xt7s4m91cj84 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s4m91cj84/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-02-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 05, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 05, 1996 1996 1996-02-05 2020 true xt7s4m91cj84 section xt7s4m91cj84  




Doctor says patients do
not get sufi‘icient core

By Kathy Reding
.Smjf H’rirri'

A top UK Chandler Medical Center cardiovtho—
racic surgeon has resigned, saying transplant patients
in his department are not given sufficient care fol-
lowing surgery.

Dr. Michael Sekela, who has been with L K for
five years, said the hospital needs to hire more quali~
fied eople to care for post— transplant patients He
said e has been trying to get the problem resolved
for three years.

“(The hospital) offer people transplant surgery
but do not provide adequate care afterward,” Sekela
said. “It' s not the proper thing to do."

Sekela said transplant patients need to have an
assigned post—transplant doctor who will see them on

WEATHER Partly sunny and
cold today, big/J near 3 5; clear
’ioiiiglit, [01." around 10: u'invner
roman 01.", big/2 near 3 5.

call] RECEPTION In linx'sletlmll iii'rion

Saturday. L'K kept the Florida (Jurors on! in

(be (old. Story and ro/Hmn, page i.


Medical Center official resigns

a regular basis. He said ha1ing more internal
medicine ph1sici'ans would help sol1e the problem.

“It 5 taken this (resignation) to get people to
notice," Sekela said.

Dr. James Holsin er, chancellor for the Medi1al
( enter said the nuniier of transplants performed by
the U K hospital has increased the number of patients
that have to be followed up 1111.

Holsinger said transplant patients usually require
se1eral weeks of post— surgery care.

The amount of time depends on how well the
body's immune system is suppressed so that it cannot
reject the new organs.

“The follow—up is so significant with heart trans—
plants," Holsinger said.

He said the eater amount of transplant 1atients
have si1_,rnif1cant‘l:i(T increased Sekela s workload.

“He was working an inordinate amount of time
Holsinger said.

Holsin rer said Sekela came to him about three
and a hal months ago to say more physicians were
needed for proper care of patients. Holsinger has
been here for a year and a half.

Sekel a said he put in his notice of resignation
.\o1'. (1 after the hospital made no sufficient offer to
increase the number of care providers for post trans—
plant patients.

IIolsinger said if Sekela were to stay he would be
able to oversee the hiring ofadditional personnel in
the department

Sekela said he was not convinced 1'1n1 significant
changes would take place in “the s1steiii ' so he is
following through 11ith his resignation plans. He said
he plans to go into private practice.

“They made an offer that basically maintained the
status quo but gave no guarantee that change would
occur Sekela said Ihings shouldn tcontimie sta—
tus quo. I dont plan on being a full— time f.1111lt1

“If other resources are needed, other physicians
(c1111 be brought in). Ifthe University can‘t provide
the care then it has to be provided b1 others "

Holsinger said the hospital does plan to look for
additional physicians for post— transplant 1' '.-.1r1
Sekela s successor, Dr. Juan Sanche 1., will decide who
they will be.






By Gary Wulf
Sir/fl H 'i'm'r

Survey says UK Library
System is doing a pretty good

Last April, the UK Libraries
staff handed out surveys to
patrons as they left am of UK s
campus libraries 1986 surveys
were returned during this time.

The results showed that
more than 75 percent of the
patrons surveyed were satisfied
with that day’s visit to the

A new question on this year‘s
survey asked patrons about the
assistance they received from
the library staff. Seventy per-
cent were completely satisfied.

Carla Cantagallo, librarian_
at the Business and Economics
Information Center and team
leader of the UK Libraries’
Effectiveness Assessment
Team, said in a news release.

“If people asked for help,
most of the time they were
happy with the service.”

“The comments people
wrote on the surveys reinforced
that,” said Cantagallo. “They
gave a lot of positive marks for
the staff."

UK libraries have been
doing the survey every two
years since 1991. Gail A.
Kennedy, associate director of
UK libraries, believes the sur-
veys are giving the libraries
important results.

“I 'e’re pleased to see the
overall positive consistent rat-
ings in most categories and are
also interested in observing cat»
egories where there is change,"
Kennedy said.

One area which could use
some change is the periodicals,
which received less than 50 per—
cent satisfaction.

Civil engineering se'nior
John Herriford believes the
library is doing a good job, but
sees room for improvement in

“I think that the only thing
that could be improved is the
format for finding information.
When you look up something
and find a book for it, it could
be in one of several different
libraries," Herriford said.

“Some of the problems

ointed out in the survey will
E solved with the new
(\Villiam T.) Young Library,
but we still want make
improvements in every way we
can in our current facilities,”
Kennedy said.

For patrons’ comments
between surveys, a feedback
form on the UK Libraries'
World Wide \Veb age is
under construction an will be

completed later this year, Can—
tagallo said.


”c. ‘ “



(”\f’t (I!


"Bull‘s "If IIIIIIIIES Zorn/.1 Anderson performs for a group of students visiting beryesterday nfi‘ernoon.

Students share Sunday afternoons

By Jennifer LeMaster
Contributing H ’I'itri'

A new UK group offers students an
opportunity to perform community ser—
vice and interact with a group of people
not usually associated with a college

The group, called CLARA (Colle-
gians Learning About Retired Adults),
consists of about 40 students who meet
every Sunday at about 3 p.111. and travel
to Mayfield Manner 1m Tates Creek
Road to spend a few hours talking and
visiting with the residents there.

.\Iatt (irunkemeyer, who co—founded
the organization with a friend, Januk
Talwalkar, last fall, said students benefit
by “learning from, sometimes, 70 years
of wisdom and experience while the
elderly get the benefit of friendship and

company from students."

Grunkemeyer, a Spanish senior, said
members range in age and major and
that the club is open to anyone with an

“The whole idea for this kind of a
project stemmed from Matt knowing
someone who was a resident,” said biol-
ogy junior Michelle Stump, who is a
member ofan organization. “He felt like
there was a real need for love and sup-
port 1vithin the retirement facilities."

The group hopes to eventually
expand in number so that every retire-
ment home in Lexington can benefit
from the program.

“It is really sad, but when it comes to
charity the elderly do often get over—
looked,” Talwalkar said. “They are
neglected when it comes to emotional
needs, and the way I look at it, we are

only filling a void that desperately needs

“F1ery time we leave the people
thank us for coming and always ask that
we come back next week, that s what I
like most. Just knowing that we are
doing something positive," (ininkeiney—
er said.

(irunkeineyer said many of the
patients have Alzheimer's disease and
others just require special attention that
family or finances cannot provide. but
other than that they are just as normal as
anyone else, except “they know more."

“I go for the looks on their faces
when we arrive, their smiles are unbe—
lievable," Talwalkar said. “I’m hoping
that getting the word out will help 11s
continue the program through active
membership, but if not I'll still be there
each week.”~

Student accused of rape indicted last week

By Brenna Reilly
News Editor

A freshman accused of raping another
student was indicted by 11 Fayette Coun-
ty GrandJury Tuesday.

Peter David Malin, 18, pled not
guilty to three counts of rape and
sodomy, in Fayette County Circuit
Court Friday, said Brent Caldwell,
Malin’s attorney.

Malin, from Louisville, was arrested
on Oct. 3] and charged with first-degree
rape and first-degree sodomy after the
victim, also a freshman, filed a complaint
with the UK Police De artment.

Malin is being he d without bail,
awaiting his trail. Caldwell said the trial


would probably begin in about three

The victim told police she accom
nied Malin, a friend she had met a ew
days before, to his room in Haggin Hall
on Oct. 28.

According the complaint filed by the
victim, Malin handcuffed her to a bed,
put a tie over her eyes and raped her.
She also told police that Malin forced
her to allow him to perform oral sex on
her and forced her to perform oral sex
on him.

Records also show he put a pillow
over her head to prevent her from

When UK Police searched C314
Haggin Hall, Malin‘s room, they recov-


-- o aamcflqa—Oa-"N 7‘ "‘~"-~«W«m~

ered keys and a pair of handcuffs, a
green vi'-n1| covered chain, a silk tie,a
throw pillow and the defendant's bed
sheets. Police also confiscated a poem
written by Malin on his desk.

As a condition of Malin's release after
his preliminary hearing Nov. H, he was
ordered to stay off campus and not to
have any contact with the victim. Cald-
well filed a motion asking that Malin be
allowed to attend classes, but the judge
denied the motion because Malin did
not prove he had made arrangements
with his rofessors to keep up with his
class worE.

Malin was attending Jefferson Com-
munity College in Louisville, Caldwell



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firing chills across ILS.

'l‘eiiiperatures more than 50 degrees below zero
are starting to take a toll on the little northeastern
Minnesota town of Finbarrass.

“Yesterday I couldn't stand it any longer. \Ve
had to go to town and buy some groceries. But
that's the first time I'd been out ofthe house for at
least four to five days," Adrienne Fowler said.

Yesterday's low in Eiiibai'ras‘s was in below zero,
the fourth day out of the past five with lows more
than 50 below. A couple of days earlier. nearby
Tower dip ted to ()0 below. That's real tempera»
tures not t e wind chill

F. veryday thermometers can t c.ope

“H e have a lot of people 111 the 1oiiiiiiiinit1' 11' ho
ar1 ha1in1r to buy new thermometers, said Mrs.
Fowler whose husband Roland i1olunteer
observer for the\.itional \\ eather Serv 1c.e

She .s been keeping warm indoors with her
sewinu -\ few in town ha1e been br.11ing the cold
to dig paths to their backyards saunas some of
which ha1e been in Use since they were built by
hardy Finnish settlers in the e .'irl1 1900s, she said.

The past week ofsnow, ice and record cold had
been blamed for 5‘) deaths across the Lower 4'8
states. Alost occurred in traffic accidents on 111
roads, but some ili\1)l\'L‘1l .-\|1.heiiiiei"s patients and
others dyingr in the cold.

Governors move IOWBI‘II compromise

\VASIIING I‘( IN The nation's go1ernors
are moving toward .1 1oiiiproiiiise plan on welfare
and Medicaid that meets the Clinton adiiiiiiisti'a-
tion’s‘ demand that the poor be 1ru.1r.inteed eligiliil»
it1'se1er'.il1_ro1'e"inois s.1i1l1'esterd.i1

ll tlic 141111 rnors ciililil lirlnit
this together, I think we d gi1e the
president a chance to redeem him-
self oii the promise to end welfare
11s we know it," said (iov. John
Engler, R-.\licl1. The plan would
turn over more po\1 er to the states
but keep some federal require—
ments. _

Forty-seven governors, in Cllmon
“fishington for 11 four day meet—
ing, are trying to find a common approach to wel—
fare and Medicaid reform that would break the
deadlock between President Clinton and congres-
sional Republicans over an outline for balancing
the budget in seven years.

Health care and financial assistance for the poor
have been crucial areas of disagreement, 11ith the
“hire House saying that Republican plans to turn
over those programs to the states as block grants
would undermine the federal government‘s long-
time commitment to the well-being of all Ameri—

Fami'y mourns "’38 I" American Sfllfllef'

LAKEVII‘JV Ohio -_ The television in the
dimly lit room carried repeated reports 1esterda1
of the death of Sgt. lst( lass Donald A. Dugan. the
first U.S. soldier to die 1m peacekeeping duty in

“He was a ood person. He was strong, strong-
headed," said is ex-wife, Betty Dugan. sitting on a
couch in the family room with their two children.

“He was a good father. He was a good husband."

Dua 11, 3,8 of nearby Belle (‘enter was killed
Saturtfaay in northern Bosnia when he apparently
stepped on a land mine.

He was the ninth alliance soldier to die s11“
NATO troops began entering the Balkans in
December. More than 40 soldiers, three of them
Americans, have been injured, mostly by mines.

Dugan‘s body arrived at Ramstein Air Base
(ieriiiany on Sunday. .\'o details were available on
when he would be returned to the United States.
said Army spokesman Klaus I’raescnt.

JIIIIOB says Clinton IIOIClIBII appointments

BAIFI‘IAIORI': —» President Clinton missed his
chance to put liberal judges on federal courts when
Democrats dominated the Senate, a federal appeals
court judge told an American Bar Association audi—
ence yesterday.

“In the first two years Clinton had a real oppor—
tunit1, which he blew said Judge Stephen Rein»
hardt of the 9th U. S. ( ircuit (. ourt of Appeals.

“ The Republicans weren t afraid to have bloody
battles” over confirmations when Presidents Rea-
gan and Bush were in office Reinhardt said. Dur—
ing those years Senate Democrats “confirmed
right-wing judge after right—wing judge."



'fl‘lfll'l’ “If! III III IIII‘I "III II'IOIIIS

NEW YORK —— After months of anticipation,
“Friends" Rachel and Ross are going to become
much more.

The actors, Jennifer Aniston and David
Schwimmer, say the pair will consummate their
relationship on an upcoming episode

Schwimmer told T\ (wide in the Feb. IO issue
that an escalation of the characters romantic
invol1ement is something the fans of the NBC
comedy want — althou h he s worried the audi-
ence could become bore with it

Aniston expressed no worries, though. “I wanted
to see what would happen.” she said. “11' ll take us
down a different road."

Compiled from wire "pom.




.r. ,Kuxaam'





2 ."onddy. February 3', 1996. Kmmilfy Krme/
















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KtrNI/iCKY Newswm: 257-1915 SWBTSbytes
'j Adverurung- 257-2871 V
' al'ne E‘iiii 'I Kemeio ”£936
T- — an pop. .e Li J" c d 5, 6-2.
‘ Internet. at: own UK travels to Dallas Feb. 8-
4 http://www.uky.edu/KyKemel St Catherine 11 for the Rolex Individual
1‘ . . . . Indoor Championships.
iii Lance Williams. ...... ..... ........... Editor in Chief .' ,
C. If 5 [ll M - Editor freshman .\azr Mohammed By. “It. MI It [8”
I Jennier nu . "unuuunuuuuunnuununuunn. ana g _ sawed :nia'hh gmnedfigh 37 .rthJKtfiqnnaflkxtemn(3J
. Brenna Reilly................. ..... . ......... . ........ . ................. ews Editor twin!» m m: ,cwnd half“, lead mm“. 2-0 in [hC Southeastern ‘
71‘ JeffVinsonCampus Editor UK's junior varsity team to a Conference) defeated LSU
Alison Kigiu .............. ..............Exccutive Editor ion—87 mmri; 8:. <5aih_er- Mini-192.725 Friday in Baum . l
Matt FCllCC Editorial Editor me yesterday in front ol 2,300 Rouge, La., for its second— .
""""""" ' """ """"""" """ - fans at the Sportscenter in straight SEC victory of the sea-
son DamloSports Editor (”WWW K... 5.)...
obert Duffy ............... ........ Arts Editor The (Iats Senior All—American Jenny
Erin‘Baclier........... ........... . ...... . ............. .. ............. .Design Editor Sail}?! g :g P11131156" 3"”th 55'3"“! SHE“:
’ ‘ ‘at erine _ 7-, a -aroun compe on r .
giant:j’p‘lfiaiiston..................... ..... .......... Pl)” ...... Kc}? E‘ditor at halftime um” season high 58.975_ Hansen won '
l ten in... ........... . ................................ otograp V ltOl' Adobammc'd went [he vault and the balance beam
Ben'amin Abes m win-k. events- .
An eas Gustafsson. ...... . .................................... On-line Editors Nguhammed. whU . f)lgrlil‘rilllhr[lllh:.ll)llanE)‘:ll1nng:l;l€lfld .
' '. ' f t ‘. l 3‘ ( . l T . . . ‘
Ashley Shrewsbury ....................... ....Asst. Editorial Editor ‘T. f’ ”‘_ Tum“ Mohammad tion and freshman Mm“. Marimk
, , . she 10 1. from - . .
Chris Easterhng ......................................... ..Asst. Sports Editor the free thmw “n6, Umsmred 5L finished hlth In the all-around. E
julie Anderson .................................................. Asst. Arts Editor Catherine 14-3 in the first four ( Spphomore Jennie Maxwell l
Dan O’NeillAsst KeG Editor minutes of the second half to 0'7”.) and "“hm‘m. Sham”
Tracie Purdon give UK the lead for good. UK Hall (9.750) scored high marks
Sheri Phalsaphie Asst Design Editors W‘ “ “W'h‘i’h ’3 PM“ ‘" L the ”-"h' ””3 0"” ”'2“ ‘r’f . i-
........................ ‘..........'....... . [l'lC SCCOHLl half. [ e evening, an scnjtn‘ , (inla 1
John Abbott, SCOtt Gordon, Brian PI'IVCtt, Jeff Vinson, UK senior guard Brian Merla had a strong beam perior- l
Tiffany White ............................................... . ....... COPV Editors Underwood, an ()wensboro mance {or the second-straight :
' Apollo graduate, scored 16 comth "’h' ‘
- . , . . . The victory was only the Gym
points and handed out 10 assists ' . . ‘ .. . .
in front of his hometown crowd. lxats (hm! 0"" LhU film-.3 1981- 2
’fi‘ COLLEGE STUDENTS Freshman Oliver Simmons UK “'1” take on Sol—ranked I,
had 21 points and a game-high Alabama 3E7.P- m. Saturday “I A
Am you fired 0' $5 m. Jobs? 16 rebounds. Memorial (.oliseum. n
Banenders earn an avero?e of Sophomore (.ameron Nlllls Will: '3": to Syracuse 8
$7 -$l5 per hrl (salary + lPS) chipped in H points and ll\‘8 SYRACUSE \1 Y ()tis [j
. . f' ‘t‘. , A . . _— 1 .
. “hallway”'23:???"lghm’hnshmrzw'ofihglhu dhbSthe Bides led St. Catherine Hi“ scored eight Of his 17 POlhtS h
Lexm ton lEXlNGTON BARTENDING SCHOOL with 24 aims and 13 rebmmdg during a key second—half run‘ as mnumou Kerrie/frat] .
' short 40 hourcouno P . . )l
B ARTENDING . 'W elm UK (M) 'will remrn to NO- .18 Syracuse“ recovered after SPEEBSIEBS Uk‘x DediarcmLindrqy (lefi)and quMtLaurinfim'xbed ,,
-Lox 'somyslalollcon ban-ham school i Cmorla .0 Iseum tomorrow ~ ‘ . xerom 1m 1.7m rei‘ crime in i e )Lmrm‘ .v atrowee 'en 5. . r racy
"info" “‘0‘: AW”) 9 \1 ‘ l (‘ | wasting a 22 pomt lead and held 1 d I 1 ,0 1), I) da b ;,' r d’ V C . h
SCHOOL CALL NOWI 269-6060 to take on Lees (Iollege at 8 pm. “ff Alalbama for 3“ “‘68 "Ct“rl' Im-imriomr/ui the Nutter Field Home. UK} Cbrixjarki'iin Iron the event. 0
15 P o . (Ir: 9 h v yestert ay. _ ‘
4°M“"' °°°"'mm” nmhnmwnflflm4wn mewummudmaén fl
1 0 v o Sits for The UK “'(nncn's tennis team intermission and was stilll leading “
1 (2-0) upset No. Jr—ranked Geor— 58-44 With 13144 t" P 3y W en Niifl‘i-i 07 an i M k; R l t Vial) me h
$ 1 9 96 gia 5-4 Yesterday at the Hilary]. Alabama~ scored 10 straight I‘ (p I 802)”) ELiAIfiEiz-flviuéhn.‘ 15;; n
o BoonelndiiorTennis (:Cnft‘r- P‘m‘tsi “Y." hi‘ Anthony Brown The L'K track and Field team and Alan Beymer. l:5-l.h‘). ci
S P R I N G . junior (.ourtney Allen and on two offensive rebounds and a won 15 events and set 25 19954”, The (Lats swept the trip three
er’Shhh‘“ . -\h‘5*”1“"5h Ehmhh hml 5h”t' - y __ personal marks at the Second spots in the men's 55m ((Ihris \\
B R E A K “'9" th“ A\”- 3 doubles "NFCh 1‘ Alabama (11”) made it 60“" Annual Rod McCraiy Alemorial jackson 6.24. DeMarcus Lindsay. w
' (h 1i ("4 ‘9 secure the ‘1“er ”h a .iv-pointer h.V Eric “ “Sh'hil' Track Meet at the Nutter Field 6.36 and Ray .\chaiirin. 6.30). the l(
S P E C I A L ° h’rtht‘ “TthMS- h’h “hh “H4 to Pl“)? but Syra— House in Lexington. women's 55in (Passion Richard— * T
Freshman Andrea Nathan cuse. 3’”de by H'llv outscored L'K took the top two places in son, 6.89, LaTanza Stephens, 6.95
EXTENDED HOURS ““h the N” 'l “nth“ match ““6 the T‘dc ”‘4 EV” tlhednh“ {“5 the pole vault (Nathan Plager, lo- and Jackie Knox. 6.99) and the I
7—5. 7‘6 (7’4). Freshman K“ V minutes I” pus its ea 3‘” ‘9 feet~6 ind Shelton Rif'fle l6—(l) women's Zilllin (Richardson iii
7 ...7_ .7.. 7- .. .-_ ._ .. ' . _ .'
1-5 Ml- Tdh‘h gihohhlfhr‘lisa231 Pix)? ngi-g-lllgi] chpi‘ilg‘OIS‘lgo Brown “as \‘lCtUI‘IUUS at the .\o. i4-6l With 3:02 remaining. _ the women‘s 20 pound weight 24.49, Stephens, 3+6. and Alexis
. y. ~ ‘ " ‘ 5 singles spot 6-2, 7-6, (7-4). Todd Burgan also had I." for i throw (jenny Schumacher 44-3 Simmons. 34.71). h‘
. . Freshman (Ihristy Sig‘iirski Syracuse, while .Vlarco “'hitlield 1/2 and Disa Salander 44—3 3/4), Other UK winners included L"
Advertlse In the Kernel. ”11le to a 6‘2, 6'0 Victory '8! had 33 f0 [OP Alabama, Wthh men’s high jump (Eugene Raina Turner in the women’s high hi
the No. 65ingles spot. lost for the fourth time in six Grundy, 6—10 1/4 and Pat Farnan, jump, Shonda Johnson in the za
call 257-2871 tOday. The fifth match win for the games since upsetting Mississippi 6-10 1/4). men's shot put (Ben women‘s long jump, Tony Woods Ci
., __ \Vildcats came from the No. 3 State 66~65 on Jan. 13. \Vashing- Bird, 52—8 1/4 and Rick Reyes $2- in the men’s long jump, Maureen LY
' ' doubles pair ofjunior Courtney ton finished with 20. 2 3/4’): the women's 400m Egan in the women’s 800m and al‘
Roberts and Sigurski. who won (.‘mnpilrdfimniiiilf u'ir‘e rcpom. (Michelle Brown 55.50 seconds the men‘s 4x400m relay team. T
—University Christian Fellowship weekly -UK Last day for filing an application for a -Catho|ic Mass at the Newman Center.
Meeting, 8:00pm, Rm. 228 New Student May degree in college dean's office 5:009,“ 0 -
Ctr; 225-4386 Christian Student Fellowship Thursday
-UK Advertising Club. 7:30 in the Maggie Night Live. 7:30pm. 502 Columbia Ave; 233- mtrznmunms
Rm. oi the Journalism Bldg, 0313 -Table Tennis Singles & Doubles n


k‘r-mrrri-i [VII/(l. limit/.1). Imam i. row» 3

"III“ IHBEW 1! lot in me, [mt I nil/found it truly. "

W F F ' Fl \JU
_a_.a_l __I w rap up Damell’l “I", I l’irurr'r elm r. m “1., Uum high 3': [ml/[yr Mm” [ 'A


"It :3 ,
HELENA "All how/4.1“

IIIAI’PEII UK} Afar/c Pope (Ir/i) rindjefij'l'eppurJ rrrip Florida} (freq
ll'illiumr during the (Jr/ti" 7.76 a' 2.“!!! .S'zir/Ii'rlrrv in Rupp Arena.

glass hard. pulling rlown a career
high five boards. three on the
offensive end.

“(ioach has been getting on the
1—. .‘~ and i~spot lately about gctv
ting on the glass I just tried to be
active," lidwar-ls said.

But Pitino singlcdrout othcr
(hits who didn‘t grab their sliarc.
\Valtcr .\Ic(Iarty and l)crck
Anderson combined for only our:

.\s athletic as Anderson is. he
“can't pitch a shutout." l’itino said.
adding that he’s more concerned
with rebounding than L'K‘s oft
talked about free throw woes.

Overall, the team was happy
with its l7th straight victory. L'K’s
current streak is the longest single»
season streak since Rupp‘s Runts
won 23 in a row during the Who
season. The (Lats? 77—65 win
improved their record to 17—]


By Joe Kay

xi.\:tormm1 I ’I‘r’a‘v‘

close call, another win for No. 1

The only

unbeaten major

school kept its record perfect yes-

» 125 35' 5 52' O
35 144Fm 5

Pager/Voice : 013-222-1806

summarizing-dun alumina-pt


M M/Paiflu‘mw
W-Jh-Ibfiddi'm mam-mu-
' an-‘ “.91.-
- “m “00.1.

.11 “m

terday by winning its third over
time game in the last nine. Marcus
Camby’s free throw gave UMass a
two—point le