xt7s7h1dnp2k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s7h1dnp2k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-10-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 28, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 28, 1971 1971 1971-10-28 2020 true xt7s7h1dnp2k section xt7s7h1dnp2k C
an independent newspaper published by studentsg at the university of kentucky . .
Thursday, Oct. 28, 197l LEXINGTON. KENTI'CKY 10506 Vol. LXlll. .\'o. ll
O O O 0
Group wants radical change m medlcme 4
C t' t f h 1th bl
By GREG HARTMANN Assistant Managing Editor
Mountaineers, med school people and you $40 or $50 to get to a hospital, and then ) Local control of health care institutions
concerned citizens from across the nation will you’d have to wait for hours before seeing a by patients and health workers. ‘
meet at UK this weekend as part of a crusade to physician,” ) An end to sex and race discrimination in
“shift medical power to the people.” Getzle said the UK MCHR is working in Eastern health jobs and schools.
The meeting is the semi-annual convention of Kentucky through established groups such as the M 8 cm . .
. . . . . g starts Friday
the Medical Committee for Human nghts Black Lung Assoc1ation. “The people are really The convention be . F 'd . -
. . . . V . ,, . gins n ay night in the
(MCHR),a loose-knit assocmtlon of groups seeking glad to get help from the UniverSity, he sald. A 'culture Auditorium with speakers Slide
radical change in'Americangmedicine. _ g “The biggest thing we’ve done here (on campus) prgelgentations and Appalachian music. saturday
OUT emphasrs here W111 be on OCCUPKUOHKI 13 medical draft counseling,” Geutzle said. “There . - - . - -
n . . morning sessrons in Memorial Hall Will include
health problems, said Frank Goldsmith, MCHR was really a demand for that. We’ve also worked - - - - .
. . . “ . . . . . panels and mov1es on strip mining and black lung . . V .
organizational director. One 18 black lung disease. some w1th buth control coungehng and run a Free d. V. a; '. V.’V '-
. We’ll also work on the general economic and U. street medicine class.” isease. 5., 'g-_L
health problems which come from misuse of . . Saturday afternoon the workshops Will be in l' ,-'-'V.' "
industry against people.” _ MCHR shares information . White Hall Classroom Building and the night ' : -- 'er.
Cities critical problems “ GOIstmlch ”531d MCHR fined to serve ‘1 meeting will be in the Agriculture Auditorium. , .
Goldsmith said the convention will feature coordinating role. We dont tell the chapters Sunday is set aside for MCHR organizational j.
workshops on black lung disease, strip mining, what to do. We just want. to let them knovglabout, business. V. g. . . .
prison and military health, proposed national others who might be facmg the same pro ems, Convention organizers expect some 500 people En“
health programs and other problems in American he sa‘d' . . . _ . to attend, with delegations from the Appalachian e. ‘ '
g health care. A preliminary MCHR 995190“ paper drafted m Group to Save the Land and People. Save Our V'=
_ “If we can present our case correctly to the September lists five princ1ples which should Kentucky. Citizen’s League to Protect Surface
people, they Will demand their money be spent 0“ underlie any health care system In America: Rights in Letcher County and others. Sessions will
health care rather than on war,” Goldsmith ) Complete and preventive health care for be open to the campus.
explained. all, with no charge at the time of service. “We think the American people are readv to a".
“Even where health care is good, YOU still have D Financing through a progressive move for decent health care." Goldsmith said. "
the problems 0f getting to it,” added Terry Gutzle, loophole—free national tax on total wealth. “MCHR can provide the organizational thrust. The ,
UK MCHR member. “In a rural area it might cost D An end to profit-making in health care. problems—they’re already there,"
_V ”Iva:2ik’$"'i33€i’ ~ . .- ' at . W ‘ I
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V ' x ’33:“! g ' ' . 7:! ’ 2 s r%'° . ' ‘
W/ ff? r V. 35:»; .. 3 By GEORGE E. GIBSON. Kernel Staff Writer . _
’ - . a; ; - it 3 \V. 333$» \ i ' '
3* - . ' if 321': .- 5 ' \t ~ " ‘\\»L;~: “3:33 \2; W h 8 ll t h e C a r n e g i 8 Dr. John Stephenson. Dean of .. '
g j .- i '3‘ V 3 g {: 3°”ng fire Commission released its report Undergraduate Studies_ said I"
' . ' '3‘ .‘ i - « x ' 3g ’1' earlier thiS month on the program diversity for both _
I ' VI fi- _ \ I S\ *3 4"“ educational state of the nation. adults and students is increasmg ‘ .’
5-:- ' V . ' \\ " I “ few educators were surprised by yearly Topical maiors and f
.V . . 3 L '. \t' '” » what it had ‘0 say. independant studies courses have i
. ' V. V . ~ “The. The report merely confirmed increased and new courses have
V; ._ ._"'x g i g -' ‘3 “3.. what many pt‘OplC knew all been added. despite the money
_ ' " . -- "z. ' '. . . \.;V_ L. -- along: within the next 25 years shortage. z.“
. = .g i. 'g if: g; 2""- thch'S going {0 be 11 WhOIC 10! 0f “Continuing adult education is '-.
" '2 ,5 g =‘ Egg; shaking going 0“ in American one of the major considerations g, -
.; . . universities and colleges. of the University." he 531d. .'
’ t _~ “g i Lg .me The commission pointed out listing the Donovan program. 3. i")
'3' lg lg . w the growing number of Continuing Education for ‘. gi‘i'. _‘
. g ' ' ‘ . * uncertainties is making Women. and the University ~ V
g ' x 3 \. . projections of the future of conference service as being . g .'-'
. . g » higher education difficult. prime examples of adult ’ ‘ .
- . | g 3 Changes in culture, public education offerings g. '. '. g._
. , '- ,» ‘. ' = ' _ ':'- attitude toward education, tight Time, social pressures . . ’g ,V '
7". ' . V - .V V ‘ 'V ' ,_ money, unpredictable and Cases of adults stopping in and . " ' ‘
-- i=7: g " " ' ‘V 3- ’ ' fluctuating enrollments. and adults stopping out are rare. “I :V
I5 . ’5 2. ' - ’ other variables are going to Stephenson said. Time and
' '* - complicate the university scene scheduling difficulties are .V,
K. V _ \g «7:; through the 1989’s and 90’s. primary drawbacks for adult
.' . . 1 g l.\g';_ V Lists objectives stop-ins and social pressures
I _ -' V V " 'Agl \‘QGA. ' V ' In spite 0f the fog 0f variables, prevent stop-outs, although the
g « fag \g g 'VV the Commission listed objectives University can handle both
__-; i "- . i V ‘V gj'Q: . . which universities should attain groups. ;'
$ng "‘ V. _ 3. g'g-Lg = to both improve educational “In Kentucky,” Stephenson :'
J e - V ‘- qualitv and case the pinch said, “if you’re white and '.
.9. .. . -. ,_'v'tr;s--'».;-; -. . " ' ‘ s 3'}. . it. ->: ' ‘- ‘5 's: ' .
its: g ' . g as; ’ t - . ~_ g grg colleges are feeling. . between the ages of 17 and 31. g.
. ’3 ' 1‘ ' . I. . ’ :ng .Vg } Preserve and increase the you’re expected to be in college. '-
I” ‘31“? ”'1. V g . g. ‘ :‘fié/ygg V. ' » i” F3; .. diversity of institutions Of higher If you're not, you either fiunked " '.
lg x‘ H i" g 2.3, learning and create alternatives out or you‘re stupid." g" '
5 3t: g mg . .. « _ - 32:: N y}: to higher education. Shorter graduation time . _‘
\ ,g ,_ if 3 [f V. g" . ,g pReduce the length of time Stephenson said plans to .
.. ht ' ‘. “’3‘ ' ‘5 .V 3 . _ V ' 3? k required to get a degree. shorten graduation time have . i
' ' 3'": _ s12 M g ‘3 " .. ‘ : )Make it easier for students to been in the works for a long
p ,e‘ . g g .'- g :32 stop-out and adults to stop-in. time. He said time could be g
s“ 7 {fl V x ’ Increase the use and reduced through more use of _
'3 u ' u. fi‘éwfgfig . V I'='-- . a numbers of community colleges. C L E P t C o 1 1 ege L 6 ye] ' g
_‘ “a g g traffic“ " t ~- Ninety-five percent 0f . the Examination Program) tests and
-~ the ' a. . x. ». ‘93:, t” I state V." "s ~- t population should be thm c o r r c s p o n d c nce courses. 1'
gg «at, 3’ ' f3 1‘ W ” 2._ng commuting distance of 21 Through these Stephenson feels . g ’. .'
s“”3 Fiji? sighs ...» ' community college. ‘ it would be possible for a high ' . '
-- «"- g f. , --._-.-.. ‘1“ i In nhyswal and academic school senior to become an .V.- ' _
eel. ‘ "is? "i f is .- 3 g Kg "-2. development UK‘ has been “instant sophomore" cutting ' ' . ' g
“\2 VV ' W. V ‘ " g ' _ l ‘ if‘é '~ followmg these gmdes. m "105‘ graduation time by one to twu ' . .
I * " .. »_ ‘~’ g ". g, “V.“ g = . ‘ “V a :5»: c a s e s p r e - d a t l n g t h e years_ _ ' . ‘
. V .' - " Commission‘s recommendations He also said the “(‘ommittce ’ "3
“it-9" ' ‘ .3 ‘? byl5 to 1;) yearsd. 1 th on Accelerated Programs" 15 ' 5. . '-
° ' ' ‘ n 803 emic eve opment 9 ex lorin other avenues for ‘ '
Surreahsttc Spider w9b.) University has been working fasger grfduation. ' 3‘ . .
Although these students appear to be facing a giant, surrealistic spiderweb, they are towards streamlining its With 65 percent 0fthe college . - .
' actually struggling to erect a parachute over the fountain in front of the Office Tower. undergraduate program and age students entering universities ' . V
Architecture students displayed the punch” Wednesday “to show another dimension of expanding its offerings for to fill the 20 percent of jobs that '
the plaza." (Staff photo by Ken Weaver). continuing adult education. Continued on me 8. Col. 2 g _ -. g g

l) _ v v v . v r y ,
- THE kElNTl (.l\\ kERhEL. Thursday. Oct. 28. l97l
Democrats Charge bias
' Emberton beats Ford ° 00] elec '01]
' ' - By THOMAS B SWEENEY w - I, { t1
~ ednesdu ‘ am \ 2 2 ‘ -.
. Kernel Staff Writer t‘ h . 3 1d charges 01 bldS Wendell Ford finished se ‘ d ' ' 2 ‘
The I I I .. . romt 1 Democrats. with 167 v t . 1 con far behind with 2b and eight Press release
. on~ I, con “’IVI‘m‘” oil-again ON 01 593 votes cast, Albert LB 063' “dependent votes respectively. There were Wendclsdorf said he had
. ele aIgIain mock gubernatorial Republican Tom Emberton won American l d( handler and 14 write-in votes. co-signed a press release with
‘ 10 » 2 ' . . , ‘ ‘ ’ - ‘ ’ ‘ " .
L " W45 finally held wrth 378 votes. Democrat Candidate Williafiesnd‘et? Party Originally scheduled tor Nicholson clarifying why
m1 came in Manddayf the election was Monday’s election had been
ca e of Sunday night because cancelled An att
. . - ached
. . / , gle orlgmal sponsors, Student statement said the Forensics
,' ,- 2 overnment did not have Union had “ - I
I I g 2 pro Emberton
- ; » 2 : /‘\ NOW of enough people to man the polls. elements” and the election may I
.I 2 I- 2 ‘ I - .a “[1 SG provrded materials not be the valid will of the ‘
g ,9 a I Iln their meeting Monday student body.
. tt-a , I EBOTTOMHALF night, the UK Forensics Union SG counted ballots .
. . I II I , decrded to sponsor the election Student Government also .
2 U and rescheduled it for Oct. 27 ‘
2 I . . . counted the b 11
I I (L Forensrcs Un' k ' a ots. The
2 . f I f, C, "“8 & Maxwell) Jim LaCoste S IEJDII‘SIpodeerag counting of the ballots, which i
2. , , ‘ al , e 801 e was open to the entire
. . _ . 2 . student
. . . . I/ .'\ g; [’4 to sponsor the election 85 a body, was sparsely attended. No ‘
.. . I . I a 2‘ l4. ( ( ‘_. SCTVIFB t0 the StUdem bOdY- representatives from any of the
II . . . I9! . 1 fl ‘/’ Hhavmg been promised the parties attended 1
' 2 ' l ’ ’4 . C anc . . '
I . I I , I v $8 g i/ . 56”,. a right foté’gptrg; igi‘rgtsmhaw a When notified of the results of
. . 2 ‘ , A ‘ , . 10115- the electio ' '
' " ' V ' i \ / ‘ a N Nlck Nicholson chairman of H , n, Nlcholson said,
2 2‘ I I / m e the Dem 2 -’ - That 5 “0‘ bad at a“- When
. 2 : 2 . il , . 1 \ / ’ ”£3514 C , “rat“: campalg“ yOU’re running a mock election ‘
I I O" I 1 J I , ommittee, charged the election and your side only gets 64
ll“ , 2 /) ‘ 0 would be unfair bacause the percent of the vote that’s 11
I . I a t ‘1 /, I 'l ,1/ ‘H’ a IpI‘ESIdent of the Forensics Union good. None of our people Vote:
2 . , . ’ i 2‘ . . \ g 2; I lsha supporter of Emberton. He in this mockery Either we have
,. . I I ’ t en asked all supporters for 162 inde endent
. ‘ _. Q \ . ' O / ’ Ford not to arti‘i a ' 2 p ISUpporters or
, . I \\ ,2 ’ //I, CORDUROY demon p Lp te m the 1th1 wanted 10 gm this thing
I 2 I O , . II ,/ ‘ . I some credibility.”
; . A 2, // COHUOIVCI’Slal stones NlChOlSOI] pointed out h.


.2 ,I . ~ ' O , I‘:Z"-§;:.-253:32.55... 1/; ‘ reported In wedneSdaY‘S Kem€l F0 C‘ U “ i . ‘ 16
, . 1 I (If, 2 ' I and in both Lexingtn‘ p r “m” Lmon but With the
I I 2' . 2 I I, I I .:.IIIIIIII_IIIIII J 2 L x upers - ~ ) \ ~ ' , .

- 2 ‘. I l V. [Ii/lifaiifi‘ Student Government President “3W? 2151:201er55 bet “p'

. ' ‘3 . SI: 1551 east: ‘ I':.:':-:.:': ‘ , I ‘ s I )r 7‘ ‘ ‘
. 2 ' 7" 5121;232:152”; '2 SL0“ Wendclsdorl WWW" “m we” “UV“ made lllllblitetdourts

I «I‘I‘IIIIIII I, 35 5:: 1:35 I._.I.:I:I; . fix { . 1 _ 1 . . ‘ Us

i N v, j " 2' '/ 4.57.5332? §§‘\fii 51151311301} ~Lo.bpk.mwr or and 11 “‘85 GUI fear that with a

i I. I ‘ ( hit? $2522; 100 052 Cotton Cord, electldpk 11‘ mm‘um’ (”Mk RCWM‘W” I’l‘t‘sidem~ the

, p " cigasgf'E‘;;'{‘_S,§§ §§::?:3‘3.§','ff H h . . “Vin-Sits Union would ‘

. " 353 .E‘f': E' 32 53.1.: 5 f:.-. .;' . ;'5S ()WL’Vt’r L3( ( ‘2 “ ‘l “ ‘ »,~,~2. 2. .2 bi

. . i i‘:§;'§§x¥s¥it§é§£: M rlr- . . , , w, l 2 MI‘ 5“” 8““ ‘L‘m‘d 3231113? US. We were also

\ 'Eiézaf: 2555:1122; it“s“; 0c ime WOShClD’G Wloe Lnd‘bdor‘ 3.12”“ an oral Ilnh'dl)p\ that there were Ilk

_ ' ‘ ‘ ii‘t fi‘é‘s's'lff‘txi permissmn to use the millt’rl‘tix‘ twv p ll ‘ on \

,2 2 ’ - 2; gsg' 35'5‘1:.E_'53§ $1.122 “a “ for th‘ , 2 2 _ ‘ " *0 Imtl places. both in the
. ,- - ' ‘ X ‘ Belt LOOPS. Sizes 28-38 know L tilitigmllhmg 1m ids 1 “1mm”? campus“,
. . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ "6mg Acted fa‘

; 5.33.}2‘532 gmponsored “3 Student NiCholsor mes-2:215 m t h
_ , 2, - 2'22; ‘ , :overnmem." ‘ ‘ ‘ ' a C
2 ~' ' ‘ ‘§.'§'253‘;;;9§3?§2?§: ‘3‘“633523-131“:.'. m Grey’ Navy, Brown, Plum, When Wendels‘dorf thought the Forensics Union
' , ' ‘ Nil-€39? €111": $1 was acte ‘2 ' ' . . 2
.' .- , $22115 :2? 311.; X21733: 3.? OI reached he said “That‘s mv elecgmlidlarhd hn' conducting the
. ‘ , . - 22222 ‘ E 23:13? tiff-.3 3:" *3 5:5 ‘ ' ' 2 7 n is on I

‘ ‘ . -‘ 2‘ 2:35 we and 80nd MGTCh Impress?“ “’0‘ As long ‘15 thls was with th‘ y complaint
= . . 2 ' 4 ' t; thlng LS straightened out with Phil D t methOd. .

2. . . -' i "2‘2 u ~ . GUilfoile (so adrninist‘rat‘v unnagan‘ p’es‘dent 0f
I .i ‘ 'A 55* § § p O POIF Of Cords WITH one assistant) we are "0-5 ‘1 e the Campus Republicans, said.

‘- 2 ‘ _~ ‘2 . ‘; ‘I‘s‘ E it" ' k ponsormg I ”m“ this Shows the apparent

: : . . I.:I- t':,' -I_. - I, I trend to r \

‘2 ‘ ' - ‘ ‘ 2 g '2‘: ’22 Of THEBOT—lTflflHALF’s “endelsdori said so was mun wards Emberton by

. I I I. , .. ; I. l 52‘; IIIIIIlI..IIII 2% assisting the Forensics Unior as ho d‘g people. it alsoIshows that

. ~ ' 2 2 -’ I 'Efffa‘s 5,? 5;}: 5 i: a Campus organization K dirrriinsi hvtregfbmt-V 15 quickly
'. ; 5 IE-II: 33IE' g‘Ig . 3, many great shirts W S mg.
.‘ ’1, V | " ' i : I I '1 :.:E:;: 53:5,; 1 ..5 g I ’ .m'memm-

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 “M THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday, ()(I. 28, l97l ——3 . ,
C ' 'l L 'b t' U ' k b ., ‘
By DANNY WILLIAMS Kentucky Civil Liberties Union, to persuade those older than you effective than the outcome of sponsored by the UKCLU. . ‘ ‘ f
Kernel Staff Writer Alvin Goldman and Robert to have some empathy for your the suit. After a short question Jacobson said the main Job of ,1 3 1
The UK Civil Liberties Union Sedler, both of the UK law life style, experiences and and answer period, Jacobson the UKCLU is to distribute , . . -
(UKCLU) held its first meeting school. situation.” asked for volunteers for the material on civil rights and to ‘ ‘
of this semester Wednesday ClVil liberties Change people UKCLU steering committee and publicize the CLU’s actions in
night and Harry Jacobson, Rabun spoke on the purpose Robert Sedler said the “naive the draft counciling class the gram "
president of UKCLU, made an of the CLU. He emphasized the faith in the courts” as the soul , ‘
appeal for members. CLU’s interest with people‘s route to gain ClVll rights 15 “OI ~. ‘
Jacobson said the UKCLU has rights. the only route. One must change ERNEL “ ,
been severely limited during the “Toleration sums up the people t0 change dCCiSiOHS. ADVERTISING .. g
past year due to lack of active concept of Civil liberties,” Sedler said.
members. Goldman said in a short speech Sedler said the CLU’s concern '
Jacobson’s drive for members on studentrights. runs the gamit of civil liberties WORKS FOR YOU 0 ‘ ‘
was fairly successful in the “The law very often turns and the courts are only an ‘ 95,
Wednesday night meeting. upon the decision maker’s view acme“? 1.”. the (“Itch broader szkccxw ' e , .
Mom-Sat. :’ '
also The Mall, Louisville ‘ 1
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1 THE KENTI'CKY KERNEL. Thursday. on. 28. l97l ______________________._______—_
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t : , V . ‘7 ‘ . ~
’ S l ' th ll
‘M‘n‘! . 7 '., o ‘ 0 r V 0‘ .
g .; -_ Proieet Newgate is a bright spot in the bleak LS. prison system
‘1“ I Amid the prolonged hassle met are given a maximum amount of state 0f the nation’s PFlSOIl system. Department Of Vocational
| ’ 1. the deteriorating prison system in freedom and a monthly salary to But projects like Newgate~and Rehabilitation has added more
‘ ‘ . i. the L'nited States. we find at least help them pay their way through Newgate is only one of six OEO money.
i-. . “ " " 0m bright spot. school. An inmate’s past crimes, demonstration projects across the But Lynn Bradley. resource
' ":..':'~ _ I '_ ‘ , lt’s called Project Nc\\'gate. whatever they may be, don’t enter country—are perhaps the best start COOrdlIlatOl’ fOF PFOJCCt Ncwgatt‘.
~_ .' ' Under-.1 program sponsored chiefly into his selection for the program. the government can make toward 38315 the program COUld encounter '
_. I" -' -' 1 . by the US. Office of Economic In fact. the main requirements are imprOVing that system. funding problems in 1972. We
. -' .' Opportunity. seven parolees from that he be willing and mentally able The CEO and the Bureau of encourage the State and federal
_ ‘. .. _._. _ 5 ~' the Federal Youth Center in to make his way through school. Prisons have funded Newgate to the governments not only to keep
A , .‘ = Ashland are getting a stab at a We don’t often praise the federal tune of $250,000 which gives some Newgate alive next year, bUt t0
r . ' ‘ . .' college degree from UK and a new government. and we have no 51 inmates and parolees a chance to insure its continued growth With
-. , life outside the prison walls. sympathy for excuses about the get a college education. The state bigger budgets in the future.
. '. - j "j _’ Forty-five other inmates are getting
. ‘ 3 , .g . credit from courses at Ashland
. V: ,. ' Community College. iif.3“::;?:33?533335353532:33 K I F o t h d . t :é:9:2:2:::3:2:s:3:3:s:3:=:s>‘:'<=a=5$‘.‘-:‘
: .   _ _. v; ‘. Supemmy, a least, the erne orum. e rea ers wrl e
1: y .1.- N‘w ate iro ram seems to be an . “ ,
g , . exccelglent 5)an Parolees and inmates Intern program story informed bya taped statement ’that the since the notes sometimes contain
. j - . 3 . - I appreciate the detailed article on the number was .out of order.” I asked the inaccuracies, the noteotakers should have
i' r _ V‘ Frankfort Administrative Intern Program operator to dial the number for me and the notes cleared with the instructor.
' . . . . _ which appeared in the October 21 Kernel. she informed me after checking the line In other words the professor talks, the
2 . . J ' This is Valuable to us in helping to reach that the number was out of order. ’ student note-taker writes down what he
_ ... . . . . p ‘ SlUants~particularly those outside the It is a sad day for Kentuckians when a thinks was said, and then brings the notes
_: . V. :1, . ‘ Political Science Department. I want to man who seeks the Governorship Wlll rig to the instructor and says, “is this what
' .1 :1 . _ I .- ,_ . g make one correction in the story which is a program of this type for political gain. you said?” Are they trying to teach us or
_ ‘. . . i , ‘. ~ . _ impo'tant for student applicants. The At the least it illustrates that Emberton have us guess what it is they want us to
. ' . . f , , ‘1' deadline for filing applications is not until who talks so much about credibility is the know? Why has it "Qt occurred to anyone
. _ . s _' '2 ’ November 12 (Not November 2). These least believable candidate of all. that the instructor could simply give a
_. j‘ , : . . , F applications are now available in the ' Rod Kuegel correct copy of the notes to the Free U
- .1 . , . _. ,. . IV Political Science office. Arts and Scrence Freshman so that they would print and hand out
" . -- ; ‘ , 2/ Malcolm E.Jewell {EDITOR’S NOTE: A spokesman at 0"” ‘30”?0‘.i“f°’ma“°“-.‘ “99°“ the
‘ , ' ._ ; . . '7 Chairman Emberton Headquarters in Louisville said reason thls ls "Qt done '5 that we are
.y . ; ' -' , . . that they had received no complaints trying to preserve the nostalgia 0f being
a V , _ W '. from eo le about the ' tape recorders.
' ' . i~ Emberton TV S