xt7s4m91cn4f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s4m91cn4f/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1910-12-09  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 9, 1910 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 9, 1910 1910 1910-12-09 2020 true xt7s4m91cn4f section xt7s4m91cn4f mm“nmmm~~mmr~n - ,. .7 ,. H . , v .1 . . -, . . . » 1 ,1 In," .. _ ,. 1 .~.. “.455..." v... >

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Ptete "niV‘rsity of Yentucky.
luncfilknr (3,10 0.

The fecu1t y met in eojourne the usual p ac:


in 3:33 W. ., those {resert being attereon, Acting
President “hit9, rote eeor Curtis, ”‘virion, Hooper,

. 1,
Jones, Kelly, La ffe rty, Hatnrw , Maxeon, tustaine, lflcrrood,
Patterson, “ence, Pryor, 900V yell, Snow, 8 out, W113 on, Zembrod.

On motion of President Patterson, seconded by Professor
Frankel, it was ordered on account of the limited number
present that the f1ncl consideration of Sec t1on 13 of the
report of Professor Mackenzie for the Committee upon Class
Standing and Examinations be postponed.

The report of the “pecial Committee upon Military
once and Physical Foucation was then taken up section by

mam-MW v

On motion of L1eut.Relly, seconded by Profe ceeor Hooper,
it was ordered 'hat the first section, after a verbal
amendment, be adopted as €011OW81*


<1) “(38leer that

ndllcathfl be put on the sane beei
courees of study in the Univereit

Eilitary Science and rhye ical
e as othe


On motion it was ordered thatSec tion after some
minor amendment, be adopted as follonuz

(2) Resolved that military Science be a course of
two years with a minimum of three hours per week
to be satisfactorily completed by the close of
the Sophomore year; that this course be required
of all studen c with the e ceptione herein noted.
Students entering below the grade of Juniors from
other institutions or the Academy may present
credits in this department to exempt them partially
or wholly frOm this military instruction at the
option of the Gommcndant. Drill is not require d
of Juniors and Seniors except to make up cleficiencies
incurred in this or oth3r institutions where military
drill is a prescribed part of the course.


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Sections 3, 4 and 5, to which no objections were raieed,
were then adopted by general consent as follows:

(5) Resolved that drill be compulsory during the second
and third years of the cour>e in the Academy.

(4) Resolved that these rule en apply ale 0 to the Depa rt»
mont of Physical Foucation for both men and women,
except that the minimum for compu‘ rcry attendance
is two hours per week during tne eehman anu Sopho~
more yeare, exemption credits to be allowed at the
option of the professors in charge of these depert~

(5) Reeclv-ed that the? )8 rules become effective &n and
oftel" August, 1911 .



Minutes of the Faculty, December 9,1910. 18-

The reading of Section 8 wee followed by an extended
discussion participated in by President Patterson, Professors
Lefferty, Goovell and W.K.Pattereon. Judge Lafferty, seconded
by Pr.Snow, then moved that the section as reported by the
committee be adopted. Judge Lafferty, seconded by Dr.Snow,
moved the previous question. Upon its being put to vote it
was ordered that the faculty proceed to a consideration of the
main question. The original question wee then put to vote,
and the eyes and noes being called for, the result as announced
was ayes lO, noee 6. Attention was called to the fact that
owing to the absence of a quorum, some members havinr left the
meeting, the result of the vote was inoperative.

On motion the meeting adjourned.
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?ecretary of the Faculty.