xt7s7h1dkn8h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s7h1dkn8h/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1941-11-04  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November  4, 1941 text The Kentucky Kernel, November  4, 1941 1941 1941-11-04 2013 true xt7s7h1dkn8h section xt7s7h1dkn8h The

Thanksgiving; Holiday
Or Will It Br Holidays



Field House May Be Shelved
For Reformatory Renovation
Funds Compared

Wth OtllCr


Throughout South
Probable renovation

of Greendale

reformatory following the state investigation of conditions there may
moan that the University will not
field house
obtain its
next year, it was felt in official cam.
pus crcles this weekend.
At banquet gven by the Lexington Board of Commerce Thursday.
Governor Keen Johnson said that
tJie recent public demand for a
building program at the state institution greatly reduced the possilong-want- ed

Ject of finances tonight. President
Donovan answered, "but since Gov- ernor Johnson has brought tt up. I
feel compelled to say a few words.
"I knew Governor Johnson and
was his frend long before he became lieutenant governor and governor. I have always known him as
a man of the highest virtues, courageous, honest, kind, and of high
personal integrity.
"He used to be generous and I
have been trying to encourage that
virtue In him again." the University
president added.
Donovan then cited
statistics which revealed that the
University has been dropped from

Meeks Was Not Meek;
Tunstill Was
Un-Sti- ll










Freshman Legislators
Elected, Board Meets,
Amendment Proposed


is great and strong and that can
build a citizenship with an appre- elation of moral values and ethics.
capcoie 01 preparing men ana women for leadership." Dr. Donovan
"Until we have that university,
we shall not have fulfilled our obligations as the university of the


Judiciary Revision
Planned By Collier
To Be Discussed


Governor Johnson stated that the
University was well supported when
compared with many southern universities. "Tell them about Tennessee. North Carolina. South Carolina, and Georgia, he said to the
University presidett.
"But who would want to go to
school in Georgia?" Dr. Donovan
"Ask him about Texas," President-emerit- us
Frank L. McVey said.
"They struck oil on CtKlr campus." Governor Johnson answered.
Dr. Donovan
then said that
Texas. Louisiana, and Florida had
higher appropriations than Ken- tucky and that Tennessee did not
have to support many of the grad
uate school activities which the Imrrrimf
University supports.
At the conclusion of his talk Pres
Sinus with I'K Troupers wlto make season's first
ident Donovan was presented with
a book which all guests at the ban- Friday at Union College, Barbounrilh
quet had signed.

Half Of Group
Are Members
Of Block, Bridle

Election of freshman represenia-tivethe first meeting of the Stubility of a University field house in
dent Loan board, approval of the
$1,190,000 to $600,000 in state approthe near future.
budget by the Finance committer,
President Herman L. Donovan, priations, yet during the same time
and announcement of a proposed
who said at the beginning of the it has increased its enrollment 30
judiciary amendment to the Stupresent semester that he would ask percent.
Thirty upperclass students in the
dent Government constitution were
"A great state university which
a field house appropriation of the
agriculture college made standings
developments in the Student Govnext state legislature, could not be we should have here cannot be
of 2 or better during the 1940-4- 1
ernment association this week.
reached for comment on the field built without funds," the president
school year, it was announced
In a closely contested election
said, adding. "I know that Govercollege officials yesterday.
house situation.
attended by 80 freshmen students
nor Johnson cannot give us what
Fifteen of the students making
Friday in Memoral hall. Elizabeth
we need now in one lump sum. But
Governor Johnson, in the
the standing were members of AlNoble. Constitutionalist, and Jimmy
build- exchange of opinions with until we have a long-ranpha Zeta. honorary agriculture fraHurt. Independent, were elected
ternity, the announcement stated.
President Donovan at the banquet, lng program for ten years or more
iMfcn lfiiMW
freshmen representatives. Hurt and
Members of the honorary who fl
said "I am frank to say that I am with appropriations of about $500,-00- 0
each year or some similar plan
encouraged Dr. Donovan when he
made the standing are:
candidate, each tallied forty vote
first made his request that the state is worked out to assure the UniverChester Lee Brown, Jewell B.
Will represent freshmen
appearance Colliver, James W. Crowley, Kenat the first counting to require an
might be able to help the Univer- sity the buildings it needs, it will
not be properly housed.
additional ballot. On the extra balsity start a field house."
neth England. Kenneth Fugett. Joe the SC.i.
lot Hurt gained five votes to give
A. Gayle. Julian E. Gillespie. Leon"I had intended to avoid the sub-We must have a university that
both campus nautical parties a
ard Greathouse. James H. Ison.
Clifford Martin, Michael Nelson. W. man. William Bell Bryan. Billy freshman representative.
E. Netherlands
Carl Porter. Paul Gardner Clifton. Orvel Cockrell.
The Student Loan committee held
Lawrence Eznbry. Reid England. Its first meeting Friday in Dean
Robbins and James Simpson.
Hale. Mor- Henry HiUs office. Dr. Hill was
Those not in Alpha Zeta making Harold Ginter. William
a two standing or above for the gan Hill, Robert Hutton, Anne
elected charman of the committee
Troupers, student enter- - Helen McMurtry. Doris Reichen- - year 1940-4- 1 include:
The UK
James Stacey. Patch Wool-fol- k and Richard P. Adams and Jerry
tainment group, will make their bach, and Jean Harper.
and James Wright.
John Runkle Allison, Sam Baugh- Mercer students on the committee,
first appearance of the year Friday
Acrobatic numbers will be pre
were appointed to draw up a
at Union college. Barbourville. Fifty sented by Elizabeth Lewis, Elizapetition form to be used by
scauered through the country. Most cause his brother owns Wing's Chln- - students, representing all classificabeth Payne. Caroljean Elsey, Joe
students in applying for loans. Th
of them have become naturalized ese resturant in Lexington. Besides tions from freshmen to graduate-student- s, Gayle, Donald Sallee, Nancy Elam,
petition is to be submitted to the
being with his brother, he got a
and such forms of enter- Glenn Harney, and Gerald Shaffer.
UeSCriDe COUnirieS, nd cause no to
board at its next meeting Friday.
attt- - Job there.
the Brazilian
Also on the program will be
tainment as gymnastics, singing,
tude Americans. Regina said, "I
Good Earth". Wing said is tap dancing, acrobatics and folk tumbling acts by Jack Walters,
com"encan.-- oeuer not
The Student Government budget
Chester Theiss. Kenneth Young,
jg dancing, compose the 1941-4- 2
true plcture o china. It
. .v
Harold Butner. Donald Sallee, PhilJ
empifp Imp nf rhp nmntj in pany.
and Future Farmers of America was completed by the finance comcountry and we sincerely Uke all terior", he said, "but not of the sea- tap routine will be ip Sallee. Joe Gayle. Reuben Nay-lo- r.
A fox-trwithin a radius of 130 miles. There mittee Wednesday and will be sub"The University is fine, we Uke people, be they FYench, Geitia.n.
Jack Neal. Douglas Montondo.
board cities. I was in China for ten 8lven y E0' dancers u.tnei femun
exhibition judging, and the mitted to the student legislature
America, we like the people, but we American, or anything. Any foreign- an
Gerald Shaffer, and Glenn Harney.
and Virginia, and the
euests will be allowed to Judge the at the meeting at 6:40 Thursday in
want to return to our native coun er who comes to Rio has a wonder years and we had all of the modern line. Charlotte Sale. Leah Calhoun.
m 204 of the Union, according to
A Danish country dance will be
conveniences. Canton and Almory
livestock. They will be graded, and
tries when we get our degrees," is ful time."
an explanation will be given why Glvens Dixon. SO A treasurer. A
and some of the other cities I was in Jean Harper, Linda Mills.' Doris given by the folk dancers. Virginia
the genreal opinion of the three
plan is a good
Charlotte Sale,
Corn husking, pullet plucking, an each animal was given a certain proposed amendment establishing a
your Jean Golden. Dixie Macklln. Mar- Wesley.
foreign students registered in the one. according to Regini. Un''l were just about as modern as
all-c- g
Smith, Marie Robards. Mary Johnjudiciary committee of the assoria- tha Obitz, and Patsy Horkan.
quartet and the coronation of rating by the judges.
cities here in the States."
univensiy ims iau.
four years ago. Brazilians believed
The tap trio. Dawson Hawkins. son, Louise Jones. Phyllis Gerald. a queen will be included in the pro- tkm will be discussed in an open
He says that Japan will never be Dixie Macklin. and Doris
on the part
The students also believe that that
Jean Margaret Litsey. Douglas Mon- gram of the Fall Festival Friday Tne farmers ball will be held in meeting of students and faculty
able to conquer China, because Golden, will present a Swanee tondo, Steve
Alonzo Combs, and Saturday in the Stock Judging the Bluegrass room of the Union 4:30 Friday in room 127 of the Union
their home countries, the nations of of the United States was just a lot
Japanese. He river number, and Virginia Wesley Frank CalvTn.Graban,
and Billy Tucker.
the Far East and of Central and of talk and had nothing behind it. China will absorb the
building to the music of Bill Cross building. Jim Collier announced ye-rwill have will do a military tap solo,
Sponsors are M. E. Potter, head of
South America, will back the Uni- Not they are convinced that there also thinks that Japan
The queen, who will be crowned and his Blue and White orchestra, terday.
war on her hands, because t ComDOsed of Marearet DeRorrf physical
department: Friday night, and her two attend- It is informal.
The judiciary amendment Is Mi
ted States 100 percent in foreign is something there and they believe another
go Syvia giegel
in it wholeheartedly, she said. She he believes that Japan will soon
Mrs. Mary King Kouns. in charge ants will be nominated at an
and mta gue
The Fall Festival began in 1920 second of two proposed by Collier
into the European war with the Axis tne girls. triQ wiI, present severa, of tap dancing and singing: Miss
assembly at 8 a.m. when Dean L. J. Horlacher, then an and discussed in open meetings this
The three students are Regina believes that the South American against Russia.
numbers during the show. Trilby Margaret Warren,
women tum- Thursday in Memorial hall, under instructor in animal husbandry, felt year. Collier said that he hopes this
Arruda. Wing Wcy Lee. and Louis cf'jnl'ies will follow and back up
alnvt any policy advocated by the Wing says that he has been "ex- - McKeehan, Kenneth Rollins, and blers: M. G. Karsner and Miss
the direction of Alpha Zeta. hon- - that the faculty and students would meeting will be as well attended ps
pecting America in. a war against Ted Jaracz are solo singers.
Lewis, folk dancers; Douglas orary agriculture fraternity. Voting enjoy watching the livestock Judg- - the first.
United States.
Personal interviews which tlc.-Tumblers who will put on an act Montondo, clowns; Bob Rouse gym- will be held in the Agriculture ing team make Its decisions and
Except for American
football, Japan for a long time." He also
Tne amendment follows:
gave the Kernel follow:
include nastics;
vhich she thinks is a waste of time, has been expecting America in the for Friday's performance
and James Wadlington, building during the day.
seeing the livestock that was to be
Regina Arruda, a special student and few other things. Miss Arruda European war and he won't be Lucille Clark. Sara Mae Taylor, manager.
Friday night Block and Bridle, exhibited at the International Live- I. There shall be a Judiciary comfrom Rio de Janiero. Brazil, had likes the United States and finds it suprised if she enters.
animal husbandry fra- stock exhibition at Chicago.
mittee composed of five student
always wanted to come to the States interesting. However, after she finternity, which sponsors the festival
When he finishes college, he wants
Hoof and Horn, now known as members elected by but not from
t) complete her education, so she ishes college, she very definitely to go back to China, where the
will present its pledges, who will Block and Bridle, became the offithe student legislature, one of which
applied for and received a scholar- wants to go back home. She doesn't government will give him an ex- perform stunts, during the program. cial sponsor of the celebration, shall be designated the chairman
ship through the Institute of
yet exactly what she wants cellent Job. Besides having such a
Professor emeritus E. s. uooa which bore the imposing name of by the legislature,
Education. After going to to ao, but perhaps, she says, she good job, he can, at the same
ill make the welcoming address Little International Livestock show. la. To be a member of the judiciary
Wellesley college for a year, she will become
immediately after the presentation
1925 FIRE
stenographer or a be helping China. He says,
committee, a student must have at
ivn.c to Kentucky.
colors and the singing of "The
The exhibits were held in the least a Junior standing and one
needs trained men and I want to
Star Spangled Banner" and "God small stucco judging pavilion that year"s residence at the University.
When asked about the German
back to help her build up."
influence on Brazil, she said that
burned in 1925. The present build Members shall serve as long as
Wing Wey Lee, formerly of CanTo most people the word "towing, line any omer American
Nicotinic acid is bein? used in Bless America."
ing was erected immediately on the they are resident students in the
Germany definitely did not control ton. China, is an architectural engi- boy, got a draft call last year. He bacco" brings to mind the chant flour to
furnish vitamin B complex,
Members of the home economics same site and not a vear has cone University.
her country. Some time ago. the neering junior.
was deferred because, of school, so of the auctioneer,
the odor of
and organic acids, not yet isolated, department will compete In the by without a festival.
He was born in Pittsburgh, Perm., he will be able to finish his studies burning cigarettes, or the acres of
2. The iudiciarv commute shall in- Germans were concentrated in
The title "Fall Festival" came in- - j terpret all laws and other acts of
two Brazilian states, but even then and was educated in China. While here.
of tall, green Kentucky burley be are a commercial possibility.
tests, while members of Alpha Zeta to use in 1928 and has been the of- - the Student Government associa-ficlhad no voice in the government. there, he took a correspondence
fore it is housed for the winter,
will compete with members of Block
title ever since.
Since then, immigration laws have course in architectural engineering,
turn; and it shall try all cases of
To the chemists of the University
Luis Boneta. now a resident of
The denicotlnlzed tobacco then
The Horlacher family holds the violations or infringements of
been passed and the Germans are Wing came to the University be- Experiment station, tobacco opens could be used to blend with higher and Bridle in the corn husking con(Continued on Page Fourt
attendance for the festivals. dent Government legislation.
a field of commercial possibilities
Students in the agriculture col- Helen, who was wheeled to the first
There shall be a Student S'an- that has been, only touched in grades to make a smoke that would
not be too expensive and yet con- lege will be awarded prizes for live- one when she was five months old. dards committee compered of th
ytars of experiments.
stock showmanship.
Members of and Mrs. Horlacher
not following members: the chairman of
Perhaps some day that schoolgirl tain less nicotine.
the dairy cattle Judging team will missed a festival. Dean Horlacher the Judiciary committee, who shall
complexion will be kept with the
proAfter the tobacco has been
"tangy freshness of tobacco soap" cessed until all solubles are out. the be presented by Dr. Fordyce Ely. was absent from the one in 1936. be the chairman of the Student
faculty adviser.
when he was called out of the state. Standards committee: two members
instead of the "delicate
intermission will be
tne festival sponsors of the judiciary committee: appoint
of violet suds." True, the soap at remainder is ready to be made into
in allowed so that the spectators may were proud of an attendance of 50
present smells like an old corn cob wall board. A light, bluish-gra- y
by tne chairman ,0 .sene durin,
see the exhibits throughout the or 60. now the usual number pre-the Student
the case pending
woodwork, washing windows, polishOccasionally, as in the best of pipe, but the result may be one of color, the board is sturdy and light, building.
Is 600.
the wonders of modern science. and excellent for insulation purStandards committee: the Decn of
There's an old saying that the ing brass and silver, cleaning the families, slip-uoccur. For examSaturday afternoon the Festival
Admission to the festival is 25 Men. tne Dmn of Women and
With tobacco rayon a possibility poses.
way to a man's heart is through his basement and waterig the lawn. The
will be host to
club members cents.
ple, one morning as the cooks pre women may expect to start wearing
member of the faculty, to be elected
The hope of bringing up the
stomach. Do you suppose that could housekeeper and her assistant also
they dis- - tobacco stockings during and after price of the lower grades of toby the student legislature: with the
have anything to do with the fact do the washing of all linens. ex- pared to serve fruit Juice,
approval of the president of the
that there are 252 girls majoring in cept sheets and bath towels) cur covered that the manager had failed the silk shortage. In case of a run. bacco is at the root of the whole
home economics in the University tains, napkins, kitchen towels and to order a sufficient amount. They maybe they'll take off the hose matter. On the 1939 market, the
4. The Student Standards commitmop heads. They iron everything had enough grapefruit Juice to fill and smoke them,
extremely low grades brought only
this semester?
tee shall try ail cases of unfair or
one dollar a hundred; the same
Incidentally there's more to tills they wash on an electric mangle. thTee glasses, but that left three
dishonest conduct by and among
juice, rcuiiuiiagiiig 111 uic rc- In the more practical side at tobacco in 1940 brought two dollars;
liome economics course than learnThe manager of the household wunoui
students which are not covered bv
ing to cook, as senior women will does all the buying keeps the ac- - frigerator, mey iouna a aisn 01 t Dresent Is the use of tobacco in and it is horjed that the 1941 crop
With the Identity of "Backwoods
. legislation
of the Student Govern
testify. During the final year of the counts, and plans the menus. Typi- - pears, . from which they strained the making waterproof stains for wood- - j will bring about four dollars. The Kate" still a national mystery. UniIT'S CONFOOZIN',
ment association: and it may decourse. each girl must spend eight cal menu for a day includes fruit juice, also a jar of apricots. Mix- work. In ordinary stains used now. 'greater use that Is being made of versity females will jump the gun
apricot juice, they it is necessary to cover the stain the low grade tobacco and its
liver an opinion in any dispute beon Sadie Hawkins V today to make
weeks in a "home management" juice, cereal, bacon and coffee for lng the pear and
tween or among students, between
a protective shellac, which ' products will raise the price and the most of their only
house, where she puts into practice breakfast. Luncheon may consist of filled the remaining glasses and
students and staff members, or beto do some backwards
all that she has learned in class- cheese souffle, fruit salad, roast made sure to serve them to them- the new tobacco stain would not bring more satisfaction to the chance
selves and the manager. There was need The richer stain of the dark grower.
tween students and
courting at, the first sweater session
room and laboratory.
beef, tomato aspic, buttered peas,
deThe Judiciary committee
of the year.
are two such practice mashed potatoes, hot rolls, ice a slight difference in the colors of icaVes of low grade tobacco is much
the Juices that morning, but it better for this than the lighter
cide jurisdiction in all cases: and no
orches-- :
Dave Mahanes'
houses sponsored by the Universicream, cake, and coffee are served.
passed unnoticed by tne instruct- - burley.
case may be considered by the Stutra will furnish the music, and the
ty, under the direction of Instructors
or, despite meaningful glances over
bogey-ma- n
dent Standards committee except
used to
gals will do the draggin' and the
from the home economics departcases referred to it by the Judiciary
All necessary sewing and repair the table.'
frighten grade school children out
cuttin' when the festivities are un-- 1
ment. Five girls and one instructor
The music of Tommy Dorsey will
But the cooks sometimes err too. of smoking, is used in great quan- be featured at the first Carnegie der way in the Bluegrass ballroom
house, doing all the work about the house is done by the
live in each
In one case a young chef made hard tities as a liquid insecticide. Many music ale of the semester from 3:30 of the Union from 4 to 6 pjn.
cooking, cleaning, managing, buy- girls, from making curtains to
furniture. They make sauce to serve on pudding for desbrands of
An official boycott has been de- ing, washing and ironing.
to 4 p. m. today in the music room
clared on any male stag attempting
tea towels, hot pads, dish rags, and sert. While eating dinner, she left used by farmers all over the United of
the Union building. Jim Young,
When the girls begin their eight other small Items, and mend all the sauce on the stove In an alum- States are made of nicotine sul chairman of the muslcales, an- to pass through the portals of the
Dogpatchized ballroom.
inum pan. When she went to the phate.
they assume one such equipment.
weeks of training,
Original Al Capp (author of L11
Fruit growers, planters and farm- - nounced.
The five girls live together as kitchen to prepare the meal's final
of five possible positions, that of asSelections will include "Stardust,"
sistant cook, cook, housekeeper, as- a family, with one acting as mother, course, the sauce had turned green. ers have said that they would use "Wlthoue a Song." "Who." and Abner) drawings have been ordered
to decorate the room. Posters of
sistant housekeeper or manager, one as father, and the others as It was too late to do anything about more of the commodity if it could "Whispering."
Students who failed to have
LT1 Abner. Daisy Mae, and other
until each girl has ser- children. They entertain two or it, so she simply poured it over the be produced cheaper. Great strides
then rotate
pictures made for the Kentuc-ki- an
The music committee will also famed Dogpatchers will be used for
indications are that
three guests each week, and are pudding and served It. When the have already been made in that dived in each capacity.
sponsor the showing of movies of atmosphere.
and who wiali to have their
As housekeeper the student is in graded on their ability to be good meal was over, the instructor asked rection: work is also being carried
coeds will work overtime today to
A campus Li'l Abner and Daisy
football game at
pictures in the annual are asked
charge of all the cleaning, which in- hostesses as well as on cooking, the cook whether or not that was a 011 now at the Experiment station the
crowd into two hours what they had
8 p. m. tonight in the BluegrHss Mae will be selected at the
to see Miriam Krayer. editor
cludes sweeping and dusting, wax- cleaning, sewing and various other new recipe for hard sauce, adding for the commercial use of "fixed"
'.eostimie hop.
last yeir
0 whole "ltp w'k"
of the Union.
nicotine, or nicotine dust.
"It certainly a pretty"
washing duties.
floors, making



Foreign Students Like UK, US;
Will Return To IS alive Lands





Dancing, Singing Troupers
To Open Second Year Friday





Queen Will Be Crowned
At Fall Festival Friday





Clock, Bridle


Present Pledire?,
Who Will Perform





Chemists Study Chanees
naOf Tobaeco Soap, Hi






Stu-reco- rd

JJICs Tivo Laboratory Houses

Aid Home Ec Students Practice








Girls Jo Try Dogvatch Style
l(;eafer CSSIOH 10(1(1'









Dorsey Musical




Krayer Will See

Those Who ish
Pictures In Annual











Dtmnto tjib bctbool yiab


wimri M MM Port Offlr at
teenr riM miw anW the Act

Lexington. Ktntnctj,
of March I.




Ktntarry tntcKollrtiaM

Pram Amocltloo
Lxlnf ton Board of Oammerc

eom wwiiil Mvurnwf
National Advertising Service, Inc.







- tM






II M One fieawoter MM One Tear
md rolamat are to be ermHrrr4 the
Alt HtnM arUelet
npinUtm of the wrttert 1hmelt, m4 an
4 neretteritm
reflect the cpininm o The Kernel.


The Holiday Setup
Someihiiig liew hat leen added l tin- Tlianks-givinholiday situation litis year which, we
Ixlieve. should change the picture a liule.
In the- asi, when ihe Thanksgiving game
was to Ik' played in Iexington. ii has heen ihe
pr.iiiif of the Board of Trustees to grant but
a one-davacation, holding regular classes on
the Friday and Saturday following Thanksgiving. And, in view of the fad that fhe exriimein
tit the holiday and the game were over hv that
time, this prohahly was not such a had idea.
But (his year the game, although scheduled for
lieviitgiotl. it 10 he layed on the Saturday of
'I hanksgiving weekend, and not on Thursday.
Considering this, it seems that the Board of
Trustees are expecting quite a hit when they
hold the holiday Jan the same, exjK'cting regular tlask work to le conducted on the Friday
and Saturday before the Tennessee game. W'e
I at Iter tufccu that there will be very little serious work done on those two da vs.
In view of ihese. facts, 'The Kernel adds its
endorsement to live petitions now circulating
asking thai ttie holidays be extended to include
the entire three days, instead of only Thanksgiving day iiself. and hojx-- s that the Board of
Trustees and University administration will he
able to see llie students' side of the matter.


The War Of The Fat
Ami The Skiimv

Although his works were written about 2,"H
nirt ago, Plato had some things pretty well
siwd up.
This fuissage from The Repi hi i:, for iustame,
just about hits the nail on the head com fining the war in Europe.
Consider, Socrates.' (says a yociug man) how
our city will be able to go to war. if it jiossesses
no wealth., especially, in the case of its Ix'ing
tointM-IIeto take the field against a rich and
ioptilous state.
Obviously, I replied, against one such slate
it will be hard for it to carry oixwar. but against
two it will lie easier.
How SOf
In the first place, if ihcy are obliged to fight,
will not their antagonists be rich men, while
they themselves are trained soldiers?
Yes, that is true so far.
What then, Adeimantus? Do sou not believe
that one pugilist trained in the most erlect
manner to his work would find it casv to fight
with two rich and fat men, who do ihh understand boxing?
Not with both at once, pcrhaj,.
What not if he were able to give ground till
oik- of his assailants was in advance of the other,
and then to rally and attack him. rccaiing
the se tactics frequently under a burning sun?
Could not stich a combatant worst even nunc
than two such aniagnisis?
Indeed he replied; there would lie noiliing
very miH ising in it.
And do you not think that the rich are better
accpiainted. loih theoretically and practically,
with boxing, than with the art of war?
I do.
Then in all probability our trained soldiers
fcill find no difficulty in fighting double or tre

Managing Editor
AVti'j Editor
Business Manager

Bob Ammons

Pat Hanaler
Jim Wooi.numcE


pat snider

'' "'"'Vjf

Assistant Nfws Editors


betty pugh

believe vou are

o course, which Plato missed is
The point,
that the fat nations Britain, and the I'nited
Stales, for instance can, in time, take their exercises and their diets and eventually get into
good enough shape to give the lean and wiry I
nation a good fight.




To Jettison The NYA?
(Mirpose cf the NYA was to provide part-timemployment for needy young jteople and it
has fulfilled this original purpose well, building up morale among the younger generation
and contributing a large share of its efforts to
Recently, however, it has been accused of two
misdeeds that would lend to lessen its iower
and set it up for a quick ejection. NYA officials
have been accused of requesting the Armv not
to recruit its young men, presumably so the NYA
would not lose all of its youngsters who are
rie for military service. This has leen denied
by NYA officials who also deny charges that
some officials have misappropiated jx'tty funds.
These accusations would seem trivial were it
not for the fact that many
believe this attack is the prelude to a concerted
campaign to rut all
that are not
devoted to defense purposes.
In spite of the general increase in the num-Ih- t
of jobs there is still quite a bit of unemployment in the nation today, eserially in areas
where there is no defense work. There is still
need of the NYA. eserially in colleges and
universities where a great jxreentage of the
students depend on NYA aid to keep them in
school. NYA also devotes a considerable amount
of its time and energy to strictly defense pro-






The Amoeba Didn't See
Citizen Kane's Point




America's Defense Program
Is Going Over Big

The recently completed giant tank, construc
ed at a cost of approximately $1,000,000 has to
lx carried by railroad car, because there are no
highway bridges in the country strong enough
to hold it, according to the same sources.
America's great conscript army, now in adoles-encTo the Editor of The Kernel:
and growing bigger every day, is already
Somehow or other there has
too large to be handled and equipxd proxrlv grown up on this campus the
and has proven unweildy and, in view of curthat any student who does
rent developments unncessary. This from Walter his v.o:'.: rell and gets good grades
I.ippmann, widely-reais rcme sort of a freak. This seems
Well, obsennrrs always did say the defense to me to be a foolish and narrow-minde- d
program was going oner big. Xow it appears that,
In the first place, the University
in some phases at least, it has gone over TOO
cf Kentucky is a very lenient school.
I have been to several other colleges and. compared with the University of Kentucky, their standards
have been much higher, and much
better work was expected from the

By Jimmy
Girls of a southern college ex- - and then takes a taxi to the big
pound on the aubjecu of dates formal in the pouring rain
they never want to have again.
but by no m,ans least on
Uy" mh toVe the list 18
" despicable