xt7sbc3svf58 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7sbc3svf58/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1956-01-jan20-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1956-01-jan20-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1956-01-jan20-ec. 1956 1956-01-jan20-ec. 2011 true xt7sbc3svf58 section xt7sbc3svf58 

        Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees, January 20, 1956.

        The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky met in the President' s Office at 10:30 a. m. , Friday, January 20,
1956, with the following members present: R. P. Hobson, Chairman; Dr. Ralph
J. Angelucci, Louis Cox and Harper Gatton. Absent: Smith D. Broadbent.
President H. L. Donovan and Secretary Frank D. Peterson met with the Com-

        A. Minutes Approved as Published.

        On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the Executive
Committee of November 18, 1955, were approved as published.

        B. Financial Report.

        The Vice President, Business Administration, made financial report
for the period ended December 31, 1955.  The report consisted of a balance
sheet, statement of realized and unrealized income, appropriations and other fund
transactions. The balance sheet and operating statement were examined in de-
tail, and members of the Executive Committee being duly advised, upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, the report was authorized received and filed.

        C. Reorganization of Personnel Office.

        President Donovan read a communication from Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain,
Vice President, with recommendations concerning reorganization of the Person-
nel Office. The communication follows:

                                              Te nth
                                              1 9 5 6

        President H. L. Donovan
        University of Kentucky

        Dear President Donovan:

               After a careful study of the functions of the University Per-
        sonnel Office as it operated under the supervision of Dr. Lysle Croft,
        and after conferences with all Deans and other persons concerned, I
        am making the following recommendations respecting the adminis-
        tration and supervision of the various activities that were carried
        on in the Personnel Office prior to Dr. Croft' s death.

It is recommended-


       1. That the supervision of the student committee for the
K-Book be made the responsibility of the Public Relations Office.
The Public Relations Office would seem to be the proper place
for this assignment and I think we will get a much better K-Book
as a result of Mr. Wild, s supervision.

       2. That the responsibility for freshman orientation week
be assigned to the Office of the Dean of Men with the understand-
ing that he will seek the assistance and cooperation of the Dean of
Women in this endeavor.

       3. That the remaining functions of the Personnel Office be
divided into two services:

       (1) The Testing Service and (2) the Student Counseling Ser-
vice, and that both of these services be placed under the supervision
of the University Registrar.  Under his supervision the two ser-
vices would operate cooperatively,but as separate agencies.  The
Counseling Service would include our program of aid to the veteran
student.  The effect of this and the above recommendations is to
eliminate the Personnel Office, as such, but to maintain even more
effectively, we hope, all the important services previously render-

       4. Primary responsibility for the graduate program in
counseling and guidance shall be lodged with the College of Education.
However, this College will work cooperatively with the Counseling
Service and the Department of Psychology to the end that these
divisions may make their largest contributions to the program.

       5. The Directors of the Counseling and Testing Services will
be expected to do some part -time teaching in the College of Educa-
tion, particularly during the summer.

       6. While the Registrar will be given the necessary latitude
in the selection of personnel and the assignment of duties, it would
appear that the organization should include:

       a. A Director of the Testing Service.  This person should
hold a Ph. D. degree and the salary and rank should be comparable
to that of an Associate Professoror higher.

       b. A Director of the Counseling Service.  The preparation,
salary and rank would be as above.

       c. An appropriate number of half-time assistantships in
counseling and testing.  The number suggested tentatively is five,
and the suggested stipend is $1, 500 if the student is working on the
master' s degree, and $1,800 if working on the doctorate.

       d. The necessary clerical assistance.

       7. The committee assignments formerly held by the Director
of the Personnel Office would be reassigned as follows:



            Freshman Week - Chairman - The Dean of Men

            Scholarship and Attendance - The Registrar

            Scholarships - The Director of the Testing Service

            8. It is suggested that these changes become effective February
      1, 1956.


                                (Signed)   Leo M. Chamberlain
                                           Vice President

     President Donovan stated that he had studied the recommendations and
wished to concur therein.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the reorganization and
reassignment of duties respecting the administration and supervision of various
activities of the Personnel Office, recommended, were approved and authorized
made effective February 1, 1956.

     D. Communication between the Faculty and the Board of Trustees --
A.A, U. P Reuest.

     President Donovan presented communication from Prof. W. L. Matthews,
Jr., president of the University of Kentucky Chapter, A.A. U. P.  He read the
following letter and recommendations:

                                           December 13, 1955

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

            As you know, the University of Kentucky Chapter, American
     Association of University Professors, has given further study to the
     matter of communication between the Board of Trustees and the
     faculty. This study has resulted in the report which is attached. We
     respectfully request that it be transmitted to the Board of Trustees.
     Because of the specific, suggested plan contained in the report, we
     are furnishing copies to the Chairman of the Plans and Policies Com-
     mittee of the University Faculty and to the Governor, as Chairman of
     the Board,

            The report suggests a plan for establishing a Joint Board-
     Faculty Conference Committee and recommends that this suggested
     plan be referred for study to a committee to be made up of Board


members and members of the Plans and Policies Committee of the
University Faculty.  This study committee would report to the
Board and to the University Faculty.

       The suggested plan calls for a six-member conference commit-
tee composed of three Board members and three faculty members. It
would meet at least quarterly, would choose its own chairnman,and
would invite the President to attend its sessions.  The faculty mem-
bers would be elected from and by those faculty members eligible
for election to the University Faculty after nomination by the Elec-
tions Committee of the University Faculty. After the first year,
one faculty member would be chosen annually to serve a three-
year term; also, one faculty member would have the privilege of
attending Board meetings.

       The committee would serve in an advisory capacity and its
primary function would be to foster a spirit of cooperation between
the Board and the faculty. It would acquaint the faculty with the
viewpoints of the Board and the Board with those of the faculty.
It would deal specifically with situations where administrative de-
cisions may affect educational policy and educational policy decisions
may affect administrative procedure.  It would serve to supplement,
not replace, the President as the official medium of communication
between the Board and the faculty.

       We are sure you understand the purpose of the plan and the
spirit in which it is made.  We hope, therefore, that we can en-
list your help in interpreting it to the Board.  If the full report is
read carefully, it shows that the primary interest of the AAUP is
to make a specific suggestion available for Board-faculty study.
This, we believe, is the next, necessary step that all concerned
would want to take.

       If 1, or Professor Ralph Weaver, chairman of the committee
that prepared the report, or the executive committee of AAUP can
be of further help in the matter, we would be pleased to do so.

                                     Sincerely yours,

                             (Signed) W. L. Matthews, Jr.
                                     President, UK Chapter, AAUP.

                        OF TRUSTEES

A report of the University of Kentucky Chapter, American Associa-
tion of University Professors.

       On June 1, 1954, President Donovan presented to the Board
of Trustees of the University of Kentucky a report of the University


of Kentucky Chapter, A.A. U. P. on "'The Place of the Faculty in
the Government of the University of Kentucky. "1 The minutes re -
cord that: "The report was read and discussed.  Some members
of the Board expressed a desire to study the report further, and
upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the report was re-
ceived and taken under advisement, to be considered further at a
later meeting. "

       One of the recommendations in the report was "that the
faculty be invited by the trustees to join them in devising proce-
dures that would establish regular direct intercommunication be-
tween faculty and trustees. "  This recommendation envisioned a
joint Board-faculty committee to report to the Board of Trustees
and the University Faculty.  The A. A. U. P. respectfully requests
consideration by the Board of Trustees of this recommendation.

       The report of June 1, 1954, represented a part of the re-
sults of several years study by the University Government Commit-
tee of the A. A. U. P. As a background for its recommendations it
surveyed the traditional role of faculties in the conduct of University
affairs and pointed out the necessity of adequate understanding and
communication between the Board of Trustees and the faculty. For
details, reference may be made to this report.

       The Governing Regulations of the University describe the
functions and duties of the Board of Trustees, the President and
other administrative officers of the University, the University
Faculty, etc.  The Board of Trustees is described as the body
which has "final authority in all matters affecting the institution,"
the President as "the executive officer of the institution and of
the work associated with it, a and the University Faculty as "the
agency through which the educational policy of the University is

       It is difficult to separate administrative problems from prob-
lems of educational policy.  Almost every question that arises has
some administrative facets and some educational policy making
facets. This requires that the Board of Trustees, the President,
and the University Faculty must work closely together.  To do
this the Faculty must be familiar with the problems and viewpoints
of the Board and the Board must be sufficiently acquainted with the
Faculty' s work to make full use of the educational experience of
the faculty for the solution of the University problems.

       The Governing Regulations state that the President "shall
also serve as the official medium of communication between the
Board of Trustees, on the one hand, and the University Faculty, ad-
ministrative officers, individual members of the faculty and staff,
student organizations, and students on the other. "  Many universi-
ties have found that with the increasing size and complexity of
universities, additional channels of communication such as Board-
Faculty committees and members of the faculty meeting with the
Board are helpful and assist the President without conflicting in
any way with his performance of his official functions.



       Since the report of June 1, 1954, the A.A.U.P. has studied
this problem further and would like to suggest a specific plan for
Board-faculty intercommunication.  The A. A. U. P. recommends
that the suggested plan, which follows, be referred to a committee
to be made up of Board members and members of the Plans and
Policies Committee of the University Faculty for study and that
this committee be requested to report to both the Board of Trustees
and the University Faculty.

                      SUGGESTED PLAN

       A committee to be known as the Joint Board-Faculty Con-
ference Committee shall be established.  This committee shall be
composed of three members of the Board of Trustees and three mem-
bers of the faculty of the University. It shall have authority to choose
its own chairman.  It shall meet at least quarterly in regular session
and shall hold special sessions at the call of any three of its members,
the Board of Trustees, the President of the University, or the Universi-
ty Faculty.  The President shall be invited to attend all sessions of the

       One of the three faculty members of the Conference Committee
shall be entitled to attend each meeting of the Board of Trustees, the
member attending to be chosen by the faculty members of the commit-
tee themselves.  The faculty member shall have the privilege of dis-
cussion at the Board meeting but shall not have the right to vote.

       The faculty members of the committee shall serve for three
years, one member being elected each year from those eligible for
eIection to the University Faculty.  They shall be elected as follows:
The Committee on Elections of the University Faculty shall serve as
a nominating committee.  The Elections Committee shall announce
to the Faculty that nominations are to be made, in sufficient time to
allow suggestions to be made to the Committee.  The Elections Com-
mittee shall then nominate at a University Faculty meeting three
persons for each position on the Joint Board-Faculty Conference Com-
mittee to be filled, An opportunity shall be given for additional
nominations from the floor.  The Elections Committee shall conduct
a ballot by mail with all faculty members who are eligible to vote for
members of the University Faculty being eligible to vote.

       (To initiate the committee the Committee on Elections of the
University Faculty shall nominate six persons.  By balloting, as
described above, three shall be elected to the Joint Board-Faculty
Conference Committee. Of these one shall serve for three years,
one for two years and one for one year.  The terms shall be determin-
ed by lot )

       The Joint Board-Faculty Conference Committee shall serve to
supplement, not to replace, the President as the official medium of
communication between the Board of Trustees and the faculty of the
University.  Its primary function shall be to foster the spirit of co-
operation between the Board of Trustees and the faculty of the



      University through its agency, the University Faculty.  In this
      connection it shall be expected to familiarize itself with the prob-
      lems of the Board of Trustees on the one hand and those of the
      University Faculty on the other.  It shall attempt to acquaint the
      faculty with the viewpoints of the Board of Trustees and the Board
      of Trustees with those of the faculty. The Committee shall deal
      particularly with situations in which administrative decisions may
      affect educational policy and decisions on educational policy may
      affect administrative procedure. Specific problems may be re -
      ferred to it by the Board of Trustees, the President of the Univer-
      sity, or the University Faculty. It shall function as an advisory
      committee, and shall report regularly on its activities to the Uni-
      versity Faculty, and to the President of the University and the
      Board of Trustees upon request.


             1. We ask that the Board of' Trustees approve the establish-
      ment of a Board-Faculty committee to recommend to the Board of
      Trustees and the University Faculty procedures for establishing
      regular direct intercommunication between faculty and trustees,
      the committee to be made up of members of the Board of Trustees
      and of the Plans and Policies Committee of the University Faculty.

             20 We ask that the specific plan for the establishment of a
      Joint Board-Faculty Conference Committee that has been included
      in. this report be referred to the above-mentioned Board-faculty
      committee for their consideration.

      The communication was discussed. and upon motion duly made and second-
ed, was ordered received and made of record, and the members of the Execu-
tive Committee were authorized considered a committee of the whole to study
the communication andi recommend appropriate action to the Board of Trustees
at its next meeting,

     E. Mr. Peterson to Do Outside Work.

     President Donovan reported that the General Tire Service, Inc. , Lexing-
ton, Ky. , had requested Mr. Peterson to serve the corporation as financial
consultant and fiscal analyst, Mr. Peterson, s communication stated that a
request had come from the president of the Company and board of directors
of the corporation and that the work would not impose upon his work schedule
at the University and would not interfere with his duties.

     President Donovan recommended that the request be approved, and upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Executive Committee concurred
in the recommendation.



     F. Lawrence S. Thompson to Do Outside Work.

     President Donovan submitted a request from Dr. Lawrence S. Thompson,
director of University Libraries, to serve as a consultant to the Lost Cause
Press, a microcard publishing firm in Louisville owned by Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Farnsley.  Mr. Thompsont s work will consist of selecting materials
to be put on microcards and arranging for the cataloging.  The work will
be done at such times as not to interfere with the regular duties of Mr.
Thompson as Director of Libraries.  The request was concurred in by Dr.
Leo M. Chamberlain and President Donovan.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation was
approved, and Doctor Thompson was authorized to do the outside work request-
e d.

     G. Sale of Gasoline Generators.

     The Department of Geology has two gasoline generators which are no
longer needed for their work.  The generators have been declared surplus
to the department; s need and the Business Office requests permission to dis-
pose of the two gasoline generators competitively.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the gasoline generators
were authorized sold.

     H, Resolution on Death of William Roy Tabb.

     President Donovan stated that he regretted to report the passing of
another faculty member who had rendered a great service to the University.
He submitted the following resolution:


     When a faculty member who has rendered a great service dies, those
  who have known him well regret that in some way resolutions could not
  have been formulated to the living.

     If these resolutions were addressed to Roy Tabb, the salutation
  well might be: To One Who Served Magnificently His University, His
  State, and His Nation.  He was proud to be called a university profes-
  sor,  The caption under his picture used by The Lexington Leader,
  "UK Professor Dies"l, would have pleased him,

     Roy Tabb was held in high esteem by his colleagues on the Universi-
  ty campus. He was liked and admired for his high standards, common
  sense, scholarship, and devotion to his work,  He was an inspiration
  to the faculty of the College of Education, of which he was a member.


   We were always proud to acknowledge the fact that he was one of our

      The two following statements indicate how highly Mr. Tabb was re-
   garded in agricultural education outside the State.  The staff of the
   Department of Agricultural Education at the University of Missouri
   says: His "many contributions made in the field of teacher education
   have had a profound influence on the program of vocational agriculture
   throughout the United States.,, The Indiana state supervisor of agri-
   cultural education says: "All of us considered him to be one of the
   leading teacher trainers in agricultural education in our region. "

      Mr. Tabbs s ideas were sought by many people and many agencies
   when there was a desire to "think the thing through" or to get directly
   at significant ideas and principles, He was a past master in detecting
   sham, pretense, weakness in argument, insincerity, and lack of ef-
   fectiveness or accomplishment.  He was able to think in terms of
   large units and would often see possibilities of accomplishment that his
   co-workers had not dreamed of. At the time of his death Mr. Tabb
   was on his way home from Washington, D. C., where he and Dean
   Dickey had been in conference with the U.S. Commissioner of Educa-
   tion, on a proposed research project,

      Mr. Tabb, born in Grayson County, Kentucky, in 1905, was grad-
   uated from Western State College in 1926 and was awarded an M. S.
   degree by the University of Kentucky in 1938,  Immediately after grad-
   uating from Western State College, Mr. Tabb taught vocational agri-
   culture at Frenchburg for two years.  He was agriculture teacher and
   high-school principal at Hawesville from 1928 to 1937. He had been
   on the University of Kentucky faculty since 1938.

      Mr. Tabb was the co-author of two books and was largely responsi-
   ble for the graduate teacher training and follow-up work in the adult-
   farmer program and in farm shop mechanics education in vocational
   agriculture in the State. He believed in farming as a business under-
   taking, carried on by people who make their living from the land. More
   than almost any other man we have known, he kept abreast of the devel-
   opments in agriculture, which contributed to the high regard in which
   teachers of agriculture held him,

   Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Resolution was authorized
spread upon the minutes of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees and
a copy was ordered sent to the family of William Roy Tabb,

  I. Haggin Scholars.

  Dr. Herman E. Spivey, dean of the Graduate School, submitted the following
recommendation: That Mr. Kenneth T. Wright, Jr. , Miss Sarah Lorine Ken-
law and Mrs. Joan L. Parkinson, who have resigned their Haggin scholarships,


be replaced, effective February 1, 1956, by Alva Doris Ethington, C. S. Phil-
ip and Tacoma G. Sloan, Each scholarship is valued at $60. 00 per month for
five months.

     Members of the Executive Committee received the recommendation, and
upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, same was approved,

     J. Report of Psycho   Department to Board of Trustees.

     President Donovan stated that he had received a report from the Depart-
nent of Psychology on the activities of that department and desired that same
be made available to members of the Board of Trustees. He submitted the
report to the Executive Committee, which report was examined and, upon mo-
tion duly made, seconded and carried, authorized received and made of record
in the minutes for the information of the members of the Board of Trustees,

                                              November 1955


         1, Teaching and Training Activities:

            a. More graduate students (49 this semester) than any other de-
            b. 50 Ph, D. degrees in psychology since World War II.
            c. Graduate study periodically examined by American Psycho-
              logical Association, Department is accredited by that organ-
            d. Veterans Administration supports graduate training program
              by providing 12 fellowships ranging up to $2600. Total
              $30,000 per year approximately.
            e LU. S. Public Health Service has supported program since 1949,
              with annual training grants of $7500 - $10, 000.
            f. 2500-3000 students take psychology courses each year.
            g. Lexington junior League supports training in speech pathology
              by grant of $15, 000 per year.

         2, Research Activities:

           a. Staff published these articles in national journals in recent years:
               1950 - 7 published articles  1952 - 9  1954 - 7
               1951 - 4                   1953 - 11   1955 - 7 to date
           b. Staff has supervised this research: 50 Ph. D. dissertations;
              41 Masters s theses; 10-12 other research problems
           c. Research contract, with American Printing House for the
              Blind, on readability of Braille printing.

         3, Service Activitfes,

           a, Speech and Bearinga Center operated by department. 265 speech
              cases and 160 hearing cases received services last year.


           b. Staff and advanced graduate students provide services at:
                     Veterans Administration Hospital, Lexington
                     Veterans Administration Hospital, Louisville
                     U. S. Public Health. Service Hospital, Lexington
                     Eastern State Hospital, Lexington
                     Child Guidance Service, Lexington
                     Cardinal Hill Crippled Children' s Hospital, Lexington
                     Shriners' Crippled Children' s Hospital, Lexington
                     Child Guidance Service-Norton Memorial Infirmary-
                                     General Hospital, Louisville

           c. Service contract, with Veterans Administration, for audiological


        1, Classrooms,

           a. There are 62 psychology classes this semester, 1150 students
              in them.
           b . These classes meet in 6 different buildings.
           c. Neville Hall, the only building assigned to the department for
              classroom use, is a poor makeshift.  The third floor has been
              condemned for classes.

        2, Laboratories:

           a. The most important part of the training of a professional psy-
              chologist is research training, which requires up-to-date equip-
              ment and laboratories,
           b. The Psychology Department is operating a "major league,, grad-
              uate training program with "bush league" laboratory facilities.
              These must be improved, or the program cannot remain accredit-

    K. J. Stephen Watkins Meats with Executive Committee.

    Members of the Executive Committee welcomed Mr. Watkins, member of
the Board of Trustees, and expressed appreciation that Mr. Watkins was avail-
able to sit with the Committee in its consideration of the remaining items of the

    L. Information on Medical School.

    Mr. Watkins, Chairman of the Kentucky Medical Foundation, made a brief
report on the activities and achievements of the Foundation.  He reported that
Governor A. B. Chandler had publicly announced that he would recommend to the
1956 General Assembly an appropriation for the construction of facilities.  He
reported that Governor Chandler, in conference with President Donovan, Vice
Presidents Chamberlain and Peterson and himselfauthorized employment of architects


1 2

and special consultants to plan and design facilities envisioned.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, Mr. Watkins was thanked
for his report, and the report was authorized made of record.

      M. Leave of Absence -- Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes.

      President Donovan stated that Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, Dean of Women,
had requested leave of absence with pay from June 8 to August 8, 1956, for the
purpose of travel in Europe.  He stated that Mrs. Holmes had been associated
with the University of Kentucky since 1929, and with the rank of associate pro-
fessor since 1940,  Mrs. Holmes has never before requested leave of absence.
He recommended that during her absence Dr. Jane Haselden remain on duty an
additional month with salary, and that the necessary increase in the budget be
made. President Donovan approved the request and recommended that same
be granted.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the leave of absence with
pay for Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes was approved and the Comptroller was requested
to make the necessary budget adjustment to take care of an additional month, s
salary for Doctor Haselden,

     N. Leave of Absence--Dr. Ellis Hartford.

     President Donovan submitted a' recommendation from Dean Frank G.
Dickey that Dr. Ellis Hartford be granted a leave of absence from his duties
here at the University with the understanding that he would remain a member
of the staff of the College of Education for the purpose of teaching one class,
the leave to be from February 1 through June 30, 1956, with the understanding
that upon request the leave would be extended to September.

     Dean Dickey further advised the department had secured the services of
Dr. A. Max Carmichael, Professor Emeritus, Ball State College, for the com-
ing semester, effective February 1, 1956.

     Doctor Hartfordt s salary in the State Department of Education will be
adjusted in accordance with partial payment by the University compensating
Doctor Hartford for his services as part-time professor.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the request for leave of
absence for Dr. Hartford was approved with the understanding that his financial
arrangement will be adjusted between the State Department of Education and the
University. The employment of Dr. A. Max Carmichael was also approved.

     0. Mrs. Conrad Feitner Employed

     President Donovan submitted a communication from Dean Frank J. Welch
recommending the employment of Mrs. Sarah T. Feltner, wife of Mr. Conrad



Feltner who works in the 4-H Club department of the Division of Extension.
Dean Welch requested that two regulations be waived in order to permit the
employment of Mrs. Feltner: One, no two persons of the same family may
work simultaneously without permission; two, all County Extension workers
must live in the counties in which they serve. He explained that his request
to waive the two regulations would be temporary and, as soon as possible,
a regular and permanent employee for Woodford would be employed.

      President Donovan further stated that Dean Welch had found it difficult
to employ qualified home demonstration agents at all times to meet our gov-
erning regulations.  He recommended that the request be granted.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the regulations were
waived and Mrs. Sarah T. Feltner was employed as home demonstration agent
for Woodford County, effective February 3, 1956, on temporary basis.

     P. Student Loan Fund Fixed at $50, 000.

     President Donovan submitted a request from Cecil C. Carpenter, Chair-
man of the Student Loan Fund Committee, that the limit of the Student Loan en-
dowment fund be fixed at $50, 000 for loan purposes and the balance remain in-
vested in securities.  Dean Carpenter stated that requests for loans