xt7s4m91cp17 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s4m91cp17/data/mets.xml United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects National Archives (U.S.) New Jersey Historical Records Survey Project New Jersey United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects National Archives (U.S.) New Jersey Historical Records Survey Project 1940 iv, 33 l. 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.12/no.29 books  English Newark, N.J. : Historical Records Surey Project  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. New Jersey Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Veterans Administration--Archives--Catalogs Archives--New Jersey--Catalogs New Jersey--History--Sources--Catalogs Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series XII, the Veterans' Administration, no. 29, New Jersey, 1940 text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series XII, the Veterans' Administration, no. 29, New Jersey, 1940 1940 1940 2020 true xt7s4m91cp17 section xt7s4m91cp17 FKET

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Prepared by

The Survey of Federal Archives
DivisiOn of Professional and Service Projects
Work Projects Administration

The National Archives
Cooperating Sponsor



Newark, New JerSey
The Historical Records Survey Project



The Historical Records Survey

Philip M. Hamer, Assistant Director in Charge
of the Inventory of Federal Archives

Carl J. Bostelmann9 State Director

Van Arsdale Turner, Supervisor in Charge of
the Inventory of Federal Archives

Division of ProfessiOnal and Service Projects

Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner
Elizabeth C. Denny Vann, State Director


F. C. Harrington, Commissioner
Robert‘W. Allan, State Administrator






The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the prod-
ucts of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated as
a nation-wide project of the Works Progress Administration from
January 1, 1936 to June 30, 1957, and was continued in New Jersey since
that date as a state project of that Administration and of the Work
Projects Administration until May 1940 when it became a unit of the
New Jersey Historical Records Survey Project.

The planiku'the organization of the Inventory is as folloWs:

Series I consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, ac—
knowledgments, and general discussions of the location, condition, and
content of federal archives in the states. Succeeding series contain
the detailed information secured by workers of the Survey, in inven-
tory form, a separate series number being assigned to each of the ex-
ecutive departments (except the Department of Statd and other major
units of the Federal Government. Within each series No. l is a general
introduction to the field organization and records of the governmental
agency concerned; the succeeding numbers contain the inventory proper,
separate numbers being assigned to each state in alphabetical order.
Thus, in each series, the inventory for Alabama is No. 2, that for
Arizona No. 5, that for Arkansas No. 4, etc.

For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of
related records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive
dates (”to date" indicating an open file at the time the information
was secured), general description of informational content, description
of the system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency
and purpose of use, form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets
in folders, etc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physi-
cal condition of the records (not stated if satisfactory), location by
room number or other identifying information, and finally, the number
of the Form 588A on which this information was originally recorded by
a Survey worker and from which it was abstracted for the Inventory.
This form is on file in the National Archives.

In New Jersey, the Inventory of Federal Archives has been under the
direction of Mr. Van Arsdale Turner since its inception and all inven—
tory work was completed under his supervision, with the assistance of
Mr. Harold Mountan. On July 1, Mr. Turner was appointed State Super-
visor of the CWA and'WPA Records Microfilming Project and Mr. Mountan
was placed in charge of completing the publication of the volumes in
the Federal Archives Inventory series. This Inventory of the records
of the Veterans Administration in New Jersey was prepared in the Newark
office of the Survey, and was edited before publication by Miss Elizabeth
Edwards of the Washington office.


Newark, New Jersey State Director

August 15, 1940 New Jersey Historical Records Survey








Combined Facility I I I I I I I I a I I I I I I I I I I I l
deudicfition DiVision I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1
Chief Attorney, Office of the . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
F inflllce Divis ion. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5
Manager, Office of the. . . . ... . . . . . . . . . ... 10
C OIL—t “(LC-b .[jn j—t I O O D I O C I l I O O I O I D C i O l l l
Librf-ry D I I C O I l O C O O O U U I I I O O 0 11
Mail and. RCCOI‘dS Unit. I I I o I I I I I I I I I c I 15
Personnel Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Medical Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Office of the Chief Medical Officer . . . . . . . . 19
Office of the Chief Nurse . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Office of the Chief of Out-Patient Service . . . . . 20
Office of the Clinical Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Office of the Supervisor of Attendance . . . . . . . 22

Dental Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Occupational Therapy Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

X —ray Unit 0 ~‘ I I I t I D U I I I I O O O D I I O 2 5
Phevrmvcy C a I l O O O I l I I O O I I C O O U 2 6
Medical and Surgical Ward Records . . . e . .-. . . 26
Social Service Unit. . . . . . . . a . . u . . . . . 28
Supply Division . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . 30

C lOthi‘flg Unit a o I I I O I a I l o I I I I I I O I 31

Utility DiViSion I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I 52










(A) Administration Bldg.
(B) Building 2 '

(C) Building 4

(D) Building 6

(E) Building 8

(a) Building; 9

A regional office of the Veterans' Administration was opened in
Lyons on October A, 1950. It took over the functions of a former re-
gional office located in Newark. The veterans' hospital at Lyons, var—
iously known as Knoolcroft, Somerset Hills, and Millingtcn, was opened
in November 1930. The regional office and the hospital were consolidated
to form_thc Combined Facility on June 15, 1931.

Aside from_administering the affairs of the hospital, the Facility
is responsible for furnishing information concerning all benefits; the
preparation and adjudication of disability pensions and compensations;
providing out—patient treatment; issuing authorizations for hospitaliza-
tion; conducting physical examinations for other government agencies;
procuring data regarding claims; attending to guardianship matters;
and conducting legal proceedings on behalf of veterans. Another of
its functions is the authorization and recommendation of veterans for
Civilian Conservation Corps camps.

The Adjutant General of New Jersey maintains contact with offices
,at Camden and Trenton for the purpose of aiding veterans who desire in-
formation or help through the State service offices. These agencies
keep no records and have no connection with the Veterans Facility at

Statistical reports, medical reports, death claims, and adjustment
service papers of the Facility are sent to Washington. Papers consid-
ered of no value are burnt according to instructions from the Central
Office. Some inactive records of both the Newark Regional Office and
of the Combined Facility at Lyons are stored at the Veterans' Adminis-
tration Supply Depot, Ferry Point, Maryland. See Series XII, The
Inventory of the Veterans' Administration, No. lQ-Maryland, for a
description of these records.

Adjudication Division


1. DISABILITY CARDS, Nov. 11, 1918 - July 2, 1921. Records of vet-
orans' disabilities incurred in peace time service, between Nov. 11,



Lyons Facility 2

1918 and July 2, 1921. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.)
5 x 5 cards, 1 ft. 4 in., in drawer of steel filing case. Adjudication
Division, 1st floor (Bldg. A). (80)

2. PAYMENTS TO DEPENDENTS OF VETERANS, 1918 to date. Form 681,
record of veterans who have parents dependent upon them. Filed chrono-
logically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 4 ft., in 5 drawers of
steel filing case. Adjudication Division, lst floor (Bldg. A). (85)

5. REPRESENTING CLAIMS, 1918 to date. Form 680, record of veterans'
minor children who receive benefits, indicating nanw, age, and sex of
each child. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 5 cards
6 ft. 8 in., in 5 drawers of steel filing cases. Adjudication Division,
1st floor (Bldg. A). (82)

4. REHABILITATION CORRESPONDENCE, 1921 - 1925. On veterans' affairs
and claims with the Central Office in Washington, D.C. Filed alphabeti-
cally. (Rarely, official.) 8%”X 11% folders, 20 ft., on 4 open wooden
shelves. Attic Room, 4th floor (Bldg. A). (211)

5. PAYMENTS TERMINATED, 1924 to date. Record of all veteranst
oases, claims and benefits for which payments by the Veterans’ Admin—
istration have ceased. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.)

5 x 5 cards, 1 ft. 4 in., in drawer of steel filing case. Adjudication
Division, lst floor (Bldg. A). (79)

6. RECORD OF ACTION ON INDIVIDUAL CLAIMS, 1926 to date. Statistical
data on all veterans' cases, such as examination for the claim, rating,
basis of action, and reason why the case is before the board of adjudi—
cation. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 10% x 16 vols. (5),
1 ft. 4 in., in steel cabinet. Adjudication Division, lst floor (Bldg.
A). (70)

7. INVESTIGATIONS, 1928 - 1952. Of in and out patients pertaining
to legal questions, in estigations on claims, dependence, compensation,
and insurance. Filed alphabetically. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 12
Eundles, 6 ft., on open wooden shelf. Attic Room, 4th floor (Bldg. A).


8. ADJUDICATION REVIEW CARDS, I930 - 1953. Showing claim number,
the status of he claim, and amount of compensation. Filed nunerically
by claim.numbers. (Rarely, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 3 ft., on open
wooden shelf. Attic Room, 4th floor (Bldg. A). (189)

concerning World War veterans applying for government insurance with
reports on examinations and peace time service. Filed alphabetically.
(Rarely, official.) %-x 10% bundles, 12 ft., on 2 open wooden shelves.
Attic Room, 4th floor (Bldg. A). (190)




Lyons Facility 5

Transferred correspondence. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.)
8%'x llfi'folders, 141 ft., on 8 open steel shelves and 24 open wooden
shelves. Attic Room, 4th floor (Bldg. A). (186)

11. RATING BOARD JOURNALS, Jan. 1955 - Nov. 1955. Used in determin-
ing veterans’ compensations including name and claim.number of each.
Filed chronologically. (Rarely, official.) 8 x log-bundles, 2 ft., on
open wooden shelf. Attic ROOm, 4th floor (Bldg. A). (202)

12. ACTIVE AND NONilERVICE FILE, Mar. 1955 to date. Requests for
claims and benefits for permanent or total disability, due to causes
other than from war; also letters to check voterans' salaries to see
if they are entitled to benefits. Filed chronologically. (Daily, offi-
cial.) 5 x 5 cards, 1 ft. 4 in., in drawer of steel filing case.
Adjudication Division, lst floor (Bldg. A). (72)

15. APPEAL RECORD CRRD FILE, Mar. 1955 to date. Of veterans appeal-
ing to the Board of Judicature, with reference to their compensation
claims. Showing number of the claim, date of appeal, and basis of
appeal. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 cards,

1 ft. 4 in., in drawer of wooden filing case. Adjudication Division,
lst floor (Bldg. a). (74)

14. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL FILE, Mar. 1955 to date. Decisions from
the appeal board on veterans’ claims, instructional letters, regulations
and procedures; also instructions on all legislation concerning veterans.
Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 8 x lo bundles, 5 ft., on
shelf of steel cabinet. Adjudication Division, lst floor (Bldg. A).


15. PENDING APPEAL CASES, Mar. 1955 to date. Records of veterans
who have filed a notice to the Adjudication Office for claims and are
waiting for trial before the Board of Judicature. Filed chronologi-
cally. (Daily, official.) 5 X 8 cards, 1 ft. d in., in drawer of
wooden filing case. Adjudication Division, lst floor (Bldg. A). (75)

16. CERTIFICATIONS FILE, July 1, 1955 - Jan. 1954. Of compensa-
tions. Filed alphabetically. (Rarely, official.) 8é-x 12 bundles,
6 ft., on open wooden shelf. Attic Room, 4th floor (Bldg. A). (191)

17. APPEAL CASES, 1955 to date. Now before the appeal board.
Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 3 ft., in 2
drawers of steel filing case. Adjudication Division, 1st floor (Bldg.
A). (71)

18. BUREAU‘ISSUED CARDS, 1955 to date. Instruction letters received
from'Washington showing date received. Filed chronologically. (Daily,
official.) 5 x 5 cards, 2 ft., in 2 drawers of steel filing case.
Adjudication Division, lst floor (Bldg. A). (77)





Lyons Facility 4

l9. CASES IENDING BEFORE APEEAL BOARD, 1955 to date. Record of
pending eases concerning voterans‘ claims, cases becoming pending when
more evidence is submitted by the veteran to support his claim.before
the Appeal Board in Washington. Filed chronologically. (Daily, offi—
cial.) 5 x 8 cards, 1 ft. 4 in., in drawer of steel filing case.
Adjudication Division, 1st floor (Bldg. A). (76)

20. INSURANCE CLAIMS, 1955 to date. For benefits alleged on basis
of permanent and total disability. Filed chronologicaIIV. (Daily, offi-
cial.) 5 x 5 cards, 1 ft. 4 in., in drawer of steel filing case.
Adjudication Division, 1st floor (Bldg. A). (81)

21. PENSION ATTORNE PROCEDURE, 1955 to date. To safeguard intern
ests of veterans. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8
cards, 1 ft., in drawer of steel filing case. Adjudication Division,
lst floor (Bldg. A). (78)

22. RECEIVED UNDER PUBLIC 141, 1935 to date. Record of all veter-
ans' cases on the pay roll for disability incurred during the World
wcr. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 3 x 5 cards, 10 ft.
8 in., in 8 drawers of steel filing cases. Adjudication Division, lst
floor (Bldg. d). (75)

Office of the Chief Attorney




25. GULRDIANSHIP FIIE (a: SED), 1925 - 193%. Of activities of guard—
ians appointed to attend affairs of the veterans, including correspon-
dence, citations, records of investigations, and decisions. Filed
alphabetically by veterans‘ names. (Daily, official.) 8%-x 11%

folders, 71 ft., on 15 open wooden shelves. Attic Room, 4th floor
(Bldg. A). (185, 214)

24. COUNTY COURT VOUCHERS, 1930 to date. 0f doctor bills, store
checks, clothing receipts of eterans submitted by guardians; kept two
years, third year they go to court because the law of the state re-
quires a statutory account. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.)
8%‘x 11% folders, 2 ft., in drawer of steel filing case. Legal Divi-
sion, 1st floor (Bldg. A). (15)

25. GENERAL MISCELLANEOUS FIIE, 1950 to date. Of regulations and
orders, inservice letters, decisions in reference to veterans’ cases,
station memoranda, bulletins, miscellaneous correspondence. Filed
alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 8%‘K llfi-folders, 4 ft., in 2
?rawers of steel filing case. Legal Division, 1st floor (Bldg. A).


26. INVESTIGATION FILE, 1930 to date. Record of field investiga-
tions, such as veterans’ claims, bonus, insurance, disability and
guardian investigation, and investigations of veterans. Filed alpha-




Lyons Facility 5

betically. (Daily, official.) 8%‘K 11%-foldors, 2 ft., in drawer of
steel filing case. Legal Division, 1st floor (Bldg. A). (16)

27. VIOLATION OF FEDERAL STATUS FILE, 1934 to date. Record of
veterans' pending suits which the legal division must settle in court.
Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 8%»x llé-felders, 2 ft., in
drawer of steel filing case. Legal Division, 1st floor (Bldg. A).

Eire/£113 iii? 1 an
28. MEALS AND LODGING, REQUEST FILE, 1920 to date. Record of
expenses for meals and lodging incurred by veterans who travel to and
from the hospital to receive medical treatment. Filed chronologically.
(Daily, official.) 3 3/4 X 8 bundles, 1 ft. 4 in., in drawer of steel
filing case. Finance Division, 1st floor (Bldg. A). (23)

29. MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS, 1920 to date. For money orders paid
and receipts for payment on Government insurance. Filed alphabetically.
(Daily, official.) 8% x lie-bundles, 2 ft., in drawer of steel filing
case. Finance Division, 1st floor (Bldg. A). (29)

30. TRAVEL REQUESTS, 1920 to date. For employees traveling from
and to the hospital. Filed by symbol allotment number. (Daily, offi-
cial.) 3 3/4 x 8 loose sheets, 1 ft. 4 in., in drawer of steel filing
case. Finance Division, 1st floor (Bldg. A). (24)

31. SCREDUIES OF ALLOWLECE, 1922 — 1926. Records of estimated
amount of money needed for yearly budget by each division in the hospi—
tal; allotments of funds are undo from.thesc records. Filed chrono—
legieally and alphabetically. (Rarely, official.) 11 x 17 bundles,

3 ft., on open wooden shelf. Attic Room, 4th floor (Bldg. A). (192)

32. DEATH CASES, Jan. 1924 to date. Record showing policy number,
rate, and amount of insurance. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, offi-
cial.) 4 x 6 cards, 5 ft. 4 in., in 4 drawers of steel filing case.
Finance Division, lst floor (Bldg. A). (43)

33. OBSOLETE PAY ROLLS, Nov. 1924 — Aug. 1932. VA Insurance Form
1001, pay period, department, employees‘ names, classifications, hours
Worked, rates per hour, amounts earned for period, total amount of pay
roll and signature of employees' for pay received. Filed chronologi-
cally. (Rarely, official.) Bfi-x 11 bundles, 6 ft., on open wooden
shelf. Attic Room, 4th floor (Bldg. A). (188)

Jan. 1931. VA Form 1012, schedules, showing payments made for compen-
sation, loans, beneficiary traveling expenses etc; sent to the general
accounting officer in washington. Filed chronologically. (Rarely,




Lyons Facility 6

official.) 15 x 18 bundles, 5 ft., on open wooden shelf. Attic Room,
4th floor (Bldg. A). (206)

55. CERTIFICATES 0F ADJUSTED SERVICE, Jan. 1925 to date. Showing
number of policy, rate each year, amount veteran can borrow on the
policy, date of maturity, and date issued. Filed alphabetically.
(Daily, official.) 9%‘X 15 5/4 envelopes, 48 ft., in 24 drawers of
steel filing cases. Finance Division, 1st floor (Bldg. A). (42)

36. PAY ROLL DATA, July 19, 1928 — June 1931. Record of pay roll
data of classified and non—classified employees, showing pay rates,
classification and divisions to which employees are assigned. Filed
alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 8 x 10g bundles, 5 ft., on open
wooden shelf. Attic Room, 4th floor (Bldg. A). (197)

Record of claims and payments of claims made by disbursing office on
war Risk Insurance of veterans. Arranged chronologically. (Daily,
official.) 9%‘x 15 bundles, 5 ft., on open wooden shelf. Attic Room,
4th floor (Bldg. A). (203)

58. VOUCHER SERIES FILE, Dec. 1930 - Feb. 1, 1952. Vouchers for
services rendered from which checks in payment are made out and at—
tached to vouchers. Filed alphabetically. (Rarely, official.) 8 x 10%
pundles, 6 ft., on open wooden shelf. Attic Room, 4th floor (Bldg. A)


Form 2684, showing date, number, meal order, name of guest, price, and
signature of recipient. Filed chronologically and numerically. (Daily,
official.) 3 x 5 cards, 3 ft., on open steel shelf. Finance Division,
1st floor (Bldg. A). (26)

of Civil Service and non-Civil Service employees, salary received and
division of hospital in which located. Filed alphabetically. (Daily,
official.) 9 x 14 loose sheets, 3 ft., on steel shelf and in 2 press
board books. Finance Division, lst floor (Bldg. A). (51)

41. COMPENSATION PAY RcLL infe FILE, 1950 to date. Adding machine
tapes with figures used to reconcile pay rolls and compensation file
figures. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 2 x 17 bundles,
5 ft., on steel shelf. Finance Division, lst floor (Bldg. A). (28)

42. CONTRACTS, 1930 - 1935. And bids on everything needed for the
hospital, such as clothing, shoes, office supplies, food, etc. Filed
Chronologically. (Rarely, official.) 8 x 105 bundles, 5 ft., on open
wooden shelf. Attic Room, 4th floor (Bldg. A). (215)



Lyons Facility 7

45. CONTRACT CORRESPONDENCE, 1950 ~ 1955. ‘Nith firms and individuals
who have contracts or are bidding for a contract with the hospital.
Filed alphabetically. (Rarely, official.) Bg-x llé—foldors, 7 ft. 6 in.,
on 2 open wooden shelves. Attic Room, 4th floor (Bldg. A). (217)

44. FIELD SERVICE RECEIPTS, 1950 — July 24, 1956. VA Finance Form
1028, copies of receipts veterans receive on making payments on money
borrowed; two copies are sent to Central Office in'Washington, D. C.
Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 5 5/ x 8 loose—leaf books,
4 ft., in 5 drawers of steel filing ease. Finance Division, lst floor
(Bldg. a), (40)

45. GENERnL FILE, 1950 to date. Contracts for buying grease, bones
for the kitchen, tallow, ashes and Cinders, and other supplies; corre-
spondence for meal requests, traveling requests and for collection of
money from contract owners. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.)
8%-x 11 folders, 6 ft., in 5 drawers of steel filing case. Finance
Division, 1st floor (Bldg. a). (27)

46. Loans ON ADJUSTED SERVICE CERTIFICATES, 1950 to date. vn Finance
Form 1184a, veterans' names, amount of bonus, amount drawn first time,
rate of interest on loan and number of payment made on first loan.

Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 cards, 14 ft., in 7
drawers of steel filing eases. Finance Division, 1st floor (Bldg. A).

Form 1028, copies of receipts for sale of junk, veterans' expenses for
food and traveling, waste matter, and refund on over-payments. Filed
alphabetically. (Daily, official.) Si'x 8 loose—leaf books, 2 ft.

8 in., in 2 drawers of steel filing case. Finance Division, 1st floor
(Bldg. a). (44)

48. PATIENTS' FUNDS VOUCHERS, 1950 - Jan. 1955. For money needed
by veteran‘s for necessities, showing name, date, amount and doctor's
signature. Filed chronologically. (Rarely, official.) 8 x lOé—and
8%‘X 11 bundles, 10 ft., on 2 open wooden shelves. Attic Room, 4th
floor (Bldg. A). (199, 208)

49. PAY ROLLS, 1950 — 1951. Veterans' compensation pay rolls,
showing their classifications, claim numbers and amounts_to be received
by each. Filed chronologically. (Rarely, official.) 9%‘X 15 bundles,
3 ft., on open wooden shelf. Attic Room, 4th floor (Bldg. A). (205)

50. SCHEDULE OF COLLECTIONS, 1950 to date. Standard form 1044,
Showing department, bureau, date received, receipt number, name of
remitter, details of collections, amount, fund to be credited, and
Certificate of deposit number. Filed chronologically. (Daily, offi—
Cial.) 8 x 10 bundles, 5 ft., on open wooden shelf. Finance Division,
_lst floor (Bldg. A). (50)




Lyons Facility 8

51. PURCHaSE ORDERS, Jan. 1951 - July 1955. Copies of Form 155,
showing date, item serial number, description of article, unit price
and total amount, Filed numerically by serial numbers. (Rarely, offi-
cial.) 8é'x 11 bundles, 18 ft., on 5 open wooden shelves. Attic Room,
4th floor (Bldg. A). (210)

52. PURCHASE VOUCHERS, July 1951 - June 50, 1954. Form 5229,
Vouchers for food, building'material, clothing and other material and
supplies, showing voucher number, date, payee's name and address, requi-
sition number, purchase order number, expenditure symbol, date of deliv-
ery or service, articles or services, quantity, unit prices, total
amount of voucher, check number and date of check and related corre-
spondence. Filed numerically. (Rarely, official.) 8%'x 11 bundles,

16 ft., on 5 open wooden shelves. Attic Room, 4th floor (Bldg. A).
(187) ‘

Vouchers for traveling expenses, lodging requests and other expenses
that have been canceled by the finance officer for various reasons.
Filed alphabetically. (Rarely, official.) sg-x ll bundles, 5 ft., on
open wooden shelf. Attic Room, 4th floor (Bldg. A). (222)

54. BENEFICIARIES’ TPTVEL ORDERS, 1951 — 1955. deical Form 2514,
showing station, location, date, name and address of applicant, authori-
zation to travel, purpose, and date of arrival. Filed chronologically
and alphabetically. (Rarely, official.) 8 x 10% bundles, 12 ft., on
2 open wooden shelves. Attic Room, 4th floor (Bldg. A). (185)

55. SCHEDULE OF COLLECTIONS, 1951 - 1955. Of money received for
each veteran from guardian, for work in Occupational Therapy Shop and
from other sources. Filed alphabetically. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 12%
pundles, 4 ft., on open wooden shelf. Attic Room, 4th floor (Bldg. A).


56. BUDGET SYMBOLS, July 1, 1932 — June 50, 1955. Assigned yearly
to each division of the hospital when allotments of funds are made.
Filed by symbol numbers. (Rarely, official.) 105 x 15 bundles, 5 ft.,
on open wooden shelf. Attic Room, 4th floor (Bldg. A). (195)

57. COST ACCOUNT RECORDS, Dec. 1952 ~ Jan. 1954. Statistical re—
ports on each division such as supply expenses and overhead expenses
Of the hospital, for the year. Filed by years and divisions or depart—
ments. (Rarely, official.) 8% x 11 bundles, 8 ft., on 2 open wooden
shelves. Attic Room, 4th floor (Bldg. 3). (221)

58. GENERAL FILE OF BUDGET REPORTS, 1952 to date. Record of statis—
tical information, monthly reports, symbols, allotments, treatment
service, dental supplies, personnel travel, repairs, reports on pur-




Lyons Facility

chases, amount of money left from the allotment, budget of estimates
for the year of the entire hospital, schedule of disbursement and
vouchers, and miscellaneous correspondence for budget records, Filed
alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 'Variously sized folders, 2 ft., in
drawer of steel filing ease. Finance Division, lst floor (Bldg. A).

59. VENDORS' AND BENEFICIARY VOUCHERS, July 1, 1933 - July 1934.
Of payments for everything bought by the hospital, including payments
for transportation expenses, for treatment and for hospitalization.
Filed chronologically. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 12 bundles, 14 ft., on
2 open wooden shelves. Attic Room, 4th floor (Bldg. A). (204)

60. OUTSTANDING BUDGET OBLIGATIONS, 1934 to date. Supply Form
1252, showing date, item, number, quantity, unit price, and aggregate
price; used for the purchase of any article for the hospital. Filed
by subject. (Daily, official.) 8g x llé—felders, 2 ft., in drawer of
steel filing case. Finance Division, 1st floor (Bldg. A). (34)

Form 1252, purchase order showing date, symbol, item_number, quantity
price, unit price, and aggregate price. Filed numerically by symbols.

(Daily, official.) 8%‘X 11% folders, 8 ft., in 4 drawers of steel filing

case. Finance Division, lst floor (Bldg. A). (37)

62. COST ACCOUNT RECORD, 1935 to date. Form 1216, account of sale
or collection, showing quantity, articles, book value, purchaser, and
amount received for each article sold; used to determine amount of
sales in occupational therapy department.‘ Filed chronologically.
(Daily, official.) 8 x 10 bundles, 2 ft., in drawer of steel filing
case. Finance Division, lst floor (Bldg. A). (36)

Semimonthly pay roll vouchers of all employees in the hospital, their
classifications and amount of wages they are t9 receive. Filed chrono—
logically by pay periods and then by divisions or departments. (Daily,
Official.) 11 x l7%-folders, 2 ft., in drawer of steel filing case.
Finance Division, 1st floor (Bldg. A). (35)

1936 to date. Form 1705, shOWing veteran's name, amount he is to
receive from his bonus, amount he has borrowed, and amount of payments
and interest. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 8 x 12 loose-
leaf books, 30 ft., on 10 open steel shelves. Finance Division, lst
floor (Bldg. 11). (25)






Lyons Facility 10

65. GETERnL FILE, Mar. 1956 to date. Of correspondence, bonus rec—
ords adjusted service certificates, veterans' notes on the amount of
money borrowed, and veterans’ identifications. Filed alphabetically.
(Daily, official.) 8 x 10} bundles, 72 ft., in 56 drawers of steel
filing cases. Finance Division, lst floor (Bldg. n). (58)

66. RECORD OF BONDS nan OAS; RECEIVED DY ClmlfihFTS, Dar. 1956 to
date. Form 1700, veteran’s name, address, certificate number, voucher
number, date of payment, outstanding obligations, and amount paid.

Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) Zfi‘x 8 bundles, 14 ft., in
7 drawers of steel filing cases. Finance Division, lst floor (Bldg. A).

67. VETERANSr NOTES, Mar. 1956 to date. Form llBéD, showing amount
of certificate, amount borrowed, rate of interest paid, and balance due
each man. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 cards, 76
ft., in 55 drawers of steel filing cases. Finance Division, 1st floor
(Bldg. n). (41)

Office of the Manager


68. REPORTS ON CONSTRUCTION, 1929 ~ 1950. Of progress made in
hospital and in building of hospital with blueprint book of plans.
Filed chronologically. (Harely, official.) 9 x 12 bundles, 5 ft., on
open wooden shelf. Attic Room, 4th floor (Bldg. A). (194)

69. GEFERAL CORRESPONDENCE, Jan. 1954 to date. Regarding patients'
funds, budget offices, canteen, committee waivers, Federal Relief
Service Organization, investigations frOm the Central Office on the
activities of the hospital. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.)
8%‘X 11% folders, 2 ft., in drawer of steel filing case. Manager's
Office, 2d floor (Bldg. A). (l)

70. CONSOLIDhTED HONTdLY REPORTS, Jan. 1956 to date. Information
and statistics of all activities carried on in the hospital, in the
adjudication, finance, medical, contact, social service, and personnel
divisions. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 8é'x llfi-folders,
2 ft., in drawer of steel filing case. Manager’s Office, 2d floor
(Bldg. A). (2)

71. SCHEDULE OF COLLECTIONS, Jan. 1956 to date. Form 1044, record
Of all information on the remittance of money, the purpose for which it
is to be used, the name of the patient and the amount either in cash or
Check deposited for the patient in the hospital. Filed alphabetically.
(Daily, official.) 8 x 10% folders, 2 ft., in drawer of steel filing
case. Manager's Office, 2d floor (Bldg. A). (5)





Lyons Facility

Contact Unit

72. ACTIVE PUTIENTS’ NILE, 1950 to date. History record of each
patient, showing name, location in hospital, register number, homo ad—
dress, names and addresses of relatives, rank during'World war, dis-
ability, diagnosis treatment and progress under treatment, compensation
record. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 cards, 2 ft.
8 in., in 2 drawers of steel filing case. Contact Unit, lst floor
(Bldg. A). (17)

75. DISCHARGED PATIENTB’ TILE, 1950 to date. Showing name, location
in hospital, register number, acme address, names and addresses of rel-
atives, rank during war, disability, diagnosis, treatment, compensation
record; and date of discharge, date of visits to hospital after dis—
charge and treatment given. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 cards, 2 ft. 8
in., in 2 drawers of steel filing case. Contact Unit, lst floor (Bldg.

l). (18)

74. nCTIVE VETERnNS IN CCC CnMPS, 1932 to date. Correspondence
with the veteran, his application, and the amount of money he is alloted
in th