xt7sbc3sxx76 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sbc3sxx76/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-12-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 06, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 06, 1982 1982 1982-12-06 2020 true xt7sbc3sxx76 section xt7sbc3sxx76 I ' 1 d. Playing Kentucky's tune
Kentucky Country by Charles K
I) 1. 2“ (1' Wolfe, presents a rewew of state muSir
. _ is, T r from lesser-known western swing bands
‘ ' ’ to popular bluegrass and folk tunes See
_ ‘ page 4 for an analysus of the book
i ' . i '
n.— l ' - N '
(3 L
A*______, f' t L \ a ,
Vol. LXXXV, No. 82 Monday, December 6, 1982 An Independent student newspaper University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
MONDAY Support for invas'on f d'ng 'n Israel
ByMARCUSELlASQN tains, wrote Eitan Haber, Yedioth Haaretz columnist Yoel Marcus Sition Labor Party yesterday de-
Record flOOdil'Ig dOVOSTGTOS river towns Assocmted P1158 Writer Ahronoth's military commentator. likened the government to a child manded Israel stop acting as “the
“The Druse slaughter the Chris- with chewing gum on its hands. say policeman of the Chouf mountains."
. . 57*“ tians, the Christians slaughter the ing, “The more it tries to get rid of Calling on the army to pull out of
Dovs 0* '0'" 59'" “vets surgmg '0 record levels yesterday The followmg '.’ an analysis: It may Druse. and amid this routine butch- it, the harder it sticks." the region. Labor said: “Israeli sol-
in the Mississippi Valley from Illinois to Louisiana, forcing reflect the Writer's Viewpoints and ery and destruction, the Israeli 501- The military command said an [5- diers should not be caught in a live
hundreds to flee as dams broke and water poured chest OPINIOHS- diers are trying to save their skiifis. raeli soldier had been wounded by a battle that has no bearing on our
_ Al they want is to come home sa e- stray bullet in the latest outbreak of security Israel will be blamed if the
deep through 5°me towns. " W°5 9°" °l ° week °l 5'9"“ TEL AVIV, Israel — The invasion ly." violence in the Chouf. and the oppo- troops are not Withdrawn soon "
weather punctuated by rare, late fall tornadoes claimed of Lebanon enters its seventh month At first the invasion had wide-
about 40 lives in the nation, including l8 who died when tOday with no end in sight and Israe- - a s ‘ ' -, - .
5 _ 5 . . pread public support. An opinion
hurricane-force winds and snowstorms hit the West. 115 sromngymcreasmgly affil‘d they Begin refuses to tes tlfy poll taken in June showed 77.6 per-
Bloated rivers climbed as much as 12 feet above flood alifhstltlhtpenof: £3331 S'Ckbed . _ . cent of those questioned supported it
, . . w u . wholeheartedly But another ll at
f’oge 'n- lh-e.C9n'ral STOTeS, reoch'ng the hlghes' mark ever Withdrawal talks have not even before Investlga tlve board the end of ()(iiober showed ”1:: fig.
in lllInOIS Cities such as La Salle in the northern part of the been scheduled and blic su rt . 5 5 g . ,
. ‘ pu ppo. JERUSALEM (APi — Pr1me has blamed on its Lebanese Chris- ure hdd «filmed to~19.2percent.
state and Green Valley south 0, Peoria. for the war that began June 6 1.5 Minister Menachem Begin who tian militia allies
Flooding was also severe in Arkansas and Louisiana claims. The labor Partys 01351015“ has been warned of possible crit- Begin testified that he did not I Between the samplings. 440'Isra-eli
river towns. “0".‘5 becoming stronger, an s- icism from the judicial panel know of the Christians' role until soldiers were killed 1“ the fighting
gaggggspmhiisagrfiienthfifigt: probing the Beirut massacre. will two hours after they entered the and (Ijsraelis go}? harfsh 11:30:50“ in [ble
. . . . , . not testif before the commission cam and did not know of the mu" erous “33 1 1‘5 0 anese P0 ‘
"III'IOIS QUbGI‘MTOI‘Ia' race to 90 to court Menachem Begin sCabinet. dy ' 1 mm . 1 ps . itics —— the massacre of hundreds of
. . a secon time, Israe 0 re saughter until at least 12 hours 5 _ _
Not only do the Shifting goals 0f ported yesterday. afteritended, Palestinian ciVilians at two Beirut
CHICAGO — Democrat Adlai Stevenson, refusing to con- rt-il'fiamzzzllirilig—osfecgg‘rllietrngsgi-gzll- _In another-development, the ju- Some of the massacre survivors refugee camps
cede dele‘" l" '"lmls' “0595’ 9Ubem0l°rl°l battle, ‘5 Plon‘ eradication of the PLO‘s threat and dielal ”fatigued iezommuniqucte (5121:. they'l-saw Wfimhbegs 0f Had- Israel blamed the slaughter on its
ning to ask the Illinois Supreme Court to order an official a peace treaty with Lebanon —- :flgaé Haddafile: {Grilnqullfia lishefi glénlg‘av: ihcsoutEeriESItzg: Christian militia allies but the na-
recount 0‘ all 3'6 million ballots (05' l" ”‘9 NOV- 2 come-5' seem more eluswe than ever. but 15' anese Christian army major now anon with Israeli backing. in the ' “9". was outraged to learn that?“
because of irregularities and errors. higaalsgeggsbmflif 3211;201:22le1: allied with Israel, to reappear and camps during the killing. militiamenb bid Ibeenl' allowed ”"0
The election was won by Gov. James R. Thompson by a and Christian factions in Lebanon’s tocallupwitnesses on his behalf. ‘The judicial panel's commu- ' ecamps 5 t e srae iarmy.
mar in of 5,074 votes. That narrow mar in leads the Ste- ' nique said Haddad. who appeared ‘ ‘ ' '
g . g . Choufmountains. - The three-man commission before the commission last month. A )udiCial panel informed Begin
venson camp to believe that chances of reversing the out- Yesterday the Israeli press pub- . 5 . . . . and other top government offxcxals
H .. 5 1' bed . l fthe warned Begin last month it might asked to testify again. 1 .
come are better than 50-50, according to John Schmidt, 15“ Estimippraisa 513 th waIr. 1' rule that he failed in his official But the commission said it last month that they may face crit-
Stevenson's attorney. In_ ne-iiting co ’ e sraei duties by not preventing the turned Haddad down because it msm 0f the" conduct during the
. _ army is trying these days to av01d . . . . . . massacre But the law restricts pub-
But Thompson 5 camp says a recount is unwarranted and sticking its healthy head deeper into slaughter at the Sabra and Chatil- did not believe its ultimate find- “C debate mm the commission is—
expensive — it could cost as much as $4 million. Both sides the sickbed of the Chouf moun- la refugee camps. WhICh Israel ings WOUJd harm hlm- suesits findings
. . . . N
say their conclu5ions about a recount come from reVieWing
partial recounts done last week throughout the state.
Heart recipient controls on-off switch
SALT LAKE CITY — Barney Clark has access to a key that "-S
can turn off the artificial heart keeping him alive, but its . ""'~
primary purpose is to allow him to switch manually from (n my;
the air compressor that powers the heart to a second porta~
ble compressor,
Repeated queries about the retired dentist's access to , g, 5
the on-off switch on the compressor that drives his newly 1" {.7 p , 5
installed heart have angered hospital officials, who say the 1. if . , ‘. , h ' “
61-year—old Clark has no desire to turn the device off. 1 ‘ f g: ,, Q‘ .
The compressor, connected to Clark's heart by 6-foot . fl, 4 d“ ”’5”, r ”é.
hoses, can be turned on and off by a locked switch and "the 2.2 EfiTan 5 0 h
key is available to the patient," said Dr. Robert Jarvik, the l _ . . , .
heart's inventor. ' ,, - ' g; , .
Still b k W - a 12 ,.
Marines said on maneuvers in Mideast rea S y .
MANAMA. Bahrain ——- An estimated 2,500 U.S. troops are lsse' s recor * g 5 ’1» . '2' if?
on maneuversin Oman, testing defense capabilities in the Lady Kat senior center Valerie ,V _ , 5 wj/
event of a Sowet or other foreign attack on the ail-rich Per- . . 5 5- 5 .
. G If _ A b d' l 1, d d Still accepts congratulations , . 5.." .
Sian .u region, ra , ‘lp oma ic sources sat yelster ay. and the game ball from coach ‘ f \
Omani government officials who were not identified said Terry Hall (left) yesterday , _ ‘ i \ , .
the mt‘JIneucii/ers _. code-named Jade Tiger 55 began Friday after Still set a new school i \e
and w' en "°'“°"_°W‘ h _ scoring record in a 90-6l vic- ‘ _‘ _ 5‘,
U.S. dip omats in Muscat, t e Omani capital, refused to tory over Miami of Ohio. The 5 .
answer reporters questions about the exercise. . _, l
_ preVIous record was held by a \
in Washington, Pentagon offiCials have privately con- . _ 5 ,
f‘ d h . b ' 'd ” t f | former UK All-American Don t . _‘
irme t e exercises, u set to no orma announcement lssel. Assistant Athletics Di- , ”a: 5 her
was made because Oman wants to play down its links Witn . “M
5 _ , rector Sue Feamster waits to 5, , 2
the United States to avaid criticism from Arab countries critr . . . ,7
. . . present Still With a plaque in 5/
ical of U.S. policies in the Middle East, honor of the accom lishment is; ', M
Muscat-based Arab diplomats, who asked not to be p l 5 = 5
identified, said about l,OOO U.S. Marines part of a group JACK snvns Home an, ' ' ‘
created in l980 to aSSiSt the gulf states are to land on the in.” , ‘
Omani coast from amphibious vehicles With the nuclear- ’
powered aircraft carrier Enterprise prowding cover. . g;
Shultz leaves for Europe '
~ we ..
WASHINGTON —- Secretary of State George Shultz leaves 4/ .l
today on u Wide-ranging EurOpean trip his first such ex
curSion since taking office aimed at forging a Western
strategy to deal with the new Soviet leadership and at set . l‘ . “*1
tling some nagging differences with America 5 European al- I h '
“85. H “‘1“ a «a .1
Shultz and others in the Reagan administration have 9 ""3
made clear they are looking for opportunities to improve * 3.
relations With Moscow under the new leadership of Yuri 3;. f' v": “m. y _
Andropov but Will remain alert to any threat of Soviet ag- ’ _ . 5‘ .,
gression, A major chore expected during Shultz two weeks
in Europe will be consulting on how the allies should rer . - .
spond if the Polish government lifts martial law. Dec. l3 norex,a u lmla
Will mark the first anniversary of the crackdown in Poland '
and there are indications a decmon to lift restrictions could Ea‘hng-dlsorder VICflmS rUln heOlTh by STOFVlng and blnglng, doctors say
come at any time.
It Will be Shultz's first extended trip abroad Since replac BVSL'SAN SIMMONS ' hUl‘m'“ and ill10r9X1a~ are ruining
- Al M. H t f t t J I . ‘ t u , , - the health oi many of America‘s
"‘9 exander 0'9 as secre cry 0 S a e m U V Repor er [”7 hungry and [m afraid Of. fOOd at the same young women And they are killing
\ ~ time. In my head, being fat IS the worst thing some
/ . . . . _..-_s.. a that can happen. ,, People \\ ho severely restrict their
A (lit‘l to avoid “eight gain are anorex—
’ This is the first of a two~part series ‘ it' It the condition isrnot arrested is
on anorexia and bulimia. two «it head [0 classes All" coming home . percent kill themselves through
WEATHER etary disorders affecting thousands 1" the afternoon, Sht‘t’xt‘rt‘lb‘t’d 501119 Cheryl. another I'K student. in- starvation or by simply wearing
of young women. The names of ano- more. dulged in a whole bag ot cookies "I down their body; defensé5_ accord-
rexia and bulimia victims quoted AS the semester passed. her lunch- can eat a whole six pack of pudding mg to the National Assouation of
have been changed, 95 80‘ smaller and 5h? stopped 9“" illldIWltpludeltlltk‘t‘ " Anorexm \t’l‘VUSii and Related Dis-
mg dinner With her family. pm She doesn‘t gain \H'ighl. htmmcr orders
Morning claudlnau fodgy followed by gradual cloar- Jenny. a UK student. got up at terring ‘0 partake 0f ht‘r meager i‘heryl is bulimic. meaning that she Anomst usually 1059 20 to 25 per-
In. durlng m. .fl.m°¢m Cooler with a high In the 6:30 em. to do floor exercises At 7 self-allotment in her room Jenny purges her body of food utter eating cent of their mm weight They re
low to mldm O'CIOCk she rode her Exercycle for exerc‘ised before and alter t’Vt‘r.“ "I'm hungry and [m afraid «it food {use to eat normal amounts, .even
. " CI d ' Id ' h half an hour. Then she sat down to meal “I had to do something to at the same time In my head. being though they are experiencmg severe
“' an ‘° .' '0" I 9 Wlth a low In the mid or an hour-long breakfast of a bowl of earn my fixxi.”shesaid fat is the worst thing that can imp hunger palm- Exert'ise often be»
"PP" 2°" cereal. Jenny ‘5 anorexic P9" ‘ comes ii predominant part of their
Sunny but cool tomorrow with a 'ilgh In the low Grabbinga lunch of halta slice of “I really was unhappy Even . ll\t'.\'
40.. 1 bread With cheese, an apple and though I had "“5 body. ‘t wasn‘t m Bulimia. CUIIIIIIUIIlV referred to as
skim milk. she hopped on her bike to ting the bill [was alone “ “w sown. Mmg disorders '
' Nee HEALTH. page 3

Kernel l
Illl Steiden Andrew Oppmann John armln Steven W. Low'hor Llnl S. led-bu Lo. Venfloou Den ("Word
Editor in t that Now; Editor A,“ [limo Spoils pdum 509‘ lot Pigtails fdihi Photo ltdttoi Graphlu Editor
P E R5 U ASION I"... “m“ mm. “A". m“ “n" ""‘~ "In", "1 MM" "mu" "m. mm" "" VI" “ooh chm A“.
Monagmgfd-tm Editorial Edifov Assistant Am til-vii A\~ stout Sports idiom 5pm l)| Punt-its Assistant ( hint Photographer tom Dotti tv in
artisan p0 ItICS t reaten gas-tax prOposal
Lame-duck congressional sessions tradi- However, Robert Byrd, D-w.Va, Senate mi-
tionally accomplish very little. The senators nority leader. said Senate Democrats are far BROTHER CAN You SPARE
and representatives usually use the brief from united in their support. ’ 3 ,
session before the Christmas recess to tie up Byrd said Senate Democrats are drafting . A NlCKE—L . ,
a few loose ends and quickly pass retainer a $10 billion program, including the $5.5 bil- . .. . >-
bills, allowing the government to run its lion gas tax boost and increased jobless ben- ' . _. ,. . Q” ”i'jfifiiff . f 1 . . - . i
courseuntil the new year. efits to combat the national disgrace of the :55.;_’_ "I; 331;; y 'g.Z,_j'jfffffififififi'giif'2:33;.::' , ' . ~ ' _»:;__:j-;§:1
This session, however, might be a bit more US. unemployment rate. 3233333253233}?3331,31,; - .3 .:‘:§.§T:-E-:1E§I§ E3331-.3§~1113335ll123§32fl A‘ ‘IIEifgiiiiE:.-j-.I?ii'§‘§f . '. ; if 1. 2:13. I . W .».-iiI-iiii}iEI.IEiEiEv
substantial than some of the lame-ducks of And. House Democrats unveiled elements 3:EifiiiEgiiEifiEIEiEiEiEiE-LE-Zfi? =-.:i'2255-3)}v-L.-Ei:-E-E-?~E-§1§£ 3313133313“: gfliili{Iiiiiiiiii131313i:iE‘Eiiiiifi:1?i3-Ei§‘EiEIEiiiiiEI:iE£i§3LEiEIEIEIE'EiEiEiEiEiEIEi “:6
the past. A bipartisan proposal has brought of an additional $5 billion jobs plan of their i2E13i?IEIEIEIZIEIEI§iEIEiE‘EiEIEiE121:1{I}ii~Ei3:EIEIEIEIEI3IEIEIE135.1313ISIEIEIEIEiEiEIEIEIEZEIl £32312IEIEIEIEIEIEIE:Z:§:3:2:}:3:3:2:3:ZI3:f:3:3:3:3:3:3:§:§:§:3:§:§:§'§:{:§:gzngzngzgzgigz ‘
to the floors of Congress a measure that own, a package that House speaker Thomas g:gzg;§:g:;:g:g:g:;:;:;:;:g:3:;:3:g:3:;:;:;;g:;:;:g:g:;:g:gigigigigigigiggggzg:g;g:g:;igigi3§s/ ,5523335333;5:33;;:3:g:3:35;;:3:3:g:3:3;g:3;:gzgzgzgig3:33;igi;i;i;:g:gigig:;:gigigzgig: ”7*
could provide some long overdue relief to the P. O'Neill Jr., D-Mass., has predicted the 5532333332;533gfgigégigigigigi3333;EgEgigégigEgigi;E;E;£33353233323233353333333E3333'1'fj "s/t. \ A .l4%1*'5IE;EgEgE;EgEgE;E;E;EgEgig333333532523233;£3535;2333353533EgEgEgEgEgigigégigEgEgEgi
crlppllng effects of unemployment. full House will probably approve this week. 3335353353;3:3333$;EgEgEgEgigégigE52;E33325353335233;233323333323253333232333255 \\\\ §GAS 3; Zfl/ligég53333333333323;533335333353535333333335352;33E33353333gigEgEgégigégnggEgégE .
Legislators are considering raising the fed- The parties agree on one thing — a federal EE5E3333353EZEEEEEIEIEIEIEIEIEEIEIE2:322:52EtitiriIE:2152325323:3151323132325 \ : 7é’Z9:322:222:222:2:5:3:22;:z:3:3:2:325:2:5:s:szs:s:2:2:2:225:223:22:2:2:52225:2:2:2
eral gasoline tax 5 cents per gallon to pay works program would be a constructive step 5533333353333E3533;E{3131EI{ISISiE1313ISI3:3:EiE3323I323233313331323315155}?Y$§I§§ 1:6} if 1%£331313131313231525132335352333S5233323E33332}53131515333513333313???32513 '
for a federal works program — similar to toward providing economic relief for the na- i335IE33131313:3:E3E:{If:3:3:3:Z:§:E:§:§:§:§:§:§:3z§:§23:}:5:3:{33533333z3’ir' '\.'”\~;:§‘PUBUCL‘% Z:333:3:§:§33:3535333ng33333333333333}35333333553335335333333E§§§:§:§:§E§E§E§§3 '.
the depressmn-era Works Progress Adminis- tion. However, the planned $5 billion Demo- 33233533353;EgEgigégigEgigEgigigigi535553333333;333g533gigE;S;E;§gEgE§Egig:;. ‘4 § wo-- Z Z5332;3232;53333gigEgigigégEgEgigigigE323333333232E5EgSgigigEgEgigigigégEgEgE; i
tration — to improve the nation’s highways. cratic additions — despite the claim that 23'2i333335333333333532335353335333333333333523333gEgEgEgigégigigigigigig?” J. g ‘Rt cv- ? 75333333333333;53533335333;nggigigigigigfgigigE533235;333gEgégégigigigégigégigizig .
bridges and mass transitsystems. each percentage point that unemployment 1;:itigigigigigigigigEgE3353353335535332333553333353gZ;E;Eg§g§g§gig§g§g§;.;.,-.ita § 6 Z E;E3SgE;S;EgE;533;S333333gEgE5333;533;5553333335332323E{EgigigigEgEgEgigigigigigi E; k
The House Ways and Means Committee jumps costs the nation $25 billion — might 3;:1‘:3g3g5g3:;:33f:3;335;35533;3335333;3533333;3333333g3;5;3gfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgigfgij",§ 3.512: it“;iégigigfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgf:3:3:3:3:3:3:35:5:33:5:3:§:§:3:3:§:§:§:§:§:§:§:§:§:§:§:§..3: X i
voted Thursday to approve the plan, en- destroy the bipartisan backing of the plan a.._.-;:g:g:g3:35;};g:g35:32:3:5:gzgzgzg:3:32:32:;:5:3:;z;:3:§:3:3:§:§:3:§:,_sag {c.1254} ‘ 19.527133:55:523:325:333233333335555535;5525332353233533355;?gEgEgEgigigigigigigigé '35 g ‘
dorsed by congressional leaders of both par- and delay itfor several months. =; . g1533S333333gigfgégigigigigigigngii35333535353353?3335333353333333353353‘.’§357%? /:53232333£523232353233523255323252323252523532355:3s52S25sisisisizisisisisisisisisi;'35 .
ties as well as President Reagan and esti- Echoing Republican sentiment, Senate E".3532323333235353533;£333333353332;33335333335353Egigigégfgigigégégigigisgigs—2:3 . 3:5, 6/2"”:2355532333533353533333353;Sgigigigigigégfgégig2323333335333555533335335333335353:33 it? .
mated to create 170,000 jobs. GOP Whip Ted Stevens of Alaska said Re- 5f.13{gigigigEgigigigigigég55335335233gE;3333532353E3233333353333233533335355.;.'_.,_7—7::. isle?“L.ll.($233322;3535333555g532535535;E555332333333353555333555329553;53333255533333A€55 g
A new WPA will not solve the nation‘s publicans would reject such “worn out, tired I..1333333353535;gigigigigigigigig33355535353535Eg535335535;E52333335353352333533325233; .;3,'.'=,.i.’~‘ ”iiiégi’fifigigtgigzg:3E32333555;E5555555353g353555355:E15:35:51E:5=2:Szi:Stittiiiiétiéititit213?:5 3%"
problem; but it is a step in the right direc- attempts to put Band-Aids on the economy.” E235:5IEIE23iiiiiigiiiiiiiiEISISIEIEIE1E133353331333123553533555533333333335355355355331 £353335:3552323322333533515353533231233135:5335555555553553E53535555555333?353535353555:353 9‘
tion. Utilizing one of the ideas that helped The party lines are being drawn and legis- 353333S155555555E3E23335535S33335553555335:5:Sci535553:3:323:3:32552532352353:l ig:5:5:53;:55;E5:535:3555;:535:;:5ng33;$55;3355gig5555555553535555533355555553555335555335335555
rescue the nation’s economy during the De— lators are digging in for a battle over the 325E;S;533353355;33352533Sg3;3333S3353;333533E33353533555523555Egégigigigigigigigigigig3.; $33?t.9555555535535533535gigfgigigigigigigigi53335353;5523335353353553333;5335533359335555353555535533523 L
pression, it might provide economic simula- issue. Unfortunately, the bipartisan backing gigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigi555EgE5S;E5355gEgS55gSgE353E5Egigigigigigigigigigigig‘ t';EgE;5gE;Sgégigigigigigigigigigi53553553555235;35355353555333?52555S535EgEg553355555555255353332553 '--'
tion while helping to improve the condition and predicted shoo-in of the proposal is gE;5gE535SgS355S3555533S5353gE;555535533gE3E;S535E5S53555E;5555252gigigigigigigigigigi 355S5S;S;S;Es5555553355535553535555535355353E555aS353S5E3S5E5E:E=Eg5:5g535:555553555535:
of the nation’s transportation system. being threatened as the Congress plays 5E;E;535355555gE5E;E;E55gE5555gSgS353E;5555E;E35g35E;S5E5E553E555S§g§g§gigig§§g§5§gig.-..~451:4,l);sEgE53;E;E;E;E5555;E5555;E35535EgigE55;535gE52gEgigE5533:E=3=5555E:E55:S155555535255555553555535555
The program is expected to clear Congress party politics. arguing over which additions 3353555355333555;5g:3:5:55E:3:5:5:3:3:5:5g3;E;355:5:5:5:3'7'3'3'53"""flhhlly‘hhhllfiqMadamWt:3i1iiItIiI:I?331333EE15:E!E:52515151315131333355553$355535l5555555535555335555535355555
before the end of the lame-duck session. —or “improvements” —will help the most. :5:55:5:5:35:35:3E555E3:;S;535555555355:5:5:5:3532g.;.;.;.;._._._.,._._.,._._.‘_...f__~ ' ___—_‘,’f_,,._._._;;3:2;ga£5255gig553555555555555555Sg55£555S5EgE3555553555355555555555555552
TIER ’Christmas ’means ’phoniness ’
5 Perhaps working in a store has Claus and telling them so. A 4-year— antee. or even a solution to any
jaded me to the Christmas scene. old cynic is neither cute nor endear- problems. In fact. Christmas sort of
——_'————_-__— but I wish it would just go away. ing. compounds them.
Who's right? needed for funding of athletics,“ it‘s out of state and lose Uleir credits or Far. far away. As away as anything Dispelling the myth concerning Usually. money is scarce; gifts
' noted that apart from football and drop out of school altogether be- has ever gone. I also hope it never Santa Claus was my first encounter are given not because you care
Bill Steiden. writer of two recent basketball. "the publicized aspects cause they can’t pay tuition. This is returns. with Christmas fanaticism. People about someone but because you feel
articles about a certain British rock of L'K‘s athletic program end fair. almost as fair as the three—to “ Who are SUCh fanatics don't like like you owe them 0'19. and a mUltl‘
band, apparently needs an education there.“ eight hours these guys put into prac- A hearing that to some. such as my- tude of family members you see ..
of thewho’s who of the Whof How can the Kernel justify level- tice and conditioning every day Barbara self. Christmas iS just another ex- tw1ce a year Who you don't know or
In his first Who article. a pre—con- ing criticism at others when it is being flushed down the toilet. But cusetocleanthe house forguests. like to begin With’ converge at a
cert appetizer. there were three bla- grossly at fault itself? The sports most people won‘t notice. so it must 3 A L L 55 Perhaps the simple meaning of time when you‘d rather they didn‘t L
tant errors about the hand. There coverage in this paper. apart from beOK. . Christmas. to celebrate the birth of because you Just saw them a month
was also a misquote of the late John basketball (of which we hear enough It's a shame. There is no sport in —‘—‘———_ Christ. has been by somewhere in ago - and you did‘t like them then.
Lennon. In the second. he incorrect- anyway and football which in re- which the individual competes so in- The joys 0f the Christmas 59850“ the carol-sputtering Muzak through- either.
1y reported John Entwistle's concert cent years has been a source of em- tensely. Well. maybe our new wom- have been lOSt through the years. 0‘“ the malls and through the garish Shoppers bring small children.
performance. barrassment l. is pitiful with little or en's softball team will. andIdon‘t see them returning. decorations appearing the week fol- and the small children. usually there
The most obvious mistake was the no mention of the so-called minor StevenSchroering Remember how exciting it used to lowing Halloween are three of them for every one
incorrect writing of the title “Won‘t sports. Psychology/philosophy sophomore be to wake up after what seemed HOW many people have a Perry adult. whine, sit in the aisles and
Get Fooled Again," In Billy's ac- Is the reason for this because the like the longest night of the year and Comoeish Christmas? How many generally getintheuay.
count. the title became “Don‘t Get coaches spend so much time train— rushing to see if what lay under the can afford to have the kinds of cele- Christmas shopping isn't for chil»
Fooled Again " ing athletes that they can‘t submit , , tree was what you asked tread: bration advertisers dangle in front dren. If they aren‘t old enough to .
I suppose I could have overlooked sports reports? I was always led to Jury S verdICI pleaded and beggedi for? You gen- of the public Not many. if any an— dress themselves, they sure as heck
this as a common typo or as a confu» believe that journalism involved erally knew what was going to be swers both of those questions. aren‘t old enough to buy something
sion of similar words. but I was looking for stories. So far this se- One of the basic principles of good there because you lOUHd them in the I‘m “0t suggesting a QUIBt- Old‘ ofusefor anyoneelse.
amazedas more errors followed. mester. the team of which I am a newswriting is to obtain all of the linen closet. and Mom usually didn't fashioned Christmas. Those are cre- So. have yourself a merry little
Keith Moon. the Who's first drum- member has had no mention in the facts relevant to a topic before you keep a pink “Suzy Homemaker ations of Madison Avenue. too Christmas now.
mer, was said to have died just Kernel. despite attracting an NCAA attempt to write a story. Mickey Happy Home Sweeper"there, It‘s strange — many people think But count meout
weeks after the release of Who‘s champion to our home meeting and Patterson. Kernel assistant sports Being ostracized lGod. I wish I that simply because it is Christmas.
Next. Wrong. Bill! Who's Next was having an AIAW champion on the editor. failed miserably in this re- knew that word back them from all problems will vanish. people will be- Barbara Price Sallee is a journa-
releasei in 1971. but Moon didn't die team. gard in his story about flag football of the other children for knowing come lovmg and giving and life will lism senior and editorial editor of
until 1378. right after Who Are You Surely charity begins at home. teams preparing for the Sugar Bowl there was no such thing as Santa get better Christmas is no guar» the Kernel.
calme out. You were close. though. and if the Kernel staff wants to see Flag Football Classic in New Or- _ .
Bi ly-boy — just seven years and the UK s rts program publicized. leans. D b b th
fivealbums away! Not bad! then I resigectfully suggest they get Nowhere in the story is it men- 08$ '9 "Slness run 8 I I government?
Later in the column. it was stated off their backsides and print some- tioned that the Jury is a team of 11
the Who had been performing for 17 thing about sports other than the big students from the UK College of For mOSl of this century, the lines i'isf‘t‘l that lrt‘i‘ enterprise is a game “There is compelling evidence."
years. Well. Bill. you‘re getting bet» two Law. The Jury. in winning the inde- separating corporate America and to be dominated by 1‘5. interests: Hersh writes. "that Nixon‘s tough
ter —— only two years off that time Martin Clark pendent division, had a perfect 9.0 the federal government have been those who challenge that assumption stance against Allende ill 1970 was
You see. the Who formed in late Electricalenglneering junior record. including a 9-8 victory over rather murky. More often than not. can'lbe allowedlo play predominantly shaped by his con-
1963, and here it is late 1982. which Alpha Tau Omega in the quarterfi- little has divided the two worlds, To “hill lengths an American cern for the future of the American
makes 19 years. You had better get Editor's note. Clark is a member of nals. ATO was not the champion of After all. in 1924 the Democratic president will go to satisfy the cor- corporations whose assets he be-
anew calculator. Bill. UK's trachteam any league this year. Only after the Party — not the GOP — took a man poratc C(lllblllufs‘llt')‘ ls the subject of lieved. would be seized by lhp Al-
The final Who error came in the season ended did Chuck Malkus, the right out of Wall Street, lawyer John an article by investigative reporter lende government."
concert analySls in Wednesday‘s ATO coach, approach the Jury about W- DaVlS~ to be its standard~bearer “Emil“? kl llt'l‘hh in th(’ December After a Sept. H meeting that year
Kernel. John Entwistle's contribu- wrestler: ' 1 representing UK in the Sugar Bowl Eight years later, the Democrats lssueof The Atlantic Monthly. with Pepsi Cola president Donald
tion to the concert was relegated to S omen Classic. even contemplated drafting Owen I) In excerpts from hls forthcoming Kendall. who had strong business
the sole performance of “Danger Later. at the request of Malkus. Young. chairman 0f the board of b00k 0” lli'hr.‘ KlSSlnger ahd the and personal ties to Chile. Nixon put
ous.“ when actually Entwistle per» No more wrestling team Most five members of the ATO squad General Electric.as theirnominee. NW)“ Whit“ “flu-*0 llt'rh'h (1950“me pressure on the (‘IA to "get rid of
formed his “The Quiet One" and the people won‘t even notice. but I know were added to the Jury roster. The for tht‘ llrfit tlmt‘ “hat Steps our gov— Allende."
Beatles‘ ”his! and Shout.“ What quiteafewwrestlers whowlll team name was changed to ATO- ___—__ ernmenl purhut'tl In 1970 to keep For intelligence director Richard
happened. Bill — did you go out for James Patterson is on L'K's wres- Jury to reflect the union. Thus ATO 'NillHllllé' “Mal'Xlsf” Salvador Allende Gos- Helms, Hersh oonlohdg the presi-
abeer during those twosongs? tling team. He transferred here is not returning to the Sugar Bowl ' « GLEN sens from becoming president of dential dictum was an order to as-
Not only did the Who receive the from Pennsylvania and pays outof- for a fourth consecutive year. The _ ‘ and ('hllt’ sassinate if necessary. (Despite LES.
cruel Bill Steiden treatment. but state tuition. He was supposed to get College of Law. however, is sending . ., ‘v Though Kissinger has written in efforts. Allende was eventually
John Lennon‘s .. Jesus Christ a scholarship next year. You see. its first intramural flag football Q SHEARER his memoirs that "the Nixon admin- elected that fall He later died dur-
statement was once again res- that's what he's been working for. champion to the Sugar Bowl with lstratlon dld not \‘lt‘vt our foreign inga 1973 military coup. but there is
urrected from the grave Come on Now he will be forced to move back five members of the ATO team. 5+ policy interests through the prism of no evidence that the LLS. adminis-
/ Bill, grow up — the John Lennon an» to a Pennsylvania school and lose a The Kernel should have high Wllllt‘ n01"50jhlataht a_SC10n.0l 00“ the financial concerns of American tratiOn was dirt‘t'tl)’ thOth‘d 1" h”
ti-Christ sentimentwent out in 1968! good number of the credit hours he lighted the 11 members of the Jury: porate America prwldes Hi the companies.“ the Atlantic article death).
on well, being the optimist 1 am. I has worked and paid for. Mark Chesnut: Bruce Bell: Ashley Mme House ”day.‘ the ”era‘s "l suggt‘slo sometliingclsc Since 1970 some multinational cur-
must look at one good thing about Curt Dunkle is from California He Ward; Chris Bastion; Terry Clark; 3'8 39510855 continue t0 command As early as 196:3. of course. then- poratlons seem to have learned that
the fact that Bill Steiden penned this had to sit out most of last year be- Perry Bentley; Tom Lockridge. attehtl‘m at the higheSt levels of (‘hase Manhattan chief Dalvd foreign nations generally place self
article — his initials come in handy cause of an injury and has worked Rudy Biscotti; Sam Woods. Jim 05- government Rockefeller had organized a group interest ahead of Ideology 'I‘o sense
now He apparently trled to BS his as hard as he could to get ready for borne; and Scott Plain, for putting lh_ the past year the Reagan ad- of prominent l 5 corporate exec this, one need only consider the
way through the whole writing task this season and the next. Since he‘s together a superb football team de- ministration has ”0! only tried to Ulm‘h at l’i‘t'hlik‘nl JUhn l“ Ken- (‘uban trotlpo‘ who guard (iulf ()ll‘s
M Shawn Reeves a Junior, he most likely won‘t find spite the rigorous time demands put PWSE’FV‘? corporate tax giveaways nedy‘s room‘s! to help promott‘ refineriesin“Marx:sl"Angola
Psychology sophomore another college to pay for his senior uponalawschoolstudent but hit-9 al50 “'ealtenffd numerous (ll‘iiim‘riilli' Inhlllulmlis In liltm “Large multinationals