xt7s7h1dnk5p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s7h1dnk5p/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1990-09 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, September 1990 text GLSO News, September 1990 1990 1990-09 2019 true xt7s7h1dnk5p section xt7s7h1dnk5p NEWS 1990 @I 5 @
5 Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
from GLSO News staff
Sexual assaults against women are on the joined other Lexington organizations in
rise. Every hour Ié women confront ra ists; a promoting the rally.
woman is raped every six minutes. g to 4 The event is both educational and enjoyable
million women are battered each year; every with featured speakers, including Vice—Mayor
I8 seconds a woman is beaten. 3 out of 4 Pam Miller and Libb Harvey from the Office of
women will be victims of at least one violent the Attorney General; entertainment (Reel World
crime during their lifetime. and two performers from Yer Girlfriend), and
To increase community awareness of the information booths, consisting of numerous
Emblem of violence against women, on Bluegrass agencies and organizations.
eptember 9, I990, the Blue rass chapter of T e evening will end with a candlelight vigil
the National Organization Sfor Women is commemorating women who have been victims
sponsoring an event called Take Back the Ni ht. of violence. Take Back the Night begins at
T e Gay & Lesbian Services Organization Ttas 6:30 pm at Triangle Park.
from GLSO News staff
AVOL, the AIDS Volunteers of Lexington, has AVOL plans two other events during
announced Ians for its Third Annual Summer September. A late night showing of ”Longtime
Benefit. The event will be held Sunday, Companion" is scheduled at Lexington Green
September 16, from 6 to 9 pm at ArtsPIace, Cinema for Friday, September IA. The movie
161 North Mill Street. This year's theme is "In chronicles the AIDS crisis by followin the life of
Vogue." Attendees are encouraged to dress in a NYC gay man. He loses friend afier friend to
black and white, but formal attire is not the disease which at first has no name, and
required. Beverages and ex uisite hors then, to the disease which everyone knows
d'oeuvres will be provided by Iocdl restaurants about. Call AVOL to confirm the showing.
and caterers. Invitations are being mailed to An art exhibit by Kevin Barnhart will be
post supporters but all are welcome for the displayed at The Artist's Attic, Victorian Square,
annual estivity. A $20 donation will be on Se tember 7 and 8. A resident of Boston,
collected for admission. Mr. Barnhart's computer-assisted artwork has
A raffle is being conducted in con'unction toured several major cities. He is best known
with the Summer Benefit. Tickets pricedJ at $2 for themes dealing with the effect of AIDS on
each, or 3 for $5, are available from AVOL the a community. Additional information on
Board Members or the AVOL office. Prizes all SEA/CL events can be obtained from the
include travel packages and ift certificates from AVOL office, 276-2865.
local restaurants, florists, aria other merchants. The Kentucky NAMES Project will dis lay a
A tanning bed is offered as the rand prize. ortion of the NAMES Quilt on SeptemEer 2.
The prizes will be drawn at the Benefit, and The exhibit will occur at the Singletary Center
tickets will remain on sale until the drawing. for the Arts, University of Kentucky, at the corner
Ticket holders do not have to be present to win. of Rose and Euclid, from noon to 5 pm.

 [ ] Please send me information on GLSO.
[ ] l'd like to become a votin Member oi smerelda’s parlo
GLSO, includin home defive oi the r, 1'
GLSO NEWS ang discounts at gLSO \' 9\
iunctions. Membership oi SiO/yr. Q "' \
individual, $l5/yr. couple, is enclosed. ‘.
[ ] I don’t wish to become a Member but
please send me the GLSO NEWS each Dear Esmerelda,
month. I enclose the $5 annual tee. This is the last time i will be writing to ou
as assistant editor oi Esmerelda's Parlour. It has
been about 16 months since I started writing ior
Name: the GLSO Newsletter and i can't even be in to
tell you how my lite has changed and my
Address: horizons have broadened in that time. i'm very
pleased and excited about where my life is
City, St, Zip: eadin now, and although writing for
Esmereigda's Parlour is certaini not entirely
Mail to: Newsletter, PO. Box 11471 responsible ior this, I can't help but think that it
Lexington, KY 40575 has contributed.
Writing for the Newsletter has definitely
taught me how to take a stand and also what it
means to be responsible for my opinions. l
GLSO News is published monthly by the certainly have made my share at mistakes, as
Lexington Gay Services Organization, inc. several at you out there in Esmerelda Reader
(Lexin ton Ga /Lesbian Services Or anization), Land have noted, but I know that i have also
P.O. on 114%, Lexington, KY 40595. made a difference for iust as many people.
Taking the risk oi looking foolish isn't inherently
Craig Clere, Managing Editor iun but it does have a certain appeal — it helps
Angela Martin, Asst Editor - Esmerelda Parlour to iree one from the yoke oi worrying over what
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist other people might think. Ater a time it
becomes apparent that there are no truly
Additional Contributors: NGLTF, HRCF, Craig, enlightened ones sittin around reading the
GLSO, Angela, Heartland, Dan, The Advocate; Newsletter, readin my atoughts, just waiting ior
Typist: Craig; Equipment: Dave; La out: Craig, me to say sometTting that i haven't roperl
Steve; Mailin : Bill; Courier: Kenneth; Folding & thought out - something stupid which wiii attach
Stuffing: Mark, Steve, Willie, Kate, Amy, Dave, an incredible karmic load to my next iiie.
Jim, Steve. Sadly, it seems that no one is that wise all the
time, or that periect.
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are those oi the One iitin that writing for the Newsletter
authors and do not necessarily represent those of the GLSO hasn't really gelped me To improve is in ability
Board oi Directors. Submissions are welcome. All submissions to get a point across easily (alter readin lite
become the property of GLSO and must indicate the full name above paragraph I'm sure you will agree), iut it
and address of the author. Anonymous submissions are not sim ly isn't that easy for me. i uess that is
accepted. The editorial staff reserves the right to alter probably because i Usually know wgat i want i0
submissions (including ads) to meet publishing requirements, as say 50 ii seems very. clear to me uniortunateiy,
well as the right to reject any submission it deems offensive or most people don't i ink the way i do. i want
discriminatory. Placement of advertising in GLSO News does to thank those iriends Oi mine who have been
not denote a person's sexual orientation nor a business’s kind enou it in The past to lei me know when
customer preierence. my point fiasn't quite made it. I also want to
2 Sep GLSO

 thank my girlfriend for patiently reading some of this form. Her writing stands up well on its
my material and encouragin me to ”tone it own, and it should have a broader appeal,
down" - I know I speak a filtle to loudly and lifted, as it were, from the rest of the magazine.
forcefully sometimes. Bright has a disarming writing style which allows
Lastly I want to thank the Editor of the GLSO her to tackle some taboo subjects very
Newsletter and Esmerelda for allowing me the matter—of-factly. With her playful disregard for
opportunity to write and share my views. As I public opinion, she will undoubtedly step on
said earlier, it really has encouraged my growth some toes, but we'll survive. Whatever her
and I trul value the experience. I can honestl topic (masturbation, anal sex, fisting, group sex,
say that if it hadn't been for my experience with etc.), she tries to strip away the myths and
the Newsletter, Esmerelda's Anthology would fallacies that surround it, in order to bring it
never have been attempted, and even if it had, within our grasp. She's 'not advocating that all
it certainly wouldn't have turned out so well (by lesbians try these things; she just exposes us to
the way, there are still copies available). them and asks that we keep an open mind.
Stay in touch, Esmerelda, and if you're ever One aspect of Bright's book that I found
looking for something im ortant to do with your particularly interesting is how it serves as a
time, remember that the Parlour needs you. chronology of some of the issues within the
Angela Martin lesbian community over the last six years or so.
For instance, I wonder what the shock value of
SUSIE SEXPERT'S LESBIAN SEX WORLD the Summer I984 column (vibrators) was at the
A book review by Debbie Currie time it was released versus now. As I
rogressed through the book Land the years), I
It would probabl come as quite a surprise be an to come across issues t at are still being
to most of you to hear that Esmerelda has a hofIy-debated, which brought me full circle to
subscription to "On Our Backs." Not to be wonder where we'll be in another six years or
confused with the PC feminist publication "Off so. One thing I'm sure of: Susie Bright will
Our Backs,” ”On Our Backs," subtitled gladly show us the way, continuing to shock,
"Entertainment for the Adventurous Lesbian,” is amuse and educate us in her own inimitable
very PI, ve naughty, and most definitely not way.
for the timig reader. I'll never forget the clay I have not seen a copy of this book for sale
we received our first issue (unsolicited, of in Lexington to date. However it can be
course), and how we giggled like school girls as ordered throu h either Joseph-Beth Booksellers
we leafed throu h it. Its pictures left little to the or S ecial Megia, or you can call Cleis Press at
imagination, and the personal ads were enou h (4I 2c)l 73I-3863 for more information.
to curl your toes, or anything else you mi slit
want curled. Every other month, EsmereFdo HOUSE VOTES TO SUPPRESS
receives a new issue of "On Our Backs, " and FEMINIST ART WORK
much as I hate to admit it, I look forward to it. from National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
While there are times when I cannot help but
be offended b it, I feel that it has tau ht me a The US. House has voted to cut funding for
lot and helped/to open u my mind. However, "The Dinner Party," on installation by Judy
I've often wondered if; the writing in the Chicago. Byavote of 297-I23 the House cut
magazine doesn't end up taking a back seat to $I.6 million from the D.C. Appropriations Bill in
the very explicit ictures. response to the scheduled acquisition of "The
You may be wondering where this Dinner Party‘." The piece is still slated for
commentary is Ieadin . It leads directly to a display at t e University of D.C. The money
newly-released Cleis Press book entitled Susie de eted by Congress is the amount the university
Sexpert's Lesbian Sex World (I990, I54 had earmarked for the renovation of the school
ages). The author, Susie Bright, aka Susie library, in which the art work will appear.
Sexpert, is also the editor of "On Our Backs." The work has been highly acclaimed by
This book is a compilation of all of her columns, critics and exhibited internationally. University
which are a regular feature of the magazine officials said the gift of "The Dinner Party" wiI
from the magazme's ince tion (Summer I984) stimulate expanded private support of university
through March/April I99%. I found that I and attract artists who are on the cutting edge
enjoyed her columns much more served up in of multi—cultural expression.
Sep GLSO 3

from Teresa Reynolds and Craig CIere

The July meeting of the Ga & Lesbian The GLSO informational brochure requires
Services Organization Board of Directors was only final editing to be com Iete. A decision to
held on July 25, I990. The meeting opened rint an initial order of 1,060 was agreed upon
with committee reports given by the chairs. by the board.

The Treasurer reported a bank balance of Melanie Otis of the Trilogy Proiect reported a
$5,728, of which $690 is reserved for Pride response rate of 52% on Lexin ton surveys.
Week. This represents the most healthy Pro'ect staffers are pleased with tffe turnout as
financial situation for the organization in several of this date.
years. Kate Jacques presented board members with

The Coffeehouse and Dance committee detailed purchasing information regarding the
reported this year's dances are scheduled to computer hardware and software necessary to
begin in September. October and November upgrade the Phoneline. Various options were
are also slated to have events. The committee considered by the board. After discussion it was
has begun meeting to ensure the success of the agreed to test the software before purchasin

rograms. It was su gested that at the the hardware to assure that the system will fulfifi
September I4 Coffeeqhouse and Dance the Phoneline re uirements.

information be available about GLSO and its Kate Black asked the board to co-sponsor on
various interest areas to facilitate individuals Art Against AIDS project in November. Videos
volunteering for committees. from the Chicago Art Institute have been

BiII. Log ins was appointed volunteer urchased by AVOL for use in the event. The
coordinator For the organization. Loggins will board agreed to sponsor one day's showing
refer interested persons to the various and co-sponsor the entire event to be held at
committees available and contact those chairs, Central Library Auditorium.
informing them of the volunteer's interest. The next meetin was set for August 29,

The Phoneline reported staffing problems T990. GLSO boara meetin s are open to the
throughout the Summer. A training session for membership at large. ConsEIt the Directory for
new volunteers will be held on September 9. a contact number.

from GLSO News staff from GLSO News staff

The GLSO Phoneline Committee will hold a GLSO’s Cards and Games, a regular Friday
trainin session for new volunteers on night tradition for several years is being
Septemger 9, I pm, at the Comprehensive reintroduced beginning in September. Tom
Care Center. The training session has been Kahn has agreed to host the first evening,
scheduled due to on-goin problems during the Friday, September 7, at 8 pm. In past years
Summer with keepin the T’honeline staffed. It's the evening consisted of either a game of
hoped that with a fiw new volunteers, staffin Canasta, Trivial Pursuit, or, maybe, Risk. This
the Phoneline for its current four nights a weei year any of those options are available or
schedule will cease to be a problem. depending on the crowd, perhaps iust watching

There are no specific qualifications to acurrent video.
volunteering for the Phoneline, other than If there is sufficient interest this may become
havin a local phone number to which a re uIar fixture to the monthly choices
Phonefine calls are transferred. AII trainin is availaTnIe for Lexington activities. For more

rovided by the Phoneline coordinator, Edgwin information and directions, caII Tom at
Elackney, and the current volunteers. 266-3208.
4 Sep GLSO

 ASK AUNT MARY lives have become quite interdependent and are
based on a history oi togetherness. Giving that
—_——_———— up is usually painiul and it comes down to a
question oi what will be best ior you (and, oiten
Dear Aunt Mary, b extension ior your partner). And remember

Here’s a tough questions but i know ou'll arl relationships periodically have problems and
give it your best shot. How do you know that's NORMAL.
whether to end a relationship and move on, or
try to keep it together? THE GAY GAMES Ill

Your loving nephew, Angst irom Dan Mynear
Dear Angst, Excitement reigns as 7,000 athletes wait in
Who is your iather? It seems relatives are the expansive corridors that surround the
popping up all over, iust last month it was Vancouver Dome. We realize that in moments
nce trgmund. Well, dear, thank you ior the ‘we will be marching into the o ening
vote 0 coniidence. When to end a ceremonies oi Gay Games Ill. 20,000 cheering
relationshi '9’ That is a tough question and one clapping people will soon be welcoming
ior the which there can be no single answer. Kentucky and Team Lexington to the Games.
So I’ll give a iew. But, l'd also like to iocus on A sudden sur e oi adrenalin hits us all as
the possibility oi redeiining a relationship rather we march through the door and hear the roar
than endin it (i.e., becoming iriends rather oi the crowd. We begin our march around the
than lovers.)a stadium as the announcer welcomes "The

So, change a relationship when the only representatives irom the Bluegrass State -
reason you're still intimately involved is to: representing the cities oi Louisville and

i. save money on utilities, Lexin ton." A sense oi pride overwhelms us

2. test the limits oi your sanity, and Sbrings tears to my eyes. Five irom

3. be able to resent the amount oi work you Lexington and iiity irom Louisville stand proud

do to keep the relationship going, beiore the world!

4. never have time to read a book, This beautiiul event set the stage ior the

5. be so preoccupied with the relationship incredible week oi sports and cultural activities

that your work and other social that iollowed. Although Vancouver is a large
obligations go to hell, city, with a substantial lesbian and gay

6. protect the other person’s ieelings (ii this opulation, our presence was ielt everywhere.

is the only reason ou're still in a file were in every hotel, restaurant and disco.
relationship, you'll do Par more emotional We spent an estimated 25-30 million dollars
damage to the other person than ii during the week. We were a kind and
you're honest about how you ieel). digni ied peo le.

The key to any relationship is to be honest How did) Team Lexington iare in our
about how ou ieel. Feelings are what they respective events? Lexin ton iielded the tenth
are and, aiihough, they may lead to wrong largest triathlon team in tiie world! We all did
decisions, ieelings, themselves are not wrong. our best, had some personal bests, and at least
They simply are asking to be recognized. How one participant realized that he will wear a
one recognizes ieelings, however, can be wetsuit the next time he swims a mile in the
wrong. or example, recognizing anger with north Paciiic. Our iiith participant was in the
physical or verbal violence, or ho ding ieelings goliing competition and was within two strokes
in and resenting it. oi winning a medal.

Whether or not to change/end a What did we get irom the games? Sure, we
relationship is really a quality oi liie issue. Can have medals, photographs and memories, but
you remember how your liie was beiore the the greatest gits I got were the new iriends
relationship? Was it better? Are you both acqutred irom all over the world and the new
miserable together because oi excessive energy I brin back to Lexington. Let us begin
overdependence? Only you can answer these pre arations For The Gay Games W in 1994!
questions. It may help to seek proiessional iinterested in joining1 a local chapter oi the
assistance and there is no reason not to try to national running club, t e Front Runners? Write
iix a troubled relationship, especially, ii you're Dan Mynear, Box 2174i, Lexington, 40522.]

Sep GLSO 5

 Don’t just worry about HIV.
Do something about it.
If you think you are at risk for
HIV infection, now is the time
to consider HIV counseling
and testing.

The test is FREE and ANONYMOUS.
Call your local Health Department,
or, the Kentucky AIDS Hotline at
HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.

 7' “6 Le @
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from Chris Florence

A recent letter to Aunt Mary asked about lovers. | feel like the all-embracin neo-pagan
bisexuality, a subiect with which I am too deity: I am the male and the gmale, both
familiar not to respond to. bound in one body.

Who are the bisexuals? My bisexuality is typical of my life: |

Word in the straight community has it that embrace all sexuallties, all religions,
bisexuals are queers who try to fit the straight hilosophies, sciences, cultures, languages . . .
mold. The gay and lesbian community has it lfis a part of m whole being, and not simply a
that they are 'fence-sitters" unwilling to admit "switch—hitter" play I perform in bed. It is more
that they are homosexual. In fact, these two than "AC/DC' adaptabiIiBI. It is a NEED for
opinions are a result of the "black and white" both genders, and a RESP CT for both genders.
VIeW that strai ht society.I compels us to have. And it oes beyond that: my love for hIm helps
It's very difficulgtJ to see t e middle when you're me undgerstand her love for me, and vice versa.
at one or the other. It draws us all closer and builds the foundation

Myself, I'm an acknowled ed bisexual of 2 of our family.
1/2 years, rating right in the middle of the My greatest re ret in being an
Kinsey sexual-orientation rid (0 being straight, out-of-the-close bi is tgat we do (and our
6 being 90: I'm a 33. I have a steady children will) face anti-gay hostility from the
girlfriend of five years an a steady uy. ButI straight world and (to a lesser extent)
avoided the all-too-common double-“Fe scenario anti-straight hostility from the gay and lesbian
and leveled with each of them from the start world. But we are making progress. Many
(back to my first same-sex feelings, for here. ay and lesbian organizations are recognizing
Because of this openness I live a stable famiy Bisexuality as a legitimate sexual orientation,
life with two spouses: one gay, one straight. and many bis are coming out of the closet

Outright, I reject the notion that I am on (which is remarkable for the number of bis who
"uncommitted homosexual." On the contrary, I spend their lives passing for straight). Bisexual
feel sorry for the gay man who will never know support groups exist in New York, San
the love of a woman and for the straight man Francisco, and Chicago among other ma'or
who will never know the love of a man. It is a cities. Still, we are breaking not only the
unique position where I can see both sides of "homosexual taboo" but also the "bigamy
the gay/straight position where I can see both taboo. " With a little effort, the eventual
sides of the gay/straight issue. The way my legalization of gay marriages will also apply to
affections swmg, some nights I may feel bis.
completely heterosexual, and other times I may Bisexuality is more than flexibility among sex
feel completely homosexual. But there are also artners, or an inability to acknowledge
times when my feelings place me ri ht in the homosexuality. It is, like any other sexual
center, where I am not satisfied wiThout both orientation, 0 part of existence for some people.


September )4 marks the return of the GLSO music” to hear just that -- we hope you will
Coffeehouse and Dance. The Dance Committee come out and support it. If we're lucky, we
has been hard at work getting thin 5 into place may even have a little live entertainment,
for fall, and we're pretty excited with the results! although nothin was finalized at press time.
We've considered the responses we got to our Be inning at I823Opm, our traditional dance
questionnaire last spring, so we'll be trying a wifla be in with all new tapes.
few different things this year. On Sept. I4, LooEing ahead to October we're searching
we'll be having our own version of a true high and low for a dance band to perform.
Coffeehouse from 8:30 - IO:3O pm, meaning And in November, look for the return of YER
that the music will be low to accommodate GIRLFRIENDII
visiting and there will be NO SMOKING during If you would like to be involved in
that time. This will be an opportunity for those Coffeehouse planning or production, lease call
who have been begging for more "womyn's Debbie (255-3851) or Teresa (252-3I306).

Sep GLSO 9

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S ComQuest is gay Kentucky's new way to meet compatible guys. Stop 3 - ”53211.3 yourself by circling the word me beside each
0 ComQuest's computer-based matching system enables you to meet descriptive item which is a true description of yourself. You should
men from your WEE who "181011 your preferences (and you theirs) circle at least one me under each category. Circle more than one
# for age. race. personality. lifestyle. physical attributes. interests. me if appropriate.
m and local reSidence. Step 4 - Describe your ideal match by circling the word veto. no.
ComQuest began Providing to matching services in 1982 and ok or yes beside each and every item (including those by which
HOW has thousands 0f members in 0"” 60major cities. you circled me) to indicate to what extent you would want that
How does It work? item to be true of‘your match. Circle exactly one of these responses
0 . . per item. as described below:
ComQuest's matching sytem. usrng advanced computer technol- . _ . _
F ogy. analyzes your detailed questionnaire responses (see other side CHFI‘? yes ‘f you prefer that desmpu‘m [0 be true Of your match.
of page) and compares each of your weighted "ideal match" Th” ‘5 a votefor a trait—not a guarantee.
“ descriptive responses Wi‘h the corresponding "self" descriptive Circle ok if you don't care one way or the othiu. This is an absten-
m responses of all current members, and. vice versa. keeping tr“Ck 0f lion—no vote either way. Lines left blank are counted as 0k.
L the members havmg the highest matchmg scores. Circle no if you prefer. that description not to be true of your
I_ What does ll Offsé‘gnd What do I 9917 match. This is a vote against—not a disqualification. Treat it as a
I For only My u get the contact information for the 5 men who "maybe."
L are your best matches from our current 13001 Of members in your Circle veto if you want no matches with anyone for whom that
area. A150: your contact information Will be "listed" for ”“99 description is true. even if they have other desirable qualities. This
3 months (W131 unlimrted free “mil-510115) for other members m 0011- is a disqualification and is not affected by category rank. Treat it as
o tact you (unless you leave Step 2 blank). You will know of these an absolute "no." We recommend that you circle between 10 and
matches only when they contact you. 20 vetos to restrict age. race. residence. and other important traits
> What It my matches don't work out? 0‘ Yo‘" “13‘0““-
I ' ComQuest receives numerous letters from members who have Note: The use of vetoes restricts the number of members qualified
6 found lovers or who are otherwise quite pleased with our scrvice. to meet you. You are guaranteed the number or matches you order,
However. ifyou are not satisfied, you will receive aprompt refund b‘" ‘f you “FPO many vetoes you may get fewer matches than
D ofyour membership fee. (You have 30 days to notify us and return you ordered initially. in which case you will receive credit for. the
your match printout). remaining matches. You can use the credit to alter your question—
naire and/or reorder matches anytime.
'5 How long will it take? . . i . . . .
_ . . Step 5 - W. The questionnaire is diVided mto 16
c We fill most orders within a week. If the difference between categories. To insure that your responses on the less important
your postmark date and Wis 15 more than 14 days. we wrll include items won't override those on the more important items. you must
m an extra $5.00 credit voucher with your order. applicable to future indicate which categories are important to you. Using the blank to
ComQuest orders. All correspondence from ComQuest is mailed in the lefi of each category heading. either _ . '
discreet envelopes. ‘ ~ .
. Rank each category from 1 to 16 in its order of importance to you.
OK: I “ tl'Y l1. Whal do I do? with 1 as the most important and 16 as the least. using each rank
0 This is the hard pan. But it can be fun. too. The questionnaire is once. 0" ~ - -
c on the other side or this page. Refer ‘0 the instructions ‘0 the right Put a check mark beside the/Ive most important category headings.
to complete Steps 3. 4. and 5. It is very important to read them leaving the rest blank.
carefully. If you don‘t follow the instructions we can't guarantee . ‘
C the results. If you need help call 1-708-991-0693 (9.5 CST. M»F). ”0‘“ Y0“{ maVJT‘BS WI“ be 12”“ "WW “P0" ”36 more “P0?-
I— For additional application forms call 1-800~633-6969 (24 hours). tant categories. With the less important ones 5‘”va only as “e
o . breakers. Noes and yms have very little effect in the lower ranked
Send the completed form W‘l-h $20 WU” or unchecked categories. Some of your matches may have traits by
a 10 matches) check 01' money order ‘0: which you circled no. However. vetoes are exclusive regardless of
ComQuest, PO Box 1069, Palatine. IL 60078 category Yank-
