xt7sbc3svf81 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sbc3svf81/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1924-12-dec9. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1924-12-dec9. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1924-12-dec9. 1924 1924-12-dec9. 2011 true xt7sbc3svf81 section xt7sbc3svf81 

    Minutes of the second quarterly meeting of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky, held December 9, 1924.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in
regruzar quarterly meeting on the above named date in the office
of President Frank L. McVey.   The following members answered to
the roll call: Governor W. J. Fields, Judge R. C. Stoll, Honor-
able McHenry Rhoads, Senator H. M1. Froman, Mr. R. J. Bassett, tr.
F. G. Gordon, Honorable Rainey T. Wells, Mr. J. V. Turner.

     Without objection the minutes of the previous meeting were
approved as published.s

     I. Report of the Business Agent.   The Business
University of Kentuchky made the following report:

              Statement of Income and Expenditures
                    Month of November, 1924

                                Previously Current
General Fund Income             Reported    Month

Agent of the


  To Date

Fedd.r-al Appropriation
General Education Board
Special Agri. Appro.
State Tax
Interest on Liberty Bonds
Int. on Endowment Bonds
Student Fees
Student Fees - Summer School
Student Fees - Vet. Bureau
Student Fees - Univ. High
Student Fees - Univ. Exten.

   Administration Expense
   Additions & Betterments


196 383. 08


1 , r,

78.72   87,041.01
41.e78  42,634.02
52.00   18,032.00
25e00    2,100.00
29.00    4,704.27
70.85   66,754.43
'04.00   2,406.00
,1.135 226.620.9.4

2 407e74

254, 649 .57

Excess of Expenditures
   over Income

(19.863.49)(8 165.24) (28.028.73)



Patterson Hall income
  Room Rent - Summer School

  14 550,75

   Additic  & Betterments
   wxcess of Inc. over Exp.
   General Fund Income
   General Fund Expenditures
   Excess of General Fund. Ex-
   penditures over Income
   Excess of Receipts over
   Expend. for General
   Ledger Accounts
   Excess of Receipts over
   Expend. for fiscal year
   to date - General Fund
   Excess of Receipts over
     Expend. for fiscal year
     to date - General Fund

    823. 70
 11,313. 93


4, 763.84
5 871.68
.R8, 736.87

16 077.77

(4,293.46) (20,920.13)

71,985.27   (1,416.48)  70,568.79

55,358.60   (5.709.94)  49 648.66

Cash in Bank,..July 1, 1924 - General Fund
Cash in Bank, Nov. 30, 1924 - General Fund

Trust Fund Income
   Student Loan Fund            1,561.12
   Civilian Rehabilitation Fund   135.40
      Total Income              1,696.52
   Student IVotes Paid          1.589.00
      Total Receipts            3.285.52
   Expense                        166.40
   Student Notes                2,043.00
   Notes Payable                1,000.00
      Total                     3,209.40
   Excess of Receipts over
     Expenditures                  76.12
   Excess of Receipts over
     Expenditures for fiscal
     year to date - Trust Pund
   Cash in Bank July 1, 1924 - Trust Fund
   Cash in Bank Nov. 30, 1924 - Trust Fund






1,707, 23
_ 135.40

l .000. 00

241.61      317.73

          Q07-  ?. 3-7

Experiment Station Income
  Hatch - Federal Appro.
  Milk & Butter   Cash Reep.
  Beef Cattle Sales
  Dairy Cattle Sales
  Sheep Sales


8, 635.52






   Swine Sales
   Poultry Sales
   Farm Produce Sals
   Horticultural Sales
   Seed Test-
   Miscellan -us
   Fertii-ir - Fees
   Public Service - St. Appro.
   Public Service - ivfsc.
   Feeding Stuffs - Fees
   Adams - Federal Anpro.
   Serun - Sales
     -T  _ Virus Sales
         - Supply Sales
         - 1M-iscella:neous
   State Appropriation
   Creamery- License Fees
       it  - Testers' License
       if  - Glassware "2'ested
  Robinson - St. Appro.
  Additions & Betterments

 1,021. 80


 7 7,818.40
 91 ,878.25






24,914. 68

  2,978 .00
 98 ,878.37

116 ,792.93

Excess of Expend. over
   Income                   (1.056.60) (16.857.96) (17,914.56)
Excess of Expenditures over
   Income "or fiscnl year to
   dat e - Experimrent Station                     (17,914.56)
Cash in Bank July 1, 1924 - Yxp. Sta.               31,190.86
Cash in Bank Nov. 30,1924 - I'xp. Sta.              13,276.30

Extension Division Income
   Federal Smith-Lerer         76,120.65
   Federal Suoplementary       22,550.46
   State Smith -Lever          48,589.57
   County & Other Funds           856.53
     Total                   148.117.21
Expend itures
   Expense                    105 442.26
   Excess of Income over
      Expenditures             42,674-.95
  Excess of Income over Ex-
     penditures for fiscal y6er
     to date - Ext. Div.
  Cash in Bank July 1, 1924, - Ext. Div.
  Cash in Bank DNov. 30, 1924 - Ext. Div



2 28,543.23 133,985.49

( 28,489.43) 14,185.52

              1. 352.61
              1 5538.13



   General Fund Income        191,070. 34
   .rust Fund Income            1,696.52
   Experiment Station Income   90,821.65
   Eixtensilon. Division Income  1486117.21
     Total                   431.705.72

58,736.87  249,807.21
   146.11   1,842.63
 8,056.72  98,878.37
    53.80 148,171.01
66.993.50 498,699.22

aanera.-: TOld Expenditures
Trust Fund Exp-enlditures
E-- p. Sta, Expenditures
EAt. Div. _Expenditoures

207 ,697.01
 91 878.25
405 183!92


28 .543.23
116 .488.24


Excess of 'Exp. over Income  26,521.80
Excess of Receipts over
   Expenditures for General
   Ledger Accounts          70,531.27
Excess of Receipts over
   Exn. for fiscal year to
   date - Combined Fund     97 ,053-07
Excess of Receipts over
   Exp. for fiscal year to
   date - Combined Fund
Cash in Bank and on hand July 1,
   1924 - Comubined Fund
Cash in Bank and on hand Nov. 30,
   1924 - Combined Fund

(49,494.74) (22,972.94)

(1,320.98) 69,210.29

(502815.72) 46,237. 35

             46,237. 35



     Abstract of item shown on Statement of Income and Ex-
penditures as "Excess of Receipts over Expenditures for
General ledger Acoounts y69.210.29."t



Accounts Receivable
Insurance Paid in Advance
Notes Payable
Sundry Accounts
Student Notes




   565 .06
69,21. 29

     2. Reort of the President.    President MoVey made the follow-
ing report covering the interim between the September meeting and
that of the present date:

        "It is customary for the President of the University to
  make a report on the general conditions prevailing at the
  University when the Board comes into session at its quarterly
  meeting.   With that in mind, I ask your attention to some of


the matters T bring before you in this report.

      "The first thing thou a-ie interested in, as all of us
 are, is the number of students attending the University.
 'Of thn totae row enrolled, 2,039, there are 746 classified
 as freshmen, EJ.7 aE sophomores, 3415 as juniors, 307 as
 seniots, 'Id 65 as graduate students.   One further classi-
 fi c:atl . =.;a' be a'de'.  that of the men anftwomen attending
 the University.   There are 657 wxoren and 1,382 men.  Ten
 years agto the enrollment of college stud.ents was 951.  To-
 d   there ar-e more than twice that number.  The query a-
 rlse;; what wvill tLhe number be in 1934?  With the growth
 in facilities for tahe education of children in secondary
 school s there will *be fully 4,000 students asking for ad-
 mission to the University in the next ten years.

      "The passage of the Bond Issue .would have made it pos-
Sible to meet the situation, but since it has been defeated
'he question of meeting the needs of the University becomes
a very serious oile, and. one that requires most careful con-
sideration on the part of this Board.

     "Some efforts have been made in the past two years to
meet the gro-wing demand for additional space at the State
University.   The 6rection of the new gymnasium provided at
least a gathering place for the entire student body.    It
has also solved the problem of a gymnasium for women by re-
leasing the men's gymnasium for that purpose.    The construc-
tion of the new chemistry building, now a possibility, and
for which bids have been called, January 9, will release the
old building and make it possible to provide quarters for
the Law School.   This in turn will give some of the depart-
ments more space than they now hate thru the use of the
present Law School quarters,    Such additions to space, how-
ever, only make a little leeway, and from present indica-
tions it appears that the University -will have to erect
temporary buildings for instruction purposesd

     "If we turn to the housing problem we find it to be quite
as pressing as the one for instructional space.    The Uni-
versity has rented one building for the housing of women, and
with that is able to take care of about 195 residents.    Oe
building has been leased.    The price paid for it is high
and the number it accommodates is comparatively small.
Steps should be *taken at an early date to secure more ex-
tensive quarters.   The growth in the number of fraternity
and sorority houses has assisted materially in solving the
housing problem.   Nevertheless, the University must make ad-
ditiona.l proviaion, and it may be possible to erect an addi-
tional dormitory on.the interest and mortization basis.    I
hope to have something to report to the Board on this point
at its next meeting.



   "Four yea s a.,3o the TUnji-rsity established a health serv-
ine for th puzpose oL caring for students who are ill,and
pruridiAng a cipensal r  to give medical assistance.  This
Ser--ic= has DeberiO c' reat value to the University and has
1d oub dlI'y  avnvented epJdemics.  It quite recently began
,he examina:..;,r. of Trai-ernity and sorority houses, urging up-
c:i thei 1 -Ls tor maintain the best sanitary conditions.
Tmh s cl,.e lhas aides a.so to its activitiesprovision for
the regu 'ar  Jdioa-. examirnation of the members ol the faculty
h10 desivre to ava l themselves of such an opportunity.  The
IJ;~.versi.ty Health Service is much handicapped because it has
no hospi.tal where it cal send students and some provision
srnuld be made in the near future for a small hospital.
Jost how this is to be done is not yet clear, but I hope to
make a suggestion later on.

    "The sub stations at Princeton and Quicksand have been
organized and started upon their work.    The citizens at
P-inceton have completed the purchase of the land and have
now given it to the UniversIty.  The new superintendent is
in residence there, and the station will begin its work at
osnce.  At Quicksarnd a great deal of time has been spenat in
cleaning up the p'lace.  A new barn has been erected, and a
crop raised that has attracted considerable attention in
the neighborhood.   Forestry maps have been completed, and
the boundry lines of the property have been marked.    The
station is now we'l) on its way towards a useful purpose.

     "Considerable construction has been going on at the
University during the past year.    The men's gymnasium, be-
gun under thie direction of the building committee of the
Alumni Association, has been completed.    About $100,000 has
been spent on the building, and the University now has a very
satisfactory gymnasium for all purposes.    The contriblations
to the building, either in the form of money or the endorse-
ment of notes are as follows:   Greater Kentucky Oamraig.ma
Fund, $40,000 TJniversity of Kentucky, $40,000, L15.!.'.) of
which,. t7S -returnee. and the balance carried by the ALh'tic
Council.   Various suits have been filed against the buiild-
ing on account of the failure of the contractor to complete
his work.   These suits are now in the courts and wiiill be
settled in the near future.

     "The great stadium plans projected two years ago have
been carried to the point where six sections have been com-
pleted.   The University borrowed t50,000 to start- the work
and is borrowing now about q33,000 more to complete it, which
means that only about t18,000 has been paid or, this project.
from the subscriptions to the Greater Kentucky Campaign Fund.
The Athletic Council has financed the sixth section by bor-
rowing upon notes of thirty-two citizens of Lexington.    The



   payments or. the 0--cte.r Yen.tlucky Pleeges have been very slow,
   with the cc.s-oeQLl3;ce thit thri Ulnivrarsity has been very much
   h3ndicoppWd i i mtteting payments.

        "A     o'w other matters may be called to your attention.
   One of these io the new convocation plan, providing for the
   meetilng u ^ the entire UTn-7versity once a month in the new
   gynra.1. ..i.  At t~lii.r mesetinag a recommendation will be made
   fovc the ccnso1ldai.Gn o-P thia telephone service at the Uni-
   7.aie~tv.  The rex'ulhti.on of auto traffic has been carefully
   s"Cudied and a piai. vidll be pmlr into operation in the near
   future.   Tne (Tnitr6rsity shoa;_ld have a stores room located
   .in a co-,.ven--,.:t pl)ace -.fiiere the handling of supplies and
   their dlistri-utioni .,arm be taken care of.  This would re-
   qa`ire cuoosiderabia *.:e'm'it  and the employment of a clerk.
   ='.^e pri.nrting anJi olut--of-state travel problems continue to be
   with Us.

     3. Reeort of D,. V, Terrell.  The follov.ing report by D. V.
Cerre]lfl, en-ineear empr.Loqyt-K -rL "khe construction of the stadium, was
ordereO spread uypon The rminutes:

                                      December 9, 1924

   President F. L, i'TcVey
        Un-iersity of XEn tucky

  My dear President:

        The Univrersity of -entucky Athletic Stadium is now in
   a state of co-np2.etJ.on.

        To comply fully with the provisions of the specifica-
   tion.s, the Executive Commit-tee or the Board of Trustees
   should visit -hie structure for the purpose of making,- final
   inspection, PnO if found satisfactory in-every daeta..I thuey
   should enter an order of acceptance of the work f rc trt  con-
   tractor, and direct that all money due him be paido

        Representinag the Stadium Building Committee o(' 2n.gineers,
   as Secretary cind as Enigineer in charge of the work witli power
   to act for that Committee I wish to make the follow~ning state-

        The Stadium is nowt complete in every detail, it having
  'been constructed in accordance with the plans and specifi-
  cations, weith the following exceptions:

        1 The contractor has a small amount of painting .to
           do in the team room under Section "B".
        2. Some cleaning up under Section "B".   Removing his



      3. Dressing a part of the fill near the south end
         of the field.
     4. Wire mesh on the rail at the end of each stand.
     5. Completion of the rail around the horizontal

     I hare the assurance of the contractors that these items
vill a:,' .e taken care of at en early date, and I believe
they will be completed before the final settlement can be
made out; at best there is not more than $200 involved.

     I recommend that the Stadium be accepted and that the
contractor be paid the full amount of the contract price,
however, if the Board thinks best they might hold up $200
of the contract price until the items mentioned have been
completed, and that fact is certified to the President and
Business Agent.

     There is no charge for extra work.   The contractors
have contributed the pine rail along the horizontal aisle
and the painting of the seat supports which would have been
proper charges for extra work.

     The structure is evidence of the class of work and needs
no comment.   I have on file in my office a complete record
of the project, which includes plans, specifications,
amount of labor, amount of material, machinery, progress
pictures, daily test of concrete and all details of the work.

     The cost of the engineering work as given in my letter
to you of December 2, wva:s $3,183.29.  Our estimates to
the contractors have been as follows:

     Original contract - Five Sections - tl00,000.

Eist imate                                      Recommended
No 2    _      Amount         Retained         for Pa ment
   1        06, O0C, 00        0 900.00         $5, l0. 00
   2         8,895.00         1,334.25           7,560.00
   3        17,592.50         2,638.87          14,953.63
   4        28,190.00         4,228.50          23,961.50
   5        27,125.00         4,068.75          23,056.25
   6*        9,837.50         1,475.63           8,361.87
   7         2,360.00            354.00          2,006.00

           100,000.00        15,000.00          85,000.00

     *Estimate #7 is attached hereto and has not been filed
with the Business Agent.          I



        Amount now reaommended for payment as original con-
             Histimate #7 ....... ....... $2,006.00
             Final Rstimate ...     ..... 15.000.00
                  Total .......  ........ 17,006.00

        On the sixth section I have recommended for payment,
   $15s,900 9  less 4;2.385-00 retainer, which equals l13,515.00.
   Estimate #7 is for t;620 less 4t93 retainer, or $597.  There-
   fore the amount recommended for payment on the contract for
   the sixth section is as follows:

             14stimate #7 ...... .......  $527.00
             Final Yestimate ..........  2.478.00
                  Total.                 3,005.00

        Total amount recommended

             Original Contract .......  $l7,006.00
             Sixth Sectioni ............  3,00500
                  G-cand Do tal .20,011.00

        If the Board desires further information I will be
   clad either to appear before them or to go with them to in-
   spect the work.

                                     Very truly yours,

                                        D. V. Terrell
                                 Professor of Civil Engineering
    Upon motion duly seconded and adopted the President of the
University was authorized to accept the Stadium in accordance with
the engineerTs report.

     Upon motion of Senator Frohman the Board went upon record
'with an expression of thanks to the committee in charge of Stad-
ium construction, with the additional statement that the work
had not only been admirably attended to, but that the Stadium
itself was a structure that reflected great credit upon the
Alumni builders and the University.

     4. The President and the Business Agent authorized to borrow
$35.000.   The following motion was offered by Mr. Wells: That
the President of the University and the Business Agent of the
same be authorized to borrow a sum not exceeding d1i35,000 to com-
plete payment of balance due to contractors for erjcting the
Stadium, and that such funds be borrowed from any financial in-
stitution that makes the most favorable terms, with the right to
make payments at any time within the tenjure of the note.   This
motion was seconded by Mr. Gordon, and upon being put to a vote
was adopted unanimously.



     5. Bids on Cherni.strv Building.  President M[cVey reported
to the Board tnat corxtractors who responded to a recent adver-
tisement for bias upon the Chemistry Building had stated that
they would be unable within the tiff specified to complete their
bids and that by reason of this fact the time had been extended
from December 9 to January 9, and that the latter date had been
fixed for the rebep'icn of such bids.

     6. OUt Of-SIPAO "rSL9e'L  President McVey read to the Board
a list of rames of professors and teachers in the University who
had naked  o-r -funds to meet traveling expenses to various uni-
versity and college organization meetings in~pursuit of their
scholastic -;orkt,

     Governor Pi eldse concerning this particular matter, made the
Fs %tement that the Attorney General had made a ruling that made
i- necessary 4hat; -the Sinking Fund Commission reject all such
claims until this matter could be adjudicated, and stated further
that he expected a fort-ncominog suit to settle the question in-
vo ved.   He said frer that he believed that while this ruling
of the Attorney Geu era]. w.s ini force the expense of these trips
could not be treated as a legal charge against Sinking Fund Com-
mission funds,

     The Governor stated further that he was heartily in favor
of University instructors making such trips for the benefit of
the University, but that he thought it wise for the Board to await
action of the court concerning what source the funds might be
drawn from to meet such expenses.

     On motion of ivr. Stoll, the recommendation of President
MoVey that these trips be allowed to be taken, and that the Sink-
ing fund Commission be requested to allow railroad fare for such
trips, the Board so ordered.

     7. Proposition submitted -y Telephone Company.    The Fayette
Home Telephone Company submitted the following proposition look-
ing toward establishment upon the campus of the University, a
private branch exchange:

                                     December 2, 1924
  Professor WV. i. Freeman)
  Professor A. 0. Whipple) Committee
        Lexington, Kentucky


        Agreeable with your request, we have pleasure in sub-
  mitting the following estimate of the probable cost of pro-
  viding the University of Kentucky with a private brench ex-



     One 180 line switchboard .     .......  $1,769
     Labor, installing same 1..........          50
     COble for underground and aerial work      982
     Labor in connection with installation
       and pulling cable, including splic-
       ing, etch .528
    !Use -f truck and other incidental ex-
             ..*.*...*... *.*.....................  188
     Dismantling old plant on campus, less
       salvage .55
     Installation of 80 stations connected
       with P. B. X. board @ 3.50 each          280
     Service connection charge in connec-
       tion with installation of 8 trunks
       conneQted with P. B. X. board @ 3.50
       each         .          .28
               Grp-lid. Total.,9
                   Gru-1Tta .............. ..3  ,990

     h4 thp present time you have in use 50 main stations
and 30 .extension sets, upon which the monthly rental is ta20,
less a discount of $20 if the same be paid in advance.

     W7ith the installation and equipment of a P. B. X. the
monthly rental would be as follows, viz:

          Item              Gross        Discount
        8 Trunks           666.00           $'2.00
        80 Stations         120.00           20.00
        1 Battery Feed       3.50             .25
        1 General Peed       3.50             .25
                           193.00          22.50

     If, at any early date, you -nill place- with us an order
for a P. B. X. board, equipped as outlined above, we will
furnish and install same and remove all old apparatus and
will remove all telephone poles from the campus and will
place all cable in your present underground conduits, without
cost or expense to you save and except the factory cost of
the cable, guaranteed not to exceed $982.    The switchboard
and all other equipment and apparatus to be and remain our
property, with the understanding and agreement that at all
times we shall keep ell the equipment in perfect order w,,rith-
out expense to you other than the monthly rental charge
hereinbefore noted.

     Any number of stations, in excess of 80, that may be
desired by you and any number of trunks in excess of 8 that
may be desired, if ordered at the time that you place with
us your order for the P. B. X. board, will be installed with-
out expense to you, other than the usual monthly rental.



     The usual service-connection char-e will be made for
Sxny stations or trunks ordered subsecuent to installation of
the P. B. X.
     The University, in any event, is expected to provide,
at its expense, such operators for the private branch ex-
change as may be necessary or desired.

     Merely as a matter of information, I am attaching here-
to copy of a commuanication which, under date of November 30,
1923, I wrote to Judge Stoll, chairman of the Executive Com-
mittee, touching the matter of a private branch exchange
for the University.

                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                       Thomas A. Combs

                                  December 2, 1924

Professor W. E' FPreeniqn) Committee
Professor A. 0. Whipp.Lae)

%Q ntlermen:

     If, in connection with the installation of a private
branch exchange for the Universitiy, it be desired that
the cables and terminals of the Experiment Station be cut
in on the University board, we shall be pleased to execute
this waork for you. without cost or expense, save and except
the factory cost of the cable, guaranteed not to exceed
$1,150.   The new switchboard adequately and satisfactorily
would serve both the University and the experiment Station.

     If, for any reason, you do'not care to have a Joint
board, for the use of both institutions, we would suggest
that there be installed, for intercommunication, three or
more trunks, from jack to jack, between the two boards.
This would insure practically instantaneous communication
between all those connected with the two boards.

     If further information be desired it 7ill be our
pleasure to supply some upon request0

                                   Very truly yours,

                                        Thomas A. Combs

After a full discussion of the cost and benefits that might



accrue from the establishinr of such an exchange upon the campus,
a motion was offer3d, seconded and adopted that the private ex-
change contempLated in the foregoing cocmmrlcation be established
upon the campus of the Un-nversity, and that the private branch
now in use at the 1periment Station be consolidated with it.

     8. Candi.dates for I)eprees. Upon recommendation of Professor
3F, I. Gi: . . egistrar of the University, that the following stu-
dents had completed worl. toward degrees and had been recommended
by the University Senate for same, on motion duly seconded and
adopted the Board of Trustees authorized that such degrees be
gZxnt s a  The list f ollows:

                  College of .rts and Sciences
                        Bachelor of Arts

Young Oak Choi
Charles Fred Crowell
Catherine Helen :Dunne
Bernice Grey PlIor-3--ace
Prances Jtin Gr )rdcon
Renneth u:; -1ard ing
knna Joretta -T~)6an
John Hio-xard .inXg
Leonora 2'iizabeth McGavock
Leroy Estcnce Malott

Elbert Rhey Mills
Wiley Mitchell Sams
Fmily Gertrude Schroeder
Jean Lyne Smith
W-illiam Dwight Sporing
Martha Lee Stallings
Akud ine Elizabeth Thompson
Lela Wiglesworth
Samuel William Yabroff

     Colleoe of Agriculture
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

William Cliftun Melvin
Claude 0. Spillman

Otis Taylor
James Herbert Williams

      Bachelor .of Science in Home Economics

Sister Cyril Blubaugh        Pavola Bratton Dundon
            Pauline Peache Park

            College of Bducation
         Bachelor of Arts in i ducation

A. A. Allison
Frances Fern Anderson
Powell Klmer Barker
G. Orman Bryant
John Victor Buchanan
Walter iRaymond Champion
Genevieve unsavent
            Harris Clayton

Thomas E'dgar Pouch
  Chloe Gif ford
  William T. Harris
  Lora Pearl Martin
  Bernard I. Perry
  VSeems Aurslius Saucier
  Alfred P. Taylor



                         College of Law,
                         Bachelor of Laws

                     James Dallas Atkinson

                         I1raster of Arts
            y W. Bromley             William. Kenneth Cumming
                      I.Margaret Nae Todd
     9. Petition from Women's Student Council.   The following com-
municatioxx from the Secretary of the Women's Student Council was
read to the Board:

                                     Yovember 19, 1524
   Office of Registrar:

        Realizing that we can not be an active and successful
   part of a national organization without funds, and owing to
   the difficulty in collecting from individuals, we, the Woments
   Student Council of the University of Kentucky desire to have
   our dues, which are fifty cents each semester, included in
   the student activity fee.

        The following is our financial budget for the year of
            National dues.............              425
            State dues .10
            Expense of delegates to State Conven-
               tion ..............................     9
            Uiraveling expenses of old and new pres-
               ident to national Conference to be
               held at Eugene, Oregon (approx.) ..  350
            Registration fees at Conference s....    10
            Supplies -- Stationery, stamps, sign-
               out books ..............25
            Social -- Girls formal dance, party
               for freshmen, Thanksgiving tea, atc. 100
            Magazine for Reading Room .............   25
               Total...                *          ,554

                                     Betsy Helburn
                              Secretary, Women's Student Council
     On motion of Judge Stoll, duly seconded and adopted the fore-
goirng petition was referred to the President with the request that
he make recommendations at the next meeting of the Board of Trus-

     10. Resignations and Ampointments.   The following resigna-
tions and appointments were approved:



     Resignation of Mrs. StellR Stacey, imployea to do stenographic
work Tor J. M. Peltner at London, Xoritucky, effective December 31,

     Apo-ntment of Mrs. Clyde %. 'vans to take thde place of Mrsb
Stacyr at Ilondon, Kentuucky, at a salary of t25 a month, effective

     Appointment of Carl Curtis Ylslone, assistant countyf -gent,
Mcfaean County, at a salary of 2100 a month, from November 29 to
Decca.iic!er  3i, 1924-..

     Cont.itu-ation of employment of Phil Watlington, County Agent,
MtLeax Cou.ty,- at a salary of $.183 1/3 a month, from October 1,
1924 Wo September 30, 19,25.

     Cont in-T.ati on of employment of H. D. Trip