xt7s7h1dnw90 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s7h1dnw90/data/mets.xml Root, George F. (George Frederick), 1820-1895 1875 scores (documents for music) M2117.R66 C59 1875 English J. Church Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection Hymns, English The Choir and Congregation: a Collection of Music on a New Plan: for the Service of Song in the House of the Lord, 1875 text 319, [1] pages, 24 cm. Call Number: M2117.R66 C59 1875 Provenance:  Wilcox, Glenn C The Choir and Congregation: a Collection of Music on a New Plan: for the Service of Song in the House of the Lord, 1875 1875 1875 2023 true xt7s7h1dnw90 section xt7s7h1dnw90  


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«m1; ~“n”; HIKIWW‘J’V’





















(Music Elwcrotyped i. a. a. MEREDITH 5; sons, m Clark Sh. Chlngo.)

Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1875, by JOHN CHURCH 8; C0,, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.


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«Sat—9““; . -





TUNES are “old” because they are good. Thousands of
competitors for public favor,which started in the race with them,
have dropped away, and are forgotten. Those that remain are
rich in memories and associations, and are now well nigh
indispensable to musical worship.

Still, choirs are not willingly confined to their use.
\Vith higher musical culture is naturally the desire to make
use of higher musical powers than the old tunes require; and
this added to the inclination of all to enjoy music for its own
sake, has led extensively to such choir performances as tend
to place the “ old tunes,” and the singing of them, lowest in
the musical services of the church, a rank as unjust to their
merits as it is hurtful to their influence.

“ Performers” and“ an audience” are certainly not the true
elements of a worshiping assembly. There should be neither
“ lookers on” to see others worship, nor persons to be enter-
tained by what is done. All should receive the instruction,
all should unite in the prayers, all should join in the sing-
ing, and, more important still, there should be union and co—

operation on the part of all, however varied their conditions
and attainments. ‘

So far as the music is concerned, when the trained voices
sing, the people should neither listen as outsiders who have
no part, nor as an audience, to be entertained; and when the
familiar tunes are sung, the trained voices should not lose in—
terest by feeling that their best powers are not called into

But how shall all have something suitable to do, and yet
all co-operate harmoniously toward the truer objects of church
music? This question, it is the object of these further ex-
planations, and of this book, to answer.

There is not a familiar hymn that has not some Scripture
or other words appropriate to it for illustration, introduction
or preparation. There is not a standard tune that may not
receive new interest by an appropriate prelude. Let the
choir sing such words as illustrate, lead to, and prepare for,
the familiar hymn and tune, in music that is suited for that
object rather than for vocal display, and then let “ all the peo-
ple” join in the tune as a chorus or climax, and, it is con-
fidently asserted, the following results will be realized:

Ist. The musical effect not being at its best without the
.voices of the congregation to make the tune a climax; and
the climax not being reached without the illustration and

gipr'eparation by the choir, a need is created—of the choir for
"the people, and of the people for the choir—that forms a basis
for union, good will and mutual co—operation.

2d.i The congregation, seeing just what the words mean
that the choir sing, and why they are sung—watching their
progreSS, and feeling their appropriateness as they prepare for,
and lead to, the final song are much removed from the temp-
tation now so common, to listen to the trained voices for
musical entertainment instead of devotional assistance; and
the choir realizing the higher nature of their work, will be
equally relieved from the temptation (or perhaps necessity)
also common, to sing for the mere entertainment of their
listeners. ' > '

3d. A new and better interest in the Solos, Duets, Quartets
and Anthems of the choir will spring up. Heretofore the
more religious the meetings of a church, the less trained choir



performances were wanted; the obvious reason being that they
subserved little, if any religious use; but the plan of CHOIR
AND CONGREGATION will lead surely and safely to a union
of musical culture and worship: for who can sing, “ He is
despised and rejected of men,” “ My faith looks up to Thee”
or “ Now is the accepted time,” “'Hear, O sinner, mercy hails
you” or “ They be many that fight against me,” “ My soul, be
on thy guard,” and not feel their appropriateness in the most
religious meetings of the church?

The “tune services” in CHOIR AND CONGREGATION,
although limited by the hymns and tunes upon which they are
founded, have a wide range, and will be found appropriate to
all occasions of public worship, and to almost all the subjects ‘
of sermons in Christian churches. They can be used wher-
ever hymns or anthems would be in order ;—the minister
giving them out. (See Index.)

That the “ services” may not be too long, a majority of the
hymns are abbreviated, generally to three verses; but it is
believed that they are not less pointed and complete for the
omissions. The anthem is sung but once.

The “ Responsive Services,” from p. 250 to p. 270, espe-
cially the shorter ones, are designed to precede one of the
prayers of the general service. The people rise, and minister
and people lead up to the act, which he continues alone, as
their mouthpiece. It is believed that these responses of choir
and congregation will induce a more general feeling of partici-
pation, and bring all. so to speak, nearer to the prayer. Those
especially useful for this purpose, begin with the First Psalm,
page 256.

The longer of these services may, perhaps, find a regular
place in the general service; but whether so or not, they will
be excellent as occasional exercises, for example, “ The Seven
Promises,” on receiving members into the church, “Show us
Thy mercy,” “Fast Day,” etc.

The antiphonal reading and singing should be closely
connected. As soon as the reading closes, the response be-
gins, and vice versa. In earnest passages a little anticipation
will have a good effect.

The value of short, simple, appropriate sentences, both
before and after prayer, when sung in a subdued and reverent
manner, is now well known so that no explanation is needed of
the pieces from page 270 to page 292, excepting that some may
be connected together, or with the Responsive Services.

The sentences and pieces “ during collection” are in series.
Two, three, four, or more, may be sung in connection. This
is to enable the choir to make their singing longer or shOrter,
according to the time of collection, Series may be formed by
selecting according to keys, anywhere in this department of
the book.

Let teachers, or choristers, and choirs, who desire to interest
their communities in this subject, first meet themselves, and
prepare their part of these services, and then on some con-
venient evening invite “ all the people” to join in their prac-
tice; and, while seeking the musical results which may be
obtained by right qualities of tone, correct phrasing, distinct
articulation and careful dynamic shadings, it is hoped that the
main object of this book will be kept in mind, and that it
may prove to be of real use to “the Service of Song in the
House of the Lord.” G. F. R.


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’ “ Praise ya the L0rzl.”~—Cl10ir.
NO- 1- OLD HUNDRED SERVICE { “ From all l/zal dwell éclow z‘lze skz'cs.”—Cl10ir and Congregation.











J4 Choir. clear [0726. (rm f m G. F. R.
:E—W¢;# z. 1 L *1 r- r- 1
' " 4} l 0 0 D l 0 | 1') m | 1' n j J“ l V n D P
41 ; 1 n 11; 1 ' L I"___ 11 ' - 1 1r ' ' 1 El
- 1 ‘ i LL 1 1 L [J L1 1 LF 1r .
i PRAISE YE THE LORD.................. Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!





l I




1 PRAISE YE THE LORD! Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!










‘ .J—ifi—‘e is .2 1a 1 6 16 ~1 e e 1e .9 1’ ., 1
. as; 3i“! L 1 L ‘1 11 n_11 L L \9 11 L i u 1
' L#J_4__l fl . L L LL 1 1 : \+1 1 1 \ J
1 1_ 1 L 1 J











, 11 1.: . . : 1
Eli“ ' ' *1: err—W a
1L ~s-—e~o——a—_ta:r— 1 1' 1n 1 - e P 1
1 .1 1'1 1 g i 1 1












| i g
Praise ye the Lord! Kings of the earth and all peo-ple praise Him! Pr'

































1 L A A ‘ L,- A A ‘ A
~ 7" 1" 1" 1’ j l 1' 1 I F 1' J" 9 A j
t . . r 1 I 1 11 n i r
“#HL-P— 9— Ea”; H—“fi‘l—d—f fi—fii 1L 1' 1 JLV W V ii 1 " _‘11
1f |_ 1 U 1 ' L ; J
S A)41lé & p4. glf L L J 1 ”21 f
’ if “a: 3L3 ‘ ‘ter 4 ET": ' .1
y +- 7—11; -+ai-—1——£— 1 515 a hrt1 1d
1f ' #6 4,1__ "g 1 L 1 J
~t . of the earth. Both young men and maidens,praise Him! Old men and children ,praise Him! praise Him!
3 .
d T ‘ 1+ 43 1’ L x J . f ‘ L . . m 1 j;
-' ‘ 7"“ 1 4 I n n J- J 1 1 l J *W 3‘ I ‘ ”I n l V o I
:- g’g_ a’ 3 J o’ 1 -‘v ' ' _-[:0 —~* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1‘ Jr pijlp‘Efi—‘
)e #' v "' 4- o— -o- 4- v- + l - 1
c of the earth. Both young men and maidens ,praise Him! Old men and children,praise Him! praise Him!
1.: I ##k I) L
' J E
:6 . is: # j; A; 1‘: *LL _ E. 1 1 dun. 1. fi—P 1' FL9 9 i'ig ‘1 $5:
5 5 1_ b i ‘ i L V g ‘ " l_i_ ; 1L‘r 4


3 Old.....



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1* m/ m f
—#— 9 - L n I .. IN 5 VI 1' I g.
. I I I' La - J I " a .. I : I I | a - I I
I I— I I L,'_ I— LL ‘ _" a 0 l A O ‘ F l A
; ““‘r ' 2 LI. II F r I v I r I V V ‘
I Praise ye the Lord! De- Clare His glo ~ ry a- mong the heath- -en, Praise ye the Lord! His
I ”if f k
Sig ,1 I i—zl I I . I I 1“ , , *‘m w 1
I , ___:___# V___ I, A 7 I H I I L: 0 ' 7‘ I. u I
.x._ ———pjfl—~ ~‘——5 _L.0 ° \j .. I _ IL.‘ A a“: \—-~:I
I ’ V ' V o 4 v
Praise ye the Lord! Praise ye the Lord!
II U- A ' n
. n j I 1 . I I I. ' "_._ .__,-__q
2% L—I—~—#—4I 1% P I _ I .. .0 4" , 75 »
Q—JII 6‘} ; i —:I"aez ‘ L I +1 ’ V r ‘ I
(rm. f ,\ dear I) are: ..... ................ .... mf




won-ders a-mong all peo - - ple The Lord is good,His mer-cy is ev-er-
p (7’25







i I
Praise ye the Lord! for the Lord 15 good, His mer-cy






















































. The Lord is good,
H ‘B 1’ are: mf a lz'z‘tlefirsz‘er
W' a .. r, E II? ‘—3 I. I I I» fife . "I 1
" ' ' I 3 9 I ' ‘ ‘ A 2 .' ‘ ' I “ ' o
m“. L\;;\ .°°° IT---,%',L; ‘t 4:3;
5 last-ing, His truth en-dur—eth to all gen-er - a - tions. Let
‘ p [7‘83 K - mf ,
AL I: I I — I h —I 45—491 ‘ ‘. I
err—«z a: fa He- may: ..: I-I .5 a
—, “bi—gyrdegri—fiv , O: , lj- , I l r g :- L I
o t ‘P #- U 1’. I . "1
last-ing, And His truth e11 - dur - - eth to all gen- er- a- tions Let ev- ’ry-thing that ‘
ll LE
. I]. ’l _'l —I j I '1 '13,»
I93: ' e I J. r? .. w I -' :' I‘*’*f*f—"‘_Ij—’:Ij 95::- E—H—j
; r ' I I I I 5 1
' His truth en - dui - eth to all gen- er - a - tions,
mf (re: f
gig: = F! i l9 I I! H“ I as 1| 1
4 I 0‘ LL I I II a' I L.“ ' r", 9 = 3“! I'_:I
‘nfi’r [i I Ll I I I I a V I I | VI I ‘1
» ev - ry thlng, let v - ry thmc that hath breath, Praise the Lord! Praise the L01d! ‘
4‘ fl mf [7’63 . I f ‘4‘:
h:%__ - + 4 l P 9‘ iéj' I" I i—fiflfl' ———:' —1~——p———o_‘.!
Luz d_—II‘I ._”‘ P #13; In 5 ? ,5 " g I. 3
.1 #6 df‘” F I r r
i .9 hath breath let - ’ry - thing that hath breath, Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!
' " ' __ 4“
5 '———p - 1 E l:‘\ I I . : '——o-——~o——]
ggjflfll" L a 7 L3 -‘ E It 0‘ .9 —tF— J I' e u r J
I I I i' I I I I L; :1 I If I 4










Old Hundred sePVl08.—CONCLUDED.














































. p (re: 77: ‘ "2f
m ,, F ‘ .. I “ Lr __ 2- 79 J1 T Lq—I—T __3§:_—I__———-___E%
:j: é—j: 1—1; F, ‘v‘ La' : a d—"i H a - a a 11 d w - d __ fl
Raise the Lord! Let ev - ’ry- -thing that hath breath, Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord .........
(res breath that hath breath, that hath
II L p I N I
i $3,? 3" Q I J l J I n [a ‘ d' ch43? —J\ a“
_ .n»— _, a a a; ' r. I l.‘ “x
:«e I rt: z I I L" ,. - c a L—+-—e——afi——:»:I
‘1 ‘ . 5' LI 7 U V V r 1/ r T : ‘ V. r r
1 Praise the Lord! Let ev- ry thing that hath breath, Praise the Lord. Pra1se the Lord“. ....... .
- ‘ F‘J' A A LIL x L
I'é‘ “I! - .9 Q P II’ 9 s IQ? I 3‘ as
I ##g '1 é ; F L} l IL 5 Elf-0L. 0' d fidfi' U‘ at i
r V breath that hath breath, that hath
-H- f u wit/z dzrrmz‘y 1 ‘ .. —[
I m 4—? _g____, p I I n 'LQ 1" ' a}: ll .9 I a,
”Ift4Ir:a~ . ya . I - (9 to“ e I I I at : I e -—31
I‘ 1/ W T L I“ _l 1 ‘l '7 l_ l 'l
........ .. Praise the Lord! Let ev - ’ry - thing that hath breath, Praise the Lord!
Ll- l’math’ - n I L I .
I III-5" ’ I' I. IL P g a: , 1 = = ' “I -
erg-2w 4.4—6: —r‘ I s: fifif—r —I§ “Ft arr—l
* I I) I’) J)
U I V p I” ‘r , ‘ I . I
.......... Praise the Lord! Let ev - ’ry — thing that hath breath, Praise the Lord!
LL _ t: _J
. 71,, I .N y.‘ I p 'I F’ a I I I 1 n I
9%" 3 .2 TI» 4 L- I I I 4t In .I 3 Ia .4 ,_ aux-mil
II ' ' - ' I I I L 'I I " ' I I p .L 0 I
Choir and Congregation. (Old; Iiunclredto) W. mec


4‘1“;- _I A]

*“f““—p—IFL——e~—Id—d flaw—wflawb—I—dfi—a ~~—;:—- I

I. From all that dwell be — low the skies, Let the Cre - a - tor’spraise a - rise;









i 2 E - ter — nal are Thy mer - cies, Lord, E - ter - nal truth at- tends Thy word I
‘ J. r [K J ‘K r‘ b n ‘\
. ' f" r—~ f; '1 I {‘1 l l" f" I . - fl
, ”T'F/ it a Irt’ L III] Q l I I n [L I; in I9 irr I {H
__'_l II l I; Q ll g L l J! Il L H l IT" I ll :1
1 I [ I ll II I I Q J! r I I I 11 a 11 J




Let the Re-deem . er’s name be sung, Through ev - ’ry land, by ev - ’ry tongue.
f5 0


y praise shall sound from shore to shore, Till sun shall rise and set no more.






HQI» 9 I I9 I i r I II I9 I 19 I I I i r"—TII

‘ . v,» r- 1 n r '1

{L ‘_.1____ _‘ I I 23 I I ale 1‘ v I a I I 1_ ma

5 LIL/L, I ha Hi: 0 I t9 fl; I E III I I I Tl ,4 Ifi_£ l #3:?“
. I 1 (I I l I l I Q If I I ufi v I I i .

77w aid/rem v the Dara/o” Service ma )rcccdg 1/111? /1 11m 7' re erred.
c)’ y 1/




“let the peoplepraise Thee, 0 God.”—Choir.
Na 2 DOXOLOGY SERVICE“ { “ Praise God, from whom all hlessz'ngsflow.”—Choit and Congregation.

f G. F. R.


Choir. I/Vz'th reverence and a’zgnz'zy.







V . _
t the peo - ple praiseThee,O God........ Let ALL THE PEO — PLE praise Thee... Oh
f‘ A










t m ere: f m cres.................. dzm
11%gtfl' J i I 41 i 41 |_ $ i l Lji i 41 i [I 1 1 .

‘ — —g—pg——g— ——§——i3
.W pEEFQ - .1 1 E? t —v—

‘ I l r l r I

F I I -
let the na-tionsbegladandsingforjoy, for Thou shalt judge the peo—plerrghteous-


.v..—.~H‘ .aL.....,.-;.



”If f




.fl. 1' 1"

1y, And gov - ern the na- tions, gov - ern the na - tions, gov - ern the na - tions up-

0 God







e peo - ple praise Thee O God, God.. et... ALL THE


on...._..... earth, Let




O God ..... ......

Let the Daxology be given with the fall voice: 13f “all the people” and let it join the anthem without interlude or delay.
m ere: ............... a’z'm ............ m

(0161. JEIundLred.)
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow ;

PEO - PLE praise .......... Praise Him, all creatures here below;


Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost

This anthem may almfrecede' “From all that dwell” or any version [ft/1e moth Psalm.









“Anya/ct, ye saints, awake.”—Ch0ir.

NO- 3- STEPHENS SERVICE { “ With/by we lzaz'l t/ze sacrm’ (lay.”—Ch0ir and Congregation.



















, Levy-CEO“ mf [I‘t’5............_.;... dim ..................... f G. I: R.
K1937—7a—{37—97' 0—7077 ‘ i7 Q" L a ' {a [1 L—R—t——L___.fl._'_'..__._.p_3_._.__
« +—' e 1 e v —‘ I Le a I n— -~ -~———
1151 4: IL_f§r V v gif H H 4:1 ,1 a .5 1 r J
A wake, ye saints, a wake ................................... In loft - iest songs of praise ......
#»3-—¥ i §__-_ _'t_1 5 1 1 11; ‘- {r 1' _ —r
_' A— - _ ‘ - ' a ’1 _ '—
; ##”i L '__I_ 5 -_ _;l a 0 iv L i —"_Ei










joy-ful homage pay; Come bless e day that God hath b1est,The type ofheaven’s eternal rest, The






















dzm ................................... mf f
11*—a-—111———11-1——7 1j—; +:- --—1 7-3-- 1? 1- 17—7—11
' I v v I a a .2 43’.le LI L 7 I
type of heaven’s e- ter - nal rest, Awake, ye saints a-wake .................. A-
‘ {z’zm ................................... m
ni¥§:_i_ + _L~_:"_ h _~,.£-——-_
‘Eaflla yfij—df 1——H[§1mE47 770—3—704Ea7 7‘ g—77i 77;:
:3— »————I— — ——~— 1 7— a———a— 37-, —7—~ 6*; ———
a 1? “-—— ,— a— ———~—v— — ——
the of heaven’s e - ter ~ nal rest ........................... A“ ake and hail this sacred dayL_-_ ........
H i J, 7 7’1 I ' ' ' 4!— F~|—o7:7o—4—707 j
9.2:“Mfi 5. ,1s LI LI __j,
i9 . I is» - tar: —--—~—~et;E-- V 4*V—Eh—7—V—t“ We
v o




In loft—iest songs of praise, yourjoy-ful









: .............................. Awake, and hail this sa-cred dav ............................... Yourjoy-ful
i I A /——————-.\ .
iii-lit? r I h u I. 5} I 5 I 9“” ”ZN—35% “1
1 VI, . L' . ‘ I 9—? y L I L- j









Stephens Service.—-C0NCLUDED.

m mf >' m rz'mm’..................


hom- age pay, Your Joy- ful hom- age pay, A- wake, ye saint, a- -wake! and hail this sa— cred day.
mf m rzz‘md ..................

110m ~ age pay, Your joy — ful hom - age pay; A - wake, ye saints,a-wake! and hail this sa-cred day.


Choir and Congregation. (Stephenso) Wm. JONES.
/\ F /\





I ’U'
sa - cred day,Which God hath called

own,With joy the sum-mons


. \w .
I. With Joy we ha1l the


2. Thy chosen temple, Lord, how fair,
Where Willing votaries throng,

_ _ To breathe the humble, fervent prayer,

' U And pour the choral song.

we 0 - bey, To wor - ship at his throne.






3. Let peace Within her walls be found.
Let all her sons unite,
To spread with grateful zeal around
Her clear and shining light.


1 - ‘God be merciful unto us and bless us, ”—Ghoir.
N0" 4' Nettleton sen/108‘ l “Come, thou Fount of every blessing ”~Ghoir and Congregation.

Choir. Mf/[J/ bilijlufll/{V- - [res .................... G. F. R.

'd' . . i . . 1
God be mer—c1-ful un - to us, be mer - c1—fu1 and bless us, and cause His face to shine, to

















mThat thy way may be known up - on the earth, Thy
, 1. A 3 n h_J\ L B . fl
- 1 ._ ‘9”!— ‘ ‘ . in 1 a . . . . 4,..-
g 12: ',—q;_ a. gmijr6FA—-—~w—Hl—*———-l d'ah 772%? . n4
1 9—0—— ~0———o——o——c - —— — ———1—‘5 o—~p~'———-

I I | | l l 4 _.__\ | 1
'. r yr - l. 1' P 1' \L I 1 1 1 '1' 1 r r I 1 '1' a
shine up - on us, That thy way may be known up— on the earth the earth,

1 p "' «F— 'l— 1'2 ° T. n n p p “t g '4":— L: t t "t
:1 i7? 0 [I I9 ' L w 1 l l 1‘ vo—:l E9 1 '3 v l '0 F' l’ 1' 3149—5 0 - :l
9—5171 1 1 tea—- ‘fif e e \ 1; a 1 ‘ L1»: 1 1 1 1



,, “1,,- 7». ,








Nettleton Service.——C0NCLUDED.




























. all ma - tions
sav - - 111g health a — mong ‘ ’ m
w '1 a - v23" 7. ~1
‘ ,
- - l‘rj. . g . Egg—j 1-97—lt— .. q
' r J”; z e : '1 e a
hys sva -ing healtha mong all ma - t1ons,Let the people pra1se'1hee
4 12+"- .+ r + 1* F ‘F‘ a a
l N, ‘I ‘- E F- l L l l 91—9 ' 1T "“1
r0 p q r f u' I! 1 I; - .- 1. £1 1 .1 1
II If J 1 1 L 9?‘ 4| ’h'tT—‘Vp—V—“V— -——-:I






mf f












”l" '5 P; " ~ I l 9 . P . gr
Whig, t k, 1 z :. LEE—rev s 1.. '1 1.,- f {Lia
1 — «#«r- 9- '——.'—lv-‘ —a—v 2—! !: 13w— —tv-'*1—P--*9—P—-‘~ ': :r 3
“ h 0 - v F r F r g ; E p p " r F r .
17"- 1 1 1/ v V / ,1 ,
Let the people praiseThee, Let the people praise Thee O God,Let the people praise Thee O God,
1" h . 4t- : 19-4" $+' 9-4: 32 1‘49. 1‘1“ ;-;+._’_ 4- &\_¢L 19:

T "t









Fl“ 15
T74 I.“
._ ‘__l.__
B l

(“6‘75 flu n J



















l ~9- 1 J- o- «9-

- p a .. o— 1 4—4 g o 1 o— +— 4—+—1Q —- +—

‘ -,_ _L._r .; _L*__F:A__a_ § J . 0 o 3 rr—z—fii—'—r~4;wt~‘ r,_— *—

3:ng g .0 a 1" 9 ,0 1.0—: P :0 .9 {1, , 1 ‘ |L._ 1 Law a—

l 5'le “ —‘g—b 11 i 1 T ; EE::1:._:_L1 I ' 1 V§:me F;


(Nettlteton.) .


Choir and Congregation.


e\ - ’ry bless - ing ,Tunemyheart to sil1——:— 11—HH1—L—1v7—11—1—1v—1—4—fi . _.




we will re- -j0ice, we will re - joice.....................




I : - I . . E , . ,
a ,1 ' . 1 ,, ,

(7‘65...........u....u".............u........ ..

V (1

it, we will ' " .. ' ' , , and be glad in








:a—Fd:[1 ——§—







cres.........l....... .. dz'm..........
1 I I I 1





fl9w».4:1———[Eo————cs——-——ltav-— alm— : , __ —I—
4; :1 v i H ‘ 9 ':J

This is the day... the Lord...... hath made.






Lord. . .. . . hath made.










1“?" ;_::.;319A —'t'—e—+:‘I- tag
1_ _. L_.__./._;I———L,_";-————o .

This is the cay that the Lord.........

Choir and Congregation. (Lischem) Arr. by DR. Mason.


I. \ el-come, e-light—ful 1110111! Thou y of sa~ lest;
I hail thy kind re- ; L01d make these mo—ments best } From low de-lights, and mor- tal toy,s

2. De-scend, ce- es -tial Dove, With all thy quick’ning pow’ rs;
Dis-close a Sav—ior’s love, And bless these sa-med hours. Then shall my soul new life ob-tain,

I soar to reach im-mor tal joys.
Nor Sab-baths be en-joyed in vain.

I soar to reach im-mor-tal joys, 1 soar to reach

Nor Sub-baths be en-joyed in vain, Nor Sal) — baths be en-joyed 1n vain.

I soar to reach im - mor - tal joys.
Nor Sab-baths be en - joyed in vain.


 5 &

.— ......_-—-,——-5






' “ 0 Lom’ our Lord, how excellent 1'5 771}! name.’ ’-Cl10ir.
NO' 6 MARLOW SERVICE { “Let a]! file [ands wit/z Mom‘s quoy.”—Cl10ir and Congregation.










5-14-59 Choir. clearfl ‘ >— dim we: ................... 77;
555-11511: 5 5 1 1‘ 1 . 1 1 5 T - _
:4:a—:}—é————:—:|—9~: ' E7::j—a—i El+é~»a—l—a—~a ' 5—0—7—0— _
O Lord our Lord, how ex—cel-lent is Thy name, in all the earth! Who hast set Thy glory a-
m >— dim [res ................... m


. 4


O Lord our Lord, how ex-cel-lent is Thy name, 1n all the earth! Who hast set Thy glory a-


















































il: 1‘ I ‘\ 1“ . 17 ’1 ‘1 “1 pa- 9 . p 1 9 -;
55—4 ”5—6! 3:15 11. 3 1 1 155:5 1- 1 a c~11 5 a 1 1 .2 r~o—5
Lr " a ,1 a 1‘14 ; 1; 1 If ' V l L 9 1'5 f 1
+12%; 2113"} ....... . ............ , f (res .................. m we: ..................... 45‘ n:j_____1__ ..... ................ gm.
155—1— 5- 5—1.1?~n ,1 1:12—11 5- ~35 52—12 n—i—fl @551; E,_ 55:41:53
bove the heav’ 115, a— bove" the heavens, our Lord our Lord, how ex-cel-lent 1s —'lhy name in
P 17:: ..................... A p p OLord, ......... | x (715 ..............................
1E~fl-a-5+~1~~~fl «$5 1 1 " 1 1 =‘1aA1125_._5: 5 ' 5:12]
_ ‘_ '-____ ~-»——-——!—~9— _;___,_§__| I l7 l l j i i 1
wtfim: :l‘d U l 5V I O1 .‘y’ l a .La.____5__ W‘::U -$y_g_g._l_a_, 9...]
O Lo1d, ...... O Lord .........
bove the heav’ns,a - bove.. the heavens, our Lord our Lord, how ex- cel- lent is Thy name 111
'5 9!, f [5’ 1: I l I 5: 1_.__~_ L' ”fl_g _______ __l_. ____._..l_
13' 5— ginger1E—:——-»b+a~~51m—5—e1+'— 555—4» fl—Zf—w gem—5
g. L“ 1 1* 1_ 1 r 1 E 1 I 1
“I (271772 ....................... m f Jim .........................................
‘ +" :5
i :4 7 r ’5 a——a — ————11 PE' 11 ‘ ' ’ ' 1 a 9 L6; 9 7 1
15:05—9_ 5—5_ 5—5 p— -4—p———‘~E; l—-—‘/ 1 . 1 I . 1 I ~ 12556:-—
1 __&19_ «55—~ 11¢v°°'5'1 111 1111}
l all the earth. How eX-cel-lent! how ex—cel-lent, how ex-cel-lent is Thy name in all the earth!
In it Jim ........................ N N f o . ‘ l l(2’2'7;1...........,_ ..............................
g 1 g : 6N 1 1 R g o p 1 ’1 ii ‘ p g €61: l (1 j l i ‘ '1' L I:
E2 55.5. 1~1:;;-e-s':1o~-1v:~a—o~1a~—H—H-Ee -]
id 0 1671- y. 11- ’ a +9 5 6 l V 9 l V

i all the earth. How ex— cel- lent. ! how ex-cel- lent, how eX-cel- lent is Thy name in all the earth Y











a: 55:5— §:_—:_-1:-- 5 5 5 5—5—5551 5~5~o~r55-1~5:15—5~1E5


Choir and Congregation. (lV-flarlow.) Dr. L. MASON.


#153101 E [Ahnrn 11115 11

lfitijué— FQ—JQ—a— Lfil~9‘“‘d—d—}Lf—E—1: F—E—Q—w—dEa—Q—j





1. Let all the lands w1th shouts of joy, To God their voic - es raise,Sing psalms in hon - or


! 2. Thro’ all the earth the nations round,Shall Thee their God con - fess, And with glad hymns their






we; _ E _ a m—EL79—73—1— m5 If'zg-
0” I I; a f) [Z Li l ’W l I a?
l l f" ll ' l . I ‘ ’ l l l l 1
¥ E V l I I l l V £ 1










, 2,:
, i k


Marlow Service.—-C0NCLUDED.

Choir. Between 1:! and 2:! verses


of His name. And spread His glo-rious praise,


All nations when Thou hast made, Shall


ho - ly fear Of Thy great name ex - press. All nations when Thou hast made,


End wit/z tune, 2d verse.











.14- (7135' (I'm; dim ...............................

_ ”r _ —4:,g: 9-— __ _ fi—o ‘ ' La % fl——H
3% ’ ' L’Su.tg ‘ u” :fiiE #‘—5$~+—+—L+e——E+Ly—wwje i]
come and worship before Thee,before '1 hee, O Lord, and shall glo-ri- fy Thy name, shall glo-ri-fy Thy name.

(7’65 (127;; fp dzm ..............................






3%; H,-f—~'+t:::—:z:eig_—+ rig: .75:— 3-:313— «2.: __3:g_ +3
“1T 3 I

come and n orship before Thee, before Thee O Lord, and shall glo- ri- fy Thy name, shall glo-ri- -fy Thy name.
A D f 7 -
91*L4 fighflfb%F4h1+4%fi+44JUFF%Jfi%q$fi

llLlFl ll
4" I l






‘1 202]! lift up mme eyes. ”—Choir.
NO' 7 THATCHER SERVICE { “To God 272 whom [my ” —Choir and Congregation.

JIL— Choir. r/aar toward/(2y are: ........................ m . G. F. R.

[flip U 3 NF ‘ 0 I T i g I. F n 31
,—.—p:~p — l = | v . I f i !
_:-—8— "—3 ’_.. “@_:_ ._.‘_.i_:_7_._?____}____'7__!_l. ,_ ' ‘Vgilr :7) i . 1
'v .\—'/ _




















u. R cres..........~. ............. m R
{H} 4“ i L I In. 7‘“ n l i n .- gfi A :1“ L: 7‘ ‘N :1
7____\ 1‘ 3‘ i‘,’ 1‘ I T! + ' 5 L. " I 1 4L? i L. U ‘—
§—8— a—t . ta, 0 afiLT j ' ' . a div—~ 0—4 a
..— — _. _ ._, _________. _,______'____‘___ ..J. -7
dp a U ‘ 0 a o " c a
I Will lift up mine eyes un to th [1115, un to the hills” ..From whence doth come my
9%!’ ., en L fi‘fii/\ :3 T #4
'— —§-——+———l- . ' .e .e a.- . l a ' e e :
%+4+++—#+ L.t' 5: .a r 'w 3‘
'— v I '1 ' ' V '
0‘85 z‘lzemcs answeringpromz'nmz‘ly


the Lord, which


help, From whence doth come my help. My help com-eth from



My help com-eth from the


help, From whence doth come my help.

My help com - eth







Thatcher Service.——CONTINUED. Solo, Tenor or Soprano.
allegretz‘a m (765...... dz'.m........ m


My help com - eth from the Lord,from the
771 (7'6: ...... dim ......... m


made the heav’ ns,which made the heav’ ns and earth.



Lord,from the Lord which made the heav’ns and earth.





from the

(res f m




He will not suf—fer Thy foot to be mov-ed,


Lord which made heaV’ en and earth,