xt7s4m91ch95 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7s4m91ch95/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-04-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 01, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 01, 1987 1987 1987-04-01 2020 true xt7s4m91ch95 section xt7s4m91ch95  




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Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCI. No. 125

Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

Independent since 1 97 1

Wednesday. April I. 1987


Vice presidential candidates to debate tonight

Staff Writer

Students will get a chance to see
how the SGA vice presidential candi-
dates stand on the issues tonight
when the four candidates square off
in two debates.

Sponsored by Omicron Delta
Kappa and the Kentucky Kernel, the
debates will take place in 230 Stu-
dent Center.

Student Government Association
executive vice presidential candi<
dates Karl Crase and Brad Dixon
will begin at 7, followed by senior
vice presidential candidates Susan
Bridges and Keith Clary at about
8 1:3


Dixon, a member of Kenny Aring-
ton‘s ticket, said he feels he is at a
sort of “disadvantage“ going into to-
night‘s debate because he is not that
familiar with his opponent. Crase.

Since Crase has never been in stu-
dent government. “I don‘t know
much about him.“ Dixon said. “and
that puts me at sort of a disadvan-


Crase. a member of

Vice presidential candidates
looking to dodge split ticket

Assistant News Editor

For the next two weeks. vice pres-
idential candidate Keith Clary says
that he and his running mates.
Kenny Arington and Brad Dixon.
will have to work as one to be elect-
ed as one.

But with Clary facing opposition
from SGA Senator at Large Susan
Bridges for the senior vice presi-
dential slot. some supporters of
presidential hopeful Kenny Arington
are concerned about a split ticket
being elected.

“In the next two weeks we will all
have to be one said Clary. the
candidate for senior vice president
in next week‘s Student Government
Association elections. "The election
won‘t be the same if one of us

As a freshman. Bridges collected
661 votes in her first SGA campaign
while trying out for the Lady Kat
cheerleaders the same week. Clary
finished ninthwithStHvotes.

"I'm in the toughest race between
the three of us. but that's where the
fun is and that‘s what makes me
work harder." Clary said.

Despite wanting to withdraw from
the race about two weeks before the
Arington ticket announced its candi<
dacy. Clary said he is ready to meet
the challenge

”Withdrawing; had nothing to do
with losing to Susan Bridges.“ said
the 20-yearold political science and
fina nce sophomore from Lexington.

”It's a challenge I knew I was
going to have to face anyway I was

concerned before «about losing). but
not now." he said.

Clary said his hesitation to enter
the race resulted from “internal
conflict" in the Arington camp that
the presidential candidate extin-
guished “in a matter of minutes."
Both Clary and Arington declined to
say what the conflict was.

With Arington‘s ticket slowly gain-
ing momentum. Dixon. the candi-
date for executive vice president,
said that the campaign‘s coordina-
tors are growing less worried about
a split ticket.

“Before spring break we weren‘t
starting at the same momentum
that Cyndi was, but Kenny was sick
then. We‘re not worried rabout a
split ticket I now." Dixon said.

Clary said his experience working
on two SGA committees » campus
relations and committe. on commit-
tees — combined with his one a Jtitmrohi l ix
sophomore And he \ elirninn: :, the
pinnacle of collegiate pmtet ”Tim's:

the national champiorbht;

Competing mdependenti} against
numerom college height ”Hing
teams at the National t'oitectate
l.‘h‘dllll)l0li.\lllli last weekend ..1 the
innersll} rit Oklahoma \‘lnlhim
walked nun} mth lhe 13:3 pound
title l! '.\.i.\ wmethmu he r hi tint e\

'1 ‘-\;l\ pl‘r'll} ~nr'pr‘m-ti l mu: .r
shot at winning he
peeled i could “1:: it} :13. may "I
senior year but this :xt‘ttY' l
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ges’ meet 1 \e eter and:

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Baseball team
takes on EKU

sun reports

The weather forecast says cold
and windy but the umpire is still
going to say “play ball." Well, he’s

The UK baseball team will brave
the elements today and travel to
Richmond to take on the Eastern
Kentucky Colonels at 3 pm.

Lately, both clubs have been hot-
ter-than the weather.

The Cats have won seven of their
last nine ballgames to up their re-
cord to 16-5. UK is 54 in Southeast-
ern Conference play.

After a slow start, EKU has rat-
tled off 14 wins in its last 16 games.
The Colonels stand 15-7-1 overall.

“This is a very important game
because Eastern, year in and year
out, has one of the better teams in
the area,“ UK coach Keith Madison
said. “If we want an NCAA tourna—
ment bid, we have to beat teams
like that. Plus, it's a natural ri-

Madison will send Steve Culkar to
the mound for his first start of the
spring. The UK senior has won two
games in six relief appearancas and
has posted a 2.45 ERA.

Senior Jeff Cruce will start for the
Colonels. The righthander has won
three games in a row to up his re-
cord to 3-2, while dropping his ERA
to 2.10.

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KENTUCKY KERNEL, Wednesday. April 1,




Staff Writer

Gloria Naylor, a central figure at
the Women Writers Conference, is
offended by society's assumption
that the creative efforts of anyone
who is colored and/or female must
contain an implicit message of

“There are no conscious issues in
my work," Naylor said in a recent
phone interview. “I write predomi-
nantly about black women because I
am one — every writer must take
subject matter from their own expe-
rience — but what I write is first,
foremost and inalienably a work of

Her first novel, The Women of
Brewster Place, which won the 1983
American Writers Award, “grew out
of a desire to respond to a trend that
I noticed in the black and white crit-
ical establishment . . . a tendency to
assume that a black writer's work
should be ‘definitive‘ of black cul-
ture," she said in an interview with
The New York Times.

In addition to the somewhat ste
reotyped image Naylor claims this
imposes on a colored writer, “this
type of critical stance denies the
vast complexity of black existence,
even if we limit that complexity
solely to America."

Noticing that “one composite pic-
ture" could not justify this complex—
ity, “I tried to solve the problem by
creating a microcosm on a dead-end
street and devoting each chapter to
a different woman's life,“ Naylor
said in The Washington Post.


Gloria N aylor battles stereotyped imgae of minority authors

In response to her attempt, Li-
brary Journal compared Naylor's
“evocative style" and “rich charac-
terizations“ to the writing of Alice
Walker while The Washington Post
wrote: “Naylor's potency wells up
from her language. With prose as
rich as poetry, a passage will sud»
denly take off and sing like a spiritu-

"I am very concerned with the en-
vironment and its conflict with the
human character," Naylor said.
“But in my second book lLinden
Hills), I tried to tone down my de-
scriptive style in portraying this,
and to avoid melodrama, which I
love to employ.“

Since the book's subject revolves
around the existence of mysterious
and the supernatural phenomena in
everyday life, Naylor sees her tech-
nique of describing the bizarre in
relatively mundane terms as an ex-
tremely effective one.

“Linden Hills really concerns the
conflict between what is real and
what is apparition," Naylor said. “It
sets out to ask ‘what constitutes
reality? What do we rbelieve is real-
ity and therefore) value in Ameri-
ca'?‘ "

”It bothers me that if a woman
appeared to work magic, she was
condemned as a witch; if a man ap-
pears to do the same thing nowa—
days, he is honored as a scientist.“
she said.

Naylor is currently working on the
fourth book of her quartet. which
will be released under the title
Mama Day. She frequently takes
her inspiration for a subject from

‘School Days’ again

Associated Press

NEW YORK A If superstar bas-
sist Stanley Clarke has a "signature
song.“ it‘s definitely "School Days."

“It‘s my most-requested song. I
have to play that every time I hit
the stage."

The song, written about 10 years
ago, has the feeling of a rock tune.
he said, “The bass solo - I must

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have been possessed that day. It
was the absolute best I could do at
that moment, I think that‘s the thing
that comes across off the record. It
has a very raw sound to it.

“It took me a minute to write that
song. I was in my bedroom in Long
Island . . . I recorded it in one take.
Other times you spend months on a

Clarke, 35, studied classical music

images that persistently crop up in
her mind: “If these images occur,
they will somehow be incorporated
in my book," she said.

Naylor tends to base her plots
around one central character — “a
standard-bearer" and his or
(more usually) her interaction with
other characters. Her books, she ex-
plained, are created by these char—
acters coming to life and creating
their own thoughts and actions.

“I pray that my characters will
never fail to do this," said Naylor,
who intends to continue her novel-
writing career, with some diversions
into the fields of the short story and

Naylor claims she is a born writer
who discovered her gift at an early
age by keeping a diary to express
her thoughts in lieu of conversation,
which she was too shy to hold at
length. ”I gradually discovered how
words associated with ideas, and my
writing ability flourished," she said.

Creative writing workshops at
Yale honed her style and, with their
clme esprit de corps, boosted the
“internal faith I have in my own ex-
cellence, Now I value criticism,“
she said. “I find even negative crit-
icism useful."

In addition to novel writing, Nay-
lor is also the “Hers" columnist for
The New York Times and a contrib-
uting writer to such magazines as
The Southern Review, Essence, Ms.
and People. She is a member of the
American Writers Association and a
visiting lecturer at Princeton Uni-

Naylor will take a prominent role
at the ninth annual Women Writers
Conference, which opens today and
lasts through April 4. She will lead a
creative writing workshop, give a
reading from Mama Day and hold a
seat on one of the conference‘s pan~


Staff reports

Students wanting to see the
Gloria Steinem speech, “Women
Writers: Making the World
Whole.“ will need to pick up their
free passes at the UK Center for
the Arts ticket office today.

Students will be allowed free
admission to all other workshops,
readings and panel discussions at


Speech tickets available

the Women Writers Conference
simply by showing their valid UK

Tickets for the general public
are on sale for $17 for the entire
fourday event, with single day
tickets going for $5.

For more information, call
Betty Gabehart. coordinator of
the Women Writers Conference.


Erik Rocco

Arts Editor

Wu Miller
Assnstant Arts Editor







PHOTO counrssv or'oomu oscssnr
Gloria Naylor will be one of the featured authOrs at the ninth annual

Women Writers Conference. which starts today


for bassist Clarke

as a child growing up in Philadel-
phia. He graduated to increasingly
larger stringed instruments: violin,
cello. then bass.

Clarke launched his solo career in
1976. He plays mostly fusion, though
he is heavier on jazz and lighter on
rock than other fusion artists.

His current Epic Records album,
"Hideaway." contairs two tracks
that were nominated for Grammy

awards: “()verjoyed." for best pop
instrumental performance, and
“The Boys of Johnson Street,” for
best rhythm and blues instrumental.

Critics and fans call him a super-
star. “I have no idea why they use
that word." he said. “I think it
started on my second record i“Jour-
ney to Love"). I kind of developed a
cult following."



RFL benefit tonight
Staff reports tor RFL. announced that tor llll>
bent-tit the RH. stall \iill shim a
Radio Free Lexmgton “1“ “01d \aricty of \'l(l(‘t),~_ man} or \Klllt'll
a benefit show tonight at the iouprobabl}\\i>ntsccori.\l'l‘\'
Thrash Can to raise more of the “Hm mm, N. “any,“ n, ,1”
money it needs 10 gel on lht‘ “if: something riiitcrcnt. Heat) said
waves. \"ziivo Night at tliw ltzrush (ur
There will be hours and hours ml.“ bt’glr: u: x ,o n: (min .\ .27;
of music. However. there won't “mi “5, p71“ was “1": p, i,, MAM-1.,
be a single band performing in FM. UXHWW I..,. ”1”,, ‘,,.,,,
this, RFL‘S fifthbenefil mutton. L’ulf l’utfi l)(l-l(l.\‘”l pull
Mark Beaty, program director llt' relazmnt(11mm .n 35,“ 4mg





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Co-sponsored by the Omicron Delta Kappa Society and the Kentucky Kernel


Cyndi Weaver

Karl Crase

The Great

SGA President

Kenny Arington
7 p.m., Thursday, April 2, 230 Student Center Addition

SGA Vice Presidents

Susan Bridges



Brad Dixon

230 Student Center Addition

l 7 pm, Wednesday, April 1.

Keith Clary







Sponsored by Student Development Council
Applications can be picked-up
in the Development Office in

the Sturgill Bldg.










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 4 - KENTUCKY KERNEL.Wodnosday,Aprll1, 1987

i 7- >


from across country


The ninth annual L'K Women‘s Writers Conference be-

gins today
If tradition and potential

hold true. this conference

could do more titan any other to demonstrate the contribu-
tions of women to the world of literature.
And especially the contributions of Kentucky women


The conference. which is one of the few of its kind in the
country, will feature speeches. presentations, exhibits and
films w ritten by or featuring women writers

The fourday event brings together outstanding women
essayists. poets and novelists from across the country:
writers such as Gloria Steinem and Gloria Naylor.

Although the largest portion of the attendance is from
Kentuckians. people from as many as 18 states have at»

tended in the past.
Therein lies its importance

Steinem‘s speech. “Women Writers: Making the World
Whole, “ will open and set the tone for the conference.

But along with this national focus is a local function.
The conference is very important in the development of
women writers from the state of Kentucky.

Kentucky women writers have annually been featured
in the conference. and this year is no different.

At 8 pm
Elizabeth Barret‘s film

tomorrow. the conference will highlight a
“A Long Journey Home” v-

about the migration of people to and from Appalachia.

Barret is a filmmaker and scriptwriter with Appalshop

in Whitesburg. Ky.

This film and other Kentucky presentations can do a lot

Sunday night SIM. presidential
candidates Kenny \nngtoii and
t‘yndi Weayer made their rounds to
the residence halls it: an attempt to
rally support tor the upcoming stu-
dent Government Association elec»

It It pm the two candidates
were both at Keeneland ”all And
the one itlpl" that seemed to be most
on students minds was the Student
center rir more precisely the lack
of one

It reminded me tor a moment of
how important the topic ot the Stu
dent t‘enter is

tine of the candidates said a stu
dent center should be _IU.\I what the
name implies a place where stti
dents car.