xt7s7h1dnr4v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s7h1dnr4v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-02-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 07, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 07, 1991 1991 1991-02-07 2020 true xt7s7h1dnr4v section xt7s7h1dnr4v  

Vol. XCIV. N0. 105

Established 1894

LCC students
can join frats,
not sororities

News Editor

While Lexington Community
College students are now allowed
to pledge and join UK fraternities,
they probably won’t be able to join
UK sororities anytime soon.

"Although it’s a different situa-
tion here between LCC and the
University of Kentucky, community
college students aren’t traditionally
enrolled in classes at a university,”
said Susan West, sorority adviser in
the Dean of Students Office. “It just
wouldn’t be possible for them to
become involved in sororities

UK‘s student code allows LCC
students to be involved in all carn-
pus organizations, but groups have
the right to select their own men.-
bers, West said.

“Although it would depend on
the national headquarters for sorori-
ties, I don’t see that (allowing LCC
students to pledge) being a move
within the sorority system here,"
West said.

West said students must be en-

rolled at a four-year institution of
higher learning to be eligible to
pledge or join a sorority. UK’s Pan-
hellenic Council reviews its consti-
tution every November, at which
time it can be amended.

“It hasn‘t been brought up at Pan—
hellenic yet,” said Shellee White,
Panhellenic president and member
of Alpha Omicron Pi social sorority.
“Nothing like that has come up, but
we just got through with officer
elections, so we haven’t had a
chance to discuss anything like

UK’s lnterfratemity Council vot-
ed Monday to amend its constitu-
tion, which now allows LCC stu-
dents to pledge and join campus

White said she had heard about
IFC‘s decision and planned to dis-
cuss it with West. Although UK’s
Panhellenic Council has not talked
about the issue yet, White said it
“may be something we will address

“The reason why it's there (in the
See LCC, Back page

Lohman addresses
use of SGA account

Assistant News Editor

In response to recent Kentucky
Kernel articles about his use of a
checking account unregulated by
University officials, Student Gov-
ernment Association President Sean
Lohman addressed the SGA Senate
last night.

“I know you expect me to make
comments regarding the (articles)
.So, I do have a couple of things
to say," Lohman said at a regular
Senate meeting. “First of all, about
the articles, themselves, I just have
a philosophy I don’t believe
there's any difference in telling half
the truth and telling a lie.

”I just want to clarify some
things . First, I want to reiterate
the reason behind closing the
checking account. It was because of
the University tax ID number —
which never appeared in an article.
The University did not close it
down because they had a problem
with what we were doing."

When the account was set up in
1985, the University‘s tax ID num-
ber was used, although it was not
needed. Lohman said in SGA com-
mittee meetings last week.

University officials asked Loh-
man to close the account after they
discovered the use of the number in
a recent review.

“If we start another account, I
want to tell you that I think we
should have a co-signer on it," Loh-
man said. “That‘s something that is
just good business practice."

Lohman told the senators if they
had any questions about the account
or other matters, they should feel
free to talk to him.

He asked the senators to make
sure they are fully educated on is-
sues before commenting on them in

the future. “I cannot emphasize that
enough,” he said.

An article in SGA’s constitution
addresses checks and balances. he
said. “The rules are there; we just
need to follow them . I don’t
know that it‘s my job to check that
you’re checking me."

Lehman said the Kentucky Kernel
needs to be held accountable for
what he called omitting certain in-
formation from articles written re-
cently about his use of the account.

“I believe in a free press, and, yes,
even if that press is like a tabloid —
and I believe in accountability. I be-
lieve that the Kentucky Kernel will
be held accountable for everything
that they did and did not print," he

Lohman also spoke of the success
of last weekend’s prejudice redqu
tion workshop.

“I didn‘t appreciate there not be-
ing an article in the Kernel about it,"
he said. “Here we are doing some-
thing good for prejudice reduction,
good for the community, good for
the campus — and nothing (in the

In other action, the Senate:

-Passed a resolution requesting
that UK administrators develop a
plan to allow students a leave of ab-
sence from UK should an immediate
family member be “rotated back the
states, injured or killed in action (in
the gulf)"

-Approved Lohman‘s appoint-
ment of Greg Watkins as the new
election board chairman.

-Passed a bill allocating $750 to
the American College of Healthcare
Executives Student Chapter to assist
in hotel and registration expenses
for the group's annual conference.

-Passed a bill containing several
changes — mostly slight revisions
— in SGA's constitution.

Independent since 1971

Kentucky Kernel

University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky

Thursday, February 7. 1991





. \M ‘w. . M“. . ‘ .. I: “I ..-- .


Steve Bottom, a pre-med freshman, practiced his trumpet yesterday in the Recital Hall of the Singletary Center for the Arts













12100-1 :00








1002 '00











Office Hours






10:50—11 :50

110012 00



Tony Holloway
Jill Lowry AH
Mike Sparkman ARC



10 00-1100


John C Middleton A & 8
Greg O'Connell B 8. E
Shawn Meaux COMM


1:00-2 :00



Christa Collins EDU
David Brickeen ENG
Brandon Brooks FA




Adrian Jones GRAD
Kim Kells HOME-EC
Ronald Polly LAW


2 I403 :40



Elaine Parker LIB, SCI,
Carl Baker MED
Jim Arnett PHAR


12 00-1 00

12200—100 12 001 00


Lenore Crihtield SOC WK
David Lilly LCC



Sean Lohman
Sarah Coursey



12005.00 2 00-500

1 00-400


2 005.00
11 00200

1 00-400



ROBIN JONESr Kernel Graphics

Allies continue air raids; Iraqi fire futile

Associated Press

DHAHRAN, Saudi Arabia — In
another day of nonstop aerial ballis-
tics, the United States shot down at
least two fleeing Iraqi jets yesterday
and Iraq blasted the sky with intense
— but apparently futile — anti-
aircraft fire, allied military officials

Allied jets ranged deep into Iraqi
territory, and Iraq claimed that 150

civilians had been killed in a single
air raid, including 35 children.
Baghdad radio complained that the
United States and its allies were
bombing hospitals, mosques and

“They want to expel Iraq from
the 20th century.“ a radio announc-
er said.

lraq announced that it was sever-
ing diplomatic ties with the United
States, Britain, France, Italy, Egypt
and Saudi Arabia — the leading

members of the coalition that is try-
ing to oust Iraqi troops from Ku-

Jordan‘s King Hussein appealed
for a cease-fire in the Persian Gulf
war, which be said was destroying
Iraq. But in Washington, Secretary
of State James A. Baker III tried to
steel Congress for a long and
bloody fight.

“The military actions now under
way necessarily involve many casu-
alties, great hardships and growing

fears for the future." Baker said in
testimony to the House Foreign Af-
fairs Committcc. “Tough times lie

Baker's warning was old news to
the allied troops massed near Saudi
Arabia‘s border with Kuwait. They
spent a tense but relatively quiet day
on the front, still waiting for a
ground offensive they know will be
difficult and deadly.

“Yes, I‘m scared," said a female
Army sergeant in the Saudi frontier

town of Hafr-aI-Batin. “Anyone
who tells you they‘re not just
doesn't know very much.”

There was little respite. apparent-
Iy, for Iraq's Republican Guard. the
highly feared soldiers at the rear of
Iraqi lines in Kuwait.

An alphabetic panoply ()1 allied
bombers — F-IS Echoes, P to Lan—
terns, A-oEs and venerable B-Sls
— continued to tire tons of explo-

See GULF. Back page


TV class
to allow



Cont'lbut'og W' fer

\ Ilt‘\\ which Aston! installed .11
{K 'AIII not t.ittiIt\ tn
tenth .iiiirsi's to students in other
parts oi the state II ‘-\lII allow them
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. !1I\ .iII|\'v\

t; LIgtssroiun

Intt‘rutlm‘ \ wIco itiltcrs Irom tith-
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delivered .ourscs. wnI_\ .iIIlm the
student to we the lII\II'IIt'IiII’.

»\t .i Prk‘\\ .iintercnt‘e \C\lCr(lii\ at
the (‘cntcr ttir Riiholtts .iniI \Ianu—
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nit\ ('iiIIccc \\\It‘III into who IIIll'
\t‘f\1l\. t‘tiIIiniz lot'ctht‘r l.» t‘rmntc
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“This technology I\ t’\,c‘IIIlItI III it
sell] hut shat \ cspt't‘itiliy \IL‘IIIII-
.‘ttnt I\ that II .itttls .i whole new iIi
incnsion a. I K; atom to extend
.tlIIlI‘lh shitcwrdc. and Iiuuenc

See ROBOTICS Back page


Students Mobilized
Against Saddam
Hussein WIII hold a
rally at 1 pm .n the
Free Speech Area of
the Student Center.

tII(‘\\\ l'.\("\\;l\

it‘li'xision .vr


Raw Re-
crUIls just
as potent a
year later

Page 3






 2 — Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, February 7, 1991

Curry adds sixteen recruits to ‘family’

Staff Writer

Listening to UK football coach
Bill Curry, it‘s easy to get a good
idea about the kind of stress, pres-
sure and —— fi-
nally — satisfac-
tion that goes
into recruiting.

Yesterday was
the first day that
recruits could
sign national let-
ters of intent,
which was big -
step in Curry‘s «~26
plans. The sec- CURRY
end-year coach signed 16 players
for the 1991 season.

The signing group, ranked among
the nation's Top 25 and the top
“sleeper" by USA Today, has Curry
feeling like he’s “just left the deliv-
ery room.”

And when recntits arrive in Lex-
ington, “family" is exactly what
Curry wants them to experience on

“We came here a little more than
a year ago, and one of the reasons

was that we sensed a great will
among the Kentucky fans to have a
great football program,” Curry said.
In order to keep building toward
championship performance. you
have to have an outstanding recruit‘
ing year. We believe we have that
with this group."

Curry and recruiting coordinator
Tommy Lindbaugh had their work
cut out for them with this year‘s re-
cruiting class.

The signees include eight in-state
players and eight players from six
other states.

Among the in-state signees,
Emerson Wells (Paducah Tilgh-
man), Leon Smith (Louisville Trini-
ty). and Corey Reeves (Corbin)
were heavily sought-after by such
national powerhouses as Notre
Dame, Miami and Colorado.

Wells could be the finest player in
the group. The 6-3, 225-pound line-
backer -— named first team All-
State by The Associated Press ——
was included in the Atlanta Joumal-
Constitution’s top 50 prospects.
Wells also was also named a Super-
prep All-American.

“For us to work our defensive sys-
tem to its maximum efficiency, we

need what you call a big play line-
backer." Curry said. “We need a
great player that can move around
and exploit the weaknesses and ten-
dencies of the other team. We be-
lieve he (Wells) can be that kind of

Curry said he was pleased with
the quality of the in-state players
and their response to UK’s program.

"There are enough good football
players in Kentucky to build the
heart of our team," he said. ”The
arms and the legs can come from
out of state. i think 50 percent of our
team should come from Kentucky
for it to represent the state.

“I also feel great about the type of
players we’re bringing in. All of
these players come from winning


“Take Leon Smith, for example.
Has he ever played in a losing
game? We don’t have to teach these
players how to be winners —-
they’ve already acquired that."

Smith never lost a varsity game at
Trinity, as the Shamrocks went to
three consecutive 4A championships
and posted a 42-0 record.

One in-state recruit, Damon
Hood, had not signed at press time,





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but Kentucky's “.Mr Football" was
expected to sign sometime last

Steve Langenkamp. a 6-4, 225-
pound tight end from Cincinnati,
and D' Andre Jenkins, a 5-11 defen-
sive back from Mobile, Ala., high-
light UK's out~of—state recniiting

“There are some great football ar-
eas within a stone's throw of here,"
Curry said.

“Some are just an hour or two
drive. Cincinnati. for example. We
recruit it as if it were in state. And
then you can get to Chicago within
five-and-a-half hours; Cleveland
within six hours and Detroit within
six hours. We didn't do very well in
those places this year, but we do
feel like we got the foot in the

Curry said speed — the weakest
aspect of last year‘s squad — was
UK’s primary recruiting efforts.
And each of the 16 signees has the
ability to run.

“We’ve got some good skilled
people in this group,” he said. “And
even the big guys can run. That was
a big inadequacy last season.”


Staff Writer

MOREHEAD, Ky. —— UK Lady
Kat basketball coach Sharon Fan-
ning kept her cool during her
team's sloppy start in last night's
game against Morehead State.

She knew that time — along
with depth of talent — was on her

UK took advantage of More-
head’s lack of depth and outlasted
the Lady Eagles 83-67.

The win raised the Lady Kats’
record to 15-7 overall and 1-5 in
the Southeastern Conference.

However, UK had its problems.

After jumping out to a 4-0 lead,
the Kats turned the ball over al-
most seven times during the next
four minutes. The Kats' best
shooters — Stacy McIntyre and
Kristi Cushenberry — couldn’t
find their shooting touch.

Morehead State capitalized on
UK’s careless ball-playing to take
an early 23-16 lead.

“I was happy that we won but
disappointed that we didn’t reach
our potential," Fanning said.

But the pace was quick, and the


Kats use bench, win 83-67

Lady Eagles ran out of gas.

Sophomore Mia Daniel and
freshman Tedra Eberttart came off
the bench to spark a 14-point UK
run, which was capped by a 10—
foot jumper by freshman Christie
Jordan. The Kats went to the lock-
er room with a 40-28 score.

“I felt like us pushing them up
the floor and us using our bench
—— it gave us a big lift.” Fanning

After the Kats got it going late
in the first half, they kept it going.
Morehead never climbed back
into the game.

Freshman point guard Karen
Killen staned the game in place of
senior Tracye Davis, who was
limited to only a few minutes be-
cause of an injured shoulder.

Killen took advantage of her
time in the spotlight, leading the
Kats in scoring with 17.

As four other Kats scored in
double figures, Fanning had room
to empty her bench.

Both Mclntyre and Daniel fin-
ished the game with 14 points

Center Bev Smith led the Eagle
attack with 18 points 15.



Mash says Shack belongs in pros

Associated Press

BATON ROUGE, La. — Tenth-
ranked Kentucky lived with the
three-point shot through its first 20
games, but the Wildcats died with it
against No. 19 Louisiana State.

Kentucky shot 40 three-pointers
and made only eight, losing to LSU
107-88 on Tuesday night.

Kentucky had 96 shots to LSU’s
58, but shot 29.2 percent for the
game and only 20 percent from the
three-point line. LSU hit 67 percent
of its shots, although only three of
eight (37.5 percent) were from
three-point range.

“Sooner or later, you‘re going to
have a game like we had (Tuesday
night)," Kentucky coach Rick Pitino
said. “Sometimes it helps a team in
that you come out stronger than ever
the next time."

Shaquille O’Neal scored 33
points, got 16 rebounds and blocked
seven shots for LSU (14—6 overall,
7-4 Southeastern Conference). Ken-
tucky is 17-4 and 9—2 in the SEC, al-
though ineligible for the champion-
ship because it is on NCAA

“Our game plan was to get
(O’Neal) in foul trouble, but he had
a career night," Kentucky forward
Jamal Mwhbum said. “It’s time for
him to go to the next level."

Mashbum is a freshman, O’Neal a
sophomore. and Mashbum‘s con-
cern for O‘Neal could be based —
at least in part - on not wanting to

golden Key Honor Society

face him for two more years.

“His performances are always
good," Mashbum said. “You expect
him to get his points every night."

O‘Neal did sit for seven minutes
because of foul trouble, but LSU
also got 35 points off the bench —
19 of them from Harold Boudreaux.

And Mashbum sat for 15 minutes
because of foul trouble.

LSU was ahead 61-53 with 15:52
to go in the second half when
O’Neal picked up his third foul and
went to the bench. Coach Dale
Brown left Mike Hansen as the only
starter on the court. and LSU went
on a 9-2 run with Hansen getting
three points in the surge and Bou-
dreaux getting five to put LSU on
top 70-55.

Hansen had 17 points, and reserve
forward Wayne Sims had 10.

O‘Neal said he told his teammates
to ignore Brown and just play their

“Players feel if they make a mis-
take, the coach is going to take them
out. I told them, ‘Don‘t wony about
that. Forget him and play your
game,m O‘Neal said.

O’Neal said he can usually tell
when the game starts how he‘s go-
ing to play.

“I'm the type of player that if I
make my first shot, I feel like l'm
going to have a good game," he
said. “My first shot was a dunk, so.

Mashbum led Kentucky scoring
with 19 points. Deron Feldhaus had
18, and Brassow and Pelphrey had

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13 each.

“This is an outstanding Kentucky
team,“ Brown said. “They have the
potential to beat any team in the
country. Rick Pitino has done an ex-
cellent job of coaching, and he has a
deep bench that hustles and gets af—
ter it.”



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Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, February 7, 1901 - 3



The mannequin
who could speak

‘An American Life’ tells.

us a lot about Reagan



Ronald Reagan
Simon and Schuster (748 page:
$24.95 hardcover)


Associate Editor

onald Reagan turned 80 yes

terday. and he had much ti

celebrate. Rising from mea
ger beginnings in the Midwest, the
Illinois native became one of the
most important Americans of the
20th century.

The actor who became president
knocked the country’s political cen-
ter to the right, presided over the na-
tion’s longest peacetime economic
expansion and eased tensions — at
least temporarily — between the
great powers.

In his autobiography, Ronald
Reagan: Art American Life, the 40th
president of the United States gives
us a small glimpse into how he
came to be one of the political lead-
ers of America‘s conservative
movement and the impact he tried
to make on the nation.

An American Life has been criti—
cized for not being a tell-all book
and shedding light on anything new
about the Reagan years. The smok-
ing gun that the media searched for
during the Iran-contra hearings does
not turn up and neither does much
criticism about his administration.
But what did people expect: Reagan
bearing his soul to the nation, re-
vealing his deepest secrets?

.ltt . illlt'l'fttlll / t/t'



Reagan tells the readers in the be-
ginning of the book that he is a very
private man, unwilling to let many
people except his wife know much
about him.

Rather than reading the book for
what one does not already know
about Ronald Reagan, the book
should be approached as insight into
why Reagan was Reagan.

Before An American Life came
out a few months ago. perhaps more
books and articles were written
about Reagan by former administra-
tion officials than any presidents be-
fore him. Everyone from speech
writers to budget directors wrote
their accounts of eight of the most
important years in Washington’s

Reagan responds to much of the
criticism leveled at his administra-
tion, mostly in a less-than-
emotional way. But one area he is
very emotional about are criticisms
about his wife, Nancy, to whom he
dedicated the book. Reagan writes
that he has little tolerance for at-
tacks against his wife, because if


‘Raw Recruits’ exposes sleazy side of college athletics


Alexander Wolff
and Armen Keteyian
Pocket Books (318 pages, $5.95


Editor in Chief

hen Raw Recruits was re—
leased last year in hard-
cover, the explosive 274-

page expose on college
basketball recruitment practices -—
including UK's —— sent shockwaves
through the country. A year later,
the book, now available in paper-
back, still packs a powerful punch.

Raw Recruits, researched and
written by Alexander Wolff and Ar-
men Keteyian, promises to take
readers deep inside the high-stakes,
big-money world of college recruit-
ing, while also revealing the often
devastating personal, financial and
emotional costs to the players,
coaches and institutions involved.

It delivers, making for fascinating
reading. Raw Recruits details spe-
cific violations at colleges like
UCLA, UNLV and Syracuse and
provides what the authors call “a re-
vealing look at the dramatic col-
lapse of the winningest program in
history — the Kentucky Wildcats."

The authors delve into such sub-
jects as Nike's top spokesman, Son-
ny Vaccaro, the shoe magnate; and
why the NCAA can’t enforce its
niles. But it's obvious their main fo-
cus is on the UK program.

No punches are pulled. The infor-
mation written about Adolph Rupp,
Joe B. Hall and Eddie Sutton (cur-
rent coach Rick Pitino is largely
spared) is enough to paralyze any-
body's Big Blue spinal cord.

Wolff and Keteyian paint a pic-
ture of corruption about the Ken-

Dime-store soap opera has firm hold





"it “.ijl ‘yi at


tucky program but focus primarily
on events that led to severe NCAA
sanctions in May 1989. If you were
in a cave for two years or didn‘t fol-
low the daily events in the newspa-
per, the authors give a full rehash.
But there’s enough new material to
make it fresh and interesting, if not
sick to your stomach.

In particular, the duo tell why UK
came to have a fishbowl atmosphere
and why its coaches could never
fully grab control of the handle. “In
many ways," the authors write,
“Hall was even better suited than
Rupp to run the Big Blue machine.
He had Ieamed under Rupp what
Eddie Sutton found out the hard
way: the program was now so big
that a coach was just a steward of
something belonging to several mil~
lion other people."

Other findings:

-The authors criticize Sutton for
practically begging for the UK job
when it opened in 1985 and for later
trying to distance himself from trou-
ble when the NCAA alleged late in
1988 that an air-freight package
sent to then-UK recruit Chris Mills
contained 51.000 in cash and that
former Wildcat Eric Manuel com-
mitted academic fraud.

-David Roselle, who took on the
”ready, fire, aim" fans who wanted
him to defend the program - not
turn it in — is praised as a modem-


V.C. Andrews
Pocket Books (407 pages, pa-


Staff Writer

awn, the first book in V.C.
DAndrews‘ new series. contin—

ues Andrews‘ tradition of
captivating her audience.




Ronald Reagan changed the way Americans looked at the presiden-
cy and the way the world saw America.

people have a quarrel with his poli-
cies or administrations, they should
direct their anger at him, not his

Reagan’s strong love for his wife.
however, must have been one of the
reasons he wrote so little about his
first wife, actress lane Wyman.
Only one 38‘word paragraph is giv—
en in the 748-pagc b(X)k about his
marriage to her.

Reagan is very kind to his predc-
cessor in the White House, Jimmy
Carter. Reagan emphasizes that he
thought Caner was a very well-
meaning president —— as all liberals
are — he simply was confused
about how to get the nation back on
its feet.

A common perception about the
Reagan years was that the White

House was run by a group of people
from America's corporate board-
rooms, who pulled Reagan‘s strings
and instructed him how to think.
But as Reagan shows in An Amer»
trim Llff’, he had ideas. articulated
them anti caused a nation to perk
up. As a group of movie agents
learned when Reagan came to Hol-

lywood, thc “mannequin could
What is especially astounding

about Reagan's political philosophy
is how consistent it was throughout
his life. Raised a Democrat. Rcagan
writes that he always believed that
govcmmcnt should not hamper the
success of the individual, because
that was the energy that kept the na-

See REAGAN, Page 4




Eddie Sutton coached in a fish bowl during his four years as UK

basketball head coach.

day Elliott Ncss for hiring Pitino as
coach and Mr. Clean hiinscll, CM.
Newton, as athletic director,

-Rupp is critic‘t/cd in thc book by
other coaches because of thc likeli-
hood that collcgc basketball's all»
time leading winncr chcatcd during
his 42-year span. Says Ray Meyer,
former coach at DcPaul University:
If Rupp did cheat. then all those vic-
tories UK racked up “don‘t mean a
damn thing.“

The most revealing account is a

Dawn, a best scllcr in collcgc
bookstores, has characteristics simi
lar to Andrcws' previous novcls: a
girl from a underprivileged family
is forced into an upperclass family
who abuses her. an incestuous rela-
tionship is involved and a fairytale
happy ending is the result.

Andrews is the best-selling author
of the Dollangangcr and the C astecl
family series. She became ill while
writing the Castecl series and began
working finish as many stories as

ratlicr disturbing story about Brct
Bcarup, a forward lot thc Wildcats
for live ycats wlto now works Ill
lomsvillc as an attorncy lhc .iu
thors say he \MD "a littlc too liiii
loving and immature to bc the ideal
Wildcat" iii otlicr words. hc rcr
sistcd being a ittitidlcss cog in thc
Big Blue machine and paid the

And Bcartip was tipsct to scc the

See RECRUITS, Page 4

on readers

she could bcforc hcr dcatli, Bccausc
of her hard work. thcrc will \ll” bc
morc V.(‘ Andrcw s llt)\\‘l\

Although thcrc arc similar charac
tcristtcs iii all of Andrcws' novcls.
each story linc is uniqiic and has
enough mystcry to make thc rcadcr
continuc to rcad and wait for the
next book of thc scrics or an cntirc
my series such as [)awn

Andrew's strcssCs that lovc. rathcr

See DAWN. Page 4

The need to give
back to our country



William F Buckley, Jr.
Random House (169 pages,
$16.95 hardcover)


Staff Critic

many of the nation‘s youth

served in the armed forces and
learned a great sense of indebted-
ness to our country. But with the
current decline in a need for a large
military (despite the current hostili-
ties in the Persian Gulf), many have
bandied about the idea of national
service for our nation’s youth.

Such a proposal is made by con-
servative political commentator
William F. Buckley Jr. in his latest
book, Gratitude: Reflections on
What We Owe Our Country.

Many have expressed surprise
about a conservative such as Buck-
ley proposing national service.
Buckley’s own magazine, National
Review, teased its review of the
book with the statement. “How
could such a level«headed fellow
like William F. Buckley propose na-
tional servicc'"

The answer lies in Buckley’s ap-
proach to the idea. He writes that
national service is a paying of "a
debt to civilization; more distinctly,
a debt to the ‘latherland’ *7 the na—
tion-state into which we were born.
or to which we repaired.”

But. he warns, that national ser-
vlCC, “if transformed merely into a
state bureaucracy with huge powers
of intimidation, is not only to be
avoided, it is to be fought."

Buckley begins his essay wtth an
introduction to Robert Ely. Ely is an
imaginary character effectively used
to illustrate Buckley‘s idea of the
effect of national service on the
youth of America. We visit Ely
throughout the book as he decides
to join national service. partiCipates
in it and graduates frorn it.

Buckley himself first proposcd
national serVice in his 1973 lxxtk
Four Reforms, and Gratitude con»
tains four reprinted pages from the
18-year-old work.

in the reprinted pagcs Buckley
outlines his idea of haying scycral
top colleges and univcrsttics rcqmrc
a year of national schicc before
they would accept students. While .i

In earlier days of our republic,


buckle 'r.

good idea, it obviously never caught
on, which led Buckley to re-
evaluate his plan for national ser-

He critiques the so-called Nunn
Bill, which was proposed to the
Senate in 1989 by Democratic Sen.
Sam Nunn. The Nunn Bill would ei-
ther give a $10,000 tax credit for
home mortgages or college tuition
or, in some instances, the graduates
could get a direct cash gift.

Buckley writes of the bill that a
“straight cash gift can be abused. A
tax credit presupposes productivity,
in the absence of which there is
nothing against which to apply the
credit." Buckley would allow for
those who never cam enough mon-
cy for the credit.

Buckley rejects any sort of com-
pulsory national service, “Better
that its ctti/cns discover for them-
selves thc special \‘JllN’iLlCUOfiS that
come to those who . cxpcricnce
the subtle csaltatton of community

This of course leads us to the
question of inducements, Besides
the tax tft‘dll, Buckley would limit
federal tax subsidies to only those
who have served in the national ser-
vice. He rejects the tdca ot a 5 per-
cent tax surcharge on those w ho re-
fuse to serve because that would
give thc state too much powcr. The
primary induccmcnt. Buckley
hopes, will be pccr pressure to
\CTVC. .tlong with a natural \cnse of

in his chapter devoted primarily
to the libertarian i‘blt‘cilttn to thc
tdca of national .crvtcc. Buckley
again argues c()ll\'lllClnL'l}. ilc
pomts out that no \0ClCl_\' can long
\lll'\'l\'t‘ ‘vlehUUi ll rcgcncralton (ll itR
tTIU/Cnr}', l.t‘., cl\'lf1U(lU\Lllllcnf).


Bill Bucklcy has written a titiicly
and wcll-citgucd cssay tin national
servicc. it is .i book that .lcscrvcs
our .ittcntion and will ititluciicc thc
dcbatc irrcyocably.

Berry offers poignant
critique of our society


Wendell Berry
North Point Press (210 pages.
$19.95 hardcover $9.95 paper-


Assocuate Editor
