xt7s7h1dk71s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s7h1dk71s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1958-03-apr1. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1958-03-apr1. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1958-03-apr1. 1958 1958-03-apr1. 2011 true xt7s7h1dk71s section xt7s7h1dk71s 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, April 1, 1958.

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the Presi-
dent's Office at 9:15 a. m. , CST, Tuesday, April 1, 1958, with the following
members present: Vice Chairman R. P. Hobson, Harper Gatton, Robert C.
Stilz, Dr. Daniel C. Elkin, Ben Butler, Carl Dempewolfe, Mrs. Paul G.
Blazer, J. Stephen Watkins and Dr. Paul Hall. Absent: Governor A. B.
Chandler, Chairman; W. F. Foster, Wood Hannah, Sr., Robert R. Martin,
Louis Cox and Dr, Ralph J. Angelucci. President Frank GC. Dickey and
Secretary Frank D. Peterson met with the Board.

       A. Meeting Opened.

       President Dickey stated that the Governor' s Office had just called to
say that the Governor was busy reading and signing bills and might not be able
to get to the meeting. President Dickey welcomed Dr. Paul Hall, Paintsville,
the new member of the Board of Trustees, and reported that Mr. J. Stephen
Watkins had also been reappointed. Doctor Hall and Mr. Watkins had previous-
ly taken the oath of office.

       B. Minutes Approved.

       The minutes of the Board of Trustees of December 10, 1957, and the
minutes of the Executive Committee of January 24 and March 14, 1958, were
approved as published.

      C. Financial Report.

        Mr. Peterson made financial report, consisting of balance sheet and
related financial statements which covered the period beginning July 1, 1957
and ended February 28, 1958,  He stated that the General Fund budget had
received during the period $10, 123, 529. 87, which was 85. 7%/o of the budget
estimate of $11, 807, 251. 67. The expenditures, which included encumbrances
outstanding for the eight-months period, totaled $7,917,421.90, which was
66.5% of the budget estimate for departmental appropriations of $11,901,397. 14.
Mr. Peterson explained in detail the balance sheet, unrealized income, depart-
mental appropriations and plant fund appropriations.

      Each member of the Board was given a copy of the report, which read
as follows:



University of Kentucky
February 28, 1958


Current Funds:
  Cash in Bank
  Petty Cash Fund
  State Allotments:
    Current Year
  Revolving Funds
  Deferred Charges
  Unrealized Income

      Total General

 Restric ted:
 Cash in Bank
 Petty Cash Advances

      Total Restricted
      Total Current




Colleges           Station        Division           Total

$     60, 258.39  $  184, 265. 02 $  700, 368. 35 $  944, 891.76
      40, 000. 00    10, 000, 00                     50, 000. 00

      549 , 219.67    39, 716. 76   217,709. 36     806, 645. 79
      901,456.27     366,226.92                    1,267,68 3.19
      334,517.61                                     334,517.61
      52,666.20                                      52,666.20
   1,158,751.10     449,970.70      75,000.00     1,683,721. 80

$  3,096,869,24  $ 1, 050, 179.40 $  993,077.71 $ 5, 140,126.35

$    961,565,89  $  161,842.67 $   158,210.90 $ 1,281,619.46
       7,072.42       2,700.00        3,500.00       13,272.42
   1,831,722.62      15,027.00                    1,846,749.62

$  2,800,360.93  $  179,569.67 $   161,710.90 $ 3,141,641.50
$  5,897,230,17  $1, 229, 749. 07 $1, 154,788.61 $ 8,281,767,85

Plant Funds
  C a s h i-n-Ba-n k  $
  Cash on Dep. -Trustees
  State Allotments
  Revolving Funds
  Inves tments
  Due from Other Funds
  Unrealized Income

   83 , 951. 25
   91, 962. 62
5, 889, 069.10
  881, 669, 58
  68, 113. 13
    6, 250, 00
    75, 442,92


197, 115. 76

$    83,951. 25
     91,962. 62

       Total Unexpended

Investment in Plant:
Constr, Authorized
Fixed Assets

       Total Invested
       Total Plant

Other Funds:
GCash in Bank
Notes Receivable
       Total Oth. Funds
       Total Assets

$  7,096, 458, 60 $  19 7, 115. 76 $            $ 7, 293, 574. 36

$  4,337,000,00   $              $              $ 4,337,000.00
  41, 132,129,11  4,459,528.38     108, 860. 97  45, 700,518. 46

$ 4 5, 469,1i9 A 1  $4, 459, 528. 38 $  108, 860.9 7 $50, 037, 518. 46
$ 52, 565,587 71  $4,656,644.14  $  108,860.97 $57, 331, 092. 8'Z

     Loan           Endowment        Agency

$        56L.85   $    5,473.62 $   120,673.55 $     126,709.02
      56,891,71                                      56,891. 71
      55,500M00     207,261.23       16,388.99      279,150. 22
$    112,953.56  $   2.12, 734,85 $  137,062.54 $  462 ,750 S9




University of Kentucky
February 28, 1958


Current Funds:
   Petty Cash Liability
   Res. ior Encumb.
   Current Year
   Prior Year
   Res. for Inventories
   Other Liabilities
   Due to Other Funds
   Unapprop. Surplus
   Approp. Balance

       Total General

 Re stric ted:
   Outstanding Checks
   Fund Balances

     Total Restricted
     Total Current

Plant Funds:
  Res, for Encumb.:
    Curront Year
    Prior Year
  Appropriation Balanc

      Total Unexpended
Investment in Plant:
Bonds Payable
Other Liabilities
Net Invested in Plant

      Total Invested
      Total Plant

Other Funds:
Expendable Balances

      Total Other Fund,
      Total Liabilities


Ag ric ultural


  Colleges      Station         Division         Total

  $   40,000. 00 $   10, 000.00 $               $     50,000.00

     369,220.46     106,143.65     18,078.74        493,442.85
     132,796.27     16,269.95                       149,066.22
     334,517.61                                     334,517.61
     52,666. 20                                     5z,666.20

     58,513.07*   134,971.30                        76,458.23
   2,226,181.77    782,794.50     974,998.97      3,983,975. 24

 $ 3,096,869.24  $1,050,179.40 $ 993,077.71   $  5,140,126.35

 $     6,415,94 $              $               $      6,415.94
   2,793,944,99    179,569.67     161,710.90      3,1 35,225.56

 $ 2,800,360.93  $  179,569.67 $  161,710.90  $   3,141,641.50
 $ 5,897,230.17 $1,229,749.07 $1,154,788.61   $   8,281,767.85

 $   141,756.95 $   41,710.73 $                $    183,467.68
     461,286.08     29,295,04                       490,581.12
e  6,493,415 57     126,109.99                     6,619,525.56

$ 7,096,458.60  $  197,115.76 $               $  7,293,574.36

$ 9,409,500, 00 $             $               $  9,409,500.00
   2,156,000.00     100,000m00                    2,256,000.00
   33,903,629.11  4,359,528.38    108,860.97     38,372,018.46

 $45,469,129.11 $4,459,528.38 $   108,860.97   $ 50,037,518. 46
 $52,565,587. 71 $4,65;,644. 14 $  108,860,97  $ 57,331,0927.

     Loan          Endowment       Agency

 $    73,424.81  $  207,774.05 $               $     281,198.86
      39,528.75       4,960,80    137,062.54         181,552.09

s $  112,953.56  $ 212, 734.85 $  137,062.54  $    462,750,95
                                                $ 66,075,611.62




          University of Kentucky
For the Current Fiscal Period which began
  July 1, 1957 and ended February 28, 1958

              General Fund

E stimate

to Date


Division of Colleges
  Educational and Geeneral
  State Appropriations
  Federal Grants ( through the St
  Student Fees
  Endowment Income
  Sales and Services and Rentals
  Returned Checks


Auxiliary Enterprises

       Total- Colleges

Agricultural Experiment Station
Educational and General
   State Appropriations
   Federal Grants ( direct)
   Sales and Services

       Total- Experiment Station

Agricultural Extension Division
   Educational and General
   State Appropriations
   Federal Grants ( direct)

       Total- Agricultural
              Extens ion

       Total- General

Plant Fund:

$  5,042,000.00
ate)  139,530.10

$ 4,549,000.00



$  6,404,974.60  $  5,467,142.86 $   937,831.74
                        8 5.44%

     554,434.00      333,514.64       220,919.36
                         6 0. 1%o
$  6,959,408.60  $  5,800,6 57.0  $  1,158,751.10
                         83. 3 7o

$    733,000.00 $    655,000.00  $      78,000.00
     828,262.31      654,095.50        174,166.81
     650,000.00      452,196.11        197,803.89

$  2,211,262.31 $   1,761,291.61 $   449,970.70
                         79 .77

$    828,000.00 $     753,000.00  $     7 5,000.00
   1,808,580.76    1,808,580.76

$  2,636,580.76  $  2,561,580.76  $    75,000.00
                          97.       - --o
$ 11,807,251,67  $ 10,123 3,32T.  $  1,683,721.80

$    400,782.00 $     325,339.08  $     75,442.92
              .~~         ~ ~~~ I. ZIT

* Negative figure



               University of Kentucky
     For the Current Fiscal Period which Began
     July 1, 1957, and ended February 28, 1958

Division of Colleges

Adffn. & General
  (en. Admin. Offices
  Student Services
  Staff Welfare
  General Inst. Services


Instruction & Research:
College of --
   Agr. & Home Economics
   Arts and Sciences
   Engine ering
   Me dic ine
   Graduate School
   Org. Act. Rel. Educ.
   University Extended
  Public Services


Other Expenses:
  Oper. & Maint. Plant
  Auxiliary Enterprises
  Working Capital
  Clearing Accounts


Total-Division of Colleges

Agr. Experiment Station

Agr. Extension Division

   Combined Total


ture s

Encum -


$   179,967.52 $  104,731.34 $  1,891.22  $   73,344.96
    260,340.32    171,623.83    3,250.91       85,465.58
    88,000.00     53,467.98                   34,532.02
    125,045.04     72,793,35   22,689 99       29,561.70

$  653,352.88 $ 402,616,50 $ 27,832.12   $ 222,904.26
                          65.9 7o

$  357,105,46 $ 232,867.01 $ 4,798.17    $   119,440.28
  1,945,229.28  1,247,107.25   22,321.9Z     675,800.11
    256.754.96    166,075.72      782.33       89,896.91
    463,808.16    286,685.06    7,379.74      169,743.36
    507,552.62    315,495.46    8,690.56      183,366.60
    108,226.86     68,337.50    1,532.60       38,356.76
    141,000.00     87,843.63    2,701.05       50,455.32
    93,354.88     54,963,51    6,495.06       31,896.31
    18,325.00     11,525.07       92.25        6,707.68
    36,968. 00    21,274.47    1,729.35       13,964.18
    20,000.00      9,180.75    1,216.77        9,602.48
    339,014,35    225,561.70    3,028.54      110,424.11

    371,352.87    253,544.65    5,658.94      112,149.28
      3,460.00        793.46      234.30        2,432.24

$ 4,662,152,44  $2,981,255.24 $ 66,661.58  $1,614,235.62

$ 1,098,877.00 $ 627,939.40 $179,139.69    $  291,797.91
    401,583.07    272,238,59   23,295.37      106,049.11
    78,232.48     12,429.25   70,591,84        4,788.61*
    25,000.93     27,317,59     1,699.86       4,016.52*

$ 1, 603,693.48 $ 939,924,83 $274,726.76   $ 389,041.89
                          75. 6'/o

$ 6,919,198.80  $4,323,796.57 $369,220.46  $2,226,181.77
  2,304,221,21  1,415,283l06  106,143.65     782,794.50
  2,677,977,13  1,684,899.4  - 18,078.74     974,998.97
                         -3. b60/
$11,901,397.14 $7,423,979.   $493,442 .85  $3,983,975,24
                          66. 5---

"Negative figure



            (Jniversity of Kentucky
   For the Current Fiscal Period which began
   July 1, 1957, and ended February 28, 1958

Division cf Colleges

Retirement of Indebtedness:
Ist P. W.A. Bond Issue
2nd P.W.A. Bond Issue
Dorm. Rev. Bond Issue
Audit-Field House Issue
Libo & Service Bldg. Issue
Stadium Addition Issue
Dormitory Rev.Issue,456 Rc
Journ. Bldg. Bond Issue
Dorm.Rev. Issue,476 Rose
Stud. Dorms,, U.K.
Stud. Dorms. -Kappa Sigma
Stud, Dorms. -Lambda Chi
Stud, Dorms, -Phi Sigma K.
Stud, Dorms.-Pi Kappa A.
DormRev. Bond 1952
Dorm.Rev.. Bond 1954
Dorm, Rev, Bond 1955
   Cooperstown Apts.
Dorm. Rev. Bond 1956
   Six Sorority Dorms.
Dorm, Rev, Bond 1956
  336 Clifton Ave.
Dorm, Rev, Bond 1956
  Holmes Hall

  Total-Retirement of



$ 37, 140.00  $ 1,591.29
  18,848.38   18,742.06
  24,215,25    3,10250
  64,231.03   59,231.25
  75,277.01.   4,850.00
  20,678.21    2,837.93
)se 6, 254.52  3,359 37
  27,473.50   13,035. 00
  5,071.93    2,950. 00
  19,144.32    3,773.76
  10,503.59    1,886.88
  10,692.08    1, 886,87
  9,938.58     1,886.87
  11,064.11    1,886.87
  56,304.00   17,984.75
  32,233.50    10,526.25

156,613, 50

58, 186. 00




46,720. 00




$ 35,548. 71
     106. 32
  21,112. 75
  4,999. 78
  70,427. 01
  17, 840. 28
  2, 895. 15
  14,438. 50
  15,370. 56
  8, 616. 71
  8,805. 21
  8,051. 71
  9, 177. 24
  21,707. 25



5, 233.00

   1,036,75                                  1, 036. 75

$653,354.26  $220,376r65   $              $432,977.61
                        33. 70/o

Cash on Deposit with Trustee:
Dorm.Rev, Bonds 1952
 Dorm.Rev, Bonds 1952
   Rese rve -Invested
 Dorm.Rev. Bonds 1954
 Dorm.Rev.Bonds 1954

   Total-Cash on Deposit
     with Trustee

$ 64,175.50



41,435. 63*

35,1 78.50

$ 64,175. 50

41,435. 63*

35, 178.50

26,677, 50*                                26, 677. 50*

$ 31,240,87  $             $              $ 31,240.87

*Negative figure.



             University of Kentucky
   For the Current Fiscal Period which began
   July 1, 1957, and ended February 28, 1958

Division of .Crleges


ture s

brance s


Holmes Hall--UUniv.
   Approp,              $
 Holmes Hall & Pharma-
 cy Bldg. Steam Lines
 Phi Delta Theta Fraternity
 Shawneetown Apts.
 Six Sorority Dorms.
 Holmes Hall-Bond Pro-
 College of Pharmacy
 Swine Barn
 Medical School
 Medical School Federal
 Physical Science Building
 Repairs to Kastle Hall
 Medical School Library

2,031.49 $

    34 3. 00
  3, 861.97
110, 724. 06
51, 162, 24

130, 116.45

15, 09 7. 61
11, 163.37
325,580. 77

75, 000.00
210, 240, 00
6, 69 7. 00


45, 627.73

7, 867. 33

  607. 54
23, 077. 02
1, 506. 65

10, 068. 29

  3, 703.63

407, 535. 6 1

3, 514.9 2

3, 182.08

$   2, 031.49

   343, 00
 3, Z44. 83
 87,423. 70
 4, 027. 86

 112, 180.83

 11, 163.37
 81, 954. 84*

 75, 000.00

  Acq. and Supplies
Medical Science Building
Alpha Tau Omega Build-
Men' s New Dormitory

  Total Construction

  70, 000 00

22, 981. 14

5,400, 00
76. RA6_ 25

21, 029.12

  25, 989. 74

5,400, 00
76.-886 2'5

           *~~~~~~~~~~~~ - I} _ _ . v _ _

$6, 594,304.21 $491,463.30   $141,756.95    $5, 961, 083.96
                         9, 6 Vo  

Total-Plant Funds-
Division of Colleges  $7, 278,899.34

$711,839.95   $141,756.95
         1 1. 7%


Agr. Exper. Station

  Combined Totals


90,013. 5 1

41,710. 73

126, 109. 99

                        51. 1%

$7,536,733.57 $801,853.46  $183,467.68   $6, 551 ,412. 43
                        113. 1 Y.

*Negative figure.



           TJniversity of Kentucky
  For the Current Fiscal Period which began
  July 1, 1957 and ended February 28, 1958

Restricted Funds:
Division of Colleges
Agr. Exp, Station
Agr. Exten. Div.


Loan Fund:


Endowment Funds:


Agency Funds:

Combined Totals


Disburse -


July 1, 1957  Receipts       ments          Feb.28,1958

$1,955,799.81 $4,262,248.27 $3,424,103.09  $2, 793,944.99
   172,744.90   239.263.39    232,438.62      179,569.67
   156,735.28   160,507.90     155,532.28     161,710.90

$2,285,279.99 $4,662,019. 56 $3,812,073.99  $3,135,225.56

$   73,399.81 $      25.00 $                $   73,424.81
    37,491.01     2,077.97         40.23       39,528.75

$  110,890.82     2, 102.97 $       40.23      112,953.56

$  207,724.05 $      50.00 $                $  207,774,05
     4,431.70       479.10                       4,960.80

$  212,205.75 $     529.10 $                $  212,734.85

$  129,984.73 $  722,181.68    715,103.87   $  137,062.54

$2,738,361.29 $5,386,833.31 $4,527,218.09   $3,597,976.51



       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the report was author-
ized received and made of record.

       D. Mr. Peterson Commended.

       Mr. Harper Gatton called attention of the members of the Board of
Trustees that seventeen years ago the Board appointed Frank D. Peterson to
the position of Comptroller of the Department of Business Management and
Control, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, a Resolution of
Commendation was authorized written by Mr. Harper Gatton and spread upon
the minutes.


          On April first, 1941, the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
       versity of Kentucky employed Frank D. Peterson to a posi-
       tion of responsibility.

           The members of the Board and all others who are acquaint-
       ed with the progress made by the University in these 17 years
       are aware of Mr. Peterson, s faithful, tireless service.

          His business judgment and attention to the management
       of the University have impressed all who are acquainted with
       the University affairs,

          Therefore, it is moved that the Board of Trustees commend
       Vice President Peterson for the satisfactory, efficient manner
       in which he has conducted the business and responsibilities of
       his office, and that this Resolution be included in the Minutes.

       Mr. Peterson thanked the Board for the surprise motion of commenda-

       E. Sale of Surplus Property.

       Mr. Peterson reported that the College of Engineering, Department
of Electrical Engineering, had declared one large induction regulator surplus
to their needs. He recommended that the equipment be disposed of by taking
competitive bids.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Board concurred
in the recommendation,

       F. Parietal Rules and Rental Rates for Holmes Hall Authorized.

       Mr. Peterson reported that in the Loan Agreement made between the
diversity of Kentucky and the Housing and Home Finance Agency for a loan
for the construction of Holmes Hall, the University agreed to establish and main-
tain such parietal rules, rental rates and charges for the use of the project
as might be necessary to assure maximum occupancy and necessary to provide
funds to service the debt, including the reserve required under the Agreement.



       Mr. Peterson stated that the Regional Director had requested that
rules and rental rates be established directing that students of the University
be assigned to occupy Holmes Hall to the end that maximum occupancy be
maintained during University sessions; and that the rental rates and charges
for occupancy of Holmes Hall be fixed at such rate as might be deemed
necessary, but not less than $250. 00 for each regular school year, and not
less than $62. 50 for each summer session.  He further reported that the
Office of the Housing and Home Finance Agency had requested that the Uni-
versity be authorized, empowered and directed to comply with the rules
and regulations adopted.  Mr. Peterson submitted parietal rules and rental
rates for Holmes Hall, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, same
were authorized and adopted.

       G. Kernel to Have Four Issues Weekly.

       Mr. Peterson stated that Dr, Niel Plummer, Dr. Bruce Denbo and
he had discussed the possibility of the Kentucky Kernel (student newspaper)
being permitted to issue the paper four times a week, instead of weekly. Mr.
Peterson reported that the Student Government Association had recommended
that the paper be issued four times weekly, which would enable students to
print more news and, at the same time, take care of the volume of advertise-
ments desired by customers of the paper.  He reported that Doctor Plummer
and the students in Journalism seemed to feel that it would be a more nearly
ideal laboratory and course condition to issue the paper daily. Doctor Plummer
also feels that such arrangement would give more experience to more students
in Journalism, and would approximate practical newspaper conditions.  The
Student Government Association was reported to have favored an additional
charge of $1. 00 per student per semester for additional expenses involved.

       Members of the Board discussed the student newspaper and its various
aspects, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, authorized four
issues per week, effective September, 1958, and an additional fee of $1. 00
per student per semester,

       H1. Military Deposit Approved.

       Mr. Peterson reported that the Air and Ground Corps of our two
R.O . T.C. corps required students registered in these units to have military
uniforms,  He reported that the University currently requires a $25. 00 de-
posit for the uniform while it is in the possession of the student. He stated
that Colonel WE, Grubbs, PMS&T of the Artillery, and Colonel R.W. Boughton,
PAS of the USAF, recommended that the deposit be reduced to $10. 00.  The
experience of recovering military uniforms was said to be good.  The PMS&T
of the Artillery and the PAS of the USAF pledged cooperation in assisting the
University in regaining possession of the uniforms issued to students. There-
fore, based upon past experience and the cooperative efforts of the military
colonels involved, Mr. Peterson recommended that the military deposit made
by students for military uniforms be fixed at $10, 00, effective at the end of
the current semester,

       Members of the Board expressed considerable interest, and upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, a military deposit of $10. 00 was authorized
required of students in the military corps of the University, effective summer
term, 1958.



       I Civil Defense Cantract Approved.

       Mr. Peterson reported contract between the University of Kentucky and
the Kentucky Division of Civil. Defense whereby the University will assist the
Kentucky Division in constructing and keeping current an operational survival
plan for the State. Mr. Peterson explained that this was really a continuation
of an existing contract and involved a sum of money not to exceed $4, 000. The
rate is fixed at $4. 50 per hour for services rendered by consultants, when
requested, and $1. 50 per hour for services rendered by secretaries and
stenographers. The contract also provides for reimbursement for expense
where travel is involved.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the contract was au-
thorized executed on behalf of the University.

       J. Application for Loan for Kitchen and Dining Room Areas Authorized.

       Mr. Peterson read the following letter:

                                               March 31, 1958

      President Frank G. Dickey
      University of Kentucky

      Dear President Dickey:

              At the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
      of Trustees October 21, 1955 building needs of the University were
      discussed.  Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, Pres-
      ident Donovan and Mr. Peterson were requested to submit to the
      Board at the next meeting a formalized program.  On November
      18, 1955, a ten year building program was outlined and submitted
      to the Executive Committee of the Board and made of record.

             A central kitchen and dining unit for women, s halls was
      recommended to cost approximately $1, 000, 000.

             Since 1955 a new residence hall for women has been author-
      ized, constructed, and completed, housing 298 women students.
      Keeneland Hall was put into operation in 1955, housing approximately
      300 girls.

             Students living in Patterson, Boyd, and Jewell Halls are
      served meals in a mnakeshift kitchen and dining area of Boyd and
      Jewell Halls, Space is not adequate to accommodate students liv-
      ing in Keeneland and Holmes Halls,  Therefore, these students,
      nearly 600 of them, will be fed in the Student Union Commons Cafe-
      teria.  This certainly will overtax the facilities of the Student Union
      Commons Cafeteria, where all students not housed in dormitories
      generally dine. The student enrollment of the University will this
      year increase between 700 and 1,000 students.  The year 1959
      will be no exception.  It seems, therefore, highly desirable that the



       University take steps immediately to prepare to render food service
       to the more than 1, 200 girls residing in residence halls.  We, there-
       fore, recommend that authority be granted by the Board of Trustees
       to request the State Property and Building Commission for authority
       to apply to the Federal Housing and Home Finance Agency for a loan
       of approximately $1, 000, 000 to $1, 200, 000 to construct and equip
       a central kitchen and dining unit to take care of women students
       housed in residence on the campus of the University,  the cost of
       these facilities to be paid for through the issuance of revenue bonds
       which would be retired from income received from food service units.

                                              Very truly yours,

                               (Signed)      Frank D. Peterson
                                              Vice President
                                              Business Administration

       The recommendation was discussed at some length, and upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, an application for loan from the Housing and
Home Finance Agency was authorized. Preliminary plans necessary for
making the application were authorized, and the Vice President, Business Ad-
ministration, was directed to seek such authority as might be necessary from
the State Property and Building Commission and any other authority necessary
to consummate a negotiated loan agreement contract. He was also directed
to seek authorization and sale of bonds as might be approved by the State
Property and Building Commission,

       K. Rental Leases for Sororities and Fraternities Approved.

       Mr. Peterson submitted leases on small dormitories on Columbia Avenue,
known a s Columbia Te r rac e for. the f ollow-ing six soro ritie s:

       Epsilon Omega of Kappa Delta House Corporation, Inc.
              323 Columbia Terrace
      Alpha Theta of Delta Zeta Building Corporation, 319 Columbia Terrace
      Gamma Iota Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta House Corporation, 329
              Columbia Terrace;
      Alpha Gamma Delta Realty Corporation, 325 Columbia Terrace
      Alpha Xi Delta Building Corporation, 321 Columbia Terrace
      Zeta Tau Alpha House Corporation, 327 Columbia Terrace.

      Mr. Peterson also submitted lease of house at 468 Rose Street to the
Tri Delta Reality Company and a lease of house at 438 Clifton Avenue to the
Kentucky Epsilon of Phi Delta Theta Corporation. He recommended that
these leases be approved and authorized executed,



       Mr. Peterson further reported that these six houses had been con-
structed from proceeds of a bond issue of $900, 000 and that the sites had
been purchased by the sororities and fraternities involved and deeded to the
University. Mr. Peterson explained to members of the Board of Trustees
the University' s program as it relates to fraternity and sorority houses,
primarily for the benefit of Doctor Hall, the new member.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the leases enumerated
above were approved and authorized executed.

       L. Contracts for Reserve Fund Approved.

       Mr. Peterson submitted contracts with six of the above sororities
whereby they will, over a period of years, repay to the University the amount
of money advanced to establish a reserve fund required at the time of issuance
and sale of the $900, 000 bond issue. He explained that the contract had been
executed for a temporary advancement of funds which would be repaid over a
period of years.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the contracts were ap-
proved and authorized executed.

       M. The NCAA Championship Basketball Team and Coach Adolph Rupp

       Members of the Board of Trustees took note of the University of Kentucky
basketball team winning the National Collegiate Athletic Championship for 1958,and up
onmotion duly made, seconded and carried, authorized the following Resolution
spread upon the minutes, and a copy sent to Coach Adolph Rupp.

              The 1957-1958 University of Kentucky basketball team has
       won the National Collegiate Athletic Association Championship.
       It has completed a win record of 23-6 games for the season. It
       has met and defeated the best teams in the Nation. It has truly
       had a most successful season,

              The Board of Trustees in regular scheduled quarterly
      meeting commends the basketball team, its squad members,
      Coach Adolph F. Rupp and the Assistant Coach Harry Lancaster
      for the excellent record achieved, and for the very fine recog-
      nition it has brought to the University. The Board congratulates
      the team and the Coaches for a job superbly accomplished.

       The Championship has brought to the team and its Coaches
their finest hour'



       N. Appreciation of Board Members.

       President Dickey made the following statement to the Board in appre-
ciation of members of the Board for the fine services and assistance that
they render to the University and to its administration.

              Many times we fail to express our proper appreciation to
       those who mean so much to us individually and institutionally. I
       should like to take this opportunity, however, to express our
       thanks to this Board of Trustees for its unfailing and untiring
       loyalty and support to both the University as a whole and to those
       of us individually who are associated with the institution,

              Our Board of Trustees, like those of most institutions,
       is made up of businessmen, professional people and other indiv-
       uals who have had wide experience in dealing with important issues
       and with the organization of the work of many human beings.
       Board members are not center-of--the-stage actors, They are
       content to come and go, assigning very broadly the duties and
       powers which are connected with a great center of learning.
       They serve without compensation, many of them coming from
       great distances at their own expense and at. a great loss of time
       from other duties, quietly to check on our work, t