xt7sbc3sxv3r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sbc3sxv3r/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1961 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, October 1961 Vol.28 No.1 text The Kentucky Press, October 1961 Vol.28 No.1 1961 1961 2019 true xt7sbc3sxv3r section xt7sbc3sxv3r ',."-‘:2‘»';-‘j':.Silvfiffiv'xiififfI}; -- 7.,.‘.,L;.-,77-:~;,7;,7717'7:.7 _ .. . ,1, - . .. ' " "'_.7"-“7".‘, _ 7- . ' . »- "‘ rf7_.'—_7:'V—_V_“f‘%v.‘—i7—i, _L__ ,__
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velopment and érozresswltuml COmmugztycugc’ Subcommittee YCIllc-udmg NBA. 1013-01 B111 SCCFCCV ~“1nc extent 11115 bfi113her fro ,
_________'_ e— erd P . ' Mum-m i . , Ills lhed 1 . . -’ ’1CI'CVCr , 111
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KCntuck licat' ‘ ident Of ASSOCl‘fltClB ,~ 11111 I\. steachlv t , 01ml sccuntv 1 1 p.
)1 Press A . . 10115. lilldl‘ 1 C “SIDCSg P v “41th 21g , f -7 Slouldl Not I’
W. F“ SSOClanon { f .- 1‘ EC Pete- 11b— Public -1 ‘ ‘1 aCt abo 7 ~ ‘ 1611.:
S er Adams, President ’ no i: Plllltcrs’ 111k 111d 130111 fol—Ina. Editot Illa 510“](1 know Too Ht Whlch tithe $111 \[1
A: .\ ‘ 110w C ~. -, . ‘11 are , . ’ 111311“ , c ’1,"
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l . Park 0 e t W1ll ~ - 1 110 the f l "1C1 r0 ” ' “11111?
\ zlotorJR. Portmann gzcgfws: Bowling Green the first dealng “.ictcl)1nSlStlfof three parts 51%}: I(llcpartrnents ancig othnccil] 111f01‘1113tin\x7e turned :3
1 l 9113’ - Ash] ’. “Ty—Mam, gF011)s \ . . 30 —re - ~ " ”‘1 ." givc' . "1 5 Who -‘tl' w
a l1 l Florida R Gifrisfisslsiant Secretary-[ffihage “dwhiysglrl: ”mind With CHOIR 113111113911 1 by After 1111 $113011]; Rho“ to 111C publicwintnlgfni Of
- l ' K ' n, , r , ' ‘7 Elm th - ‘ -' C1Vlcrlal t] v ’ ' 11g It to ' - ' b ’id
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H I) . J of Kent“ . ~ “Came ,' Or- to , ‘ L 011 S . 11K
1' l Chairm 15m“ Executive Conifnlitlfexmgton ho; d “1th ad SChc‘Tegula— of SR DrL53_ And W110i 3::th 13001316, 11102113,
: i 1 News (11:?) Fred J, Buk ee 153A Tel , ~ 1C131C8821CC0 - TCprcseutam B t
, 1b F hard, ( SCrrlll C2 pt 111fOI 1 ' - u the“
11 EaVis’ Lyozrtgojrgzj—IIJ-Imgelé; F178? assaill‘couné‘y to?“ 111085 fit the 11:61):C Scntcd the home inhg1 nOt D2153 011 to the 1)e1(1)11d]t1(ml Whldl tllSCrieS of incj
‘ am Stone, Me Era , Eddy’ville' 13-111 . SC 10(1uled to CC 111g, The I .— ‘ '61 Conspir'dCV' ‘ J C, t](;y are hichflll , .
1 £11333 11432511 %au:$§:;'A&%fs, Cenéafieiior'gf N0\’Clnl)er 30lnCCt flgam in “7‘1311111ggt001hp013 ltlllg 305310113 for, nifvslfcrccy‘ Indeed, blrii ”£53151
l Dem ’ 1115v1 6; Fifth, iv . ”er-Journal ’ ' 11 16 “brief. n , ‘ 111101111611 fro e
l tarprgimtiegedford; Sixtltfaaléog' Bell, ”may: * * 1n ore to 1:115. Cdnnot be quoted C011: “1m Now the
l Mercurl’l C 311-10“; Seventh W ge Trotter En- N :11 the ~ mlnw'dsh the brc u d $01 And MCC
l . _ - ‘, (11 '
‘ Cam-m : ar 1516’ Eighth) Gean‘en R Fisher ewspaper C . publlc SS thq t0 8619(1th th
1: No ' ”wealth, Samar ’ orge Joplin 111’ out ' “'Culaho“ A )r\ ~ ‘ e K
1 : icerfis’gf" IndependentseAtél 1Nigth’ James T, Strlps POp, Growth untiol LS; 110116511" 111tCrcstgd ' f pOmOnS‘”
‘ 1 ' emy, D 'l ’ 13" ‘Tenth ' . ‘ 11 Sloull . l ‘ ‘ 111 fee 'I Tl -
1 at-Largg Ed my News MidJ] ’ Mam- Deulv 11C ‘ 1 . ( 1‘11\C the 1 - 11H 16 561165
1 Lexingto’n wards M- Te ’ ' 6513010; Stat - S 4 ? WSDQPCT Circr] ‘ - lot e11tltlcd to 1 p05111011 thqt 'lTrib v
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l State I e at-Lar a ‘Leade llcreaged 52 1C U11 t 110i 311' ' - 3 111f0r1 1 '
3| ournal, F g9! 5- C. V ’3 tr- , PCrcc ~ 1 Cd ‘110 W1th 1 11111011 1t 01111116, x .
L‘ \ giqtténpaul W estrgfiglffi? ?"fiediate $235193; 1:1: Emmy, “,hflc the 1:11:31 1116 last (luar— men do gather 1:: 16121333. “7 hen 11e\\151)apéch001v31::121 ‘
l . , U on Cm ' ‘ rOWn , / ‘ 13 130) 1- ' inf . ~ 1 '6 Such “ e
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i. Kentuck 8: leased _ - PCICcnt F' 7 111“ at], 16“" can1Pus-
v P _ rCCCntlr ,. , ‘ I ure but-c - g 1Cr 11 . , -
1| l James M. Willisyprerfjs SerVICe, Inc, manager of £1ch Stanford Smithg gcherei Allilpanflchd character; 01 ‘13 ILportfo the near];
1 l ’ 31 em lishcr. V 1116fiC'1n N ’ V ra . “'1011 tha " 111111 Fro
‘ s A - , ‘ CW3 ( , , L PTCSs . 5131
1‘ 1 George M' Wilson Missile-”gen Brandenburg daih' circfrslii'ldtlgn’ 111diCated £21113? Pub- irilgfht and f“fiction in iitgcts 111111 115 011161 101 a bar
l 2 ’ H 1ce-Preside t ‘ = 101115 58,00 8 total Ormatmu is 7 13 matter of f[ F
' l ‘ Landon Wills, Second EXT/(11111218105) Harraimburg 3115087550 forced“ that 31’? OtO-t l gets to 1110 130801;; Sets '11?“ fICC informatiéangm: WIS):
'l . . McL 103— resident ’ , 0 in '1 O a will re. 1 Which tl ' 1 101118 in t1 7 . - 6111 f
; - VICtor 9"" Count ‘ . (“Other 2; ,,. “1‘31 10 P003] . 10 3315151113115“ 21
1 Fe R~ Portmann’ SeCI‘eta y News, Calhoun Sllllth noted in 19”; 30:11'5. 1116111121“; ,1 . 1 C are dCchd 3]] H] {CH bL‘lI](
.‘ ”y 1. Ashley, Asst S W'Treasurer the Unlted Stat . D the populatio ( Tlght t0 k110w___C]. 6 3 g parfints t
V UHiverSi; “wary-Treasurer tal CiTCulatio CS Was 12770007000 T111 Of * ' 1Ppcd. (Evere Pllnisl
1 BOard gdeKWtucky, LCXingtOD 38,000 000 1}“ 2111 dafly n€ws 1 re to- 1 ’1‘ * The semi
[1 Chaim“: Willia "Cam's stud-1'17, ' 11610131 advertis' Pcperg was ‘1110 Advertigin C _ ake 3 ~01
. 1 old, Eddyvill . m T, Davis L r :1} newspapers ,1 - 111g 1101111116 of Wlth the C ~. g Ouncll in C 'd' P It In
1 Igiddlesboro-e’NI\idlmmf)e K' 11163:; CDoulnt 1’ H9" ”16 13116“ “mm 1“? S/627000,000 Cation 1 0mm] for F111311tgi'11 A'gorllzcmEtlbllplomas we
‘ awSon Sprin es . Dillinghf my NatDs, 19§9 Wh-i ‘ 121 gums COv ‘ _ , Dc” has pro 4 ‘ 1 0 011133 W 1
man; B gs; R0 Gard am, . Progres C11 total ne , er the year ‘ SCIVICC 1‘ ,7 - - pared 21 kit Out
1 061‘s “90111543” Shelby Netbflser’ShCWM’, Hicks: 111116 Was $3 546 000“Spaper adveftisiflg , 1 need fld.‘ (311131115; material 0f- lmbhad 3P°10giz
. _ o. , elbym‘lle; Offi- more than $77 , ,000. 'This is q . V0 - f 0 h1gher institut' 1 StrCsSmg Htudents and
Telcxvisi ”750,000,000 ‘ gam of 1111(15- FOI inform'ltiolons of learning llord compo
, ' 011 Went fro ' “116 the A ' c n 011 1111 ‘b 5
11] Zero ' , , V dVCl't1sin . S mater!!! 01"
‘ ‘ 111 1948 to 45th St, NC‘V YO kgfi COUHCII, InC., 2511 Fi , - ,
‘ . 1 >6’ N. y_ SC ‘6 lufllor
l aPfldes in

same PCHOt
,600,000 I
796,400,00 k . h D , , '
ars bv .
,. ,,,,-,;;§iWee ly Editor C anges i olicy On Juvenile foenses
_ circulatii Making the decision to print names of others put on suspension, with the same under it they have a prior record with San
:adcrs Wlllt juveniles involved with the law might be apology, essay and labor sentence given the Marine police.
anv 0th easier in a lieterogcnius metropolitan area seniors. _ “This applies to those charged with ma—
)cconic an than in a stable, staid residential district—— Many parents objected, some doubting lieious destruction of private or public prop-
especially one whose hometown newspaper the board’s authority to mete out such pun- erty or those accused of impairing the life
proudly declares on its front page that it isliineiit. The board stood pat. and health of our residents.
serves “the finest exclusively residential sec— But even as this was transpiring at a “From here on, if aberrant persons do not
tion in the entire west." school board meeting which lasted past and wish to see their names on the wrong side
A publisher in this type of community, night, Frost’s home again was attacked, this of the ledger. they should watch what they
especially, would debate this controversial time his front picture window the target for are doing. After all, law enforcement offi—
\Vashinghquestion long before making a decision. a well—thrown rock. cers are paid to do their duty, and besides
iiiiiig again He’d remember that his fine city had no McCormick through these episodes was the police blotter is open to the press.”
{unlcnt abo. cocktail lounges, no noisy industry—that for sticking to his life—long policy, thinking of in addition to the unanticipated endorse-
s and publiil long time it didn’t even have the crowd— the families, of the kids whom he hoped ineut of so many San lvlarinans McCormick
they adolitiattracting business of religion. would turn over a new leaf. He reported also picked up strong support from neigh—
he cage of Anticipated reaction from readers, adver— thoroughly the school boards actions, but boring publisher Ralph H. T urner, Temple
ncvv'g all ll tisers and parents, virtually all “socially left out names. City Times.
prominent,” normally would deter this pub— But the wayward children of so many of Turner, in an editorial, said that “many
tent has lmlisher from taking the debatable name-using McCoriiiick’s prominent neighbors were giv— editors will agree that it is about time” to
r not clearStCP. ing him thought ammunition, and another abolish “this outmoded principle” that the
y should 3 Not Herbert H. McCormick, publisher of incident two weeks later lit the fuse. “little bad boys should remain anonymous.”
at which tithe San Marino, California, Tribune. Another San Marinan suggested to his He told his readers about McCormick’s
]\'llC\\'51)flpi He was a typical hometown publisher, tCCI-lagc daughter that she shouldn’t associ— eventful decision, commenting that “there
il—tlic—rCCOIdll‘llo admits “there have been times when ate with a particular boy, because he wasn’t are some pretty important people in San
> inforiiiatirwe turned our heads because we have been of the best character. l\rlarino.”
ls who “-Ortliinking of families. \V e have been think— The boy quickly proved the father’s point “.p. . we. are encouraged to learn that
he public. ing of kids who we hoped would see the by getting four friends to lend moral support public opinion names when undisc1plined
:mation aboerror of their ways and turn over a new to march on the girl’s home, where one of children go haywire, Turner concluded.
lie peoplc,nlc'clf~” ' . the boys drove an axe through the front _______.__.__
[Cpl‘CSClltflll\ But there developed in San Marino a door.
m which thscries of iiiCicleiits which led McCormick to A police sergeant sent to apprehend the In Memoriam
tllCY “middling his policy, ,, boys overheard them agreeing on mutual ...
Indeed, bll‘ NOW were through, he says. 'Illl)lS but not soon enough He arrested
‘11 from “lll NOW the Tribune 15.1mmm§ names. . . three lS-year—olds and a 17—year-old. An— Albert Marlon Love”
'Cd COUld 5“ And IMCCOUDICI‘C saidl lhe rievcr 1antic1— other 18—year—old was arrested a week later. Albert Marion Lovell. 52, circulation
than to “@3324? IESPOHSC “ on C reaCi sucr pro— Three of the youths lived in San Marino. manager of the Frankfort State Journal for
l in free MP The series of incidents which led to the , This “ills when, as McCormick remarked 1th? pasttt 1: 176111 5:, (166i $163116“? 1y. Of a
. ‘Tribune’s change of policy began in mid— in an editorial later, he decrded he was 1fo 3 ac. 1191., [C 016T. >~ C 15 511T
tron that ll . . “through." vivcd by his wife. Mrs. lLlizabeth Tackett
rmatiou it Cglune, when a group of 30 San Marino high .~ 1 . . . 1 ll Lovell and a brother \Valter Lovell Bed-
.icn iieyirspzlpl‘ChOOl students formed on campus, draped ‘lrle piinted tic names and addresses, ie c ford Ind. 7 7
‘oE—the-reCOIth campus trees With paper, thenmarched 111$ breath and sat back to await reaction—— r
)t as l'CPOlllD the nearby home of Vice prinCipal Nora cancellations, eiitiCism and castigation from v w . .
nan Frost and used Frost’s home as the tar— outraged PMCMS- HO got reaction, bUt “Qt Max A. Conley
ts that its Ollet for a barrage 0f rotten garbage. what he expected. Max A. Conley, 56, operator for the Pike-
matter of f, Frost was able to learn the identity of the In addition to a number of letters, the ville Printing Company, was found dead in
‘ee informatiigflng members, and the school board sur— paper received >0 P110“C calls 300“ after the his oflice this past month of self-inflicted
1 the systellll’rised a bunch 0f “boys Will be boys” thmk' story was printed. gun wounds. He was a veteran printer and
d all the {mug parents by dishing out some reasonably Two callers objected; 48.“were most mm was well known in the printing field. He
Clipped. evere punishment. phatic and laudatory in their comments.” formerly was connected with the Cumber—
The seniors in the group were allowed to In a follow-up editorial, McCormick said land Publishing Company in Pikeville, and
ake part in graduation activities, but their he was prompted into a change of long— worked in the printing field at Middle—
in cooperatidiplomas were blank. They were told di— standing policy because he knew that not bourne, W. Va, Moundsville, W. Va.,
"[31 Aid To Edvlomas would be awaiting them after they only did naming names clear other youths, Paintsville, and Allen, Ky.
a kit of publfld apOlOgized, in writing, to the faculty, whose neighbors always suspected them .
L, stressing lltudents and administration, written a 500 when such incidents happen, but the guilty ——_ ——
of learning fvord composition and put in 40 hours of “hellions came right back bragging because The last handset newspaper in Kansas,
1 this niatClllbor- they got away With it" the Sawyer News, has finally bought a Lino-
:il, lnc., 25 l Five juniors, with records showing similar He said that from now on he’d print type machine. The four—page six-column
Y. scapades in the past, were expelled; four names of all youths 18 or over, and those paper has a circulation of ~50.

1: 0C
- - Classified Sales N E;
‘-| Weekly Papers Overlook Revenue As for classified sales, it always seenist
l me that a newspaper which doesn’t have W'\
i . s . . good classified page is 1sacrificing one of i!
. rea es sources 0 rear er anea as v r“ .
i; I n Subscriptions And C lassr fieds am 11 “6“ $33,,
H . . ', . . . Classified advertising not only has gre: newspap
9!. After watching the developments 111 the boy and girl who sold 10 subscriptions to reader appeal, but it means every readeri \Veeklv
ii weekly newspaper field for the past quarter his combination Monday and Thursday a potential customer. Millions of peopl being ex
H of a century, 1 would say that the two most newspapers. A year later he tried a second follow the classified ads in country new papers b
ll neglected sources of revenue in this field are similar campaign and sold 251 more sub~ papers with the closest scrutiny—it’s th National
": subscription sales and classified advertising scriptions. bargain—hunter’s most exciting pastime. October
it sales, stated the American Press. Karl 11‘. \Veber, advertising director and Classified advertising, like subscriptiom This 2
‘1‘ A good many of the larger weeklies do try managing editor of the Kutztown Patriot, can be sold with very little expense. If. liminary
i to squeeze the last possible dollar out of decided to copy Lough’s plan. He did so publisher can’t afford to hire a classifie torial A.
‘1‘ these lucrative departments and clearly dem— with some misgivings, since the records manager, he can at least employ womena 5,500 we
, 'l onstrate the methods which are most ef— showed that practically every resident of a commission basis to sell classifieds on tivc in a
, fective. But thousands of small weeklics— Kutztown proper was then a subscriber and the phone. Often it can be the same woma owned D
3 often because the publisher thinks he just the outlying areas also seemed to be pretty who are working to sell subscriptions. \VNR. ’
1; hasn’t got the time to get around to it— well covered. Furthermore, being a weekly The art of selling classified by phoneli is now in
‘ seem to continue to pass up these two fine instead of a semi-weekly, he had to require been developed to a fine point, and it woul scntation
sources of income and, by doing so, make 15 subscription sales to give a bicycle. be worthwhile for any publisher to studytl tri—weekly
,3: their publications much less appealing than N 7 S b .- , successful methods used by others. Butfli Comm
‘1 they could be to both advertisers and (211 u SCH/97:10]” main thing is to have someone workingo for nearly
1‘ readers. \Vhat happened? \Ve don’t know that we the job regularly. When you realize tli thC Wishe
i AS tOI the subscription department, there have the final report, but as the campaign every reader of your newspaper will spend tflhhsh th
i‘ are countless ways to go about increasing was ending \Veber told us that the contest few dollars a year on classified advertising resentatio
i paid ChCUI‘dtiOH- The important thing is to had brought in 1,218 new subscriptions and if properly coaxed, it is obvious that thisi other dai
‘1, keep doing something. Even though a Puh— increased his total subscription list by 33 a source of income which shouldn’tl $3168 and
‘1 lisher Of a 81112111 weekly C1065 UOt feel that percent! Furthermore, in Kutztown itself, neglected. their pres
‘ he can afford t0 have 21 circulation manager where the figures showed that everybody al— \Vith many newspapers, gathering 118i \Veekk
1 or paid SOthtOTS, there are Still plenty 0t ready subscribed to the Patriot, 295 new sub— and selling display advertising are the 011 now empl
“ ways he can COpC with the problem. scriptions were sold! departments which get regular attentiu with head
1“ Economical Method Many newspapers have similar success Subscription and classified sales are oft: Fifth Ave
1 Probably the most economical method for stories as a result of enlisting youngsters to treated like step—children and given atte Chicago, .
, “ carrying on a continuing subscription drive scll subscriptions to win valuable prizes. tion only on occasion. Yet they can m6 111g service
i 11‘ is to employ housewives in key areas to Probably the most basic method used for the difference between profit and loss? are the ofl
il‘ solicit subscriptions by telephone and by per— making it easier to sell subscriptions is to many newspapers. State Pres
' ‘