xt7sbc3svh36 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sbc3svh36/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1937 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 08, 1937 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 08, 1937 1937 1937 2012 true xt7sbc3svh36 section xt7sbc3svh36 l * 3
BI y ;
_  —i ··-···—  i
Year   \'olumc VIII LEXINGTON, KY., N()VEMBER,,l937 Number 1  
,,,——- -——-———  i
as from _ Q
  ‘Id T M P' P h IS B I *
agi gy . W1 cats 0 eet att ant ers n ugar ow [
e · · 2
.-—J—·—-————·· ——  :
ggggzep i • { “2" A d “‘7" I R ' d, fofv  Igceggnzi?  ygggubg}  
M yea? ` Reunlon O n S evlewe 7 lgind thern, University alumni and  
3; $5 Plans For "2" And "8" Are Underway ;§2SI{rfFr§§€“iL’;i{§5€»‘§£ @$2313*; ‘i-E ;
’. ' ’ e en ucky Wildcats. 1
gegdenh Reunion ’37 Reunion *33 The Kentucky netters have been  
d nfénlg; The one unralimg indicator gr _With a tentative program which Scheduled to mera the University i
mmm Success of any alumni program IS will in all probability include spe- of P1l7t$b¤{gh ¢1¤1¤i5€tt€ 117 the Suzr g —
EE _  me degree of interest taken in such cial celebrations, inasmuch as the BOW] festival of SDOUZS D9¤€mbB1‘ {
__ S pmgmm, with mis as a unit or new student umm buudmg will 29 1¤ the Tulane vmvcmty field {
" ‘ measurement no one could but say then be in use, the classes ending h°u$€· New OY1€¤¤$· K€¤'¤¤¢kY W011 .   ,
lMcVey, than the class reunions for classes in "3" and "8" can look forward the S°}1th€¤$t€F¤ ¤0¥1f€1‘€¤¢€ Cham-  
rg made ending in "2" and "7" were a tre- to a great reunion in 1938 when P“m$h1P at Knoxville last Spfmg
ion. Of ’ mendous SUCCESS. they return for commencement and Pittsburgh Won the EBSFQYH ,., } i
various More than 600 alumni made their festivities and reunions_ Intercolleglaw L€aEU€ C!`0WH· P1U2S· I
hedulgdy , my back to the University June 3 Greater plans are being made for burgh mid Kenmckff have me'} be' l
ye been A and registered at the Alumni office the alumni who are to return for fom during l¤h€ Christmas holidays t i
nfgrmgd ·  my the occasion. Noon saw the re- the reunions next year. Special m 1935 Pittsburg? Was d€f€9·l¤€d· ; t
permam V union classes together at their re- attention is to be devoted during Coach RUPIYS Chief WOYYY about {
ated, spgerive class luncheons with at- the year to class organizations and the Sugar B¤w1 game a¥`}$€S frqm  
at exch remiance the best in many years. class secretaries. Plans for re- the fact that Some Of his Varsity r
_ June 4v permanent class secretaries and rc- unions include the appointment dependabks Such as Red Haga¤»   ·
mem in pyesentatives were elected at some of class secretaries to classes where   Curt1S¤ Walter Hodg? and Duke § ·
The 2m_ Or the luncheons. The afternoon there is no record of permanent ftmgt2§· were not _aVa11abl€ mm]  
ni ASs0_ program included the annual bac- secretaries. If by chance you fail a Er (C €_ HM Wudmt football {
mg this ealaureate exercises at Memorial to hear from your class secretary ~ Ommued On Page Foul') ,
. Hall followed by the tea given at within the very near future, then   T ·
` . Maxwell place by President Mc- d0n’t fail to write to your alumni H ·   ·
· Vey and Mrs. McVey. Approxi- office and ask about plans being OIT]€COITi|I`Ig···I937 Q
y mately 300 alumni and friends of made for your class reunion. . . . , i
(Continued on Page Four) (Continued on Page Four) Homecoming d?Y» 1937 Edmom ls {
. now implanted into the pages of ; .
S 20m   ~»;—————;—~;— history. _But even though the Ken— F
A _ A _ _ _ tucky Wildcats were subjected _to a V :
Iumm ssocnatron Wall Soon Occupy 13*¤°d¤‘¤bb¤¤g byih¤¤¤==~<¤¤<>¤¤1 ;
tyiiikey day r1va.l;,b the Toglnnzestslee . ‘ .
· • · · os,noonecou u sar a · ·
 . Ottrces In New Student Union Buuldmg mma homecoming activities WE i .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ’ successfully enjoyed and heart- .
‘ Reunion classes ending in "3" and Union building will be Téady f01‘ warming to every Kentucky alum-
35*98 · "8" returning to the campus in occupancy by February 1, or shortly nuS_ . Y
S mg  = June of 1938 will experience a re- thereafter. A committee has al- Homecoming activities Started i 
l  llmonas no other classes in the en- ready been appointed to. select the with the traditional freshman pa_ .
ure history of the University. For furniture for the alumni suite. jama parade, giant pep rally, bon- ’
_ when the time of the June class re- The Student Union building. nre. and burning of freshman gaps  
unions rolls around the center of which will cost approximately $230,- Wednesday mgm; ’ g
alumni activity will be in the new 000, is located b€tW€€¤ thc Alumni Registration booths were placed ` 
» Sludent Union building where your gymnasium and Frazee hall. The in the two main hotels downtown  
1,824.27 ` alumni office will be located in its building is 142 f€€i3 wide by 158 f€€t Thursday morning and a free K 3
,  new quarters, a. suite of three rooms long. The ground Hoor is entered button and copy of the homecom~ i
I 011 the second floor. f1`0111 HJ walk Whifih is to 1'U11 *20 ing edition of The Kernel was given ‘
‘ The alumni office suite consists Limestone street, and a sunken to each alumnus who 1.€giSt€1.€d_  
. if the directors room; a staff room. garden will be developed 011 €ii>h€1` Renewing "back when" times and I
where mailing and other clerical side of the walk. greeting old friends was the exten- l
V work is carried on; and a library Other entrances to the building sive activity of Thursday morning ‘
_ room where pictures. cuts, annuals, are from the main driveway in front leading up to the many get—t0gether 1
newspaper clippings, and other in- of Frazee hall and from two small luncheons of various fraternity  
formation of value to the alumni rear entrances facing Stoll field. sorority and other organizations at  
ind the association will be on frle. The modined classic design at noon.  
‘ It is thought that the Student (Continued on Page Four) (Continued on Page Three) ` 
` Official organ of the Alumni Association of the University of Kentucky published quarterly on the campus of the University, at Lex- {
,— mgtou. Subscription to non-members, $1.00, to members of the Association, 50 cents. l\Iembership in the Association includes sub- “ {
wrmtion to the Alumnus. §
A Entered us Second Class Matter at the Postofiice at Lexington. Ky,, May zz, 1929, under the Act by March 3, 1879_
1,6zu.s0 °
...»- ,  q
$ 185,68 —

  — ‘ l , a '
~ `;  ,   2 KENTUCKY ALUMNUS _ 
 l  . . il . · 1916 . ~,. .1
  ; ll Increased Membership, Augmented Alumni James F. Corn. William o. John. 1  
 ., ;   _ _ , stone. N. Minton Gregor, (deceased _ ,· ·e
  2   Fund Help Promote Association s Progress De°€m‘°e» 19**%,1, ·  
  ;·  ‘ lj, Membership in the Association to 1906 _ SOEHE   Iggggl tgvtgclalty Hafbi- ‘  _;
  ll date for 1937-38 has exceeded by Harold E. Stevens, Philip M. Or ’M‘aSi ‘WO1 °t· ESSB F· Greg- _   .
`  {E ll 43 the 1936-3'7 total membership of Riefkin, George Peck Edmonds. yl 9 Vfglgm _';, 5:
   ll 1.461. 1907 L   ‘
  A {El A Year ago fer the mst tlllle lll Louis E, Hillennlcyel-, Lieut. col. DD/g;l.,.§gQS°§;h°§z C§§}}£t$» Clyde  
 l  il University history. the entire ered- E. E. Brewer, J. G. Allen, s. T. Baer, ‘ ’ 19m' I am . Z. 
1     uating class, that of 1936, joined B_ F_ Scheymus Carl Stamm I ri" 
  1 E l the Assoclatlon ln a body. And not 190,; ‘ 1920 ‘  
 ll ll to be outdone the class of 1937 fol- Helen L_ f_[cCa_n11€SS_ . . _ _ _ L_  
 i     ll lowed suit and enrolled 100 per cent 1959 liaxllgzlildglgl Malsl“ll» Cll¤l`leS Wil- ·  
 el   in the Association for the current Stephen A Rapjgy Virgil Y l 1921 ? lllttl
 ;   1   , year. ' · ’ ' . ‘ l*.“lT{°l
 % 1; ** Pleas have tem femmlated by 1]:/I/I?1g11;;.yl{i&1§eyHI?Ir1Il‘lal tlZ°$X»ySl£`lZ€$l1 oE$l§§yn.ligorThr‘§“`3°“ltl Mm Mm —  J  
 el   which it is hoped that membership ’ ' ' ' ’ ‘ · °K°lm9Y· . ·· ¤ . 
    will be increased to 2,000 before the ton _S' T3'ylOr’ Susan Grey Ak€rS’ . 1 1922 ge.
 1 Q? i   end or the 1937-38 fiscal period. Chmles Wh“€lI{l,1$`,·C°lb€*“· Mxgllltgslca Pb lgltllell. Albert J.
  1 Z   M€IHbB[Ship in the Assciaition in Johll Frank Grimes   mem- l I .1922;: el   ·
  I     l§;:;C(;‘?l;g1g5?éW hgure of ing Barney, Russell C.`_l\/layhall, E. Harold F. Waits, Sam H_ Ridge- L y  
  _ , . H Lewis, Joseph B. Sueloy way, Jr., Danlel R. Baugh P R 1 :1
¢’< 1 il $L00’ funds recewed fmm the H Lewis Joseph B Shelby Dan S Watlin ton Moses Al ‘ l l l    
  ’ 1 _ source are barely Sllfflitléllt to Day Eétlll l l l l S ra ui Ll C1'ff d 1§€H'nlAnna B. Q  
,-j` i ; for mailing, to all active members, ` Hliilmghrb ' 1 or avldsom J· E· g  
ET g .Q The Kentucky Kernel, containing   @ p y' 1924 '```
f ~ -l t d 1 ' . .
l   l Zl:JO1ucr?1nnpu?1e$§t‘;i1 algxclillglvgllltlmlag 1 1938 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE hlilgtll §£]\$énZ.   galloway, 'Vir- l 5,,,0%
; ll alumni news and features. ,, ”‘ , g F Gall ’   _‘ Al`mStl9ng· `  
 il   Naturally it is essential that the ! _ Th°,b€St Schedule We YB had R` ` d °way’ Emge T' Taylolt ceased}
QQ gg Association’s income be supple- `slnce IV? balm, helm Im de' aymcm E' Clark '
g;" l mented from other sources. There- llghted Wlth It- Such was the . 1925 O if-~
  » f , l- 1 loonlrnent or Head Coach cnet Ellaabetla R- Campbell. Samuel M.  e:
. y , o e ac ive members were glven the . _ _ C .  
‘ ‘ `l opportunity to assist. in addition to lwymw Cmcemulg the gud menu mggssgldllj   K` §l1€g€’ Mm Ham` CTT
·_ 1 payment of dues, through contri- la me 1938 Wllclcati In°lud` ugam Tm M¤¤f¤l¤· ' . `
= ‘ butions to the alumni fund. Through lmg mm games wml both Weak 1926 ‘ 1 ·` -
1 . this fund the Association has been and Strong 9l°l’°“"“tS- the Card Cegemae D' Humelt Margaret K  
enabled to better carry on its work ldeslgnams SIX .h°mB games and Tan y’ John R' Smml r ll  
and extend its activities. Donors for 1 three en forelgn C€lds· New- Wu. F 1927 Q 1 "
1 . 1937-38 will be poolrolleo at o later leemem te next yeas Schedule ‘ lam . °““”a‘“ Helmet Jl-1 .2 1
. dam Kale Maryvgle, ggltetlgorpe, and Vada Walllll 1928 i· .e·
. ; A1 · . _ 1 emson. e rs our games . ;·
. are gslnglgxgfl donors fm 1936 37 lwlll be played at home. Jeanette W. Pates, Alfred P.   `P`
  The schedule as released in- R0b€l'tS0ll» Jehn l-·€‘R0Y Keller- ll J-.
j , 1936-37 DONORS lcludes: 1929  1_  
1 3. 1892 ‘ Sept. 24 Maryville, Lexington. Mary McFarland. H. Stanley Her-  1, /
, William S_ Pagg l oct. 1 Oglethorpe, Lexington. eett. A- M1 Edwards. E1 T. Ger-   1.
_ 1893 3 ()C1;_ 3 Vanderbilt, Lexington _ bandt, Mary J. Hunt, Fronia Jane ,_ Z?-.
. William C_ Hobdy 1 oot. 15 vv do L, Lexington. FOX. Cliiieid M.9A(l>raliam1   1
` Oct. 22 Xavier, Xavier. I 3  l ~ X'
ll Mattison B. diggs, Mrs, William Oct- 29 Alabama. Lexington. hEllnei‘ L1 Cawby, Elizabeth El‘S· .   
c. Hobdy, Carlton c. Curtis, Edwin N°"· 5 G"°l9“‘l Tech- fttlmlta ° 8 ‘ i  ?f"Y`*
. E_ Mullen Nov. 12 Clemson, Lexington. 1931   g··e_“
. 1896 Nov. 24 Tennessee, Knoxville. DC§9»1‘§SJ Pi’;l§eE§31'0vén, §lldIeli; E. `  
· ¤ . u an r. . war Hi om- r. ¥o*€¤
, H 4 l » v 1e » ,
any A' Davlilgg? J' I' Ly1€' ’  as T. Milby, VV?. H. Sanders, Ger-   __ 1;.,
  l . Colonel oollo Scott, William A_ E t ilu §,§.“d,§u‘,§,§§,§,§’*“l,W· B· C°l““S· ·‘°‘“‘  *  
Duncan, mes L. Bac er, A B. Phister, · · · ’   
· 1393 A. B. Haswell, F. R. Naylor, Wallace 1932 .    `· :
- ; · · C_ D _ _ P. H. Johnston, Jr., J. H. Hieber,  
, 1 Wullam T' Cafggglten uncam L E9 1'l;d9'mS` Mallie M. Cody, Paul S. Pate, Ergil  `Q1 bu Du
. e . B. L' l, . ' ,Ol`   S0
 ._ _ 1 L. B, Allen. A. A. Bablitz. J. W. Cary, W. H. Br0v;t1f?[Q,iEl]llI;,1]9dBI—IFll/llgggg Clclllilenee ·
1901 Jaegle, W. C. Harrison, Arthur J. R Yeéger S Sum, Mcclaln  ·¥. H
_ _ Frank T. Siebert. Davis ` ’ ' ` ' l
· 1933 1  Ol
, _ 1902 1913 .
it Lieut. Col. George w. Ewell, Al- William Henry lvlendams, Guy B. M1,,Y§l°°él§Z§,%il$r’g¥lC§‘ lglgllxlag F (C,
l girl; F. gxildeg, T. T. Jones, Glen F_ Jeffries, William M. Lane, Douglas Tait Jl. J R McCOl.d’ K At 1
, 38011, es er M, Smith, D. Felix, E. A. Humphreys. ’ " ' ' 1934 l 1l
' 1903 1914 Hal r A aglld
. . · y E. Clo, Dorothea Ly0ll5» com
x l { Tk? W- ItEIlllS» Dl'· Ellas ElV0Ve. Carl E. Lauer, George E. Kelly, Hyland Bizot, Nevin L. Goebel, gladglg
 1 i , Grggzis · ClltleY» George K. W. T. Woodson,1l§i5O. Gastineau. Bertha V, Kl-lsch, G. Edward WeSt‘ 1  When E
l ` · 1 1 · bdllel
1 1904 N E Phil t ' mmm — lu
l ll _ _ . . po , Malor John W. Mc- 1935 ing T
 Tl . J- Craig Shélby, J. Wblté Guyn, Donald, William Preston Tuttle, Oscar P. Reutel`, Themes L" l9ll0wC
1 EmersonE Rame Mart A D ll
  · 1385 lll · 0Ylc1 Wayland Rhoads, Harry F. Otto, phllllps_ mallyl
in A, D, Murreu Jessie E. Acker, W. H. Noel, J. Owen 1936 guests
i ' Reynolds- Bess Ross. _

   i.  -  KK KK K,
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  .” T:-‘ K· K  · .- i 4 . ’r, .· ' * ,K— ;~.K·K-‘ —‘7'  K M .~   -~.. K -·» .·   . ,»   ·.- .· ;»;;,/K ,
"i MIK" -‘ =$*.V`3:-.»¤·. '»Z~· —' ._-‘ 1 - .·'-to K‘*~.i!n-M ,·_ _;·, _ ,.     ., 1.¢,· .·*¢¢~* .;     gpg /7 _ T
Jvhn- -  `VV*** V:VV€;`.·VVVVVVV¢‘;¥;V;*,a;;j:V·;TitV·§$€ K   V ;_     y—·-     ./€K{J•—g°·KK  #*·.._~_  ;§·i;·;f¢ijyiLg=fQj;:2-Y ,- i .
, , · ~e ¤ , v_ .{_{•;•¤L‘/‘—-,•.s: *f.. .: K. ,,¤ · , · . . ., ·$;1*_ ; ‘•·r-   _._ . » _. .;é!,y_· __ .. _ ,, - ,
ceased V { -*‘K V‘KK(*-L4?) V·!{"··i“ K¢%¤,L’KV .» a.» V r{`§,y·¤) V .»· · ~ _>,·   .· · . K·   ,»~,,;»¢ :,4..; _ ;
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        "'T;,_;- ";';,L.·T.*‘:¤V  V'K··•   V   `   . . .   Kj;¥" ;, {-j,_;_  
    . K _· ' g' »» K'? ·, ’ .. _ _ V — · -4="f.;V’V K ·.j   `V   » -v.· ¤'.· /¢ · ];· . . . . ,;. ·._KQ,.__-=;", ·`g-"¥§-gg _g -
Harbi- , · gf ._   ;f,Kb’ ·   __ V!-__   7      4, .. V · . _ . _ I ·.,3.¢ - : . ;- jg-,  rj S- i
Gro V  V‘V I i   V~>V("iJV ·K" ··` TV"`: V V’ ‘ ‘-K ‘K v-?'·C·C§¥ :I··»T'~ 4   . _   ;. . , ,_ ·   ¤KK-T ’ ,3.}; 1
g` .  1;'V   ,.·=" K·vK’--~ V K .V-  .”..fV ·; °°VVV=` ·.,_ft$':‘ y,`K ' ` ` ?·j·,_y·,, k-- · j L¤·?K__.- _   ··t:,,r- °· -· ·__:;e—; { ,
V  VVVVVEKVT   VV   V  7%   KK {-VVV{VQ;,,VVVV   M ·2¤?K?K*   252   ·   f " K- t - g U
* ae     l-    V. ,-»— " . " -, Q       '”·   ‘· ee. ` M- ~·<. P 2   1K 3.
Clyde . I-=   KP “~ we- f"   -#   K   K   -ef {`@~` K¤s¥·z‘>‘>"-K’ -7-{      
L K · ~ ' .V§,Q?` K *VK·   V? V’€   *·Z‘   '*   K       V K; F;   "7{ ·' . {Q .
- “V 7-;*5 l   VW:} Ti"? VM"' . ’  `;’&·e   '.   V 3 S- JV 2 ~   _,    .-" Q ¤
      _   és, $_,,‘·_,,§ gg   5;.  g   _, ~ "     I · .· =:
·· -·-*••* — ·     I .;<" ..9,- .. " Y- M   ..     .~‘K `.; " ,.·· K; . e' ,   _,@5g=;j’ ,
`   _ Q  U  ’ K?y;;‘;*_:·f __./ Keefe;. ,     Il   5    W     I A   Vt   > .,
BS Wil- K   ' - VVO V· — " ' K ‘ ;,;»;;.ea“ . K .- K- . ,   E K _ __
K =»>.»%4·*¤e /. ·· .. =   '.K.   -4 §;;· ‘    . .  __  {   .
· °   .   . ‘V ·C .   ·    ' ix ,7  ,;;;,   ··— 3;.   X .
   K=-   o K K· ·""*‘=·—       =¤+··#.==*‘  ·      -2 » ,
,_ _,··  -_ • ,··_.· . :     gi:  4  K ~ - ~   .3     x .
Mm  V ’**é =gz>r K   iv     .. V`·»:z· ~—     K   vv-/ .   , , ,
ney.  h l A K _~··*  ;·=     +3,   ¢4.—   hg ;   KK ,   · g
. V —K ,l.. .,:_:_ .·. j   K     K._K   gy- ·· .   =
nert J. i   KQ - K.=§€ K· ,-:-6 JT;     K   -£..·_-K     _.·_..A _ T
V K VKf· 'V..;,K"`,l   K VV`**V’°‘   »·»..4.. 'I I. ,   ’ "'   * va-jfj.;      K  
K ~. _   ` .—~-.~·   ,-5 . .   ai; E; 4 - -
K · · ·   ¤ 4: .»i,;,,   K _ - _ _ .
Ridge- VV V;VVV V · 7: V   V VVVV‘ <     . ,r ig q - ”
P. R. . . - F J   tr ../. i — .
LDH8. B .V “ · - __ s` - _ _, K i7}r K .     L, . __! »
‘ . - p J/907l/Wélyflldd 2 ;_   · .· __  . jg-T ._ »,, ._ _ _.   J _ .~,, _
_ .  Kneeling in jronf: Gordon Sumner,   Mary Lockridge Cannon. First row, Ze/t to right: Charles Scherffius, Mrs. Ben 1
ly, VII`- scherfflus, Mrs. W. D. Nicholls, Miss Ell1zabeth_Walle.ce, Mrs. Charles Mahan, Mrs. Lowry Cannon (Mary Lockridge), Mrs.
lstron Gordon Sumner, Mrs. J. M. Herndon (Viola Lewis). Second r0w,le/t to right: Ben Scherfnus, C. E. Schoene, W. D. Nicholls,
Taylor Major D. P. Branson, L. S. Boggess, E. L. Rees, Mrs. E. L. Rees, J. J. Yeager, Mrs. E. M. Denham, E. M. Denham (now de-
l ceased), C. A. Mahan, Gordon Sumner, Miss Sumner, Howell Spears, and Robert S. Hart. . I
.7}-- -· I     K — ». . ,.¤· - *4* ·.-· .‘=‘*"   qi.,   .:K -·  KK K *3 K-     ,,1  .    ·.-: ,:-4= . .
n l . ~`¢K.rK K   ii.,   ‘· K · ·» -’¤Ki - 'QK`*`?"Y*V _K K···—i   » -‘ Je-Kf‘  · yi we-PK-..     -- -_"&i2. ~·‘ . ·
gag, _  Fi? - if -   '   V; V 2*;- YV   · if   riff? ag·‘?K V"V _;}.*°* .ir§éVV   9;*}% ” .
; ` _ __ _ _. _ V   \     .A__,.,,{,;_..;$ _ __§,_;; _=,.,..l__ $7;       ` g   . fit-
d . . . . . .,.   .—_   .ay ..   . —· !·· .-»·-., -. -  
~ · .· ., .·   · -r - _ — *4 ·•··_"‘·*· · ?;,•·•?§,.t¢.,.  K .», 7 ,_~i•. [5, 3 el; ’ . · . -
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j   — J;}   4 ._; __`  A'-if K gn _. , K_   _,‘·g§ ; .Ji**—-i_§ _V‘ i ,. VV Kx K_:;V °   _* 5V ` ig ..V—‘ .4:. »
“K"`gm° . S   '   ·~     ···K K .KlK K K ..     =.·»+   K.lK. s   ..: KK`? .   -
_  E  .· - .   "‘~eM VVj""` T   IQ   —_ _-V 1 V K ·-·· a,¤.;— . -_   Q A   A . V ` V
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  ’K . , 2 r· ‘—'  · · . bbs?  l IV   =/»   sy K     ‘
  P. . _ ` .   ‘ 5 l   A4-__r.__;. 2,   , ` gr . .· in *· r ‘ _ jp ly 4»·  ·.L S _ _ · l
_ ;- _ ,.¤. ,_ _ S  lz. . .» ·. -  , --.· ·-~· ee * , r _·   we    ·- .
(TBI; ,.   - ._   * ~ .2.,;%  K   K /     ·` K` ?’i ’ e ‘. . I
.   KK - .     i `.KKKV     . diifif  " Ve   a   K J   il? K   ·.=“    — —- l -
ley Her- .  W K    ..  KK` 2.**      KK·<¥V VV       No-  V ·   V K l i
I`. GOT- I ` _ 5  3 , S. 7;*; . .· _ .   A  ,_‘_ iss:   » ·  e »_   . V  
ua Jane- .· .·-. _   , eg- --  - - -ye-e.     ._   i. X`;. := K  
V .         `S.  " _i I; {EK; _ K=>     gg {K   K g. ;   . i
F.   · ;> K   a K . K     K m --· — as Kr ..     ’ [
-  K . V .. do ,·, V _ ` · _ .     Z;   q TF?   _     5,;   _ _ _ K
Kin EFSK · . K- - ·?!~? · ,   2   K   We ‘ *.1 . -*7. -*’* K i ·   ° `‘·K K           T
- -.519 f` V `   V ‘ .'. .- ...   -K:·§;¤,;¤`.'  K..»- » - z ·. . - K K   VK · . .:>--i·.  J
. — ._`_- .   K~"VV`     . ..... _`.f;.=.,K~*;2.;.·€e,.?.PK;}    .. .~¤.. . . ` , ..,   V  
    V . — . .   .·~-   KK `-K- .-  1. `-K.     K  . .K VI - . ~ =
iden E- '   V ’l·. · . · — ·- K · .? ` -. —·     iV f¤·- ' K ‘·. "§·—‘K~-QKiK;¢t;$   `.$L€$..      ·
  Thom _   5   J.   _ ·.   g_   ..-.= f i;;4;·»;;;*;-< ¤,..__»= _, ; ;·  K · 1
          -   .
-   mw :1r&•·¤¤· · K  J;  KKKK·   isa-¤;;i-.§a*  `K.-   K*~·     lK .
H' ber .   4yyt3K -    ni   &, . ?fiJé$;'     ‘**·’ 9 ¥K*’·\*-¤   "*.\TK — .
. 18 , . e .
,te, EI'C€l Due to the absence of Dean W. S, Taylor, class secretary, who this yea1K is studying in London, and of other Lexington mem- Y V
Olive M_ . bers of the class, we were unable to identify correctly the persons in the Reunion picture above. ,
Clarence K V
ain. K  H • Mrs. McVey at the annual home- · E   H- h - 5
Om€COmIng·—|937 coming tea, which has come to be nI`O ment Ig . ·
loltzclaw.- a delightful event for every home- _ :
larry E-. _ (C0ntinued from Page One) coming alumnus to look forward to. fwégh €tu1<;ents1;€r0lled groin 117 ,
K.  All 1:45 p. m. on Stoll field was Homecoming activities were cli- ?I_Om§;lOL;Ct1§V€S48 Statgsgglgiraggg -
Staged the only part of the home- maxed with the annual Alumni for the fan term Of 1§3,‘,_§8 School g
ii LYoni·) coming program that didn’t exactly dance at the Alumni gymnasium Bar reached an albtime hi h at g
Goob?  Eladden the hearts of the alumni, Thursday night when trophies were {he Universit of Kcmuck will 3 _ l
ld Wes . Wholl 8. lighting Wildcat team was awarded by SuKy for the best 525 Stu degts Illatricugrated fér _ E
K Sllbdued by an equally hard fight- homecoming decorations. ·. Courses _ ,  
L , mg Tennessee team. Immediately ———;-ja-— K , K  
omos K_ following the game the alumni and The University of Kentucky ex- The ooool ef 3.525 Students Sui" 5 .·-· -· ---- 
molly friends of the University were tension department o f f e r S 160 Dosoos the 1936 Yooord attendance ‘ E _. `
guos S of President Mcvey and courses for home study. of 3.456 by 69. -
i _
l 3 

 i   ‘ *" £” +
.     -i KENTUCKY _.-\LUMNUS  
 i .2  ii · » ®———»—»-»——---.A... Q ‘
 i. ·· ( 7 t ° t ,
— i. O —- .
   it =   ( Reudnfl np 30 ) I WANTED—ALUMN1 News: R@UmOn’· 38 .
 { gi Q Continue rom age ne ..... (C0 t· d f. {
- ’A&.  g   · g, the University were present at the   A department devoted exc1u— Althoiigiim';pi·ii1;mgzifgnggiin · 
i g , g phoenix hotel for the annual re- isively to news and features of and reunion exercises are stm em ·
_    . ; union banquet at 7 p. m. DF. W11· jspecial interest to former stu- eral months away it is not to sev` ’
·, H _ i liam carpenter Ma.cCarty, ’00. _0f dents of the University is the to begin plans tor attrmdmo @$.1011 . hung
it   the Mayo C1m1c,_RocheSt€1‘, Mm- feature of The Kernel issue important class i-erinim of yin at U
. ..1; E   nesota_ was the principal speaker. , which is Sem; Weekly to an active Many Changes are taking I`;. .
— 5 .; { , . Closing event 0f the b3¤<1¤€t PTO- , members of the Ass0ciati0n. The on the campus which are Of imp ace `
 H rg gram was the announcement Of iAlumni office wants news about to all alumni and especial] gest e  
 ; Q   new officers for the year 1937-38, by l you both for this column and for who because of geographic;] or — ’
 ,  Ei retiring president Keen Johnson. the alumni records. If you ditions do not have the 0ppm.tcmi`
»  .1;   im, Offioers announced were Mar- change your addi·ess——take a new ty to keep in constant crore cmimt `  
  .g   cus Redwme, *19, president and Lu- j0b-g€t ma1·;·i€d-wl-ite a book-; with the University. Fammarl ac
 -3  ~ gi lie Logan, ’09. vice president- receive an honorary or advancedl marks are disappemmg and and` V 
5 ig Many or the elumni remained degree-—meet a classmate you I arising but all in the cause Mothers -
` V ri ii will Friday mmnmg F° **“?“d the lh¤V€¤`t Semi f¤r y¢arS—d¤ any- l ress which returning alumni \%{°g` ~‘
 jg; ; commencement exercises m the thing or hear anything of inter-` pleased to note, V1 be  eun
 M g Alumni gymnasium. The annual est—1et us know about it. A once eve.-V me Wars am,. _
i i   meeting Of the Alumni ASSOCMUQH postcard will do. but we’d ratherl ugtign University `aiumm havgligé ,  Chet
ig, . was held shortly after luncheon,. in have a letter at least Once 3 yam. Q Opportumtv to meet in reunion \ _th V
='   th€ F3.CL11i'iy Club I‘O0I`I1 B.d]OlI`l1l'1g lgttjng us know where you are D·9¤qb81·S éf their Class. It is gil As EhlS
xix ·i the Commons- _ and h0W YOU me getting 3101*8-] CH Such reunion occasions thas; press
rj, 5; I Top hO110rS for Enthusiasm and May we count On your help in alumni have 3 good chance t ` main b
jj { interest shown in the reunion activ- r this matter? l new their Contact with that Opgeg   and ‘
  I ities were appropriately shared by 1 Of Umverqit ,, · t. . Y .y5ity (
·· `   HOWBII "D()0dl95" Spears, ’()"(, and " *—·—#-—·-——-—-——-— ——-—-rg ` ` Y °SS0C1al0u whlch has . Jon ac
Pi i Dm. William S- Term. *2- re- $Z1$£i$°ti?§€?§iiOZ$°SiZ}E“$}itE°f§l?"“" tier y·
. { spective secretaries of their classes. St CI t U ' Classmates at the Jun mu - lmer eir wa‘
V   Both Secmmries had vowed t° Out` U en nlon Fteunion for classeseei d'm0I?S. *‘ *’ i mere;
, . L. do the other in an elfort to have (Conti u d f_ P ¤_ O Pm, ..8.. is Six momhslogiént i ` g Ocas,
Q ._· I the greater class attendance at the H E mm a’°€ ug) make Sum V;) ·u tt u 0 ;{0y t
ig .1 reunion luncheons and banquet. the HOW Of tht? S*i1`¤€§¤1`€ has t€h "lamlm NOV`} W1 a end Start  `gxpect
;··   Colonel John Scotty *95, was the large W1i'1dOWS: measuring 6 by .19 D _g ‘ _ MSL y
  Q oldest alumni to attend the reunion meg Whrih will bel €gmDD€d With ’ The hl
· V . exercises. Colonel Scott came all mo em we lan bm S- - . . · ·   `·
_ the Way mm Hawaii Whsre he had . The mam €““`**“°" °f Phe b¤“d· clegjeiesuggiggtli;-z)fU$§:;(;gStvl3;:8;;;,% '  
i ~’ been connected with the 27th In- mg leeds mm a lobby Whlch will be tnekv through June of this ear to- · trterer
` Z fantry, Schofield B2,1`I`a,(]kS’ f0]‘ the adjoined On the     3. S()d&   tals     y ` nrhree
past two years. His present address and On the Fight by 21 m€¤'S lounge `.  - - - the of
. is Room B13, 39 Vifhitehall street, and a _baYb€1` SUOD- Beyond the ` ...` Wu
. New York City lobby will be a cafeteria, 54 feet by STATEMENT OF THE 0wNERsrn1=, ${0,1 I
V -.__,_________ 140 feet, which will Seat 600 pm-- l§I§.N(»}§`;g:l}g:\/IENT. CIRCULATION, mn., Qual
¤ ·   j°¤S· 9¤t*¤h%,g1·¤¤¤d ¤¤<>r will be GRESS OE §§GU“3%E2.,A“£.2°F C°“‘  1 éciim.
i 1 • • W9 Di`1V9· 6 mihg 1`00ms, one of Of K t k A1 gl.] ci _ . Qt .`
,. Wildcats-Pitt whieli. may be divided mee two ry. .€"iE‘§..i¥..t.,§if"1}2§i,p?.,.‘s§.i.e3E.ii‘€§. :;§‘§,@‘§
K E . _ Smz. er 1*00ms, The ]al·g€ room 1937, State of Kentucky, County of Fay- . " __?
i gam;C($%§?u;,?O;§§? ggggggggvmg will seat 100 persons and the small- me' _ V ‘
V . el. Wlu Seat 60 Or two 1,0u S of 30 Before nie, u Notary Public. in and for L
- December 4. It is hoped that the gasspleunioii th: State and county aforesaid, person-  
· · · - ' · . . d . ·, · , » ·
1yTggexggdi§;ei£$;eS€?§°2.§;g°1i;€ l¤¤¤Q3€¤¤S and reunion banquet `§£ni§`°€€2.;°dti$‘°§$£E-.. ‘§tc.i§§fgs..,`{§12_ V  _ y
. _ · · eposes un sa·s t1 t 1 ' tl d`t r '
· E Kentucky varsity and freshmen met gi15di§ghii§dJ@?\€t1;? igggcnt Umm! ¤t the i¤·S¢¤¤l< <=¤¤·i><>rati¤n¤. Omcers are , illed c
é e . 1 arguette, Lexington. Zamne which in turn .11 1 _ ‘ Marcus Redwme, Pi-esieieiit; Lune Logan, my j
, g Feb. 17 Xavier, Lexmgton, th b il W1 Bafi to Vicc-President; Robert K, Sa1yers_ seere- ,_h _
Feb. 19 Georgia Tech, Atlaantal 8 92 TOOTH. ThE ball I`O0l'1'1 1S 72 tary. James Shropshire, Treasurer.   $1*
V. {     Vanderbilt Lexington feet wlde and   feet 1OHg by   3. ThHt H10 knO\V1] bO1]dhO1dCI`S, I`l'l0\`t' i A foul
  _ F b 26 T ’K .11 ‘ f€€t high. T0 the left of the ban- games {rnd other security holders owiiiue
_> S l E . EHUBSSBB, HOXV1 €. room   be at Serving Yoon] [Or ?;‘uI10lgI111gf lbpeg cent or more of tgtlll ’ 2
· ,   . _ OU!] 0 , , ef
i ‘ bH.¤qLl€tS, which will have 9. balcony securities z1rc:0IIlIoiie.l]lOYtguges or 0 I ·
 N Although the University 0f_Ken- for thi? DUYDOSG Of seating an or- ROBERT K. SALYERS, Editor.
, I tucky has DO Swlmmllflg pool It has ch€St?i`3· A roof E9.1`d€I1 facing S1.0]1 S“'°"“ W and Subscnbed b€f°¤'€ uw this .  "  (
  produced at champion swim team f1€}d will b€ at the rear of the ball mh day °f S°pt°'“‘°°"· 1935- `
g, for the past two years. 1‘00m. . . JANE J· NICHOLS-
· (My commission expires July 1'I, 1939.) ,
- I `.