xt7s7h1dm03m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s7h1dm03m/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1982 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 58, No. 2, Autumn 1982 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 58, No. 2, Autumn 1982 1982 1982 2014 true xt7s7h1dm03m section xt7s7h1dm03m    W  
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Molly Lee Rides Again!

 US ISSN 0016-2116
Front Cover: Molly Lee is pictured as she once again leads the  
parade of the annual Mary Breckinridge Festival. This §
year’s Festival was very special as the FNS helped {
celebrate the 100th birthday of Hyden. t
US ISSN 0016211.6 I lt,
Published at the end of each quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.  
Wendover, Kentucky 41775    
Subscription Price $5.00 a Year l `
Edit»or’s Office, Wendover, Kentucky 41775  
Second-class postage paid at Wendover, Ky. 41775 and at additional mailing offices `
Send Form 3579 to Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, Ky. 41775
Copyright 1982, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.  

_ E.
A Field Notes 3
Beyond the Mountains Kate Ireland 5
Courier News 7
. Statement of Ownership 10
{ Staff Opportunities 11
`   Mary Breckinridge Festival 12
; Alumni News 14
E Respiratory Therapy Week 24
i Urgent Needs 25
i In Memoriam 26
  Memorial Gifts 27
l >*

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Barbara Post and former FNS Director Miss Helen E. Browne.
In November, Barbara Post, Wendover Coordinator, left the
Frontier Nursing Service in pursuit of her Master’s Degree in Art
Education and teaching certification in secondary education. She
came to FNS three years ago from Belmont Massachusetts as ‘
coordinator of couriers and volunteers, and later as coordinator of  
Wendover. During her stay, she was on many committees and was Q.
involved in activities not only at Wendover, but also with the `
Mary Breckinridge Hospital and Leslie County School Systems.
Barbara will be missed very much by those of us at the FNS
and the Hyden community. We wish her the very best of
everything in her new pursuits.

Labor Day brought the end of summer’s hard work and
summer’s repose. September fairly flew as days were marked by
the comings and goings of couriers old and new, the autumn
{ Board meeting, and guests, and more guests. Joan Davis and
Cindy Asplin, both couriers from the winter of ’81, came for a
( visit in early September and added to the cheerful company of
Whitney Pinger, San Francisco, California, David
Greenawalt, Hartsdale, New York, Jessie Kline, Safford,
Arizona, Jama Greene, Raleigh, North Carolina, Laurel
Evans, Cleveland, Ohio, Jennifer Oddleifson, Rochester, New
York, and Alison Van Horn, Princeton, New Jersey.
After the Board of Governors meeting, and a visit from the Rev.
. and Mrs. Richard Cunningham of Cleveland, Wendover hosted
the annual 4-H Awards Dinner, a special luncheon for the
University of Kentucky faculty and students, and had an Open
House on the 30th just before Mary Breckinridge Day. We were
pleased that the following Trustees and friends could come to view
the work of the Service firsthand: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dabney,
Miss Priscilla Luce, Mrs. Mahanes, Mrs. Banksdale, and Mrs.
Robert Gothrop.
Mary Breckinridge Day was a big success as far as Wendover
was concerned — Whitney won first prize for women in the
marathon that opened the day, she and Martin Carroll rode at the
head of the parade with Molly Lee, Jama and Laurel were the
clowns who escorted the float that all the couriers and Danna and
Barbara had worked on. Amy and Julie Howard and Jason
Chappell were the little clowns who rode on the float — between
them, the balloons, and the effort, the float won Grand Prize
» At the beginning of October, we welcomed back Denise Geolot
Z k and Donna Nash of the Division of Nursing, and then, Dr. Paul
  Soley returned for another week of ‘relief work’ in the (new) Hyden
M Clinic (formerly called the Primary Care Clinic). Our most special
` guest was, of course, Miss Agnes Lewis and her nephew, Hunter
Lewis, who shared with us their vitality and sense of humour to
give us all a gay and warm week. The month was brought to a
close on Halloween weekend by a small conference of the
Appalachian Health Providers who are centered out of Vander-

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‘ bilt, Nashville, Tennessee. More than twenty-five professionals ‘
came from around the area to meet with each other and members t
of our staff to share common problems and concerns. A
We are pleased to have the following new additions to the staff: V
Dr. Alice Lindsey, Family Practice, Dr. Diana Edenfield, Family
Practice, Christine Morgan, Respiratory Therapy technician, ji.
Carolyn Begley and Martha Hayes both as aides on Med/ Surg, 1
Glenna Allen, RN In Home Health, and Phyllis Wells, Pharmacy ;
technician. We are sorry to lose Bob Wright, DMD, who left to ,}
teach and practice at the University of Mississippi, and Lowell
Napier, Gail Sizemore, Sherry Barnes, Terrie Bowling, and °
Donna White.
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Grand Champion Float.

by Kate Ireland
‘ Our dear friend and Honorary Trustee, Mrs. John Sherman
  Cooper, most kindly held the Autumn meeting for the Washington
} Committee at her lovely home in late September. Ruth Newell is to
ig be congratulated on the wonderful tum—out of members and with
`* great pleasure, I introduced Ron Hallman, our new Development
Director. Marvin Patterson, Honorary Governor, has
enthusiastically offered her home for another "Derby Day" on
R May 7, 1983! The ladies were very thrilled about their past
successes with this Benefit and are looking forward to another
enjoyable and profitable adventure.
Ron stayed on with Ruth and her husband, Hal, in order to
meet some more of our Washington friends and to have the honor
I of visiting both Representative Hal Rogers and Representative
P Carl Perkins in their offices.
‘ Magnificent Autumn weather blessed Sharon and Dave Hat-
" Held, Ron Hallman, and me when we went to Boston the third
week of October. Our new Boston Chairman, Betty Ann Mead,
and her husband, Steve, invited some of the staunch FNS friends
over for a lovely dinner to meet the Hatfields and Ron. Mardi
Perry had as her guest, Brownie, who was on her way to spend the
weekend with Mrs. Roger Branham. Dave, Ron, and I also had a
little chat with Mrs. Branham on the morning before the Boston
gathering. And what a gathering it was! Patsy Lawrence
spearheaded a joint evening at the Museum of Fine Arts for the
Committee and friends to hear Dave Hatfield talk on the FNS and
. for all of us to have the privilege of viewing the American Artist
,2 Thomas Eakins’ magnificent Exhibit. As Patsy said in her own
_ words of introduction, "how wonderful to be able to combine two
 { of her finest interests, the Frontier Nursing Service and the
ii Museum of Fine Arts." We had cocktails and dinner in the
Tapestry Room, and it is always most gratifying to see the interest
and enthusiasm of husbands and parents, in addition to devoted
Couriers and friends. Congratulations Patsy, Betty Ann, and
Muffin — a magnificent evening!

 6 Faommn Nuasmo smwics
Please send to the following address _... copies of  
A Social History of The Frontier Nursing Service by Nancy  
Dammann. L
$6.00 a copy plus $1.00 for postage and handling. Checks should F
be made payable to the Frontier Nursing Service, and sent to:
Frontier Nursing Service
Wendover, Kentucky 41775.
Address   .
Nancy Dammann was a Courier for many years with the FNS.
She has done public relations work for the Service and taken a
wealth of photographs which are amply represented in her book. Y
She came back to Leslie County for five years during which time
she wrote this book in partial fulfillment of the requirements for V:
her Ph.D. She now resides in Sun City, Arizona. Nancy’s long sj
acquaintance with the FNS and her assiduous research make the `
book enjoyable and informative to say the least. It is an important
addition to material on the Service since the publication of Wide
Neighborhoods in 1952.

Elizabeth Palmer Eldridge ’62, 24 Castle-Frank-Crescent,
Toronto M4W 3A3 Ontario Canada
I have been in Chicago as much as possible these last couple of
. years to do whatever I could. Mother had Alzheener’s disease —
gl. and we were determined to keep her home as long as possible. In
  fact, we were able to until the end. But it was a long difficult siege,
_} as you can imagine. It was all I could do to keep that going - and
Q, things here as well with two very active, very bouncy children (a
`Q boy 12 and a girl 6). So anything that wasn’t absolutely necessary
simply didn’t get done. My desk was totally ignored. I’m just now
. digging out and finding bits and pieces that go back to 1979,
which was, I guess, the last year I was functioning as I should
have been. But ofcourse we’re always delighted to give to the FNS.
And wish it well. It remains one of the most exemplary
organizations I know, and I refer to it often for different reasons.
I Betsy Trefts, ’78, 20101 Malvern Road,
y Shaker Heights, Ohio 44122-
I’m in to medical school. I mean actually in! (at) the Medical
College of Ohio. By the time I heard, I had just started the M.A.
program in Medical Anthropology at Case Western Reserve.
However, when M.C.O. offered me the acceptance, they also
offered me the option of deferring entrance for a year - so I
grabbed it! I’m hoping to get as big a chunk as possible toward the
M.A. out of the way this year and then try to finish up the rest over
summers and whatever . . . . Happiness does not begin to describe
» Becky Rowley ’80, 4020 Terrace,
Y Kansas City, Missouri, 64111-
I can happily tell you that I have passed my state boards and
i I’m now an RN. It’s a good feeling - I feel like I’ve reached one of
_ { my milestones. I’m working at K.U. Medical Center in Kansas
. City, Kansas. I work on a neurosurgery floor which I’m finding
quite interesting. The floor is unique in that there are three parts
to it - an ICU (6 beds), a step-down unit (8 beds), and a work-up
A unit (10 beds) . . . Our floor gets head and neck traumas, brain and

spinal cord tumors, and intracerebral bleeds. I never dreamed I
` would be working on a neuro floor, but I love it. I
Nancy Albertson ’79 & ’80, 305 Dudley Street,
Providence, Rhode Island 02907-  
I am still trying to digest my trip down South . . . the  
transition from Gate City to Knoxville and the World’s Fair felt
like a journey of light years. The fair was fun, but disappointing _
for us children ofthe NY World’s Fair and Expo ’68. From there we ’p
went on a two-day hiking trip in the Smokies .... Opportunities _
‘ are hard to come by in Providence. I’ve been working at a museum ,
in Pawtucket called Slater Mill . . .it’s been good to hook up with it
as an extension of my studies in social history and American
Civilization. I am beginning to look for new social—work type jobs `
here, but just feel that maybe it’s time for a change.
Jessica Heimer ’82, 62 Taylor Street, Amherst, Mass.-
I am very busy with school work. I have a job driving a bus in ·
the early morning so I don’t have too much spare time, but I am Q
enjoying the Amherst area whenever I can. It is perfect fall I
weather right now, the leaves are in their glory. We are still eating [
lettuce and tomatoes from the garden.
Mary Nassif ’82, 27 Glenville Ave., Apt 5, .
Allston, Mass. 021348
I certainly was homesick for Kentucky for the longest time. I i
still talk my friends’ ears off about that great experience. This  .
week I start my Community Health rotation. Mary Breckinridge 2
is mentioned in the first chapter of the text — already I’m  I
pointing, ‘I was there! I was there!’  '_
Kathryn Rowley ’81, 1834 Laramie,  
Manhattan Kansas 66502- A
I’ve decided to apply to K.U. Nursing School - my final .
decision. I’m happy with it and do think I will find a place to fit in. 5
. . . I’m back at school — my last year (and) I’m glad. I have senior

_ apathy, I think. Becky and I are training for the Macy’s Marathon
` on November 7. So, that takes up quite a bit of time getting my
miles in, etc. I hope I can do it.
it Kathy Trainor ’82, One Sparks Street,
ll Cambridge, Mass. 02138-
I I’ve been enjoying a busy, but relaxing summer. The job as a
Q probation officer has been very enlightening — an unbelievable
l challenge to my patience. I’ve never, until now, dealt with
- children who grew up with and live crime. It’s quite overwhelming
¥ and discouraging to try and counsel kids with such a mind set.
Mainly, we supervise them on a work site, picking up trash at a
park, etc. There was never a dull moment — bottle throwing, knife
fights . . . exhausting! The kids are prostitutes, assault and
 ‘ battery with weapons, thieves, or just truancy problems. All of
, them have very little work ethic. Family and Education — I’m
` continually amazed at the importance.
Q Carol Sparer ’82, Box 455, Zena Rd.,
Woodstock, NY 12498-
Thanks so much for the lovely etching ofthe Big House . . . As
a matter of fact, I’ve been searching for things to hang up on the
walls of my new apartment. Now I have a welcome addition to my
i collection! . . . I’ve been keeping busy by taking a CPR course
  (which I completed successfully), reading, hiking, sunning, swim-
ming, etc. I also have been working on my Workbook of Drugs and
. Solutions, a school requirement.
. Meg Webb ’82, Old Concord Road, Lincoln, Mass 01773-
 ¤ I’m reading, running, writing, and thinking a lot about how
L. much I gained personally and in terms of my perspective on
·   medicine by being at the Frontier Nursing Service this summer.
Q At church last Sunday, Houston Westover, a long-time physician
· at FNS, showed me two beautiful photographs — one of l\/[iss
L Lester and one of Mrs. Breckinridge. Everything came flooding
Y back — sounds, smells, the heat. It was so nice to see someone who,
¢ too, knows just what it is like in Leslie County.

Jill Anderson ’81 & ’82, 210 1D Westport Road,
` N. Dartmouth, Mass. 02747-
School is already in swing. Actually, we were swamped with
work by the second day. I am finding that my FNS experience is
really helping me out in the clinical setting . . . still I can hardly .
wait until graduation day rolls around! I have only one class to
take this semester to fulfill the requirement for a degree in ‘
sociology. Next semester I’ll only need to concentrate on nursing  t
COl11‘S€S. `
Wedding Announcements —
Deborah Whitney Ray (’70) to Channing Lease Dawson on T
September 11, 1982. Deborah now lives at 3408 Crest Drive,
Manhattan Beach, California 90266.
Nan Sersig (’69) to Ted Erwin on August 27th. ,
Mrs. Janet Brown Dillingham (’71) to Mr. John Christian
J ussel, II, on September 18th in Mt. Kisco, New York.
Statement of Ownership
Statement of the Ownership, Management, and Circulation required by the Act of Congress of August 24,
1912, as amended by the Acts of March 3, 1933, July 2, 1946, and October 23, 1962 (Title 39, United States Code,
Section 4369), of
Published quarterly at Lexington, Kentucky for Autumn, 1982.
(1) That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor and business manager are:
Publisher: Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Wendover, Kentucky, 41775.
Editor: Mr. David M. Hatfield, Hyden, Kentucky 41749.
Managing Editor: Mr. Ron Hallman, Wendover, Kentucky 41775.
Business Manager: None,
(2) That the owner is: Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Wendover, Ky. 41775 (a non-profit corporation).
Officers of the corporation are: Miss Kate Ireland, National Chairman, Wendover, Ky. 41775; Mrs. A. R.
Shands III, ViceChairman; Mr. Homer L. Drew, Treasurer, 1 First Security Plaza, Lexington, Ky. 40507; Mrs.
John M. Prewitt, Box 385, Mt. Sterling, Ky. 40353, Secretary. .
(3) That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or _
more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities are: None. {
(4) Paragraphs 2 and 3 include, in cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the books of
the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such V
trustee is acting; also the statements in the two paragraphs show the afiiant’s full knowledge and belief as to ,
the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the _ ,'
books ofthe company as trustees, hold stock and securities i.n a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner.  
Extent and nature of circulation (average number of copies each issue during preceding 12 months
indicated with light face numbers, actual number of copies of single issue published nearest to filing date
indicated by bold face numbers): Total copies printed 4650, 4800; Paid circulation 0, 0; Mail subscriptions
4,150, 4,300; Total paid circulation 4,150, 4,300; Free distribution 300, 350; Total distribution 4,450, 4,650;
Copies not distributed 200, 150; Returns from news agents 0, 0; Total 4,650, 4,800.
Mr. David M. Hatfield, Editor

Certified Nurse Midwives
Family Nurse Practitioners
  Registered Nurses
 i Family Practice Physicians
X-ray Technicians
For all of the above, please direct your inquires to:
. Darrell Moore, Director of Personnel
Mary Breckinridge Hospital
Hyden, Kentucky 41749
Couriers and Volunteers, especially
. Senior Nursing Students
_ Gardeners
_ Forestry Students
i For information and application materials on the above,
please contact:
Danna Larson, Coordinator of Couriers and Volunteers
Frontier Nursing Service
Wendover, Kentucky 41775
1 C. V. Cooper, Jr., member of the FNS Board of Governors, was
_  recently elected president of the People’s Bank and Trust Com-
K pany of Hazard. He is a native of Hazard and a graduate of the
 3 University of Kentucky.
 u Mr. Cooper has served in numerous capacities as director, vice
, president and security officer of the bank for many years. He has
been active in many civic activities much of his life and has
traveled extensively, climbing mountains in Europe and South

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Molly Lee escorts parade down Main Street.
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Local children participate in Centennial celebration.

Helen M. Fedde ("HEM"), 121 Daugherty Drive,
Monroeville, PA 15146
I am the mystery woman on page 33 (Spring ’82 issue). . . . I was with `
the FNS from ’46 to ’52. It was a period of transition. Buckett (Dorothy
Buck) the first dean of the school was very ill and Eva Gilbert was __
graciously filling in nmtil they could get a new dean . . . . I was happy as a L
clam trying to be a good district midwife at Red Bird, then Brutus, and lr
then Beech Fork when Mrs. B. and Brownie asked me if I would be willing z
to go back to school and get a masters and then be dean. The Service  
would pay my salary and the expenses of school if I would promise to v'
come back and work for at least two years. I was dean from ’50 to ’52. I owe ·
a great deal to the FNS for which I shall always be grateful. The FNS has ii
done some pretty heroic things to try to insure educational quality for the P
School . . . . After working in Oklahoma and Idaho I went to the ·
University of North Carolina and got an MPH. From then on I spent the 2
next 20 years with the Allegheny County (with offices in Pittsburgh) ’
Health Department as Consultant in Matemal and Child Health and two { 
years as Assistant Director of Public Health Nursing. I retired in 1980. T
Audrey LaFrenz Biberdorf, Box 95, Frobisher, Sask. SOC OYO .
After 25 years in the P.N.G. Mission field, I am now Director of ·
Nursing at Oxbow Union Hospital (in Oxbow, Saskatchuan).  
Judy Rafson, 509 Conewango Ave., Warren, Pennsylvania 16365  I
Any FNS alumni passing near Warren are welcome to look us up. Our  I
new house has plenty of room for overnight guests!  I
Constance (Frier) Sterbenz, New York State Ranger Sch.,  g
Wanakena, NY 13695  Q.
We have lived here at the Ranger School for almost ten years, where
my husband, John, is professor of forestry for the State U of NY. Also, I I 
have been busy raising four children who are now ages 9, 7%, 6 and 5. For . g.
the past two years I have been working at our 21-bed hospital and am _A
presently charge night nurse and infection control nurse. My husband I
feels led that perhaps we should become missionaries — this would begin
by him going into missionary aviation school through Moody Bible I
Institute at Elizabethon, TN. 3

I Ann Shaw, 600 W. 218th St., #36, New York, NY 10034
I just got back to NYC from Cape Cod — six glorious days of
` swimming and sailing. Please give my very best to Dr. Anne and all
_A others at FNS.
_,. Ethel Starck, 2648 13th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55407
Ai Trying to squeeze the last out of this summer. It sure has flown! I’ve
i taken extra days to add to most of my weekends in August — feels like
ig. part—time! I made it to my 10th year high school class reunion — a real fun
  one. Good to reminisce about those days. I felt a little socially retarded —
no husband or kids —- but also pretty carefree, young and worldly.
` Margaret Wise, 896 N. Village Dr., #203,
3 St. Petersburg, FL 33702
I’m envious ofthe nice weather you are having. August was such a hot,
 A humid month I’m ready for some cool, dry nights. Work has been slow the
 A last couple of weeks and I’m enjoying it. I’m sorry to hear Dr. Anne is
7 leaving FNS. She seemed to be such an integral part of FNS. I’m on this
 _ fitness kick, so I stay busy running, swimming and going to aerobic
p classes. Take care!
_ Susan Headrick, 605 Clay, Monte Vista, CO 81144
QE  I’ve been asked to speak to the "Daughters of Colonial Wars" in
Q Denver about FNS. J. K. Hameloth was here for a few days — we did a
._  delivery together. Was great to see her again. I’m getting married in
 2 December. Tell everyone hello.
 L Catherine Carr, 1609 Charnelton, Eugene, OR 97501
A Things are booming here — babies everywhere. Sounds like
A; everybody’s getting married off these days. My best to one and all. Can’t
  wait for first Aluirmi Newsletter.
p Chris Banigan, 1751 E. San Jose, #139, Fresno, CA 93710
. A,. I regret that I could not make the trip back to Hyden this past summer.
_A It was a big disappointment to me as I miss all of you and think of you
i often even though it has been six years since I lived there. It does seem
like only yesterday — but I guess it made an impression on me. I’m still
telling tales of "Dr. Anne and Her Pearls". Its been a real grind with
I working full-time and going to school full-time these past six years. This

fall, I am on the graduate faculty teaching the first semester FNP
l students. I am also developing new modules and course syllabi for the
students and am working on programs for our computer. Give my best to
Dianne Lytle, 222 N. 5th St., Reading, PA 19601
I just got back from two weeks vacation to the Gaspe area of Quebec. `
It’s quite beautiful, and it was interesting to see how little French I
remembered (only 20 years since I had it in high school!) We managed _
enough for eating and sleeping, but conversation was out ofthe question! `
I still love my job here — it’s a great group of people to work with and a
nice place to live (even though my car window was broken in the parking
lot a few weeks ago). Guess no place is perfectly safe these days with all
the unemployment. My best to everyone there!
Sally Rinehart, 476 Monument Ave., Wyoming, PA 18644
We’re finally getting settled and now that we have an address can
send that with a check for Alumni dues. I’m not sure if I told you but
Linda Jo Hanson and I finally graduated (BNS) from St. Louis
University. I’m hoping to go on to law school in a year or so. lVIidwives
need a lawyer who really understands what they are and what they need.
We think of FNS often. Mary O’Connor is on vacation but I’m sure she
sends her good wishes, too.
Betsy Greulich, 1885 Rose Villa, Pasadena, CA 91107
Too many things to do on a day off that goes by much too quickly.
Marcia McDonald was here for ten days for delivery experience and