xt7sbc3svw61 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sbc3svw61/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1950-05-26  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 26, 1950 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 26, 1950 1950 1950-05-26 2013 true xt7sbc3svw61 section xt7sbc3svw61 oesi oopy Mvaiiaoie

The Kentucky ECernel






Dedication Exercises Serve
As Baccalaureate Ceremony
Dr. Daniel A. Poling Will Be Speaker
At Program Set For 10 a.m. Tuesday

Library Will Be Closed
During Dedication Program
The Margaret I. King Library
will be closed Tuesday from 9:30
a.m. to 1 p.m.. and all departmental libraries will close from 9:39 a.m.
to 1:30 p.m., according to Dr. Lawrence S. Thompson, director of

President Herman L. Donovan
will preside at the program and give
an address on "An Investment in
The Honorable Earle C. Clements
will introduce Dr. Poling who will
give the baccalaureate address. His
topic Is "What Price Freedom
Dr. Poling is chaplain of the
Chapel of the Four Chaplains, an
Inter-fait- h
shrine. He is also
president of the International
Society of Christian Endeavor, and
the World's Christian Endeavor

Is Author
Bom in Portland, Ore., in 1884,
Dr. Poling is the author of many
books on religion and novels. He
wrote "The Heretic," The Furnace,"
"Between Two Worlds," and "John
Barleycorn His Life and Letters."

Police Ask UK Personnel
Not To Drive Tuesday
The faculty, staff, and students
of the I'niversity who live in Lexington have been asked by the
Traffic Bureau of the Lexington
Police Department to leave their


home on Tuesday
morning and come to the Baccalaureate and dedication exercises
on the bus. Dean A. D. Kirwan
This cooperation is asked to
make additional parking spaces
available for the families whose
sons will be honored at the dedication. More than 7000 people have
stated their intention of attending, and many more are expected.

Sullivan Awards To Be Presented
To Leading Senior Mand And Woman

Air Cadets
To Attend
Field Camp

To Speak At
Alumni Dinner

Formal dedication of the University's new Memorial Coliseum
will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday. It will lie dedicated to the memory of the 9265 Kentuckians who lost their lives in World War II.
Names of the Cold Star Kentuckians have been lettered on
permanent plaques which will occupy recessed wall panels in
the Coliseum entry ramps.


1600 Will Receive Diplomas
At Ceremonies In Coliseum


Louisville Man

By Kathcryn Whitmcr

The dedication exercises will also
serve as a Baccalaureate service for
the University's 1950 graduating
class of approximately 1600 students.
Dr. Daniel A. Poling, editor and
president of the Christian Herald,
will be the principal speaker at this
Every County To Be Represented
The families of the Kentuckians
who lost their lives In the recent
war will be honor guests at the dedication. Every county in Kentucky
will be represented by at least one
About 7000 persons have
answered the invitation.
from Alabama,
Indiana. Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee,
Virginia, wnd West Virginia will also be at the dedication.


The annual UK alumni banquet

will be held in the Bluegiass Room
of the SUB at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday
Thomas A. Ballantine, class of 1925,

By Rosemary Hilling

The eighty-thirannual Commencement Exercises, to be helJ
the new Memorial Coliseum, which will be dedicated Tuesday,
will begin at 7:30 p.m. Friday. Approximately 16)0 graduates
will receive their diplomas from President Herman L. Donovan.


One hundred and four University
Air Force ROTC cadets will attend
president of the Louisville Taxicab
summer camp at Langley Air Force
md Transfer Company and ol tttf
Base, Va., and Chanute Air Force
Louisville Chamber of Commerce
Base, 111., Lt. Col. Edward C. Davis,
principal speaker.
be the
professor of air science and tactics,
Tickets for the event may be purannounced today.
chased at the campus alumni office
Seventy-si- x
students will report on
and reservations made by calling
June 18 to the Virginia base for
University Extension 2152.
training in administration and supCommencement luncheon, schedply, and 28 will go to the Illinois
uled for 12:30 p.m., June 2, will have
base June 25 for training In engipresas speakers Dr. Henry H. Hill,
neering. The summer camps will
ident of Peabody College,
last six weeks. Col. Davis said.
and Dr. J. D. Williams,
Cadets Attending
Recipients of honorary degrees at the University of Kentucky's
of the University of Mississippi.
University cadets who will attend
83rd annual commencement June 2 will be: (top row, left to right) Dr.
Tickets are on sale at each UK
the Virginia training camp are Rob
dean's office and at the office of Hardin Craig, professor of English at the University of Missouri. Docert C. Allen, Max W. Ankney. James
tor of Letters; John Sherman Cooper, special consultant to the Secrethe Student Union social director.
W. Atkins. Hugh A. Bryson, Winter
tary of State, Doctor of Laws; and Alexander Bonnyman, president of
H. Collins, Phillip J. Cubranic,
the Blue Diamond Coal Company, Knoxville, Teniu Doctor of Laws;
Donald G. Dodson. Gibson C. Down
(second row, left to right I Dr. Henry H. Hill, president of Peabody
ing, Kenneth O. Fagan, William V.
College, Nashville, Tenn Doctor of Laws; Dr. J. D. Williams, chanFishback. James A. Graves. Edward
cellor of the University of Mississippi, Doctor of Laws; and Dr. W. E.
B. Hall. Elbert E. Hall, Bernard E.
Wrather, Washington, D. C, director of the U. S. Geological Survey,
Hill, Jack B. Judy. Jack A. Kain,
Doctor of Science.
"The World's Greatest Short
Lewis H. Nichols, Malcolm B.
quarter-hoStories," a new series of
Saunier, Charles L. Sharpe, Henry
dramatic shows originating
C. Simpson, and Henry D. White.
University of Kentucky
from the
Edmund B. BIythe. Allen r. Hamil
-Studios, makes its formal deRadio
ton, Malcolm J. Herman, Arthur P.
next Saturday afternoon at 5
Whipple, Harold Albert, Harold D.
o'clock, over WLAP.
Allen. Douglas W. Allgood, Thomas
Daniel A. Poling
E. Barnes, Joe Bodkin, Raymond C.
Ring Lardner's provacative "Hair
President and Mrs. Herman Lee Donovan
Brown. Raymond H. Burch, Cecil C.
cut" will be the first show broadBurnette, William A. Carl, Phillip O.
cast. The shows will also be heard
Clifford, John G. Cocke, William B.
Thursday evenings at 8 o'clock over
Cordially invite
Foster, George P. Francis, Dominic
WBKY, the University's FM station.
Fucci. Wayland Givens, Joel G. GorSpecial music for each broadcast
don, Joe S. Greathouse, Daymond E.
The June and August graduates, with their families;
Thirty-on- e
members of The Ken- will be arranged and played by
Helton, Joseph E. Hibbs, and Walter
tucky Kernel staff have been recom organ students in the Music Depart
E. Hirsch.
mended by the editors to receive ment. Tom Williams will be techThe alumni, with their families;
Also Enrolled
nical director. The producer-na- r
Ben F. Kanatzar, William Lesko-va- r.
keys on the ed- rator is Dudley Saunders.
Those receiving
David T. Lewis, Carl R. Lewis.
The faculty and staff, with their wives,
itorial staff are: Clara Early, Holton
William S. Maupin. Haden T.
Mastin, Dick Macke, Joe Lee, Janet
Melvin E. Mitchell, James M.
Anderson, Rosemary Hilling, Bill Vets Must File To Change
NickeU. Jack W. Owens. William C.
Mansfield, Herbert Moore, Gene
Podulski, Alvln R. Rabe, Charles E.
Colleges Before June 10
Phillips, Bob Fain, Katheryn Whit-me- r,
Read, Billy E. Redden, Jack W. Reid.
Ben Williams, Simpson Tom-kie- s,
The friends of the University of Kentucky
Shelly T. Riherd. William
The last date at which any
Shirley Porter, W. J. Boughey,
Samuels. William E. Schulenberg,
veteran may apply to change colLinda Patteson, Frances West, Joe leges
and David B. Sebree.
within the I'niversity is June
Coyle, Julie Blumenthal, Jacqueline
To attend the Commencement Tea
James D. Sigler. Samuel S. Smith,
10. All
Day, Shirlee Leathers, and J. T. approvalapplications must have the
Joseph M. Sopheck. Jack W. Suttles,
of the Veterans Adminis
Paul Sutton. John W. Tharp, Wiltration to be effective.
Four to Six o'clock
Business staff members are William A. Usher, William G. Vickers,
Applications are now being acfred Lott, Joan Cook, Bruce Dunlap,
Elza Whalen, Robert K. Wood,
Dorothy Allen, and Arthur Weinberg. cepted by the Veterans AdminisHarold H. Woodell, Walter R. Yowar-skThursday, the First of June
Sports staff members are Earl tration for the filing of a Suppleand Benedict J. Zaranka.
mental Certificate of Eligibility
Conn, Bob Gorham, Kent Hollings-wortcamp at
Attending the
Fred Lawson, Lewis Donohew, which enables veterans to change
Chanute Air Base will be Hugh D.
from the University to another
and Anne Boyd.
Dillehay, Allen O. Liles. Henry W.
Students may order the keys MonSimpson. Gene C. Wert, James W.
Maxwell Place
day or Tuesday in the business ofFehr. James R, Griffin, Harris C.
fice of the Kernel Print Shop.
Frank E. Barnett,
(No private invitations will be sent)
George T. Burke. Bertie J. Capshaw.
Thomas J. Clore. Bruce L. Cole, Gilbert L. Feltel. William B. Gaines,
James A. Getker, Harold J. Jones,
A student must take six hours durAlbert R. Mander, and Fred W.
ing a summer session. The maxRav C. Ross, Walter C. Shubert,
imum hours for the average student
is nine hours. Any student with a John W. Tietyen, Hubert Vicars,
2. standing or above may take 11 Ben C. Wagner, Clayton E. Webb,
hours with the approval of his James A. Wells. William R. Wells.
Raymond T. Whitson, and Edward
Final examinations will begin dean.
The fall semester will begin on K. Wolfe.
Tuesday and continue through Sat
urday. No tests will be given from September 11 and continue through
10 a.m. to 12 noon Tuesday because
"esisirau"" wiu
of the Baccalaureate and dedication tion 'or old students will begin on
sept. 14. Classes win Degm on oepi.
The summer session of the Uni- 18.Alphabetical schedule
for regisversity will begin June 19. RegistraThe annual spring show of stutration on Thursday, Sept. 14 is
-- tl
tion nnrt .ln..ifi.in
at 9 a.m., dents of the Art Department will
dents, according to an alphabetical E-- !i "
open Sunday In the Fine Arts Builda.m., H-- I at 11 a.m., L
M.gui t
ii wii nunc ..w. sum- at 1:30 p.m., M at 2:30 p.m., and ing.
mer school will end on August 21.
The exhibition, which will conat 3:30 p.m.
will begin at tinue through June, will Include
Registration for M-- P will begin
Registration for
at 8 a.m., Q-- S at 9 a.m., T-- Z at 10 8 a.m. Friday, P-- at 9 a.m., S at 10 paintings, prints, sculptures, drawa.m
at 1:30 a.m., T-at 11 a.m., D-at 11 a.m.. W-- Z at 1:30 ings, and designs, and will be open
p.m., H-at 2:30 p.m., and miscel p.m. and miscellaneous, z at z:3u weex-aairom s a.m. 10 o p.m. aim
Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m.
at 3:30 p.m.

Dramatic Series
Makes Debut






Editors Name

To Get Kernel Keys




Summer Term
Opens June 19

Pit-tar- d.



John Sherman Cooper

UK Author
Is Honored
A. B. Guthrie Jr, UK's Pulitizer
Prize winner, was honored at a
testimonial dinner Wednesday night
in the SUB Ballroom.
Arranged as a community tribute,
the dinner was sponsored by the
Lexington Chamber of Commerce
and was attended by about 300.
A. E. Hukle. Lexington
Board president, presided over the
program and Dan Bowmar. busi-nmanager of the Blood Horse
Magazine, acted as toastm aster.
Speakers included University President H. L. Donovan: Theodore Morrison, Harvard English professor;
William J. Lederer. head of the
Book and Magazine section. Depart
ment of Defense; and A. Clay
Stewart, Kentucky Utilities executive.
Others on the program were Dr.
A. Y. Lloyd, director of the Kentucky State Legislative Research
and Ed Templin.
Herald-Leadpromotion manager.


Six honorary doctorate degrees
will be conferred by President Donovan. Recipients will be Dr. Hardin
Craig, professor of English at the

University of Missouri, doctor of
letters degree, and Dr. W. E.
Wrather. director of the U. S.
Geological Survey. Washington, doctor of science degree. John Sherman Cooper, special consultant to
Secretary of State Dean Acheson;
enigneer and mining executive; Dr.
J. D. Williams, chancellor of the
University of Missittippi; and Dr.
Henry H. Hill, president of George
Peabody College. Nashville, all of
whom will receive the degree of
doctor of law.
Drs. Craig. Williams. Wrather and
Mr. Cooper are native Kentuckians.
and Dr. Williams and Mr. Bonnyman are alumni of the University.
Band To Lead Procession

The academic procession will be
led by the University band, followed
by the aide de camp to the President. Second Lt. David K. Holland,
of the United States Air Reserve,
and Marshall of the Day. CoL O. T.
MacKenzie. United States Army.
President Donovan will enter with
John S. Cooper.
Following in the order of march
will be the chairman of the board
of trustees: trustees and official

guests, Leo Chamberlain, vice president: Maurice Seay. dean of the
University: Frank Peterson, comptroller. The deans, faculty, and administrative officials of the colleges
of the University, will continue the
procession followed by the Hall
Century Club, alumni, the candi
dates for advanced degrees, and the
candidates for the bachelor degrees.
The commencement Invocation
will be given by Rabbi Sidney Ballon. Temple Adath IsraeL The University Symphony Orchestra and
Mixed Chorus, under the direction
of Dr. Edwin E. Stein, head of the
Music Department, will perform at
the ceremonies.
Dr. Frank LeRond McVey president emeritus of the University.
present the charge to the graduating class. Final benediction will be
by the Rev. George
OBryan. chaplain of St. Joseph
The ceremony wiU bs
closed by the singing of the na-

Two Receive
Book Awards

Farmer Melton and Bruce Ste
phens Jr have each been awarded
a copy of Caldwell's "Notes To
Kentucky Reports" for winning the
annual Law Club mock case competition. The W. H. Anderson Company of Cincinnati donated the
books. Runners-u- p
Luster G. Smith
and Robert N. Hubbard were awarded their choice of any legal textbook published by the West Publishing Company of St. Paul, Minn.
An award for best performance In
practice court during 1949-3- 0
to Fred E. Nichols. He received a
copy of "Law and Tactics In Jury
PublishTrial" by the
ing Company.
Norm W. Reigler was awarded
first prize for his article. "Right of
the Accused To Assigned Counsel In
Felony Prosecutions."
Riegler is now assistant United
States District Attorney in Louisville. He received a copy of Stanley's "Instructions To Juries" donated by the Kentucky Law Journal.
Receiving second and third prizes
respectively for their articles were
Dee A. Akers and Clarence Creech.
The winners of approximately 3C
additional College of Law prizes will
man having the highest average In be announced as soonhave the re
rent semester's grades
military science during the current corded.
school year. Pvt. Robert G. Felton;
Lexington Leader trophy to the
mond P. Holbrook, air force senior member of the ROTC rifle com- Cadet Set. Ravburn K. Henslev. in with the highest scores in team
fantry junior; Cadet Sgt. Carlyle petition, Cadet Sgt. William B.
Michelson, signal corps junior; and w"es.
Exhibition Drills Held .
Cadet Sgt. Henry W. Simpson, air
Exhibition drills were Presented
force junior.
the field day audience by Persh- Country Club trophy to
senior classes
Class officers of
the advanced course student selected
E have been elected the three colleges
hv his foiw mriPf ax Mrellimr in
of the University.
the requirements of good cttizensnip, the Confederateof drill squad
Cadet Lieutenant
Shelby Darbishire has been elected
Cadet Second Lieutenant Ralph W.
president by seniors of the College
1I.n.i. Tninotn fnrvrotiVA fill William F. LaWSOn.
original scheduled for stou of Arts and Sciences. Other officers
course ROTC selected by a board 01 nM the exeTcises were held instead are Joe Ross, vice president; Mary
army and air force officers as the in Alumni Gym after earlv mornina Carolyn Carver, secretary; and
Venita Dawson, treasurer.
for ute las
Officers for the College of Engi"les. Cadet Capt. C. A. McClain.
Macke;zie head o the
are James R. Gibson, presAir Force Medal
UK Department of Military Science neering Roger N. Stark, vice president;
National Air Force Association and Tactics, presided at the
ident; and David R. Bingham,
medal to the outstanding senior in gram. With him on the reviewing
Air ROTC, Cadet Thomas B. Deen; stand were President Herman L.
For the College of Education ofNational Armed Forces Communica- - Donovan. Col. B. E. Brewer, former
ficers are Dale Barnstable, prestions medal to the outstanding signal head of the University military
corps ROTC student. Cadet Sgt. partment; Lt. Col. Edward G. Davis, ident, and James Insko, secretary- Carlyle Michelson; Lafayette Hotel professor of air science and tactics: treasurer.
Duties of the new officers are to
trophy to the junior having the and Lt. Col. R. H. McAteer, assistant
highest average in military science, professor of military science and encourage graduating students to
join the Alumni Association before
Cadet Sgt. Maurice Van Meter; Lex- - tactics.
The competitive events were leaving the campus. Following grad- ington Kiwanis Club trophy to the
sophomore having the highest aver- - judged by Lt. Col. Ralph L. Dalton uation the officers will keep in con- age in military science for the cur- - and Maj. James R. Sykes of Ft. tact with members through the
rent school year. Cadet Pvt. Stanley Knox, Major V. E. Moore and Capt. alumni office. It will also be their
John F. Tuml.ull of Omlinnn Air duty to help nrr:in-:- class reunions
n. Windes.
and other events.
Phoenix Hotel trophy to the fresh- - Force Base.


Highlight of the exercises will be
of the Algernon
Sydney Sullivan awards on the citizen of the commonwealth deemed
most worthy to receive the distinction, and to the outstanding senior
man and woman at the University.
Sstudents graduating "with high
distinction" and "with distinction"
will also be honored.
The commencement address. "Essentials for Peace." will be delivered
by John Sherman Cooper, special
consultant to the Secretary of State,
and United States delegate to the
United Nations Assembly.
Six Honorary Degrees Conferred
Mr. Cooper is a native of Somerset and a graduate of Yale University and Harvard Law School. He
is also former circuit judge of the
twenty-eight- h
district and former United States

the conferring

Student Art Exhibit
Will Start Sunday

A-- B

Dr. Poling is a graduate of Dallas
College and Lafayette Seminary in
Oregon and did graduate work at
Ohio State University, Albright College, Defiance College. Hope College, Syracuse University, University
of Vermont, Temple University,
Phillips University and Bucknell
He has received degrees from several of these universities.
Music for the program will be
provided by the University Chorus


tional anthem.

N-- O

A-- C


A-- Z

Ruth Halverson holds a steady rein as she receives the trophy for
first place in the Equitation, 1.1 years and over class, in the annual
IK Block and Bridle Show. Marlyn Steele, accompanied by Ringmaster J. T. Deaton, presented the trophy.

1500 Watch Equestrians
Perform At Horse Show
Fifteen - hundred persons were
present at the annual Block and
Bridle Horse Show hrld Saturday
at the Lexington Trotting Track.
Classes in the show and UK students winning were:
Open hunters: Gerald Mayer,

All veterans meeting requirements for graduation on June 3,
and who expect the Veterans Administration to pay graduation
fees, must file their requests with
the Veterans Office by May 27.
Veterans planning to return for
the I'niversity Summer Session
may file
papers from



Ladies equitation: Margaret Toms,
first; Emmy Lou Patrick, second;
Barbara Shanklin, third; Dorothy

UK Finishes Behind OSU

In Pershing Rifles Contest

exhibitions by the UK Confederate
squad and a Yankee squad from
Ohio State. Other features were a
baton twirling exhibition by State
Champion Don Wilson of Lexington
daughter and a
and his
regimental parade of the eifcht competing teams led by the UK band.
Teams in the drill meet were UK,
Ohio State, University of Dayton,
University of Akron, Xavier University, University of Cincinnati.
Knit. Slate Univt-rr.ii:ind Ohio





Veterans Must File

UK placed second to Ohio State in
overall competition during the
fifteenth annual drill meet of the
First Regiment of Pershing Rifles
which was held on the campus last
week. This is the first time since
1938 that the University has not
taken first in the event.
Third in the contest was Ohio
In other competition UK was first
in platoon drill, second in squad
drill, and third in exhibition drill.
IIiShliMlits of the event wore drill



mencement week activities.
The Coliseum will be open to the
public following the dedication exercises and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on
Wednesday and Thursday.




and Orchestra.
The University annual banquet
and commencement luncheon will be
highlights of the school's com-


C-- D


GregRouten Named Best Drill Man
At 28th Annual ROTC Field Day
Exercises Moved To Alumni Gym
After Rains Drench Stoll Field

Cadet Gregory Routen, freshman,
Walthall, fourth; Margaret Garrett, received the American Lee ion Man
O'War Post No. 8 trophy for the best
Men's equitation: Paul Cramer, individually military drill man at
first; John Rose, second: David Monday s twenty-eight- h
annual Mil- Hicks, third; Foster Hamblin, itary Field Day.
fourth; and Charles Noe, fifth.
13 years
and over won toe'.wSrrS! anamination
hunter seat) : Ruth Halverson, first;
.i.u oo
Anderson, second; and Jane cadets
Hays, fifth.
program s only other com- In the r...
Light dressage: Arden Bullock,
i"first; Sale Hughes, second; Paul nwnuea 5ve"i-oy
u. A
Lucas, berry, won wiaet oapi. D. Freeman
third; Charles
the George
fourth; and John Rose, fifth.
tronhv. Dresented tn the best drilled
Student equitation: Ruth Halver- company or squadron. Second Place
son, first; Margaret Toms, second; went to Squadron commanded by
Jobie Anderson, third; Paul Kramer, Cadet Capt. C. A. McClain.
fourth; and Margaret McDonald,
Prizes and Awards
Knock-dow- n
prizes and awards presented
and out: Martha
at Monday's ceremony were the Uni- House, fifth.
Judges for the contest were Mrs. versity of Kentucky cup to the com- Stoney Walton Johnson, hunters pany or squadron with the highest
scholastic standing dur- and jumpers: Mrs. Ruby Plummer
Lusk. equitation: Earl Teater, sad ing the current school year. Squad- die horses and ponies, and Hub ron B commanded by Cadet Capt.
Spencer, walking horses. Ringmas- Eugene Spencer; Central Kentucky
ter was J. T. Denton. The dressage Chapter, Reserve Officer's Associa- class was judged by Col. T. J. John tion awards to outstanding junior
and senior students in infantry,
Chairman of the Block and Bridle signal corps, and air force ROTC,
committee was Dick Crafton. Brent Cadet Major Jim Cherry, infantry
and Donnld renior; Cadet Col. Darrell E. Sonsor,
Thompson is
signal corps senior; Cadet Col. Ray- Lalton, treasurer.



Three Colleges
Name Officers




Colleges Give Awards

The Sullivan Awards were established at the University in 1925 by
the New York Southern Society. It
is dedicated to the memory of Algernon Sydney Sullivan, a distinguished lawyer and public spirited
citizen of New York, during the period following the Civil War.
The New York Southern Society
selected 15 leading colleges and universities of the South, each of whirh
presents Sullivan Medallions each
year at commencement to the outstanding man and woman of the
graduating' class, and to an outstanding citizen of the common-

Non-Capit- al




pro-Oth- er




Awards last year were given to
Vice President Alben Barkley.
Charles Whaley. journalism graduate, and Mary Sue McWhirter, art
Acting chairman of the commencement committee is Dr. A. E.
Bigge, head of the German Department, who is acting in the absence
of Dr. F. F. Hartford, of the Collese
of Education. Committee members
are Miss Ann Callihan of the Art
Department: E. B. Farris. chief engineer of the Department of Maintenance and Operations; Prof. H.
W. Farris. of the Department of
Electrical Engineering: Muss Jane
Haselden. assistant dean of women:
Miss Helen King, alumni secretary:
A. B. Kirwan. dean of men: CoL G.
T. MacKenzie, head of the Military
Department: Mary Page Milton,
registrar's office: Maurice Seay.
Dean of the University: Lee Sprow- les. registrar R. W. Wild, head of
public relations: and Dr. E. S. Stein,
head of the Music Department,
Ushers for the services will be
members of Mortar Board, senior
women's leadership society:
sophomore women's honorary, and
Alpha Lambda Delta, freshmen
women's honorary.


� Pare











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u CK.Y


Mn lay,





-- I



.May 'Jii,










Ft)rmul dedication of the University of Kentucky's new Memorial Coliseum, a four million dollar building whose construction has required more than three years, will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, May 30. It will be dedicated to the
memory of the 9,265 Kentuckians who lost their lives in World War II.
Located on Euclid Avenue between Lexington Avenue and Rose Street, the mammoth, yellow-bric- k
structure has a seating capacity of 12,000 for basketball games and 15,000 for programs in which folding chairs may be placed on
the playing flx)r. Seating space for approximately 3X) persons is provided alongside the t,
of the total, are theatcr-tvp- e
cliairs, and the reswimming pool. All seats on the building's west side, approximately
mainder are bleacher-type- .
More than 80 percent of the Coliseum's permanent seats are at side court.
The building contains ticket sales offices, offices for the athletic director, football coach, basketball coach, all assistant coaches, swimming pool director, and the sports publicity office. Locker rooms for football, basketball, baseball
and all minor sports also are located in the new structure.
Excavation of the building site required removal of 40,000 cubic yards of earth and more than 10,000 cubic yards of rock. Construction required 1,000 cubic yards of concrete and more than 500 tons of reinforcing steel. Other
construction materials used in the building include 3,500,000 brick, 3,000 tons of structural steel, 2.3 acres of roofing, and two acres of tcrrazo flooring.
Measured from the Euclid Avenue side (the front), the Coliseum is 82 feet in height. Its acoustically-treate- d
ceiling is 49 feet above the playing floor, and the span of its main trusses is'22.3 feet. Twenty-si- x
double doored exits
allow tli building to lie emptied of a capacity crowd in little more than ten minutes, and a combination heating and ventilating system produces six to eight complete air changes per hour.
of concrete, is permanent and cannot be removed.
The basketball court, laid on a sub-floWar perfect from an acoustical standpoint, the huge auditorium can be used for concerts and lectures as well as for sports events, conventions and
Trograms already scheduled for presentation in the
new building during the next school year include concerts by James Melton, the London rhilharmonic Orchestra, Artur Rubinstein, Jascha Heifetz, the Don Cossack Chorus, and the Dailas Symphony Orchestra, and lectures by Elmer
Davis, Charles Laughton, and Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt.
Part of the Coliseum's permanent equipment includes a large electric organ, facilities for radio and television broadcasts, and ample space for the working press.
Names of the 9,265 Gold Star Kentuckians have been lettered on permanent plaques which occupy recessed wall panels in the Coliseum entry ramps.
The dedication exercises on Memorial Day also will serve as a baccalaureate service for the University's 1950 graduating class of approximately 1,600 students. Principal speaker at this program will lie Dr. Daniel A. Iling,of
New York, president and editor of the Christian Herald.
Rricf dedicatory exercises also will lie held on the occasion of the first concert and the first basketball game in the new structure.

The Kentucky Kernel
All witjned article and column
are to be
considered the opi men
writer KentuckT IntMwlleeiat
Pres. Association
themselret. end do m f rteccssarily reflect
Lexington Board of Commerce
the optnion of The Kerntl.
Kentucky Press Association
National Editorial Association
National AdvertisingSenrkeJne




Another 'Last9 Editorial
And An Altered Outlook


Kernel goes to press, the toll for the current year is one death
and 13-- injuries.
Euclid, with two deaths (one at Hose, the other at Lime-b- oth
bordering the UK campus) was the second most dangerous street
in Lexington during the last five years.
Besides deaths and injuries, property damages have run into
thousands of dollars. Accidents last ear in which damage was
restricted to property totaled 1.327.
Fortunately, verv few accidents have occurred on the UK campus. But the danger is here at all times, especially since so many
students must cross drives on the way to classes. A warning and
a little caution might well prevent a serious accident lu re.


The short career of a college paper's staff causes an abundance
of '"last" editorials. It is unusual, if not impossible, to break away
Niw York. N. V.
410 Madwon Ave
from the accepted patterns in writing them. To air an accumulaSUBSCRIPTION
RATES 11.00 per Kmerter
tion of complaints; to express the melancholy of those who are
graduating; to offer profound advice to those who must yet take
George Reynolds
Editor Herbert Allen Moore, Gene Phillips
examinations, are all accepted devices.
Managing Fxiitor
Bob Cox
We have no list of grievances. Throughout the year, we have
Nell Blair
News Editor Bob Fain, Katheryn Whitmer
News Desk tried to state them as they arose, hoping for improvements then,
Sports Editor
Tom Di .kin
Manager Ben Willi!
.Photographer and often being gratified.
JIarold Fleenor
Betty Boggess.
Editor Dorothy Allen,
..Circulation Mgr.
Clara Earlv
We do not say the University of Kentucky is perfect. But little
Holton Mastin....Head Feature Writer Irwin Higgs'
things will always arise. The really important goals are generala- Wilfred Lott Advertising Manager Simpson Tomkies, Bob Fain, ties
lx'tter relations between students and faculty, a stronger SGA,
Shirley Porter, W. J. Boughey,
Gineen's Last
Linda Patteson, Frances West, more and continued support for all athletic events, an expanded
Copy Desk
Joe Coyle, Julie Blumenthal, Lewis
Editor. The Kernel:
Joan Cook, Bruce Dunlap
intramural program and less indifference on the part of students
Donohew, Janet Anderson, Kath
"John! You said we were coming here to study!"
Advertising Staff
Huzzah! Glorious it Is to see the
eryn Whitmer, Jacqualine Day, to actions which effect them.
mission .work progress!
Rosemary Hilling and Bill Mansfield
Wes Bird, Jack Suttles, Shirley
The University has grown lx)th physically and academically
Great strides have been taken toLeathers, and Betty compton, J. T.
Vaughn, and Don Rogers...
Earl Conn, Kent Hollingsworth, Bob
commencement activities will anyone mention the "first rung" on ward our ultimate goal, the comduring the time we have spent here. It has done so to such an
plete supervision of every student's
Asst. Sports Editors
"ladder of life" nor warn us of that great, cold ami wakinz and sleeping hours, niht
extent that the individual student has lost some of his importance. that worn-ou- t
day. body and soul.
Tlte feeling of "belonging" must Ie and will lie developed in the cruel world. Too man