xt7s7h1dnm9k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s7h1dnm9k/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1967 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, October 1967 Vol.33 No.10 text The Kentucky Press, October 1967 Vol.33 No.10 1967 1967 2019 true xt7s7h1dnm9k section xt7s7h1dnm9k : Cl? 1 :A‘ l I if.) l '
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Vouce of The Kentucky Press Assocuohon ,
. 5 ___._____________,r__ ___.___.__—__———————A——————————-———A—————-———-——--
. ~, A 1 ' , '3 "a 1 .
AA I you I n t atten _
. . ¥ . t e KPA a . sessmn ,.._5 . , A,
fiat: z ., .-:. ‘ " 5" "
:4; - . ‘ Ad' dlvmon completes successful meeting _. _ 55,;
-::. '..f A . . 5. . ’ ' . »‘ ’ "
TEE. ’ . A A $5 ' ‘ ‘... . ; .« « 5 /
» . 55 5 ' 5 The Advertising Division of the Courier—Journal and the Louisville . - ' . :3'31777'3” 7‘5» ' , '
1 > ' 5 Kentucky Press Association held a Times, discussed the possibilities of . ' .f; . ' ' a , . -
‘ very successful first meeting on having the Kentucky Press ASSO- . . :5
The guy who made it go -- Ed Moores of October 19. A crowd of thirty—five elation deve10p another presentation The Kemmky Press Ae‘m'am" 5h°“'d "
35A the Lexington Herald-Leader. publishers and advertising managers to be used as a sales “301 for each have an effective presentation to help "l
‘ gathered to listen to an array of newspaper-1n the state. The present member newspapers sell advertising on a 4
e outstanding speakers, who explained 151':th DianSItiges tchatt dart? tnth' being local level. This was one of the ideas é
:, their thoughts 0“ PUttlhg out spec1al . up}; a e ’ u 1. 1s a so brought forth by Don Towles of the Cour- 54'
~ ‘ , . editions, carrying on effective pro- 1mportant t0 ave something that ier Journal& Louisville Times. 5 ,
51%-, 5 . motion programs, and the art of each member newspaper can “556 if?"
I has .. l . . A . V selling advertising. Under the able on “S own. .It mlght even be P01551‘ “W“wae A y...
W—«r—w » “if." V“: direction of Ed Moores, of the Lex— ble to obtaln several presentations , ‘ ,, ' “ {'3 ~
t'l‘ 5 5 ington Hera1d_Leader, the sessions to be used on a lend-lease baSIS, ./ ( ‘rjh 0" 3.;
2 - 5 ’ . proceeded smoothly and according hY the newspapers, inorder to meet t ‘ Whig w
t a? ' to scheduled. Ed saw to it that image in a given field. such as V ‘ a
~54; “5 , s“ everyone who attended t00k home at -auto sales of banking. . f ‘
' “i * 1,54%" least one good idea (in most cases Don then introduced Mrs._Carol5yn \ 5. »
AA 5 a more than that). Kent, who gave the attentive audi- 5v 5.
1A 3: ence a remarkable simple, and Yet 771 A 4 " '
’51: ’ Hovermale leads off . effective demonstration on the value . 5 “v5.5,
a A , of neWSpaper advertising. It was done " : * . - s . " ,A ‘
5,-=:-5 ' Bob Hovermale, publisher of the on page size pieces 0t poster board, l ) 5 ' ~
weekly Estill Herald, got things roll— . so that the actual newspaper page wwmmmhlt? 535 ‘t _ it,
5‘ ‘ , ing with a presentation concerning could be used as a sales tool. after . 54 5 z '.5 .5_;.
55 5 . the publishing of a special edition each card has been. shown, it is immune” , '_
if: 5 $35 5 for the weekly newspaper. One of kitted t0 the other Slde 0f the tee— ‘5? WWW ; l
55-52 : fig? 5 . his suggestions was to have the pee shaped frame, out of Sight, and ,5; WWW“ . ,5: :55 .A 53. A A
, 55 5 special edition contracted for by the next card is in View. One effective a 5m, 5 5 ’ 5 ;
" ~ . ' ' an off-set printer, is you happen part Of the presentation dealt With the "46m ' f “ .
554‘ all” to be a letterpress paper. I—lis rea- the Newspapers are Tangible theme. 2 WM” , 5'1 ‘3 . ’7’
- A soning was that in a special edition, A magic slate 15 attached t0 the "fitment 55,?
1 ‘1' there is a tremendous amount of type poster and a message 15 ertteh 0“ ‘.. ’ - ' ' A
:..-55 u ' 5 5 to be set in this undertaking, and it. The slate, of course represents , ‘ _
55: Dont send a salesman in Wlth a quarter the cost of doing it letterpress can one of the other media, and when Mrs. Carolyn lxent tells us that newspapers
5'5 page layout" __ Frank Walters of the be prohibitive if you run into a lot the bottom edge of the slate paper are tangible (note the magic slate in the
' ' Madisonville Messenger. of overtime. Another idea of Bob’s ' 15 pulled UP, the message vanishes. background). '
was to start early. This can’t be That 55 about how long your message
s tre s s ed enough. If you are plan- stays in front of your audience, might '
ning one in the future, start to be the thought behind this unique
sell right now. 5 demonistration. .
, ' v ;.A.;x‘ «at»: Don t showa quarter page . it wigseeh '
' ' A , . Neglected IS the word for many ’ is: " ‘ fish “‘9
, . 31 Frank Walters of the daily Mad- classified sections. Gilbert Young, z ' " h‘gfik i
5, 5 5 55 A5 :5 -5 » ,A 5 ”We. isonville Messenger, told the group .of the Frankfort State Journal, talked :;;.:5§_5»5_-A5-~. ~ ' ~ . 5' 5 eggs; A
.5 .A , 5. r 55 not to send a salesman in to a about building the clas51f1ed section. > {”hégt,
~: ' ' ’5" _ 5“ potential customer’s office with a House ads can help, hUt it really e! Q‘hh‘gt
. . ' A » a quarter page example if y0u want takes a concentrated effort on the ., A‘ a,
. é. ' W55 an ad in that anniversary issue. part Of the salesman ‘30 boost the '5 if: -- X, “
”gather; ‘ Start with a full page layout in- image. G11 has come UP Wlth a good, ’ A x
figflhfikewgfi 5 ‘ A stead. It’s a lot easier for a per— 1heXPehSiV9 piece 0f promotion WhiCh ’i ,A wt \ " ‘
.. aafié‘fiaeggfah 3% son to think smaller than it is to every paper 1“ the state can use: He $1? 2.; N
5 “(igfigeefl a think big. . . If ' he decides that writeehttle stories abOUt his various A . ' A
h’N1eé‘xtaZ’5’ 5;; off than if you took a quarter in interesting happenings, etc-L and PUtS » - in‘x
. to start with and he cut that down. the stories Into a 55mm booklet. He atria
:A, ”e Another advantage that Frank pointed floods the market Wlth these, and the Askew ' '
' ' -. out was that with off—set you can advertisers love it. AS 8001'! as he fiwkt’“ ‘
_ 5: ,.t-g-r ,. {tar-IVA. r A .:~=5.(:::;- ’ , - - .‘g‘fireés ffafixgn'k‘a %‘“ \
- ”i photograph whole pages or an old writes enough stories, he puts out ha,$‘a~t,§,§t§,§
; a, newspaper at very hale cost, and nether booklet, and away you go. , “ewe
. . ' .. . t, .5 use those pages in the anniversary 5 _ _ 5,., ”g,i;“3§t“;e
‘ " . ' ' ‘ ‘ edition. Another meeting In the spring " h W " "
Bob Hovermale of the Estlll Herald ex: 5 5 The enthusiasm was so great that "And the merchants love to have their
plans thghne art of putting out an annl- Now you see It and now you dont those in attendence expressed ,a de— names in the booklets". said Gil Young of;
vemry Itlon. _ Donald B. Towles, Director of Pub- sire to have another meeting in the the Frankfort State Journal.
. lic Service and Promotion for the Spring. ‘ ' ,
, . "l

 ' PAGE 2, THE KENTUCKY PRESS, OCTOBER 1967 ‘ I . . - - ' t" __,'_
- 0...... mm GUEST EDITORIAL J ac {- 0 BS ,
' " Kentucky Press Association, Inc. ——-————-—-—--—f-— . J. 3:2: I . . )
203 W. 2nd Sl- . By A. J. Viehman, Jr. ,. 5. .) I_ .
Lexington. :YB- 40507 By Ben Blackstock, Manager of the Oklahoma Press Association What’s it 311 abom this'aéso sf) . - .I
. rinte Y L. a u o . - ”{1} .‘ .
Voice of St. Matthews, Inc. elation buSiness? When you think. Ofré: .
. St. Matthews, Ky. 40207 The Audit Bureau of Circulation delicate situation. So ABC did noth-. the Kentucky press Association, d°‘.,:i:."§~3“
‘ . A. J. Viehmon, Jr., Editor showed it was chicken when it sat ing. you have dollar marks registering}.
" “mid“ G°rti=°nrAssh Edimf- mute during the ill—fated TV ratings Now there are those in .ABC who in your eyes and do you look. at’ _
Member rigging investigations. If audited cir- want to guage TV‘ shOWS and even ad revenue as the core of the efist—ftfgigdt’lt ‘
" K°“'°°.kY Chm"? ‘f‘ C°"““°'°° culation stands for anything, ABC measure billboard traffic. They would ance for the association? These are’y’i'iéf‘sgié
. NeWIEWIT' “WNW": M°".°9_e's Should have been up on its haunches further dilute what publishers have questions that frequently come into: . .
, titsfiongf‘hififszpfls22::13; and snapping at the spooks who rigged built to authenticate circulation. my mind as I talk to many of you . '
7 Association the ratings- ABC needs ‘0 Sth to .its Otiginal throughout the state. I would like to. 4,, .-
. Better Business Bureau It didn’t. It sat on its prat and purpose. It needs to tangle Wlth the take a few minutes to give you myhfzi I ) I
Kentucky Press Association, Inc. whimpered not a whine. It let its fraudulent audience claims of the vieWS on this very important sube;
_ s. c. Val Cuton, President dues-paying m ember neWSpapers competition. ject. » “it V)
1» Howard H. Ogles. VicePresideM down. ABC did nothing because it Meanwhile, the post office is mov- Let me try to. put myself in your?) I
A' J' V’h‘m'." 5"“ 5"."M9"‘T"' is schizophrenic. The one-third of its ing in the direction of more details place for jugt a minute. As I dehya),
George M. 5?L2"'€tfifmm.”.'?s°.°..nd Dist.) board \members who represent pub- and greater proof of circulation. the answer to the questionposedabovej; . __j\
William Nélson (First Dist.) lications let the agency third and the Hopefully, the POD will move to is a QUALIFIED yes. When I thiherLtleE-lx‘. _ I
. Al .I. Schansberg (Third Dist.) advertiser third puta muzzle on them. verify circulation. of the Kentucky Press Association,l;,.;;f§§;; . I
3°“ 5- 5”“ ‘" (F°"""_D‘S'-l The agency-advertiser types said The POD is a more accurate judge do think of advertising revenue,‘andi .. :;- ,
. Th:'°“ktf‘ah°h(hihsh 3:532“) they had used phoney ratings to buy of newspaper circulation than is the friend, that means money in the bank.“§%}j;§§“ .. 1"! '
' Norah“:- Fist-:2 ::r(5el:enth 0).“) TV and ABC shouldn’t compound a ABC' - I said QUALIFIED, however, becauseé'QET-shfl .
» Louis De RoseMEighth Dist.) this is not the only reason that the‘jr’ggitr-"f
“"5 T“ N°"“' 1" (him his") ________.______.___._.——_———————————————' - association exists. There are othersfiifzji‘iflf-.. s .
R‘ spring" Huh” (Tenth Dis") states that don’t have an advertisingx;.f‘§?§ ' .
15:3 dL'B Catt: (8:: 1‘.- :93 service at all, and yet have the“; ‘ "
~ Tm‘y Enema (“use”) GUEST EDITORIAL support of the membership. What;l=:駧:"l'a '.
LWY 5”“ (Pas? Preside“) —’——_‘_—_— ‘ then, are some other factors that go:;;;:{;)}§'3’*‘ , ;
' into making up a strong and healthy #3:; ' _‘__ .L
. The Lexmgton Herald ' association? . -3 h
PreSIde “*5 Louise B. Hatmaker, publisher and “Apparently they come in increas— Let s be realistic. The purpose of-)) ,I
‘ associate editor of The Jackson Times ing numbers now and just how many C°"t"‘“9d ‘0 P3998 . a“? . '-
of Breathitt County, joins the grow- nobody seems to know, not even Wash— —-——-—~———————, ‘5‘: .7 .
ing ‘list of neWSpaper writers of ington was doles out our tax dollars ’ . y " 7
co u m n Appalachia who seriously are quest- to keep them here spouting for in— FOIk songs: * \ T
. ioning 'the “benefits” derived from surrection.” Remember, now, that . . " “5%,
. _ _ ~ _ the presence of Appalachian Volun— this is the editor of a weekly news- ‘ firm: [.
The Advertising D1v1s1on 0f KPA» teers and representatives of VISTA paper right in the heart of Appala- Had enough? . 7
hinge; th‘: ChairmaSShlptofftiihdggig in the depressed areas of our state. chia where these imported do—good- ” '1'; .1. 7
a t’s irst mee mg a Her editorial query, “Do We Really ers are stirrin u trouble. The sin- . ‘ m -
State Park in mid—October. , Need These ‘Helpers?’ ” is answered cerity of the edigtorgal and of the writer this? thls Bsong) tfo the 5:111:23; glihen ‘ .
This was one °f_the bIest organized fully by one of her paper’s sub- of the letter is manifest in every f isBa G'lh,’ rolms ll' - ) ha: 1W
meetings, for a flrht time, thht Ive cribers. line. These two know whereof they Wgre y 1 e? anI u Nah? h l
seen in my years 111 thlS busmess. The Herald, which has taken the speak for they are living right in , en I was a) oy Iwent 2° Squglj‘FEWf
Ed, With the able a_SSIStahce. Of Other position that perhaps most of East- the midst of the trouble. I wasn t f? .gehfms get I warn t “(:0 00-35353 9:35;;5‘,
interested advertismg men llke Frank ern Kentucky would be better off “Our hills and creeks may not be I hadla a1r or Irama, got al 321101} 3.3),,
’ Walters 0f Madisoninlle, 301’ Hover- without these particular programs, is far re moved from riot—torn city And I earned to v01ce my vowe sw t .»;v‘ 5);.»
male 0f Irvine, Gilbert Young 0f carrying in adjoining columns today streets as we’ve been thinking,” the a BIG ROUND.O' 1' . ~ 9 .t
Frankfort and Jerry Mayes 0f BOWI‘ the letter written The Times by one editorial continued. “This is evi- I learned to v01ce my \vowe S sot per: . hi”;
.-- m. ing Green, Pllt a full day program who signs himself as “Teaberry” denced by Mr. Blanton’s letter fectly ! _\ h 0““ high;
hf ' that was jUSt as full 0f meat as a Blanton, of Panbowl, Ky. No, you _ accounting the Volunteers’ meetingat That I ma news reporter ont hN-B :7 t???
sausage m1ll. . won’t find the town of Panbowl in Panbowl last Friday when a Chicago . . d , , ‘l‘bv‘lhfl
The one—day program kept the hvely your postal directory or on the state welfare recipient urged our people I Jome .my town S toafitmasterhsi: u i h“ ';
interest Of all “th attended. maps but you’ll find many persons in to resort to violence to get what Got to know the guys OWh att e oca - _‘ g ‘3’“
It was gratifying to see some there Eastern Kentucky who will agree with they want. It’s'a sad day indeéd when pub. ' Ddh ,,
who haven’ft 216623218 to attend other Mr. Blanton that it is time to do we see the seeds of anarchy being b2): high these experienceswerego). 1‘
meetings 0 t e - something about these organizations sown in Breathitt Count .” Breathitt __ - wey : t)
Mr. and Mrs- R-A- Poage Jr- Of that are supported by taxpayers of County, some will reczll, was the “W gave me myVIBRANT PERSON‘J“; ”
the Bracken County Newe were there the nation. I only county in the United States which ALITY! h 1b 1 I. . a)“, 53., _.
- for the second 0f their meetings 1“ Gov. Edward T. Breathitt is asking supplied enough volunteers in World They gave the suc a V rant person-‘3 . 11
two months in a rIow.IThey attended the federal government, sponsors of War I to fill armed forces quotas ality . h ._
the Circulation D1ViSl°h meeting at the “War on Poverty,” to cut off without resorting to the draft. That now I m a news announcer-ant e) C‘: ,
Lake Cugberlaid, hhdtwehahaifigfit these parasites. This is the second The editorial says that at least two NBC' . ‘ _ ;
to see t em 1“ exmg 0“ 1h - time that the Kentucky governor has other towns in the area “are in tur- - . ,1'?‘ :w .j‘ . "
- Atiivflrtisihg :19“ heart‘s)? Shomgegfa‘ivl called the attention of SargentShriver, moil over these Volunteers. It may Iglfgrned to laugh When I ‘1th tfeelt ,. . i f”
wrn 65 on 0‘” 0 P“ 15 5 head of the ro ram to what’s oin be true that these overt a encies ’ I,“-
editions from 30h and Frank, and) I on in Appalgchiga. The governgr’g may be doing sometphing Jorgi while Learned all the hackneyed thingstot: 4‘ 11,3 '
think some took some notes they 11 letters have referred primarily to in some parts of Appalachia. But slay. h . h "M '
use some time tnthe future. . the Volunteer activities. their political and other activities I earned ow to be JuSt one on )e .gahgifxiigé‘m :- ’3
This is one d1vrsion that 1 V9 been The activities of the Volunteers, nullify all the good that these few Picked up all the high-falutm Cit! . j
trying to get organized for 15 years, “both Appalachian and Vista . . have do to help residents of the area. slang. ,7 ’
and these people have proved that It been a matter of concern to many of After you read Mr. Blanton’s letter Ifound my personality could makem‘ésfihtm )
can he a very worthwhile addition to us for some time with most of us you undoubtedly will agree that re— dough, , ; 1 _. . '
the KP A. Ed Moores and the entire inclined to ignore them hoping they’d moval of these groups is long over— So “0‘." I m a news announcer 0“ the: . .5
buncih dég‘fvef klntihwj?r::a1lf;nw:1!h:§ just go away,” says Editor Hatmaker. due in Kentucky. ra-di-o. ‘ " as! j :-
us n or e - I.
hard in preparing a program and get Now journalism students you listen-tog...) _‘
the 'ob done well when meetin time - me, . . t) . .-
camga. g ) _ Forget your English and your historyéf‘g s . ,
‘ ____—————— GUEST EDITORIAL Concentrate instead on how to be at . ._ f
- ________._ * good Joe. . ' __ . .
° ' ° Cultivate a reasonant ho—ho-ho! ' L I ~ . '
. CmqulIon wnh Jerry a.t..d..w....mc...nc..News.a"... You can get a pm and strangers-.2. . _
- make a go - _ . .- -. :-
t1Slircultttimti Methgilthgs and how to get (1521335)” 1‘39: £313? epgh: $012; $352331] its readers who buy auto— If you don't resonate on that ole’ radio)!» :I _
.e Thigh Odin 0your own participation weekhs NEl‘Ws b6e8ing devohed to stor- Finally,‘ the automobile dealers in .—_____________ .. .
at the meetings from the time that we a _out t e 19 automo iles. McLean, as businesses and as 1h“ it t '
ou decide to attend Part1cu1arly, we know there are d1v1duals, have been outstanding in ‘ . - $3"
I y Make your reservations early. Isome newspaper people who are crit- providing modern services, in using ' . >t. ‘
' Visit write or call persons from ical of what they regard as commer- superior buildings, and in improving . .' in): g. '
' ‘ . ’ ialism. the a arance and services of their - ‘“ ~
other newspapers and make appoint— c . . ppe iiiit'; 1 -
However, we believe such apohcy 1s communities. For this they deserve ANR S ELL , i” }
mergls to discuss your circulation justifiable. , response and co-operat'ion , 1' 5'9“: )I . II
pro ems. Next to food, automobiles are the We’ve never been able to bu a new ' . 5
' .Capitalize 0" mfial-igme hours and biggest business in McLean. There- automobile and most likely nether will *.
:fleitghenttgafat w t d erent groups fore, we believe it is proper to de{- be. But once a year we give the home- YOUR PAPER .
I Take advantage of the recrea- vote a substantial part of one issue town new-car dealers a little extra ' I I .
, tfonal features at the meetin places a year to this busmess and the ch = play in the paper. Even though they g.) l .
3 ' All work and no la makeg a ver. Lean countians who are engaged in it. ' took -up part of the front and back . i
' dull participant p y y Every McLean countian is affected pages, there was plenty of news else- ' f .’ * .
‘ Exibits are .a very important part by automobiteS. The purchase Of an where in the paper; EVERYDAY h'. ' V
f of 'a meeting you should study the automobile is rivaled only by the , We contend the NEWS is as free of . g}:
. ; exibit witha v’iew to determine which choice of a home as the most im- commercialism as any paper on the L. E}
piece or pieces that you feel will be POrtant buying decision 'McLean North American continent. So new- ~ .
: ; the most beneficial to you your news- couIntians make. Therefore, if the car week reveals no change in policy. ' L; g ‘
r paper and your circulatioh area ’ NEWS can make some contribution It’s just the exception that proves . ~ “ f ‘-
7 ‘ to that selection, it performs a ser— the rule. . R“ ' .
' . ' 7 -
’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ " ’ ' '7 " " ‘ “ J. *V‘“ 3:...
t . . " -. ' _ It . ’g- T .:, 3‘ . . , > “Mu .t. L . ’ ’ ‘:‘ 3*.53;.‘.;‘.3.“ "
"fl" ' " ' - « .. ~act _.L._.-.._='~..e-.~_.»-.».».~.-.:r-_--_. wimfz'mw.":wéiLn-Jgis . 1... his" a 1 .. -I _

| , x -
. ’3” " ” ' .3?” ~ . <. 2;... I
530- Miss Susan Lockwood, editor of the who had added the most new sub- 5 5 3.4 _ ., " E
k of Georgetown College Georgetonian, scribers to their routes got to sit on 3, ~ ‘ f , f , 2 .~» é -
' do has been added to the staff of the the University of Louisville bench 53M“ ' f 9 ”Q .fi
iring Georgetown Times and Georgetown with the players. W55; i 1% s .1 f -, 1; , ‘ ’
k at News. She will report activities 0f “I m g :r V....-"~'-"‘ "
dst- City Hall, the Scott County Court— The Voice—Jeffersonian, in St. Mat— ”:6 ? 5., v
t are house, the local hospital. Miss Lock- theWS, is adding a 1,300 square foot 5; ,5 ; _: a .f: '- ‘ J ,, :,~,.
into wood is a native of Ashland. . . . section to their plant. The $25,000 '"':",:?rz.,5,¢~,pif ,5 ‘ ~ fl”- - -
you The Todd County Standard has in— addition, which is under way, will 3 ff; ‘ ‘3 ,1 ,w’
(e to stalled a new photo-engraving ma- hou se '[he compo sing room, and g , am» «:32 ._ ”5 76”,, H , . «_ ., . :55 .
i my 5 chine. Photos will no longer have to be provide additional office space. . , K5 r 5 E :35 ,
sub— mailed to an out of town processor 5 3,? ., , “ , I ‘ '1
' before they can appear in the paper. The Tri-County edition of the Adair. Wk ’ ‘ 3
your . County News appealed late one week l " 5 .1 . , f , f
do ‘ John Fitzwater, president of the in September. It seems that the post- ‘52., : _ , _ I, fl,.
hove Kentucky Jaycees, headed the first of age must be paid before the papers I , , f ,
think \ three seminars on community de- can be mailed, and the Editor let the f ’ .5 ' V ,, 5; f
on I velopment, October 14, in Central time slip up on him. They did make f f g, " , .
ahd , City: Fitzwater, the youngest man the next mail, however, and I bet , , ,f _ ,3 3
iank. _ ever to serve as president of the or- that it never happens again. -‘ ' , ,
'ause : ganization, is also the advertising . f [1, ,
t the ; director of the Somerset Common— Clay Wade Baily, Frankfort cor— _ f <
)th e r . wealth—Journal. ' . respondent of the Kentucky Post, had . ‘ ., b
ising f a birthday in September. As he tested . , >7 M” ,5 i
_ the ‘ ' Allan R. Reed, of the Allen County the birthday cake (baked in the Gov- , g‘ , ,‘
llhat , News, had quite a trip this month. He ernor’s Mansion) he assured all pre- . .;, ~ - g ,. v ‘
at gd ' is off for Chicago, Toronto and Mon— sent that he was “39 and holding”. ’. . I
althy treal, New York City, and Washing- ' ‘- 3;: f
ton. Highlights of the trip are a Jesse Alverson has added a new ‘ . ,
5 f visit to Expo 67 and a visit with Pako machine to his operation in - ~ ,5 i
3e 0 554 Congressman William Natcher. 5 Paris. .Jesse, publisher of the Daily 5 5 . ‘ , ' ,
("ii i I ‘ Enterprise, is also printing four other . 52” t
—— 3:, John Sutterfield, publisher of the newspapers in the area. The new , , . a - ' “/fi’“*
Georgetown News and The George— machine enables him to have a great _ “N5 M"
2: towfl Times, has announced that he deal of time and has made it possible sf «, , l.,:.,,,f,,,.: ,.; ff.
M if - "has ordered a third unit for his off- for him to print additional news- _, 5
Y5. set press, and that 15 Will be 1n- papers on his equ1pment. Pictured above (I to r) are George Joplin, ill. of the Somerset Commonwealth-Journal, »-
5 stalled after the first of the year. J M AI . . . . 1;"
. . verson, Jr. and his brother, Sanford Alverson, of the Pans Dally Enterprise, as ,
:2; The Carollton News — Democrat _ , ,, ,, , .
Nh en ' The Ashland Daily Independent and celebrated its 100 year anniversary they '"Spect a _°°pV 0f the Pat's "8W5p399r_ h°t Off the press ' Ef'ght ”eWSp‘f‘pet Wb'
’ina— :* the Lexington Herald Leader are two this month. A real nice looking an- Ilshers and InVIted guests recently were InVIted to attend the Daily Enterprise plant, 5
4; of some 910 papers publishing a niversary edition was the highlight of and inspect the modern facilities. The guests were treated to a_luncheon by their Paris é
:hool 1? series 0f advertisements explaining the celebration. I imagine that any— hosts, following the tour. Mr. Alverson is presently printing four newspapers in addi- i
f 1 L the American Marketing System. The one who wants a copy can contact tion to his own.
oo = 1am Jack Perr the ublisher ‘ i
Janjo , purpose of the program is to exp . y, p . :
with to theconsumer how they benefit
‘ from the American Marketing sys— Jo Ann Cashion has been employed 5"
tem. The program is produced by by the Carlisle County Journal, to ' —_.
per— _. the Amercan Asociation of Adver— serve as editor and advertising ’ 7,? .
\IBC , L -' tising Agencies and McCann - Erick— manager in Bardwell. , ,
' ‘ T son is serving as the volunteer a— ' :5‘
club ‘5 , gency. ' The Dawson Springs Progress now f '7':
l §< has a special subscription rate for G E ’ , , ‘l
loca f: f The Hancock Clarionhas added some college students. The offer is good N E R A L (N i
. 900 square feet to their building, in for any college in the United States. gé E L E c
800d 5 Hawesville. The addition is being \i J T R I c 'f '
SON- . rgade in the :lntic1pat1on of growth in Mrs. Lige Shadowen has recently
- f, t e organizat on. joined the Eddyville Herald-Ledger RKER P "
'son- _ . staff in the capacity of soceity editor. é
, 332:8an?tildr5n°nzazsfn a PA «4L0
m the articles on, WHAT THE PEOPLE returned to Western Kentucky Univer— l ' 4/ f
.. THINK. It is a survey on various s1ty for the fall semester. 8'8 5
_ questions which affect the people in E 5 -
L feel r: - that circulation area. Maurice K. Henry, a past president '
I of the Kentucky Press Association, ‘
gs to The Jefferson Reporter -' conducted .has been re-elected chairman of the a“ C H l C K
a contest for carrier salesmen (and Appalachian Regional Hospital Board 0 S _
gang, that’s a darn good name, too). Win- of Trustees. ARH is a non profit
city ’ ners were treated to the University corporation that operates nine com- WeSt- _
' . of Louisville—Southern Illinois Un— munity hospitals in Eastern Kentucky ' n g “0 us
.e me 5: , iversity football game. The five boys Virginia, and Wést Virginia. ' e
in the :,. _ i 7 . ' "no: MARK
, 3 , CANNON , _
A (a f 1/ , . a\ Storm?)
be a 3., M & manon *
a?» , / - . lnte .
never l (’ ’7; E ’ ' ' ‘
'adio! ‘ ' ’ / , f
f. /, ii' ‘ ' " ,, ‘ 1|, ‘ Familiar names-Trusted companies. You’ve got to be good *
. i, wa‘\ . ‘74 \‘3‘.\/ ‘ to get into the S&H Green StampCatalog.
, _\\\ \¢“\ ‘ V Each of these firms has been doing it for 25 years or
’ " s\_' / J more. But all 721 companies in the catalog this year, are
- ' // ,_.. , / first—rate firms. They have to be, because our hard-to-pleasc
i; ' merchandise buyers review the products of literally thou-
, ’— sands of American manufacturers before making final _
5. / C70 0 £33 . , '
5 ‘5'” selections. ,
In September, 1942, we decxded that newspapers ' Offering merchandise with brand names that people
R if were the best medla to introduce a corporate adver- have confidence in is one of the reasons were the world's
tising program that has continued uninterrupted in most popular tradina stamp companyf“ , J
‘ , our on—line hometown papers ever smce. f 5F f_ D " l
, We’ve never regretted the ClCClSlOl‘l. ~. V ”‘63 ,c of all U.S. families save 85:}! Green Stamps. {-f—--- -
f - f , 552R" ”4,, ~ Need information about trading stamps? Write _ "
southern .2? it > or call the local office or redemption center of : ' =, W:
Rallway “a, 3 The Sperry and Hutchinson Company. i 3.735%:
System ' that 5°° f An American Why of Thrift Since 1896 ‘\\/
v LW Antluioox sourii
WASHINGTON. o.c. _______
5 T
l “‘9.
" ' ' “7“" " ‘~' ’"‘*A"”“#”""*_—"i'""“ ’ ' "“A‘TW— ' " “" "* TTZTITTTT'T MAW—“MM? “WW-mm- WWWWA ,_,_


‘ 33,31,355 '1 439139.1.r11253ea 33133531111111 .5. m‘exgiha» 1 £5 1 We», ~
$135on ...:.» armrest» see “f1 . ’11? ; . M51952. .V 13>ti’srryt‘1tw 41% so saw tweeaez 55.3.55?“ :5 1;, 5,31 1

"i” “maoawe 11 somaatw - .111- -1 r 1

' t ”tefihfhmififieivyfefi 3.13%.. : %§"Jfi?&ge%”.jwa§§}t%e< ”'3 -’ ,3; 3,333
gs“;g~>‘t§§év?§1%,?§mfig ' twiw‘”~e’5“1»% Amaze 17.1"; .,§*‘ the ~

3:27:151.71:111.“f5::1‘-‘»*’<§:1”51'1'..«E:o.1ir“x~»’§b215.tta‘>’%é "a113,”? 255.1 5%,,»4533 1,1;- .. ..a”1‘”‘7‘"°»“9r2m;efie% 11155,»:45331 . 51,74 guy? .11.. ”£5: .,

11-1“1..W§:5.§.:11 ,aefifiagég . .~51“1éf°(r.w'»“ t... i 35.5% are

35,513.-- ~11 yea?" *‘1 2.1, ,awv,3t1,,, ‘1 - we .

By G Richard Dew “3&1.§.”‘”;§§§£%§1§ ‘1‘”...vg'eetfw 1;” he?

' ' L 51:15553511: 1s. ”151"”"2535? ,3w,,,fl-w.35 ‘ 11“

General Manager, PNPA 3331*“3,3,§1§%%§3§3 53121215e%e§-5;. 15151 :i'
The Problems of Press freedom are "htesifi"? ' .3513315 3 .1
“01 neW- For the Pages of history 55.1%?1 M, . :::~r:ii:.e. ' We
are replete with varying degrees of A}.i$.é,:~£fi§§3§é§ffl§§§§ . .5 @1361”
attaCkS 0“ this “105‘ Prectous and 151153.51 ,- '1 he 1.

CheriShed Public right-éf‘g1gas .. 1 11 .. 353:5

~ Neither are Emblems 0f Presstree' .tWia1 :3 ‘ 15 $2115
dom old. For the form of attack takes ,3 f1 ifafgataa., “’1 z : 3 , ”’1 " “Veer 11,-,

5 ever new faces as the battles are W0“ 51. onwfifggxfile *1 111%, .1 12111.5 53,11»
- .1;‘,”:.y1:1:-1.,>1.’1. 5152:3511; «12.5.15;.§.51,3§‘,"Z"5~.12,- - “"15: ’ _. ‘ 11 .52" ’,1f§.;‘5’7¢€.~i’:§5¥w 5'; giggf‘xjifsvv". ‘1'1 5'1 5.5"?) 3'3? w 'freliaig'esa »,~‘L 5,5311, 1’35; .3“: "V“: »"

01' 105t- This then brings me to the 3“»,, a 5.5.51 1. ta’j‘ £55,111

uestion; Who says the ress is *1». ”11 “fleet - 4°5ng $1,.

-' q 711 p ’51" ,5, .521”. .11 ‘ .1”
free. 1&33..5§;§w‘3 ‘2" 1121'? exahqéiaaagg‘, 1, s... .3 Rise,“ at“, 3% 121.,

Probably every newspaperman has ...:: 1.31311- a y
said it; though 11. assumed it for '11 11 "1' a " , 15115. .
years. After all, isn’t it guaranteed 9“? e551,. 1., ,1, I, a? 55,, .1
to us by Federal and State constitu- "13 «1* é" ?“ ;:_i

‘ tions? What better assurance of a ”wag. $1.25.“. , 1 .3553-
1. has" . v.1 . 1 w

free press could we ask for? Unfor- gas; 1 53,5133 , r 11 , , 11.5,?
:53:,:' "w 1h‘:« .31. ., a1 . ‘

tunately our assumption has turned :5 22’: 1... .3 , . ,3
sour. 331 _ . .34 .. - , . ‘ ' fi:’:'f:'“""n;3 "1.13,:

' Voices from our courts, our judges, ' 1 i“, £33333: 3 if - f
’ 11.1-12.1." 1. % awo- 6:3 '1. 1. «. 51- :E'»z 5‘ " '11?

our lawyers, from local, state and 3 .3 «21:27 12%; 1 1 “ .
federal goyormom levels. voice s to 1 . av -
from our schools, and voices from xif s 3 ' , 1135i. 31»; 5‘35.
the public itself, are raising the ' ' ' .., Wig, - . fg’efié 13
question: “What’s so precious about W, ..M..- V , ,
a free P1955?” ., . “ . ' "3.55:.” ‘ ' g. .13» 5.:

' 3 ' 1 . 51"“;7..1 3’35 “:3 ' 17,115:

If you stop ca mg 52.3 «f ; 1 ,' , .,,.11J‘*g.,;_,'ji;§,1:;.15 ,.
You are newspapermen, and when ' We»$139,435,5313.3":251111*“ wm ' '. 3
you, including your colleagues in the [if " , 3.591;"
“news”, “advertising” and “bus— 5 1‘ . ' 11 . . ,

, iness offices” of your newspapers " ' ‘ 5” é ,5
stop caring, the battle is lost. The Sift , fl, 1 ‘ ' 3W, _ '- 11 i . gait; >1

Any attempts to destroy, limit or .5 " 3 ,ai , ‘ . .1
restrict the ,public’s-right—to-know g , : ; _ 3 ”5:1 1' . 1‘, . .3 3 3,,
should logically be resisted by those a ’ .* 33‘.,73.-m~5:::w:;31,';;:, a»); *,,,.,, , 3
who have the most to lose. And that, ' ,_ " 11 . A show,“ fge‘ottww ,.'...«1%,Z.L-’f.’/'. , L‘ ‘:
contrary to popular misconception, "" M . W . i ‘39,; . 3:3
is not the press. . .but the public ‘33,. w... 5.3.331 333), _ Wag,” g;
. mm is ""‘1?“~; .. 1 '1 ‘1 ,1 1 .‘.""~1~--.. . . 1" "'-~....,.; . " 5-» ~~ 1 .115.
itself. 33%?» 1 5M5» ' . “arse“- 52,419”; ., *5

. . $33.63: , . ,, 4-35., 1 > \M 1 ,