xt7s7h1dnt3c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s7h1dnt3c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-10-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 02, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 02, 2007 2007 2007-10-02 2020 true xt7s7h1dnt3c section xt7s7h1dnt3c Sports


Brooks shrugs off comments from the
’Ol’ Ball Coach’ at South Carolina

Page 5

(X TOBER’ _, 2007






Landlords hope to avoid stricter student resident policy

Bit Ballet-Isihiisqn

nestkykernel corn

Members of the University Area
Housing .»\ssociation met with Student
Government officers last night to dis~
cuss living regulations that could sig»
nificantly change the make-up of neigh—
borhoods surrounding UK.

The regulations are currently in ef-
fect at Pennsylvania State University.
Two UK employees. Assistant Vice
President of (‘ommunity Engagement
Lisa Higgins~llord and Vice President
of Facilities Management Bob Wise-
rnaii. and Lexington Fayette Urban
County Councilman David Stevens vis-
ited the university earlier this year to
observe and discuss policies conceming
off-campus student housing.

Implemented in l997. Penn State‘s

regulations state that only three non-re-
lated students can live in an off—campus
house at a time and that no student res—
idential unit can exist within approxi~
mately ISO to 200 square feet of anoth-
er student home.

The regulations also require stu-
dents to obtain permits to occupy off-
campus houses and state that student
homes must have a minimum of 1,500
square footage.

Stevens is interested in looking into
similar regulations for the UK communi—
ty. Wiseman said. turd the university has
not endorsed a change of regulations.

The dynamics of Penn State and

UK are vastly different. Wiseman said.

so a new set of implications would
arise from the regulations if they were
applied in Lexington.

"What you are dealing with is the

community." Wiseman said. "We need
to understand (the regulations) more
than we do now."

The housing association. made up
of landlords who own property around
UK. hopes that with collaboration from
Lexington landlords and UK students it
can stop Lexington from applying simi
lar regulations. which would render
about 75 percent of student houses sur»
rounding campus ineligible for student
occupation. said Andy Mclntire.
UAHA member and property owner.

The decrease in available housing
would lead to higher rent prices and
would effectively drive the student pop—
ulation into other Lexington neighborr
hoods. Mclntire said.

“We think that there has got to be a
better way than that." he said. “tThe
regulations) would foree students out

into other neighborhoods farther away
from campus. increasing the possibility
of conflict with other neighbors. We
don‘t believe this discrimination should
be something we are teaching at the

Residents of neighborhoods surf
rounding UK have expressed concern
with student behavior. particularly after
the University of Louisville football
game. A house was condemned and a
couch was burned outside after late
night partying.

['AHA Vice President Robert Hodges
said he believes the problem stems from a
lack of communication between the city.
lauidlords and their tenmits,

"We have a long-tenn need to have
interactive communications between all
members of the neighborhoods.”
Hodges said. "The vast majority of stu-

dents are very good neighbors. The way
to solve problems is to work together."

Hodges also said that police. not
property owners. should play a bigger
role in regulating incidents.

"When we are talking about police
protection. they aren't protecting the
students." he said. "The students are
not treated as legit members of our

Several solutions were proposed
during the course of the meeting. in—
cluding contacting council members
conceniing the issue. educating proper-
ty owners and increasing communica-
tion with students. The UAHA also
mentioned the development of its Univ
versity' Preferred Housing plan.

(‘raig Hardin. treasurer and former

See Neighborhoods on page 3

Arars‘o ‘nrR'iv' buxom"




'10-“ ~1Q‘b-s‘.






Anita M Griieiiwtiidt, a secondary sooaf studies education f'dllfOl, hangs a l-shirt on a clothesline in Rasdaff Gallery yesterdav in preparation for the Cfntfiesline Pivijrgtt'

which opens today at 6 p in

Victims tell stories of abuse with clothing

Bit Irina Demise

newstikvkerne! corn

Survivors of physical abuse are
hanging their stories for all to see in
an art exhibit foctised on the fight to
eradicate domestic violence and
sextial assault

The (‘lotlieslinc Protect exhibit
is debuting tonight from (i to X at
the Rasdall (iallery in the Student
(enter with a reception following
the opening.

The exhibit displays T-shirts
made by survivors of domestic vio-
lence and sexual assault. as well as
by students and student organi/a-
tions who support an end to the bru-

tality. as a vistial representation of

how violent behavior has impacted
their lives.
(‘reated in I‘Nt) in Cape Cod.

Mass.. the project is a way for sur—
vivors of domestic violence to tell
their stories anonyinously. Women
who have experienced domestic v'i-
olence. have been affected by it or
are committed to its end can deco-
rate shirts telling stories of abuse.

The shirts are then display ed on
a clothesline symboli/ing the "air
mg of one's dirty laundry" in public.
said Anna M. (iroenwoldt. a secu
ondary social studies education iu-
nior. organizer of the Clothesline
Protect exhibit and a student volun-
teer at the Violence Intervention and
Prevention Center.

The project has spread nation-
wide since its inception and has ex
panded so that women with stories
of sextial assault can also particr
pate. [K is hosting the event to

See Clothesline on page, 3



Biology SOUUUW’JTF‘ J-tss ra Will (3'st o1ahs ' 1's 3 11f'tr It 13
fit) ion in the Rasd all Gallery while prepariiw f i1 thi- “firm! to f t’ i ii


resfi‘ tfav ii t
rt’itisii t lio

Prof. Shakes up learning with B’ody Tectonics’

By Erin Molyving

newstmykernef com

The fundamental elements of ar-
chitecture are everywhere. from of-
fice buildings and coffee tables to a
small pair of earrings.

Architecture professor lxn Wiri-
cik made sure his students saw this
in the latter example w hen he asked
his furniture studio class to design
arid create pieces of ievvelry using
the three tectonic elements of line.
plane and mass.

The Body Tectonics protect re-
qurred students to design three pairs
of earrings. with each pair focusing
on a different element. The final
task of the proIect was to construct a
pendant that incorporated all three

“These pieces act as vehicles for

the exploration of 3-diniensional de~
sign." Wujcik said. “The purpose is
to investigate structure. materials
and process of design and fabrica—

Sixteen students participated in
the project. which was assigned at
the beginning of the semester.

While all of the earrings and
pendants incorporated the same
three tectonic elements. each of the
students" work is original. Wuicik
said. Working with strict limitations
actually allows more opportunity for
design invention. he said.

Fifth-year architecture senior
Rebekah Schaberg said she created
her pendant with resin. aluminum
and string.

“The craftsmanship took a long
time because of the small elements.
and we were working with tools that


' l

are meant for larger projects." Sch»
aberg said.

Most students in [‘K‘s (‘ollege
of Design never see their pl’ti_|CCl\ in
their final fomi.

“ln regular architecture studios,

you never see your project. You just
burld mock-up models and draw»
ings." said (iraham (iordon. an ar~
chrtecture senior. “We have a fm~
ished protect. ()ur protect was at a
scale that we could actually pro

[)eAnna LaPlaca. a fifthyear ar
chitecturc senior. said that designing
occurs on both a macro and micro
level. and working at such a small
scale presented challenges to stu-

With only one week to con-
struct their pendant. students like
Schaberg. Gordon and LaPlaca

spent long hours in the studio
working tlirotigh obstacles to
achieve their intended design. But
students were pleased with the final

“It was motivating knowing that
you would have a product that you
could wear and thinking of it on the
human body." Lal‘laca said

The earrings were recently on
display at lones Boutique in l.e\
ington during a downtown gallery
hop. and (‘iordon said he sold a pair
of his earrings that evening.

Many of the pieces created in
his classes are marketable. Wtiicik
said. and he eventually wants to cie
ate a design store that showcases
and sells student work.

The pendants are currently on
display on the first floor of Pence

Panel to
white, black

By Wesley Robinson

uewsfli‘kykeroel corn

Members of Alpha Phi Alpha will attempt to
change minds tonight with their forum on (ireek
life at L'K.

The forum at 7:30 pm. at the (‘enter Theater
is a part of l.M.P.:\.(‘.T. week by Alpha Phi Al~
pha l’ratemity. Inc. a historically black organila~
tion. The forum will aim to educate students. fac—
ulty and staff on the varying aspects of Greek
life. both black and white. while also attempting
to break down stereotypes and misconceptions of
black and white (ireek life and Greek living in

l.l\l P,.-\.('fl' stands for "I Made Progress
.»\nd (.‘hange loday.” and the week features
events tot iising on the theme of change.

"We want to build .i foundation for change."
said James Davidson. an integrated strategic
ctilttmttntcations ttitiitit‘.

Davidson. assistant editor of the Alpha Phi
Alpha l’raternity lnc. national newspaper. said
the forum is an attempt to discuss the relation—
ships within and between (ireeks and non

A panel of black and white (ireek members.
faculty and staff “1” answer questions about the

.»\|an DeSantis. associate professor of com~
munications. and author of "Inside (ireek U:
fraternities. Sororities. and the Pursuit of Plea—
sure. Power. and Prestige." will he a member of
the panel The book evaniines the white (ireek

1: u Forum airinage 3

ept. 11

trav es sto

By Jennifer Graham
newstikykeriief LD'V‘.

.\ traveling memorial tlc‘tllxillt‘tl to the victims
of Sept ll will pass through Lexington tomorrow
to raise awareness of .i new permanent memorial
at (irotmd /ero in New York (‘in

The memorial will run from In to am to
(v30 pm. at (‘lieapside Park and is free to the

"It is important to reach out to .-\mericans
across the country. " said Lynn Rasic. vice presi—
dent of public affairs for the National Sept ll
Memorial. ()ur feclmg is that we have an oblig
ation in get people to remember."

Mayor Jim Newbeny and first responder rep-
resentatives litre (‘hief Robert (i. Hendricks and
Police ('hief Anthony Beatty will participate in
the opening ceremony honoring Kentucky first
responders at fit It) .i.m

Susan Straub. Newberry's communications
director. said the city invited first responders from
all across Kentucky to attend the ceremony. and
she expects people from the police and fire de-
partments along with the Salvation Army and
Red (’ross to attend.

“There is not a person in the country that
Sept ll didn't affect." she said

The memorial. which started in Columbia.

See Sept. 11 on page 3

m 257.1915; W 257-2872


 PAGE 2) Tuesday, ilctober 2, 200/

suveku Go to wwwkykernelcom for the solution
— — I



2 8
























": to. ’e no! sauoasea to tell with caatror lhe trio Will be plagued by

HGI'QSCGPGS l, embody yet Make t ease! on rot/sell vagaries and people who cant make L10

W— ncer (June 22 July H) , lsdei s Cisrons Drive your own car, and watch
. .3 r

v”) .. a'e .vutc' .vav. G"Lt outtorortzes intratfrc

an act. be taken it you no“! Sagittarius (Nov. 22 Dec. 21) ,- lo
w. swat >7 awn '1. .2: s'.2:‘ day s an 8 Figure out how much
BY Linda C. Black at“ a ‘3" “y o‘an ,.;.. ye not ant what you can attoro to
Leo (July 23 Aug. 22) l'odai s a r' spend Moneys barring a hole in vour

“a y _. “spot a‘ about is pocket Don". let it get out of control
meme and ewse HBYVDDOV 8 watt Capricorn (Dec. 22 Jan. 19) ,-- Today
' r‘ r t 7%. tzi not ‘yitet Show yC‘a‘ s. a 8 ~ A lbend who's in school car
r»: We yor. Geode on {our next course of
boat _ .2 action A new otwaxrous tornoetrto'

mi car being we get moving on .t
Aquarius (Jan. 20 Feb. 18) -- iodar
. ‘ t

/ were down an l’WlIailOl‘ from

3;)“ pm

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Aries (March 21 April 19) ' ‘ t a. vngo (Aug. 23 Sept. 22)

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Libra (Sept. 23 Oct. 22) I. . ' .- a" l: . s a...:..: to dittease ’1o‘?e C'a
~ “ .p ' " ‘ .ly " : t' n " . .. .. a' ca? .' Jar t scnc-du'e amhng ease
Pisces (Feb. 19 March 20) . Today
lhe'e rs one person who -."~i
‘ testis pretty weil Maine more that‘
I \_~ 3' _ 1.: _ . .' "be. A? any rate these are the links vo-
Gemini (May 21 June 21) M29. ' r; .i ‘r 5' _: want 7;: he nth tor giht Fven a phone
.1 ~ v '1' ' ' Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ,, :1th . work

i . :a' y "axe Y’. 1)." ‘ . 200 'PlBUNF Mtilll‘t SEW/"Gib NI

yfi . . .
.. IUII suit RN! 5 \lt-Nl Hunk.

Taurus (April 20 May 20) '
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(your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture andrfun Kama ‘ Ql


1119 I7'I'SI'I

Nicole Richie
proudly shows off
her bump as other
celeb moms (in-
cluding Salma
Hayek!) welcome
their new additions

Bi J°¢v Bm'vmee

Nicole Richie probably ncy-
er imagined she would be bare»
foot and pregnant on her 26th
birthday. But that is exactly how
she spent the day while y‘aca—
tioning at the Four Seasons Rc~
sort Maui at Wailea in Hawaii
with her boyfriend. Joel Mad»
deli. On September 2] . the cou»
ple hit the beach. where the
birthday girl relaxed on a lounge
chair. “She had her hand on her
stomach and was staring out at
the ocean says an eyewitness.
“She seemed really peaceful and

hap )y'."

knd most important.
healthy. For the first time in
years. Richie iw ho is due in Jan»
uary ) filled out her bikini and
then some. The couple‘s Ilil‘t‘s‘»
day getaway was a gift from
Madden. ZS. who has been tourv
mg with his band. Good ('har»
lotte. “He‘s thrilled to spend
time with her." says a Madden
insider. After relaxing at the
beach and pool. Richie was
treated to a prenatal massage;
then the pair had a steak dinner
at their hotel. Says a witness.

“They kissed and held hands
throughout the meal.”

Bump On The Move

Richie is accompanying
Madden on his upcoming pro
mo~tional tour. with stops in
Charlotte. North Carolina. on
September 27. and Jacksonyille.
Florida. the following day. But
when the band tours Australia in
October. she may stay home.
"She‘s worried the trip could be
too much for her and the baby."
says an insider. Still. Madden
won't miss the next big birthday.
“He is lightening his schedule to
be free by the holidays." says a
source. in the meantime. he's
not shirking any responsibilitim.
As he told KllS-FM's Ryan
Seacrcst. "I already went to Tar-
get and got a stroller and a

Mary-Louise Parker

The Weeds star didn‘t pick
up an Emmy this year. btit she
still had something to show off
as she strolled through NYC on
September 20. The single ac-
tress. 43. was spotted carrying
her newly adopted African
daughter. (She joins big brother
Will. 3. whose dad is Parker‘s
t‘XAh()_\ll‘lCnd Billy Crudup. 39.)
Parker has remained mum on
the details . men the toddler's
name , but she seems confi-
dent in raising two children on
her ow it; “I‘m someone who
doesn't have a mass of talents in
life. but I think I‘m a good


Samantha Harris

Josselyn Sydney Hess was-
n‘t due until mid«()ctober. but
she surprised her parents (dad is
financial wholesaler Michael
Hess) with a September 33
birthday one day before her
mom was due back at work as
cohost of Dancing With the
Stars. “Ey my one said 1 was car-
rying like I was haying a boy."
Harris tells l‘s. “So when
Michael saw her. he exclaimed.
'()h. my gosh. it‘s a girll'" And
the 6-pound. llounce baby is
already getting ray‘e reviews:
Says Mom. “Josselyn Sydney is
so sweet. and we can‘t wait to
take her home'"

Salma Hayek

The cards at her August
baby -shower were addressed to
“Valentina." and on September
3|. the little girl arrived to col-
lect her gifts. According to a
source. the 72pound. 7-ouncc
baby -- officially Valentina
Paloma Pinault (the actress. ~11.
chose the name because it is
“strong and romantic." says a
source) -, was boni in Los An—
geles and welcomed by her dad
(and Hay’ek‘s fiance). business—
man Francois-Henri Pinault.-15.
maternal grandmother Diana
(who‘s staying for a month to
help) and maternal uncle Sami.



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Dr. David 6. Hunter

lst holder of the CottriII-Roifes Chair in Catholic Studies at
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Dr. Hunter will examine recent theories of the origins of priestly
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“Priestly Cellbacy In the Catholic Church: Origins and History”



Thursday, October 4, 7-30 pm.











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Student Artivtt'u-s Board // 70? Student Center If 8“) 257 8867
Paid in: m. \tudont Ari .w'v Mot lwn! .s .uhwr to rhanqr









Continued from page 1


president of the UAHA. said the plan involves int»
plementing additional standards to original codes.
including adding lighting off campus. yard mainte-
nance and deadbolt locks on bedrooms and front

"We would do more than minimum codes volun—
tarily in order to assure safe. clean. decent housing
around the university." Hardin said.

One of the main topics of discussion concemed
involving students with the process and educating
them about regulations for off-campus housing. SG
President Nick Phelps. one of three student govem-
ment representatives in attendance. said students
must take a stand and get involved with the commu-
nity discussion.

“Once they are aware of what‘s going on. I
think the key for students is to find out what their
responsibility is and the problem and to also find
out their responsibility in fixing it." Phelps said.
“Then I think what needs to be done will be clearly
identified. and we will make it happen."



Continued from page 1


DeSantis‘ participation on the panel
will provide more in-depth knowledge
on the topic. said Dwight Lacy. an agri-
culture and communications sophomore
and Alpha Phi Alpha member. Lacy
said he hoped DeSantis will ask educat-
ed questions and provide expert infor-
mation to uninformed audience mem-

DeSantis did not confirm his appear-

ance until yesterday and said while he is
unaware of what will be discussed in de-
tail. he is looking forward to panicipat—
Highlighting the differences be—
tween white and black sororities and
fratemities is a positive way to show
why separation in the Greek system is
beneficial. DeSantis said.

"A group that celebrates black cul-
ture and black history is a great idea."

DeSantis said.

A representative from Phi Delta
Theta fratemity and Delta Delta Delta
sorority will sit on the panel discussion.

Laura Wesley. a middle school edu-
cation senior and vice president of Delta
Delta Delta. said she is excited about
the forum and hopes it is useful in
breaking down stereotypes and barriers
between black and white orgiuiizations.

“We want to promote Greeks get-
ting involved with other Greeks
whether it's white or black. fratemity
or sorority." said Wesley. who will
serve as the Delta Delta Delta represen-
tative at the forum.

Aun Munis. philanthropy chair for
Phi Delta Theta. said he hoped the fo-
rum would help clear up misconcep—
tions about the differences between the
black and white Greek systems and
foster more collaboration between stu—
dent organizations.

“Along with the differences. we
have a lot of similarities. and we
should come together." Munis said.




Morality Police patrol West Bankw

Continued from page 1

raise awareness on these issues that
are relevant not only in the world.
but also on campus. said Callie
Hanks. director of the Student Ac-
tivities Board Cultural Ans Com-

“The main purpose of the dis-
play is to allow survivors to be em-
powered and tell their stories safe-
ly. and it also allows women to see
they‘re supponed.“ Groenwoldt
said. “Our display is slightly differ-
ent in that we allow supporters of
violence prevention to decorate
shirts as well.“

This is the third time the
Clothesline Project has been fea-
tured on campus. The exhibit is a
pan of Domestic Violence Aware-
ness Month. which started yesterday.

“Having participated last year in
making a shirt and seeing the dis—
play. I was more than willing to of-
fer them the space again this year as
well as general support for the pro-
ject." Hanks said. “I believe in sup—
porting the cause: it can happen to
any one of us. Decorating a T-shin
is a small way in which I can help."

The VIP Center. SAB and Stu—
dent Govemment are sponsoring the
project. which will be on display
through Oct. 31. Monday through
Friday from 11 am. to 5 pm.

SEPT. 11

Continued from page 1



SC. is touring through 25 cities in
25 states across the country. spread-
ing awareness about the Sept. 11
memorial and museum that will
open in 2009 and 2010 respective-
ly. The tour will end in December.

"We would like to see as many
people as possible visit the memor-
ial in Lexington." Rasic said. “In
other cities. we‘ve seen turnouts
into the thousands."

Lexington is the memorial‘s
only stop in Kentucky.

Citizens will have the chance to
walk though a photo exhibition.
which leads to a bus where people
can watch a seven—minute movie
about Sept. 11 and people affected
by the tragedy.

Another room will house ani-
facts of the scene. including fire-
fighters‘ uniforms. Outside of the
bus. people can learn more about
the day or donate money to the per~
manent memorial at Ground Zero
at different kiosks.

The tour offers Kentuckians the
chance to be a part of the perma-
nent memorial as well. The Nation-
al Sept. 11 Memorial is traveling
with steel beams for people to sign
that will be a pan of the memorial.

“The memorial gives people a
chance to be a pan of history." Ra-
sic said. “So far we’ve had about
12.000 people sign the beams."

By Dion Nissanbaum
McClatchv Newspapers

RAMALLAH. West Bank — The scrawny
teenage detainee squirmed uncenainly in his
seat as Palestinian police interrogators pep-
pered him with questions.

“Are you Muslim or not?" one officer
asked the sullen waiter. who‘d been picked up
for smoking in public during the daily fast for
the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. “When I
see you eating or smoking. it is shameful."

“Tell your boss that tomorrow. the first
thing we are going to do is close down his
restaurant." warned the second interrogator.
who was wearing a thick red armband that
read “Morality Police."

The Morality Police have come to the
Palestinian Authority. Only the charge isn‘t be—
ing led by hardliners from the militant lslamist
Hamas movement. as many once feared. it‘s
being spearheaded by the secular Fatah party
as part of its campaign to undermine growing
support for Hamas in the West Bank.

Morality police squads generally are asso-
ciated with authoritarian religious regimes
such as those in Iran and Saudi Arabia and the
deposed Taliban government in Afghanistan.

But here in the West Bank‘s most sophisti-
cated city. Fatah has usurped the idea as a way
to resurrect its image among an ever-more—
conservative population and to ensure that
Hamas doesn‘t gather the sort of strength and
support in the West Bank that allowed it to
seize control of the Gaza Strip over the sum-
mer. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud
Abbas and his secular allies also have clamped
down on Hamas charities. mosques and mili—
tants in the West Bank.

“Morality is pan of the public order." said
Murad Qundah. the 27«year—old police captain
who heads the new lO-person unit. “We are
not a religious police."

Launched two weeks ago to coincide with
the beginning of Ramadan. Morality Police

foot patrols already have arrested nearly two
dozen Palestinians for smoking or drinking in
public when they were supposed to be fasting.

Each day. the patrols are met with a mix-
ture of enthusiastic support. wary disinterest
and nervous distance. And while there‘s been
some grumbling. there also are some surpris-
ing expressions of support. even among young
women who dress in jeans. wear makeup and
don‘t cover their heads.

“We need this for our country so we can
walk freely in the streets without guys disturb—
ing us." said Nora. a 20-year-old Christian
university student who expressed no fears that
the unit would my to force her to wear modest
clothes or wear a headscarf. She asked that she
be identified only by her first name.

The squad agrees that it isn‘t trying to
force women to cover their heads or forgo
tight-fitting jeans. Instead. it‘s targeting boys
who harass girls and people smoking or eating
during the daily Ramadan fast.

Penalties are relatively lenient. Although
the police tell people that they ‘11 be jailed until
the end of Ramadan for eating. drinking or
smoking in public. Qundah said most people
have been freed within a day or two.

Earlier this week. Qundah led his squad
across town to where a second unit had cor-
ralled the consted young teenage boy ac—
cused of smoking in public. A member of the
Morality Police squad firmly linked arms with
the boy and quietly chastised him as they
walked to the nearby police station for ques-

In a sparse. dimly lit office. Qundah and a
second unidentified officer castigated the
teenager. who was freed after he agreed to
sign a statement vowing not to smoke or cat
during the Ramadan fast.

“If we allow everyone to break the fast.
there would be no Ramadan." the second iii-
terrogator lectured the boy. "You are not fast»
ing to satisfy the Morality Police. You are fast-
ing to satisfy God."




U.S. combat deaths

By NIEELA. Vousse_l
McClatchy Newspapers

WASHINGTON ~ US. military deaths
in Iraq fell to their lowest point in more than a
year in September. figures show. a continua-
tion of a four-month decline in combat casual-
ties that has analysts debating why.

Sixty-four American service members
died in Iraq in September. according to icasu-
alties.org. which operates the Iraq Coalition
Casualty Count Web site. Of those. 43 died
from hostile action. according to the site.
which tracks the casualties of 1.1.5. and other
coalition countries.

The last time the US. death toll was that
low was in July 2006. when 43 troops died. 38
of them in hostile action.

This year. deaths peaked in May. when
126 troops died. 120 of them in hostile action.
Since then. the number of troops killed by
hostile action has fallen each month. despite
predictions from American commanders that
they would rise once the US. troop buildup
was completed and the US. began more ag-
gressive action. That buildup was completed
in June.

The decline parallels a drop in casualties
caused by roadside bombs. the No. 1 cause of
deaths for Americans in Iraq.

According to icasualtics. only 27 Ameri-
can troops died from improvised explosiyc de-
vices. or IEDS. in September. down from the
year's peak of 88 iii May. The last month
when IED casualties were that low was I‘Chl'll-
iuy. when IEDs claimed 27 American liyes; HI
US. troops died in Iraq that month.

Those statistics include EFI’s. explosively
formed penetrators. which can pierce armor.
Top military commanders in Iraq have said
those devices are coming from Iran.

The US. began increasing the number of
troops in Iraq in February. adding fiyc combat
brigades in a so-called “surge" strategy that
was completed in June. US. troops then be-
gan a series of offensives in Baghdad and in
conflicted areas north and south of the capital
that American commanders had said would
likely result in higher US. casualties.

Instead of rising. however. casualties haw
declined. leaving analysts debating whether
the surge had succeeded in defeating insure
gents or whether amied groups had simply left
to avoid combat with American troops.

luesday, October 2, 2007 | PAGE 3

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A Geographer

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Thomas R. Leihbach
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@flcce of SW 74er, [Mew/1472 8 finaaluenuwzf


The (amour Calendar is produced by the Office of Student Art/wries. Leadership 5 Involvement Registered Student Orgr and UK Depti tan Sub'fi t ”format/or tor FREE or. he OM WEI x Devi ,» . m :1 1

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I .

i- The Naked Truth, i. A History of
57:00pm, Worsham jViolence, 8:00pm,
iTheater Center Theater

0 Videodrome,
10:00pm, Worsham

0 Making the Most of
Your Internship,
3:30pm Stuckert
Career Center

0 Foosball
Tournament, 7:30pm,
Student Center Cats

0 Kick Off Your it Open Mic Night,
College Career! 9:00pm, New North
3:30pm, B&E Building Hall East Wing

0 Cheap Seat - Kites, Three-Legged
Tuesdays-8:00pm, Race, Russian
Worsham Theater Tzarcasm, 8:00pm,

0 Career Fair Clues, Dogtown (1026
12:00pm, Oliver H. Manchester St.)
Raymond Building 0 Comedy Caravan,

0 Team Trivia, 8:00pm, 8:00pm, Student
Student Center Cats Center Cats Den

Den 0 Career Fair Clues,

0 Dance Lessons, 3:00pm, Oliver H.
8:30pm, Barker Hall Raymond Building
Dance Studio

0 Have a great










October 2, 2007
Page 4

g; Gina Christan”!


Anticipation surged as
Townsend Miller and 300 other
eager gamers waited anxiously
in hopes of completing their
Halo collection.

Miller. a middle school edu-
cation senior. and a couple of his
friends lined up on the sidewalk
of the Fayette Mall on Sept. 24.
They were waiting for EB
Games to open their doors at
midnight for the release of the
“Halo 3" video game,

“I stood in line for three
hours along with 300 other peo~
ple." Miller said. ”It was crazy.“

Fellow gamers cracked
jokes and discussed the past two
Halo games to pass the time.
Miller said. Once inside the
store. Miller said he was ecstatic
when he picked up his pre-or-
dered game.

“It was the most excited I‘ve
been in a long time." Miller

Miller was one of about 1
million people around the Unit--
ed States who pre-ordered the
game. according to CNNcom.

With his fresh copy of “Halo
3" in hand. Miller immediately
went home with his friends and
started playing. He said they
played for hours that first night
and continued on into the next

“I bought an X-Box 360 just
for this game." Miller said.

“Halo 3." the final part of
the game trilogy. is played pri—
marily in first person. Gamers
take on the role of a soldier
named Master Chief, These sol—
diers band together to fight
aliens and save humanity.

Mechanical engineering se-


Meghan Caro
features Editor


Middle school education senior Townsend Miller plays "Halo 3" in his apartment yesterday afternoon Miller
waited in line for three hours last Tuesday to buy the game at EB Games.

nior Ben Hobbs has been play-
ing “Halo 3" since he purc