xt7sbc3sw68p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sbc3sw68p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1988-06-10 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, June 10, 1988, no. 527 text The Green Bean, June 10, 1988, no. 527 1988 1988-06-10 2014 true xt7sbc3sw68p section xt7sbc3sw68p Number 527 June 10,1988
The Director of Pediatric Nursing at the Medical Center
notified LSO that the donations from the Christmas luncheon last
December will pay for the purchase of a new microwave oven to
replace one that had stopped working. The microwave is used by
parents to reheat their children's meals in the pediatric ward at
the hospital.
Profits from the LSO book sale during the annual Book Sale at
the Armory were $295.00; this was a substantial increase over
last year.
LSO gave a $25.00 memorial donation to the library in memory ·
of Virginia Walker, a retired University of Kentucky librarian.
(Submitted by Kathy Martin.
Two new SPEC kits from ARL's Office of Management Studies have
· been received and are available in the Reference Department. Kit
#142 covers remote access to online catalogs, while #143 deals
with search procedures for senior library administrators.
Alumni of the University of Kentucky's College of Library and .
Information Science will hold a reunion at the ALA Annual
Conference in New Orleans July 9-14. Details about time and
place will be printed in the conference program; information is
also available from Nancy Dare in the College at 7-8876.
SOLINET has aa full schedule of workshops planned from July
through September at various sites throughout the Southeast
including Lexington. A
Workshop topics include Administrative Use of Micros, Advanced
DBase, Advance PC/MS DOS, Books Format, Decisions for the Future, ‘
ILL(one workshop to be conducted in Lexington on August 17), ILL
‘Ih¤‘ Newsletter of the Umversnty
• O
of Kentucky Lnbrarnes


 Selective Users, Introduction to Electronic Filing Systems,
Introduction to PC/MS DOS, LS/2000, M3XX/Micro Enhancers (one
workshop to be offered in Lexington on August 16), OCLC Basics,
Recon, sc350/AcQ350, Serials Format, Shareware (one workshop to
be given in Louisville on July 19), Troubleshooting (one workshop
to be given in Louisville on July 20), and Union Listing.
A complete listing of sites and dates for these workshops is
available in the QB office, 204 King South. Further information
is also available from Tari Keller, Systems Librarian. (Submitted
by Tari Keller.)
Data—Tech Institute will offer a one—day workshop, "Everything
You Need to Know About the PS/2", on July 21, 1988 at the Holiday
Inn — North in Cincinnati. Cost of the workshop is $395 per
Career Track Seminars will offer "Power Communication Skills
for Women", a one-day seminar on July 7 at the Lexington Hilton
Inn. Cost of this seminar is $39 per person.
Further information and registration forms for these programs
is available in the GB office.
The National Agricultural Library is seeking volunteers to
give time, skill and experience in many special project areas to
support the primary mission of the Library of collecting and
disseminating agricultural information. These special projects
include developing information products, sales desk assistance,
developing ready reference advisory systems, production of a .~
photo laser disc and much more. Volunteers will have access to
the collections of one of the world's largest agricultural
libraries and be exposed to and have access to the latest library “<
electronic techinologies to complete project assignments.
Library staff will be available for initial training and
technical advice. Possible creadits for library students may be
offered in some specialized areas.
Persons will interest in volunteering should contact Mary
Silva, National Agricultural Library, Room 200, 10301 Baltimore
Boulevard, Beltsville, Md 20705. ·
The National Agricultural Library is also offering a practicum
program for selected library, information specialist or computer
science graduate students with agricultural or library
The NAL practicum is available in public services, technical
- services, information systems, and collection development. i
Students must provide their own funding.

 Further information is available in the GB office or from
Joseoph H. Howard, Director, National Agricultural Library, USDA,
10301 Baltimore Boulevard, Beltsville, MD 20705; telephone (301) »
Bgy VOYAGE...AND GOOD LUCK! the catalog of an exhibit shown ,
in the University· of Kentucky (
Ruth Brown...Associate Director Art Museum April 10 - May 29, »
(leaving June 30) 1988.
Diana Tolzin ....... Acquisitions
Pam Fields ........ Music Library ABOVE AND BEYOND
Ron Weber .......... Acquisitions (
Linda Turner ....... Collection Mike Lach, Associate Director
Development for Public Services and
’ Systems, recently received the
STAFF ACTIVITIES - following letter from Janet
‘ Parsch, automation project
Miko Pattie, Acting coordinator cu? the University
Assistant Director for Libraries at the University of
Technical Services has been Arkansas: '
elected first alternate to the
OCLC Users Council. Dear Michael:
**** ~ Thank you very much for
making my visit to your library
Toni Powell, Agriculture so worthwhile. You were so A
Librarian, was the moderator of helpful im making arrangements
a symposium"Transition in the with the other units of the  
Land Grant University: New library for my visit and you
Challenges for Colleges of provided. such. useful insights
Agriculture", on May 17 at UK. into the whys and wherefores of
The symposium was in honor of LS/2000. I would also like to
Dr. Charles Barnhart, retiring acknowledge the time and
dean of UK's College of information provided by Tari s (
Agriculture. Keller, Brad Grissom, Paul ~
Toni is also the chair of Fuller, Teresa Burgett, and the
the University of Kentucky authority control expert ....
Institution Finances and Each of you was frank and open
Resource Allocation committee about both the jproblems and
(IFRAC). The committee benefits of the LS/2000 system, ,
recently published the first something that I very much
issue of a proposed newsletter appreciate at this stage of our
to be issued four times a year. own evaluation of systems. I
· certainly sensed that the staff
**** views LS/2000 very favorably
and is willing to commit the
Jinx Birchfield, Assistant - effort to make the system work
Director for Collection for them.
_ Development, has published "The Thanks again for your
Artistic Career of Thomas generous efforts and
Satterwhite Noble" 541 Thomas hospitality in my behalf.
Satterwhite Noble, 1835 ; 1907, .

 QQQ OPPORTUNITIES California, Berkeley. Salary:
$31,008 - $47,652. Deadline:
. The Kentucky Historical Society July 15, 1988.
is looking for a student who
.. might be available to assist Head, Library School Library.
with research on the history of University of California,
washington County, Kentucky, Berkeley. Salary: $25,380 —
for the county's bicentennial. $32,472. Deadline: June 10,
For more information, call 1988.
Arthur Kelly at (502) 695-3570.
Government Documents Librarian.
University of California,
Library Technician III, grade Berkeley. Salary: $25,380 —
7. Acquisitions Department. $38,928. Deadline: June 10,
Available June 6, 1988. If 1988.
interested, please contact Ann
Howell, Director's Office. Head, Government Documents and
Maps Department. University of
ALABAMA California, San Diego. Salary:
$31,008 — $57,816. Deadline:
Business Reference Librarian. August 1, 1988.
University of Alabama,
Tuscaloosa. Salary:$21,000, COLORADO
minimum. Deadline: June 10,
1988. Head, Social Sciences and
Humanities Department. Colorado
Science and Technology State University, Fort Collins.
Reference Librarian. Auburn Salary: Commensurate with
University. Salary: $21,000- experience and qualifications.
28,000, or higher ____ depending on Deadline: July 5, 1988.
qualifications. Deadline: June
15,1988. Public Relations Officer.
Colorado State University, Fort
Science and Techno1ogy· Collins. Salary: Commensurate ·
Department Head. Auburn with experience and
University. Salary: $30,000 - qualifications. Deadline: July
$38,000, or higher depending on 5, 1988.
qualifications. Deadline: June
15, 1988. Head of Catalog· Department.
Colorado State University, Fort
ARIZONA Collins. Salary: Commensurate
with experience and
Catalog Management Librarian. qualifications. Deadline:
University of Arizona, Tucson. June 27, 1988.
Salary: $21,500, minimum.
Deadline: June 10, 1988. FLORIDA
CALIFORNIA Russian/German Cataloger.
University of Florida,
Humanities Librarian Gainesville. Salary: $20,000
(Collection Development and, minimum. Deadline: July `l,
` Reference). University of 1988.

 Assistant Engineering
Chair, Government ‘Documents Librarian; Assistant Science
Department auui Bibliographer Librarian.(Several openings).
for Government Documents. Massachusetts Institute of
University of Florida, Technology, Cambridge. Salary
Gainesville. Salary: $35,000 $20,800 — $26,500. Deadline:
minimum. Deadline: June 20, June 30, 1988.
Head, Copy—Based Cataloguing
GEORGIA Section. Massachusetts
Institute of Technology,
Government Documents/Data. Cambridge. Salary: $20,800 —
Services Reference Librarian. $22,900. Deadline: June 30,
University of Georgia, Athens. 1988.
Salary: $18,700, minimum.
Deadline: July 22, 1988. NEW JERSEY
INDIANA Associate University Archivist.
Rutgers University, New
Instruction Librarian. Indiana Brunswick, NJ. Salary:
University, Bloomington. $29,974, minimum. Deadline:
Salary: $21,500 - $31,000. August 15, 1988.
Deadline: June 10, 1988.
Media Librarian. Rutgers
Head, School of Library and University, New Brunswick, NJ.
Information Science Library. Salary: $29,974, minimum.
Indiana University, Deadline: July 15, 1988.
Bloomington. Salary: $21,500
- $33,000. Deadline: June 20, Biological and Health Sciences
1988. Librarian. Rutgers University,
New Brunswick, NJ. Salary:
Head cu? Technical Services. $29,974, minimum. Deadline:
Indiana University Southeast, August 1, 1988. , A
New Albany. Salary: $20,000. `
Deadline: July 20, 1988. NEW YORK
Social Sciences Bibliographer Germanic and Romance
/Reference Librarian, Purdue Literatures Subject Specialist.
University, West Lafayette, IN. State University of New York at
Salary: $20,000, minimum. Buffalo. Salary: $26,000
Deadline: August 1, 1988. minimum. Deadline: None
Foreign Literature
Bibliographer /Reference Director, Institute of Fine
Librarian. Purdue University, Arts Libraryn New York
West Lafayette, IN. Salary: University, New York. Salary:
$20,000, minimum. Deadline: $35,000,minimum. Deadline:
August 1, 1988. June 30, 1988.
MASSACHUSETTS Humanities Bibliographer. New
_ _ York Universiry, New Yor

 Salary: $30,000,minimum. Coordinator of Database
DemUine:Juma30,198&. Management / Cataloger
, ·=»‘ Librarian. Temple University,
Philadelphia. Salary:
OHIO $19,845, minimum. Deadline:
July 15, 1988. _
Head, Serials Department.
University of Cincinnati. TEXAS
Salary: $28,000 - $34,000.
Demhine: JulyEL 1988. U.S. Documents and Patents
Librarian. Texas A&M
East European and Slavic University, College Station.
Studies Librarian. Ohio State Salary: $21,000, minimum.
University, Columbus. Salary: Deadline: July 15, 1988.
$23,040 - $28,080. Deadline:
mum 15,1988. Head, Original Cataloging
Department. Texas A&M
Assistant University librarian University, College Station.
(Automation and Technical Salary: $24,000 minimum.
Services). Miami University, Deadline: July 15, 1988.
Oxford. Salary: $38,000,
ndnimwn. DemUjne: July 15, Head, Automated Cataloging
1988. Department. Texas A&M
University, College Station.
OKLAHOMA Salary: $23,000, minimum.
Deadline: July 15, 1988.
Government Documents Reference
Librarian. University of Physical Sciences Librarian
Oklahoma, Norman. Salary: /Coordinator of CIRES.
$28,000, minimum. Deadline: University of Houston, College
August 15, 1988. if Park. Salary: $23,000,
minimum. Deadline: July 15,
OREGON 1988.
Head, Catalog Department. Head of Information Services.
University of Cmegon, Eugene. University of Houston, College
Salary: $32,500 -$37,500. Park. Salary: $30,000,
Deadline: July 31, 1988. minimum. Deadline: July 15,
Assistant Law iLibrarian for
Technical Services. University VIRGINIA
of Oregon, Eugene. Salary:
$21,000. Deadline: July 31, Reference Librarian. Virginia
1988. Tech, Blacksburg. Salary:
$20,200, minimum. Deadline:
PENNSYLVANIA June 15, 1988. ‘
Rare Book Bibliographer Science Reference Librarian.
/Cataloger. Temple University, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg.
Philadelphia. Salary $19,845. Salary: $20,200, minimum.
» Deadline: June 20, 1988. . Deadline: June 15, 1988.

Catalog Librarian. Temporary
(August 16, 1988 - June 1,
1989). Virginia Commonwealth
University, Richmond. Salary:
$1,800 per month, minimum.
Deadline: July 1, 1988.
Head, Serials Cataloging · i
Section, Automated Records
Management Division.
University of washington,
Seattle. Salary: $26,000,
minimum. Deadline: July 29,
Production Staff , .
proofreader: Bonnie Jean Cox. U
Printer: Cecil Madison. ‘