xt7s7h1dkb21 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s7h1dkb21/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1915-10 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 7, no. 2, October 1915 text images Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 7, no. 2, October 1915 1915 1915-10 2012 true xt7s7h1dkb21 section xt7s7h1dkb21 M8r8ar;t¤;VeIsi{y Archives l
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U UI’IlY€I'$lfy of Kentucky
BuLLm"rFéN'l'¢l, Kentucky
· VOL. VII OCTOBER, 1915 N0. 2
Kentucky Alumnus
Publlshed Monthly by the Unlverslty of Kentucky, Lexlnzton. Ky. Admitted as second-class matter
December 28, 1908, at the Postotlice. Lexington. Ky., under the Act ot July 16, 1894.

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  { 5
ll  »=`= Bulletin of the State University of Kentucky
 ‘ VOL. VII OCTOBER, 1915 N0. 2
 7   _ .. .. - .. -
 <. .
  Announcements ........................... 5
  Men of Kentucky, Get to Work ................... 6
 .. The Scott Nearing Case ..............,........ 7
  One of Our Advantages. ....................... 7
  The Honor System .....................,.... 8
  Isolate the Germ ........................... 9
 2;, You and the Editor. ......................... 12
  Early History of Athletics at State University ....... A. M Miller 13 [
  Comparative Scholarship of Fraternity and Non—Fraternity Students . . . 21
 3 Chips from the om Block . ........................ 23
  What Some Graduates Are Doing .................... 24
 Y Some of the Thirteen Thousand ..................... 25
 “. Sources and Distribution of the Income of the University ........ 27 1
 yr Two Views of the Athletic Situation at State ............... 28
 A  Our First Graduate, William Benjamin Munson .... J. H. Gardner, ’0.& 32
it The University .............................. 35 _
 ` Student Life ............................... 37 2
  The Class Secretary Section ....................... 40
 Q ; Alumni Clubs . .............................. 47 _
 IF Marriages ................................ 49  
  Births .................................. 50 ‘
  Deaths . ..............,.................. 50 1
  In Memoriam ..........................,... 50
  · l
 li *
 T? `
  J. D. TURNER, Acting Editor `
—.`— li ,

Alumni Representatives on Board of Trustees
GEORGE G. BR0cI<, London, Ky.  
JoI»IN E. BRowN, Shelbyville, Ky. 2
PHILIP P. JOHNSTON, JR., Lexington, Ky.  
SAMUEL B. MARKS, Lexington, Ky. 1
J oHN W. WOODS, Ashland, Ky. I
General Association
M. E. JOHNSTON, President, Lexington, Ky.
MRS. MARTHA WHITE BLESSING, Vice-President, Swarthmore, Pa.
J. D. TURNER, Acting Secretary—TreaSurer, Lexington, Ky.
Executive Committee
W. E. FREEMAN, Chairman, Lexington, Ky.
FRANK BATTAILE, Lexington, Ky.
, J. W. MCFARLIN, Franklin, Ky. 1
, MISS LUcY K. HUTCHCRAFT, Lexington, Ky. ,;
, MRS. CHARLES J. SMITH, Lexington, Ky. L
` WALLACE HOEING, Louisville, Ky. 3
= Class Secretaries  
{ 1915 CLYDE TAYLOR, Nicholasville, Ky.  
, 1914 R. C. DABNEY and E. H. NOLLAU, Lexington, Ky.  
. 1913 A. T. BRYSON, Ashland, Ky. g
1912 J. R. DUNCAN, State University, Lexington, Ky. §
1 1911 OLLINE CRUICKSHANK, Georgetown, Ky. F
` 1910 D. V. TERRELL, State University, Lexington, Ky. `Z
· 1909 H. H. LOWRY, 1839 S. Lawndale Avenue, Chicago, Ill. V:
1 1908 FRANK BATTAILE, Lexington, Ky. q
. 1907 L. E. HILLENMEYER, Lexington, Ky. ,,
1906 ANNA WALLIS, 326 Aylesford Place, Lexington, Ky. I 
, 1905 HARRY EDWARDS, R. F. D., Lexington, Ky.  if
; 1904 W. E. FREEMAN, State University, Lexington, Ky. gil
1903 MARGARET MGLAUGHLIN, 226 E. Maxwell St., Lexington, Ky. YY I
1902 T. J. BARR, State University, Lexington, Ky. ‘ , 1
1901 G. H. HAILEY, Cleary-White Construction Co., Chicago, Ill. I
1900 L. K. FRANKEL, State University, Lexington, Ky. 1 `
1899 GEORGE ROBERTS, Experiment Station, Lexington, Ky. · Q.
i 1898 HENRY CLAY WILSON, Lexington, Ky. · _
· 1897 MARY E. CLARKE, Lexington, Ky. ` I
. 1896 J. I. LYLE, 39 Cortlandt Street, New York City. . 1
{ 1895 MARY L. DIDLAKE, Experiment Station, Lexington, Ky. . ‘
1 1894 MRS. P. F. KESHEIMER, Madison Place, Lexington, Ky. f }
j 1893 J. R. JOHNSON, Richmond, Ky. i
, 1892, 1891 and 1890 (To be selected) i
1889, 1888 and 1887 H. E. CURTIS, Experiment Station, Lexington, Ky. , ;
1886, 1885, 1884 and 1883 (To be selected) , ¥
1882 to 1869 A. M. PETER, Experiment Station, Lexington, Ky. I `
 ‘, 1

 Alumni Associations.
Birmingham, Alabama.
]. Miles Sprague, ,07, President, Ensley, Ala.
H. ]. Wurtele, ’o4, Vice—President, Ensley, Ala.
A. B. Haswell, ,13, Secretary-Treasurer, Ensley, Ala.
,~ Chicago, Illinois.
E H. H. Lowry, ’o9, President, 1839 S. Lawndale Ave., Chicago, Ill.
]. B. Sanders, ,11, Vice-President, 108 S. Stone Ave., LaGrange, lll.
F. H. Graham, ’o8, Secretary-Treasurer, 204 N. Mason Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Paul S. Ward, ’98, President, 1646 Cedar Ave., Cincinnati, O.
W. P. Sayers, Vice-President, 219 W. Fourth St., Cincinnati, O.
]. ]. Thompson, ’03, Secretary-Treasurer, 201 W. Pearl St., Cincinnati, O.
. Detroit, Michigan. ·
J. E. Bolling, ’15, Secretary pro tem., 212 Medbury Ave., Detroit, Mich.
Lexington, Kentucky. _
M. E. Johnston, ’oo, President, 230 S. Limestone St., Lexington, Ky.
S. B. Marks, ,99, Vice-President, 243 Rodes Ave., Lexington, Ky.
Margaret McLaughlin, ’03, Secty., 226 E. Maxwell St., Lexington, Ky.
Mary L. Didlake, ,95, Treasurer, 418 E. Main St., Lexington, Ky.
' Lexington Alumnae Club.
S Mary E. Clarke, ,97, President, Lexington, Ky. `
,_\ Mrs. ]. H. Kastle, ,91, Secretary, Lexington, Ky.
  Louisville, Kentucky. - ,
F S. L. Pottinger, ,92, President, 627 E. Broadway, Louisville, Ky. ‘
` Eugenia S. McCullough, ’o6, Secretary, 1145 Cherokee Road, Louisville, Ky. l
Nashville, Tennessee. i
_ ]. M. Foster, ,11, President, 1909 Division St., Nashville, Tenn.
Eugene Gilliland, ’o4, Vice-President, 845 Meridian St., Nashville, Tenn.
  ]ohn ]. Tigert, ’o9, Secretary-Treasurer, 1905 West End Ave., Nashville, Tenn. ;
  New York City. 1
x Perry West, ,01, President, 6 Ninth St., Newark, N. ]. ·
$ L. L. Lewis, ,07, Vice-President, 39 Cortlandt St., New York. ·
‘ Chas. White, ,09, Secretary-Treasurer, 521 W. I22d St., New York.  
1 " Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. ~i 
1 Frank Daugherty, 'o1, President, 2109 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. ‘
f K. F. Anderson, ,07, Vice-President, University of Pa., Philadelphia. '
` . H. Logan, ,10, Secretary—Treasurer, 1530 S. 55th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
A r Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.
H. S. Fry, ,04, President, Box 247, Rochester, Pa.
  D. C. Estill, ,07, Secretary-Treasurer, 1312 Oliver Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. f
 Y i

 Schenectady, New York.
n S. C. Ebbert, ’II, President, 24 Glenwood Blvd., Schenectady, N. Y.
C. M. Roswell, ’o8, Secretary, 724 Brandywine Ave., Schenectady, N. Y.
South Africa.
H. W. Taylor, ’06, President, Rustenbiurg, Transvaal, South Africa.
J. du P. Oosthuizen, ,12, Secretary-Treasurer, Vredefort, O. F. S., South Africa.
St. Louis, Missouri.
A. C. Ball, ’11, President, 721 Chemical Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. ’
Washington, District of Columbia.
P. M. Riefkin, ’o6, President, Department of Interior, Bureau of Mines, Wash··
ington, D. C. _ _
W. G. Campbell, ,02, V1ce—Pres1dent, Department of Agriculture, Bureau of
Chemistry, Washington, D. C._
F: H. Tucker, '09, Secretary, Chemxst, Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C.
Members of_ the Association are requested to notify the Secretary of
changes in location and occupation and_to send any items regarding them-
selves or other members that may be of mterest.
The addresses of the following persons are not known to the secretary.
Any information concemmg them will be gratefully received.
Moses S. Cole. '77. G. O. Harding. 04.
Caleb S. Perry, ’7'l. C. S. Pierce, 05.
Henry M. Wright. '77. Fanny Weir (Mrs. H. Wilson), ’06.
Burton P. Enbank, 84. C. R. Wright '05.
R. B. Walker '89. H. F. Scholtz, '05.
Margaret A. Wilson, '90. R. P. DuVale. ’06.
U. L. Clardy, ’91. Mary L. Bagby, ’0'I.
John G Maxey, 92. Florence Maddocks. 07.
Cora. E. Ware, 98. W. E. Mosby, '10.
, B. C. Keiser. ’94. Paul Francis, ’11.
` W. A. Beatty, '9'I. J. A. Boyd, 11.
Leslie Hundley, 00. Lincoln McConnell (Hon.), *11. _
T. A. Jones, 00. Geo. A. Chrlsman, ’14.
Mary E. Neal. ’00. Wm. A. Wallace, '1Z.
L. O. Beatty. 01. John Rogers, '11
_ R. H. Amett, 'O4. R. H, Thomas, '13.
Lillian Austin, '04. Morris Roth, 13.
» Nancy B. Buford, '04 L. Covitz, 13.
l W. D. Gray, 'O4. Otto J'. Jones, '14.
· Bessie Lee Munson, '04. C. A. Duncan, '14. ‘
S .

 O O
Editorial Comment
The most important announcement that The Alumnus has made or will
have to make for some time is that President-Emeritus Patterson has consented
to write a history of the University to appear serially in The Alumnus. The
first installment will appear in the next issue. lt was only after much urging
by the Editor of The Alumnus that President Patterson consented to write the
There is no person except President Patterson who could possibly write
such a history in completeness and accuracy in detail. He knows intimately
every fact of the whole life of the institution. He not only knows the history,
but he is a large and essential part of it, and can write with a sympathy and
understanding impossible for any other man. `
Every Alumnus will receive this announcement with joy and will eagerly
read every word that President Patterson has to say.
The Alumnus is delighted to announce that it has been able to secure from
Prof. Arthur M. Miller a history of athletics of the University to be issued _ {
serially, the first installment appearing in this issue. Like President Emeritus
Patterson, in the one respect at least, Prof. Miller bears the same relation to
the history of athletics as the President’s· to the history of the University, and  
is the one man who is in a position, or in fact is able under the circum- ¤
stances to write a history of athletics. This history will be of interest not
only to the Alumni and old students of State, but of Central, Transylvania
and Georgetown as well. Every Alumnus and former student will feel grate- O  
ful to Prof. Miller for this contribution. _ j
. ‘ 
The Alumnus is pleased to announce also that Mrs. M. A. Scovell, one i  
of our highly esteemed honorary members, has consented to write a history of
Maxwell Springs, and this will appear in the next issue. The hundreds of l
graduates and former students will be delighted to read about this historic old
spring and will greatly appreciate the article from Mrs. Scovell. _

 l r
i ln order to economize in expenses, the Editor regrets that he is compelled
j to announce that after this issue he will have to discontinue sending The Alum-
  nus to Alumni who have not paid their dues to the Association or subscribed
x for the publication. To Alumni, the dues and subscription to The Alumnus
are $2.00 per year; to former students and friends, $1.00; single copies, 20
` cents.
The Thanksgiving Tennessee-Kentucky game will be the home-coming
game this year for the Alumni and old students. Tennessee has put it over
on Kentucky for the last two years, and last year won the championship of ‘
the South. This should be one of the best and most interesting games of the
season. Begin now to make your arrangements to be on hand. A "get
together" is being arranged for the occasion.
I The annual luncheon for the Alumnae will be given at the Phoenix Hotel
during Thanksgiving holidays. This time has -been selected in order that
Alumnae who are expected to visit the University for the Tennessee-State game
. may arrange to be present.
` Alumni and former students who live in Kentucky,
  Mm 0, K“,“ck,_ and especially Lexington, have more opportunity to
i Gu N, WMI, help the University than those who do not, but few
V of them have measured up to their opportunity and
this is particularly true of those living in Lexington and Fayette County.
A It is an undeniable fact that many of the most active and staunchest
friends the University has among its Alumni are citizens of other states.
1 These men by their advice and help have largely made the Association the _
power it has become in University affairs and they will continue their sup-
: port. Our folks residing in Kentucky have the same privilege, and the
{ additional one of being nearer home, so that they can do the personal work
  that is so needful. °
The immediate duty is to join hands with the President of the Uni-
versity, the trustees and officers of the Association in the movement to
5 make the coming legislature realize the importance of the Kentucky State
, University. How? says one loyal soul! Those of you who can, talk about
· the University to your members of the legislature after they are elected
l in November. Have your friends and relatives talk to them. Those
A who reside in other states and formerly were Kentuckians, write your

parents and friends to use their influence, and write the legislators direct
yourselves. There is no estimating the amount of good for the University
that may be accomplished if the thousands of Kentucky State men and
women will unite for Alma Mater.
=¤= =•= * we *
Those who have studied the Scott Nearing
Th S tt N “_ C case must realize that our State Universities,
° °° ° mg ”° as well as a good many of the privately en-
dowed ones, so far as that goes, do not always
exist for the people and by the people of their respective commonwealths
and communities, but that politics and private and selish interests often
play a very significant part in the policy, usefulness and mission of the
University. By the wide publicity of this case no doubt it will have a
moderating edect on such infiuence that caused the dismissal of Dr.
N earing from the University of Pennsylvania. ‘
Many a University professor from the Dean to the lowest assistant
throughout the country, not excepting our own beloved Alma Mater, has
felt the rough hand of oppression of the politician and interest, throttling
and subduing him to their liking, thus utilizing in some form or another
the influence and good oHices of the institution, either by omission or
commission of an act, to their own aggrandizement and selfish purpose. ;
Kentucky State has heretofore in a sort of fashion, though tinged `
with these influences, managed to keep her good name and reputation '
disconnected from such influences, but it is noised at home and abroad
that their grip has so tightened that it is practically dominated by them.
Whether this be true or no, the result is very near the same and its in-
fluence and reputation both at home and abroad are not what they 2
should be. S
The Alumni should protest every action or move on the part of any
one and view it as "an unfriendly act," whether he be a politician or not,
, who tries to jeopardize the good name and interest of the University for  
political and selfish purposes and detrimental to the best interest of the 1
i citizenship of the State.
A * * * * * .
It is worth while now and then to look upon *1
V One of Our Advantages fl`1G bI`lgl'1t side of Ol1I` `UI1lVGI`S`llTy.   118.5 i 
been remarked many times by those in a  
position to know that perhaps in no other institution in the country is  
more and better work done than in Kentucky when the resources of the
University are considered. Some universities have an annual income of y
$1,000,000 to $2,500,000 against our little over $400,000 (including
Experiment Station) yet it would be a strong assertion to say that the
work of the Kentucky State bears only the same ratio as the income. Stu- l
l ¤

  dents should not forget the incalculable value of the direct contact and
t personal attention in a smaller institution. In some of the larger uni-
ii versities the students seldom see the head professor of a department, the
  work of instruction being given in many cases by young men of meager
  experience and no training for teaching beyond the observation of the
. instructor who taught them.
‘ The almost universal success of our graduates attests the quality of
· work done at Kentucky State.
* * e * ·»=
The honor system has been under trial in Ken-
rn. Honor System tucky State University for four years. At the last
A meeting of the faculty last spring this body voted
that it would no longer recognize the student honor system in conduct-
ing tests and examinations. The reasons given for the action were that i
y cheating was widespread, that a large part of the student body, if not u. y
majority, were not in sympathy with the system, and that on certain i
occasions students even defied the student honor committee. These
statements fairly represent the state of public opinion among the student
body. It is a lamentable situation, but nothing is to be gained by
trying to conceal it or by making excuses for it. That any student should
want to cheat his way through school is serious enough, but it is hardly
to be expected that an occasional intellectual thief will not be found.
That the sentiment of a large number of the student body should ap-
prove, or at least wink at cheating, is as deplorable as for a large part of
a community to bear the same attitude toward theft of property or to-
. ward gambling.
Cheaters in examinations may console themselves that they are
J harming no one but themselves, and that their own loss is a gain. The
State is educating young men and women for leadership in the develop-
ment of the manhood and womanhood of the State and not preparing
them simply to increase their earning power. Then they are robbing the
State when they cheat their way through the college course and receive
{ a diploma from the University. A diploma obtained in this way is a ·
Y false document. It is infinitely worse than obtaining money under false  
. pretenses. The latter is as stealing trash when compared with the
f former.
{ No excuse can be offered for cheating that bears the semblance of
I justification for the act.
t lf the instructor cannot teach in such a way as to prepare the stu-
§ dent to answer the questions asked, then the students should openly
{ and in a dignified manner enter protest to this effect.
' If the instructor be efficient but expresses his lack of confidence in
i students either openly or by insinuation or attitude, it is much to be
E regretted, but it does not justify cheating. Students should by their

conduct compel him to respect their integrity.
The fact that one student cheats is no justification for another one
cheating in order to maintain an equal or superior standing. Self respect
and integrity are much more to be sought than mere class standing.
Class standing does not make for success in the world when divorced
from honesty.
There is no use in talking about enforcing an honor system in any
University until there is an overwhelming sentiment in favor of it-
sentiment in the students and sentiment in the faculty. And too, this
sentiment must be properly applied and directed to make it eiective.
If concentrated it will be edective ; if scattered it will fail as indicated
‘ in the case under discussion. This sentiment must be present when
E the system is adopted. It cannot be developed after the adoption of the
i The first requisite for such sentiment is that the faculty must be
  edective as teachers, strong and courageous and possessed of a supreme
i contempt for all forms of dishonesty not only in class room work and
examinations, but in all the affairs of their college, business and social
life. What respect will a student have for the honor system if he knows
that his instructor has used unfair means to attain any position, ad-
vantage or favor? 'What respect would a student have for the honor
system under an instructor who would wink at dishonesty, for example, i
in order to win an athletic contest? Student sentiment will not rise
above faculty sentiment, but it can be made to come up to the level of it.
It is not charged that such a. state of affairs exists in the faculty, but
it is insisted upon that the faculty must be known by every student to
take a most positive stand on all moral questions before it will be
respected on any moral question. · i
The natural leaders among the student body must be won over to .
high ideals, then the student body will follow. It is the business of the ·
faculty in their daily walk, talk and example, to influence the student _
body. There is no subject taught in the University that cannot be used E
g as material for developing character, and the instructor is recreant to L
Q his duty who does not have this conception of his work.
‘ It is ent·irely possible to have an effective honor system, but it must _
be built from the ground up and not from the roof down. Any effort ·
at an honor system must necessarily fail until there is first a fine moral Q
atmosphere and an overwhehning sentiment which would make life in- v
tolerable for a dishonest student.
he a s * *
There is a sad lack of respect, loyalty and affection  
{same the cam on the part of our students for their Alma Mater.
This is particularly noticeable in the Alumni. It E
is no less true of the undergraduates. There seems to be a "germ," as ‘

, Iii
  it were, that infects our students——a different "germ" from that of most
li other colleges—a "germ" of disloyalty. What are the conditions that
  favor the development of this disease?
  Some say it is the lack of discipline—discipline of the students.
Qi Some say it is the lack of discipline of the students and the faculty
  as·well. Some say it is the everlasting wrangling of the students and
'Q faculty over athletics—the lack of stability and wholesomeness in re-
] sults. Others say it is the general condition of things and no one thing
* in particular. There it goes, some say one thing and some another.
l. What is the real cause that produces this pest that causes our boys
l and girls to leave the University disgruntled and unhappy? . In order to
. get some first hand light and information on this very important subject,
J a. form letter embodying the substance in the forepart of this editorial
i was sent to a goodly number of representative members of every de-
i partment of the University of Class ’15, fresh from the University with
y what influences it has, with a request that they put their replies in such
ill shape that they could be published in The Alumnus. Several did not `
g reply at all—not even acknowledging receipt of the letteryothers stated
]— that their views would not look well in print; while others thought that
lv older heads ought to deal with such an important matter and expressed
, y gratification to know that something was being done; three or four re-
 . plies were so long that they had to be returned for briefing and failed
 ll to get back; while a good number have been received in such shape that
g y they can be used and reflect in a general way the feeling of all the re-
; ¤ plies. A careful study of these replies should be made. It would be in-
, I teresting to extend this inquiry to the faculty, older alumni and former
* students, but time and space do not permit. Suiice it to say the pur- `
 y pose of this inquiry is to get this very important matter before the
 ' alumni, the faculty and those interested for the purpose of co-operation
- ———the uniting the efforts of all towards bettering conditions that a new
` species of "germ" may develop—the "germ" of loyalty if you please and
not the "germ" of disloyalty.
i The replies are given in order of receipt and without comment.
` ~ Some time ago I received a letter from you asking my opinion
, _ as to the "germ" of discontent which pervades the student body of
g` Kentucky State. I would say that it is: _
1. Too much politics and want of unity among the Faculty.
‘ dz. t Taking Chapel completely out of the hands of the
stu en s.
1 3. The method by which athletics are conducted.
{ ` 4. Instructors not in close enough touch with the student body.
 p _These are the four principal reasons according to my obser-
 _ vations which cause the discord.
l Another expresses himself as follows:
M The exact cause of this "germ" I do not know, but will give
. you a few ideas that might lead you to the cause:
1 l

I. Lack of money to run the University as it should be run, for
example, first class dormitories where the students could have more
and better friends. As things exist, three-fourths of the real men
of the University live in town and are not thrown together as they
should be.
2. Faculty has a tendency of looking upon the student body
as a big bunch of rough necks. Also try to attend to the students’
business in a certain manner.
3. Where the trouble lies with athletics is that so many punk
teams are booked that get our students over-confident, and when a
real team turns up and cleans them up, it doesn’t look good. I think
most students would rather see their team get beaten by a real team
. than see such large scores run up on little inferior teams.
I really hope that this will be of some service in this work.
Another takes this view:
Answering your inquiry of recent date my observation while
in the University leads me to the following conclusion regarding
‘ the apparent dissatisfaction in the University: A lack of dis- `
cipline, first, including not only the students, but the faculty as
well; then too many factions and individuals working for their
personal interest rather than the common interest of the University.
Consequently this same spirit becomes instilled into the student
body making the whole University a bed of discontent.
I would not be fair to attribute this discord to athletics ,
although it is more prominent there than any other phase of '
University life.
This view is maintained by another:
_ In regard to your recent letter, I think the chief cause of the
disrespect and disloyalty among the students and graduates is the
lack of discipline of both faculty and students. :
This lack of discipline has led to a disrespect and lack of confi-
dence in the faculty on the part of the students. The wrangle over
athletics has made matters worse.
With best wishes for success. .
This writer views it from a new standpoint: 5
‘ In reply to your request for an opinion as to the cause and
cure for the said to be “germ" existing in the graduates of our
Kentucky State University wherein they seem slow, disinterested I
and inconsiderate regarding the school, I reply: V;
Instead of laying this evil to the faults of athletic differences, :
bias political views, inefficiency in administration, trouble caused ·
by ex-administrators, or indolence on the part of the. graduates, I
think it comes from the lack of real rivalry. ‘
Graduates love and support their old school more when that {
institution is involved in any kind of struggle with equal sister  
competitors. Ours is a growing machine which towers over all `
opponents in the State. There is no plea for support. Should aid
be called for every one of us would show our colors, There is no ,
lack of love. We are merely thinking of other things. °
2 a

, Ll
  This writer puts it up pretty strong to the Alumni:
ll" I
  There are always those in an organization who are willing to
if receive benefits from it, and appear to be indifferent to its wel-
,Q' fare; yet I would not call many of them disloyal.
f A number of my class-mates used to knock on the school, and
i` everybody connected with it. It was a custom handed down to
;‘ them and they thought it ought to be maintained.
] The student body needs to be awakened to the needs of our
school. It is in their power to do much for the betterment of the
V, . institution by a few well chosen remarks to the people in their
‘— home towns, and their conduct in school towards visiting teams
for example.
z The alumni are already awake. The Kentucky Alumnus has
f work to do, and should reach every graduate and deliver a mes-
. sage which will count.
Get a closer relationship between “live wire" alumni and the
  student body, and the so-called “gerrn" will die.
M The views of this writer are maintained by another whose views can
not be published :
`_ In reply to your circular letter requesting me to give my views
as to what causes so much dissatisfaction or the "germ" of dis-
= loyalty among the students of State University, I think there are
several causes, some of which no doubt grow out of others:
‘ 1. The disappointment of the students coming from the High
Schools. When they come to the University, they expect to find
· , things much different from what they are and their first impres-
sions are bad. Their first year is often spent under assistants not
· as good as their High School teachers. This causes conditions
,` and failures and discontentment among a good many of the stu-
’ dents to start with.
it 2. Discipline or the failure in discipline is probably the worst
cause of this "germ." This leads to disrespect for the rules of the
University and the professors, and the students who try to favor
the authorities.
, 3. The wrangling of the students and faculty over athletics
‘ is another cause that never fails to do its part in stirring up dis-
contentment among the students.
4. The lack of co-operation between the different depart- ~
, ments. The feeling between the professors leads to the same feel-
{ ing among the students of the same departments.
{ I hope this will be of some help to you. * * * *
t =1< =x= =1< * =1=
E I The debut of the Alumni publication in its new
j You md ui. seam form and under its new name has added new
{ interest to the entire membership. It is real-
t ; ized that it is a publication of the Alumni and not merely for the Alumni
Q as previously viewed. Criticism has been pretty general-—some taking
  the Editor to task for deeds of omission and commission by others as
V~ well as himself, while others thank goodness, have been more generous.
xi T

The Editor rejoices therefore for he knows he has made some sort of im-
pression on "breastworks" that heretofore seem to have been impregnable.
He desires to acknowledge his appreciation of the kindly consideration
of his efforts in trying to make The Alumnus interesting and effective
and a worthwhile publication. He further desires it to be thoroughly
understood that he wishes to hear from you with whatever you have to
oEer—whether it be a word of encouragement or a brick-bat. Like all
human beings and especially the ladyfolks, he would rather be abused
than ignored. Now this is not fishing for compliments, for they don’t
butter the bread, but it is a request for suggestions for the good of the
order. In the vernacular of the newspaper man, "we want all the news
that is nt to print."
BY Prior. A. M. MILLER, A. M..
Dean of the College of Arts and Science and Professor of Geology.
` (Editor’s N0te.——Prof. Miller has had to depend upon his memory, the tiles of
the local papers and a few other records for data for this history. The records
are often found incorrect and no doubt inaccuracies have crept in. In order to
make the history as correct and complete as possible, Prof. Miller and the Editor 5
of The Alumnus woud appreciate any corrections that can be made by those into
whose hands this may come).
Organized athletics had its beginning in the old A. & M. College
of Kentucky during the fall of 1892.
Previous to this year occasional games of base ball had been played ,
between teams of the various colleges in the State, but there was no In- }
tercollegiate Association and no rules governing eligibility, etc. ¤
No games of college foot-ball had been played in the State previous
to the Fall of ’9l. In that year Centre College employed a gymnasium
and athletic director—one W. Durant Berry—whose previous training f
had been in Y. M. C. A. gymnasium work. He was in fact one of *