xt7s7h1dm046 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s7h1dm046/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1988-04-15 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, April 15, 1988, no. 525 text The Green Bean, April 15, 1988, no. 525 1988 1988-04-15 2014 true xt7s7h1dm046 section xt7s7h1dm046 Number 525 April 15, 1988 I
The annual Library Book Sale will be held April 21-22 at  
Buell Armory. If you can volunteer to help during the two days
of the sale -- and especially if you can help in setting up on
Thursday morning, please call Paula Pope at 7-9401. We still
need grocery bags for packing books for customers; you can bring
your donated bags to either Paula Pope or to Trudy Day in  
Collection Development.
The Library Staff Organization will have a separate table
for book sales at the sale, with proceeds going to LSO. There is
still time to bring in books for LSO to sell; books may be
brought to the bindery unit on the third floor to store until the
day of the sale.
Since April 4, library patrons and staff using the i
Government Publications Department have been retrieving their own
materials from the basement stacks and level B in the core
stacks. GPD staff will supply a map of the area where the
t material is located and provide patrons with a stack number to
look for, as well as the call number. ‘
The staff have been conducting tours, through today of both
the basement and level B, and will be happy to schedule
additional tours for groups of two or more on request. For more .
information, or to request a tour, call Sandra McAninch at
Special Libraries Association will be conducting a two-day 1
program, "Managing the One—Person Library," on May 6-7 in
Pittsburgh, PA.
Instructor for the event is Guy St. Clair, a widely recognized _
consultant, author and lecturer on the management of small
libraries. He is also the publisher of The One-Person Library: A
Newsletter for Librarians and Management and the author of
Managing the One-Person Library, a comprehensive guide published
in 1986.
I 1
Iué Newsletter of the Umversnty 7
of Kentucky Lnbrarnes


 The conference registration fee is $200 for SLA members and
$240 for non-members. Participants will earn 0.6 CEUs for each
full day of thewconference they complete. A .
Full information is available in the QQ office.
University of Kentucky Academic Support Services for Adults
. and Career Planning and Placement are offering a half-day
workshop on May 10 for adult students and potential students who
are anxious about opportunities in the job market.
2 The conference is designed to provide information about
researching the job market and about current trends in selected
career fields.
The conference will be held in Room 230 of the New Student
Center from 8:30 a.m. until 12:15 p.m. Cost of registration is
$5. More information is available in the_g§ office or from
Academic Support Services for Adults, 106 Frazee Hall; telephone
The Department of Telecommunications will offer Tel/Com 319:
"World Media Systems" during the four-week summer session from
10:00 a.m. -12:00 Monday—Friday.
The course is a comparison of the communication media in
different countries of the world, and an exploration of the
theories explaining why these media systems exist. The course
— covers how various political and social systems affect the media
and how the media, in turn, affect the societies in which they
have developed. The first half of the course focuses primarily
on the structures of the communication media (both domestic and
international) throughout the world. The second half of the
course covers the functions of these media in First, Second, and
Third World countries. In the second half of the course special
emphasis is placed upon social, economic, and political problems
created by communication inequities, exportation of technology,
and information flow.
For more information, you may call the instructor, Dr.
Milton J. Shatzer at 7-4241 or the Department of
Telecommunications at 7-1730.
An exhibit of works by the nineteenth-century Kentucky
painter Thomas S. Noble opened at the University Art Museum in
the Singletary Center for the Arts on Sunday, April 10 and will
remain hanging through May 29.
Dr. James Birchfield, assistant director for Collection
Development in the University Libraries, had a major role x the
research and preparation for this exhibit. ‘
1 2

The Spring 1988 Kentucky Higher Education Computing and
Telecommunications Conference will be held May 19-20 in the
Perkins Building conference center at Eastern Kentucky
University. The conference theme will be "Reaching for New
Horizons in the Midst of Fiscal Constraints."
The conference registration fee is $50; the fee includes
h meals on both days of the conference.
Further information is available from Carol Teague, Academic
Computing Services, EKU, Combs 207, Richmond, KY 40475-0940 or in
the gg office.
APRIL 15 Gallery Series: "Fetal Harm as
Child Neglect" : Lecture : Dr. Joan
Callahan, Department of Philosophy.
_ APRIL 18 "Intergenerational Relationships in
an Aging Society: Research
Frontiers" : Colloquium : Dr.
Gunhild O. Hagestad, Northwestern
University. 2:00 p.m. Room 112,
Sanders-Brown Center on Aging.
APRIL 22 Gallery Series: woodwind Concert:
- Faculty Woodwind Quintet. ‘
APRU;28-29 Spring Joint Meeting, Kentucky
Special Libraries Association and
Special Section, Kentucky Library
Association at the Seelbach Hotel,
AHUL29 Gallery Series: Songs and
Celebrations of Logan English :
Judy Sackett, head of the Periodicals / Newspapers /
Microtexts Department, will present a program on how to buy
microfiche readers and reader-printers at the KLN annual
convention in Louisville May 17. The half—hour program will be
repeated four times during the afternoon session.

 JOB OPPORTUNITIES Asst. or Assoc. Librarian, U
Science and Engineering I
CALIFORNIA Library. Purdue University.
_ Salary: $20,470 minimum.
Science Reference Librarian. Deadline: none given.
University of California, V
Riverside. Salary: KANSAS
$25,380—$34,068. Deadline: J
May 31,1988. Cataloging Librarian. ,
University of Kansas. Salary:
Automated Systems $18,500-$22,500. Deadline:  
Administrator. California April 30, 1988. I
State University. Salary: A
variable. Deadline: April 28, NEBRASKA 1
1988. ‘
Reference Librarian.
COLORADO University of Nebraska,
Lincoln. Salary: $18,750
Asst. Director for Tech minimum. Deadline: June 15,
Services. University of 1988.
Colorado, Boulder. Salary:
` $45,000 minimum. Deadline:
June 30, 1988. NEW JERSEY
Asst. Science Librarian. Special Formats Catalog
University of Colorado, Librarian. Rutgers University.
Boulder. Salary: $22,000 Salary: $29,974 minimum.
minimum. Deadline: May 31, Deadline: June 1, 1988.
. 1988.
Head, Reference Department. 1
Library Director. University University of New Mexico.
of South Florida. Salary: Salary: $32,000 minimum.
$50,000 minimum. Deadline: Deadline: June 10, 1988.
June 1, 1988.
Head of Public Services.
Member Services Coordinator. Cornell University. Salary:
SOLINET. Salary: $21,000 variable. Deadline: April 15,
minimum. Deadline: none 1988.
Principal Cataloger. Oklahoma
Asst., Assoc., or Librarian State University. Salary:
Head of ILL. Indiana $25,020 minimum. Deadline:
University. Salary: $20,470 July 15, 1988.
minimum. Deadline: May 1,
1988. _

 ‘   *"\.
Assistant Cataloger. Oklahoma i
State University. Salary: ’
$18,540 minimum. Deadline:
July 15, 1988.
Assistant Physical Sciences and
Engineering Librarian. V
Oklahoma State University. 1
Salary: $18,000 minimum.
Deadline: July 15, 1988. ` -
Interlibrary Loan Librarian.
Rice University. Salary: -
$22,000-$24,000. Deadline:
none given.
Reference Librarian.
_ Washington State University. 1
Salary: $18,000 minimum. .
Deadline: June 15, 1988.
· Production Staff: Editor/
typist: Bonnie Jean Cox;
typist/proofreader: Scott Lutz;
printer: Cecil Madison.