xt7s4m91ck73 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s4m91ck73/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2003-03-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 13, 2003 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 13, 2003 2003 2003-03-13 2020 true xt7s4m91ck73 section xt7s4m91ck73 Softball team wallops Morehead | PAGE 3



March 13, 203

Celebrating 31 years of independence


‘ Real World star
frank about drinking

Not your

Band members
hopes tonight's
performance will
helps them gain
exposure on
campus t T;

Smith, Bogans
receive SEC's
highest honors

Congratulations: Smith named coach of the year by AP
and SEC coaches; Bogans awarded player of the year

By Jeff Patterson
srTrfimitr 7' '

After rampaging
through the Southeastern
Conference with an unblein
ished record. the (Hits \i'ere
rewarded coach and player of
the year honors

SE(‘ coaches named I'l\'
head basketball coach Tubby
Smith (Toach of the Year
Wednesday: one day after he
received the same honor In'
the Associated Press. l'lx' se
nior guard Keith Bogans was
named SEC Player of the Year.

Smith was last voted SEC
Coach of the Year by the

pin ior

Al’ in item the last year the
(‘ats iron the NCAA title.

l'K students were
pleased to hear that Smith
illlti Hogans had taken top
honors in the conference.

“It‘s about time: Tubby
ill-set‘Vt‘Is' it." said business
iiiaiizigeiiieiit and marketing
lieWayne DuPree.
”\‘fheiierer he loses a game
oi two. the whole campus
and em lll.’ us their back on

"lx’eith deseryed it too.
lills war he has stepped up
his game "

Smith and Bogans
weren't the only Cats to bring




flank Roessler. who was on MTV's "Real World Las Vegas," laughs as he is asked a question by one of the students who came to
hear him speak in Memorial Hall on Wednesday. Roessler talked about his experiences with the "Real World." as well as how one
night of binge drinking in college before he was on the show nearly wrecked his life.


Missing girl found alive 8 months later

‘Miracles do exist’: Police find Elizabeth Smart with family handyman after being abducted from home
at gunpoint while her younger sister pretended to be asleep; spokesman said Smart couldn't escape


Smart. the 15-year-old girl who van-
ished from her bedroom nine
months ago. was found Wednesday
walking down a suburban street
with a drifter who had briefly
worked at the family‘s home. The
man was taken into custody. and the
teenager was whisked away for a re
union with her jubilant family

“Miracles do exist." said Tom
Smart. the girl's uncle.

Elizabeth was returned home
about 10:20 pm. EST in an unmarked

police van. She did not speak to re-
porters as she rushed inside the
house. Relatives said Elizabeth was
in good condition and had talked
with police about her ordeal.

“All of the children out there de-
serve to come back to their parents
the way Elizabeth has come back to
us." father Ed Smart said as he burst
into sobs during a celebration.

He added: “I don‘t know what
she's gone through and I’m sure
she‘s been through hell. I just know
that she‘s a part of our family, she‘s
loved and we love her so much.”

details of where the teenager had
been since she vanished in June. Au-
thorities in San Diego were trying to
confirm reports the drifter was spot-
ted there in the past couple of weeks;
the Smarts had released a sketch of
the man last month.

Police were tipped off by mem-
bers of the public who spotted the
drifter on a street in Sandy. 20 miles
south of Elizabeth's home in Salt
Lake City. The drifter. known as Em-
manuel. a woman believed to be his
companion and Elizabeth were all

The police offered no motive or

See SMART on 3

home accolades. Marquis Es-
till was named to the All-
Contei‘ence Second Team

in both polls. Team play
also earned Chuck

See COACH on 3

SEC coaches
named UK head
basketball coach
filthy Snith Coach
of the Year
Wednesday, one
day after he re-
ceived the same
honor by the Asso-
ciated Press. UK
senior guard Keith
Hogans was named
SEC Player of the



Students get ‘dialogues' going about race

Communication: Ethnic Dialogue group meets weekly

to bring students of different backgrounds together

By Christie Hegarty


Tara Hornbeck always
tried to be open when it came
to people of other races. But
once she started going to a
weekly meeting where she
spoke to people different
from her. she's found out she
has more to learn.

“I thought I was open
minded. but I realized I was-
n‘t." said Hornbeck. an ISC
freshman who is white.

Hornbeck is a member
of an ethnic dialogue group
that has met every Tuesday
evening for the past five
weeks. During the sessions.
14 students of a variety of
races and ethnicities ask
each other about what it's
like to be from a different

During one meeting. Pa
tricia Hayden. a leader of
the group and a manager of

internal services at Lex-
mark. asked the group‘s
black members when they
first realized that they were
at a disadvantage because of
their race.

“I first realized about my
disadvantage in elementary
school." said Kamesha Cato.
an undeclared freshman. “I
watched as the kids chose
people to be on their teams
for games during recess. All
the black kids were chosen
last. I thought about this and
realized we were being dis-
criminated against."

Other members of the
group said they had never
felt the same as Cato and
had never noticed experi-
encing discrimination.

American members of
the group asked Nathan Li
Liang. a computer science.
junior from China. about
differences between Ameri-
can and Chinese culture.

particularly the holidays.

“I like studying in
America because you get a
lot more holidays than we
do back home. We don‘t get
spring break either. and I‘m
really looking forward to
that.“ Liang said.

All of the students par-
ticipating in the ethnic dia-
logue are enrolled in Anthro
pology 160. Cultural Diversi-
ty in the Modern World. Stu-
dents get extra credit for at-
tending the session.

Lisa Cliggett. an associ-
ate professor of anthropolo-
gy. said that recognizing di-
versity is crucial.

“Studying about people
different from yourself is
extremely important. no
matter what discipline you
come from — physics. busi-
ness or. pharmacology ~ be-
cause a contemporary world
is a world of diversity.“ she

The group is also led by
David Stockham. former
dean of students.

Stockham founded the

group with UK graduate
John Lindsay four years ago.
Stockham said he and Lind-
say felt a need for communi-
cation between people of dif-
ferent races and ethnicities.
They wanted to create a safe
environment for people to get
together. discuss issues and
ask questions that they
wouldn‘t normally feel at
ease to ask. he said.

The group asks one an-
other “ouch” questions
questions about their race
and ethnicity that most peo-
ple wouldn't normally feel
comfortable asking. But
group members understand
that they are only being
asked these questions to
help educate other group
members and open them to
other views.

One student said she en-
joys the frankness of the
group's conversations.

“It's an opportunity to
come and talk about things
you wouldn't feel comfort





Canadian professor
brings ‘A Plea for Sex’

Equality: Lecture will address issues related to gender

By Wendy Hazelwood
mating with ' 7

Many people think feminists arr monsters or mysterious
people. said Christine (irerall. a philosophy professor and as-
sociate dean of women‘s studies at (Queens l'niversity in On-
tario. Canada.

“But a feminist is really soiiie.~iie ulio believes women
htve been historically subjected to dtseriinination and is com-
mitted to ending its injustice against women." said ()verall.
who will present her lecture. "A Plea tor Sex " today at the WT.
Young Library

()verall. who \\ ill be speaking about sexism and gender.
said: “There is still a stereotyping and discrimination on the
basis on sex in addition to only using the word gender be-
cause it hides a certain form of discrimination on the
grounds of sex "

()yerall is a member oi the ('anadian Royal Society. the
highest academic society of t‘anada. and she writes a weekly
feminist column in her local lie\\sp:!pei‘. the ngstonWhig
Stamford called. ‘Iii Other Words “

In her column. she discusses an array of subjects from
ediieation to international polite s \he s.llll her aim is to
deiiiystit‘y “hat it means to be .i teminist She encourages
readers to think deepii .ilvoiii e'l‘u‘s .iiid morals.

”Th" “h‘yhv Itii‘ll iii Q'Hdt‘t‘ Hui st‘\ 1* \ll illle‘iT lip. Unreal.
or sociallx eonstriii-ted that mam think \\'t‘ shoiildtiist give up.
but (irerall .iruiies that it's .i nizstike to gire up thinking and

See GENDER on 3




The Low-down

After review-
ing the inci
dent. the
steadfast and
united in the
belief that
such miscon-
duct during
onship has a
impact upon
the image of
the sport. the
and the

Joo Stemtt.
chair of the
NCAA committee.
about the sanc-
tions imposed on
Western Ken-
tucky University
and Western llli~
nois University
after a fight at
football playoffs.

Sullivan Awards seeking nominations

The Sullivan :\\\.titi\. (‘oiiitiiittee is now
seeking ziotiiinziiions tor recipients of the
200:5 Sullivan Medallions. to be awarded at
t‘Ulllliit'lit't‘lllt'lil, The award w ill be given to
one undergraduate woman ill the graduat
ing class. one iiiidcrgi'adtiate man in the
graduating class and one person is not a
student. Nominations should be submitted
to in Carol 1. {lain chair: 2003 Sullivan
Awards (‘oiiiinittmz (llllt'c ot Admissions:
MN 1011 College of Medicine. 800 Rose Street:
l'niversity of Kentucky. Lexington. KY
40.306 0298. For more information call Beth
Mattingly at .‘i‘liy’ mm The deadline is 4:30
pm. on March 10

Financial aid deadline approaching
The pl‘ltii‘,i\ date for returning and
transfer \‘liltlt‘iils to apply for financial aid
tor the Alba-Joni academic year is April 1,
All those iiitei'csiett must complete the free
application lid Federal Student Aid tFAF»
SAi by this date .\pplications may be sub-
mitted (illili‘tt' .it w ww.t‘afsa.ed.gov or can be
picked up in I‘K s Student Financial Aid of-
fice in Room 137 of the Funkhouser Build-
ing. For more information. call 2573172.

UK law professor to speak at caucus

Carolyn Bratt. a UK law professor and
former head of the UK’s Commission on
Women, is the featured speaker at the Blue-
grass Women's Political Caucus general
meeting on March 23 at the Central Public
Library. The caucus is a non-partisan. advo-
cacy organization with a purpose to in-
crease women's participation in the politi-
cal process.

Females sought for science program

Teachers anti students are being sought
for the Girls in Science program. The focus
of this new program is to encourage fe-
males to pursue careers in science. technol-
ogy. engineering and math. The two-year
program includes a week-long summer
camp at UK for two consecutive summers
and five Saturday academies throughout
the school year at participants local com-
munity colleges. Females from the follow-
ing counties are being recruited: Bell
Breathitt. Clay. Ford. Harlan. Jackson.
Johnson, Knott. Knox. Laurel. Lee. Leslie,
Letcher. Magoffin. Martin. Owsley. Perry.
Pike. Rockcastle. Whitley and Wolfe. All ex-
penses are paid. and each participant will
get a $100 stipend upon completion of the
summer camps and a $1.000 stipend upon
completion of the two-year program to be
used at the college of her choice. Teachers
are also needed. They will receive a $300
stipend after the summer camps and $500 to
assist in creating the clubs. Girls entering
the seventh grade in fall 2003 and teachers
that teach at least two math, science or tech-
nology courses at the middle school level
are eligible to apply For more information.
call 266-7535. e-mail creid2tu ukyedu or go to
www.mcukyedu/ behavioralscience/girlsin-
scienceasp. The deadline for applications is
April 4.

Plant explodes in Winchester
WINCHESTER 777* An explosion leveled


The latest hip-bop
star to claim he's
min no the
mic is DMX.
Talking to MTV
News about his
upcoming fifth
album. "it's Not a
Game." the 32-
year-old rapper
said. "That's the
truth. It's my last
album." Not that
he won't still be in
the game. The
Bloodline Records
top dog will still
oversee his kennel
of artists, includ-
ing Bazaar Royale,
Big Stan. and
Kashmir. "it'll still
act in movies. like
"Cradle 2 the
Grave." which
opened at No. 1
last month, and
the currently
shooting "Never
Die Alone." And
he'd like to spend
more time in
church. "I wanna
take some time
off -- you know,
read my Bible III
just get more into
the Word." After
all. he says, family
is important to
him. "I got kids.
and one of my
children is at that
stage where you
have to be ar'omd.
He's 8 months,
and i don't wanna
be a stranger to
my children.
That's more
imporhnt to me
than all this."
DMX (real name:
Earl Simmons)
kept mum on the
details of his fkial
recorded opus.
which he expects
to release this
spring. He did say
that "it's Not a
Game" would
include a duet
with man-of-the-
moment 50 Cent.
"He's at indvid-
ual after my own
heart," DMX said.
"Once again, hip-
hoii was setting a
little bit too slip-
WY. 3 little too
shiny. So it's
good. it's refresh-
ing, to have some-
one bring lt right
back to the


a sewage plant in Winchester but caused no
injuries. authorities said Wednesday. Roy
Burgher. director of the city's sewage opera-
tions. said workers reported to the plant at 6
am. EST Wednesday and found debris from
the 30- by 40-foot building, which serves as a
pretreatment facility for sewage coming
into the plant. Orange cones had been
placed where debris from the building had
landed tip to 200 feet away. Maleva Chamber
lain. a spokeswoman for the state Division
of Water, said the influx of sewage had not
caused any flooding. She said it's too early
to gauge an environmental impact. but typi-
cally when raw sewage enters a stream it
stymies wildlife by reducing oxygen levels.
"That's not real good for life," she said. Lo-
gan Weiler, an official with the state Divi-
sion of Emergency Management. notified
water treatment plants in Paris and Cynthi-
ana that wastewater was temporarily being
pumped into Strodes Creek. Winchester
Mayor Dodd Dixon said the explosion could
have been caused by a build up of methane,
which occurs naturally in the decomposi-
tion process. Chamberlain said she didn't
want to speculate on what could have
caused the explosion.

School on alert after weapons found

RICHMOND — Signs of heightened vigi-
lance are noticeable at Clark-Moores Middle
School in Richmond, where a stash of
weapons was uncovered, and a possible plot
to take the principal hostage was foiled. A po-
lice officer is assigned full-time to the school.
Metal-detecting wands now are swiped over
students' bags. Student lockers were
searched to reassure parents that the school
was weaponsfree. “It's made us more aware,
more alert," said Lawrence Bailey, principal
of the school, which has an enrollment 670
students in grades six through eight. The ex-
tra security stems from the arrests of four
13-year-old students last Friday after the
weapons —— three knives, an unloaded .38-cal-
iber pistol and a BB gun — were found
stashed in a book bag in a classroom.The stu-
dents were charged with unlawful possession
of a weapon on school property The students
~ two boys and two girls — were suspended
pending a school board hearing to determine
possible punishment by the district. Options
include expulsion or assignment to the alter-
native school program.




The deadline for voting in the student
Board of Trustees election was incorrect in
the Kernel this week. Voting ends at noon
Friday. Vote online at wwwukyedu/botvote.

A name was misspelled in Tuesday‘s
Kernel. Liza Hendley is the co-owner of
Failte Irish Import Shop.

To report an error call The Kentucky Ker-
nel at 257-1915.


State of emergency
declared in Serbia


BELGRADE. Serbia-l\lontenegro Snipers ltirkiiig
near government headquarters on Wednesday ambushed
and assassinated Serbia's prime minister. a pro-Western
leader who helped topple Slobodan Milosevic and had de-
clared war on organized crime.

The slaying of Zoran Djindjic at midday in downtown
Belgrade prompted the government to impose a nation-
wide state of emergency amid fears the volatile Balkan
country could plunge into violence in a power struggle for
his successor.

Djindjic. 50. died in a hospital after being shot in the
abdomen and back. said Nebojsa (‘ovic a deputy prime
minister. One of Djindjic's bodyguards was wounded. po»
lice sources said.

Two suspects were arrested. witnesses said. But po-
lice, unsure they were the gunmen. launched a nationwide
search. setting tip roadblocks in Belgrade and halting bus.
rail and plane traffic from the capital. Witnesses said the
suspects fled in a red car.

The US. Embassy urged Americans in Serbia to exeit
cise caution after the assassination. which occurred three
blocks from the embassy.

Djindjic had many enemies because of his pro-re-
formist and Western stands.

He was despised by some for arranging the extradi—
tion of Milosevic to the UN. war crimes tribunal in The
Hague. Netherlands. in 2001. and for urging more arrests
of war crimes suspects.

He also was targeted by Serbian crime bosses and war—
lords who were allied with the former Yugoslav president.

When Milosevic was toppled in October 2000. Djind-
jic admitted luring key mob figures into changing sides.
But later. he turned against them. declaring an open war
on the rampant smuggling of contraband goods and

Drive—by shootings. explosions and mafia-style
shootouts have been commonplace in Serbia. which is
still recovering from Milosevic‘s ruinous 13-year rule.

Djindjic often was criticized by opponents for seeking
too much power and for “mercilessly“ taking on his politi-
cal rivals.

He recently promised to try to arrest Ratko Mladic. a
former Bosnian Serb military commander who is wanted
by the UN. tribunal. Mladic is thought to be hiding in

The assassination heralds turbulent days for Serbia.
A bitter power struggle for Djindjic’s successor could af-
fect cooperation with the West. particularly over arresting
and handing over indicted war crimes suspects.

Djindjic appeared to have been targeted last month.
when a truck suddenly cut into the lane in which his mo~
torcade was heading to Belgrade‘s airport. The motorcade
narrowly avoided a collision.

After Wednesday's shooting. the Cabinet held an
emergency session and declared three days of mourning.

President Bush expressed condolences Wednesday.

Djindjic “will be remembered for his role in bringing
democracy to Serbia and for bringing Slobodan Milose-
vic to justice." White House spokesman Ari Fleischer

A German-educated technocrat. Djindjic was known
to supporters as “The Manager" for his organizational
skills and as “Little Slobo“ to his detractors for his au-
thoritarian tendencies.

Djindjic‘s trade of Milosevic for $1.2 billion in inter-
national economic aid appeared to have won respect from
people desperate to improve a standard of living that
ranks among the lowest in Europe.

Born in 1952 into the family of a Yugoslav army offi-
cer in the town of Bosanski Samac near the Bosnian bor-
der. Djindjic was raised and educated in Belgrade. He mar-
ried and had a son and daughter.

Jovan Dimitrijevic, a retiree in his 703, wept as he laid
a single red rose at the site of the assassination.

“This is the work of criminal minds. those who want
to pull us back into Milosevic's darkness," he said.



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Organization helps military friends, family

Knowledge: Silver Wings members work to learn
about military life, get involved in the community

By Andrew Martin
cohinieurmo Minn

War may be on the hori-
zon. but that‘s not worrying
Susan Messmer anymore.

Messmer. a fine arts se-
nior. had reservations about
the future military career of
her fiance. Albert Harris. a
music junior and cadet ma
jor in the Arnold's Air Force
Society, an organization of
the UK Air Force ROTC.

To calm her fears, Mess-
mer joined Silver Wings, a
UK organization that edu-
cates its members in areas of
national defense. profession-
alism and civic leadership.

“The possibility of his
going to war his entire life
and the possibility of his not
being home if I were to have
children were issues," Mess-
mer said.

Silver Wings focuses on
relatives of Air Force cadets.

but anyone interested in
learning can become a mem-
ber. The group meets once a
week in Buell Armory.

Founded nationally in
the 19508, Silver Wings was
devised to educate wives
about the facts of military
service. particularly in the
Air Force. The goal was for
wives to understand the sig-
nificance and specifics of
their husbands' jobs.

Silver Wings programs
operate at Air Force ROTC de
tachments across the nation.

With women playing a
more prominent role in the

verse. Harris said.

“The organization is pri-
marily for wives, fiancees
and girlfriends of Air Force
personnel," said Harris. who
is a liaison for Silver Wings

and Arnold’s Air Society.

“However, men can join as

the membership
has become much more di-

well. The current president
of Silver Wings is a male."

To become a member. one
must be initiated. Pledges
plan community service pro-
jects, learn about the history
of the military and the ROTC.

Members work with
Arnold’s Air Society to do
community service projects
and learn more about mili-
tary life.

“Before joining Silver
Wings, I didn‘t understand
much about the military or
the world events that involve
the US. military," Messmer

Activities for Silver
Wings and Arnold’s commu-
nity service includes work
with the Ronald McDonald
house, canned good drives.
work at homeless shelters
and various other places
around Lexington.

“Pretty much anything
that people suggest is consid-
ered,” Harris said.

Another goal is to visit
Air Force bases, where many
future Air Force personnel
will live with their families.

“An Air Force base is
like a city. It's self-contained.
You never really have to
leave it," Harris said.

Many people confuse
joining Silver Wings with
joining the military Mem-
bers have been hard to come
by because of this miscon-
ception, Messmer said. With
the seemingly imminent war
with Iraq, many are skepti-
cal, even fearful about join-
ing, she said.

“As soon as people heard
this program was affiliated
with the military. they were
turned off," Messmer said.
“This program does not re-
quire someone to join the


or .




Continued from page 1

wearing wigs when they
were stopped. authorities

Relatives of Emmanuel,
whose real name is Brian
Mitchell. have described
him as a self—appointed
prophet for the homeless
who lived in a teepee in
mountains outside the city.
He was hired by the Smarts
in November 2001 to work
on their roof. Elizabeth dis-
appeared seven months lat-

er. Mitchell and the second
suspect, identified as Wan-
da Barzee, were in custody.
No charges were filed, but
Salt Lake City Police Chief
Rick Dinse said authorities
were convinced Elizabeth
had been kidnapped.

Asked whether he be-
lieved Elizabeth was held
against her will, he said: “At
this point. yes, I do."

A Smart family
spokesman, Chris Thomas,
said Elizabeth apparently
had no chance to escape.

“She said there was no
way, she had two people
with her at all times,” he



Continued from page 1

able about otherwise," said
Theresa Mullins, a market-
ing freshman.

Liz Green, a journalism
sophomore. said the class
has inspired her to travel
around the world and meet
people of other cultures.

“1 would like to visit a
country where I'm the mi-
nority for a change," said
Green. who is white.

Stockham said that any
group or department can

set up a dialogue session.

He said he‘s also orga-
nizing an Inter-faith Dia-
logue this semester, which
has the same aim as the
Ethnic Dialogue, but the
members of the group are
from different faiths and re-



I thought I was open minded,
but I realized I wasn’t.”

- Tara Hornbeclr, ISC senior



Continued from page I

Hayes, Clifl' Hawkins and Ger~
ald Fitch honorable mention
in the AP poll.

Ron Slay of Tennessee
was voted AP Player of the
Year in the conference, but
Bogans was happy to win the
honor from the coaches.

“It’s especially great
coming from the coaches
who are some of the best in
the country,” Bogans said in
a news statement.

Last season was a time of
disarray for the team. Dou-
ble-digits losses and disci-
pline issues plagued UK, but
Coach Smith did some yard
work last spring.

Several Cats were uproot-
ed: Rashaad Carruth, Cory

Sears and Adam Chiles left
the team.

“I feel that Tubby Smith
has done a very impressive
job considering the turmoil
the team had last year," said
agriculture-biotech junior
Josh Johnson. “They are a
true team, and I think that is
why Keith Bogans won play—
er of the year, because he re-
lies on his teammates and
through him they have be-
come a better team."

UK heads into the SEC
tournament Friday with a 26
3 record and a number one
seed after becoming only the
second team to go undefeated
in conference play, since the
league expanded to 12 teams.

The Cats will look to add
more honors to the mantle.
starting with the SEC tour-
nament. Friday night at 7:30.
UK plays the winner of the
Alabama-Vanderbilt game.



Continued from page i

talking about those issues — a
debate that is going on world-
wide among gender theo-
rists," said Joan Callahan, the
director of women’s studies.

The issue isn‘t just about
women, Overall argues.

“Sexism not only effects
women but men can also be
discriminated against on the
grounds of sex,” she said.

It‘s also an issue that
should interest college stu-
dents, she said.

“Our gender affects the
life choices we make, and
without noticing it we can be
influenced by the norms we
may want to rethink," she

Callahan said the lecture
won’t be something to sleep
through. “If you come expect
the lecture to be dynamic
and illuminating," Callahan




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 Working together:
Group to perform and
help raise funds for band

By Lily Cooksey

Most people wouldn‘t
realize what Weezer. Nir-
vana, Green Day and Ace
of Base all have in com-
mon. unless they met
Johnathan Martin.

Martin. an undeclared
freshman and member of
the band Better Known En-
emy. will be performing
tonight in the Student Cen-
ter Ballroom to help raise
money for the UK bands.

Martin credits Nir-
vana and others as his in-
spirations. on his band‘s
Web site. wwwbetter-

“I have listened to Nir-
vana since I was 10 years
old." Martin said.

“I love all their songs.
Their music is what got me
playing the guitar. As for
Ace of Base (he laughs).
well you know that was a

All joking aside. Mai“
tin is serious when it
comes to his dream. Hav-
ing played piano since he
was four. Martin grew up
knowing that he wanted to
make music. In late 1999.
Martin got his chance
when long-time friends.
Josh Grider. Jeremy Hale.
and Daniel Fishback. asked
him to join their band.

Better Known Enemy
has since changed drum-
mers. adding Stuart John-
son to the group. but the
chemistry that was there
in the beginning remains.

“It is so important to
like the people in your
band." Martin said.

"If not. what's the
point? The two most impor