xt7sbc3sxt0f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sbc3sxt0f/data/mets.xml  Kentucky Equal Rights Association 1909 Minutes and reports from the annual conventions and other meetings of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. Includes the following titles: Minutes of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; Minutes of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; and Report of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. JK1883 .K4, 24 volumes. annual reports  English Newport, KY: The Newport Printing Co. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Equal Rights Association minutes and reports Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Women -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Report of the Twentieth Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association Held at the Public Library Assembly Room, Louisville, KY. November 11th and 12th, 1909. text Report of the Twentieth Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association Held at the Public Library Assembly Room, Louisville, KY. November 11th and 12th, 1909. 1909 1909 2019 true xt7sbc3sxt0f section xt7sbc3sxt0f REPORT .
' E g , OF THE ,
E ‘
E _ _ Twentieth Annual Convention
' OF THE _
v u I I I
Emmett; Equal Rights Association
i November 11th and 12th, 1909
E , warm-sammcm
j ‘ f ye abide in my Word, "‘ ‘ * ye shall know the Truth, and
3 E413 the Truth shall make you free.”
H4! 9 .
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, O F F IC E R S _
‘ , . OF THE 1
. -.;
Kentucky Equal nghts Assomatlon f
. d ‘ > President
Mrss LAURA CLAY.......... ..............................Lexington, Ky. 1‘
_ First Vice-President - 5
- st.MAnB.CLAY.......................................Richmond,Ky. ;
Second Vice- President ' ,3‘
MRS. MARY C. CRAMER.... ...............................Lexington, Ky. %
' Third Vice- President
MRS. N. S. MCLAUGHLIN, ,101 1 Scott St. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Covington. Ky. ;
" Corresponding Secretary ,
'st. MARYC. ROARK .........,............................Richmond, Ky.
. Recording Secretary
Mas. EMMA M. Roznucx, 112 W. Front St. . . . . . .. ....Ncwport, Ky. '
- V a»
Treasurer :
MRS. IsABzLLA SHEPARD, 3: E. 12th St. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Covington, Ky;
~ I Press Work \ y
Mks. MARGARET WEISINGER........ ...... . ....Louisyille. Ky f
. ’* Member of Ex. Com. V. A. W. S. A. '.
MARYE. GILTNER Covington, Ky. ‘
' fié " f

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fiefi It 30 abide in my Word, ye shall know the 'l rutli, and

3?: 1.3 the Truth shall make you tree. ’

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in; or Title

A Twentieth Annual Convention

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{2; Novernber‘ 11th and 12111. 1809

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$3}; The Executive Committee met Thursday morning, November
ELL 11. at 9530 at the Assembly Room of, the l’ublie lnbrary, where
1‘ all of the business sessions were held.

29% President. Miss liaura (llay. in the eliair.

‘3: “‘1 it was voted to reeommend: That We present to the Legisla—
‘C?’ hire a bill providing: for mothers the eo—glulrdianshi1) ol' minor
#3 children equal with Fathers.

”2%“; . That we ask the Legislature to so amend the Male (‘onstilu~
3:”; tion as to give the full right, of suffrage to all women ol' Ken-
.‘gfikfi t'ueky on the same terms as men. '

2:351 That we endeavor to have women plaeed on the boards of all
3:5,, edueational. eharitable and punitive institutions of the State.

“ESE 'l‘uat we leave the, work tor sehool suiirae'e III the hands ol the,
”f“% Woman’s ()lul).

Effie; That, we eontinue, to make inerease ol' membership our prinei- _
jg pal work. _ ~ ..

“1%, Committee rose. I} 5‘. :‘Z '
4"“: l E' ‘ : I‘ : v. I.‘ 1“
“fig-35 .l ‘ ' '

 :7 e9. :. :
.' i ,1 . ti”? j
; nonxme snssiox. ‘ 1
Convention called to order at 10 o’clock.
Devotional exercises by the President.
Voted that the program be made the order of business.
Recording Secretary gave verbal report of business done by
the Exeeutive Committee sinee last annual session. .
The following eommittees were appointed by the ehair: l
(lredentials—Alrs. lsahella ll. Shepard. ‘{
l’uhlieationfiMrs. lllmma M. Roebuck. V
' Resolutions—Mrs. Aliee White, Mrs. Mary C, Cramer, Mrs. .
S. U. Bennett. 1
: Courtesies—Miss Ennna. Hast. ‘
l' First Vice President Mrs. Mary B. Clay was not present, but
i sent greetings and an offering of five dollars. .
3 Second Vice President Mrs. M. (l. Cramer told of the Seattle '
l . convention and the many eourtesies extended to the delegates all
’ along the route to Seattle. .
i. Third Vice President Mrs. N. S. Meliaughlin, not present. -
i Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Mary C. Roark, at present Aet- ‘
‘[ ing President of the Normal School of Eastern Kentucky7 was .
5 . not able to attend, but sent greetings and the suggestion that this
i association ot't‘er prizes for the best essays on woman’s suffrage
i at the prineipal. schools of the State.
l Recording Secretary Mrs. Emma M. Roebuck related her un—
i successful endeavors to have the different labor unions in her vi— 4‘
} einity pass resolutions endorsing woman’s suffrage. l
l Treasurer Mrs. lsabella II. Shepard reported a steady iin— l
l provement in the tinanees ot' the association. L
E State Historian Mrs. M. B. Reynolds not present and sent no =V
l report, but it was voted that a very interesting paper on woman’s
i suffrage, written by Miss l’erle l’enfield, and sent by the His
l torian.be read by the Seeretary.
l . i
.0 .'-‘: .-: :‘z: :
-- “20:24:23“; ~2~ 4
. a a O ' . -.
\___ 7 .. .V . .,.. i‘

 ‘ .

Ashland report read by Miss Laura White.

Campbell County report read by Mrs. Rebeeea \Vinkless.

Louisville report read by Mrs. John J). '\\'hite.

Kenton County verbal report by Mrs. 1. ll. Shepard.

‘1? Madison County report read by Mrs. S. C. Bennett.
Fayette County report read by Mrs. M. C. Cramer.
: Committee on Credentials gave partial report.
‘ Voted to accept the recommendations of the Plan of \Vork
f Committee to leave the Legislative work for school suffrage in
the hands of the Woman’s Club.

Voted that we. beseech the Legislature to submit to the voters
of Kentucky an amendment to the, State Constitution giving all
women of the State. t'ull suffrage.

Voted that we endeavor to obtain l'or mothers the eo—guard-

. ianship of minor ehildren equal with t‘athers.

' Adjourned.


1 Convention resumed at 2 :30.

. Scriptural reading and prayer by Prol’. \V. S. Giltner.
. Minutes of morning session read and approved.

' Voted that we continue our efforts to have women placed on
the boards of all educational, charitable and punitive institutions.

Report of the Covington Equal Rights Association was read.

t Mrs. Mary E. Giltner, member of the National Executive

l Committee, read a most comprehensive report of the Seattle con-

l vention.

l A most cordial welcome was extended to the convention from

a? the Outdoor Art League of Louisville, by Mrs. John 13. Castle—

Mrs. Lucy A. Xicld gave most heartfelt: greetings from the
Reverend Anna Shaw, the Louisville E. It. A. and from the, th—

- ture workers in the cause, the professional women, who are. not at
present members of the Equal Rights Association.

Our President responded by thanking the Louisville members


 5 1i
‘ l
2 1
1 for their most sincere addresses olE welcome and then proceeded E.
7 to give her always interesting annual report. .
' The convention adjourned to attend, a most delightful recep-
' tion at the EWonian’s Club.
t‘onvention called to order at it) o‘clock, E
i Devotional exercises by the l’resident.
‘ Minutes ol" preceding session read and approved.
. Voted that the program continue to be the order ol.’ business. j
: ' Mrs. I. H. Shepard, Treasurer, gave her report. E
Voted that the rl‘reasurer’s report be received and placed in
the hands of the Auditing Committee.
E The Chairman appointed as Auditors Miss Laura \Vhite and
Mrs. Mary E. Giltner. E
Miss Laura Clay. (Elliairman ol’ Committee on Church \Vork. E
E reported good work done in that department. One of the most '
important, things done was the endeavor to obtain for women
E the full rights and privileges of the laity in the Methodist Epis—
E eopal Church, South. by the Woman’s Home Mission Society.
E A communiea’tion was received 'l’rom the Louisville Typo- ‘
1. grapieal l'nion. No. 10. asking that we pass resolutions endorsing E
E the work ot‘ the union. the stand they have taken with regard to .
E women and pledge ourselves to have none but union men do our E
printing, _
E After much discussion it was voted that the Secretary be in-
E structed to write a letter to the Louisville 'I‘ypographieal Union. ' ‘
No. it), expressing the appreciation oi? the Kentucky Equal E
E , Rights Association for any work it may do in behalf of woman’s
E suffrage. but stating that it is not the policy of this associatitm to
E pledge itself to any other organization. 3
Miss Laura White. Chairman of the (.Eommittee on Peace and .
.r\rbitration. gave a most full and interesting report on the pro—
E grcss of the peace movement.
E It was voted that Miss Laura White be reqiu’shal to condense
g her report and an effort be made to have it published in the local
E press.
. o -.-: ." .‘I ."2: i E
. 2-: -:-2 a ~4— ..
'_:'.: ii ‘
.. .. -: . - 2 2
m7" ,, , . , __77 . .

' Final report of Credentials (i‘onnnittee was read and ae—
t eepted.
l Voted that the Secretary prepare a resolution on the death of
Miss Anna '13. Morgan. ot' Newport.
The report of the Auditing (.‘ominittee was read and accepted.
Convention then proceeded with election ot' ot'tit-ers.
‘9 Chair appointed as tellers Miss Emma Ilast and Mrs. John
I). White.
()tticers elected were:
+ l’resident——Miss Laura (‘la_v. Lexington.
1 First Vice l’resideutiMrs. Mary 1;. Clay. Richmond.
Second Vice PresidentflMrs. Mary C (‘rainelz Lexington.
Third Vice l’resident—Mrs. N. S. McLaughlin. Covington.
Corresponding Swret.ary4.\lrs. Mary C Roark. Richmond.
Recording Secretary—Mrs. Ennna M. Roebuck. Newport.

. 'l‘reasurer—Mrs. lsabella ll. Shepard. (‘ovingtoir

. The newly elected ot'tieers were declared the officers ol' the wor-
poration ot' the Kent'urky Equal Rights Association tor the next
three years.

Voted that Mrs. Mary E. (.tiltner be re-eleeted State member

. ot‘ the National I‘lxecutive Committee.

The following were elected as delegates to the National eon-
vention :

‘ Mrs. S. C. Bennett. Miss Laura White. Mrs. James A. Leeeh.
Miss Ennna IIast. Mrs. Desha llrerkinridge. l’rol'. W. S. (tiltner.
Miss Virginia '1’. Robinson.

AlternatesflMrs. Mary C. Cramer. Mrs. John I). White. Mrs.

‘5 Al‘ma. I). Borgman. Mrs. Emma M. Roebuck. Mrs. Isabella II.
Shepard, Mrs. C. I3. Robinson. Mrs. Leteher Riker. Mrs. Mary E.
Clay, Mrs. S M. Hubbard. Mrs. Luey A. Nield.

. Voted that the alternates till the vacancies in the order in

3 which they were elected.

‘ Voted that the members ot’ the delegation to the National con-
vention be empowered to fill any vaneaneies l'rom members of
the Kentucky E. R. A. there present.

Voted that a resolution on the death of Mr. Henry Blackwell
be draw up and passed by this convention. '
W 3 ._~

E Executive Committee met at 2 o’clock, Miss Clay presiding.
i It was decided to recommend the election of Mrs. Lucy A.
; Nield as State Historian and Miss Emma Dolfinger as Superin-
tendent of Press ‘Vork.
' Committee rose. ‘5‘
' Convention resumed at 2 :30 o’clock.
Scriptural reading and prayer by Prof. XV. S. Giltner.
Minutes of morning session read, corrected and approved.
Voted that the nominations of the Executive Committee for 5 ~
Mrs. Lucy A. Nield as State Historian and Miss Emma Dolfinger
E as Press Superintendent be confirmed.
’ Voted that the selection of the Adivsory Board to the Execu-
I tive Committee be left until a later time. .
E‘ Report of Press Superintendent read and accepted.
i The convention passed the following resolution, presented by
E Prof. W. S. Giltner, on the death of Rev. Henry Blackwell:
E “That in his death the cause of \Voman’s Suffrage has lost one
of its ablest advocates. From his earliest manhood to his latest ‘
E breath, in times of bitterest hostility, he ever stood calmly and
E firmly as the advocate of equal rights of woman to all the privi-
E leges and honors of full citizenship. That this convention tender
E to his daughter its tenderest condolences.”
E Rev. Anna Shaw addressed the convention and recited an in—
E cident of her last meeting with Rev. Henry Blackwell, showing
E his unimpared energy to the last, and that he was old only in
E years. ’ ‘5
E Mrs. Lucy A. Nield, Chairman of the Committee on Industrial
Problems affecting Women and Children, gave a very interesting
report of the methods used in effecting reforms along this line. ,
E Voted that the appointment of chairman of the special com— "E
mittees be left to the Executive Committee.
2 The chair announced that the Woman’s Club would give a
‘ reception to the Rev. Anna Shaw this afternoon from 5 to 6
Ex o’clock at the club rooms and that all members of the convention
1 “were invited.
E Miss Virginia. P. Robinson, who was to have spoken on the
‘ 1:3 3::2 _ 6 w E
. ' E

 E .
Seattle convention. asked to speak instead on the Collegiate Sut-

. frage 1—\ssoeiation. ller talk was mueh enjoyed and the eonven-
tion gratified to learn of the interest heing taken in Woman‘s
Suttrage hy eollegiate women.

A most hrilliant paper on the “Religious Duty ol' Women '
to Ask for the Ballot ” was read hy Mrs. S. (‘, Bennett. ot' Rieh-

‘E‘ mond. .

The Secretary explained to the eonvention that the regular
dues paidl’rom the loeal eluhs sut’tieed tor the immediate ex—

’ penses ot' the assoeiation. hut that money was needed for propa—

’ ganda. and that those who wished to do so eould now make tree
will offerings for the eanse.

Those who gave otterings were:
Mrs. Mary B. (‘lm $ 3 (E0

‘ Mrs. Mary 1‘}. Giltner...._.,..,._,. 3 00

Mrs. Reheeea \\'inkless.,,.,._,,,,,..,.,,,...,, ._ 3 00
Miss Laura (‘hn 10 00
(To he used I‘or national dues.)
(Jamphell County 1‘}. R. \ '3 00
Mrs. Luey A. \ield 10 00
(To he used for national dues.)
Mrs. Luey A, \nld 10 00
Miss Laura (‘la\ 10 00
Louisville E. R. \ 3 ()0
Miss Margaret \Veisinger.._.i,_._.....,._..,..__ '3 00
Total $70 00

'f, It was voted that Mrs. Mary (". 'Roark’s suggestion as to of-
fering a money prize for the host, essay on Woman‘s Sutl'rage to
the ditt'erent prominent eolleges ot‘ Kentueky he adopted, and the
disposition be left to the I‘lxeeutive (,‘ommittee.

‘1: A pledge of $10.00 was ottered by Miss Virginia 1’. Rohin—
son, from the Educational Equal Suffrage League, toward the
prize essay on condition that a eertain leeture given under the
League ’s auspices proved sueeesst’ul.

The following resolution on the death of Miss Anna B. Mor-
gan. of Newport, was presented and passed:

E That in the death of Miss Anna R. Morgan the Kl‘l'flllt‘k)‘

 E . .
i Equal Rights Association has lost one of its most faithful advo-
1 eates and earnest workers. She stood ready, at all times, to ren— i
, der such assistance as was most efficasious to the cause of VVom—
' an ’s Suffrage. That this convention express to her niece its most
:- painful sense of loss and extend to her its most sincere and heart-
felt sympathy.
sense of loss and extend to her its most sincere and heartfelt sym- a
pathy. , Jl
Rev. Anna Shaw spoke briefly on the importance of working _ ‘
‘ earnestly and securing signatures for our great petition to Con— ‘l
i gress.
The Resolutions Committee presented the: following resolu—
i tions, which were considered and adopted singly: '
if ‘ RESOLVED, Thatthe Kentucky Equal Rights Association thank
[‘ the Board of Directors of the Louisville Public Library for allow-
: ing the use of the Assembly Room for our business meetings and
}‘ their unfailing courtesy to the convention.
RESOLVED, That we extend, also, our sincere thanks for the
i free use of the lecture room of the Temple Adath Israel.
l RESOLVED, That we express our appreciation of the courtesy
l extended to our National President, Rev. Anna Shaw, by the
[‘ Woman ’s Club. ' ,
i RESOLVED, That we thank the Louisville press for the full
l and impartial reports of our meetings.
ll RESOLVED, That we express our sincere gratitude to the
: Louisville E. R. A. and Educational Equal Suffrage League for
the delightful reception given us on Thursday; to the speakers
, Who have appeared on our platform for their words of encourage- .\
i ment ; to the public for their enthusiastic greeting of'Rev. Anna ht
' Shaw, and finally to all those who in any manner contributed to I
L the success of our convention. //
. Respectfully submitted. ‘
Mics. C. CRAMER,
. Convention adjourned.
l Executive Committee met Saturday morning, November 13,
l 1909. at 9 o’clock, Miss Clay presiding.
i ._ 8 — ,

 Voted that the Fayette (‘ounty I‘ll R. A. have entire ehnre‘e of
l hill to have women on the hoards of all State eduentional. elmr—
itahle and punitive institutions.
Voted that the propagation of the other legislative work he
let't to the Franktm't eonnnittee.
Voted that Miss Laura \Yhite he (‘hnirnmn ot the l’enee (‘oin-
% niittee. ,
j Voted that Mrs. Lucy A. Xiehl he (‘lmirnmn ot (lolmnittee on
. - Industrial l’rohlems Atl’eeting' \Vomen and (‘hihlren.
I Voted that Miss Laura Clay he (‘hnirnmn ol' the (‘onnniltee ml
Church \Vork.
Appropriations were. nmde as follows:

' ‘ Printing of progrmns,.,......,__.,,......,,,. , . $ 20 (H) ‘
Expenses of“ Rev. Anna Slum .. 47) ()H
Hotelhills 22 1.3
R. R. fare of ottiuis ,, ,, N US (ll)

Statitmery and postage for Press Supt... .. , 30 ()1)
Printing minutes.____.,,.,...__,,,.,..,_. . . ,, 2H ()0
Printing- enrollment eards...,...._,,,_.,._. , 3 ()0
Postage tor R("eor(‘ling Seeretai'.\',,,.._.,.,,,,.. 2 till
'l’ostage t'or ’l‘reasurer_.____,,,,______...,,,._.,,,....,,__ 2 (N)
For legislative “01k 75 HH
For 1)1Mes 2m ()0
For Organizer- (t'roni pledges)“mm...“ , 30 Ht)
'l‘otal M17 17)
/ Committee rose.
. l lfmvn'diny/ Score/(try.
At the evening sessions no business was trnnsneted, they being
entirely given up to addresses and lectures. On Thursday eve—
ning the meeting was held in the eonnnodious lecture room of the ‘
Temple Adath Israel. After the opening of the meeting with '
prayer, Mrs. Chas. P. \Veaver, of the National Educational As— I
soeiation. gave a short talk on the deplorable mmlition Found in ‘
._ 9‘ —- 3

E some of the rural school districts of Kentucky. and the real nec—
l essity of school suffrage for women to better these conditions.
i Judge George DuRelle spoke ei’leouragingly of the growing senti-
i ment for \Voman’s Suffrage. Rev. Anna. Shaw then delivered
; her address on “Social Heredity.” She was. as always, incom—
E. parable and kept her audience intersely interested and de- ‘
i; lighted. ‘
i The meeting on Friday evening was held at the Auditorium .
l of the \Voman’s Club. which was crowded to the doors. Mrs.
[ James A. Leech. President of the Kentucky Federation of 5
.r Women’s Clubs. gave a most cordial address of greeting. Mr.
r 4 Thurston Ballard spoke of “\Vomen’s Influence in Bettering Tn-
l dustrial Conditions." Mrs. C. E. Robinson told of the necessity
i i of the \Vonian’s Club and Suffrage Association working hand
E in hand. and ot‘ the advantage it would be to both. Rev. Anna
E Shaw was again the principal speaker of the evening. Her lec-
; ture was on “Tonian Democracy. She engaged the attention of
E this large audience. which never seemed to lose interest in her
l talk. and kept them fully entertained while instructing them.
i This concluded the sessions of this very successful conven-
; tion of 1909. and added a large number of. converts to the Louis-
E ville Equal Rights Association.
E Annual Durs- from Local Ass‘nritdimos;
i To Balance January 1. lQO‘l‘FZOl 53
l Ashland—State—430) ~$10 50 - ‘
} Ashland. Enrolled (1)) i 50
1 Campbell County (30) 1'7 50 _
Covington E. R. Association (00) 31 5o .
Harrodsbnrg (l) l 00 '
Kenton County Association (10) 3 50
Lancaster (1) 1 00
Lexingtonmgtate (1‘10) 38 50
Lexington. Enrolled (106) 10 60
Louisville—State (60) 21 00
Richmond—State (203) 71 75
_ 10 ..__
_ \

 Richmond. Enrolled (53) 5 30» 213 65
Miss Laura, \Vhito 10 00 l
Louisville E. R. Association. for l’rog'rain...._,.._.._.._.. lll (lll
Mrs. Avery (Stale. \\()1l\).. 11H) 00
Richmond—Mrs. -T. Plnlps $5 00
‘ Mrs. Bennett 7) (N)
l )lrs. MoCann 2') ()0
- Mrs. Wiggins 1 oo-- n; oo 3
Returned by Dr. Louise Sonthgat’v..._._.._....._.,_.....,__.......__._. i; H) l
' ———~ e
$55s 23 i
Feb. 3—Printing‘ (‘ards + Jr 27) :
Printing ininul’es 21) (it) l
Postage 1'o Sm'rvlar)’ 2 ()l) l
Circulars ., 3 23
Stationery. 0111.; pross work......_._...._........, . . 1o (ll)
Rev. Anna Shaw. two lH'llll‘(‘H...._.....,_....._......_._... Jr?) (N) l
Programs 2t! ()1) l
Traveling and hotel (‘X[)UIIS(‘S........ . :iH I?) l
Annual dues to National Assoviation... no lo l
Enrolled ill-lwfllll
Cash Balance January l. l‘llU leh‘ (533 l
$558 213 .
I took charge of the Press \Vork for the Kentucky 1*}. R. A. l
in June, 1.909. I have found some difficulty in getting material
to send to the papers.
During; tho National convention I. rewivwl no t-onnnunioalion
from \Varren. nor during the removal of headquarters to New
York. .
7 ll ,
‘ \

i I have sent suffrage matter to forty Kentucky papers. Some
of the editors have. been kind enough to send me a marked copy
l of newspapers eontainiug suffrage paragraphs.
i To date I have sent out—
1; Leaflets on sulliage (it)
i ’I‘ypewritten (-urrent events............._...._....... 72
i Progress (marked toples) 36 i
l Letters written 8
i I have purchased—
: - Envelopes and papel‘lp 5-3 '
1 Postage stamps 2 35 i
l Total $3 Ill)
1 Reeeived t'rom 'l‘reasurer, Mrs. I. II. Shepard—e
3. Material purehased............................._...... 3 90 i
3 5F 6 It)
‘ Leaving a balanee on hand of $6.10 to the eredit ot‘ the Asso-
. elation. Very truly yours.
’ LOUISE Stmrnevrn,
. Supt. of Press I'Vm't'.
OF THE N. A. ~W. S. A.
The 41st annual eonvention ol' the N. A. W. S. A. opened in
Plymouth Chureh. Seattle. \Vash” on the afternoon of July 1st.
Rev. Anna H. Shaw presiding. . l
The address of welcome was delivered by Mrs. Margaret I’latt, ,
ot' the “Test \Vashington \V. C. T. II.
Mrs. B. R. Lord gave the address of welcome of the grange
Mrs. DeVoe, the State President, emphasized the need of edu~
eating the publie on the question and hoped the National eon-
_ 12 — '
_._- . \

vention would be a great help to them. She also spoke ot‘ the E
beautiful evergreen badges with letters in gold. “Votes for E
\Vomen.” These pins were given tree to all the delegates.
. The evening meeting was presided over by Mrs. Rachael Eos- E
ter Avery. The invocation was delivered by A. Norman Ward. E
pastor ot‘ the Methodist Church. Miss Goodner sang a solo. The E
9 address of weleome from the city ot' Seattle to the sutt‘ragists E
was delivered by Mayor John 14‘. Miller. He said the women
here have all the rights ot’ the men except the ballot. but it the E
ballot were in the hands of the women. and it would eliminate E
E eorruption and stand for honesty in public office. I would stand E
strongly for woman suffrage. E
Mrs. Henry Villard, always surrounded by friends who wor- E
ship her for her sweetness and womanly charms. gave a response E
‘ from the National. Association. ' E
One of the most popular speakers ot' the evening was Mrs. E
llarriett Taylor llpton.
At the conclusion ot’ Mrs. l'pton‘s address. Mrs. Rachael lt‘os—
ter Avery introduced Rev. Anna lloward Shaw. our beloved Na—
tional President. and as this little gray-haired woman stepped E
into place at the toot, ot the platform. the church rang out with a. I E
storm ot:"ap1')lause that gave hearty evidence ol‘ what that audi~ E
enee thought of their great snt't’ragist leader.
E Miss Shaw spoke long and eloquently on the cause to which E
she is devoting her life. and money. ’l‘wo ladies who had reeently E
returned from London. where they attended several sutl'rage E
meetings, arose and proposed that the assembly give three cheers I
‘ for Miss Shaw. which were long and loud.
Miss Shaw said that at the recent meeting ot' ,the International
\Yomen Suffrage Alliance in London. Mrs. (‘att presided in such
, a masterly way and with such power and dignity as to command
E universal respeet. Of the militant women of England. Miss Shaw
’ said: “\Ve may not accept every method they use. but we all
have reason to be grateful to them. for this is a world-wide
» movement. not tor women sutt‘rage, only. but for human I'rec—
Reports showed. a great increase and interest in the work. In
no previous presidential eampaign in the l'nited States were the'
—— l3 ——
_ _ \

 :' ~ l
l l
I .
, .
l views of candidates and the enl'ranehisement olf women ever so
l generally commented upon by the press.
1 The legislative work of our members in the various States l
l was marked by earnestness, determination and careful planing
l for the future. There were many endorsements. To summarize,
‘ 29 National Associations have endorsed women suffrage, 14
l others have taken. action on some phase of the question, 20 State }
l Federations of Labor, 16 State Granges and 7 State Letter-ear-
: riers’ Associations have endorsed it.
i The second day of the convention opened with the Auditor ’s
i _ report. given by Miss Laura Clay, and the Treasurer’s report by 5
‘ Mrs. Harriett Taylor Upton. . l
‘ Reports were then given from the three States where suffrage l
‘ amendments are pending. Mrs. Duniway spoke for Oregon, Mrs. l
Everett Johnson for South Dakota, and Mrs. DeVoe for \Vash- '
' ington. l
i Industrial reports were reported by Mrs. Florence Kelly as to ‘
l relations attecting women and children. Since the Buffalo eon- }
vention fourteen States have considered bills to shorten the hours i
for woman labor, five have passed bills making more or less im- ’ l
provements. In spite of all our efforts the number of child la— l
I borers in the United States is constantly growing. It 'means the l
' sacrifice of thousands of young lives. i
3 One of the most brilliant meetings of the convention was the l
college evening, Miss Shaw presiding. ‘ l
Mrs. Lexow, of New York, reported the great growth in the l
colleges. The National [league now has twenty-tour branches in l
seventeen States. and twenty-five chapters in twenty-five colleges t
now have a total membership of between two and three thou-
‘ sand. ‘
Our National petitions were taken up and discussed as to how ,
. to get the most signatures. The delegate from Utah said that i‘
State would send 20,000 names. Extracts were read from a, let— ;
ter from Mrs. Catt, in which she laid stress upon the importance l
of rolling up a very large petition. 1,
i As usual, our Treasurer, Mrs. Upton, took the floor, and in
about twenty minutes raised $3,000. Like everything else, it
‘ takes money to run things, and Mrs. Upton is one that can get it.
i — l4 — u
, .

E . A 1
E The linal mass meeting pat-lied the Plymouth (,‘hureh to the E
doors and thus closed this great convention. The following day E
‘ all the representative women attended the Alaska-Yukon Pacific E
Exposition, where an elaborate program was given. Rev. Anna E
. Shaw presided at the aiulitorium. l’rayer by Dr. Sidney Strong E
was followed by welcome from J. 1‘}. (lhillwrg. the President of
E the exposition. Many other speakers took part. \Vagner‘s hand
. rendered selections at intervals.
Dinner was served at 6 :30 o'eloek at "The Firs” Y. M. t‘. A.
buildings on the grounds. The seating was so arranged so that
E the delegates of the several States oeenpied the same tables. and
E at each table there was one ot the women of the Washington
. State Sutt'rage Association, and this l’nnetion marked the fare—
E well to the National convention. .
E Respeett'ully snlnnitted,
E lilfil’th’l‘h‘ OF LOCAL ASSUUIA'I‘IUNS.
E - ASULAND 1c. 1:. 1\. .
E hi the past year our little hand has not, aeeomplishwl what, it
E would like to have, but did what it eonld. and is still aetive in the
E work for Woman ’s Rights.
E Held six meetings during the year, with an average attend-
E ance of eight.
E JJUSt by death two of our most worthy members, Mr. W. II.
E Bagley and Mrs. A. L. Eba. E
t Secured many names to the petition. The literature distri-
' bnted was edut’eational and won for the eanse a number ot' sub-
stantial persons.
Had Miss l’erle I’entield with us two or three days, and she
E lectured at Ashland, Catlettshurg. (lreennp and ()akview.
E Sent two delegates to the State convention at, Louisville.
E Close the year ’s work with a, paid 111emhership of twenty-four.
‘ We appreeiate the efforts of all eo-workm-s everywhere, and
may God hasten the eause for whieh we are laboring.
Mus. .J. We K1NG, l’residcnt.
ANNA T. lloin), Seep-awry.
r '— 15 '—

 (xnirlnsm. (‘UI'N’I‘Y r). n. .\.

The (J. (J. E. R. A. held ten business meetings during the past
year. also several social meetings.

\Ve had Miss Penlield, an organizer. who lectured for us in
Bellevue to a large audienee in the (”lalvary Methmlist (lhureh. . 1
Many signed the, enrollment cards. but. seemed not ready to form
a elulr She also gave parlor talks at Southgate and one in New-
port. where we also got enrolled members and some donations.

0111' members have worked very hard for the petition for an
amendment to the National Constitution, whieh shall enable wom—
en to vote.

Our President sent a, great deal of literature relating to Peace
Day to the Superintendent of the Newport schools. .

During the year we lost Anna E. Morgan. one of our most
.l'aitht'nl members. Being trail. and delicate for years. she eould
not hold any ot’fiee or attend meeting held outside of her home.
so our club would meet with her. \Ve feel that we can never re- .
pla.<-e her bright mind and sweetness of disposition. lt' there was ’
any work that she eould do, she did it well. Would that there
were, more like her. She will always remain a sweet memory
with us.

\Ve, close this year with a paid membership of titty and send
six delegates to the State convention to be held in Louisville,
November llth and l2th.

Respeett'nlly submitted.
IIANNAH' ll. SPRING. Sure/org.
()()\'ING’|‘0N E. R. A.

The Covington Equal Rights Assoeiation (“an report the most .
interesting year of its existence.

Viee Presidents were elected to act as Chairmen at the month—
ly meetings. taking entire charge, of the programme. inviting

‘ guests. and eondueting the meeting from start to finish. In this
‘ way no one was overworked and a delightful meeting in each ease
was the result. -

A, girls7 basket ball team was formed under the auspices of
this Association called the Equal Rights 'l‘eam. They did fine
work and put $43 into our treasury.

'l‘he Covington Equal Rights and the Susan B. Anthony Club

. _ 9I “ I


ot Cincinnati gave a banquet at the llavliu llotel‘ on Miss An-
thony’s birthday. It was a grand sueeess. _ ’5:

Mrs. Kate Trimble \\'oolsey has been with us at two of our

_ meetings. - _. I
l’eaee Day wasebserved in the publie sehools here. An elab- I

orate programme, eonsisting of talks by ministers and others on 7- .

the signifieanee ot' the day. musie. ete.. was given. ; .5752“;

’ Respeett'ully.
N. S. MCllAllGllLIN. Sew'elm'y. ,7


This has been a splendid year for our Association. We have 1'

. had nine meetings. composed of reading. musie and leetures; also
sent to the Reform School (litterent t’orms ot‘ entertainment.

Many new members haveleome to us; have now one hundred

and ninety. Our Association has been the t'ashion in the l'nited

State and we will double our numbers next year. Many young ‘i 77:53:

people are joining our ranks. “ ,;i 212;;

i Our new President is Miss Linda Neville. .
No deaths or removals to report. .

In the early