. At-
torney for the Western District in Louisville.

Second artificial heart patient walking

Ltll'ISVILLE The second patient implant
ed with a selfvcontained artificial heart is breath-
ing well on his own and taking short walks. less
than a week after surgery. his doctors said
\N’ednesday. Tom (‘hristerson 70. spends time
each day sitting in a chair and taking walks out-
side his hospital room. said Drs. Laman Gray Jr.
and Robert Dowling. The doctors said they Were
encouraged by how Christerson's body has re
sponded to his AbioCor artificial heart. Christer
son. a former tire dealer from Central City. Ky.
received the softballvsized pump in a Sept. 13 op-
eration at Jewish Hospital. In the same state-
ment froin the hospital. Christerson's family
thanked his medical team and Abiomed Inc. the
Massachusetts-based maker of the AbioCor. The
family said it would not make any further public
comments and asked that reporters respect its
privacy. Friends describe Christerson as a
NASt‘AR fan who loves barbecue and shrimp.

Drug bust yields 1,033 lbs. of pot

ICLIZABE'I‘H'I‘OWN A tractor~trailer rig
that was supposed to be carrying a load of can-
dy provided a different kind of treat for Ken-
tucky \‘ehicle Enforcement officers. Authori»
ties found 1.033 pounds of marijuana in a
seizure described as the largest seizure of mar
i‘iuana in Kentucky Vehicle Enforcement his-
tory. The marijuana had a potential street val-
ue of $2.5 million. authorities estimated. The
seizure on Monday at a weigh station in
Hardin County occurred after officers became
suspicious and discovered several boxes filled
with marijuana in the truck. The driver. Jose
Padilla. 50. of Las Vegas. Nev. was arrested
and charged with possession of marijuana.
possession of drug paraphernalia and traffick-
ing in marijuana over five pounds.





German composer
apologized for
calling last
week's attacks on
the United States
a “work of art,"
words that
prompted the
canceletion of
four concerts in
this northern
City. The 73-year-
old Stockhausen,
one of Germany‘s
composers, had
described the
attacks as "the
greatest work of
art one can
imagine." Organ-
izers of a music
festival in
canceled four
concerts of
music. “If anyone
feels hurt by
what i said at the
press conference,
1 ask their
because I have
never felt or
thought what was
read into my
words," he said,
according to
Weiss. Stock-
hausen gained
fame through his
works in the
19605 and 705.
He later moved
to huge music
theater and other
projects, some
involvmg military
equipment, that
have been less

Airlines laying off workers nationwide

DALLAS The parent of American Airlines
said Wednesday it would lay off at least 20.000
employees as it deals with declining air traffic
since last week's terrorist attacks. The cuts will
be spread across American. Trans World Air»
lines and the American Eagle commuter line.
AMR Corp. said. American and American Eagle
have approximately 100.000 employees and Trans
World another 20.000 American, the world‘s
largest carrier. had already said it would join
other carriers in cutting its flight schedule by 20
percent. The nation's aviation industry has been
reeling since terrorists hijacked four airliners
Sept. 11. AMR is the latest major carrier to an-
nounce layoffs. US Airways is laying off 11.000
employees and Continental 12.000 workers.
America West. America Trans Air. National Air-
lines and Virgin Atlantic have all announce cuts.
Midway Airlines shut down. Analysts have said
there could be 100.000 layoffs as the industry
deals with a slower economy as well as fewer
passengers and security costs related to the at

Advanced aircraft fly to Persian 6qu
WASHINGTON The Pentagon ordered

dozens of advanced aircraft to the Persian Gulf

region on Wednesday as the hour of military re-
taliation for deadly terrorist attacks drew closer.
President Bush beckoned all countries to con
tribute some openly. sortie secretly to “the
long campaign” against terrorism. The combat
aircraft. probably F15 and F710 fighters and pos
sibly B-l bombers. will be preceded by air traffic
control teams. a defense official said in the first
public disclosure of a buildup dubbed “Operation
Infinite Justice.” There was no immediate word
from the Pentagon on how many aircraft had
been ordered deployed. or when they would
move. The official who provided the information
spoke on condition ofaiionyiiiity.

Memorial service planned for victims
NEW YORK As rescue crews at the World
Trade (‘enter found more shattered concrete and
twisted steel but still no survivors New
York‘s mayor said \\'ednesday that a weekend
memorial for the fallen will be held at Yankee
Stadium. Authorities had said that a service
planned for Central Park. once expected to draw
a million mourners. would not take place. But
Mayor Rudolph Giuliani told an afternoon news
conference that there would be a memorial at the
Bronx stadium at 3 pm. Sunday. Admission will
be by ticket only; there should be room for
around 60.000 mourners. in a city of 8 million
that is entirely in mourning Meanwhile. the pri-
vate. grief went on funerals for six firefighters
and two police officers were held Wednesday. Al-
though city workers continued to pore over the
rubble. the last survivor pulled from the wreck-
age emerged one week ago. Giuliani said their or-
ders had not changed: They were still on a search
and rescue mission. He said the bodies of 233 peo-
ple have been recovered from the debris that was
once the Trade Center; of those. 170 have been

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ni' weir

Jennifer Lopez
will perform two
concerts in
Puerto Rico this
weekend that will
be filmed for
television and
shown throughout
the United States.
"It‘s going to be
something very
beautiful and I
really believe it's
a show that
comes from my
soul and my
heart," she said
speaking in

Dennis Rodman
has been charged
with three
misdemeanors for
allegedly speeding
through Newport
Harbor in his 47-
foot boat. The
former NBA star
was cited on Aug.
3 for speeding in
his boat, Sexual
Chocolate, after
the Orange County
Department said
its Harbor Patrol
clocked him doing
more than 20 mph
in a 5 mph zone.
Rodman was cited
and released after
docking the boat
at Josh Slocum's,
a restaurant he

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identified by the medical examiner and their
families notified. Another 5.422 were missing.
State officials said they were close to an agree—
ment expediting the issuing of death certificates.
so that families of the dead would have quicker
access to insurance and other benefits.

Chartered flight demand soars

LUS ANGELES Demand for chartered jet
flights is up sharply around the country as deep-
pocketed travelers try to avoid new security de-
lays at major airports. A charter service in
Southern (‘alifornia reported a 110 percent in
crease in customer calls. A Wisconsin company
said customers are booking longer interstate
flights normally handled by commercial airlines.
And in Brunsw'ick, Maine. Adam Webster‘s char-
ter flight referral service has been swamped for a
week. Charter companies call the new business a
sad result of last week's attacks. Chatter compa
nies whose planes range frotn single-engine
fourseaters to Boeing 737s with conference
rooms and bedrooms boast of smoother check-
ins than larger carriers and a feeling of safety
that comes with knowing everyone on a flight.
The nations 3.000 charter companies rarely
search passengers or their luggage. Many char-
ter companies also operate out of private termi-
nals that allow cars to drive up to the planes.

McDonald's $1 million winner arrested

DAYTONA BEACH. Fla. A former home.
less day laborer who won a $1 million instant
prize at McDonald‘s this month was arrested on
charges of beating his fiancee. Patrick Collier. 35.
was released from the Volusia County Jail on
$2.500 bond Tuesday after being arrested at his
Orinond Beach home on a felony charge of aggra-
vated battery against 29-yearold Sandra Fabian.
According to a police report. Fabian was left
bleeding from her mouth and nose. and had a
swollen cheek. She was treated at a hospital for
head and neck injuries. police said. Collier went
into a McDonald‘s in Holly Hill on Sept. 1 for a
99cent breakfast sandwich for Fabian. and
walked out the winner of a $1 million instant

Alaskan's oil dividend checks shrink

.JUNEAU. Alaska Alaska‘s oil revenue
savings account lost money last year for the first
time in its 25-year history because of the stock
market turmoil. but the dividend paid to resi-
dents is shrinking by less than 10 percent. This
year‘s Alaska Permanent Fund dividend is
31.85028 per person. the state Revenue Depart—
ment said Wednesday. That‘s only $113.58 less
than last year‘s payment and is the second high-
est dividend on record. An estimated 590.423
Alaskans will receive the 2001 dividend. for a to
ml of $1.09 billion. the department said. The
fund‘s net income fell by half. The money is paid
to every Alaskan man. woman or child who has
lived in the state for one full calendar year.

Compiled from wire reports



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Priest opposes combat school

By Mark Boxley


Father Roy Bourgeois, a Vietnam veteran.
recipient of the Purple Heart and vehement
voice opposing the School of the Americas, will
be speaking in and around Lexington through
Saturday. Bourgeois will address his battle
with the SOA.

SOA, once a part of Fort Beniiiiig. Ga. was
a military school training Latin Americans.
While SOA no longer officially exists. Bour~
geois is just as opposed to its replacement. the
Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Co-

In an article written for the Atlanta Consti~
tution in January. Bourgeois attacked the
WHISC. “The new institute is no different from
the SOA it replaces." Bourgeois said. "It is a
combat school. Infaiitryiiien and women from
Latin America come to learn to fight.“

Dave Newton. a UK history and political
science senior. said he sees a similar picture of
the WHISC. 'It's scary stuff." Newton said.
“They train your classic evil dictator types.“

Bourgeois is the co-founder of an organiza-
tion called the School of the Americas Watch.
SOAW organizes protests and has the ultimate
goal of shutting down the SOA. the WHISC‘ and
any organization like them. according to the or-
ganization‘s Web site.


Sept. 20 Lexington theological Seminary, 11 am

Sept. 20 Transylvania University, 3-5 pm.

Sept. 20 UK Student Center, 7:30 pm.

Sept. 21 Catholic Newman Center, 5:30 pm

Sept. 22 Workshop, Catholic Newman Center. 9 am.
to noon. For more information, visit wwwsoaworq or

Nader to visit Bluegrass, speak at Berea College


Former presidential hopeful and long-
time consumer rights crusader Ralph Nader
will speak tonight at Berea College's
Seabury Center at 8 pm.

Nader will lecture on “The American
Duopoly" and will take questions from the
audience after his speech. A reception is
scheduled after the lecture in the Seabury
Center Trustees Room. Admission is free.

The speech is part of a series of speak-
ers and performers at Berea College
throughout the year.

Julie Sowell, from Berea College Public
Relations, said Nader‘s lecture should be
“interesting and thought provoking."

Nader has brought attention to
the protection of America’s natural
resources and has promoted safe.
economical and environmentally
sound energy use through conserva-
tion and renewable resources.

Nader ran for president last year as
a Green Party candidate. He is a grade
uate of Princeton University and
Harvard Law School and has
been a leader in the con-
sumer-protection move-
ment since the mid.


A press conference is scheduled for 5
pm. at the Student Organizations Lounge in
the Berea College Alumni Building. Nader
will be joined by Berea College President
Larry D. Shinn at the press conference.



Cyclists ride to raise awareness



By Mark Boxley


Cyclists from around the city will converge
on campus Friday to support bicycle aware-
ness. The event. dubbed Critical Mass will meet
at the William T. Young Library before riding
around campus bike paths.

The event is sponsored by Green Thumb. a
UK student environmental organization.

This is the first year that Erik Hungerbuh-
Ier, a sociology junior who recently joined
Green Thumb. will attend the Critical Mass. He
said that he wouldn't just be riding for fun on

“I feel that we really need to raise aware-
ness about cycling as a viable means of trans-
portation," Hungerbuhler said. “It will be a
good showing for the rest of Lexington."

Organizer of the event. Dave Newton, estab-
lished the goals of the event. Newton is a histo
ry and political science senior and member of


A story in Wednesday's Kernel incorrectly
reported educational programs offered by the
Bluegrass Rape (‘risis Center.

Though programs are offered at the center.
Alexis Ball. a BRCC crisis counselor and educa-
tor. said education stressing the prevention of
rape sends an unrealistic message and allows for

Green Thumb.

“We want motorists to recognize that cy-
clists are vehicles." Newton said. Other Green
Thumb goals for the campus cycling trek are to
promote bicycling as a clean and environmen-
tally safe mode of transportation. Newton men-
tioned that the event also promotes the joy of
riding a bike.

“It's just fun," he said.

Newton said that about 60 bike riders from
around the city attended the event last year and
he expects the same amount this year. Newton
said the event attracts a wide age spectrum.

“We had Boy Scouts come last year." he

When talking about safety for the cyclists,
Newton said that the riders would be escorted
by several UK Police bike officers as they tra-
verse the campus.

Newton said this is Critical Mass's fourth

the blaming of victims

Also. information attributed to Kelly Behre
in the final two paragraphs of the story should
have been attributed to Ball.

A statistic also incorrectly reported the num-
ber of women 18 or older who are raped each
minute. The number is 1.3 per minute.

In the United States. 13 women are raped
every minute. This results in T8 rapes each hour.
1.872 rapes each day. 56.1160 rapes each month
and 683.280 rapes each year.



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Calendar. Ca11257-8867 ‘or mo'e "‘ovmat v

STARlIliII'l lllllllli‘iE [NE


3190'!“ 22 ICE COLD BEQRS

$1 mum um ooons lllillT lousiirciis. i ON TAP.
In 'l-SIII‘I GII'I'ESI Catch me NCAA and t
FRIDAY sma. Action 5 “t“ 7:
Heineken ““5 .. . ._ . . _. ,..
520M312“ . . . .
KING KRNGA N 255_5125

SATIIRIIAY You'll tome For The Pizza and Stay For The Pints! '




'CRU. 7:309m. Worsham Theater

'Dovotions-n-Lunch, 12:00pm, BSU, $1.00

'Froshmon Focus, 8:00pm, BSU

'Cinoma Committee, 5:00pm, Student
Center. Rm 231

'Roligion Studios/Institute, 12:00pm, Student Center. Rm. 119

‘Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animaloflpm, Student
Center, Rm. 106

'Lambdn Mooting,7:30pm, Student Center, Rm.231

'Amncsty International Meeting 8pm, Student Center, Rm 228

“Pro-Physician Assistant Studios Student Association Mtg.,
5 m, CAHP Rm 115


niis midday

“Gator Road‘ ”is!

“Design on the Edge, 2pm. Student Center, Grand Ballroom,
admission $10 adults, 55 students

‘Shnolin-Do Karate classes, 5-6:30pm, Alumni Gym Loft
'UK RUGBY proctlco,6-Bom, Club sports field

‘Pootor Solo, Qam—Spm. Student Center. Rm. 206

‘Anchonlam. 6pm, Seaton Center

‘FREE CRISIS COUNSELINGUK Family Center, 257.7755

'UK Dinner with faculty and guests. 5:30 pm, Catholic Newman Ctr.
'Prcaontntion, Ernie Yanarella, 7 30 pm. Student Center


ntorvnrsstty Christian

FoélgwshgovEpuis Stu 1e 7Cv~ w “N If": F
IMny‘tg’P—v “~90 Fwteslrn' ri

Vmiig L n w (illf‘SliI’ s 11 2“. “€86







Poster Snlc Ram 51m St: 110 . .

'Cvitical Moss Bike Ride irw n 4'

L “73'

‘Roy bourgeoio- s alter ‘ 0t * S'i11‘?"7 ‘
'Dinnor wtth Stu onto 5 30 7 Catbrsivv. 1
'Nowman Foundation Talk 30; Cat'min t
'Gltor Bowl “1 ‘2p m 1mm" ~‘ L r'wn arms nu”

sees ~
' no won Do practice 5 3O ‘ 30cm Alum"


Florida @ 12 .30er
Commonwealth Stadium
'Tno Rigor! practiced 1 inapm Aiumm

'UKmL RUOCY C XAVIEI 1pm XavuerUmversW

one. noun Ballroom Dancing 89m 'Zam
Student Center

Grand Ballroom

Iron Won! Portomonco by the ‘Forenmners of Rap 80!“
emonal Hail Free Adm ssvon
'Worluhop. 9 a m noon. Catholic Newman Center

Moat" Student N1: 8 OOt
201‘varee “all

So n
‘Pootrypoloozn .9 'Gcn‘ Crv‘wmv «3' Hits
‘Oponing rocoption tor ‘Contcmponrv Art Quilt" 2 00pm . . Mu orr

"UK CC I Girl Scout: 6r " 57., inst [new 9 ,w. 2.“?
'UK Alliido Club 1 3009M Alomn m. tilt
Gum Loft

> WIN $55 ”EMMY NIEIIT F007"! " 403%














Phone: 257-l9l5 I E-mail: healthekykernelcom

Fighting the feared Freshman 15:
eat moderately, drink less beer



Survey says: More than 20 percent of college students are overweight;
avoid calorie overload and the extra 15 pounds by controlling your metabolism

By Andrea Uhde


No matter how many times
it is replaced. the Ben and -lel'
ry‘s ice creatn at the Commons
Market keeps disappeiring.
And SO do the Cookies, Illil"
and candy bars.

Weight gain and college
sometimes go hand in hand.
With chocolate snacks and salty
chips available in almost I'Vt'l‘V
building on campus. ii ili