xt7sbc3sxz65 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sbc3sxz65/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-06-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 14, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 14, 1990 1990 1990-06-14 2020 true xt7sbc3sxz65 section xt7sbc3sxz65  





Independent smce 1971 June 14, 1990


Vol XCII, No 2 - Established 1894 - UnuverSIty of Kentucky. Lexmgton. Kentucky




Search committee
narrows the

list to 15...


Jayhawks debut

in Lexington


Pitino hires first i , . ‘

woman coach... H

sway, me 2 ope for pregnant women
with drug problems...













2 - Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 14, 1990





By rem " mcoms
Contributing write r

The Jayhawks rolled into the
Wrocklage Saturday night, and
when the opening chords
echoed through the dark,
smokey room I knew I had
stumbled upon something

With a piethora of sounds
and styles, ranging from vin-
tage Creedcnce Clearwater Re-
vival to today’s Camper Van
Beethoven, the Jayhawks are
clearly a band with style.

“I tove Lexington!" said vo-
enlist/guitarist Marc Olson,
prior to the show their first Lea

mm, 3 '.




and second

Olsons talent is Zone of the
nyhaw‘t’ s attributes as demon-_ -.

Strated Saturday.

The waiting harmonica and
his exquisite playing on his 12-
string gnitar gave the band

The Jayhewks have matured
since the September 1986 re-
lease of their first album, The

While most of the music Sat-
urday night came from their lat-
est album, Blue Earth, released
tast October. the cider songs
were markedly more of a new—
wave country flavor.

Those songs played from the




in the Top i0 ofthe i989 St
{Paul Pioneer; Press Dispatch 3
presented a hold and mature '
' face of the JayhaWks

As they usually'do in Minne-
drew a diverse audience

Those who were there proba-
biy could not help from notic-
ing the underlying Nashville
sound to the music. It was not a
twangy scund with piercing
tones, but intricate guitar piay-
ing with lyrics abom real peo-
pie and iife.

To sum it up, the Jayhawks

are truly an earthy band. They

are not Concerned with any of

film? iatest music fads but only‘v


Minn” the Jayhawks. .





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Woman’s touch

Female named UK assistant coach

Sports Editor

Bernadette Locke was named
the first woman to hold a coach-
ing job on a Division 1 men’s bas-
ketball team yesterday when UK
coach Rick Pitino named her as a
graduate assistant

Locke, who was an assistant
coach for the past five years with
the University of Georgia wom~
en’s basketball team, said she was
excited about joining the UK

“There’s a lot of women who
Coach Pitino could'vc had for this
position,” Locke said. “I feel for-


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Dr Flanagan a general dentist now concentrate- totnlly on cosmetic bonding

tunate that he and his staff and his
administration chose me to pursue

Locke fills the vacancy created
by Ralph Willard's departure for
the head coaching position at
Western Kentucky University.

When searching for possible
candidates. Pitino said Locke was
continually referred to as the best.

“Every time I mentioned this
young lady's name, everyone said
the same thing: She can recruit.
She can coach. She‘s outstanding
in every phase of the game and
she'd be a tremendous addition to
our program.” Pitino said during a
press conference.

Besides Locke's on-thc—court
duties, which could range into the
night time hours, she will take on
Pitino‘s newly created duty of job

“Bernadette is going to work
with me on the corporate level of
having lunch once or twice a
week with major corporations
throughout not only Kentucky,
but surrounding areas, in trying to
open up avenues for our players,"
Pitino said.

Her remaining duties will be
the same as the other assistant
coaches on the UK squad.

“All our coaches work from
five am. to midnight — whatever
hours that we put in. They all
have the same responsibilities,"
Pitino said.

”KT?“ pt









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Editor in Chief
Tonia Wilt

Executive Editor
Gregory A. Hall

Associate Editor
Brian Jent

Arts Editor
Rhona Bowles

Editorial Cartoonist
Jerry Volght

Sports Editor
Jim Teiser

Design Editor
Elizabeth C. Moore

Photography Editor
Andy Collignon

General Manager
Mike Agin

Production Manager
Evelyn Quillen

Advertising Director
Jeff Kuerzi

Display Advertising
(606) 257-2872
Classified Advertising
(606) 257-2871


The Kentucky Kernel is published
on class days during the academic
year and weekly during the
summer session.

Thirdclass postage paid at
Lexington, Kentucky 40511.
Mailed subscription rates
are $30 per year.

Readers are encouraged to submit
letters and guest opinions to
the Kentucky Kernel
in person or by mail.

Writers should address
their comments to:
Editorial Editor,
Kentucky Kernel.

035 Journalism Building.
University of Kentucky.
Lexington. KY 405060042.

Letters should be 350 words or
less, while uest opinions should
be 85 words or less.

We prefer all material

to be type written and
double-spaced. but others are
welcome if they are legible.

Writers must include their name,
address. telephone number and
major classification or connection
with UK on all submitted material.

Frequent contributors
can be limited so we
may publish letters from
as many writers as possible.

We reserve the right
to edit all material.

Cover Illustration , pencil drawing


by Evelyn Quillen



Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 14, 1990 - 3

Presidential search narrowed to 15 names

Editor in Chief

Taking the next steps in finding
UK‘s 10th president, the Presi-
dential Search Committee nar~
rowed the field to 15 candidates
and hired a consulting firm in a
two-hour meeting Tuesday.

UK interim President Charles
Wethington is among the 15 re-
maining candidates. which were
chosen from the original 77. said
Search Committee Chairperson
Foster Ockerrnan.

Ockerman released Wcthing-
ton‘s name since the UK interim
president has stated that his candi-
dacy should be public informa-

In order to review each appli-

cant thoroughly, the consulting
firm of Lamalie Associates, Inc.
was hired over four others.

The involvement of Lamalie
partner Thomas Watkins in the
last presidential search was one of
the primary reasons why the firm
was selected.

“Particularly, we relied on the
fact that Mr. Watkins was in-
volved in the last presidential
search,“ Ockcrman said.

Three years ago, Watkins was
employed by Heidrich and Strug-
gles, the firm used to find UK’s
ninth president, David Roselle.

Assisting Watkins will be Icrry
Baker. another partner in the busi-

“Our purpose in working with
any search committee is to give

them an objective look at the
marketplace,” Watkins said. The
firm will also perform “further
screening through intcrvrcwing
and reference beyond what (the
committee) might be able to do.”

According to Ockcrman. the
company will perform the initial
screenings and the search com-

mittee will conduct the final inter-

The Lamalic interview process
will be similar to the one used by
Heidrich and Struggles during
UK’s last search.

The partnership will first screen

See SEARCH. Back Page





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 4 - Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 14, 1990

Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 14, 1990 - 5


Drug program provides light of hope

Editor in Chief

Drug dependency has long
been a national concern and rare-
Iy' is there a light of hope at the
end of this dark tunnel. However,
Sylvia Coleman proves to be a
shining example of success in
conquering the problem of drug

Nine months ago Coleman was
a cocaine addict. pregnant and un-
employed. She had already lost
custody of her three children and
the addiction was threatening the
life of her unbom child.

“I was using drugs all the time
and I didn’t have anywhere to
stay and no job," said Coleman,
who was living in Louisville, Ky.,
at the time.

But today, Coleman is living in
Lexington at a halfway house,
looking for ajob, planning on get-
ting her General Education Diplo—
ma and has delivered a healthy

She credits the Perinatal. Re-
covery, Infant Development and
Educational Program (PRIDE) at
the Alben B. Chandler Medical
Center as a major force in her re-

“I feel that today I don‘t have
the desire to do the drug. I can
live one day at a time without the
drug if I wanted to, ifI wanted to
feel good about myself,“ Cole-
man said. “I feel better. If some-
thing is wrong with me I can talk
to somebody about it and they
can relate."

PRIDE, which has been in op.
erairon since March. is the first
program in Kentucky for prcg<
nant women addicted to drugs
and alcohol. The group is de-
signed to provide treatment ser-
vices focusing on prenatal care. a
dnrg-free pregnancy and continu-
in g recovery treatment.

Dr. William Miller. director
tmd founder of PRIDE at UK.
brought the idea from a similar
organization in Ponland. Ore.

“The more I learned about the





delivered in
Kentucky in






Sm: Dr. Williun Miller, UKMC


Babies Born to Women Who Abuse Drugs



delivered in

Fayette Co. in




Fayette Co.

I Babies born to women who are substance abusers


2.000 s

to be delivered
at UKMC in






problem. the more I realized that
this is not just a problem of inner-
city women. It became clear to
me that this is a problem all over
the counuy,“ Miller said. “So
when I came here to Kentucky,
this is something that I decided I
wanted to pursue."

In I987, the National Associa-
tion of Perinatal Substance Abuse
reported in a national hospital sur—
vey that ll percent of pregnant
women use illegal psychoactive
substances. Extrapolated, and us»
ing a 10 percent incidence rate,
these numbers indicate that 325
of 3.325 pregnancies in Fayette
Co. and 200 of 2,000 pregnancies
delivered at the Medical Center a
year would be those of substance

In an effort to start decreasing
these numbers at UK, the PRIDE
program was born. There are sev-
eral ways women can become in-
volved i'l PRIDE. including being

()hstetrical Complications of Substance Abuse

Low Birthweight (<2,500 g) 24.3
Premature Rupture of Membranes 21.1

Toxemia of Pregnancy


Preterm Labor
Preterm Delivery
Precipitous Delivery



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referred from other agencies and
self referral, but the only way to
be rejected from the program is if
the woman doesn‘t want to be
there, Miller said.

Also, when a woman makes an
appointment as a regular obstetric
patient. they are evaluated as a
prospective candidate for the
group. If a patient is at risk to
substance abuse or is currently us—
ing drugs. she is referred to the
PRIDE clinic for an assessment.

All of the women in PRIDE at—
tend weekly meetings said Jeanne
Keene. who is involved with the
initial assessments and is a coun-
selor in weekly group meetings.

Most women have stopped
drug use by the time they enter
the program and in this respect
PRIDE serves as a support group,
Keene said.

"We watch films about differ-
ent things. We talk about what we
are going to do." said Coleman.
who was first introduced to co-

Prematurc Separation of Placenta 16.0

Fetal Monitor Abnormalities 9.00

Source Dr William Miller, L'KMC. Taken from mom-wide stud-e:


Substance %Overall
Exposed% Incidence





caine by her friends. “It teaches
us something different every
week about the danger I was
putting not only myself but the
baby in. I’m not the only one out
there who‘s doing this.”

The meetings intend to educate
the women about prenatal care
and pregnancy in general.

“We try to educate these wom-
en on the effects of addiction and
chemical use on pregnancy. on
their families and on themselves,“
Miller said. “And we also try to
help them learn what kind of
community services and treat-
ment programs that are available.
So in a sense we try to use preg-
nancy and motherhood sort of as
a leverage to help getting them
into treatment"

Members of the program are
showing improvement, especially
those who have quit substance
abuse. Keene said.

“I‘ve seen some improvement
in tint they have all stayed away

from their drug of choice. They
are all able to cope," she said.
“Most of them are really commit-
ted to making some changes."

Miller commendsColeman and
the other women who have elect-
ed to change their life through
PRIDE. but all the mothers face
future challenges.

“It has taken her (Coleman) a
long time and she has been
through a lot but she has done the
most important thing and tint is to
get out of the environment that
she was living in.” he said. “That
doesn't mean that she won’t have
her ups and downs. She will have
to take every day at a time.”

High risk obstetrical care
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Program and your needs.

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Seeking counseling uncommon
among pregnant drug abusers

Editor in Chief

Since the first Kentucky con-
viction of a woman for abusing
her unbom child by using illegal
drugs, counselors at UK‘s Perina-
tal. Recovery, Infant Develop»
ment and Educaton Program
(PRIDE) fear that fewer women
Will get help for themselves and
their unborn children.

“It may drive the mothers who
are using drugs away from prena-
tal care because of the legal sys-
tem," said Jeanne Keen, who is
involved with the initial assess-
ments of the women.

In order to help the mothers,
more programs like PRIDE need
to be established instead of send-
ing the women to prison. said Dr.
William Miller. director of

“I think that we could really be
creating more of a problem by be-
ing punitive than be really help-
ing the program." he said. “We
are treating an illness. Substance
addiction is an illness with laws
and I don‘t know if that’s appro-
priate or not."

Currently, many of the women
that were asked to join PRIDE
don‘t attend meetings.

“A lot of these women, when
they are identified. don‘t show up
for their appointment," Miller
said. “I think this has to do with
the fear of social services or
somebody going to be taking their
baby away."

Although the womcn are afraid
of the damage their addiction may
have had upon the unborn child. it
is the guilt associated with this
fear that keeps some wotnen from
getting help.

“It‘s a real worry and is one of
the things that keeps. I think.
women from coming in for treai~
ment'" Miller said. “In other pro—
grams I‘ve been involved in.



stnatal care for mother and

ill talk to you about the PRIDE


there have been a few instances
of birth defects. It may or may
not be related to drug abuse. It's
hard to say. but the impact of sub-
stance abuse is traumatic."

Babies born frottr mothers who
were cocaine addicts, like Sylvia
Coleman. who is a mother in
PRIDE. have an increased risk in
the womb for strokes. problems
with the urinary and the gastrotn»
testinal tracts as well as develop-
mental problems. 'lhc babies also
tend more easily to enter into a
crying. agitated state and are cast?
ly stimulated. said Donna (irtgs»
by. a PRIDE clinical instructor.

For this reason. PRIDE work
ers and counselors have follow
up sessions after the baby is born.

“I think our emphasis in pain”
rics ts to help these mothers with
the child's care." (irigsby said.
“We follow children closely in re
lation to their development. The
goal is to optimize prenatal care
and optimi/e the follow-up doing

Open 24 Hours
40] S. Limestone


things to help the mothers interact
With the babies."

However. not all of the women
in PRIDE are off drugs. Some
take methadone. a drttg developed
to be a heroin substitute and is
distributed through a federally
funded progrartt, Miller said.
PRIDE does not prescribe metha—

“'lherc is a federally funded
prograitt III the country today
where people w ho are opiate. nar
tottc addicts, can get tttcthtidonc
and are given rticthadotte under
the supervision of a physician III
the progrartt.” \hllcr said. ”If
they go to tiiiilt‘ll drugs or .hcnt.
they are kicked out of the pro

”'Ihc idea is that they believe
narcotic .iddittton l\ill1l\t‘.l\t‘ and
that some of these people. if they
don‘t get their drug. they will
not get the drugs they need
which causes more problems for
them than if they have a con
trolled dose."

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 6 - Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 14, 1990




Basketball coach’s
landmark hiring,
unfair opportunity

Yesterday. UK men’s basketball coach Rick Pitino named Geor-
gia’s Bernadette Locke to fill the assistant coach vacancy. The posi-
tion was created when Ralph Willard accepted the head coach’s job
at Western Kentucky University.

The entrepreneurial Pitino has hired what he calls college basket-
ball's first true courtside female assistant coach. This is a first for
women in men’s college basketball.

However, there were some disadvantages in saying from the out-
set that the coach would likely be female before the applicants were
interviewed. This limited the search, making it appear as if the hir-
ing was based first on the applicant's sex, and second on the qualifi—

Pitino may be opening a closed door for women, but some of his
reasons taint this landmark decision. He said the move is not to send
a message to the NCAA but to gain an “edge for the University of

Recruiting is the edge UK’s second—year coach wants. By hiring a
woman to fill the position, UK may have more of an advantage in
recruiting. The Associated Press quoted Pitino as saying that moth-
ers often are the greatest influence in deciding where their sons will
play and that a woman’s voice on the telephone will get the attention
needed to recruit top prospects.

However hiring a woman for the recruiting advantage shouldn’t
be considered a giant step for womankind. Instead, women should



Chromosome Quolilicrrlons




fl. flat/m:







be outraged because they are being used to gain an advantage over
the opponent.

According to Pitino, Locke will have the same on-the-court re-
sponsibilities as the rest of the staff. And she, like all of the other as-
sistants, will have an area of concentration career placement

Pitino’s consideration of women and his institution of a placement
officer are commendable. However. the reasons behind the call
present a sexist attitude which is already prevalent in our society.

Instead of announcing that he was looking for a woman, Pitino
should have announced that he was looking for the best person to
fill the position.

Pitino continues to prove that he can boost the morale of men’s
basketball where it belongs, but in this instance he called the wrong





‘Oh man,’ ease up on Bart Simpson and family

Bart Simpson is on the cover of
Rolling Stone.

I suppose now the same people
banning Bart T-shirts from class-
rooms will want this week‘s Roll-
ing Stone taken off the racks so
impressionable youngsters cannot
be taken off the path of righteous~

Many have objected to the say»
ings of one Bartholomew J.

The 10—year old brat says
things like. “Underachicver and
proud of it." He is a prankster of
the worst sort and he is ever so
slightly less than the perfect gen-

Yeah, Bart Simpson is an in-
sufferable brat. However, some
of his messages are good, like the
one quoted in Rolling Stone:
“Kids, stay in school. Otherwise
you‘ll have to go to work.

“I plan to stay on the educa-
tional gravy train until they kick
me off screaming," he said.

Homer Simpson, the bumbling
father in the series does not have
the cunning that his son was
blessed with. Actually, he has the
IQ. of a rock. He is a klutz and
rarely gives his children prudent

The wife. Marge. has the bee-
hive hairdo frorn hell, layer upon

The baby. Maggie, is like most



if Greg

toddlers. She crawls around inno-
cently finding trouble.

But the elder daughter Lisa is
the smartest member of the fami-
ly and the genesis of most of the
show‘s serious points.

Lisa plays the saxophone. and
always the blues. She goes along
with the pranks of her brother
and sometimes uses her brains to
get what she wants from him.

For instance. Bart once needed
Lisa to help him so she forced
him to squeamishly say why he
needed her assistance. “Oh, don’t
make me say it -— because
you‘re smarter than me.”

But the redeeming qualities of
the show lie in some Miles it

For example a clip on Comic
Relief '90 showed Lisa baking
cupcakes for the homeless.
Marge applauded the effort.
while Bart and Homer asked
why, wanting the cupcakes for

One entire episode of the show
was dedicawd to the homeless.
Lisa was blue lid went «rating

the city with her sax. When she
found a homeless man they had
an impromptu jam session.

When Lisa‘s worried parents
found her they swooped her into
the car and said not to go near
“those kind of people." Lisa re-
sponded that the man was not

Some may take that as a mes—
sage to children which counter-
acts the ncccssary advice that
parents give kids —— stay away
from strangers.

However, what the show did
was dispel the untrue image that
just because someone is on the
street that they are evil.

A recent episode was devoted
to environmental safety con—
cerns. Bart‘s class was taking a
tour of the nuclear power plant
where his father worked.

While the students were on the
tour. Homer, driving a golf cart.
looked up on a ledge to say “hi"
to his son and crashed into a ma-
chine setting off an alarm.

Point one —- kids see how lit-
tle it takes to cause serious trou-
ble at a nuclear power plant

Ultimately Homer is fired and
sits around the home. drinking
beer and feeling sorry for him-
self. Then Homer decided to
leave home for good.

As he wn walking away from
the Simpson house. he was nea-

ly hit by a car.

This made Homer realize that
a stop sign was needed. Thus he
went to city hall, fought for the
traffic sign and won.

Point two —— civic responsibil-

To be funny, Homer overdoes
the Ralph Nader bit, having
warning signs put up for every
crack in the concrete.

Finally. Homer’s safety kick
lands him in front of the power
plant that fired him.

His protest of the lack of safe-
ty at the plant is supported by the
city and he is eventually hired as
the power plant‘s safety officer.
Homer sold-out on his principles
for the raise. but his new position
is redeeming.

Point three — a reinforcement
of safety.

The Simpsons is not a kids’
show. If it were, it would be on
Saturday morning with the
Smurfs. Flintstones and the Su-

lts prime time play emphasizes
that the Simpsons is a family
show. where parents should reit-
erate to their children the impor-
tant points that the show makes
mid the laughter.

Executive Editor Gregory A.
Hall is a journalism sophomore
and a Kernel columnist.

Ways to beat
heat differ


Summer, it‘s here again.

The long, blistering, dry and
humid June, July and August days
are back and believe me, it’s no

But if you’re looking for ways
to survive while being comforta-
ble, here are a few suggestions.

For those who like staying in-
doors, make sure you have a fan
or an air conditioner. Of course,
air conditioning is a lot more en-
joyable than a fan because you
can relax and watch television
without feeling sticky.

However, not everyone can af-
ford the comforts of A.C., so try
the fan. For the best results be
sure to make provisions for plenty
of ice to rub on your skin while
sitting in front of this air circulat-
ing contraption.

For the outdoors people, the
swimming pool, lake or beach is
sufficient. While enjoying splash-
ing in the water, you get the add-
ed pleasure of watching men and
women basking like lizards.

For those thinking of their
stomach and cooling off at the
same time try the local ice cream
parlor. With a variety of flavors,
this delectable treat makes any
sweltering day a little more re-

The intellectual person should
try cooling down in the library.
Reading the latest horror novel
can be a chilling experience.

A final way to beat the heat is
to travel north. Vacationing in
Alaska during the dog days can
serve as a break from the normal

But if your anything like me,
you just don‘t have the money to
take long trips out of state. So just
hang in there, because if you wait
long enough in this state. the
weather will change.

Associate Editor Brian Jen! is a
journalism junior and a Kernel


Editor in Chief
Tonia Witt
Executive Editor
Gregory A. Hall
Associate Editor
Brian Jam
Editorid Cmoonist
Jerry Volght
Arts Edtor
Rhona Bowie.

Jh Tabor





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