xt7s7h1dk73z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s7h1dk73z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1926-03-mar17-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1926-03-mar17-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1926-03-mar17-ec. 1926 1926-03-mar17-ec. 2011 true xt7s7h1dk73z section xt7s7h1dk73z 

     tnuez of tlhe rmontmy meeting of -'a T.xeuat.ive Vaommittee of
te Uni.vi reity of Kerit'uczky f ox TuceG.ay-, aSrch i7, 1920.

     Th'e Execativre Committee of the Board of Trustees met in
' eeu1&z - c:.~cithly sessi~ln in the Presids-.nc tS oLfi-c3 at the Jniver-
u.ty o; Tvzsd.ay, Utrch 17, 1S26.  The f oIl.'-nt mrebn3rs were
.:7e,-nt t  Judge Rlichard C. Stoll, Senrtor HI M1'. Frcmian,. Supez.i in-
1:crde.'t Morienzy jIhoads, judge Robert G. Gordon.  president Mc-
,7e.y meti with the committee.

     i. Adontion of MAinutes of P-evi.ou   ~ Meetin.  The attention
o~ the committee was called to tilhe fasc;t t'hat t-he meetilig of the
1:^:ecutive Comnittee was held on Febra2y 10, 192; 6, at wlnich there
wa.s not a quorum of th'e Executive CoiivAttee rresent but which
;,as attended by tro members of the BcP.ard of Trustees, not mornbers
of the Executive Committee.  A raotioy, was maCde, seconded arid
adopted that the action of the Erxecl utit'e oi G tee for February
iO, 1926 ba adopted as the auction of the lxeoutivo Gommittee at
its meeting on March 17, 1926.

     2. Report of the Business Agent.  The report of the Business
Agent was read and ordered filed.

     3. Discussion of the Pendinrg Leaielatioz.  President McVey
ciscussed with the Com.mittee va'ious, bills ri.ow -Den-jlng in the
Legislature and which, if passed, wouild a-fect t'he U~niversity.
No action was taken with re'erenice to any of theae matters, this
being presented merely for the infcrmation of thle members.

     4. Equipment for Law Buitdini.  Prasideat McVey stated. to
the Committee that it wouuld be rnecessaxy to yarohese equipment
in the way of seats and othej faterilJ. cr, the lufiildng whlch is
now being prepared for the Col1,eg oLf Law.  He stat-.d thn t it
would cost in the neighborhocd of $e,COCO to -puSccaiXe 'the neces-
sary equipment.  On motion duly eeco-n-d.ed the Presid.e.t was auth-
orized to purchase whatever neooeeazy eqatpment is needed for
that building.

     5. Stock Judging Pavilion.  Prevident MfnVey reported to
the Executive Committes tht. the iaw;;a:..ie    Laam.rti.,  to l14,000,
on the stbck judging pavili.crn, Vwhi     cl. t:.^yd b:"r tire on
January 1, 1926, had been c";l,-a't.   He, eta.ted. .  ~aiis for
a new building had been d-tn8Jf *.ttnd +hrtt J.t V~a.  r   to build
a brick building instead of stucco cs i.t hatd b een at flrst.  He



indicated that the building of a brick structure together with
en'lrrging it somewhat' wo1.ld cost in the neighborhood of 924,000.
M tion Va.'s made, oseondrdd . rjd adfto pte6. autQhorrzang the President
to advartisE for fiX   or fur tho erecti-on ;f th.is uilding.

     6. tvr~iVC2'8iGy  Eot store.  A ccrrl;.nictft'n frc'QM Mr. Frank
B-.ttaile' .-as read i.n w'nioh he sggesvted that the Urin.v&;z.i t y of
X -k Itucky take ovzr and oprrate the book store end cAenoe:l the con-
r,:vt which hs he:j.d with the University,  A 2!eport was made by
a. _,.nriitteo of v;ht1ch 0e-Tator D. H. Pe.K. was chai.man satating that
*fi:- Bsttaile had re cl.;cted to havre the contract cancelled, and
t.re crnitteo recornieiended that the Uni-rer,:3ty of Kentucky operate
ihe book store, and take over the p  saeni; s  of. OL' Mr. Battaile
.tt a fair price.  Aftor full diseio^ a motion was made, se -
,nd.ed and adopted that Mr. Battaflae s crortract be oancelled in
arc.or d arie with hi.s request and that plans be made for the taking
over and operating the book store as a University. affair.

     7. Report of the Athletic Council.   President MoVey p-e-
sented a staternent from Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, chairman 'of the
Athletio Council,which ras read to the Committee and which was
ordered incorporated in the minutes.   The report was as follows:

                        FINANCIAL STATEtMENT
           University of Kentucky Athletic Assoeiation
                 July 3, 1925 to January 31, 1CJ26

                        31. Receipts

Cash - Football games - Varsity .................
Cash - Football games - Freshmr&n *...............
Cash - Basketball games - Varsity .............
Cash - Basketball games - Freshman ..............
Cash - Gridgraph -..........
Cash - Rent (Shriners) ......................
Cash - Student activities less refunds -
            First semester ...............
Cash - Student activities - Advanced Registra-
            tion - Second semester ..............
     Total Receipts .............................



  52,0349. 41
  54, 670 .40

2. Experiditurea

Football - Varsity
     Games .......................
     Coaches .........
     Other expenses.

Football - Freshman
     Games .......................
     .Coaches .......     .........
     Other expenses ..............

$17 ,032.Y8 T
  6,075 (O0

  l2 0815g.05



Basketball - Varsity
     G a, re       ......  
     Other exzs        .

Basketball -
      ;..-- e ...v.................
      Other c.Cp en S  ...........

Track Maeuts
     Other axpenseo..

Baseb&Ll - Vttrsi.tv-
     Other expenses ...........

Baseba3.1 - Freshman
     Other exp   enses ...........

Stenomrapher's salary .........
Labor .........................
Backetball Building .......
Printing, stationery, etc.
Field expense ................
Conventicn expense ............
Interest on notes .............
Tennis .......
Water .........................
Gridgraph .....................
Mlscellaneous .................
Stamps ...         ......
Telephone ani telegraph.
Payment on note.

     Total Expenditures.

$1 ,251.15
   690. 00
1 oCs. 55

  '. ,60O0
  2C) O0  



  E64. 63
  8 7. G()
  62,3. sc)
  25t  15
1, 062 D5 5

  169.. 30
  63 00
  15 .00
  149. 60
  27'3 .84






.................... $42,673.25

Excess of Receipts over Expenditures.
Overdraft, July 1, 1925 ....................
     Balance on Hand January 31, 1926.

Present.;Aooounts Payable

     Bauer and Black ........................
     Dootor Lewis ..........................
     Lexington Clinic .......................
     O'Shea Knitting Mille ......
     Robinson-Pettet Cormpaiiy .-. ......
     A. G. Spalding & BrTC ., .................
     The Sutcliffe Company.................
     Van Deren hardwa: e Company .............
          Present Acocunts Payable .


  350 .00

- .........
-.1 ........



   C.h e C1. '  T t0 f  pC v , -,a P.

        Fi.ric t- .n C-a  :;' - R'-A, il''- Dwa I.fc h ', I V.,6 *  13,80.55
          r,_nt.; Nu.  ;--i   ,etr.     ..1;)       O% -.D 3_ (00

              To~:           .               .... 4 2,2Z0 55

     8.. OL.v%'s o. Ah.'f5e.  On ;'-otion of POifie. tlIoVey, lrs.
''- I   L2 cr s-;C'-rr l7-  ! the  rfie.,~ E-.of H, iltgi.Ce a-ac',cB g.Scanta
* .;'.5;;'' C'. &ioe-OTe :ox T2.'eC rcrneiG  without pay beoause of il-i

     Carsic Hammonds, aosi.tn c;n  o-P-rfessor in the College of Edu-
*,ation, \s gran'ed '     Ya atc-Lstce c-:, the yrear 19.26-1927 with-
,.t pav for the nurroue of    i in Ccr-nel1 'CI. niversity  Pro-
:*F'6sor .m,.-a;.Hamn:,xvoe has boen  s. e 'cholarzhin. by thae G.enral
Fducation bEa:Cd of New Yo:c.k Ci.ty for next year and desires to take
&advantage cf that sorolarship.

     Leave of absence was granted Dr: D. J, Hea.Fiy, bncteriologist
in the xmeriment St&aO.in fom a perio. of two raonths from Fbruu-
Trv K 196 Oil full pay because of ill heabh'.'

     Lecave of absenoe for two months on fu.l. pa; Twas gr.'anted to
Wellington Patrick, Director of Univosrity Extension, during the
summer of 1926 for the purpose of St'.16y.

     9. Aprointments, Transfers, and. Inoreases isn alary.  Upon
recommendation of President TPo77ey, a mrotion v;as made, seconded
and oc.rried approving the following ayppointmeats, tranefers and
increases of salary:

     Appointment of Hiss Franoes Krtieel as clerk in the Regis-
tXar's office at a salary of 4 $60 a month.

     Appointment of Miss Estella Hebden, sporetary in the office
of Professor George Pobertt, a4 a salary of $;100 a month, e-
feotive M~aroh 1, 1926.

     Temporary appointment of 1,J;, Leonard Pouse as assistant in
Farm Management in the department of fsixlr eCconov.ici at 6 I3alary
of $1900 effective Februancy 8, 3.926.  THhis a-printment iz t3
fill the vacancy caused by the resignation cf Mr. Thomas Baird.

     Transfer of L. D. Moore from. the denr rt-mert of Buildings
and Grounds to the 'Ien's Gymnsa ivm^ 'nhore lie wil. a3t as caretaker
of that building with the urd~eta:vbs6 : that 'me--alf of his
salary, beginning in July, 4i. to be pamidi by t1:h0 A9t`01etio Aasooia-

     Increase of salary of 1.!iJs Du-.ne In the o:;' ice of Cr.lonel
Hobbe from $75 to $85 a month, iwzivo    Fehbruary, 1, 1926.



     Continuation of empaovm_:nt of M. P. Nicholls as county
.-gent Ballard County, KI;etntvu.Mk from M&7Lrch 1 to December 31, 1926
nt a salary of $166 2/. a rmorth.

     Continuation  f    .cnr?1-y-e:anrt of Miss Martte Hodges, heme demon-
ittration csent, (       rcmntr, fr'r. M"arch 1, 1926 to February
;g.,;5 127 ait a ealary of 6ii16 2/3 a mon -h.

     Contiinuation of epl:rpyment of Min Bruce Eiloise KiT kman,
Lo me deraonuration agent for Union County, from February 1 to
;ecember 31, 1926 at a salary of $158 1/3 a nLonthx.

     Continuation of employment of Miss Ethel Nice, home demon-
stration agent, Garraxr&. County Fzom February 1 to December 31,
1026 at a salary of $166 2/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of Mrs. Lulu Holmes, home demon-
stration agent, Ballard County, from February 1 t4o December 31,
1926 at a salary of $2.50 a month.

     Continuation of employment of Homer J. Kline, county agent,
Hardin County, from February 8, 1926 to February 7, 1927, at a
salary of 8200 a month.

     Continuation of employment of Mr. P. 0. Wilson, county
agent, Union County, from January 1 to December 31, 1926, at a
salary of $175 a month.

     Continuation of employment of Mr. H. R. Jackson, county
agent, Shelby County, frord February 1, 1926 to January 31, 1927,
at a s&lary of $216.66 2/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of Mr. W. D. Sutton, county agent,
Hopkins County, from February 1 to December 31, 1926, at a salary
of $250 a month.

     Continuation of employrnent of Mr. W. M. Hn%;at, county agent,
Spencer County, from March 1 to December 31, 1326, at a salary
of $17t a month.

     Appointment of Mr. V. C. Ashby, assi.stant county agent,
Frankl in County, from March 1 to June 30, 1926, at a salary of
$125 a month.

     10. Report of Greater Kentucsky ma:aign P'nd.   The follow-
ing report from Senator D. H. Peak on the G.realei  Kentucky Cam-
paign Fund was read and ordered incorporated ii- the minutos:



      Report of xreet&r KeYntvoky Casmpaign Fund
                  as o-f Kazoh 17, 126

Bz-?:7r .-.:mi. ft,_c 1  ; c-al'.: dcs ';  o-nCoets  C.Gripan   .........
,T,);] - ~ ~ i 7^|s;S  4, f  stjel  'lt9;k r n '1''  B  .': .i..r. ,-  .i ....
Oolle.., i.cors on Cpt1ldgea receivF6. by D. H; Peak

58 261.71


StaiC.iumsao                   .  
E    .  ...nse     .. ......... .
CVd chc           k  s....I...............
Student Loan Fund .......
Patterson Memorial Fund .........
M14emorial Bldg. Fund Notes
Louis des Cognets notes .......
    Tota .;
    Balance in bank .............

$10-2, 65.65
   2 713.02
      .;4. 40:


137 059.12

Due Student Loan Fund .......
Due Patterson Memorial Fund .
    Total......       ..
    Balaxnce on hand ........

Balanoe on Louis des Cognets notes
     (due University of Kentucky) . ...........
Balance due on Memorial Building Fund notes ...

                                  D. E. Peak

.. 21,500.00
.. 34,000.00

                                  Biusiness Agent

Upon motion, duly seconded the Executive Committee adjourn-

                                 PRe.eo tfully submitted,

                                   Wellington Patrick


3 4. 67


.1 ..
.. I '. .

..... .


Missing report(s)